A Bridesmaid in Love 2024 - Hallmark Movies 2024 - Great Hallmark Romance - New Romantic Movies

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[Music] thank you Mr [Music] [Music] Sharp wow even more than last week things are picking up yeah hey how is that lotion for the baby's exam worked like you said good you got to let me pay you for that one not a chance good leave a review though well you got it thanks take [Music] care [Music] your life will unfold like the Bloom on a rose man these real estate [Music] brokers [Music] enjoy sorry I'm late I didn't get home from poker night till after midnight poker night huh uh-huh you should come with me next week no thank you I will pass okay what's with the tone no tone there was definitely judgment I just remember when your Saturday nights were spent knitting that's all knitting was never so lucrative this one looks new mhm M lavender with just a hint of sage mom darling it's wonderful to have you back isn't that right Dax hey yeah looks like you've settled in nicely at the farm already yes and don't let that Jackson Flint talk you into selling okay there's no fear of that happening Callie as Dex told you he just started teaching at Willow High School yes I heard through the grape vine but yeah that's wonderful thank you you've always been good with kids remember that summer when the two of you were Camp counselors Together made a great team mhm you two should get together to catch up Kelly's free anytime you know we should get together it's been too long how about you stop by the school some time I can show you our old lockers oh no are all my stickers still inside oh you'd be surprised and we also need new stock at the spa already Yes you know the one with collagen for anti-aging it's flying off my shelves I can't believe you kept this to yourself all so long Caroline I have no idea what you're talking about really thank you Kelly thank you T is so sweet oh great some pledges [Music] here hey Alon I have great news rural heartbeat Willow's hip and trendy agricultural magazine wants to do a story on you uh I don't think you're readers should find me all that fascinating former horse jumping competitor saves local Farm what's more newsworthy than that that's not what happened carollyn was selling and I was buying journalistic license sorry Alison just not interested well at least follow the magazine on your social I know you want [Music] to Kelly thought of Grant's ready for Te [Music] now okay what did she eat what doesn't she eat I think she might have gotten into something in the barn next door maybe she's just trying to live up to her name tiam the goddess also affectionally known as chaos Monster I uh minored in history in college you're an interesting man Dr Grant yeah the name fits a little too well I can't get her to stop she's a pro at opening Gates try baking soda in our diet uh it should help with digestion whenever she gets into something she shouldn't oh thanks for the tip it'll probably save us quite a few trips into to see you that's a shame maybe next time I'll keep my home remedies to myself well thank you you made it sorry I'm late it's beautiful you're forgiven and it's so nice to see you out of your farm calls for a change I even more heels for you good thing this is an intimate housewarming party why is it just me and your realter no one else is coming are they not exactly you told me this was a housewarming party not a s it is come on I'll give you the tour before [Music] dinner my heart is full of purpose now that it beats for you if only I were near to you my dear I would see the sun brighter and the moon cast its silvery spell on our future days I have felt by you a closeness of spirit never before shared a pulse that has never so quickened a love that has never stirred so in the depths of my [Music] soul [Music] [Music] put the face away I need your help I'm just going to say Kyle is a really great guy and you should have given him a chance I'm sure I'll regret not marrying him and having a dozen babies hey what do you make of this a love that has never stirred so [Music] never am I am I following [Music] you this is it famous love letters of the sea from Pirate P lady Joanna 1756 exactly it's a famous historical Love Letter where did you get it my mailbox lucky girl who sent them no idea no signature or return address on either what do you think it means that somebody got the wrong mailbox I'm awake [Music] [Music] Henry [Music] look if this is about your offer it's not I uh came to bring you this looks like some things your mom left behind thank you uh how's she doing with the moving all mom uh she's great new apartment new job new hair new life oh well good for her thanks for dropping this off you're welcome [Music] miss you [Music] Dad is [Music] yeah it's not working today h just an extended lunch break your mom mentioned a vintage LP that R might like for anniversary speaking of vintage the new owner found some things you left behind at the house oh nothing important I received another one oo another what this one feels different but it's definitely still some kind of love letter I while away the hours till our hearts are at one again one again a day is a year in your absence is a year in your absence when the clocks chime in town my heart leaps out and strides upon the reverberations of each ring if only to fly across the ages and arrive at our meeting once more another historical love letter and this one is definitely addressed to you perhaps you have a secret admirer o do I want a secret admirer yes [Music] still no clue on who's sending them someone with a lot of time on their hands what ever happened to texting right well historically love letters were the only way to convey feelings of passion and love maybe they're making a comeback like print books and vinyl records but these aren't even new letters meant for me well maybe there's a deeper meaning like a less obvious reason you're receiving them there is a common theme see each of these talks about a shared past about feelings developing and changing over time so maybe it's someone you've known a while someone from your pastuh I have no idea what that means but I do like the look on your face it means means it's time to compare some handwriting remember there could be a pop quiz on this stuff any day I'm not saying tomorrow is that day but I'm also not saying it isn't hey Callie what you doing here you know I always loved chemistry class I wish more of my students thought that way why would they not science is a study of life's mysteries oh this is a nice surprise well you know the other day at the market I said I'd stop by ah yes our our mother's endless matchmaking attempts yes they are ridiculous but I also think it would be great to catch up oh uh I thought so too so [Music] so coffee would you like to grab a coffee this weekend actually craving milkshakes instead why don't we have lunch at maves on Saturday meet you at noon it's a [Music] DAT so what you going to wear get out of here Wise Guy [Music] study what am I going to [Music] wear [Music] when such a humble being does not know the power of her own beauty that power is all the more brilliant to all that behold her I feel a danger for being overcome when you enter the room like being told they're dangerous do you want something I'm just wondering if you've given more thought to my offer you keep avoiding the conversation not avoiding it yet just hoping you'll take a hint is this what you really want staying cooped up in that house tending goats I mean look you've got a University degree with my offer you could have so much more I had it all once was taken away so you'll excuse me if I hold on to the little that I have left I can understand that you know uh a friend once told me uh letting go is not the hard part it's the whole on so what were you reading to the Cleo Ora just now nothing oh come on spit it out or I'll keep asking you about selling up here a love letter to you that's surprising no just seems uh oldfashioned it's more romantic than online dating just say potentially dangerous come on you're not freaked out about some dude lurking around delivering Anonymous letters I am now but you're also intrigued I do love a [Music] mystery [Music] darkness and [Music] death hey Sahara it going I'm sorry you can't have darkness and death it's on reserve for Cali look I'll tell you what and do you a favor how about I read this book quickly and then just bring it to her she lives right next door what seriously come on sah I just want to read one book in this series that she hasn't spoiled for me by recounting The Twist of those goats fine but read fast you got it have you uh read these really good not my genre appreciate [Music] you a good thing is hard [Music] to hey sweet did you know Jackson wanted to buy the entire Farm my lot included entire Farm wasn't for sale I told you I'd keep your grandmother's house and the Acres behind it for you why is it giving you a hard time not exactly he's acting like I'm the annoying one for holding out pay him no mind you know he's not all bad I heard he's even offered to carry on our sharp family tradition and host the annual Town Fair and barn dance at the farm was decent of him I guess do you know what he wants to land for though I mean if he wants to raise crops he's going to have to hire a few hands it's not talk about crops Sahara tells me you've got a date this weekend when are you in Sahara in cahoot we just both missed you when you were away at school that's all and you know since her mother died kind of stepped into an honorary mob role I like that anyways it's no big deal Dux and I are going to grab lunch at MES when as if I would tell you that so you can what come by and take photos might make for some good wedding day footage don't forget but I still have pictures from your Junior High School dance a full head retainer shot never ever gets old haa comedy gold [Music] mom in the garden sweet and La tell me what me and I will tell you too dearest heart the rain runneth down the window pane that it is not compared to the flood of tears that flow from mine eyes whilst we are apart the Sun as it rises and warms the sprouting Springtime brings the bud of our impending Union ever into the infinite Stillness of the [Music] morning what you do I love what you do I I'm sorry I forgot to put it on the resered chef and Jackson had a compelling argument darkness and death came in that man is messed with the wrong mystery reader you and Jackson have a lot in common do you want your coffee or not desperately [Music] huh definitely more famous historical ones these ones have a nature theme metaphors comparisons to life at Sea I think maybe it's Dr Grant your vet my goat's vet but yeah what does that have to do with the sea he loves to sail I saw a picture of him with his sailboat in his office well too bad you're not a fan of water could still be deck though guess I'll just have to date them both and see who confesses I'm not going to touch the table at all than bab [Music] milk just like remember so good going to go [Music] cheers so yeah I know I I was saying I was sailing off the coast of the gagos and one of my crew members he fell off the edge of the [Music] boaty and show me show me like to love [Music] me show me show me that [Music] love daring [Music] Dar [Music] coming you love but I need a little AC come on show me show me that love and show me show me that to love me whichever Ro you take [Applause] I'll [Music] e [Music] you're off to a late start this morning I had a late night yeah I saw your light on couldn't sleep just couldn't get comfortable in my bed uh anyway I was uh just stopping by to listen Jackson I can't talk I'm really far behind want anything I can do to help you want to help can a person be neighborly all right I could use some help in the kitchen the [Music] kitchen so where did the name goddess goats come from anyway well it was rumored that Cleopatra used goats milk in her beauty regime so my grandma always had one goat named Cleo in her honor okay these are your grandmother's recipes I've tweaked them you know added a few things but uh yeah my mother had eczema as a child so my grandmother put goats milk in the bath and it really helped so she started making products for friends and neighbors so farming's been in your family for Generations five generations were raised in the house that your living in my grandmother moved over here when my parents got married look I didn't mean to acquire childhood home mom said the SP I like living here I actually renovated this place to make it a shared space for the Farm Workers with my dad you two were close we were soaps are ready that time you know huh oh that's there we are well uh I should get going well thank you for your help today [Music] oh you know I almost forgot I uh intercepted your book reservation and man is he good I always wanted to be a writer but uh turns out I was never any good words so here you go I should totally spoil the plot for you don't you dare I couldn't if I wanted to I felt guilty even taking it from the library so I uh haven't read it [Music] yet I'm going to go yeah well um thanks again let me [Music] S I lie awake amongst my bed clothes afraid to sleep afraid to dream for fear it might stir the love that beats mercilessly against my heart's walls walls that are quickly dissolving running to the river that flows into Rapids and rushes to the falls that fall and fall in a never ceasing Roar always and forever I ache for you you have W me and I am ever yours that's the 13th letter I've read received where does this one fit among the others I don't know it's not the historical theme it's not nautical so it could be either of the two men or someone completely different H afraid to sleep afraid to dream no clues on the dates huh the dates weren't helpful at all I guess I guess I'm just no closer to solving the mystery but you're having fun though right I [Music] am I always wanted to be a writer but uh turns out I was never any good words so weirdest thing happened today tell about it I'm sorry I didn't mean to overhear a conversation but you're cie sharp right mhm I'm Allison Fletcher senior editor and head journalist of rural heartbeat magazine listen I'd love to do a story on you for upcoming issue on on my skincare line um no This Love Letter thing you two were talking about it's fascinating um thank you but I'm not comfortable featuring my personal life in a magazine what if I agree to 6 months of free advertising for your goddess goats brand just give us a sec you can't seriously be considering this you this is a good idea you're just usually so private I know but this advertising space is so tempting I could never afford it me again hi I'll need an answer by tomorrow morning if we're going to make next week's edition [Music] rural heartbeat please hold Ral heartbeat how may I direct your call one moment please ah you made it I can't believe I'm doing this perfect timing let's get you ready just try to relax have fun here oh loosen up come on girl loosen up come on okay so these mysterious love letters they just started showing up yeah um 13 so far all famous historical Love Letters From Statesmen poets even Pirates and how does it make you feel when a new one shows up in your mailbox uh it's it's kind of fun to know someone's thinking about me and you have no idea who's sending them to you I have a few Clues well let's see if this article helps us solve the mystery maybe toss the letters into the air see what happens oh okay I said baby you com over I said baby I want to talk it out there something on my mind y me feeling some tension let's get together sir some time yeah it's now never baby so come on let's get it right yeah [Music] it and I know your heart in a right place yeah and I know you just got to step up your game and I know yeah we better through this so come on over come on have you seen the aticle Cy looks so beautiful I'm so proud of her she's really out there now you're not worried for her Callie is dating two very handsome successful men the article was so well written true and the advertising for her business is just fantastic most importantly she's finally opening herself up to the unel again it's just she's usually so private my gut tells me this could blow up any second you're just hungry I'll get you [Music] Danish [Music] yeah [Applause] Tia who there I can't find Tia everyone else has accounted for but she's got out again Tia get out here you little chaos Monster chaos Monster later have you seen her again she's not in the barn but come on I'm sure she's not far [Music] T you and I need to lay down some round rules for the lady he go easy on she's okay she can't keep bothering you like this that's no bother giving up trying to figure out how she breaks the gate but how did she get in here she just must have stuck in while I was working what's this oh it's just a something Camp saddle back some kind of riding school yeah it's a therapeutic riding camp for kids actually that's my sister Jane my younger sister she left to [Music] ride I'm [Music] sorry the riding camp was her idea and uh that's why you need my land too well it what was the [Music] plan Farm is my home I wasn't thrilled about my mom trying to sell any part of it I'm happy it's in good hands you have your own business I get it so any more uh letters you read the article may have glanced at it well now the town is talking about it not sure it was worth the free advertising well has it convinced your mysty man to reveal himself not yet too bad not really I think I'm ready for this whole thing to be behind me actually Oh I thought you were having fun dating Dex and Dr gr I had more fun yesterday making products with you [Music] well then those men really need to step on their [Music] game I should get her back where she belongs yeah right um thanks again yeah she's welcome to visit any [Music] time [Music] going with email [Music] [Music] now oh boy [Music] boy it's not my [Music] business [Music] you want to go somewhere with [Music] me Callie this is rocket Dash they're beautiful they are retired competition horses owners shutting the place down and thinking of selling them were you planning on buying them for the riding kid just thinking about it and trying to find a way to make it work is this where you used to train what I have a computer oh yeah know this was my training camp and uh this was my coach good to see you son Mr Fisher this is my friend cie sharp oh very nice to meet you beautiful Ranch magnificent horses well they really used to be something getting old now like the rest of us I have a grocery store client need to take this excuse [Music] me what happened to him why did he stop competing oh there's a questions for him darling you're not going to help a girl out huh well I will say this he was the best in his class and that's not being biased he could have gone pro why didn't [Music] he well I guess there are more important things in life so what do you think want to go for a ride can we would that be all right I'd be insulted if you [Music] didn't looks like you know what you're doing it's not my first time have you done some riding before yeah my dad and I used to ride horses at the farm before he got sick so I'm really looking forward to this wait till you see what these girls can do just try and keep [Music] up must have spent a lot of time here as a kid I practically lived here so when did you start training and competing I was four yeah four years old wow so why did you stop well after my uh my parents died it was just me and Jane I just didn't seem to matter as much to me anymore you took care of your sister yeah we we took care of each other how old were you 19 that must have been hard you know Mr fiser was always there if we needed him he's always been like a SI and father to me it'll be hard to see this place close well it's time for the Fishers to retire I I get it but what about your business you know based on the amount of product I made I I take good things are going well yeah better than expected can't keep up with the online orders but I guess that's not really what you want to hear oh doesn't really help my case but uh I'm happy for you and it's not that horrible happening next door gee [Music] thanks I just got a swift text from Cali I think she's in love with which one oh my a doctor for a son-in-law would be so wonderful Dix is such a charmer it's neither of them who then Jackson Jackson Flint mhm Fate has a funny way of meddling in people's lives no that was us we did that well either way things worked out for the best so I shouldn't deliver the last letter now right oh no no no we have to finish what we started 14 letters she has to receive them all still not going to tell me why though are you bye how can I help [Music] you got you buddy [Music] Sahara e already I'm not sure I have enough to stay open all day good then maybe you can have some fun I think that's just for the kids I'm sure he'd make an [Applause] exception [Music] all right my [Music] turn thought you might need some refreshment oh thanks you didn't have to you know you're really great with those kids it's just these old carnival games they never disappoint Hest thing good looking you're quite a catch are you sticking around for the dance later yeah I'll probably stop by for a bit well be sure to come find me okay who's first all you're up all right I got it okay you just go thank you for your help for sure k [Music] should told K the truth not yet but we will before someone gets [Music] [Music] hurt [Music] wo wow you look incredible mountain of dresses later [Music] I kind of hoping this would be spiked troublemakers haven't gone to it yet thanks and Grand are both here kind of ghosted them since the article came out neither one's admitted writing the letters but can't say I'm surprised um about that I was hoping to talked to you earlier today but the booth was so busy everything okay yeah yeah great it's just darling that dress if I were 20 years younger you were going to tell me something nothing important I can't wait well I got that same Feeling Again ladies you all look beautiful this evening too beautiful to be standing on the sidelines you twoo should be out there couldn't agree [Music] more we need to tell her now do you yes I don't know that we do I mean the letters worked she got her head out of her books and started looking into the adventures that life can present at this point H wouldn't do any good if you say [Music] so your booth was popular today sold out by lunch it's really great so the advertising in r hary must be wored with that I guess I have the Love Letters to thank for that but I think that's all over now and that's a good thing definitely a good thing all right you and your mom okay last year couldn't have been easy on you relationship everything's fine when my dad got sick he went really fast and I didn't really get a chance to say goodby I just can't imagine what she went [Music] through I'm not sure if it ever gets easier we just have to learn to move on the best way we can I think that's what my mom and I are trying to do in our own ways at least if she has her own life she can't medal in [Music] [Music] mine I give it away and I gave all that I could don't always feel as good as I used to but every now and then I get the [Music] feeling hi everyone hope everyone's having a great time as you all know there's been quite a little mystery buzzing around town the last few weeks Callie's love letters have made an exciting topic of conversation but I I think it's time we solve this little mystery what do y'all think what do we do uh sneak out now while we still have the chance I thought it was over I thought it was who is Our Mysterious Love Letter sender Dex Dr Grant come on now don't be shy or maybe there's another gentleman a neighbor even putting his heart on the [Music] page oh it was us sending the letters well mystery [Music] solved mom [Music] I I'm not entirely surprised that you're behind this but Sahara you were in on this darling it wasn't supposed to go this far I was it supposed to go we just wanted you to get away from the farm more no explore mysteries in your own life possibly fall in love get away from the farm the way you [Music] have no choice but to move on life doesn't always give you the [Music] option I loved your father and I lost him far too soon I'm just making the best I can of things is the only way I know how by selling the farm dad's Farm leaving behind all our memories I didn't leave any memories behind I took them with me all the important things are still right here well I'm glad you got to decide for yourself what to take and what to leave cie [Music] wait I got it wait up Al just want to go home look look at least all this is really over now it's over I was just humiliated in front of the whole town not the whole town how could they do this to me I did an interview this is mortifying and Dex and Grant were probably so confused Dex and Grant were having as much fun as you were they enjoyed the attention I I wouldn't worry about them hey okay look Sahara told me your mom and her were just trying to help because like they love you Jackson did you know about [Music] this look I I caught sah hard trying to deliver the final letter last night I wanted to know who it was so I camped out by your mailbox and you didn't think to share this knowledge with me look I didn't think it was my place well I thought we were friends look we are we're more than that you should have told me but they were going to and they said that they weren't going to send any more letters like you need to know how lucky you are to have people who care so much about you people who who would go to those all allbe it crazy lens to see you find happiness I was happy my quiet simple predictable life suited me just fine you were probably just hoping I'd fall in love so I would sell you my land while I was whisked away to my happily ever after with Dex or Dr Grant look no I was hoping you'd fall in love that part stupid [Music] me I actually hoped it was you cie come on Celly come on come on just just hear me out for a second just hear I don't care about your land these nights are black in the eyes just melts away the days don't seem to change I wish they would I've opened up to a stranger on the way to drink your words away they left me lost something in your baby when you call my name I could breathe before you left [Music] meide oh oh you've open [Music] your to e who wants to start it was all my idea well it was we both thought that maybe it was time for you to start considering a relationship in hindsight we realize it wasn't our place to decide that I just worry about you darling you lost your father Farm I'm fine Mom I'm happy I was happy too long time ago or at least I thought I was until these same letters made me open myself up to the possibility of being even happier what do you mean there are a few things your father and I never told you uh truth is I was um engaged to someone else when I fell in love with your father uh your your father and I had gone to school together and we' been great friends I never knew there was more to it for him um than he heard through town of my engagement he knew was speak now or forever hold your peace well he was he was was never great with words so he sent me a historical love letter for every one of the 14 days leading up to the wedding hoping that I change my mind and consider his love instead and it worked well you're here aren't you [Music] darling calling off the wedding wasn't easy but after I realized how your father felt about me and how those words had just poured over me [Music] I I realized I had to take a chance was the best decision of my life why didn't you tell me any of this it was our secret our our love story but after losing your father I realized that it was time to share his letters with you [Music] I never let go of the pieces of the past that really mattered Cy and I'd hop that in his own way your father might inspire you to find love [Music] too and I turned it into a mystery to solve like any passionate mystery novel reader would well I will truly be alone with my books now I doubt any man in town would date me I think Jackson might be up for it no I am I messed that one up all on my own there is definitely a real connection between you two don't give up yet after all your dad didn't and I was about to walk down the aisle with somebody [Music] else [Music] hey Mr Fisher yeah I know uh I I just don't think it's going to work this time go ahead and sell yeah no I understand thanks [Music] hey any of my goats in here did you need something the other night I was upset it was nothing just a misunderstanding misunderstanding you mentioned falling in love I was wrong you weren't look cie I got caught up in something but that's over [Music] now [Music] thought I might see you here today yeah I thought I'd go out for one last ride your girl's not with you she not my girl but you want her to be so was the problem it's complicated what relationship isn't all I know is that ever since your parents died and Jane you haven't opened yourself up to anyone you guarded your heart and I've understood that but I never gave up hope that someone might break through those fences ears one day Cy and I were just friends you brought her here that means something even if you won't admit [Music] it have a good ride [Music] son [Music] you and me playing hide and seek you could hide and I could keep count time has been around it's more to you than I've found but I've been driving down a oneway street you were getting back on your feet when I hit the wall crashing to me and I pushed you away with don't look at me don't give me that face you've always know that I like the chase I'll be gone when the sun breaks through your BLS and you be here and I would have thought that you could have had better he would barely look at me you let your pride get in the way of what he was trying to tell you he put himself out there that means something not anymore you just need to show him that the connection was real for you too how do I do that well when Rob and I were dating we would always go to the bakery and share a chocolate coffee muffin he always gave me the top and he ate the bottom I thought it was a match meat in heaven the top of the muffin is the best part and here was a guy that preferred the bottom Flash Forward a year in a wedding later I learned he actually loves the top of the muffin he was giving me the best part because he knew it was the best part he sacrificed something he cared about for [Music] me thank you you are a genius girl you and me and see yeah you me still play hide and SE just give me a s hey Kelly nice to see you no Jackson he doesn't know I'm here I want to surprise him with something but I need your help oh innocent darling for that boy anything at all [Music] we're Refuge from lightning sparked and undeniable connection a new Mystery Begins Refuge from [Music] lightning our lands meet mystery continues the joining of lives creates an unexpected joining of [Music] futures [Music] where horses graze the mystery can finally be solved with open minds and Open [Music] Hearts you solved my mystery you bought the horses not exactly they're on loan until you can buy them from Mr Fisher you you did that for me well couldn't let rocket and dash go to somebody else they belong here Camp saddle back is a really wonderful [Music] idea but but this is your land I mean what about your your business I have more more than enough space I'll keep the goat pen and the gardens and the rest is yours this is your home and it always will be what's this letters are what caught your attention so I wrote you one no more letters I just want you you know a friend once told me that the hard part is holding on you helped me realize that by not letting go I would only ever be half happy no I [Music] was I was closed off for a long time it was hard for me to tell you how I felt for you but I don't care about your land cie I care about [Music] you I'm in love with you and I want to make you happy the whole way now I'm in love with you too [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] than [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: স্বপ্নচাকা
Views: 77,699
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Keywords: ধাঁধা, ধাঁধা প্রশ্ন ও উত্তর, মজার ধাঁধা, বাংলা ধাঁধা, বাংলা মজার ধাঁধা, ধাঁধা প্রশ্ন, নতুন ধাঁধা, গুগলি ধাঁধা, ধাঁধা উত্তর সহ, ধাঁধা বাংলা, বুদ্ধির ধাঁধা, ধাঁধা প্রশ্ন ও উত্তর বাংলা, ধাধা বাংলা ধাঁধা, মজার ধাঁধা ও উত্তর, বাংলা ধাঁধা ও উত্তর, গুগলি ধাঁধা প্রশ্ন, ধাঁধা ও ধাঁধার উত্তর, নতুন মজার ধাঁধা ভিডিও, ধাঁধাঁ উত্তর সহ, কঠিন ধাঁধা ভিডিও., নতুন ধাঁধা 2022, নতুন কঠিন ধাঁধা, দুস্টু ধাঁধা, ৬টি নতুন কঠিন ধাঁধা., গোয়েন্দা ধাঁধা, ধাঁধা ২০২১, ইমরান ধাঁধাঁ, আজকের ধাঁধা
Id: emrS6xMM9DY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 80min 50sec (4850 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 10 2024
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