Falling For Vermont 2024 - New Hallmark Movies 2024 - Best Hallmark Romance 2024 - Romantic Holiday

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[Music] yes no I know Brad okay I know Brad I'll be there at 9 sharp oh don't worry the studio sent over a suit for me to wear I guess I trust my fashion sense yes I know what a big deal this is for us no I won't forget the signed movie poster I will see you later okay [Music] bye angel young yes that's me thank you edited the Book Expo yes I'm an author oh great anything I heard of it's a book series called time visitor just turned it into a movie congratulations on all your success thank you so much now all I need is some time in my schedule to enjoy [Music] [Applause] [Music] it h here for you oh I doubt it sorry oh there's my sister I can let myself out okay hey thank you again have a great weekend thanks you too thank you okay sorry I'm late it's okay I'm used to it take this okay ready let's do this yeah when did you get here uh about a half hour ago I had to drop off some books of the TV studio for your interview later and then I just left my car there and took the cab over here have I told you you're a great assistant about a 100 times but you can always say it again oh my god wow you look amazing oh can you believe this I think this suit cost more than my car yeah well you're practically a celebrity these days you got to look the part how's Brad is he in full control freak mode yet yeah but that's nothing new how are you feeling you know I'm I'm I'm a little nervous actually I'm a lot nervous the hype behind the movie is pretty crazy huh yeah I think this is about to be your new normal oh oh I love your costumea is my favorite character in the whole world really what do you like most about her he's Not Afraid of Anything exactly I wish I had her confidence right about now have fun today okay bye okay so uh we're here till 11:00 then at 12: you've got your radio interviews 3:00 you are pre-taping for beown today and then at 6:00 you and Brad are hopping on a flight to La for your big movie premiere tomorrow night gee is that all I really wish you were coming with us to Los Angeles I know but I've got that wedding to go to on Saturday yeah I just can't imagine surviving a red carpet without you I can't do this oh no you don't what I just need some air and some coffee and probably some more sleep promise I'll be right back yeah right you always try to run every time you feel overwhelmed you've been doing it since we were kids come on I'm a writer I didn't sign up for this writing is the hard part this is supposed to be fun oh really you want to trade places not a chance but don't worry I'll be at the back of the theater watching the entire time take me to my happy place take me to my happy place me to my happy [Music] all right little man looks to me like you are going to get to keep those tonsils what do you think of that is that a good thing is he going to be okay doctor he is going to be just fine so his glands are little swollen his throat still in flam but he should be good by next week thank you you're welcome Quinn what do you say to Dr Ken thank you Dr Cowman you're welcome Cowboy whoa look at all that wax in your ear let me get that what thank you you're welcome okay see you later hey guys good morning sweetheart did you guys have fun with Nana this morning yeah it was good we went blueberry picking and then we made pancakes what that sounds like the perfect start to the most perfect day ever what about you Emily what oh sorry yeah it was fun Alex ate like 40 pancakes we're going to go to the book store come on Alex bye Nana bye dear wow do you remember when she us to ask permission to go someplace now she just kind of tells me she's growing up finding her voice before you know it she'll be dating some topics I prefer to keep my head in the sand if that's okay with you Jeff Emily needs someone younger who can relate to her better than I can and more importantly you need someone thank you so much for worrying about me I should probably go check on the kids make sure they're not getting into any trouble down [Music] there oh making yourself comfortable I see what's on the Ken family bestseller list I'm reading Japanese comic book cool Emily how about you the new book in the time visitor series I've told you about it Dad it's about a girl named Athena who can travel through time she's totally amazing wow time traveling teens who comes up with those stuff and the world needed a hero Athena would be that hero go superstorm you got to get us out of here I'm trying but the crystal isn't working well you better figure something know cuz we don't have much [Music] time hey sorry I'm late I got stuck on a call with the film studio you look great look at this the audience is loving the movie yeah I'm kind of freaking out Brad are you kidding me I always said you were going to be a big star and now it is actually happy okay I need boyfriend Brad right now not manager Brad oh come on I just need a little more content for the website okay okay phone's going away phone's going it's just me and you listen you've worked so hard to get to this moment okay all you have to do is go out there and be yourself be funny be Charming be you yeah well I feel a lot more like me if I were behind a laptop in a coffee shop not in front of 400 people on a stage you know what maybe you just need some food to calm the nerves here I got some nuts these are delicious Brett how long have we been dating I'm allergic to nuts what really yes Brad come on my my throat closes up and I just break into hives is not a good luck okay good luck to every no nuts good to know well as you know we have a very special guest for you right now the author of the time visitor books Angela young go get him Slugger she's got this oh wow that is seriously bright please tell me there are no more interviews okay I got a call from Good Morning America and they'd love to have her the Tuesday after the premiere no no no no no candy we got the opening of the time visitor pop-up store in Chicago on Tuesday can they do Wednesday Brett you're you're supposed to be on a flight to Beijing on Thursday for the next Premiere I know we'll make it work she's going to be really jetl hey we can all rest after the movie makes a $100 million okay the better the movie does the more books we spell right hang on I got to grab this go for Brad do you remember when we went canoeing in in Tucket last fall H how are you I wish we could do that again hey I got it why don't we rent a canoe just for a few hours oh I'm sorry honey you go live on Beantown in less than an hour no that's fantastic right okay thanks so much okay the most beautiful season of the year and I get to see it all through the limousine window you guys aren't going to believe this we just closed the deal for three more books what three more books three I mean how could you not tell me this steal was in the work listen I didn't want to bother you the details because I had no idea the deal would close this quickly did you know about this I swear I just found out when you did congratulations am I missing something I thought you'd be excited Brad time visitor was supposed to be a three book series Athena story is over I want to tell new stories I get that but honey your Publishers are giving you a gigantic bonus yes but it's not about the money for me Brad I started writing because I love telling stories that would Inspire young people but now all I do lately is go to meetings about Athena apps and video games and theme parks don't forget the theme parks kidding kidding look I I understand it's it's overwhelming okay but come on this is every author's dream no Brad this is your dream look and how am I even supposed to be inspired to write something new when all I do is go to interviews you want to cup of tea h no I no I don't want a tea I want a break for a week okay just even it for a few days I want to see foliage I want to go apple picking I want to carve a pumpkin it's fall you guys hey I love apple picking too I get it and I understand that you're tired but we have to strike while the iron's hot well that's not the answer I was looking for hi Miss Young we need you on set thank you and listen okay look I am not happy if you're not happy so talk to me what can I do to make you feel better be spontaneous just this once run away with me for the weekend we can go to the berkshares no cell phones no computers what do you say let's do it really sure why [Music] not you don't mean today honey we have the movie premiere in LA tomorrow night we can't miss that right wa we move you from here look I promise you we'll we'll take a trip after the holidays but for now all you have to do is go out there do this one last interview and we are out of here okay you got this you're [Music] great hi hi nice to meet you nice to meet you [Music] too oh thank [Music] you okay everyone 5 minutes to air sorry yeah go for breath oh Jennifer how are you yes very exciting I know okay we are La so we can make that work no no Angela is totally available very [Music] interested right that's great we wanted to talk with the guys over there about merchandising the dolls are great we love them couple little changes yeah just uh some little things but it's all very exciting very much on board the amusement park great idea uhhuh I was thinking about the roller [Music] coaster excuse me I was looking for that woman I saw you with earlier today the one with the blue Pontiac parked in the tollway Zone it's about to get told oh okay no problem it's my sister uh I'm actually headed out to move it right now thank you what I'm sorry what just a second a time travel idea you know have you seen Miss Young we go live in 2 minutes what are you talking about she was sitting on set like a second ago control room Our Guest is Mia we're going to need a pinch hit um what's going on where is Angela she pulled a disappearing act is where she is what Angela an Angela an they need you on set like right this second second I am dialing your [Music] cell wherever she is she's not answering maybe she went out for a walk yeah more like a long drive sorry I just needed time to myself don't worry I'm fine I took Cynthia's car well well Vermont it's nice to see you again I'm Angela I'm an Aries I like Audrey he films and saltwater taffy and talking to myself however I'm not too crazy about this Frame so I'd appreciate it just L off come on ront work with me it's been a beautiful drive up until now wow that's right [Applause] [Music] uh ma'am excuse me ma'am are you okay me I'm hi I'm Kevin gains the town sheriff uh what's your name my name I have no [Music] idea who it's okay take it easy take it easy what happened you were in some sort of accident but you don't need to worry okay I'm I'm a doctor in case the lab code didn't give that away Dr Ken yes how did you know that wait your name it's on your coat yes it is glad to see the cognitive skills are working that's good where am I well you are in Hopedale the fine state of Vermont I've never heard of Hopedale I didn't think so I'm the only doctor here in this small town I figured we would have crossed paths by now listen more importantly can you tell me anything about yourself no it's too bad your name wasn't a Bret on your shirt huh sorry that was a bad joke I just do you have any idea what's going on with me why can't I remember anything well I don't know right now but uh I'm going to guess that judging from the little cut on your head that you've suffered some sort of post-traumatic memory loss now it's okay don't panic okay you didn't have a concussion and the memory loss normally doesn't last that long I I I should have had had a a purse with some sort of ID um a phone you we can go to my my recent call you didn't have a bag or phone when I found you this morning just the clothes you were wearing hello again I'm the sheriff we met earlier yes I I I remember that thank you for your help this morning no problem listen uh if there's anybody out there looking for you Kevin is going to find them just excuse this for a moment I will be back okay I thought was kind of only happened in the movies no it's a real thing all right but as I mentioned to her it shouldn't last that long so you have no idea where she's from unfortunately no no one's been reported missing in the area it's like she just dropped out of the sky into our little town wow guess you got your work cut out for you huh actually you mind have ask her a few more questions you know she's actually been through a lot right let's just leave her for her whatever you say Doc in the meantime I'll go follow missing person support and see what we can find okay I'll see you later hi hi I I I don't understand I know who all these celebrities are but I I can't remember a single detail about my life you are going to be just fine all right your memory will come back soon how long is soon well best case scenario a day or two worst case scenario uh could be a week a week okay don't get upset you're only going to make it worse all right I just need you to relax okay okay so what if what happens next what do I um do I get a cast a sling did you break anything I don't think so okay then no huh tell you what uh the lollipop thanks look I was just going to get you some scrubs that you can change into if you like uh hope the shoes fit it's my nurses I'll leave you with that okay oh actually what should I call you huh I just I was thinking probably give you a name you know oh right uh yeah that makes sense Cheryl that work uh I I I don't really feel like a Cheryl um this is going to be a lot harder than I thought how about how about Elizabeth Elizabeth nice to meet you pleased to meet you too Dr Kellen take your down great not only do I feel strange but now I look strange as well I promise I won't tell my nurse you said that oh right I'm sorry I didn't mean to I'm kidding sorry I was kidding there was a reason I wanted to bring you into town so soon after your injury though the quicker that we can expose you to two images you may recognize the faster your memory will return so what do you think look around what do you see does anything ring a bell uh I see a post office y a gazebo a banner that says fall fast but nothing's ringing a bell okay stop for a sec take a deep breath close your eyes what do you smell I think I smell apple pie cinnamon and a fire burning off in the distance that's that's good does that remind you of anything yeah my mother I don't remember much but I I know she used to bake pies this time of year it's good you feel better yeah a little thanks back hey Jimmy you need a h with that nah this is about as close as I get to the gym these days hey Jimmy Daniels I had shake your hand but I'm afraid these boxes wouldn't survive the fall nice to meet you my name is Elizabeth Elizabeth right uh is this your store sure is Booker's been in my family for over 70 years hey want to come in look around you know what we're just going to head to the diner but we'll come back after ah well feel free to drop by anytime good to meet you Elizabeth nice to meet you everybody seems so friendly around here yeah that's small town living for you hi nice yes can I get you a coffee you're really comfortable around here huh first job I ever had was right here at my parents Diner actually that gazebo you saw earlier that's where they got married host office you saw that's where I found out I got into medical school so yeah you can say I know my way around this place come sit down sit here you can get some food if you want hi honey oh hello make yourselves comfortable Elizabeth these are my parents Bob and Jane this is Elizabeth Hi how are you hi sweetheart so where are you from well actually your son and I are both trying to figure that out right now yeah Elizabeth is having a little trouble with her memory Sheriff Gaines found her walking alone on the highway this morning all by herself and you can't remember anything before that no so were you planning to stay while you're in town oh I hadn't even thought about that is there a is there a hotel or something nearby I'm afraid our hotel is full of tourists this time of year don't be silly you can stay with Jeff she can sure you've got that beautiful guest house that never gets used oh no I wouldn't want to impose on you and on your family it's just Jeff and the kids it's no trouble at all no you know what it's probably not such a bad idea head injury no one keep my eye on you as long as it's not an imposition then sure sorry about this kids were supposed to be here by now oh that's okay not am I waiting hi Dad hey guys where you been fishing on the dock I got four all by myself that's impressive Alex but there not an excuse for being lay right uh dad you do know there's a woman sitting in our truck don't mind him hi I'm Emily do you work with my dad guys this is Elizabeth all right she's uh patient of mine she's going to be staying with us for a little while in our house well she's going to be in the guest house she's having difficult time remembering some things and we are going to help her okay okay so you lost your memory that's incredible well I'll tell you what doesn't feel very incredible right now Emily how was your day pretty good I got picked to write a one act play for Fall Fest it's not a big deal what come on are you kidding me that's a huge deal congrats honey Fall Fest is an all day celebration of the seasons we have it every year to raise money for the kids school it's pretty awesome there's games every kind of food and mash bow and there's a really cool Ferris wheel wow that sounds great favorite day of the Fall Right kids yep and you got picked to put up a play for the entire town yeah but I'm worried since I only have 2 weeks to ride it well I'm sure you'll rise up to the challenge you should come if you're still here for Fall Fest honey it's 12 days from now yeah me as much as I would love to to see her play I'm pretty sure my memory will be back and I'll be home okay it's beautiful out here it's amazing isn't it know I never get tired of watching the seasons change looks like one of those pictures you rip out of a travel magazine and you say I want to go there someday you know it's funny sometimes I wish I would have stayed in the city after my residency and experienced the chaos of it all but then days like this I realize made the right decision wait is this home sweet home I'm going to go empty the dishwasher I'm going to go clean my room okay I thought kids were supposed to hate doing their chores oh don't be fooled they're only doing it to get today's Wi-Fi password I change it every day and give it to them once they finish the chores wow that seems brilliant and disturbing all at the same time come on yeah it's not easy raising two kids on your own so I hope Alex wasn't bothering you with his third degree earlier oh no of course not I mean I'm I'm a strange woman in hospital scrubs I'd be curious too yeah there mom passed away a few years ago so he gets a little overprotective of me yeah of course that makes sense I'm sorry about your wife thanks here let me uh show you around wait hold on a second what is this oh yeah you have a canoe I do used to be my grandfathers unfortunately I've neglected her over the years though I don't understand your kids do their chores when they're supposed to you're property seems meticulously organized and yet you have this amazing 1930 suiv a Model D just sitting here in disrepair how do you know so much about canoes oh you know what I have no idea it's probably a good sign right it is a good sign it'd be a great sign if you could connect to tachel Memories but if you continue to have those your memory will be back in no time okay well at least I'm starting with the really important stuff like old news come on let me show you around okay sorry if it's a little Dusty in here we don't we don't get many guests but no it's lovely thank you I think I can take it from here Dad okay great it's all yours you know you can join us for dinner tonight or you know if you're too tired you could just go to sleep yeah wow he's even weirder than usual it's nice having you here the only other girl that comes over is my Aunt Linda and she always tries to take me shopping for dresses and makeup and I don't really care about that stuff what kind of stuff are you into I love books fiction mostly oh so you must spent a lot of time in that bookstore I saw in town are you kidding it's like one of my favorite places maybe we can go before you leave yeah yeah that would be [Music] great okay that's my C see you in the morning thank you bye [Music] you have almost reached Angela young please leave a message and I will call you back Cynthia that's like the fifth time you tried calling her since she left town a couple days ago aren't you the one who said she'd contact us when she's ready to come home like she always does no you're right I just wanted to make sure she's okay I still can't believe she decided to take a vacation the day before the movie premiere I know Angela That's what she does when she gets stressed out mhm over look on the bright side you can always look forward to attending the sequel in a couple years well I do like the sound of that so where do you think she went this time oh o if I had to guess I'd say she's hiding out at some spa resort on the cape somewhere you know anything to forget her real life for a while well it's a good thing she's got us to keep her real life going are you sure I can't help nope I think I got it all covered here so you go ahead and sit down all right hey Elizabeth would you like to play a game later we have a whole closet of them dad has to go to a town hall meeting so he can't play with us you guys Elizabeth has had a rough couple days so we are going to let her get some rest okay actually you'd be amazed what 10 hours of sleep can do for you okay well that's good to hear all right pancakes this is one of my favorite dishes right Dad isn't this the only dish you know how to cook okay come on you guys I'm sure I'll love it I'm starving can I eat three Elizabeth gets first serving she's Our Guest that's right thank you Emily are you going to wear the same hospital closed the entire time they're called scrubs right Dad yes they are I promise I'm going to get new clothes the minute I get a chance you know something I'd really like to join you to that town hall meeting if if that's okay okay I mean I was thinking you might need a little more rest today though oh any more rest and I'll never get out of that [Music] bed last thing about the pumpkin carving competition we still need volunteers for Reg ation and judging oh sign me up and Bob too I thought we were taking it easy this year Janie when you rest you're R was a real Spitfire you have no idea okay shifting to new business Jeffrey why don't you start yeah thank you uh hey everyone I'm sure most of you have heard by now that we have a new visitor in town I want you to say hello to Elizabeth please hi elizab now she's having some trouble with her memory we hope it's going to come back soon but in the me time Sheriff Gaines and I hoping that everybody here could help us cast a wider net that's right I've been in touch with the other departments from the surrounding area but nothing's come up yet which where you guys come in I have a couple thousand Instagram followers we could post a pick and see if anyone recognizes her that's a great idea Wendy let's do that here Elizabeth let me take a photo oh that's seriously bright are you okay yeah yeah I think so you sit down you know uh maybe that's enough for now okay thanks thanks Wendy skipping Stones I haven't done that since I was a kid well then you're seriously messing up want to try sure yeah o only two bounces huh oh I'm sorry I didn't realize that this was competition ah come on here we go three and one you okay just frustrated nothing I'm doing is helping me bring my memory back you know I was doing some research this morning and apparently some people find it helpful to write down their experiences it helps them kind of jog their memories anyway I uh I brought you this journal thank you you're welcome you know I also just wanted to check your vitals a house call at your actual house I'm impressed just look at me for a sec okay that hurt at all no no okay let me see your hand for a sec give me a rest heart rate is a little fast but that should normalize by morning just going check your eyes here okay okay looks great I mean yeah everything looks good so you just relax enjoy your time and check out again morning K thanks [Music] do don't worry we're going to get you home in the meantime we are happy to have you here sir thank you [Music] what [Music] hi uh sorry I'm late I had to change did I miss breakfast good morning no I left you a plate right there on top of the stove don't worry about being late I'm definitely not a stickler about time right kids yeah right Dad no comment so any luck with your memory this morning uh nope not yet apparently my brain's late too so listen we're going to head into town Emily's going to go to the library to work on her place play and Alex is going to hang out with my parents at the diner do you want to catch a ride in with us it's probably better than hanging around here all day um yeah sure we not bye dad we'll meet you at the diner at 5 okay sounds good you make sure you get Alex tanas right yeah okay okay are you sure you're going to be okay by yourself you're more than welcome to come down hang out at the office if you want uh no thanks I think I'm going to head over to the library and do some more research see what comes to me okay you know just so you know um Kevin the sheriff you met yesterday he's doing all that he can for you as well I know I just I could barely sleep last night thinking that there could be somebody out there looking for me as we speak completely understand then again I could also be a recluse that lives alone somewhere oh I doubt that either way I just I feel like I need to do something okay well good luck and if you need to pick up anything afterwards you can find them on these two blocks you got my office down there thrift store Farmers Market great okay well I'll take it from here okay sounds good yeah oh except uh I don't have any money I'm sorry I swear I'll I'll I'll pay you back you know what don't even worry about it you go thanks hey you never know maybe I'll find out that I'm an aist to a great Fortune I'm going to go out on a limit and say probably not you know know that's true you know what I don't care if you even have a dime at your name I just want to make sure you get home safe Amen to that okay see you later okay bye [Music] hey you're the woman who lost her memory aren't you yeah yes or travels fast around here oh I I actually took your photo at Town Hall oh right hi I'm Wendy I'm I'm Elizabeth is there anything I can do to help oh you're sweet I um I've been online for hours but I think I've officially run out of things to search for yeah how can you search for yourself when you don't even know your name or where you came from yeah exactly I think I just need a little break what are you working on I'm starting College in the fall so I have to fill out all these housing forms online oh that's great yeah what school Emerson for communications the campus is literally in the heart of Boston is Boston everything okay hi yeah yeah yeah I uh I just realized I have to be somewhere good luck with school thanks hey uh do you uh any news on Elizabeth not yet sent her DNA to the lab in Concord but that won be ready for a week doesn't make any sense does it she's been missing 4 days no one's looking for her well it could be a bunch of reasons maybe she lives alone yeah I was thinking about that but then you know what about like family or friends or co-workers well it's anybody's guess at this point let's just give it some time yeah I guess it makes sense I'm just you know trying to figure it out yeah I [Music] noticed hey Emily how's it going not that great I can't seem to figure out how to turn my story into a play for Fall Fest oh well maybe I can help what's it about well it's set in a school and the lead is a popular 13-year-old girl named Aaron who loses a pair of concert tickets for a show that evening in order find the tickets she has no choice but to ask for the help of several classmates who she's never even talked to before she doesn't end up finding the tickets but she does end up with two new best friends I like it so she ends up gaining more than she loses huh well in other words the concert would have only lasted her one night but the friendships could end up lasting her a lifetime oh yes that's it so in order to set up the story you can have a scene where you show Aaron and her popular friends not speaking so kindly about the two students who end up helping her that way we can quickly explain where all the characters stand and at the end I can maybe have a scene where Aaron defends her new friends from the popular ones think you might be a natural at this and who knows you might be a theater teacher in your real life well I'm actually headed to the thrift shop for a new wardrobe so I'm really hoping I'm a fashion designer you want to come with me in case I'm wrong sure that would be fine [Music] uh-huh that's different Emily you're allowed to speak your mind promise you won't hurt my feelings I know but I want you to buy what you like you're the one who's going to be wearing it it's a good point but I still want your opinion what I don't get an opinion hey Dad hey hello Dr Callen are you checking up on us I just finished work at the clinic early was walking by I saw you girls in the window and thought you know since I have such an amazing sense of style yeah right Dad what something tells me you're stretching the truth there Dr Callen maybe just a little well good since you're here we're going to put you to work maybe you can help us decide what my new W job should be great okay look at this how about that Dad are you kidding Elizabeth would never wear something like that yeah Emily's right I don't know what my identity is but it doesn't involve that suit right okay well how about the three of us split up and meet back at the change rooms in like 10 minutes okay sounds like a plan sounds good [Music] good yeah yeah too much uh or actually know maybe it's a little too much oh that's nice but it is pretty shiny yeah I don't think so I think this is it I love it wow it's uh it it looks really good it's it's nice [Music] okay what's for dinner meatloaf from the diner Nana's secret recipe it's not really a secret Dad Nana tells everyone that recipe now right okay well I guess I stand corrected well secret or not smells delicious Alex bud can you turn the TV off for me please oh no worries I got it okay thank you did you guys put the utensils on superstorm you got to get us out of here I'm trying but the crystal isn't working you better figure something out cuz we don't have much [Music] time please just help us once more you okay I am I think I just had a a memory from my real life but I don't know how to connect the dots okay you're putting so much pressure on yourself without realizing that you've been through a trauma so what do I do my suggestion is you stop trying so hard to remember and trust that it will all come back to you you're not just saying that to make me feel better are you you might be a therapist in your real life but I'm a practicing MD in this one now let's just go sit down and enjoy dinner okay okay give me a minute okay thank you hey guys is everything okay yeah everything's fine everything's fine everybody got one here [Music] yeah Alex guess what we did to we went to the thrift store [Music] lucky and what is the arc again it's basically the emotional your journey of your lead character over the course of the play so it's when I take a character from being mean to compassionate by the end of the story yeah that's right you got it this is so helpful good I'm glad hey what are you guys doing up S early hey Dad Elizabeth is helping me with my play for Fall Fest ah she didn't wake you did she no no I was up okay has Prince Alex graced us with his presence yet not yet but I heard him playing video games this morning okay Alex time for breakfast Bud hey are you sure you're okay taking these two cuz I can drive them down drop them off with oh no it's the least I can do well you say that now we wait till you try to get him to do well anything we'll be fine all right well this is my cell phone work number if you need my dad he'll be here within minutes okay this is very professional Dr Kalen you mean annoyingly organized I prefer responsible whatever whatever you you just be good all right okay you know where to reach me okay [Music] okay hey what's up M looks like we have the whole day together what do you want to do okay well you're obviously busy I just came by to see if you wanted to help me out with this secret mission I'm about to start but um we can each do our own thing today if you want what what kind of secret [Music] mission this is a secret project yeah it's a surprise for your dad all she needs is some oil some varnish and a few holes patched sounds like a lot of work to me well it won't be easy but if we work together we can get this done in no time you know what the best part is it's great for fishing really mhm unless you have to get back to your video game nah the game can wait great okay all right go around that [Music] way that sounds terrific so when do you think we can expect a new outline from Angela oh uh I'd say probably within a few weeks great because if the film takes off the demand for the next book will be extraordinary amazing and not to worry Angela knows this is a top priority thank you guys so much for coming in appreciate it thank you thanks good to see you love those glasses amen I trust you that was a pleasure thank you thank you see you later bye bye Brad it's been 4 days without any communication she has never come long without talking to me wait aren't you the one who said stop worrying Brad she just needs some time alone I think we should go to the police Cynthia s calm down she's fine okay and actually we're getting a lot more work done without her I'm sorry but I cannot keep pretending like it's business as usual okay I hear you I I hear you how about this how about if we don't hear anything in the next 48 hours we go to the police but until then let's just assume that she's at a relaxation spa somewhere getting a seaweed wrap or something [Applause] [Music] so I'm curious why did you guys stop using the canoe I remember my dad and mom used to take it out on the L to watch the sunsets maybe it just reminds him of her too much yeah that must have been a really tough time for everybody yeah our Nana and Grandma stayed a lot back then and I remember we made lots of cookies well hopefully the surprise will do the trick yeah yeah he's going to love it well we've been working on it for 3 days he better love it hey any uh new developments and Elizabeth actually I was following up on a missing person's lead out of Tallahassee but turned out to be someone else but for now you and the kids like having her at the house right yeah no she's she's been great this morning she was helping Emily with her play and Alex well Alex hasn't put her in a closet yet so that's a good thing right yeah yeah I'd say that's progress yeah I tell you that man it's crazy ever since she's been staying with us it's like we're just happier than we've been in a long time you know what's so crazy about that that's a good thing I know that's the problem I worry about the kids you know when she eventually has to leave Jeff you and I go way back take my advice don't worry about it so much just enjoy the time you do have with her you're right you're right and besides right she's got some friends and family out there that are looking for her right now and that's a good thing so yeah thanks buddy watch your step this is a little dramatic don't you think are you kidding it's not nearly dramatic enough for what you're about to see okay why do I get the feeling I'm about to walk into the okay we're talking doctor all right keep your eyes closed okay on the count of three don't look one two three surprise [Music] wow it's pretty cool right Dad oh no you don't like it oh I shouldn't have done any of this I'm I'm so sorry no it's it's it's beautiful it's exactly like when my grandfather brought it home for the first time well it turns out I probably know quite quite a bit about canoes in my real life but honestly I could not have done it without Emily and Alex brings back so many memories well maybe it's time for you to make some new ones why don't you take Alex out for her first test drive what do you say Budd you want to do that yeah okay but you got to go next with me okay okay all right should I go get the life jackets do that I'll come with you [Music] thank [Music] you it is beautiful out here huh son yeah oh man I miss being out here that's for sure they look pretty good out there huh yeah they look happy yeah see that Spa right over there uh-huh that's where your uncle Jordan and I got stuck when we were kids what really yeah got in trouble that day I like it here Dad yeah me too [Music] son who you see that fish jump where right [Music] there okay oh this beautiful Emily what does this remind you of the picnic at Fisher Co exactly remember that with the ants all over our sandwiches oh my gosh we ate e cookies for lunch that was the best okay for the record we don't normally get to eat cookies for lunch but it was a last resort oh don't worry I believe you Dr K what's that supposed to mean well you just seem like a predictably by the books kind of guy that's all okay first of all I am not a by the books kind of guy oh really what I can be spontaneous yeah right Dad what I can okay okay why don't you prove it okay I will what now mhm okay um all right you ready for this who dad dad what are you doing where you going no way you're just kidding right what are you doing no way he's just [Music] kidding oh oh go see I must admit the water was a lot colder than I expected well it was worth it just to see the look on the kids' faces it's true you know thank you so much for the canoe I mean that was really incredible it was just really nice to be out in the water today well maybe you should take a little bit more of your own advice now relax a little have more fun all right here give me your phone why because we are going to capture this moment we're not going to think of the past or the future what do you say it's do it okay a it's cute see a nice you know I I I know i' I've said this before but thank you than you again for allowing me into your home I'll never forget this Jeff what it's just you've never called me Jeff before it's always been Dr Kellen oh I'm sorry no no no it's fine it just it took me by surprise but it's it's good I liked [Music] it what are you thinking I don't know you're probably going to think this is crazy but for the first time since the accident maybe I don't want to remember is that weird no I was thinking the same thing [Music] well this is me y oh here let me give you your jacket oh no no you uh you keep it I don't where to find you things again for today Jeff I honestly wouldn't change a thing me neither dad can I grab a snack before bed Alex it's past your bed yeah I'll be right in okay I should probably go yeah of course sleep well you too [Music] hey hi Elizabeth can I talk to you about something yeah sure what's up here's the thing I like you the kids like you that's obvious but first and foremost I'm your doctor you are my patient and as long as that is the case I have a code of ethics that I live by which includes not getting romantically involved with anyone under my care right yeah oh I I I agree 100% good that's great good okay yeah yeah I mean as as we both know I could have a boyfriend or a husband who knows I may even have kids of my own mhm yeah that's that's true well good so it's settled from now on we'll just keep everything very professional yeah just I think that's probably for the best you know yeah yeah so I assume you're going to go to work y I'll uh I'll stay here and I'll I'll help the kids with all Fest yeah good that sounds great all is well so all right cuz tonight's the final rehearsal before the Big Show tomorrow's Emily so excited Emily is so excited we'll go to work yes I'll just go I think that makes makes yeah [Music] okay so what do we do first well we're going to um retrace every single step that you made since the mini you came to school today good luck I can barely remember what I had for lunch I'm sorry would my character even say that Sabrina can you just please stay character I hate to say it but um I was kind of thinking the same thing Emily I didn't do anything so now what we going to do maybe it's not working I don't know you know what why don't we take a little break Emily and I will work on the script and we'll get you a new one tonight okay okay by hey don't worry you still have time to fix this no not really the play is tomorrow what am I even doing I'm going to embarrass myself in front of the entire town no no you're notd you're going to be great you'll see thanks I don't know how I would have done all of this without your help a that's sweet no I'm serious it's important to me that you're going to be here tomorrow to help me get through this okay of course I wouldn't miss it for the world so you say Miss Young has done something like this before yeah a few times but only to unwind and just for like a weekend or so okay so let see I have Angela young 5'7 126 lb green eyes dark brown hair last scene leading on a blue Pontiac October 3rd Tuesday is there anything else we mentioned that she's a very successful author right yester you did several times is there anything else we can do on our end to help no uh just let us get this missing person's report into the system and we'll see what pops up okay and don't worry we're doing everything that we can thank you okay no problem [Music] you always loved this spot I used to say it was magical yeah I remember certainly was for you and Dad he proposed me right over there and since the church was being renovated at the time we thought what better place to have the ceremony then back at the scene of the crime and then you came along and our life was complete you love that story what's on your mind Jeffrey H it's Elizabeth as a doctor of course you know I wanted to get her memory back so she can find her family I do but it maybe it's selfish there's this little part of me that doesn't want her to leave what isn't selfish and you're the most professional person in this town it's from your heart and I haven't heard you speak like this in a long time this wasn't supposed to happen I don't know where these feelings came from well putting aside your concerns as your doctor maybe it's time you shared your feelings with Elizabeth even if she does end up leaving at least she'll know where you stand H and for what it's worth I hope she stays too [Music] are you hard at work or hardly working over here oh neither I'm just writing in my journal hoping that I could trigger a memory or two sounds like it deserve a break well you don't have to ask me twice something smells delicious it's good timing hun I just popped him out of the oven oh gosh these are Heaven mhm the salty caramel are these um are these peans yes absolutely Elizabeth what's wrong I don't know um my throat just feels here have some water call [Music] Jeff Elizabeth she's alive she's awake what happened well you had an allergic reaction to the nuts in my mom's brownies well and it does say they're to die for okay why don't you go up to the house and get ready for the festival with your sister okay see you later Elizabeth I you gave us quit the scare last night how you feeling I'm okay I have a headache and my throat's really itchy yeah that's normal it should be gone [Music] shortly thank you for taking care of me again not a problem part of the job is that all it is no it's not I'll go make some coffee yeah okay got a big day ahead of [Music] us I decided I am going to say something here on stage at the end but do you think a speech is too much no not at all you're the voice of the story and you're pretty adorable but I don't know I might be a little biased dad get over here get over see whole gang is here right what are you doing here so early yeah I thought you couldn't come until after work I don't know guess I thought I'd take the day off work and spend it with my favorite people right besides I got the office 40 my calls so technically I'm still at work H well I guess we'll take what we can get listen I was just about to go help your mom are you going to stick around here for a bit I'm not going anywhere today okay well I'll be right back then okay what are you guys smiling about you what guys's not allowed to smile come on we know Dad you know what what's going on with you and Elizabeth you like her it's totally obvious the way you smile all the time now it's cool Dad we like her too okay listen guys I I know that everybody really likes Elizabeth but you got to remember that you know she's not from here and her memory's going to come back and she's going to have to leave okay you never know yeah you both said she'd be gone by now but here we are almost 2 weeks later at pfest and she's still here okay I just want you to be prepared though okay just in case you worry too much dad trust us everything's going to work out all right get in here yeah hey I thought you'd be up to your eyeballs and pumpkins by now they're still carving trying to enjoy the quiet while I can good for you do you mind if I join you oh of course look at you you've been writing up a storm oh this yeah I know I'm I'm running out of pages I just want to write everything down before I forget well maybe we need to add writer to your list of possible professions yeah I guess anything is possible then again I could also be a a painter a sailor a professional eater tell me about it but no more pecan brownies for you oh no never again but as Alex says they do live up to the reputation it's a pretty special Town Hopedale isn't it it is indeed I couldn't imagine living anywhere else you're not the first person I've heard say that it's true look whatever happens I'm glad you're here sweetheart thank you sorry interrupt but have either of you seen Emily Steve having some trouble hanging up the backdrop and need some direction oh wow that's my cute to girlfri Emily I'll see you later Jam good luck thanks what's good [Music] guys Kevin what's up well we've got a lead buddy I'm down in the Ravine up the 146 about a half mile away where we found Elizabeth some kids were uh hiking found an abandoned car smashed into a tree we ran the plate and it belonged to the sister of a Boston woman who's on the missing person's list looks like it's our girl Jeff wow that's this is great yeah I'll follow up and Boston to get back to you of course yeah that's that sounds good uh Good Work Kevin all right bye hello yes they found the car uh-huh yeah okay uh thank you we're we're on our way what is she okay they only found the car but a woman showed up in the nearby town of Hope Dale Vermont with amnesia 2 weeks earlier grab your stuff Vermont [Music] hey Elizabeth hey you finally came by the store yeah I don't know what took me so long have you seen uh Emily I think she's in the back ah thank you [Music] [Music] time [Music] visitor Angela young grew up in Cape Cod [Music] Massachusetts Angela has always seen Athena as a reflection of herself that's me this is my book Angela young Miss Young we need you on set [Music] I'm Angela young Elizabeth Elizabeth hi hi I uh I've been looking everywhere for you how'd you find me well you you said this was your favorite place what are you reading the time visitor series have you heard of them yeah yeah I think so big movie coming out right I love these books they make me want to become a better writer you are a good writer Emily and you're about to Stage your very first play so why are you hiding in a bookstore The Whole Town's going to be there what if they hate it no look I know you feel vulnerable but you did the very best you could now it's time to share it with everyone what if I forget all my lines oh you're not going to forget your lines this will be an experience for you oh sure then how about we trade places ha not a chance but I will be right there with you the whole time come on let's go [Music] dad what do you think wow it kind of looks like me in the morning doesn't it hey hey um I was look for you is is everything okay yep yep Cris is averted uh H's back on stage now Elizabeth look at my pumpkin what do you think I love it it's great good work hey bud listen uh I just need to talk to Elizabeth uh for a minute would you mind just give us a moment good luck uh listen uh there's something I need to tell you wait hold on wa first you know i' I've been hearing about Fall Fest ever since I got here and uh so far it's living up to my expectations good that's great um wait Jeff you've been my doctor for the past 2 weeks and I've done everything you asked me to do haven't I you have okay well it's my turn now I have something very important to tell you too but I want us to wait let's just have a few hours to ourselves before we say what we need to say hey deal deal okay okay let's go let's go have some fun [Music] okay and we fly far away and I don't want to end I want again nothing else seems to matter when our heart be together oh I want to kiss you again I swear your lips are the Sweet let's get high on the feeling Le the r begin [Music] and I'm in Paradise a place made this has been the most perfect day no matter what happens this is how I want to remember my time here in Hopedale this is how I want to remember you I feel the same have a [Music] seat you know having you here the past couple weeks has been wonderful for the kids but it's also pulled me out of a shell that I've built around myself I'll always be thankful that you came here oh look up you're going to miss the [Applause] surprise wow this just amazing yes I have to tell you something wait hold that thought it's time for ell to play oh we have to go yes [Music] yes if the they were my real friends they would have ditched me I'm glad I met you sorry we didn't end up finding those tiets I think I found something much more [Applause] important in the end Aaron's dilemma would allow her to meet two people that she would end up knowing for the rest of her life she would also Al learn one of life's greatest lessons never judge a book by its Cy thank you all for coming to my first play hopefully it won't be my last play but I also want to thank Elizabeth for all her help I Cann not have done this without her Elizabeth can you please come up here and say a few words I don't think you a [Applause] choice here you go hello hello everyone um I'm not much of a a public speaker but uh but I like to thank all of you for the incredible support you've shown me since I arrived and I especially like to thank Emily and her amazing family for opening your home and your hearts to me I'll never forget you but I have something important to tell you something I just learned about myself earlier today my my memory finally returned and it turns out that my real name is Angela Angela it's me oh we miss you sweetie Angela are you ready to come home yes of course hi [Music] hi everyone uh sorry for interrupting the festivities but my name is Brad Thompson and this is actually my girlfriend Angela young and she's been missing for 2 weeks but we finally found her we'll talk to you lat [Music] hey hey how long did you know just before I met you at the festival I'm sorry it's okay I've known since Sheriff Gaines told me that they found your car earlier this afternoon I guess we both knew that it was going to happen eventually right yeah jefff I never met me neither make sure you say goodbye to the kids before you leave yeah yeah they will maybe name a couple characters after [Music] us you really leaving yes Alex it's time for me to go home [Music] I always wanted to sign copy you [Music] bet take care of your dad for me okay so good to meet you thank you for everything you'll be good you ready yeah all right [Music] this is great we got you we are getting so many interview requests here are you getting this Cynthia yeah my phone is seriously blowing out yeah go for Brad uhhuh yeah no she's back uhhuh tomorrow yeah I think we can do that let me just uh I'm going to transfer you to Cynthia cuz I'm I'm getting another call can you take this yeah yeah yeah hey it's some gu Gail how are you yes no I know she does I think so we can definitely do that I'm just going [Music] hey so you go live in 5 minutes terrific why do I even have to do this interview they don't care about my work all they want to talk about is Vermont exactly best-selling author loses memory after accident it's a great story yeah but I don't want to exploit what happened to me just to sell more books Angela you're a Storyteller you can't leave out the best part of the story look just a couple more interviews okay you promise I promise hey I really missed you you did of course let's do this now Angela we've talked about the books and the movie but we haven't heard about what happened in Vermont well I'm still trying to figure that out myself I mean you lost your memory what was it like after the accident and the Amnesia that followed I was consumed only with figuring out who I was and how to get home but with the help of some very special people in Hope Deale I soon learned to make the most of the experience while it lasted what an extraordinary story any message for the people who helped you I [Music] uh well I um I just hope they realize what an impact they've had on my life [Music] and you were amazing can you believe it they already want you back on the show in a month oh be sure to mention your Twitter handle next time so we can promote the new book we really want those Amazon sales to spike in time show tomorrow Brad what oh uh no problem no problem we can save it all for the Today Show no I'm not doing any more interviews I can't do this anymore got it you need a break we we can finally we can take that trip to bers you could ride from the road I no I can't do this anymore oh I see Brad you are so good at managing my career we have the perfect business relationship but let's be honest you care more about selling books than being my boyfriend Lu and I'll be the the first to admit our relationship it could use some work but overall we make a pretty good team don't we something happened in Vermont I finally figured out who I was and who I truly want to be with and as much as I try to go back to the way things were I just I just can't I'm sorry it's okay I knew something had changed the day we put you up and hope d i I could see it in your eyes I want you to be happy an you deserve it you took me to places I never even dreamed for myself I'll always remember what you did for [Music] me hey promise you one thing don't stop [Music] rating oh Cynthia I don't have time to explain but I need to borrow you a car what again come on it's brand new and we have clearly established that you're not a very good driver I promise I will never ask again okay don't hold me to that you're going back to Vermont aren't you yeah how did you know is that obvious mhm thank you I love you sis I love you too oh hang on give me your arm oh Angel you know just in case thank you bye bye okay toss it path Angela hi Angela hi we thought we'd never see you again I know I'm sorry I left in such a rush so dramatic right like something out of your books ah speaking of I started working on a new series Journey Girl Discovery dedicated to Emily Alex and Jeff who help me find my way that's us yep it's only the first few chapters but I would love for you to give it a read get your thoughts you know write it a writer are you kidding I'm going to read it right now hey kids want ice cream thanks hi hi what are you doing here what are you doing here I thought you got out of work at 600 decided to loosen my schedule when you left you know spend more time doing the things that make me happy yeah me [Music] too saw your interview on TV you did I was awful wasn't I it was good did we really have an impact on you yeah yeah you did look Jeff I didn't know who I was or where I belonged when I first got [Music] here what I do now more about your real life this is my real life [Music] go sit down [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] fore foreign [Music] speech speech forch forign speech foreign [Music] for for spee for speech for spech foreign [Music] foreign foreign [Music] speech foreign speech fore speech [Music] speech speech fore speech fore speech for speech spee for speech spee for [Music] foree foreign speech [Music] speech foreign speech for speech forch [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] fore spech fore speech [Music] fore [Music] for [Music] Fore [Music] for for spee [Music] speech foreign foree [Music] [Music] for [Music] fore [Music] [Music] for for speech for spee [Music] for fore [Music] [Music] foree [Music] [Music] foree for spech Fore [Music] for for [Music] [Music] Z you
Channel: JV TEAM
Views: 5,201
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: NTqbywhJMHI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 95min 34sec (5734 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 13 2024
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