Love In The Sun 2024 - Best Hallmark Romance Movies 2024 - New Hallmark Holiday - Great Movies

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[Music] h when you're on a holay you can't find the words to say all the things that come to you did you make a decision Northwestern is my dream school I have to go I was hoping you'd say that but what about us just pack me in your suitcase we'll be fine just four short years of long distance and then you'll move back and until then I'll come visit you'll come back to Florida and no matter how far we are whenever we're out on the water it'll be like we're back together although I heard kaying on Lake Michigan doesn't compare to the gulf oh then maybe you shouldn't go to northwester I love you Alana I love you Kai that's all that [Music] matters we all want love growing up I saw my parents so in love and knew that was what I wanted but when it came to dating I was impressed practical about it I chased the fairy tale romance even when I knew it was just a fairy tale and that inspired us to dream up closer a dating app that finds users fulfilling and practical long-term relationships our goal is to bring users Closer to Love by matching compatible people in close proximity people we cross paths with every day and if you're wondering about our success rate well we're not just closer CEO and CTO we're also members a year ago I met my boyfriend Evan on closer for years we had lived three blocks from each other went to the same coffee shop gym dry cleaners and never crossed paths until closer closer works it worked for us at least one of us although I did just get a new 99% match on closer he loves Tiki Bars salsa dancing and dogs you just described yourself I know and he works the next building over we're having dinner tonight that's amazing I'm so excited okay back to it what we need from you at Atlas capital is the funding to take closer National we've been beta testing to great success in Chicago San Francisco LA New York and St Petersburg Florida where I'm from but now with your help we can take it nationwide and bring singles everywhere closer what do you think I think look less nervous we've got this and if we don't the coffee shop in the lobby is hiring so Renee whatever happens I'm glad we did this together me too now let's go get that [Music] funding it seems like Atlas really liked our pitch said they were intrigued and would discuss with their team that's incredible thank you but hold the confetti until we hear something concrete is everything okay of course yeah what are you thinking uh just that our dates would be a little more fun if I didn't spend them losing Evan there's no losing on the driving range you lose on the course okay you sure you're okay I'm great oh uh hey actually I have a new ball I want you to try Alana almost a year ago we had our first date right here where even with just a five iron you still out hit me we argued about your swing and I was sure we'd never have a second date we did and it's been an amazing year together ever since we have so much fun we make each other laugh you're my best friend what I'm trying to ask [Music] is will you marry [Music] me yes yes yes of course you said yes yes she said [Applause] [Music] yes oh um I'm sorry I had it sized off one of your other rings I don't know what happened no it's it's beautiful I'll get it [Music] resized Dad it's me call me back hey I I knew I'd find you here ever heard of a little thing called work life balance uh no have you no and isn't it life work balance how was your date it was incredible is he cute the cutest and he is so funny wait you have something you're not telling me how do you do that well I'm amazing and also you're really easy to read really so tell me there should be an engagement ring on here because Evan proposed but the ring didn't fit so he has to resize it yeah congratulations excuse my shock I just I didn't realize you guys were there yet I didn't either I mean Evan is great but it does feel a little fast and what' your dad say when you told him I keep calling but he never answers this phone then maybe you should tell him in person I mean Alana I know you've been avoiding going home I'm not avoiding Renee really how long's it been since you've been back 5 years since your mom's Memorial that's a really long time and I know your dad comes to visit you here but I'm sure he'd love to have you home you could leave tomorrow stay for the weekend that would be a fun surprise see that's the spirit but we just pitched Atlas but it'll take time to hear back work is crazy right now but I can cover for you you'll never find a ticket just bought you a ticket that fast think of it as an engagement [Music] present [Music] hey Rich I'll get the usual a cord of Tangerine please oh my God yes [Music] wow you finally crossed the Mason Dixon line miracles do happen and you're finally wearing a shirt with the CER so Miracles definitely do happen a minute together and we're already back to a battle of WTS too bad you came unprepared so what are you doing home just here to catch up with my dad he'll be happy to see you he misses you you everyone misses you everyone let me get this for you I'll have my usual and a fresh squeeze Tangerine for Alana please thank you but I think that's a bit presumptuous to order for me oh really okay well what are we going to order Tangerine but still don't forget I've known you since you were four I already know everything you could ever say then you know I'd say that's also presumptuous but I expected that because I already know everything you can say too so why not surprise me and say something nice okay well if you know it's coming it's not really a surprise is it bye k bye [Music] Alona [Music] [Applause] [Music] know where I can get some key lime pie around here surprise oh my God the best surprise what are you doing home I can't believe you're here well I have something to tell is that Alana you're back all right for the Orchid Festival yeah well actually you have to see what James and I have done since taking it over it's going to be bigger and better than ever more food music drinks flower vendors Expo if we get everything done it's time well if not it's going to be a disaster well either way we'll be entertained I guess I picked the right weekend to come home well the festival is next weekend can you stay a little longer it's really going to be amazing I'd love to but work is crazy right now we just pitched investors and are working on an ad campaign oh can James and I be a part of your commercial we can verify your matchmaking skills yeah cuz if you had invited me to see what you guys every day at lunch all the junior year you were the new kid that you were trying to set me up with someone had to do it from the time you were paired up as Lab Partners they had real chemistry I really missed your dad jokes well we have to run but really about staying okay I'll try my best all right great see all right take care what are you doing here well oh W hold that thought is Leah is right over there you finally get to meet her really Leah mhm this must be Alana Alana this is Leah I've heard so much about you I'm glad my dad has such a great new neighbor me too I have to tell you I'm so excited to finally meet you you're all your dad talks about okay so I talk a little bit no come on in let me feed you are you hungry h a little freshness at Southern fresh come on in let's eat she doesn't know the treat she's in really so happy you're home me too same gorgeous view huh it never gets old but you know what's better than this view what's that I'm getting married to the banking golfer Dad I'm sorry I meant the golfing Banker dad what does that look it's just [Music] um congratulations you're engaged oh I'm so happy for you thank you now when am I going to finally get to meet Evan good [Music] question [Music] Dad where are all the guests oh actually you know I'm not a hosting guest right now what why not the in needs some fixing up so I had to close her down and how long will the fixing up tapate well a couple of weeks but the procrastination is taking years you you shut down the Inn when and why didn't you tell me well what's the tell this is good news I mean now I have a 6-month vacation twice a year I have turned my vocation into a vacation honey I'm sorry I mean I guess like you I just wanted to tell you in person now let's get you uh settled in right up there I get the Treehouse site of course you get it you're the guest of honor here but I'm not a guest I'm family oh come on get up [Music] there so I just want to give you a little warning um oh no no no no there it's good it's just there's some things um yeah uh just a little heads up um The Treehouse sweet might not be so sweet anymore a little teal see you wouldn't hurt ah you know just a little bit so what do you want to do for the rest of the day Lounge on the beach with some of your mango lemonade sounds good to me check oh but first I have a couple of phone calls to make except I don't have any service well you know you only get service on the beach it's fine I'll send some emails yeah unfortunately um you're going to laugh at this uh yeah The Internet's been down a while what's a while what's today I know where this joke is going today is Friday so let me guess Internet's been down for a year all part of my ploy to get you to come visit and look it finally worked you need to unpack great to have you Evan can you hear me [Music] Evan EV Evan can you hear me let me help you out thank you no problem little piece of advice instead of looking at that try looking at that thank you but I think I've got it covered you know the sun will be setting soon you don't get that in Chicago you know the Sun Also sets in Chicago yeah but not like here in the weather there I saw you guys had a brutal winter I didn't mind snow is beautiful it is I love looking at it on Facebook from Florida don't you ever want to leave here live somewhere with Seasons we have seasons pollen summer Hurricane football and don't forget I did leave here once and moved to Chicago to be with you and we both know how that ended well it all worked out for the best right we're both happy oh I'm happy of course you are you get to play in the water all day you'd be surprised to learn I do a couple other things like work on your tan better than a computer screen tan but if you're happy then good then good cuz I am happy then good I am happy there's nothing like saying it twice to convince me that it's true I'll let you know I love my life good friends the best and how's the app going amazingly and your boyfriend whatever his name is we're actually engaged congratulations where's the ring what no ring goodbye Kai [Music] [Music] hey Dad hey so how was the beach I bumped into Kai again was Safety Harbor always as small nothing makes anything feel as small as trying to avoid your ex so maybe it's time to stop trying to avoid him guys were best friends your entire childhood and I don't know don't you think you could be friends again someday maybe someday but off our interaction not today maybe it's just too much computer time Dad it's work work in life is a delicate Balance honey so did Kai tell you what he's been up to sorry Dad I know we never got to Lemonade but rain check for tomorrow definitely now you go to bed an actual bed please try not to work all night good night bab good night um and honey I am actually happy for you by your engagement I just want to finally meet admin he really wants to meet you too night stay off your [Music] computer [Music] good morning I fixed the Internet what how by unplugging the modem and plugging it back in oh you're a genius and then I realized I forgot some toiletries so I went to town and on my way back I saw a flamingo I missed that just randomly seeing a flamingo in the middle of the road we just stared at each other trying to decide who should pass by first I hope one of you finally put your foot down [Music] Hey Dad how are you affording to stay a float without the in openen yeah you know I've been saving for a rainy day I mean but there have been a lot of rainy days in a row and now um you know I mean I do have funds to spruce up the place a little bit but um really you know what I I don't know I just think it's best that uh honey I'm I'm thinking of selling selling the in you love hosting guests and this is your home our home I know and I also know that you've always said you wanted to get married here like Mom and I and honey if that's something you still want I mean we'll we'll wait to put the in on the market I promise you that well I'll have to talk to Evan about that but whether we decide to get married here or you decide to sell the end still needs to be in shape right so why don't we get started on the spruing up and take it from there okay fixing up the end we need a to-do list a schedule a budget and Dad I know you have money set aside for this but I'd like to contribute okay honey that is very sweet but no we can discuss it later okay what should we do first a fresh Coe of paint new flower boxes Landscaping definitely Furniture you know what we should do first is relax second coughing yes for me you've cleared really had enough we should head to town stop by the hardware store then the flower shop then Ms furniture shop heyy good morning good morning I brought you some oranges for my treat oh thank you you're welcome what do you two up to well by the Precision scheduling I'd say a rocket launch I'll grab your coffee thanks so is it good to be home I mean look at this view but I'm sure you know it well my dad says you're from around here uh yeah I grew up in a little town like this but on the Atlantic side and my whole childhood I dreamt of moving to a big city oh I get that so as soon as I could I left for New York law school then property law then too much work I definitely get that and I kept coming back home so sad when it was time to leave but telling myself that this wasn't the real world this wasn't real life it was a vacation so what happened um I was overworked had my heart broken and missing my family and somewhere in there my definition of real changed so you just gave it all up and moved home it didn't feel like giving anything up but yeah Safety Harbor is special it helped heal my heart you to gol oh thank you yeah yeah uh I've got to get back to the restaurant but come by later yeah abely sound great yeah yeah bye bye does Leah come over every morning no sometimes I go to her place you know read read the paper and do yoga yoga yeah yo what what nothing nothing oh it's Evan oh okay okay want to talk to him I do okay hey Evan guess who's here Evan nice to kind of meet you finally hear you you you too sir sir was not even my father called me Micah and I hope to actually get to meet you in person someday soon I'd like that I'm sorry I didn't get to see you when you were in town a me too uh congratulations thank you I'm going to go get so your dad's happy oh he's over the moon he loves having me here that's great although I meant about our engagement oh he's so happy and actually about the wedding there is lots to discuss about the wedding but I should go we're heading to town okay I'll talk to you later good to talk to you all right [Music] bye when have I had out right there I think I'm going to tell her about the engagement hey up I still can't believe you're back well actually there is a reason why I'm back and I wanted to tell you in person okay I'm getting engaged to the banking golfer Sam it's golfing Banker congratulations congrats we're so happy for you so where's the ring uh it's getting resized oh how are you two how's the planning coming along yeah what's happening incredibly stressful yeah we just lost our venue I'm so sorry to hear we don't know what to do you know how important the festival is not just the business that it brings to town but what it means to everyone okay so how can we help H you can find us a new v short of working miracles how else can we help thanks B we'll figure it out hopefully okay well if you need anything before I leave please let me know Sam thank you all right good to see you all right see you later see [Music] you hey just make yourself comfortable thanks I will so you're getting married right to it I guess I am and how did you two meet through my app oh closer Works wow despite your obvious doubt it does work it matches compatible people in close proximity like me and Evan so you found the love of your life or did you find the love of your zip C the point of closer is that it limits impr practical outcomes like say longdistance relationships exactly you know long-distance relationships aren't all bad The Love Letters the care packages the visits there's a plus side a very impractical plus [Music] side so I guess that's why you're here to plan your wedding at the end why would you think that that was always your dream it was but now my dad's talking about selling the inn and you already knew I know it's been hard for my dad without my mom but running the Inn is who he is and I think if you would just see it filled with people and life [Music] again Kai when are we hit in the water man hey I'm going to run we get the surf soon buddy all right [Music] cheers dad I have an idea why am I afraid to ask what it is you can host the Orchid festival at the Inn it'll be the perfect venue honey I would love to help but the end needs fixing up and the festival is in with 8 days that's enough time to finish I get I I guess it is I mean if I had some help yeah so how about I'll host the festival if you stay and help me dad I can't stay another week and I can't do it alone are you guilting me into staying longer no I'm not guilting you I'm robbing you okay if I stay can we go to the floating Lantern ceremony when was the last time you went um with you and mom so what do you say to St I say that if we're going to get everything done in time we better take our food to go to go it is to go all right let's go so I'm going to stay another week through the Festival which means I get to be here for the floating Lantern ceremony floating Lantern ceremony Safety Harbor has a tradition of floating lanters to celebrate our loved ones living and past that's beautiful it is I used to float a inter every year with my parents but my dad hasn't done it since my mom passed I think it could be good for him that's sweet like I'm happy that you're there but I wish I was too me too I'll talk to you later okay all right bye what you're already at it early bird gets a jump start on the crushing deadline I just finished prepping for painting and I think tomorrow we should go to the flower shop and how do you know how to do all this you and mom taught me a thing or two yeah like how to hire a professional good morning good morning wow you two look busy yeah well I'm here put me to work Leah you're so busy with your restaurant it's not necessary oh but I want to help you can take over from me how about you two work together you can start painting the doors sounds good great yeah want to paint want to roll I think I'll roll I heard you're under construction how can I help thank you but we're fine we love your help you know in fact you could team up with um Alana great great is there something going on between my dad and Leah no they're just friends they'd be a perfect couple why haven't they gotten together I guess because they haven't had Matchmaker Alana around in metal lucky for them now they [Music] do and Kai it's really nice of you to help of course anything for your dad when my parents moved to Vermont he's the only family I have here I can't believe your parents moved to Vermont I know isn't it the law that you have to retire in Florida might as well be hey Alana I know what you're doing you're hoping that hosting the festival will inspire your dad to reopen the Inn I am I just can't imagine him selling the inn and he never say this but he misses it so I want to help however I can thank you there's a ton to do flowers Landscaping Furniture we could divide and conquer or we could work together we used to be friends we can be friends again this should dry before adding another coat so what's next I was going to head to the flower shop start on the Landscaping uh I think the flower shop is closed by now then I should probably get to work closer needs some new code or we could do something fun go kaying when was the last time you went on the water it's been a while uh but I don't think I'm up for it okay what about a walk the pier you can't come home without going to the [Music] pier I feel like it been so wrapped up in the inn and in me I haven't asked about you what's going on are you still making custom kayaks so the last you heard about me was from 8 years ago after the breakup I might have asked for news about Kai blackout but the Embargo is up so you're still making kayaks yeah I am and paddle boards and soon kite surfing boards that's awesome you make those in your garage or um I have a space Oh and you sell them I make a living congratulations I'm happy for you thank you I'm happy for you too got what you always wanted big city a fiance and you have a girlfriend a not really I was seeing someone but didn't work out and to be honest um I'm on your app wait you're on my app mhm and you haven't found the love of your ZIP code yet I guess I'm not as lucky as [Music] you so what's your fiance like he's great he's kind and smart we have a lot of fun together are you madly crazy in love with him do I have to be mad or crazy for it to be a good relationship depends on what you want all I wanted was a love like my parents had and then I thought I had founded with I don't want to be mad or crazy I I just want to be happy but are you happy yes I am being happy doesn't mean that everything is perfect it means that you've decided to look past the imperfections is that saltwater taffy place still open took you long enough to ask I'll race you there I'm not going to race you f you [Music] tell me Renee nothing official but you know my roommate's Best Friend's Brother works at isas Capital well he heard there's a deal in Works a deal what kind of a deal to fun closer going National oh my God that's that's amazing but nothing's official it could all be hearsay even if it is it's the best hearsay ever he's said the CEO loved your story about finding Evan on closer and news of your engagement is only going to help us it's all happening hopefully because as much as I'm sure your roommate's best friend's brother is hearsay is valid nothing's certain yet I should get back to these Renovations I'll talk to you later oh no oh no oh get that I can take it take thank you you're going to save me from my daughter hey how's it going over here it's going we're good yes in fact you know what we're great it's going great cool so Dad did you speak to Mel about the furniture yeah his shop is closed today so I'm going to stop by tomorrow okay perfect in the meantime should we start on the Landscaping why don't we finish up and head to town to the flower shop I'd love to but I've got to get back to the restaurant yeah and Sam and James they want to discuss the festival so I was just going to catch a ride with Leo [Music] hey sorry I'm late I had something to do at work no worries I was just going to head to the flower shop oh I'll come with great I'll get my car keys you know the flower shop delivers back when we were kids stars in our so big running around chasing down every dream now been in our way stealing all the life from the day I haven't felt that feeling in so [Music] long you know I think the last time I rode a bike was with you well remember that time that you swung your leg off the branch and you almost broke your leg Yeah I mean you mean when you dared me to I did I told you not to no you didn't and then a horse fly the size of a golf ball was chasing me around I was rooting for that horse [Music] F good idea having them deliver it's going to be a lot of flowers I was going to talk to your dad about this but I'd like to chip in oh that's generous but not necessary you know the in is my second home I basically grew up there let me help that's really sweet but no these were my mom's favorite she used to grow them she had such a green thumb oh it's not hereditary seems like I only own the house plants that have no will to live my mom used to say orchids are like love they grow easily Blom in most conditions and live forever [Music] here this will look pretty in your [Music] hair sorry excuse me shiny Chrome it's the kayak you got a minute I need to talk shop he sells my kayaks there that's awesome we'll go okay I'll wait for you here all right excuse me what's going on here Kai's just helping me with the renovations for the Inn oh stop we used to be best friends and now we're trying try to be friends again it's cool that Kai is doing what he loves for a living wait he told you yeah of course good for a while I know you didn't want to know anything about him but it started to feel like you were the last person on Earth to know what do you mean Alana Beth you're home and haven't stopped by to see me at the bakery yet oh that's I missed you so [Music] much M I love your keyme pie it's the taste of being home you too were always the cutest that summer that Kai helped me out here he worked so hard to make you a chocolate engagement ring with a in place of a diamond and then you tried eating it instead of wearing it was melting um are [Music] those I've been getting them ready for the floating Landing ceremony are you going to come I want to I'm hoping to float one with my Dad I'm not sure if he's up for it I know but I'm hoping moving that since I'm here we'll [Music] see what nothing it's just it's been a nice day it's been a really nice [Music] day [Music] did your dad book a guest no that's Evan hey surprise what are you doing here well you know I know you wanted me to meet your dad so I thought wow Kai this is Evan my fiance Evan this is Kai my childhood friend nice to meet you Evan same I can't believe you're here I'm here I'm I'm going to get out of here I got a couple things to do okay I'll see you later [Music] I want to apologize I should have asked you for Alana's hand before proposing ah not quite sure where that tradition stands in modern romance uh it's her hand you don't have to ask me if Alana's happy I'm happy because there is no more important decision than who you spend your life with and oh did I get lucky in that department fana's mother was the absolute love of my life the moment we met I knew we just had this crazy connection and I don't even know how to describe it but sorry right I just I go so uh you two met on Alana's app yeah all right so let's bring it back a little bit was it Love at First Sight was it lightning bolts butterflies actually uh it took time our first day we didn't really hit it off no we went golfing and Alana had some thoughts on my swing it was awkward and conversation just there was no way I thought she'd ever go out with me again no Rene name convinced me to go on a second date with him thank you Rene look it it seems like it all worked out and if you do decide to get married here I look forward to hosting here hey what your dad was talking about before if you want to get married here I'm happy to do it thank you but I don't know what I want when I was young it was my dream to get married here like my parents now I'm not so sure why what changed I don't know but there's enough time to discuss the wedding for now let's just enjoy being engaged yeah okay speaking of [Music] it's beautiful so this is where you grew up it's really special it is and I'm remembering that being back this time I'm realizing that as much as I love Chicago it'll never feel like home the way Safety Harbor does I want to visit more and even who knows move back one day move back here Elana we can't live in Florida why not because our lives are in Chicago our jobs are in Chicago what are we supposed to do just sit around watching the sunset we could build lives here that just doesn't seem [Music] realistic hey Evan this is Sam my best friend Sam this is my fiance Evan hi I've heard so much about you welcome to Safety Harbor thanks are you going to be here for the Orchid festival or the lantern ceremony oh I didn't ask how long are you staying oh you know that is work calling which should answer that question excuse me hello yeah no what nothing it's just it's actually happening you're going to get married and I guess somehow always hoped that you'd end up with don't say Kai I have to go back to the shop how's it going great no I don't know I got to I got to go hey dude hey I was just showing Evan around town and then we were going to head back back to the Anar planting oh okay cool I guess you guys have it covered I'm going to go paddle boarding anyway Kai's really into water sports oh Elana used to be really into water sports too really I didn't know that a lot of new things I'm learning about you Evan do you kayak or paddle no uh but I golf mainly with Alana you golf yes golf yes golf it's like kaying for people that don't live by the water but you do live by the water so why don't you go kayaking I told you Lake Michigan's got nothing on the gulf but you're by the gulf now so are you afraid of the water it's okay there are no more alligators the sharks ate them um we're going to go grab a bite at Leah okay see you later [Music] hey just sit wherever you want I'll be right there thank you hey how do you know kai he was my childhood best friend and then we dated in high school and then long distance in college and then what happened after college he moved to Chicago for a year we tried to make it work but it just didn't why not I think time apart had changed us or maybe we only worked here that we broke up and then you created a dating app based on proximity closer has nothing to do with I mean yes a long-distance relationship helped me realize that there are other factors in relationship other than being madly crazy in love like what like practicality like compatibility so have you made a [Music] decision I think I'm going to check in with work for a bit okay we'll see you later hey honey what's wrong a week ago everything seemed perfect between Evan and I and now it's like the engagement has thrown everything off what you know I think you wanted it to be perfect I deal but to me based on what I've seen I think you two are more I like good friends than anything else aren't you supposed to marry your best friend yes you are but you're also supposed to be in love with [Music] them hey hey can we talk [Music] okay this is about Cai this is about us about me I came home and I started thinking about the wedding and love and what I used to want and what I realize I still want Evan in so many ways we are so good together that isn't enough no we deserve to have love I deserve to be in love and so do you and I know you feel it too there's something missing there is something missing but I didn't want to admit it you're my best friend and we'll still be [Music] friends [Music] hey honey how you doing it was the right thing to do right don't you come have a seat just like we used to come [Music] on so growing up I saw you and mom so in love and I wanted to love like that and then I thought I had found it with Kai and it broke my heart and it made me think it was just a fairy tale but it's not it's not a fairy tale maybe it is honey I had it and I lost it you had it and you lost it maybe it's not sustainable not realistic but that doesn't make me want it any less good and that's the hard part I tell myself to be practical [Music] but I still want to love like that I know you do and I'm not asking for a lot just a soulmate to spend the rest of my life with that's all I know you're supposed to stop wanting the thing you want most and then you'll find it that just doesn't make any sense no well you do know the old Dage right the Dage oh yeah you will find the love when you least expect it like when your expance Lees Florida that's an incredibly specific adage whether it's true or not it's hard during heartbreak I know hey hey you will have the love you always wanted how do you know I know Dad's know these things and as for heartbreak what did I always tell you when you're a little girl huh no rain no rainbows that's right get in here love you we got this and now you are going to take the day off right no what as much as a pity party sounds appealing the festival is in for 4 days you're right 4 days so you got no I just need some time and I'll meet you outside 2 minutes by [Music] three hey hey it's me just wanted to check in on you that's sweet thank you I'm just keeping busy well I have some news that might distract I could use some good news Atlas just called and they're in they're sending over a deal they love closer Lov our pitch and loved how I met Evan on the app sorry yes this is great news check your email for the deal they want to get started immediately okay Alana this is everything we've been working for this is amazing I know it is it's amazing I'll talk to you later [Music] bye hey what's going on I have some news uh-oh okay closer going National what oh my gosh I'm so proud of you you're like a you're like my little digital Cupid that's awesome what it's a good thing right I don't I don't know after Evan I don't think I'm qualified to be a Matchmaker okay no Alana look you are amazing Matchmaker you got Sam and Jane you love love right that's not a crime you should give this to Leah it'll look pretty in her hair now even if you weren't qualified to be a Matchmaker which you are still not like you could stop yourself hey Kai hey hey I'm sorry but you know how this town is everyone cares and gossips do you want to talk about it no not not really not even friend to friend friend to friend no but I'm glad to have a friend right now well this all looks really good it does right yeah looks like you're almost done oh are you kidding Mel's delivering the furniture tomorrow which is going to be a huge project and then we start to PR for the festival so what you're saying is right now you have nothing to do no I have a million things to do besides finishing planting these flowers I have 10,000 emails to respond to 100 calls to return code to write I've been ignoring closer ever since I got here it's just well the sun's out water's calm [Music] this is really nice and so light did you make these yeah look at you making kayaks owning your own business just trying to keep up with you you ready actually I [Music] am this is so beautiful the sun on my skin and just taking it slow and feeling so connected I don't get it you love being out on the water so why'd you stop when I first got to Chicago I was out on the water as much as I could be kaying paddle boarding sailing it made me feel connected to Safety Harbor the ocean M and you I was out on the water and it was like you were right there with me feeling you so close that's why I stopped that's why I'll never [Music] stop [Music] today was wonderful and I love your kayak good then keep it I'll ship it to Chicago I've been trying to name it and today helped me come up with the perfect one so it's a gift thank you but you know I don't kayak anymore maybe you'll start again so what's the name of the kayak oh that's a surprise another surprise like maybe one day saying something nice I guess now you have two surprises to wait [Music] for okay here we go what do you about this right here no it has to go over here you got it I got there just got to no the other way Dad not does this go here or does it not go there no no no let me can I just do [Music] one [Music] are you okay yeah I just remember doing this with your mom when we first moved into the inn and you know then again when we remodeled a lot of good memories and a lot of time ahead to make more good memories yeah you know Dad the reason why I didn't come home is because I thought it would be hard but when I got here I realized that if I shut myself down to the hard stuff I'll end up shutting myself down to the good stuff too and I don't want to miss the good stuff no and I don't want you to miss it either you're amazing you have such a big heart and so much love to give and I want you to give it is this going somewhere are we talking about the in yes the in although I respect whatever decision you make I don't want you to sell but this is also about Leah you two would be so good together you are neighbors and compatible that stuff doesn't matter what matters is that you two have that Zing the lightning bolts and butterflies how did you it to be so wonderful genetics obviously on your mom's side yes so Dad yeah is now a good time to ask about the floating Lantern ceremony I'd love to float a lantern for Mom can I get back to you on that or we have so much to plan sure [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey hey Atlas is asking for the contract did you sign it yet I was just looking it over but what if closer doesn't work what do you mean of course it works think of all the success stories we've heard about and Mr next building over sent me Calles this morning they're his favorite your favorite exactly and I'm not saying that liking the same flower makes a soulmates but what I am saying is that just because closer didn't work for you and Evan doesn't mean it doesn't work this isn't about me and Evan it really isn't this is me worried that we're putting an app out there that's telling users love is a combination of compatibility and proximity when it's not Alana I'm not sure where this is coming from and I support whatever you decide to do but I believe in closer and I want to take this deal I'll talk to you later so we're great in here oh yeah right here get matches the couch it's great um okay so this needs to be filled right cool so put the starfish here what's going on Renee and I have been offered funding to take closer National congratulations but not congratulations the problem is closer is matching People based on compatibility but not on love because of course an app can't determine love there's no app for that what if we're getting in love's way and we're about to do it on a national scale I have a feeling you're not but maybe even if your app doesn't bring the right people together fate would still find a way if you believe and love so much then believe it has a way of working itself out even without you [Music] meddling who this place is really coming to life look at that well I think it's time to get ready for what [Music] [Music] welcome I'm so glad everyone could be here you know this is one of our most special traditions we float our lanterns to honor those who mean so much to us not just those whom we remember in our hearts but those that we hold close in our arms let this remind us that our hearts are the light of this world guiding our way so let's share our [Music] [Applause] light [Music] [Music] ready [Music] wait that's your mother's favorite [Music] flower [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] it's been really special spending time with you somehow Safety Harbor always feels a little bit more like home when you're [Music] here [Music] [Music] compliments of Southern fresh I still can't believe you let my dad talk you into that name well when I saw how happy it made him you know that's all I ever want for him to be happy so speaking of my dad yes I've been meaning to ask you do I have your bless in of course you do nothing would make me happier I'm so happy to hear that and what about you and Kai who knows what the future will bring who does know I definitely don't I mean I'm leaving in 2 days how are you feeling about that honestly like I want to stay Leah when you decided to leave your life in New York and come back here how did you know it was going to work out I didn't it's a lot like love you know when you take the leap you don't know what's waiting on the other side you just have to trust what if you can't trust I think you'll know it's the right decision when it feels like you're gaining more than you're giving up [Music] hey Renee hey how's it going just grappling with this contract so talk to me what's going on I've been thinking about closer Non-Stop and I feel like I'm not not sure if I can stand behind it when we first started closer I just had my heart broken by Kai yeah Kai and that affected my perception of love and relationships but being home in the place I love with the people I love and reconnecting with Kai has made me rethink those perceptions and I'm wondering if maybe this is all happening for a reason coming back home and Kai if maybe I'm meant to stay here and you're meant to move on with close sir but you've worked so hard I know and now you're going to give it up for a guy a guy who you've reconnected with for a week a guy who it didn't work out with the first time this isn't about Kai it's about me and closer and wanting to be home about feeling like this is the right choice okay and maybe it is but also maybe you're homesick Maybe just old feelings resurfacing or even the last Light of a Dying torch I'm I'm just trying to be sensible here you've worked so hard and you'd be giving so much up I'll call you back [Music] [Music] hey hey want to go for a walk sure [Music] [Applause] it's been incredible reconnecting with you but I took the atlas deal I'm going back to Chicago in 2 days I know that's all I've been thinking about what are we going to do I don't know the reality is that I'm there and you're here I can go there you can come here we already tried that then let's try it again but it didn't work so you just going to give up on us we have something special I know maybe it's old's feelings for surfacing a vacation romance a fairy [Music] tale well for him being a fantasy it sure feels real to [Music] me [Music] hey huh what happening are we in Paradise or what I still can't believe we pulled this off I know me neither but we did and the end looks amazing it really does you may have your mom's Beauty but you definitely got my sense of style yeah right you know your mom would be so happy and you know honey um I know you hoped that hosting the festival and seeing the in filled with all these people would make me change my mind and you are absolutely right what really you're not selling the Inn no I'm going to reopen oh I'm so happy yes I am going to reopen the inn and now you have to come back soon and be my very first guest no dad I won't be a guest because this is my home always excuse me everyone can we have your attention [Music] please this is so exciting we want to thank everyone for coming and to all of Safety Harbor for your support and putting this on especially Micah and Alana we couldn't have done this without you we'd also like to give a very special thanks to our Festival sponsor the nation's leading water sports equipment manufacturer and safety Harbor's very own Kai Olen kayak [Applause] yeah I came up with that name KY you here you want to come up and say a few words no uh I guess we'll announce it thank you guys again so much for coming and please enjoy the festival Kai owns kayak like the biggest brand there is I thought you knew Sam said Kai told you what he's been doing for work he told me he makes kayaks and paddle boards sounds like he left out a few important details why didn't he tell me you know Kai's humble he started the company when he came back from Chicago and I've heard him in interviews when ask what inspires him he says you I really mess things up with him it's not too late to make it right you might not want that something tells me you would yes come on go find [Music] it now I see where Alana gets her matchmaking Jean who me [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] hi hey what time do you get in tomorrow Atlas just called and wants to have lunch around noon so what perfect but Renee we can discuss with Atlas tomorrow but I want to make changes to closer what closer should really be about is love because that's what really matters connection I like that but how do we execute I'm not sure but we'll figure it out okay I believe in you oh and one more thing we need to discuss with Atlas a satellite office let me guess in Safety Harbor will you come visit you know I will hey I have to go uh my date just got here Mr next building over his name is Daniel I'll see you tomorrow back when we were kids stars in our eyes so big running around chasing down every dream K KN in our way stealing all the life from the day I haven't felt that feeling in so long but something about you just brings it on it it's like K I am so sorry I got scared and I doubted us I I don't know what else to say that's okay because remember I already know everything you'll ever say so what am I going to say now that we're real you know it and you never want us to be apart don't forget I know everything you can ever say so what am I going to say you are going to say I love you I do love you looking for that flicker in your eyes tell me I'm not crazy cuz I've been thinking maybe you're everything I wanted oh so long so long and I finally found the place where I [Music] belong ald L is by L is by L hello L is by L day [Music] light
Channel: Faruk bhai
Views: 153,437
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: OTJTeprDQyw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 82min 17sec (4937 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 06 2024
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