Rural romance: The knot is tied Movie in English, Full Length HD | New comedy on channel

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together two [Music] together one together two together one together now I've never known you to have trouble walking I'm going to mess this up what what could you all cute as a puppy and a tux how could you possibly mess anything up I can't get the walk right a I see well it just so happens that I had the pleasure of being a flower girl exactly 13 times when I was a little girl 13 big family come on now I assume you're doing that count then together nonsense rookie mistake you want to get this right follow me going to find me a guy one who looks cute and a little bow tie going to get married get married tonight and step want try again okay going to find me a guy one who looks cute a little going to get married get marri tonight [Music] and [Music] tonight and you did great thanks jene well I officially bestow upon you my flower girl duties I won't let you down there's no way you possibly could I think Mama really liked her mama would have yelled at you for putting this off so long well you think a Year's too long bartholomy no but Mom would have met Jette and told you to book the church that weekend yeah right gentlemen hey Bart great job getting rid of the paparazzi not a camera inside all right sentimental stuff I know really isn't our thing uh I have never felt more uncomfortable than I do right now I know I know just just let me get through it wow was paper he even wrote it down give me a minute you know uh When We Were Young I uh I thought I was going to be a big famous country star then you came along so I uh I thought that I would try try my hand in football then B here he came along so I realized that I was never going to be a star so I decided to give up is this where you hit us what going on it was you who showed me it wasn't about being better it was not about us competing against each other was us against the world being brother [Music] man what are you doing I'm going to go out there my big old stupid eyes are going to be all swollen up I just want to say thank you for being my [Music] brother I had something made for [Music] us [Music] you trash my first guitar seriously that was my guitar uh I learned how to play on this guitar it's symbolism hey you know if it's the same guy you hired to make these I still have uh my first car if you'd like to turn that into pants or something Mary Billy I am so glad you answered nice of you to finally stop avoiding my calls I'm not avoiding your calls oh sure you are I have been calling you for weeks leaving Long detailed messages did you not get them they were very important Mary just get to the point you must look nice all dressed [Music] up [Music] so how do you know I'm dressed up because I'm smarter than you Billy so what did Zay go with a bow Tire just a tight t-shirt for the big day Mary don't ruin this for him or them what ruin Zane and janette's wedding day the way that you two ruined my career oh I am not even thinking about you and Zane actually I'm just thinking about business we didn't ruin your career we just gave you time to focus on other artist well they voted me off the board because of you so I figured why not use you two to get me back in zann fulfilled his contract we're out we can't help you anymore oh my sweet Billy I think ahead I am so kind that I left the board of director as a very valuable parting gift when I left so valuable in fact that when they open it they're going to have no choice but to let me back in what did you do I would read the fine print on Zayn's old amended contract if I were you you changed it now who's the smart one okay you're going to want to get your brother out of his fancy clothes and onto some transportation and you better hurry your brother goes on in just a few hours I'm emailing you the details right now Mary please not today looking forward to seeing you [Music] Billy [Applause] [Music] Okie doie so everybody is almost here even uh Uncle Earl which I'm going to take credit for because I told him that the wedding started in 2 hours mom what's wrong nothing I just I can't believe it you look so beautiful do I normally look that bad no [Music] no I think that I've been so focused on making sure that this day goes perfectly that it's just hitting me now that my baby's getting married Mom okay no no no we're nothing I'm sorry this is not happening I'm not going to [Music] cry hey Janette sorry sorry hey you know we need to talk I'm sorry it is bad luck to see the bride before the wedding I'm afraid I already brought the bad luck what is it it looks like Mary left me a trap after I left her label for Billy's what kind of trap wait a second who's who's Mary she's the head of zay's old record label or she was after Zay and I left to start our own they voted her out so what's the problem she purposely booked me on three more shows as soon as she found out Billy was stealing me away okay so you play the shows finish out the contract and then you're done with her for good right she intentionally booked them over a wedding you've got to be kidding me how did nobody know about this before she arranged them in secret and just announced him last night zay's first show is in Ohio tonight honestly if I didn't hate her so much I'd admire her horribleness okay no stop this is silly just explain to her that you're getting married and and then you'll do the shows at another time I wish it were that easy it is that easy sweetheart this is your wedding no they don't care about that Zayn will be in breach of contract he could get sued not to mention haunting any future shows you want to play yeah look Mary did this knowing full well that it would Billy's new label you know what I'll figure something else out I'll start again I'm not going to ruin your [Music] day [Music] go are you sure get on the plane play the shows you can set it all up right I'm on it it's I promise I will have him back as soon as I can thank you Chad good we'll um move the wedding to the end of the summer no this is insanity you do not walk out of your own wedding everybody is out there waiting is no it's okay it's just a [Music] wedding you are the greatest thing that ever happened to me you know that right I do not get on that plane you're going to be late so this is what's holding up the show huh some pre-wedding kisses [Music] he's getting there and yelling at me is not going to make him travel any faster hello [Music] everyone hi got to feel this hole inside my heart got her soul without it I'd love to tell you that we're almost ready to start but I'm afraid something's come up now first things first everyone's a okay unfortunately we all know that life doesn't always give us everything the way we want it so there is going to be a wedding just not today you and I promise it's for a really good reason all we need to know is those kids are very much in love and they're doing exactly what they need to do to start their lives together in the best way [Music] possible I keep on think in I moved on but you were always there you were always here when I lost you I cried when I missed you I tried bring you back to me but all that I see when I needed hurry back so you can marry me I wouldn't miss it for the world back when I could call you [Music] [Applause] my back when I could call you well I'm glad it went well well we were about 40 minutes late so the promoters weren't too thrilled but we uh we did put on a couple Exton course for the fans pretty show what's going on over there no no they uh the new label hooked me up with a real first class new ride over to the other show how am I possibly qualified to drive there hey how are things going over there we're good everyone's making the best of it even your mom of course you're a terrible liar hey did the painters ever come by and finish up with the design studio they did looks great still a long way to go though I really wish I could be there to help well just make it for the ribbon cutting hey got everything yeah I'm really sorry it didn't work out a ah don't be sorry just come back in August and you can play Janette down the aisle then we're on tour for the rest of the summer we're leaving in 3 weeks of course you are silly me thinking you'd be available believe me I really wish we could well thanks for trying now you guys go rip up that tour and above all else behave yourself gentlemen first always give Z and at our best okay you got it have fun you think I could do it well you know I think you can do anything but just so we're on the same page what exactly is the thing you're thinking of doing maybe you could teach me the piano and I could play for Mom and Zayn I think that's the single best idea I've ever heard in the whole world so you'll do it of course hold hold again how much longer do I have to [Music] wait hi it's Mary how can I help you you know who this is you never would have made anybody else wait this long I'm sorry who's this Billy Billy Gunther oh hi Billy sorry to keep you waiting what have you been up to well I've had time to review the fine print and I see that you concealed an option in Zayn's contract near the back page 32 if triggered then the talent has to say with the label even longer concealed whoa I wouldn't say that I am simply trying to maximize the return on our little investment it's the kind of thing they can get a person back on the board that is so unprofessional this is Zayn's life we're talking about we never agreed to those terms or even discussed them bil calm down okay nobody is forcing you to do anything it's called an option for a reason kind of like how I didn't force you to take me out to that little Italian restaurant a couple months ago you know what that was a mistake really it didn't feel like a mistake especially when we shared that second piece of tiam missu Mary what do you plan on doing with this option I'm sorry Billy but that's going to be between you and the new head of the board Billy Billy how's the hband uh surprisingly good they said Mary tried to set me up with some rookie players as sort of uh cheering on top how'd you avoid that well apparently they got some new guy running the show over there some uh Chris water they said he's trying to force his option on my contract I thought your contract was done after these shows yeah me too and that's what Mary told Billy but surprise surprise she's gone back on her word it's Chris gu's in control of it now I guess he thought give me a good ban would convinc me to do whatever he wants I'll have to swing by and see him when I get back well you tell this new guy um Chris water that I didn't let you leave our wedding for his benefit excuse me just a minute oh I think jene wants to say hi you sure it's Chris water uh yes ma'am it says that right here on his card you heard of him I've heard of him and he's not a new guy he's an old guy hold on is this uh yeah you just don't worry that cute little head of hair about it I know exactly where to find him too I'm going to set this straight for you wow thank you Jolene yeah she's already gone so the bad news is we lost our deposit but the good news is it's going to cost double if we do it at the end of the summer maybe we should just no whatever it costs all right I don't care this is my fault you do whatever you want hey I really love you right back at you have a good show call you when we're on our way back okay bye you got something you want to say what makes you think that you always have the most to say when you're not saying anything at all H okay you know I love Zane right I do I just wish that the two of you could have started your lives together off on the right foot what was I supposed to do if I make him stay I'm selfish if I let him go I lose my wedding I know I was going to lose either way it's just a matter of how much I know I'm I'm I'm wrong you are absolutely right you made the only choice you could I'm sorry I just no more from me all right anything you need thank you yeah all right let's start planning a wedding [Music] again well that there looks like another $100 to me what do you think I can still catch up you know I almost feel bad taking your money every week almost double or nothing how can I say no to taking more of your [Music] money oh come on what is this what's the point of paying for a private course when they let people walk all over hey excuse me little lady yeah this is a private golf course you're going to have Mo your if you don't want to eat those expensive C teeth I suggest you don't call me little lady or finish that sentence I'd be careful Tristan she's got a pretty lethal right cross how are you Jolene no I can't say hello no you may not I'm here because you're holding Zane Gunther's option now he's going to finish these three shows for you and you're going to cut him loose non-negotiable understand done Zayn doesn't want my help I wish him well great now you can just go back to being rich and have this whole place to yourself like the spoiled little child that you are one condition what did I just say you still riding why well I got this new kid she's real sweet she needs a little guidance someone to help her get started out on the right foot now I assume you're still the best well then what do you say and if I help you you'll let Zang go I'll even pay you for your time of course you will so this kid is she nice the nicest a real peach and I won't even be there Scouts Honor I'll help you for one week then you're on your own got it how can I say no to a great deal like that one week I've never seen you lose negotiation like that yeah that's probably why she got so much off me in the divorce let's make this next shot triple or nothing huh I got a feeling this is going to be an expensive week for [Applause] [Music] me D come on put your hands up [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey stop come on hey hey [Music] hey you all right okay all right uh come on guys stop the Rough House here this is a concert not a wrestling match oh uh we're here to have a party with all of our closest friends this is country and let's have a good time come on hey you know you know what yall almost trampled this little thing right here maybe we should uh bring up on stage right come on come on don't be afraid there we go all right we go now you see this face this is the face that you almost squashed what's your name you know if you know your name it'll be icing on the guil cake Megan all right Megan and I'll tell you what why don't you take a seat right next to me we hey let's get her stool come on bring it out come on let's give it a hand all right why don't you tell me your favorite song Megan and uh please say one of mine when I can call you mine well that's the least I could do all right [Applause] [Music] guys guess I had to learn the hard way we play every single word I'd say every talk we had both the good and bad but we don't want to F like this no more going back and fall to settle scores then we'd make it up before we break it up you were saging let's just wait and see while I watch you walk away from me when I lost you I cried when I missed you I tried to bring you back to me now all that I see when I needed you the most all I got was The Ghost of our time back when I could call you [Music] m I'm just glad that that girl is okay yeah me too I didn't think someone getting stomped at one of my shows would go over so well wow it's only been up for a few hours and it's already got 2 million views wow that's fast it's a good thing right Barton it's a great thing Billy says several media Outlets have already picked up the clip hey here we go here appreciate it yeah no problem well I'm glad she didn't get hurt pretty little thing now you know of course there's no way I will be commenting on that young lady looks right there's nothing wrong with pointing out someone's Beauty did I did I mention that I'm super excited about tomorrow you guys are going to be back in time right it's really important to me it's the third most important day of my life after quen's birth and our wedding I know now look we got a 6-hour drive ahead of us so we'll be in late but all I need is one cup of coffee and I will be there cheering loud us right next to you and cut that ribbon wow there's already another 5,000 views nice work bro yeah [Music] Billy oh hey baby girl hey uh shh I have to be quiet I don't want my mom to hear me got it I'll be as quiet as possible I saw a video online and I think there's too many keys for you to teach me for the wedding so maybe you could just teach me the middle ones okay so here's the deal I had to leave town for a little while but I told my daughter you'd be stopping by the house to practice so I pre-record some beginner lessons for you okay so you start with those and I'll be back to help you before you know it okay I'll get my nana s to take me but do you think that Sammy will mind if we're there not one little bit and I'll be home before you can say Jolene my fingers are hurting why would I say that oh you'll see talk later Gwenn okay thank you Jolene anything for you Nana s what happened nothing we have a mission you do come on let's go okay right behind you okay but if I wear my hair up then when I look at the photos of the opening all I'm going to see are my ears oh come on I love your ears Bye Mom wait where you going ah secret mission Anna you failed the first part of secret mission the secret part apologies we'll be back soon I think okay so I guess I'll wear the sandals what does a professional store owning interior designer wear to her opening hey hey yeah I'm crazy proud of you okay you worked your butt off and you deserve this the store is going to be great thank you that means a lot to me all right I'm going to let you go okay so we can get home see you tonight yes you will hey the video cuts off did she get a peck on the cheek or just a hug at the end nice try she got a firm handshake and uh enjoy the rest of the show yeah don't worry Billy I'll tell him sorry this video is insane everyone wants PCU uh okay okay all right now I got to go I love you bye love you too bye Billy says at Radio kbl is predicting this could come close to 5 million in the next few hours at this rate radio kbl said that really violin Bear show actually they uh just invited y on again well absolutely I love viol and bear Billy told me to pass they wanted you for tomorrow morning to take advantage of the video Bart be honest with me what do we do we would be cutting a close get to the opening yeah you're right except these viral videos don't happen all the time right are you sure that's what you want I mean how long can an interview really take oh 10 minutes you're already exhausted nah come on I'll have uh I'll have two coffees you're driving let's [Music] go [Music] W sweetie I don't think jolene's even home Samy I'll let us in well do I at least get to know why we're here nothing personal nanus but it's more of a musician thing do understand oh all right I'll just read a book let you do your thing hey Suzanne hey Quinn did ever mention you really look like a Quinn your mom did a great job naming you thanks do I look like a Sammy I don't think I look like a Sammy I feel like I'm more of a Frank thinking of weally changing it come in so here's the piano I set up all your lessons mom says you have to learn pretty quick huh yeah I want to play for Mom and D at the wedding well I wish I could help you but sadly I didn't get my mom's talents if you could lock up when you're done that would be great sure you're not going to stay no I got roped in to refereeing this full contact chess match it's a long story you know how it is sure good luck Quinn this look pretty complicated I think I'll be fine how hard could it be well I'll just sit here call me if you need me okay hey [Music] thanks so you want to be a rock star huh well the first step is you got to prove you got the grit so go ahead and give me your best attitude face I'll wait that's the add ude now I think we should start with something simple like Twinkle Twinkle Little Star spoiler alert you'll also learn how to play The Alphabet Song we'll call this lesson [Music] one I don't have enough time I think I'm just going to skip ahead whatever you think is best now when we sustain you can hear that I augment the C7 over the minor run go ahead you try seven I didn't know there was math in this I think that you might be trying to run before you can walk I know but I have to learn can I give it a go maybe we can figure something out together oh that does sound sound cool I can see why you want to play this let me try something you can play I guess I can why didn't you say anything before well I didn't want to interfere with your plans you can teach me I could so teach you okay but if I'm teaching you that means we're going back to Twinkle Twinkle all right St straight two hands give him a shake all [Music] right okay that was great uh I'm just going to Tinker a bit here on my [Music] ends hey teddy bear oh I do not believe my guys oh Chris told me you were coming today I thought he was full of it well he is but I'm here how are you doing I'm good I'm great great how are the girls oh they're good mine's going to high school what I know oh my goodness Mike Mike oh uh sorry cake uh uh this is Jolene Chris Center here to help uh uh not you not you of course uh she's here to help me hi Kate I'm Jolene nice to meet you it's cake did she say cake like the food yeah it c a little cake emoji e it's cake hey uh cake why don't we take it from the top again so Jolene can see where she has to help me okay me me me me wow this sounds really cool yeah yeah just give it a second everybody wants some nobody gets some some but it bring me she insisted on writing her own lyrics bless her [Music] heart get that [Music] cake say no more yeah so what did you think about that oh um I thought it was great great job a you're welcome hi chrisy oh hi there darling sounding great as always I'm just dropping off coffee I'm not staying Chrissy it's cute right I thought you said this girl was a peach she is just Just a Touch sour how many people did you ask for help before you came to me oh come on now you know you are always my number one Mike all of them thank you Mike all right look the reason I didn't ask you is because I thought you'd say no well we both agree on that okay okay last plea all right just go in there show her how it's done after that you're off the hook right I'll even give you the cake bonus yeah that's the bonus you get for working with cake great thanks again Mike and Zan he'll be as free as you were the day you walked out of that divorce court fine give me the lyrics no no no no not that one give her number three ah okay darling we're just going to let uh Jolene go in there for a few minutes give that beautiful voice of yours a rest huh thank you I did two in a row that time I've waited so long for your heart to be mine hoping you come back to me if I just gave you time I know you think I'm crazy but I Know Your Love Will Save Me come on baby give it one more try remember all the good times to find seem so long ago hanging on forever together I thought you had to put the autotune on after how come you put it on while this lady's [Music] singing that's just how they did it back in the day [Music] let um I'm afraid this just is going to work out now hang on we had a deal okay darling we're going to go ahead and find somebody else for you to work with all right it's whatever text me Chrissy I'm leaving what do you mean you're leaving I sang the song and you said it didn't work I said it's not going to work for her cuz it's your song now right that is unless you don't want to have a hit song again well I would change the bridge a bit and make it a minor key well of course you would it wouldn't be a Chris and Jolene song If you just left it the way I wrote it and it wouldn't be a hit if I did no argument there well from the top [Music] fine [Music] she loves [Music] me and that is the latest hit from Zane Gunther our favorite singer songwriter here at Radio kbl the man whose songs melt your heart the musician of the decade Zane Gunther is sitting across from me nice to have you here hey thanks for having me back you guys know I'm a huge fan of the show is it because we have the cutest faces in radio well I do well she has the cutest face in radio you my friend have a face for radio oh okay for those of you who have maybe hit your head or enjoy really long naps zanen here has been all over the Internet and not just for his music yeah Zer tabloids are saying you left your girl at the altar is that true no absolutely not look we uh we just had to postpone the wedding for a bit a bit so like a week or a month or 10 years no no no no look we have it all figured out it's just uh just a little delayed you know sure happens all the time to couples at the altar yeah all the time what you heard it here first ladies Zane Gunther is back on the market ladies you did not hear that here first that is not true so you played a beautiful show for us here the other night yeah and then something happened I assumed millions of girls trying to touch that gorgeous hair there you want to touch it don't you you know I want to touch it you know I'm a sucker for that I actually had that same style hair with my T and you made fun of it oh the oh the T yeah I used to come out a pool shake my head but but seriously someone got trampled yeah you know show got a little Rowdy and this poor woman got knocked over o Just Between Us how hot was she stop but I will say I saw the video and she was a very attractive woman look I just wanted to make sure no one was getting hurt okay nice Dodge Z great Dodge are you a boxer Jette yeah know we're at kbl Radio yeah they saw the video and they asked us to come by it's a quick 15 minutes we're on our way no I understand it's a big deal is it going well he doing great I promise we'll be there we're out of here 10 minutes tops okay just meet us at the store then Quinn and I will be leaving at noon the May will be there at two to cut the ribbon yeah no problem we'll be there with time to spare Okay bye so long story long your song it's the reason why I got a kiss didn't know your mom was a fan of my music oh there you're a sad sad man tell me something I don't know know already be okay Zane I see your boy out there pointing at his watch like a madman yeah yeah yeah look you guys know I'm a huge fan of the show however I do have somewhere very important I need to be okay but first it's time for [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] drop wow so for all of you listening on the radio we just reunited this lovely young lady what is your name Megan Megan so nice to meet you go on and grab a seat next to Zan put your headphones on and get real close to the mic for me sweetie it's nice to see you again nice to see you too A now Megan and Zane I know we just sprung this on you but good gravy don't these two make a cute couple well I'm not into the mushy stuff and even I'm a little over the moon here hey look I appreciate you saying that but I really do need to head you know what for everyone listening you need to hit us up online because it is time for us to play what's that baby going to look like hey guys look I actually really love this game but I I do need to head out okay totally promise we'll make it real quick two second okay I just wanted to say that I was really nervous when I first met you and I really am just a big fan and thank you again hey it's uh nothing to worry about okay oh look a little hand- onand action that's a grade school marriage right there what's the deal Magan you do a thing no or not but I mean I'm game of Zas oh come on all of you are the worst whose side are you on and why wouldn't you be look at how cute your baby would be hey it's pretty great although um look there's someone I'm already seriously in love with my fiance um but uh thanks again I uh I really do have to go let's do a round of likes and dislikes you first [Music] Megan mom can I get a snack sure hi Hey where's Zan oh I don't know but I'm sure he'll be here soon I know where the donuts are [Music] hey I'm so sorry they made me turn my phone off for the interview where are you uh we're about 15 minutes out we're almost there okay really nervous hey oh you have nothing to be nervous nervous about this is just the the natural next step of your interior design greatness hope you're right guess I'm kind of excited just never done anything like this before so oh no hey hey can you go around it no they turning cars around what's wrong the construction we're completely stuck don't you worry I'll be there go I'll meet you there what are you doing now don't cut that ribbon without me all right if I run I can make [Music] it Zane Zane hello hello hey hey stop stop hey hey thanks for coming you're going to get some good shots today yay okay hi C I'm just gonna hi thanks for coming Janette hi thanks so much for coming to down heartley of course always happy to help our town get a little stronger well um it's a little early but we've got tea and coffee and St actually due to some changes in the schedule we're going to need to move the rib cutting up oh okay um how soon it's just that I'm waiting for Zane to sh well now would be great of course yay okay come on here we [Music] go [Music] stop the car stop the car stop the car Z I love you marry [Music] me I always love seeing members of our community make their dreams come true and today it is my great pleasure to help Mrs Janette Gunther on this journey oh um not Gunther or Mrs either not yet anyway uh long story uh it's Williams Jette Williams okay ready and you are open on [Music] [Music] everybody Z hey come here hey did you level up on her game while I was gone maybe okay I beat your high score yeah I bet you did hey hey Quinn can you help me take some of this stuff to the back I am so sorry you know I tried to get here we got stuck in that construction I ran the rest of the way was I know it's okay the mayor had another engagement so she had to move this one up look at this wow looks amazing yeah we uh we had a great turnout I already booked four consultations five I'm going to need to hire you to redo the RV the bilding got us can you afford me huh can I pay in kisses that's a lot of kisses what about a down [Music] payment one down 99,999 to go all right let's do this where you going well the sooner I get this cleaned up the sooner we can go to Bellis made us a reservation for [Music] tonight okay did you practice twice while she was in the shower perfect okay let's continue uh uh uh nice straight back I don't get that part why do I have to have a straight back if when I'm leaning over I can just reach the keys better seriously this is how you want to spend your time thank you all right let's War up those fingers can you play me a C scale in the right hand yes go what what that is amazing that is a million times better already okay you seriously need a challenge can you play start on the C again skip up to the E skip up to the G all the way to the top C and then back down [Music] nice and slow and gentle try that okay yep uh-huh yep mhm what's the matter peanut do you think it's okay if I call Zane Dad I think he would love that but is that something that you want to do well I don't really remember my dad but sometimes I see him in like dreams and things like that do you think he'd mind tell you something I remember your father very well and I am here to say that he loved you a lot but so does zann and I think that having two people that love you that much is pretty okay and I'm absolutely positive that your father would agree he'd like that yeah yeah he'd be happy I want to try that arpeggio again okay pleas follow me right this way here's your table thank you you you're [Music] welcome squeeze over here and I just really like to see Mr Gunther that I'm a really big fan thank you very much you're welcome enjoy your dinner so how was the show no no no show talk I want to hear about everything I miss today okay well uh the opening was good May heartley came out she messed up my name which was a good start you're kidding no she called me Mrs Gunther oh well you're going to be oh yeah speaking of which I managed to move everything to the end of August so we should be able to get hi I'm so sorry I don't mean to interrupt your dinner Zan I just want to say I'm your hugest fan I saw you at the amphitheater Upstate and then again in New York we did the back to back so it was like I was really there with you well that's very kind of you say uh you're sweetheart I don't know how you handle so much attention oh after just seen that cute girl from the concert again on viola and be oh miss to miss that and then when I saw what your baby would look like with that girl I tell you what I was just like you know here here you go thanks for staying home of course enjoy your meal they brought the girl from the video you on to the radio show they just rung her around me it's a radio show they do crazy stuff like that I'm not upset I'm just surprised it didn't come up look it's just the way it works okay they they get more thumbs up or whatever if they make a story where there isn't one you know yeah I get it uh anyway where was I uh we got lucky the hall had a cancellation on the 29th of August um I know that's not very much time but I think it will be enough to let everyone know what I got asked to co-headline the midnight at the Peaks benefit concert oh that's incredible right that's that's huge for you yeah I want to bring you and Quinn with me no I I can't I just open up the store I can't take time off you talked about that right I know I know i' been right there's no other day that works like we call somebody we can see if uh there's nothing it's all booked until the end of the year it's too late yeah zaye we are your biggest fans well me way more than them I'm getting married next week could we get a pick it's it's actually not a really good time I know it's it's fine thank you so much I can't believe this is happening I love all your songs I know all the words and maybe one on on tula's phone and Monica's too thank you so much can't have too many pictures with Zane you're so [Music] strong you know the story this this girl isn't anything right it's just publicity is this our life now what do you mean cameras Liv you in the public eyy you having second thoughts no I love you but I thought all you wanted was a family well that hasn't changed you and Quin are all I [Music] want I'm just going to call and get them to cancel the hall for the 29th I can say no no you should ride this wave I've just opened up the store we didn't plan it but it's complicated we'll just a for a spring wedding maybe you're [Music] right should I come in second night to quen she's probably asleep see you in the morning of course um no no I I'll be here um but I got invited to play the night show they're flying me out of [Music] two that's great they they called just before dinner um I guess the person they booked had some family emergency so they're asking me to step in last [Music] minute I was trying to find the right time to tell you Bring breakfast maybe we can take Quinn to the park [Music] [Music] sure [Music] how you doing big guy Billy this is too much too much give me a clue the signings the the the appearances the interviews the the paparazzi all of it hey I know it's hard but the bigger your career gets the more people want to get to know you I know look Janette and I are used to a certain amount of this but it's just been extra hard trying to trying to reschedule the wedding and and you know she's trying to open up her do I can't do it anymore I know hey let me make a few phone calls I promise you and Janette are going to have your day all right I'll talk to you later [Music] thanks [Music] what are you doing on the phone aren't you about to go on stage ah we're on a commercial break what were you nervous no look I'm working on something I need your help great the jingle guy just quit and the big wigs are underway up where am I going to find someone to sing the Mr hair to stay jingle hey you [Applause] janitor ever do any singing well does the shower count guess we're about to find out it's been a while I don't know how's he doing oh cute as a button look at this and was prayer to will come for you call this number today and your [Music] hair song boy let me see this you know what I don't even need [Applause] it you know I may try to hang on to that contract after all you know I'll kill you right you know I do believe you would well here's to letting good things slip away I'm sure you'll find another big star we both know that's not what I meant well we were young and dumb and way too successful to try to be controlled NE one of us knew what we were doing wasn't all bad though I'm just glad you're a better father than a husband that was easy kids always like me you helped me learn some really important lessons well you're better than me I had to learn them two more times you want to hear the latest mix of course one more try remember all the good times find seem so long ago H sounds really good [Music] you sound really [Music] good I uh I got to confess I asked you to sing on this one cuz I kind of wrote it about you after all these years you wrote a song about me no I uh I right all of them about you look I know I did everything wrong you know what it's late and if I'm being honest all the way around about this I'm not ready to have this conversation oh I completely understand sorry no no it's okay but I'm going to go I'm just going to go can I see you again I don't know how to answer [Music] that the concert was lit it's always lit when my zany performs because he lights up the stage don't you P that's very kind of you say Megan uh okay thank you I'm going to get back to the interview is that okay have suddenly fallen again well we ever um yeah so hey I thought the show was live yeah it is but there's a delay you must be watching the last sketch call me crazy but I think this guy's a crush on you name baby yeah he uh keeps inviting me to go bowling I have no idea why I do not understand these people did you have fun yeah I did but I am so glad it's over I just want to get home to you and Quinn sounds like quite the celebration over there what was that I said it sounds like you're having fun they're all very nice yes I'll see you tomorrow Billy booked me for the signing a mall I think I'm going to be home late are you there hey can you hear me yeah I heard you Janette can you hear me I said I heard you I'm trying to be quiet Quinn's asleep okay all right I love you too I got to go okay bye love you too Zane so like hello you want to help me out people want to meet you okay let's do it uh Mom hey ladybug you okay I heard you yelling I was just talking to Zane it's loud where he works can I sleep with you tonight you know what I think I'd like that very [Music] much [Music] little late isn't he young lady Sammy how long have you been sitting in the dark like a maniac you scared me to Dad bad night yeah well maybe I don't know let me guess you met up with Dad and that stirred up a bunch of old feelings you didn't even know you had and now you don't know how to feel no how'd you know because I'm psychic we've spoken about my gift many times and dad called half an hour ago what do I do well I get us a bottle of wine and then we spend the night like cliche mother daughter do is that we both can't stand I'm in I'll get the glasses I'll get the [Music] [Music] wine a quick flick you [Music] know all right woo we did it let's see oh look at my dumb face what do you think great all right Zan Zan can I sure [Music] go so it's not really my element but uh whate found Megan again I heard you were here I couldn't pass up a good party of course not hey could you get a photo of us yeah sure sure all right one more okay all right I really do have to go it's great to see you again thank you we rock see [Music] buddy hey uh I hate to say this but I think he's in love with someone else you want to meet the cast yeah sure oh hey jene hey when did you get back oh late last night what are you up to oh just head head it to the bakery of course the wedding so what kind did you go with and did they give you a discount cuz I can talk to them I'm actually just going to put a hold on the cake oh it's nothing bad it's just with the incredible fortune that zay's had with his music lately and me opening at the store we decided to pump the brakes a little well I guess that makes sense although I know this is making Zay miserable are you all right come here I go [Music] you I barely talk to him and I see him on TV surrounded by all these beautiful women as long as I've known Zane he is a good and honorable man now you know that for sure I do m but what if he loves his attention more than he loves me you know maybe I'm holding him back you listen to me Zane loves you and he wants to marry you as soon as this wedding can be arranged you know what you need cheesecake let's go get [Music] something Mary this is lower than low huh is that any way to greet an old friend well it was actually being nice considering what you put us through it wasn't for Jolene how is Jolene you know I've always liked her beautiful voice very professional unlike some people jolene's fabulous actually she works miracles because she found a way to get Zay out that crappy little option you rigged in his contract did she yeah she actually likes people oh that is so sweet I think I'm going to cry Mar you need to stop messing with people's lives do you even know how many young artists that I have coming to me because they're tired of big labels using and exploiting them I thought you had the stomach for this industry apparently I was wrong yeah well being tough can only take you so far Mary you are so naive you know what when I find Young Artists I like to let them know that they're taking care but you show them no respect you don't even give them the ability to develop their talents develop their talents do you hear yourself that is a bunch of artsy y touchy feely nonsense but that's not how it used to be when I first started working with you you wanted to be about nurturing the talent show the singer how to find their voice help the musician get their Muse that was another time so what now you want to break them just use them you want to force a young couple to walk away from their wedding day I am good at what I do because I make money no you used to be good at making [Music] music well it was always easier with you at my side back on the board again they called me this morning what are you going to [Music] do I am going to nurture talented young artists into the biggest stars this world has ever seen I look forward to working with you in the future oh my condition what's that you'll let me take you for [Music] tiu thank no more autographs that has to be twice as many as last time righto least what I'm torn as your brother I'm telling you you need to go home see your family and how are you torn because I know that Billy's only giving you half the work that's coming in this is your moment your star is rising even bigger than before and you can't always see that as your professional star Rises that neglect your personal life Janette Quinn Billy and I have seen other artist go through this tears people apart well Janette and I don't plan on being like those other people so nobody plans on anying upli other people well what do you want me to do I mean like you said my star is rising right got to make hey while the sun is shining oh but things have been so good lately at home it's Janette Quinn I know believe me I know you I love you [Music] you've got a serious offer on the table how [Music] serious lifechanging believe says he's going to talk to you about it on Monday well I can't wait till Monday what teas what's the offer what tabloids a breaking story about you and Megan you're together what oh you are looking cozy e oh no that's a bit much what on Earth you drinking man oh come on we're not together I would never do anything with that woman you know I would never cheat on Janette I know the photos do not know they quote you the engagement is off nobody ever asked me for a quote I know they're being creative as always Lord okay I need to call Janan they're not releasing for a few hours we get you home tough conversations are always better face to [Music] face I wouldn't blame her if she wanted to throw that ring right back in my [Music] face [Music] [Music] all right jool for your odd instructions what are we doing here trying to make things [Music] [Music] right [Music] [Music] Zane hey there she is there's so many photographers at the house really yeah sorry getting out of the driveway finally I had to tell them they were keeping a little girl from her best friend's birthday party and here we are here we are all right Quinn come on let's go see if we can find Jolene hey hey thought if we met here we could avoid the photographers these tabloids these photos they're all made up I never said the engagement was off and this this Megan girl means absolutely nothing to me you have to believe me I love you and only you of course I believe you you do yes I have to admit that seeing those photos hurt but I could tell which ones were fake I'm never going to believe it's holoid over you so we're okay you're not going to dump me you know I want to spend the rest of my life with you right I want that too but why didn't you just call and talk to me about it I wanted to wait to talk to you in person I figured I'd get back before the the photos were released so in person's nice I promised to always talk with you even when it's tough I missed you so much oh not half as much as I missed you but wait why are we at jolene's house you promised me a quiet night at home just the three of us true but there's something else I promise you too come on let's go find Quinn first [Music] this come on okay all right come on what are you doing come on Pi up the Pick A B do you know about [Music] this really mhm right now yep how did you do all this jene it was all Zan I just added some elbow grease and called in a few favors I like helping you which I greatly appreciate are you ready Janette everything's good to go is this real you better believe it well all righty then boys in the barn girls come with [Music] me get out you did it here let's do this Jolene thank you again for making this happen I I don't know how you did it thank [Music] you [Music] did you forget the Rings I I thought you had them thank [Music] you [Music] sorry one sec feel Le's instructions I didn't know you knew how to play I don't mom Zane I hope you like your present [Music] w [Music] sh [Music] happy wedding mom come here thank you thank you ladies and gentlemen our faith has brought us here today to join two beautiful souls as one just looking around I can see that this bride and groom is BL BL with a bounty of friends and family to help support them and guide them through their Union Janette do you take Zayn to be your lofly wetted husband in sickness and in health to have and to hold from this day forward I do and Zane do you take Janette to be your lofly wedded wife in sickness and in health to have and to hold from this day forward yes but wait uh Quinn come come [Music] here all I ever wanted was family and I can't think of a better way to start my family than to call you my daughter if it's all right with you it would make me the proudest man in the world he would let me me be your father I would love to be your family [Music] Dad sorry for the interruption uh I think uh all three of us are ready now then do you zann take Janette to be your lawfully W up I do absolutely I do then I Now pronounce you husband and [Music] [Applause] wife get out over here come on get in [Music] here all right ladies and Gentlemen please join me in welcoming Mr and Mrs Zayn and Janette Gund [Applause] all right all right guys let's give him something nice and slow to dance to so Zay doesn't mess it [Music] up [Music] Sammy I don't know how your eyes are still in their sockets with all these cute single men in the room don't start it's a nice night who's starting maybe you should just focus on your own man troubles please told you I'm too old for that silliness is that why that's the third time that you've looked over at dad since he purposely stood in your eyeline while watching the first [Music] dance you want to come help me put my hands in the chocolate fountain um yes so what do you think humor me these shoes cost a fortune so don't step on I think we both know I can't promise [Music] [Music] that [Music] you look great thank you you look good too good on Hope know I look a whole lot better than good if I agree you promise to stop sucking in your G I thought I could hold out song is long it's just hard I can't just toss out everything that happened you leave me Unknown man I was ruined both our lives believe me there in the day goes by I don't wake up and realize I ruined the best thing I ever had CH just take me back for a few Dances all right cuz if you can do that I swear you'll give me enough to keep me going the rest of my life why do you have to be so cute I smell good too Lord help me I did notice that [Music] there's a groom oh man we did it talking about you did it oh come on I couldn't have done it without your help sh could have oh really thank you for everything you did for me can't imagine how difficult it must have been dealing with Mary that was nothing she finally realized how unfair she was [Music] being you know you seem particularly happy today I am for you and Janette you sure cuz I've uh I've seen this kind of happy before it's something else what are you talking about I'm happy you and Janette finally got married all right all right reconnected with an old friend that's it in the story all right there it is oh I got something for you going through some old things and uh apparently someone trashed your guitar you said this was yours I was just boring it for my big brother till I got my own man I haven't played in years I got some new tuning pegs on it and we can play together sometime thanks little brother thank you she's a beauty yes she is M so is your wife hey there she is [Music] congratulations I'm so happy for you all right Zan how about you get up here and play something for your wife oh come on go it all right get out there come here sister 1 2 3 [Applause] [Music] [Applause] 4 [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] w cheers to a beautiful wedding cheers that was so much fun but I have a question little brother or little [Music] sister guess I had to learn the hard way we play every single word I'd say every talk we had both the good and bad but we don't want to F like this no more going back and for to settle scores then we'd make it up before we' break it up you were sagging let's just wait and see while I watched you walk away from me when I lost you I cried when I missed you I tried to bring you back to me now all that I see when I needed you the most all I got was The Ghost of our time back when I could call you my [Music] God I feel this hole inside my heart got her soul without it part it was you and me I missed the you and we you keep begging to let me go I keep trying but failing so many times oh the many times you were sing it's just wa see while I watched you walk away from me when I lost you I cried when I missed you I triy to bring you back to me but all that I see when I needed you the most all I got was The Ghost of our time back when and I could call you mine I keep on thinking I moved on but you were always there you were always here when I lost you I cried when I missed you I tried to bring you back to me but all that I see when I needed you the most all I got was The Ghost of our time back when I could call you [Music] [Applause] m back when I could call you my e
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Id: QkuzVYK8TMs
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Length: 96min 22sec (5782 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 12 2024
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