Summer Love 2024 - Best Hallmark Movies 2024 - New Hallmark Romance Movies 2024 - Great Movies

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[Music] [Applause] like the perfect summer [Music] sunet you never know when you're making a memory that's a quote from one of my favorite philosophers miss Ricky Lee Jones Ricky Lee who singer songwriter slightly before your time but she's right got to pay attention or your life can just pass you [Music] by kind of like this scenery it's about 100 times more interesting than anything on your phone how do you do that put it away sweetheart but there's no devices at Camp all summer I mean just think about all the wonderful adventures you're going to have I'm trying not to think about that oh Addison you're not going to cry are you cry you're going to cry yeah now remember I'll be in my internship program in the day but you can always get a hold of me if you need to I know Mom I wonder if I'll have Mor code very funny [Music] [Music] [Music] mom yeah is everything all right yes yes my girl I'm fine sometimes I just can't help but think about all the things you missed out on you know since your dad's mom you're an awesome mother and a great dad too come here I'm going to miss you so much all right let's see what we got I signed you up for cadle boats horseback riding archery hiking did you have to yes aome you're in Caden 12 um Mrs sway the office just needs to know if you want to pay your remaining balance now or when you pick out is up I'll do that when I pick her up we are on the extended payment plan of course okay then let me know if you need anything Addison how about a ride back to civilization you're funny you should sign up for comedy night right one more thing seriously yes there's no email and you have to record those memories somehow welcome campers please report to the lodge for orientation and your safety briefing I guess that's me just know you're going have a wonderful Adventure this summer okay if I survive [Music] I love you right [Music] [Applause] [Music] me Bill b PR medium Pizza when you order a large that's more like [Music] it students work is never done [Music] cannot believe I'm doing homework again at my age [Music] [Music] excuse me ma'am I'm sorry not even no and I've already been mmed do everyone have an internship assignment mhm now these are your most important assignments for the year so I want everyone to focus yes sorry I'm late what was it this time another spelunking crisis no I don't think those kids will ever go in a cave again certainly have stories Maya two weeks ago your rigging got caught in a rock wall wasn't fun I hung upside down for almost 2 hours and today traffic as I was saying these internships count for half your mark you must get the HR department to sign off no signature no internship no internship no class credit no Class Credit well you can see where this is going and it is a trail of Broken Dreams Kismet group seriously Maya yeah why her why wait why not me do you even know what it is no it's the parent tech company of talker oh talker yes that is that social app that everyone is using Elanor yeah I think that maybe one of these kids might be a better fit you all need to learn what you're capable of that will happen at Kismet unless tragically it doesn't she has no idea what she's getting into it's a total stress inducer and what if she has heart failure or something cuz she's old I'm 35 not 95 and I'm very physically fit it's just they're really Hightech there and you're not Hightech no friends non taken and everyone there is really young and smart and cool no offense little offended Chloe please K is tough and they're hard on their interns but if they like you you're hired you're golden well not you but somebody who's right for it no offense do you know what no offense means any questions great let's get [Music] started that's amazing so you know K well no but you said it was amazing and I'm just feeding off your excitement it's more terror than excitement but I can see how they' look the same you know oh up slip website click on the video oh my gosh I know right everyone is so young how am I ever going to fit in there well you could borrow some of Addison's clothes not a bad idea no you know what come on you are totally going to fit in there you are going to do great I just feel like I haven't even really worked in so long I mean except for here and this is mostly just us playing with a climbing equipment and ordering sushi so yeah I think I think we're good we're good listen you have summoned Whitney with nothing more than good rope and a positive attitude I did I did do that you did and you got everything you need you're going to nail this yeah you went from Adventurer to accountant [Music] [Music] [Music] hi hey there I came here for the internship if you need an intern you're going to have to go through HR I am the intern you know what I love about that is that I've only worked here for like a minute and I already have seniority over you that's great follow me [Music] does anyone here Tosh this is the cafeteria everything's organic artisanal gluten-free paleo looks just like real food it's funny just hang out here they'll come get you for [Music] orientation hi I'm Maya hey Josh Webb Dev and ey hey Ricky UI ux I'm Kayla I'm in marketing nice talk well thank you I understand everything you just said oh accounting intern this place is to huh aren't you a little mature to be an intern Define mature hi guys I'm paully I'm covering orientation first let me start by saying how super lucky you all are to be here some of you will be jumping into different departments some of you will be assigned you might be working with project managers getting lattes making dinner reservations Maya Solway you're in accounting with Colin r CFO I hear you sta yeah real control freak up the stairs through the glass doors there's a retinal scanner Josh Moss yeah social media Kayla Nelson marketing great that's it for now [Music] [Music] [Music] maybe try going left a little it's just not I don't I'll get it okay now back little a little closer it's just not working maybe because it's the key card reader you were messing with me yes I was retinal scanners over there I thought that was therad that happens to the best of us it's never happened before has it no shall we so you're new here I'm a inter intern for the CFO oh I wouldn't have guessed right cuz I'm mature but hey you get it you're older than me no maybe I was going to say because you seem more professional than most interns thank you I hear the person I'm working for is a real control free really cuz I hear he's very good at opening doors you're the CFO I am indeed he after you shall we thank you mhm I'm Maya sway I'm calling Fitz Joe very nice to meet you even if it was a bit unusual I get that please what I would say if I could start over is that I'm very grateful for this opportunity and I think it's going to be a lot of fun well that depends on your definition of fun we do have a lot of uh account balances spreadsheets payroll it's actually kind of boring well I don't mind boring and I'm as good at spread cheese as anyone are you the Mary Poppins of accounting well considering the age of some of your employees I think that might come in handy hey man check this out this was flown in from an exclusive Resort in Thailand all right Black Ivory coffee their specialty blend is from beings that have been digested and then naturally refined By Thai elephants elephant D coffee it's bad when you say it that way how is [Music] it I can barely drink stuff sorry Maya this is our CEO and sometime coffee prepar will Martin will this is Maya suway my new intern hi intern really why Class Credit you're still in school not for 16 straight years I did take some time off oh I get it it's cool take your own path right I mean take me for instance I dropped out of three different colleges and now I have five honorary degrees and here I am just trying to get one real degree I did not mean that the way it sounded never apologize for speaking the truth [Music] well this has been fun some of us have some work to do so that sounds boring I'm going to show Maya a few things come on um is that okay sorry I don't um I'm not sure I [Music] don't after a couple years of meetings we got our first major investor and then things started taking off we built Kismet in 9 months it cost a fortune but we we were growing so fast had no choice this place is amazing yeah it's pretty spectacular these steps are kind of tricky here I don't know how you have time to give your interns this tour oh I don't usually I just do it for the ones that I know appreciate it look my I don't really know you but you seem to have that get it Factor what does that mean you see things differently because of your experience you mean my age legally I'm not allowed to ask I don't care than so what do you think I think it's a great empty lot it's my favorite spot on campus because because it has potential see that's the key Maya seeing value in things before anyone else does so what do you see Ducks yeah I want to make a duck pond where people come and sit and reflect ducks are good yeah they are I like that you get that [Music] we should probably head out of here so thank you again for the tour but do you think you could just tell me where Colin's office is I should probably get back oh I did uh Colin's office is right down that hallway and this is where you live Maya oh whoa you are will Martin yes I am what's shaking everybody we were just talking about pitchfest what's that oh it's just a little contest we have every year anyone and everyone is encouraged to participate best new app wins it's a big deal like really big winning can set you up for life I got to take this but I'm looking forward to hearing everyone's pictures especially yours [Music] Maya I am soing over head so then not only did I insult the CFO I managed to disparage the CEO's honorary degrees and I'm pretty certain I alienated the rest of the intern pool wow that's all on the first day pretty epic right at least will was really nice will as in will Martin yeah the CEO guy so much nicer than I thought that he would be what you're crushing I am not whenever you get all formal and you stop using contractions I know something is up I do not know what you are talking about yeah sure okay so what did will do that makes him so nice he took me on a tour of the Kismet campus showed me all of his favorite spots just the two of you yes you really have no radar what for I mean really I was born I grew up I went to college I dropped out of college I met Nate I married Nate no radar needed well maybe it's time for you to get back out there out out there there oh no no I have no interest in going there I have school to finish a career to begin a daughter to raise absolutely not I do not have time for a relationship Maya honey I know Nate is a hard act to follow he was a Bonafide hero for saving those climbers he was but maybe there's someone else out there who's right for you too I think you're right really so you'll consider it getting back out there no that need a hard act to follow you leave me [Music] oh you're still working there's barbecue outside I'll be there soon I just want to get through a little more of this first [Music] [Music] yo team what's up we're getting closer and closer to launching talker 2.0 and I've been getting a lot of questions lately that pertain to whether or not talker can maintain its stronghold in the market and I am here to say yes we can yes we can in a few short weeks we're going to have pitchfest now every single employee including the interns are encouraged to participate the winner gets a 10K bonus and a 20% equity in the new Enterprise so keep those ideas coming [Applause] so are you going to throw your hat in the ring for pitchfest me uh no not really my thing well you never know where the next great idea will come from I'm studying accounting so unless I can come up with a new way to do math I don't think it's going to be for me well who says a accountants can't be created the IRS right sorry I have to take this it's the best barbecue in the country I had it flown in from Texas so you're saying pigs do fly [Music] is it too extravagant it is expensive that's from aume to be accountant's point of view she's working overtime she sure is that wasn't a compliment Ricky see I don't get Nuance about that first day that private tour with will yeah and what is it with that whole sweet dyed outdoorsy bit she's probably a lot more shrewed than she lets on Hey listen uh don't be upset with me but I looked your personnel file it's your company I didn't realize you were married to Nate all way you knew him I knew of them he's a great climber I'm actually a climber as well you and I have a lot in common we should maybe go to dinner tonight that was a leap sorry yeah sometimes my brain does that but what do you say dinner uh I appreciate it but no why not well um for one I am an intern at your company so aren't there rules about that my company my rules and who says it has to be a date it could just be me taking a promising colleague for dinner even though you just elevated me from intern to colleague I'm afraid it's still in [Music] now you don't get turned down very often do you it's a new experience for [Music] me something I'll have to get used to though I suppose [Music] [Music] [Music] hi you guys listen I think that you have the wrong idea about me and I would just like to clear the air mean about you hanging out with Will yes I am not kissing up to our boss I have no intention of entering this pitch Fest and I'm not your competition never really thought you were thank you goes against boy [Music] absolutely all right hey bar wait [Music] up yes Maya hey Polly look uh I'm out by the sculpture garden and I cannot find Building C I need to bring some more files to Colin take a left at the fitness center and go past the juice trucks got it the investors are breathing down our necks what am I supposed to tell them we just stole them like you did with talker okay that was then and that was further along in its development programming says they still need 6 months I am working as fast as I can yes you're throwing great barbecues and chasing interns look I need a working version of 2.0 now or I need the next great will Martin idea you don't understand you're not the creative here there is a process it takes time it comes when it comes well if we don't deliver something new as promised then we will lose the financing and then this whole thing is sunk so you Maya hi how long have you been standing there not long did you hear anything not really no a little the last part but I have no idea what you guys are fight uh talking about okay well what you did not hear you can't discuss with anyone of course I would never I mean it's fine you did sign a confidentiality agreement when you started I think so although that first day I think I did try to activate a card reader with my eyeballs so I'm just going to give these okay bye thanks do you think she's going to tell anyone no I trust her well [Applause] [Music] [Music] yeah hey oh hey Josh just chilling trying to long day today yeah you look like you just run a marathon and lost yeah Colin had me running errands all over the campus and then I went on the Kismet tram and then all the way back into the city I just wish that there was some magical app that could help me run errands there are lots of them actually Aaron rabbit will hire someone for you and that's great until you are in fact the rabbit wish that I had something that was more than a map something that could show you when the stores open there peek out hours where to park the fastest foot paths based on foot traffic pathes exactly just mash it all together what's the upside saving time I mean if I had run those errands in a different order I probably could have saved an hour just today every day huh cool idea thank you [Music] Josh hey Colin your USB um yes no but I I don't think that I have it I'll check of course see I do have it yes I am so sorry I must have picked it up when I was packing up to go uh if you text me your address I can bring it to your house though okay I'll see you soon bye see you have fun [Music] I am so sorry I don't even remember picking this up they should make these a little bigger I will look into that you know I could have brought it to your house you did I live here you live on a boat I do it's right over there actually do you mind coming down with me for a minute I just need to check this on my laptop sure come on thank you for bringing this I have bunch of work I need to finish up tonight doesn't sound like much fun well it's not but that's my life as a CFO what do you do for fun uh hang out with my daughter study read textbooks till I fall asleep you know I never would have pegged you as the kind of guy who lives on a boat oh what did you have me pegged as maybe just a slightly squarer Peg well I should probably work on that and here we are you have a custom Jefferson how is it you know about sail bugs my late husband but that's another story I'm sorry it's okay he would have loved [Music] this so how long have you had her ever since I've been a kisman it was the first thing I bought after talker hit been restoring her ever since well you did a beautiful job did you grow up around Bo nope not at all landlocked in the midwest I had a single mom she got me hooked on reading and bought me all the Horatio Hornblower books then after I read them all I ever wanted was to own a boat sail the world did you not yet I haven't found the time or the right person I thought I did once [Music] that was wrong well don't give up it's an amazing boat I'm sure you're going to make a lot of great memories on [Music] it I should go right I didn't mean to keep you um kidding me so and thanks thanks again thank you not every day you get to see a boat like this [Music] dear Mom mom I think this is the first and last time I will ever be going to Camp the bugs are gigantic there was a lizard in my bed and the frogs keep me up all night I can't wait to come home and start making other memories these I'd like to forget your loving and miserable daughter Addison [Music] [Music] you sure you're still not mad at me we're good as long as you stick to your promise and focus on 2.0 I will right after the game isn't a tennis court the other way it is I'm just making a quick stop first won't take long I'm just glad that this internship is only 6 weeks because otherwise I would really be broke well I can lend you some money or in advance whatever you want to call it you're already overpaying me for part-time work but I appreciate the offer well you know you you never know when uh Prince Charming is going to waltz through the door and come to the rescue more in the market for like a very godmother maybe a genie hello ladies what are we doing here as you can see my friend and I are on our way to play some tennis but we realize that we are in need of some tennis balls no we are not we have a trunk full of them good cuz we don't sell them uh can I interest you gentlemen in a climbing harness or a carabiner cuz they're they're on special this week I'm sure my friend would love to see them great um ah just over here hi Hi H listen I just wanted to come here and apologize for putting you in an awkward situation when I asked you out at work the other day thank you um this isn't awkward for you no of course not we're surrounded by friends which is why I felt like I should come here and ask you again why me I have a feeling about you you're genuine go for it Maya break out of your comfort zone maybe she likes her comfort zone whose side are you want what do you say Maya I mean we can do whatever you want we can just have dinner or we could go for a hike or rock climb or kayak or paddle boarding rock climbing let's just go rock climbing not as a date just as to people who like to climb rocks at the same time I'll take that how's tomorrow tomorrow's great it's a date a n [Music] mate you had a feeling worked didn't it so still don't believe in Prince Charming huh taada [Music] yeah all set absolutely so you're not intimidated about climbing with the boss are you um should I [Music] be all right [Music] [Music] how are you not doing this professionally it's insane [Music] [Music] are you there yeah I'm here is it too [Laughter] much it's perfect but it takes weeks to scale Everest well not if you a helicopter to second base camp but that's cheating you are tough and I love it first you kill me at rock climbing and then I try to impress you by subtly dropping that I scaled Everest and you won't cut me any slack well I am impressed by all of this well I'm glad to see that I'm making some progress do you always work this hard only when it's worth it [Music] [Applause] [Music] this is some view we should appreciate it while we still can why because of global warming or something no um developers are going to make it into condos golf courses can't say that I'm surprised what's just wrong on so many levels well sometimes you can't stop progress can't fight it I volunteer with a Conservancy group and we are trying to stop the building you never know sometimes the good cence well if they're on your side I'd say their chances are [Music] [Music] good Maya check this out uh Josh has been working on a new app and it's uh it's pretty cool oh well that's pretty what is it uh you try to get the ball through the Maze Before the Penguins burst into flames oh I love penguins yeah just play around with it swie okay all right are the penguin supposed to burst into flames that fast yeah okay but it's a perfect user interface okay well I am a user and I am interfacing it with my face and I don't get it Ma what's your take I um you know I like it yeah why well I'm not sure yet but you know uh oh there goes another penguin do you mind yeah it's a start but it's far from perfect I would try to widen your audience [Music] appeal he didn't hate [Music] it that's good that's good yeah um well hi listen I I didn't mean to show down something that the other interns have been working on oh no it's a good catch all right look the kid can be as enthusiastic as he wants but simply put the the idea is not ready maybe you could have been nicer about it no absolutely not trust me he's going to have to learn from this if he wants to survive in the tech world that's just a [Music] fact all right guys keep it moving if you're not sweating you're not working make sure to maintain eye contact you pass that ball back and forth you're doing great all right bring it in now that we got the blood flowing what do you say we toss down now the one rule of team building is you have to start every question with what if uh I have an idea for an app better not be Penguins no what if you had an online planner Josh I hate to burst your bubble but unless it has magical powers I'm pretty sure we covered that in 2007 no no magical powers anything else Josh we're all yours uh there is one more idea I started kicking around but it's it's not fully baked half bake's okay for me uh what if you had an app that would help you run errands more efficiently throughout the city there are tons of those already this one would have GPS of course but it would aggregate neighborhood Maps reviews of each Place uh parking spaces foot traffic patterns in real time it Maps out multiple locations and puts them in order for you Sean my man is this doable uh sure a couple of coding revisions the algorithm of looking for the map um might take a little bit value proposition target audience it could save you 2 hours per trip and it would be used by Moms new parents Shoppers a great idea Josh I want you meeting with the programmers you're going to be project manager of this starting Monday awesome yeah that's how we do it around here great work all right let's get back at it right let's hey over here so humor me I'm wondering how a guy in his 20s from Queen Anne Hill who's never lifted a finger in his life comes up with a app to help struggling single moms run errand TV the internet good imagination no Josh's other ideas so far have been an AP to find hip bars an app to find single bars and an app to find hip Singles bars I understand what you're saying and I saw your face during this pitch Josh can you come here for a sec what's up uh that was a great pitch just something I've been kicking around anything else you wanted to add no just that's it Maya yeah actually I would love to add something Josh I was really upset so I wish that I'd come up with it myself what really it's a smart idea when we were talking the other day you would just come in I it's a smart idea got it thanks anything else that was nice what you did hopefully he learns his lesson don't know what you're talking about you are both terrible Liars why did you have a because a good leader is supposed to know which idea is worth fighting for and which person is worth fighting for I think you're great at that wasn't talking about me I mean thank you of course but I'm just an inter no you shouldn't sell yourself [Music] short um hey Maya would you get my text we still for tomorrow at noon yes yes we are still not a date that's fine with me and whatever you want to do is it's great so Colin yep not today yeah of course no problem [Music] so yeah you made it to the halfway mark how's the internship going it's a lot more like one of those reality shows where people will do absolutely anything to win I've just never been in such an intensely competitive environment yeah you're still standing yeah thanks to Coffee sensible shoes little more coffee there's just a lot to take in you know and um I'm not sure it's really a good fit Maya these internships were assigned to address your weaknesses not play to your strengths I know you've been dealt much tougher hands than this well sure I I don't say this is your professor or your advisor but as your friend come [Music] [Music] oh wow I love wild flowers how did you know I didn't they're not from me oh who's my competition no competition um they're from Colin strictly business is he apologizing for working you too hard something like that well he has a reputation for being tough on his interns I'll just get my sh [Music] [Music] I guess I should have asked about the dress code I thought I said casual yeah I think you my brunch casual are you okay with this anything for a good cause thanks for being a good sport sure but one day I'd love to see what your idea of a real date is hey perfect thank you so [Music] much hello hi Mom sweetie hi is everything okay okay yeah great so happy to hear from you but I thought that they didn't allow cell phones at Camp they don't I'm using this thing called a landline a retro have you made any other new exciting discoveries I like horses I'm actually a pretty good Rider my very own Andy Oak who you can look her up when you get your cell phone back hey how Shantel and how's the intern thing good and pretty good I miss you a lot I miss you too did you get the postcards I sent you can't ignore the first twoo hey everyone oh Mom I got to go okay they're calling me for archery I love you bye uh Maya Solway that's me these are for you [Music] yes well you'll be able to format the spreadsheet with the program has sent you mhm I got to go thank you for the flowers they're beautiful very large but beautiful yesterday was a blast and besides what's a few wild flowers after planting a dozen trees so did I pass the audition I mean two non dates that went pretty well should transition to one real date don't you think I do you do I I did not see that coming glad I could surprise you for once [Music] okay thanks for staying through lunch you know I could get in trouble for not giving you a break promise not to rat you out I appreciate that I'll even let you go home early for your loyalty I really don't mind the work you like it that much it's better than going home to an empty house my daughter's away at camp so it's pretty lonely at home is that why you're usually the first one here in the morning the last one to leave well that's not the whole story I might not be quite as tech savvy some of the other interns all of the other interns but that doesn't mean that I wouldn't love a shot at getting a job here full-time one day well it's it's not just about being techsavvy I mean anyone can learn those skills in a computer class you it's about thinking outside the box taking risks I'm more into just creating some stability right now is that why you chose accounting well that and I've always longed to push numbers in complete obscurity and the real story always been good at math figured it would be good steady work oh it is do you have any Big Dreams well yeah well I guess I used to I used to dream of homeschooling my daughter taking her all around the world to places where I felt like we could really do some good that doesn't sound so crazy yeah I mean you need money to do that kind of thing I think the bigger problem is that I'm just running all over the place you know I'm effectively working two jobs finishing school raising my daughter running a household trying to volunteer there's just not enough hours in the day I think a lot of people would agree with you on that one but you're right sometimes I think if I counted the number of steps I took in any given day and and I did one time my friends bought me a pedometer when I climbed Mount Whitney and um [Music] M are you okay yes I'm fine would you mind if I took you up on your offer to let me leave a little early today yes no I mean I don't I don't mind great thank you I'll see you tomorrow [Music] Maya mhm hey I would have got here sooner but it's inventory today so what's up an app uh okay explain I have an idea for one I really think I could be on to something I'm calling it steps for good I like it okay so what's it do it counts every single one of your footsteps when you run hike climb from potentially millions of people then it takes all that data puts them into a server and then we use those numbers to raise money for charity how we get foundations to donate for every single step that you take maybe a cent half a cent quarter of a cent doesn't matter because it really adds up look at this if you hiked the Pacific Crest Trail you would raise over $144,000 Maya this looks amazing I've run all these projections it looks really good but I think maybe I should get a professional opinion well I could ask I don't know the guy who created talker Colin's more of the numbers guy okay well then take it to him but he might think I'm trying to leverage my position then we're back with Will let's see so our target audience is anyone who wants to run climb or hike and also raise some money for charity well doing what they love it's a revenue model if we sell the app at $2 well um I'll just show you look at that if we price the app at $2 I then you'll see at three it takes [Music] off so do you think it could be worth submitting to pitchfest because I I wasn't going to but if you thought that no I wouldn't submit it you're right it's not ready I probably too ambitious and I don't know what I'm doing sorry I wasted your time stop breathe I wouldn't submit it because you need to keep this to yourself not because it's bad because it's good it's good it's great there's two reasons this can work one the idea is solid and two the creator of the app is passionate about it I am I am passionate about it you submit it to the competition then the company will own the idea you'll lose control you'll make a sliver of the profits I didn't know that if you develop the idea yourself then you come back and sell it to us protect yourself and your participation in fact I'd like to ask for first R of refusal are you just saying this to be nice no no I I believe in you you should believe in yourself too it's always been kind of tough for me I don't understand that you're one of the most amazing people I know I mean look develop the app uh make a demo hire a lawyer come back and we'll buy it at fair market value and this conversation never happened of course no one needs to know anything till you're ready of course you know I'm not used to anyone looking out for me it's been a long time since someone did so thank you you deserve it [Music] thanks [Music] [Applause] [Music] col let's see what you got what mind if I join you guys yes no no I'm confused used aren't we mad at her because of the Penguin game no Maya could have thrown me under the bus in front of Colin back there and she didn't you know that app I pitched about running errands my as idea I was tanking in front of the great will Martin I was desperate so I borrowed her idea that that was yours water under the bridge so I can like her again yes Ricky so I have a proposition for you guys I have an idea for an but I need help with programming coding and marketing well why don't you just pitch it at pitchfest because if we do and it wins then Kismet will own it and I just think that this idea is too good so if we collaborate we could all be Equity Partners collaborating instead of competing that is insane for this world sounds Tope what is toing totally dope that means good so what's your idea okay here it is [Music] so it's it's cool tracking the data in real time will be tricky but I think I can figure that out it has to be intuitive so anyone can use it right right marketing it will be interesting but kind of markets itself I could mean working nights and weekends oh I'm I'm good with that I mean my parents might actually believe I have a social life cheers [Music] serious good one you like him monster out there here is something bothering you I'll tell you but I don't think it'll make a difference one way or the other if this is about 2.0 I told you I'm handling it it's not about work it's about Maya what about Maya she's great funny we have a good time she true of every other girl you leave in your wake am iwake we both know how this goes you swoop in sweep them off their feet and it's great while it lasts and it usually lasts what 2 3 weeks and some women they're fine with that but I think you're you're totally wrong about Maya I'm sorry I'm just trying to remember when I asked you for relationship advice oh wait never she's my intern so I think I have every right to be concerned are you sure she's not more than just an intern to you I mean I've seen the way you look at her and you sound more jealous than concerned I just don't want to see her get hurt well why don't you stick to what you do best accounting and stay out of my personal life okay you guys have everything you need think so all right let's do this feeling good in my brand new shoes happy day feeling good stepping to the beat sunshine on my face I can't help but feel this way baby don't ever want to change no I won't change I'm feeling good blue SK on my mind [Music] my everything it's ready Maya you want to give it a try are you feeling good feeling good feeling good in these brand new clothes a new haircut guys we have our prototype steps for good is [Music] real so what' I say best burgers in town or what amazing I cannot believe I've never been here before Colin and I actually discovered this place when we were first developing talker and we come here and just get burgers and brainstorm I was going to ask how you guys got together oh yeah we were introduced uh to each other through this hedge fun guy that we both knew yeah we've been a pretty good team ever since up until recently I like Colin I mean he's a really good boss and it's just kind of tough when you don't see the whole picture though I mean don't get me wrong Colin is pretty much a great guy it's just I don't think he really gets the way that I work and how I kind of operate he's just so wrapped up in the numbers and trying to build this company that I don't think he really cares about anything oh uh yes yes I'm yes um I'll be right [Music] [Music] no um should start with the side [Music] wow I'm so clumsy should we get you another one no let's not push our luck so pitchfest are you pitching anything me no it's too bad good to see you [Music] hi hey everyone like to uh thank you for all joining us here at our annual summer pitch Fest [Applause] why so glum call it's a beautiful day and this is a beautiful crowd for someone who's about to announce that we have nothing you seem awfully sure of yourself who says that we have nothing and without any further Ado like to introduce our fearless leader will Martin [Applause] all right psych to be here talker launched a new way for people to connect and now we're taking it to the next level with its latest version almost ready for launch when already come on how much longer what's up with that yeah to be honest I may have jumped the gun on that a little I was cautioned not to set expectations too high but I thought we could deliver the truth is it's not ready yet but hang on hang on who says we don't have something else in store now our most recent offering is much closer to being launched but it's a bit of a departure for us the idea was created in our internal incubator and quite frankly I didn't realize its full potential until if a few days ago we can do good and well at the same time the program is called steps for [Applause] good Maya our target market is outdoor enthusiasts the algorithm calculates the amount of steps taken on a run or hike [Music] and then matches it with your charity of choice dollar for dollar step for step we all love earnings but we also love giving something back to those who are in need so without further Ado I'd like to call onto the stage one of our very own summer interns the creator of the app Maya suway Maya get on up here Maya Maya's just finding out that she won now we wanted it to be a surprise for her Maya what are you doing we're celebrating a good idea just smile say thank you that's all you need to do so I have one more announcement in conjunction with the release of the new app I've recently purchased 1,000 acres of forested land that was in danger of being scooped up by developers I've donated the acre to the Pacific Northwest Conservancy Alliance who has also decided to come on board as our very first charity to join steps for good all right all right all right now that the business is over it's time to party I swear to you guys I did not give him our app and how did he get it none of us gave it to him I have no idea the only people I ever even spoke to about it were my best friend Shantal and Colin you just expect us to believe you either way Maya you betrayed us it must have been Colin I don't know what to say doesn't really matter we're done thank thank I once I finish talking call and I were looking for something transition to give back and the whole thing is just I need to talk to you right now about what you could just give me one minute what are you doing you stole my idea steps for good isn't yours well you do work for me so technically anything you make is work product made for hire I'm an unpaid intern most people would kill to have us make their ideas I mean do you honestly think you'd be able to do it on your own I do I did with my team look it's a good idea and we're going to make it come alive and your name is going to be on it how generous of you to put my name on my idea you're going to be compensated look I'm going to talk to the investors and make sure that they approve a point or two for you all right look I'm my I'm sorry I don't know why you're so upset I'm I'm literally I'm doing this for you you did this for you what about the forested area that in no way makes up for what you did when did Colin give it to you I'm just confused because a few weeks ago he told me that I should keep it to myself develop it on my own Colin told me to make an announcement today which I did I told you all it cares about is the business in that case I don't know why you said you weren't good partners because I think you're perfect for each [Music] other Maya I don't understand why did you give it to will you're safe I don't know what you're talking about I quit [Music] [Music] I can't decide who's worse Colin or will that's a tossup those guys like will Martin really are too good to be true certainly seems that way Colin was just such a surprise to me [Music] though are you sure quitting was the right thing to do though I mean doesn't that mean you don't get your class credit I don't care just couldn't be there anymore [Music] [Music] when were you going to tell me that one of your interns had an idea that could save the company the idea wasn't ours it was hers so you told her to keep it from me well you conned her into giving it to you anyway she didn't give it to me she didn't even know I had it Maya didn't submit steps for good to the competition then how did you get it I took it from her phone that's pretty low it wasn't my funnest moment that it means she never signed the application or the waiver and legally the idea isn't yours and you are right back where you started who cares legal to figure it [Music] out wait wait wait wait bring it over here wait wait wait no no it's going to fall it's going to oh my [Music] goodness is that Addison Solway under there Mom [Music] girl can you believe it I came first place in the K race or I can believe it you're amazing should we canoe the seedar river what do you think that would be so much fun ready to go home I'm going to miss it here always next year really we'll try come on let's getat your stuff s how's Shantal great and and the school not so great and why is that well the internship didn't quite work out so I had to leave a little bit early I wanted to leave Camp early but you told me to stick it out well it's different how okay it's not completely different but it's not a big deal I'm just going to repeat the class but you worked so hard for this class you're just going to give up I don't know what I'm going to do but you're not going to worry about it come on [Music] [Music] can we come in [Music] so what's up we heard you quit we thought we'd bring you your stuff thank you and we have something to tell you go ahead Ricky uh well I got to thinking about everything and I never really believed you betrayed us so I did some digging discovered how will got the app but it was Colin no it wasn't it was will he got it from the text I sent you that had the working prototype I don't understand trust me now I can't reveal how I managed to get into Will's phone but I did and there it was he got it from your phone want me to go back into his phone and delete all his contacts maybe just mine I just cannot believe I'm about to fail my class over this [Music] well do you have [Music] to look I understand seems like I stopped a little short of the finish line but please let me just show you something [Music] first it's called steps for good now look I made this prototype I ran but specs I assembled a team my boss I guess he's my former boss now but he said that he thought it was a great idea so I just don't think I deserve to completely fail your class I'm sorry Maya I can't pass you if you didn't finish the internship why did you quit it was personal didn't have much to do with the job it had a little bit to do with the job what aren't you telling me it doesn't matter look I do think that what's important is that I learned a lot I worked really hard and I made something that is really cool I get that and I really wish there was something more I could do for you but I can't change the course requirements I know so what do you say to you next [Music] semester Colin Maya this is uh uh unexpected yes say the very least uh what are you doing here I signed off on your internship and I wanted to bring in the paperwork myself to make sure he passed the class thank you that's just that's really that's really nice of you after how awful I was to you and I practically called you a thief no he actually he did call me a thief but that was will that was not me I followed your lead I uh I I quit kid me why I don't want to work with people like him anymore and I wasn't happy there and you made me see [Music] that I have no idea how I would have done that showed [Music] up you have real Integrity Maya and um I admire that I want more of that in my life so what are you going to do now I was hoping to find the new start up there something that something that matters you know like uh like steps for good are you asking me for a job I want to be your first investor I do have some experience I'm pretty good at it it's risky I don't think so not not when I believe in someone the way of I believe in you [Music] I don't know what to say I knew when I first saw you that you were never going to belong there but I think that you might belong with me um so what do you think of my pitch you are all that I know in this world of empty hes and I'm Ding and now as I look through this telescope all the stars are shining blue but the never out shine you [Music] are all that I know world let's do it pop star ddy Gibson we have decided to go another Direction my label dropped me something wrong does something have to be wrong for me to visit my sister yes how long I'm staying just a few days maybe you might be more comfortable in a hotel hey I'm experiencing life life is what happens when you're making plans I have no one to come home too now you do summer of Dreams starts right now part of Summer Nights on Hallmark [Music] Channel [Music] for Fore [Music] speee [Music] for foree for [Music] speee fore fore spee spee [Music] fore fore [Music] speee for spe [Music] speee [Music] foree fore [Music] foree byebye
Views: 1,926
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: gjO27UOC5vg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 15sec (5175 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 12 2024
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