Love at First Glance 2024 - New Hallmark Romance Movies 2024 - Romantic Movies 2024

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] Mr Kramer I don't know if you remember me I'm Mary Landers reporter for the bugle I remember did you happen to see my article in the bugle of the incursion of chipmunks in Hidden Hollow park must have missed it well with my investigative reporting I exposeed that the Chipmunks are disturbing all the biological balance of all the fauna in the park it's true the squirrels are really upset you interviewed squirrels well actually I interviewed a world-renowned behaviorist from City College that did confirm that the squirrels are exhibiting signs of depression it's all in the height of the tail I'd love to come talk to you about some articles I'm thinking about keep up the good work thanks sir have a great [Music] day well at least he knows who I [Music] am hey Natalie morning hey Todd morning Mary morning Sharon hey keep them busy emergency closure on South Temple they need to remove a dead treat stop the presses what's wrong Mary I can't do this anymore I'm going mad what are you talking about I can't write about this anymore I can't write about yard sales and spelling P we all got to start somewhere we've been doing this for 6 years now okay I went to journalism school I hardly think my professors thought my big breaking the story would be writing about a sign on Gino's Pizzeria it's keeping the residents awake at night the neighborhood was very grateful besides I thought you were going to talk to Jack Kramer over at The Gazette I did and let's just say he's not overly impressed with my investigative reporting on Chipmunks it was a story that needed to be told I am dying here I feel like I'm standing still what do you say we uh we go out tonight have some margaritas who knows maybe we'll get lucky and we'll witness a robbery or something you'll be off and running can't going out with Carl said he had something important to tell me I bet he's going to propose you think so well I mean it's been 5 years and he's not going to do better than you oh Connie I want you to go talk to the washroom attendance at the Drake they used to have washroom attendance yes and they're very upset go on I know you have it in you make it special Mary yeah well I have a special assignment for you really this is going to be front page stuff really it's for our Valentine's Day issue really you look disappointed it's just that does the public really need to know that candy corn Cupids are going to be all the rage at Taffy town no I'm thinking more of a meditation on love give me your take on the true meaning of love you want me to write about the true meaning of love in 3,000 words but Wally I go on I know you have it in you make it special [Music] hey I don't know why I bother to look at this menu we always order the same thing cheese R only for two I guess you could call us boring sit her way right Carl H never mind hi I know what we want we're going to get the cheese ravioli please and um I I would love a little bit more water actually I'm I'm going to have the chicken risoto and a tasu for the lady please thank you what's going on Carl what do you mean you just ordered the chicken risoto we always get the cheese ravioli yeah um I think I can explain look I want to tell you something that happened last week does this have to do with the chicken risoto in a way yes so Tim wood came in you know Tim wood is right it's one of your customers yes a a very good customer every 3 years for the past 15 years he's at leased the same car for me a four-door kid-friendly brand new navy blue sedan mhm every 3 years same car same features but last Thursday you know what he did I haven't the slightest idea he bought a brand new convertible sports car just like that he walked in and and just and just got a red convertible what does this have to do with the chicken risoto it has to do with change Mary it was in that moment that very moment that Tim wood bought that convertible that I had my road to Damascus moment road to Damascus I remembered then what my father used to say to me if you don't like something change it not quite Mark Twain but okay fine get your risoto I don't think you understand Mary I'm sorry Mary I just don't think that we should see each other anymore sorry what did you say there has to be more to life than cheese ravioli well I don't understand Carl we've been together for 5 years you've always loved cheese ravioli I'm bored Mary I need I need some excitement in my life what are you saying I'm boring no call me crazy but I'd like to date someone who didn't know what they want to order without looking at the menu fine I'll change my order I'll change okay where's the waitress I'll have the manicotti this is bigger than manotti look you're you're a great gal I just lately I've been thinking that I need something different something less predictable predictable I just wrote an investigative piece on depressed Chipmunks it's squirrels squirrels don't tell me that is predictable Mary I need I need someone that when she walks in the room I get butterflies in my stomach but we live in the same building Carl don't you think it would be awkward if we broke up yeah you're right about that I think you should move but it's almost Valentine's Day here you go it'll Hi I'm we're actually going to get that to go if that's okay thanks the [Music] nerv [Music] [Music] Aviation way next up First Avenue [Music] wait you forgot your phone [Music] sorry [Music] shoot [Music] excuse me I'd like to turn this in Lost Property form f218 it's not a Lost Property I found this phone I just want to give it back now we don't have a forum for that what do you mean look lady I work for the transit system people don't just turn property in around here well what is all that so every night we clean the train cards and every night we find phones Keys baby bottles you name what can I say it all ends up here you know what never mind I'm going to take the phone and try to find him [Music] myself hey Victor Carl broke up with me yes I mean no no no that is so bad man hated him I I don't hate him I just I think you can do better what happened he said he wants something different what am I supposed to do how am I supposed to be any different in my life well you could start with changing those shoes they're horrible he says I'm predictable am I predictable predictably wonderful you're so sweet you always say the nicest things to me it's because you're a good person Mary hey hey you're a good person I am a good person yeah I am I do really nice things for people like if somebody's checking out I'll let them check out in front of me at the grocery store with one item and I donate all my clothes to Goodwill Connie she sends me all these videos thousands every day and I always tell her a thank you for them and you probably don't know this but I put nickels on the sidewalk just so people can find them is that why Mr Gilbert is always looking at the ground in front of the building who am I kidding who's going to fall in love with me really hundreds of guys I mean there's there's thousands name one okay um Mr vado my dry cleaner yeah he's always had a thing for you no no no I'm not Crossing that line he is the best dry cleaner in the city do you know how hard it is to find a good dry cleaner I mean that guy is a genius fine fine fine fine you're never going to find find love ever again you're just going to live alone with cats the rest of your life congratulations will I seriously really you know what Jack creamer he just needs to give me that job at The Gazette and then my life will be changed and I will be different what what no no what are you doing you are not texting the guy that broke your heart not it's not my phone this is I I found this on the subway this guy I just want to find his contact so I can give it back to him a the security code try 1 2 3 4 [Music] how did you know that cuz it's everybody's security code oh it says if you find it contact James Fielding he's on South State Street 55512 give me your [Music] phone [Music] okay hey it's James I'm out of the country so don't leave a message I will see you after my latest Adventure my latest Adventure who is this guy Marco Polo I mean look at him look he Dives with sharks he he jumps off cliffs he runs with he runs with the bulls this is the perfect guy for you Victor my boyfriend just broke up with me this might be a crazy idea but do you know who's the perfect guy for Who The Gazette The Gazette The Gazette is is always looking to find new interesting people to profile I could just write a story in him that would be a good way in did you not just hear the part about him being out of the country oh what if he turns out to not even be an interesting person is that a real lion yeah sh it's Mr Gilbert what is he doing he's looking for Nicholls is that my future looking for Nichols in the junipers oh he texted what do I [Music] do you sent emoji of a pumpkin he's going to think of a total lunatic yeah or festive yes I have your phone are you the girl on the train he remembers me the one with the red shoes eating dessert please tell me you were not eating cheesecake in public again it was the tiasu from Nino's Amore I couldn't resist give me your phone he says he's in the airport heading to Paris he says he uses it for international travel this guy's like James Bond he says he wants to meet me what do I say yes I can meet you when back on February 14th Valentine's Day yeah what do you care you're not going to be busy you wants you to hold on to his phone until then uh where should we meet question mark Kimmy's 9:00 p.m. kimy kimy kimy yeah the place by my old apartment oh yeah yeah I love that place [Music] okay what are you typing I'm asking him if it's okay if you write a story on him what's he saying he wants to know what kind of story okay tell him I'm a very important reporter working for an internationally recognized newspaper and I write profiles on interesting people yeah pretty sure the staff of the bugle circulation 142 is going to believe that one just type that he's saying what makes you think I'm so interesting just a hunch I would like to get to know you better to make sure no send no don't send that Victor that is so embarrassing I'm just going to crawl in hole and die of embarrassment you have everyone I know in your hands go for it go for [Music] it hey Mom there you are you're an hour late Hey where's Carl uh we broke up oh I'm sorry oh you career girls all work and no time for romance oh Carl broke up with me and Pam so are you seeing anyone new it's been less than 24 hours hi Uncle Bell hi she got dumped she's single still single happy Birthday Dad thank you [Music] sweetheart are you okay yeah why just surprised about you and Carl that's all you know I think he thinks I'm boring why that is ridiculous no I think he's right about being boring I think I'm bored oh but I'm going to do something and change that like what I'm going to find a great guy mhm and then I'm going to be everything he wants in a girl and more and we're going to fall madly in love and then what what do you mean you become the girl that this great guy of yours is looking for and then what well we'll live happily ever after so this new guy of yours gets the girl of his dreams mhm what Mom you're doing that that nod that you have that look it just seems to me that in your happily ever after you lose lose lose what yourself who you really are what you really want what you really need to find real love Mary you have to love yourself first it will come to you but true love doesn't fall for disguises it sees right through them so you just be your authentic wonderful s and it will come now come out okay happy birth to happy birthday to [Music] me good morning [Music] sir [Music] so what I want to do is I want to paint a portrait of a man by interviewing his friends families co-workers acquaintances see him through the prism of their eyes sounds like an obit no no no no no no no well think of it like a living obit living obit it's original Anders and trust me sir this man who I want to write about is very much alive I'm very very much here that a real line mhm I think this piece would be really great in your new Millennial section what do you think don't you have another job Landers yes I do I work for bugle and I am working in an article right now on the meaning of Love let me guess the Valentine's Day issue okay then thanks for your time sir Landers follow [Music] me look at that photo what do you [Music] see he didn't have as much gray hair no look come on get [Music] closer I don't know what you want me to see Hunger that's what I want you to see Hunger look at that guy and that photo cuz that guy look like he would take no for an answer I really want to do this story sir oh for crying out loud Landers you got to fight for it I really really want to do the story sir and prove to you that I can work at The Gazette jeez Louise you call that fighting go on get out of here does that mean I can do the story yeah yeah go ahead write it see where it [Music] [Applause] goes thanks again for meeting me um May I thanks so like I mentioned I found your number in James's phone and I'm trying to interview everyone who knows him to see what kind of man he is and does James know you doing this yes in fact he told me to go for it that does sound like James he's a very generous person an extraordinary man and he has the potential to be a great Tango dancer oh so James is a Dancer actually he's a photojournalist he came here to do a story about the tango and quickly became enchanted with our [Music] world [Applause] so what makes James a good dancer the Tango is a game of alment it begins in the eyes in a glance the dance epitomizes the dancers's loneliness and secret desires tell me Miss Landers have you ever danced the Tango me oh no no no I don't dance everyone must dance everyone has a dance inside them I honestly I have two left feet I don't I last time I dance was at my cousin Ronnie's wedding we did the line dance from foot loose and they actually asked me to leave the Dance Floor once in your lifetime you must dance the tango Cesar come come what yes come wait no I think I should go I don't think so I think just feel oh my gosh what is happening right now just fall into my arms I just so you know I have 442 trying to catch back nothing else matters because tonight we have the Tango Mary you are a natural Tango dancer I am got this powerful graceful Bea let's [Music] tangle oh hey Carl oh seriously Victor Carl's face was amazing I was doing this Tango move in the elevator and the door opens he's just standing there I'm like oh hi Carl and the door closes before he can say anything wow oh man mhm oh green pink thank you so how was it what running into Carl again I don't know it's strange when you see someone every day for so long and then suddenly you don't but it was okay I was okay I think I'm not sure I was ever in love with him Victor I'm not sure I've ever been in love but isn't it funny that W's got me writing this story on love I mean what if I find it that will be news especially to me green yellow oh guess what I got another lead with the Gazette story who all I know is her name is China how China how she sounds like a spy look mystery girl oh spy Spy she said she had a complicated relationship with him and the not thickens let's hope [Music] so Qui down guys boy you have a lot of dogs I know you like dogs right I never had a pet growing up so honestly they are they scare me a little oh no they're not going to hurt you they're nothing but love give Mees dogs are my life you know what do saved my life actually James saved my life when did you meet 5 years [Music] ago okay meeting hamburger oh oh you you did okay I I will fix that one second okay okay just give me just give me a second okay I order I'll be right with you what else can I get uh I haven't actually ordered yet just admit it I'm a terrible waitress no you're probably just having a bad day no I'm just really bad at this you know what I hate it I dreed coming to [Music] work tell me something do you know confucious yeah he was a regular and then I gave him a milkshake so now he goes to the big shop down the street you're funny they think I'm a riot no confus just said a man who finds a job that he loves never works a day in his life so what do you like what do I like no no what do you love more than [Music] anything okay I don't really see a career path in that but toast is good I like Monopoly the yellow properties are the best because nobody ever lands on them wow that's an interesting strategy I love dogs that's what I love more than anything I'm crazy i' I've got to get somebody scrambled a I'll probably mess it up hard to mess up scrambled eggs watch me what can I get for you uh cup of coffee would be great okay well I see coming up China really sorry though you said James rescued you how did he do that he just knows how to see people for who they really are and it's enough he Taps into all those places in your heart that we just long to have touched you [Music] know hey hey what happened I got fired something about messing up a patty melt it's rough it's not the first time what are you going to do find another crappy waitress job by tomorrow come with me I want to show you something I'm going to take you somewhere that same day James took me to a place that changed my life within a week I had traded in short stacks and scrambled eggs for something that became my life's passion how do you even know about this [Music] organization I had a girlfriend once needed a [Music] dog [Music] thank you J why did it end with the two of you Carrie I think to really understand James you have to know what happened with Carrie who knows maybe if James I met now instead of then we'd still be together don't get me wrong I love him I always will he's the one who led me to what I love in life and really isn't that what it's all about [Music] [Applause] wow I can't believe this is all yours I couldn't have done it without James oh he likes you a guys are meant to [Music] be [Music] oh baby Mary hey Carl hi what's wrong whose dog is this oh this is my new dog boyfriend boyfriend say hi to Carl my ex-boyfriend hi hi okay um I'm I'm really confused here but cuz you always said that you hated dogs when we were together I always want to get a dog and you always say Over My Dead Body oh I'm sorry yeah what can I say ready to go ready to go huh okay come on here we go say goodbye to Carl boyfriend my [Music] friend dad what are you doing it doesn't need to be so perfect this is the way I like it I like it just in nice lines clean symmetrical so it's all going in the same direction they just leav sweetheart we sweep them away some blow back more fall off the tree and then we do the whole thing over again life is messy by the way how's work going supposed to be writing a story on the meaning of love you know in the last few weeks I've realized I have no clue what love means maybe you just need to change the way you look at things 35 years ago my car broke down and I went into a dress shop to use the phone and there was your mother Unexpected Love is just that way unexpected [Music] [Music] it's from James Greetings From Paris where it is beautiful and [Music] romantic isn't Paris always [Music] romantic ever been no I've never left the US that a girl can dream what's in your [Music] dreams what is it about this guy that makes me want to tell him everything James and I worked at a photo lab back then I barely left my house I just went to work came home and play video games then one day James brought me up here yeah told me I needed to step out of my comfort zone the guy showed me how to love life and look at me now shall we I don't think so I'm scared come on scared me goggle [Music] goles yeah oh my gosh oh my gosh my I love James thank you welcome I don't see him enough he's always off somewhere on some great adventure taking pictures how did you meet James oh we were neighbors you know back then he used to help me around the house you know little things like carry in the groceries or fix a brok broken faucet he liked my son Daniel when I met James Daniel was only eight Daniel used to love to play this old keyboard used to play the same songs over and over again you know some nights when I had to work late James would look after Daniel and he would listen to him play this keyboard he loved it you know the truth is he saw something in my child I didn't even see one day I came home from work and Daniel was sitting at this beautiful piano it was a gift from James no one had ever done anything like that for me you what kind of man cares for another's child like that James used to sit right here and watch him play and before you knew it my child got pretty good okay now leave some gaps and spaces so you can do something unexpected not quite that unexpected what's wrong Daniel I can't do it do what be great at this I want to be the greatest or ever was do you know who Ralph Waldo Emerson is he was a poet a writer a great writer you know what he said nothing great is ever achieved without enthus enthusiasm show me some enthusiasm huh show me some greatness that's it now take it from the top five six seven8 go there you go there now we're feeling it so where's Daniel now oh he goes to juliart and next month he'll play a concert at Carnegie Hall what James said he would be there wow gosh it's just so funny because I don't even know him but everyone james' life makes me love him more and more it's crazy right not really every day I just want to hear more about his acts of kindness his sense of adventure his total fearlessness you know the one thing learn about James is that it all comes from a place deep in his heart you know for me it wasn't about him buying a piano it was about the time that he spent at this piano with my child it's about the groceries he carried in it's about him teaching us the truth about living a worthwhile life that Love is Everything hi hi I separated out the green ones for you and this is why I love you oh are you working tonight oh Valentine's Day sale 40% off everything in the store oh are the sandals I love on sale literally the only pair of shoes in the store not on sale how is the girl supposed to live you want to have lunch tomorrow can't I'll be out of town what are you doing the James story well actually I'm going to meet this Girl Carrie but the funny thing is when I called her this guy Matthew answered her cell phone and said he'd explain everything when I got there oh Allan broke up with Sharon I heard the latest bid for the dress on eBay 38 bucks and Natalie from accounting is getting married you're thinking about Carl no actually I'm thinking about what he said when we broke up he said he wants excitement he said he wants to feel butterflies in his stomach when the girl of his dreams walks in the room Mary in the last week you've jumped out of an airplane danced the nice away with some Casanova and got a dog don't you see you're not the girl that Carl broke up with you changed I know but trust me no matter how much I've changed nobody's going to feel better butterflies when I walk in a room you're the one that needs to feel the butterflies all that matters is what you feel and when you feel that crazy stirring inside you you'll know you'll know you finally found the right [Music] one here I got you something ohy for the girl who always picks out the green candy hearts a thank you don't get too excited between the 40% off sale and my employee discount it was practically free thank you you are such a [Music] prince thanks for meeting me always happy to help a fellow journalist may I please thanks so you're a journalist Matthew I'm a nurse but I cover peee football from the local paper do you work at a hospital yeah uh Center for brain injury and Rehabilitation at Castle Rock and where did you meet James at Castle Rock You said on the phone you haven't seen him for a while we text but I think at the end of the day it's still just too painful for him oh James hasn't had the easiest life James's mother was very devoted to her son for Diana Fielding the sun rose and set on on her only child make sure you get glue all over the heart okay then the glitter then the glitter hello buddy oh look at that that looks fantastic nice be hi bab nice to see you make a quick call and I'll be back right there you are doing such a good job my love mama will we keep this forever every year on Valentine's Day we'll put it on the mantle for everybody to see because it is the most beautiful Valentine I have ever seen and then when you're all grown up and you fall in love you can give it to the person you love what do you mean well someday you're going to fall in love and get married and you'll have your own Traditions just like we [Music] have good job James oh need to get some more milk I want to come with you you got to stay here and make sure Daddy doesn't eat all of our cookies Daddy's here come sit over here work on your Valentine I'll be right back okay [Music] James I love you forever and ever those words forever and ever stayed with James his entire [Music] [Applause] [Music] life [Music] [Applause] you [Music] [Applause] [Music] James's mother died instantly leaving behind only James and his father Marshall that is so tragic James's father Marshall was a successful businessman but he worked a lot of long hours leaving James home alone to think about what had been lost may I be excused finish your dinner [Music] [Applause] [Music] first [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] for many months James felt very alone that was until he [Music] McCary [Music] he with jeans thing don't you like making Valentine's that's right you don't have to we could just sit here besides I like Easter much better than Valentine's Day don't you James on Easter I get to wear my big shw hat and eat lots and lots of chocolate and paint eggs every color under the rainbow tell me James tell me you like Easter festiv all tell I like Easter best of all louder I can't hear you I like Easter best of all I can't hear you I like Easter best after that day they were the best of friends they were rarely apart M that's sweet sounds like he was lucky to have her yeah well I think that's the wonderful thing about love this is just a great a gift for The Giver as it is for the one who receives it [Music] hey what's wrong Troy do you guys break up again no then why are you crying because he doesn't treat me the way I want to be treated he's cheating on you again James James where are you going Troy what the heck [Music] James [Music] so you know what you did was wrong son yes sir and you know that I'm going to have to punish [Music] you yes sir but I have to say that the idea of you laying the this boy [Music] out that's all James see if you've never done anything crazy then you've never really followed your heart is the only thing that matters in yet is that you [Music] loved oh it doesn't hurt I came here to thank you you don't have to thank me yes I do you always have my back when good things happen and bad things too and today was really really bad [Music] I feel like a fool I'm a Fool too I'm in love with a girl doesn't even know I exist who is it James after that day they were ni apart they went to college together then after 4 years they moved back into the city rented a little house remember James was a portrait photographer back then and Carrie used to bake and sell pies for the local restaurants they were very much in love it talked about getting married and just one day everything changed there Gary Come on slow po get out only two more miles two more miles you're killing me woohoo come on come on James come on James I believe in you [Music] get he never left her side for the first8 months he was there day and night but the Carri he knew was no longer there come on Carrie tell me you like Easter best of all what I can't hear you come on tell me you like Easter best of all [Music] after a while she started to walk again but the damage was [Music] done the doctor said the traumatic brain injury she suffered caused retrograde amnesia she remembered nothing about her life before the [Music] accident I was her nurse we worked hard to get some of our memory back but those past memories only seemed to agitate her James was a stranger to her after a while she told him he didn't need to visit anymore so we stayed away for a few weeks but on the day she was [Music] released so what's the first thing you're going to do when you get out of here go to the movies the movies yes you promised me when I took my first step you were going to take me to the movies that I did so I'm going to hold you to that Matthew Maguire it's really the first thing you want to do a scary movie okay now I don't know if I can handle that don't worry I'll hold your hand come on Matthew I promise we'll have [Music] fun and that day he let her go he loved her that much he just let her [Music] go after that day his heart shattered into a million pieces was fragile for a long long time but I like to think that James is the man he is today because of that broken heart never sitting still always looking around the corner for that next adventure running from the pain maybe has there been anyone else for James since Carrie no no one's serious for a long time I just don't think he was ready but lately I've noticed something is changing in him I mean call me an oldfashioned optimist but I like to think that a broken heart can be healed and that a healed heart can love deeper and more fully than ever [Music] before Hest sh something here's some photos that James took recently in Paris oh maybe it's just me but this looks like somebody who's ready to love again yeah [Music] come on I want you to meet Carrie and our son hey smart come here hey oh look at him good looking kid right how's the soccer going well hello hello all right let's see what you've been learning on oh nice kick I guess I haven't been much help with your story we have a saying with writers what you leave out is as important as what you leave in but in my case I didn't choose what to leave out it was just taken from me people tell me James and I were close on I suppose it's true so sometimes really late at night or early in the morning I I get this I get the sense of something something like I have this one brief memory of a Valentine's Day with James I woke up really early that morning and James had made me pancakes and [Music] coffee and there on the mantle was a homemade Valentine with lots and lots of red glitter all over it it was like a child had made it and on the Valentine were the words I will always love you forever and ever and I remember I I I I really liked it because it felt so so special so important I then I don't remember anything else I just don't [Music] remember it's just a sample of how the piece is going I mean obviously I have a lot more work to do but I think it captures the essence of sorry the meaning of love Mary I feel your heart isn't in this one that's not true Mary do you remember when Natalie and accounting cried over that article you wrote about the beauty contestant with the broken leg everybody liked that one well her Talent was tap dancing at itself what we need to find here is a little heart ask yourself this what is it about love that unlocks the mysteries of the human heart I want to tell you a story story about love please take a seat [Music] once long ago when I was about your age I had two girlfriends Wally yes it's true one you know my lovely wife an but there was this terrific girl Barbara who I was also seeing at the same time mhm and one Valentine's Day Barbara came over and gave me a gift it was a very expensive cashmere sweater and she wanted me to wear it to her parents house that night but I knew I could never wear that sweater why you didn't like it no it was a lovely sweater but it wasn't really for me it was for Barbara to make her feel better about herself and later that same day my beautiful anun came over with a plate of homemade cookies just like these and you know it was at that moment that I really understood the true meaning of love here was a girl who put so much care and love into what she did for me that I could finally understand this simple truth at the end of the day what gives our life Liv's meaning is how we are [Music] loved you need to tell your story Mary tell a story about how someone or something changed your life and made you reject that cashmere sweater for something much more you please help yourself oh thanks oh wow amazing you married her after eating these cookies oh I know she can't cook a lick but boy She Loves Me Like No [Music] Other hey Dad hey o love this smell yeah you spent more than one Saturday afternoon in here playing with your dolls a is this for Mom uhhuh my Valentine always and forever have me that piece of glass there would you careful that flower is older than you are really remember I told you how I met your mother that day my car broke down well that day she gave me this flower she gave you a flower your mother was never the shy retiring type not then not now she saw something she wanted she went after it I was lucky my car broke down that day and I was really lucky that she liked what she saw when I walked into that dress shop dad you made me cry what is that song I love that song we used to dance to this when you were about that high you put your little feet on top of mine and off we'd go Dad you want to do that again sure okay maybe that on your [Music] feet [Music] here we go got it oh hey Mary hey um excuse me I need to thanks MH uh Mary wait this isn't your [Applause] Flor don't need any of these anymore time to move [Music] on clearly you're my only [Music] boyfriend [Music] [Music] good night [Music] boyfriend [Music] butterflies I see you're enjoying James's photography yes very much he's a very talented young man that's take him from a series in Africa travels the globe and he always comes back with the most wonderful images here it's when he was driving through the MSI National Reserve notice how the color here depends heavily on the angle of the sun and the perspective of the photographer he took this in Paris you're familiar with this Photograph yes a friend of James showed me this recently it's one of my favorites it's entitled hopeful would you like to see some new works from James sure this one's called girl with red shoes perhaps it should be called hopeful [Music] well to answer your question I spent 35 years in Corporate America I miss seeing my son grow up so when I finally retired I discovered my passion I like to get on my hog and hit the highway you I'm just ride and I found out that it was a fantastic way for me to bond with my son cuz James loves Adventure I love Adventure so on the weekends we take our bikes out and we ride we ride for hours and it's a great way for us to catch up do you regret the years you missed watching him grow up once when James was like 20 and I'd been absent for years I called him one night I was sick I had a fever some kind of a flu and I needed someone to come over and take care of me he showed up you don't look so [Music] good all right [Music] that was the night that everything finally made sense thank you there you go that he had real faith in our future together well touch me it touched me immeasurably [Music] sort to answer your question no no regrets but Lessons [Music] Learned wow there we go that was fun great time great [Music] ride next weekend good night thank you you bet oh hi car really a [Music] motorcycle [Music] [Music] [Music] nothing hey don't you just love this place but um I suppose look at this sea urchin it is so tender what what what happened to your love of a cheese ravioli well like you I had my road to Damascus moment say did you hear that uh Tim wood returned that red conver I sold him M no yeah I said uh said I don't know what I was thinking I'm a I'm a blue sedan guy mhm may you can't I'm good you can't imagine the uh the amount of paperwork I generated to return that car let me tell you we're talking loads and loads of forms I I mean you can't just the first I've ever had to return although this one time I did have um a customer uh uh Garfield I think it was his name he Carl yeah I used to have dreams about us I had so many ideas of what our future would be like but knowing what I know now and knowing who I am now I just I just can't figure out what that future would be like what are you saying Mary is it is it is it over between us yes I mean like really mhm I guess this means you're going to want me to move out building now right no it's it's okay for you to stay right where you [Music] are the end night Mary leaving yeah where you heading I'm getting ready to spend another Valentine's Day alone you you seem surprised well I am oh it's been the same thing year after year I think the last time I got at Valentine was when I was in third grade H night Mary [Music] wait Happy Valentine's Day Connie thank you thank you very much Happy Valentine's Day [Music] Mary I love those balloons can you believe tomorrow's Valentine's Day tomorrow I meet James you nervous little don't be he's going to love you and he's going to love the article you wrote about him for the Gazette oh didn't I tell you I wrote it for the bugle finding the phone on the train changed my life I realized I was only with Carl because it was comfortable and everyone expected Carl and I to be together to get engaged to get married to have children and I just figured since it was expected it was right don't get me wrong I like Carl but it wasn't love love isn't always comfortable it sneaks up on you sometimes when you're not even looking it's unexpected like what my dad said speaking of unexpected did you know that Connie at your office told everyone on Facebook that you gave her a Valentine box of chocolates you gave her the box of chocolates I was really looking forward to that nougat seeing how James lived his life made me want to live mine differently I don't want to be comfortable I want something unexpected unexpected yes is that the bugle mhm and love is opening our hearts to any possibility no matter how unexpected oh man I wish I would have found a phone on a train I'm proud of you you're proud of me yeah someone said to go for it and you dove in and you went for it thanks was I finding the phone I think it was the butterflies woo that was a close one what are you doing here Landers shouldn't you be in the park chasing a squirrel for an exclusive did you happen to read my article on the meaning of love I did what did you think don't take this the wrong way but I hate your stop how could I possibly take that the wrong way it's just too rainbows and fluffy clouds and cinnamon scones for my taste you know all that touchy phy crap oh okay so you hate touchy feing that would be incorrect I loathe touchy feeling you hated My article that much come on maners I didn't say that the whole thing works it's the kind of thing readers will lead up see kapin on my feature desk he moving to Florida are you offering me a [Music] job did I say that yes you did you're offering me a job [Music] no definitely a glamour don't really I thought this was a perfect dress yeah perfect if you're going to the Smurf's office party well never mind try something else it's 8:30 I'm going to be late well then hurry what do you think the woman who sold me this said that I look like a strong independent woman you look like a strong independent woman who ripped down her drapes and cut out a dress it's A35 you're going to be late it's effortless no absolutely not why you can't wear ripped jeans on the first date babe it's it's technically not a first date it's a date please tell me this works you look perfect really yeah yes it's 8:44 you got to go I have to go [Music] by have fun thank you hi I'm going to Kim's on third in Temple can we hurry I sorry I'm already running late thank [Music] you can you go any [Music] faster [Music] I'm so late all right you know what I think I'm just going to get out and run the rest way [Music] there [Applause] [Music] h oh no I'm too late I missed him Secret Life excuse me where is the guy that was sitting there I don't know lady we get a lot of people in here think what happened to him where did he go um there was some guy there I don't know where he went what did he look like he was wearing pants wearing pants was he handsome did he have really pretty blue eyes I don't remember don't remember listen that guy is the reason that I found myself before I met him I lived a life of caution always second guessing everything I was a girl whose idea of a fun wild night was sneaking a wine cooler into 400 p.m. showing of e pre love I loved you Julie Roberts everybody loves Julie Roberts my point is because of that amazing handsome loving generous kind man I danced the Tango I jumped out of an airplane and I got a dog oh jeez you just let him walk out the door and walk out of my life it's all my fault you know what my problem problem is you like to talk to strangers don't you get it after all that searching for the story of James Fielding the story I actually found was my own I found myself I found my strength I found my happiness and I found the man for me lady are you going to order something oh I know what you're going to say James Fielding doesn't even know you exist what's wrong with Carl Carl wants you back I should have just gone back to Carl Carl is the place to go right I don't know what Carl so I don't want Carl okay lady please don't cry truth is I've fallen in love and found out that sometimes you fall in love with the most unexpected person at the most unexpected time and you do the most unexpected things you know what I mean I mean I already have a girlfriend her name's Marisol and she's really jealous so I I really don't want to be trouble you know at the end of the day I've come all this way and I finally found myself and I'm left at the scariest part of my journey am I bold enough am I brave enough am I crazy enough to fall in love I think we're both crazy enough [Music] I've got to request some morning shift [Music] Valentine's day is almost over no still have 10 more minutes I have a present for you for me Tada oh that's what I've always wanted take a look [Music] I have something for you too close your eyes okay open a Happy Valentine's Day Happy Valentine's day you asked me a while ago what was in my dreams I think it was [Music] this [Music] e [Music] H viewers fore m for sh for for Fore fore for fore
Channel: Nothing Bro
Views: 35,070
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 6Ql6CSaD-Ag
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 89min 48sec (5388 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 11 2024
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