The Movie Star and the Cowboy 2024 - New Hallmark Movies 2024 - Best Hallmark Romance 2024

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uh-huh no I understand I do no I totally get it uh-huh no I get it I do uh-huh oh well actually he's coming in right now I will relay your message and get back to you all right I'll call you back all righty bye Dustin buddy good to see you how was your flight it was okay you know I don't love coming back here well it is good to see you how's your hotel settling in okay still you booked me in to BMB why are you acting weird weird I'm not being weird you're being weird oh you're using your agent voice and it's unsettling well I am your agent so what's going on Stu well that was label and based on the numbers of your last album they're not exactly inspired to move forward with a new one what why not well Brian from a a says that in the last 40 years he hasn't seen such a drop between albums before and I said Brian come on Dustin has a Shelf full of awards he sleeps with the songwriting Gods you got to give him another chance but who's Brian I don't know but the point is this this might just be the end of the road for us buddy that's ridiculous you know who needs him we'll we'll just find ourselves another label Dustin who's going to take you your last album was a flop and you haven't written anything new in a year I've been searching for a creative spark and as your friend I support you in your journey but as your agent I need something tangible to win the label back with okay all right something new something good oh well never mind then of course it's going to be good great you remember the American country music showcase the acms it's a week away yeah haven't done once exactly it'll be a great opportunity for you to reintroduce yourself to the industry everybody's going to be there if you could come up with a hit to perform that night we could save this record de I only have a week this might just be the kick in the pants you need to turn things around listen when I first signed you I believed in you and I still [Music] do guess I better go find some inspiration then [Applause] [Music] [Music] I'll have my usual the usual don't you know your own sister's coffee order uh I am busy running a business here you can make it yourself so do you make all of your customers make their own coffee yeah especially the ones who don't pay you uh you want to grab lunch I can't Mia is producing her first single and I have to pick up sock at the studio hold on hold on Mia's producing new the new Carry Underwood single no I thought you were supposed to do that one yeah I did too apparently I'm too inexperienced is that code for not the boss's niece Chloe you've been busting your butt for the last 3 years you've earned your chance to produce okay can we just stop talking about it please you didn't break up with Aaron I mve back from Tallahassee so you could be Sloan's assistant receptionist anyway can we just please move on let's talk dad's birthday okay rumor has it there's a limited edition re-release of John prim's bruised orange circulating I was thinking we can get him that I think you'd love that yeah okay well I just stocked new arrivals why don't you see if you can find it in stock yeah oh my God poru Lake do you remember Dustin and Ana oh yeah he was so cute they recorded this in Sloan Studio really mhm great album I like his second one though yikes cuz he couldn't cut it without her honestly my fifth grade poetry was better than the lyrics on that album you know personally I think I was writing at more sixth grade level but then again who am I to say um I'm you're Dustin Miller [Music] pleasure I'm sorry I did I was just no no sweat there's a few critics out there I reckon would agree with you but hey Leed I'm cute [Music] right is that the John Prime re-release yeah sure is okay I know I just completely insulted you but um can I have that excuse me it's my dad's birthday coming up he's a huge Prim head and this would be like a Golden Ticket honestly no what apologies to your father but no thanks however i' love to take a look at your fifth grade poetry sometime ladies have a good [Applause] day [Music] [Music] hey nice place looks like you're settling in yeah just chilling however you my friend look anything but chill well do you want good news or the bad news how about just the good news always a comedian got you a slot at the Showcase that's great when is it 11:00 a.m. on Sunday 11:00 a.m. mhm show starts that early yours does dude that is a terrible time slot well that's the good news buckle up my friend because the label needs the recording of the single and if it all goes according to plan they want to release it right away you do have a song in the works right yeah yeah no of course yeah when do we record as soon as I can find a studio that'll take you that shouldn't be too hard uh you'd be surprised what do you mean I've been scouring around for an available slot and no one could take you can't I won't well there is one place I could call but you're not going to like it no Dustin Ste you know I wouldn't even suggest it if it wasn't our last resort I can't go back there fine I'll call the label and let them know to call the whole thing off fine Cole Studio I'll set something up for tomorrow listen don't be late St gillig again hey [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hello [Music] anyone [Music] here oh excuse me can I help you yeah sorry I I came by front desk but nobody was out there um I'm looking for Sloan Simmons he and I go way back oh unfortunately Sloan's out of town I can can set up a meeting with him when he gets back uh it's time sensitive when's he coming back early next week is there anything else I can help you with well unless you know of a studio and a producer who could spit out a hit single little week I'm available you're a producer yeah I'm I'm Sloan's apprentice and you're available let me just check my schedule yep I think I can fit you in seriously you're a lifesaver oh we are quite booked up though so we'll have to squeeze you in during off hours early mornings late nights you know the drill we'll take it but I got to tell you we are under a time constraint we need this single mixed and ready to go in time for the country music Showcase in one week totally doable my gosh by the way what's your name uh Chloe Brandon steu Gilligan nice to meet you truly it's going to be an honor working with you likewise so who's the lucky artist oh uh here's my guy now Chloe Brandon let me introduce Dustin Miller well if it isn't my biggest fan wait a minute you both know each other uh we met once we share similar tastes and music well what a coincidence if that isn't kismi I don't know what is go okay chlo tell me about yourself what have you produced before oh uh Roots alt country uh yalt country all right why don't I show you into the control room sure this is your new home I was mentioning to Stu we're going to have to work off hours busy season okay uh what are off hours Chloe there you are I need help in Studio A uh uh just give me one moment wait was that no seriously cuz it looks just like no uncanny right but no he's a new technician actually what's up what can I do for you Miranda's coming in a half an hour and she's insisting on bringing a double base we need to recalibrate the entire setup oh no problem I'll get right on it thank you so much Chloe you're the best are you okay well it's just with Sloan being gone and having taken on so many new clients I feel a little like I've been thrown in the deep end hey why don't you let me open and close the studio while Sloan's gone that way I'll take care the nitty-gritty and you can focus on the work really you would do that yeah of course we're a team you're the best this place been honestly fall apart without [Music] you sorry about that base emergency where's two H yeah at the jet oh well that sounded great don't let me interrupt your flow yeah that was nothing really okay well is there anything you are working on hey see the uh problem is I don't really have anything nothing not yet but I work quick okay because Stu mentioned we only have a week yes I'm aware now actually I think I might take a walk get some inspiration wait wait wait shouldn't we be brainstorming bouncing ideas back and forth absolutely [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] tomorrow [Music] whoa whoa turn that back [Music] up hear that isn't that control guys got to have two sets of lungs very very impressive you can't keep listening to music this loud dad your hearing is bad as it is what was that it's good to see you sweetie new truck oh got to stay busy keeps me young so to what do I owe the pleasure I did something kind of crazy oh I'll get the emergency bail fund not that crazy I think I'm actually producing My First Single honey that's amazing for Dustin Miller Dustin Miller that's a big deal this is cause for celebration not so fast because I'm doing it behind Sloan's back he has no idea and Dustin's team thinks that I'm Zan's prodige so basically I've lied to everyone and I'm probably going to get fired well not if it's a hit we only have one week and Dustin hasn't even started writing feel like I might be in over my head are you kidding me this is your chance to show Sloan the talent that's been right in front of him the whole time [Music] this is your dream it' be a shame to see it pass you by I just think what if I'm not good enough or I can't do it sometimes we got to make tough decisions I did you did with Aon we owe it to ourselves to see it through you got this thanks Dad hey hey just take a breath you'll be there you don't understand I have one week to turn around a hit single and we only have so many hours in the day when Mia is not in the studio this was a huge mistake things we're doing are never easy have a little faith wow okay I have to go good luck hey sorry I'm late no worries should we get started uh on second thought let's go on a field trip okay are you sure this is the best of our time it absolutely is which is why we have to hurry let's [Music] [Music] go so what exactly are we doing here you said you needed inspiration this is your inspiration look around Take It All In what do you feel kind of hungry honestly seriously the world is a symphony you do know there's no music playing right close your eyes I promise there's a point to all this do you hear that person chopping wood there's your Tempo Birds that's the string section frogs [Music] [Applause] [Music] vocals the world really is an orchestra if you just stop and [Music] listen are those lyrics per chance no a grocery list I wasn't kidding about being hungry pretty sure I picked up the sound of a funnel cake sism somewhere over that way I will give this town one thing they make the best funnel cake in the country hey we have a lot more to offer than funnel cake okay we're the birthplace of Bluegrass we have small town charm with big city opportunity plus we're home to the largest sras tree in the world hey what's your beef just got a a lot of memories here you know we actually recorded our first album at sloes I know it was a great album better than my second anyway I'm sorry that was so harsh hey you're entitled to your opinion besides you were right I was trying to be someone I wasn't so let's find the real you I'm serious it was a great album yeah not sure I'm the reason it was great you said it yourself I'm nothing without her Dustin I you know I think I've had enough inspiration for today what I'm going to go we haven't even started yet I'm sorry but I I thought I could do this you're just not up [Music] for and then he just walked away it was doomed from the start hey just because he's a quitter doesn't mean you have to be what am I supposed to do hold him hostage yeah if you have to Hannah be serious I am look you finally took your career into your own hands and now you're going to let it just slip away you are a producer now go produce you're right I know hey where do you think you're going um hi you can't just walk away like this look I apologize for wasting your time all right but I just I can't this isn't about you I have a lot on the line too what is the big deal I leave and you move on to some other artist and you're clearly squeezing me in anyway yeah because I believe in you why because I think your first album was raw honest passionate and I think you can do it again what if I can't you can't just walk away the second things get hard fine okay but you have to actually want to do this I do I want this I've been running away for too long then what are we waiting for let's go come [Music] on so I'm assuming you have some chord progressions that you like yeah uh sure um it's just I've tried everything I've listened everything traveled the world visited famous songwriters for advice because I've you have writers walk nothing works hey it happens to everyone even the greats why don't we start by uh you telling me what your writing process is normally like well with in the past a lyric verse would just pop into my mind and then we'd build a Melody around that and what inspires you I don't know come on I know you wrote something down the other day in the country no it wasn't any good okay why don't we just forget about writing for a minute and try a new approach I'm not going to make me close my eyes again are you no we're just going to talk okay okay okay what's your favorite food uh grilled cheese really yeah but not just in a grilled cheese my mom's I don't know exactly what she does to it but I guess it tastes like home and what is your favorite thing about being home other than your mom's Grill chees obviously I don't know it's it's great there's a clear night sky can hear myself think and why did you leave music Love Ana okay what does Ana make you feel hurt frustrated angry okay what does that sound like sounds like sounds like like good use that use it [Music] happy major [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] chard like that [Music] [Applause] yeah so there's a chord progression let's turn it into a [Music] verse okay go to the flat three and let's see how that [Music] sounds [Music] [Applause] [Music] we're going to go from the one to the four to the five and then back to the one back to the one [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay [Music] does that sound more like you yeah it does good tomorrow's pretty packed again so let's meet here first thing in the morning uh Chloe it is the morning right okay um let's meet here later and maybe get started on some lyrics Right lyrics I just feel like lyrics are where the real block is okay how about go home get some rest and write down the first thing that comes to mind when you wake up sometimes once you get the ball rolling it's easier okay we give it a shot seems there might actually be a method to your Madness thanks so um you need to lift home oh no I'm going to probably probably just stay here and get some stuff done but thanks sure mhm all I'll see you later then [Music] okay [Music] [Music] Dustin what are you doing here Zippo nothing I'm dry I'm all out of talent don't you think we're being a TI dramatic I'm serious I have been scribbling all morning and the best I could come up with was a liyi about wool socks who doesn't like wool socks H help I need you Chloe Chloe I guess I'm not the only one listen we got to get out of here um there's no inspiration here let's go outside [Music] chlo so wait your sister owns this place mhm this place combines my family's two passions coffee and music my dad was a country singer and he toured all of North America with my mom in the'80s and my sister Hannah has an encyclopedic knowledge of every record ever made not to mention the voice an angel H so you brought me here to brag about my sister yeah but also what a better place to find inspiration than a record store like what's the first record you ever listened to start to finish oh I do not want to tell you that come on my kind of country rebba McIntyre wow seriously yeah my mom was a Die Hard got admit don't you believe him hit pretty hard I'm Hannah we met briefly when my sister was ripping apart my Solo album that's right uh if you're looking for inspiration I think I have just the thing oh Dolly you know I saw her in Eureka once no one has more fun on stage than the queen of country wait that's it what's it Hannah you're a genius Dustin I'll see you tet at 7: wait where are you going I'm going to set something up for [Music] tonight she said I'm a genius are you going to tell me where we're going we're almost there can I get a hint okay you know what you said about Dolly Parton and how much fun she has on stage yeah well I thought what could be more fun than a night of [Music] karaoke now hear me out I think in order for us to write the song you need to get back into the joy Bo of music of performing live and back to your country Roots because I think this would wait did you just say okay I Love karaoke I know I can come across a little reserved but I can let loose know I'm actually a pretty fun guy Chloe there she is Excuse Me Miss is the SE taken you made it and you even commin duston to make an appearance yeah he says he's actually a fun guy I am you'll see a I'm sure I will so Anna what are you singing tonight oh no no no I don't I don't sing in front of people what Chloe tells me you have the voice of an angel you're seriously going to deprive all these honest hardworking people of your gift she has terrible stage right it's paralyzing look I'm just here to support thank you thank you everyone for coming out too tonight yeah now let's get this show started first up we've got a Miss Hannah Brandon Hannah Brandon please join me up here on stage you didn't I may have called it in advance and put your name down no I'm going to kill you Hannah Brandon do we have a Hannah Brandon in the house Hannah just go on we don't have all night wo y Hannah she's right here Y come on there she is folks you seriously do something like that to your own sister oh trust me it'll all be worth Ito you got it Hannah [Music] w e e on TR SP okay okay maybe let not SP yeah I was thinking the same [Music] thing to not just because she can she doesn't know why honestly it's who she's always been she ain't something to hold on to even love W make her stay she's a FEA in the wind that's never going to change send stronger men to their weeping [Music] knees you want a kidding she's incredible you should be the one with the record deal see I told you sometimes it's good to get out of your comfort zone maybe HED something [Music] there that girl [Music] she's thank you you were incredible oh my God for real Hannah I'm speechless you think I'm going to throw up that was something else now wasn't it another round of Applause for Hannah Brandon everyone now as some of you may have noticed we have a celebrity guest with us tonight an adoring fan of his has made a special request please give a warm welcome to Dustin [Applause] Miller and this song is actually a duet so Dustin you wouldn't mind selecting a lucky member of the audience to join you on stage all right no it hurts doesn't it go on go on come on Chloe for your own good yay I can't believe you're making me do this you're the one who brought me here remember yeah you what to say next to an international superar it's karaoke No One expects to be good anyway oh that makes me feel so much better Dustin I thought this would be fun for you I don't know what to say it's it's this place it's Anya I feel like I can't escape her but you can we can work on this together I don't want to do this right now I appreciate all your help but I just kind of walk this off see Tom [Music] he [Music] [Applause] I just want to apologize for yesterday shouldn't have just bailed like that I don't know what came over me I do so why are we here because something's been blocking you and I think I know what it is oh really yeah you've been running from every memory every glimmer of Ana since you got here and it's getting us nowhere the time you face his head on how do I do that you're going to write her a letter I can't send her letter we haven't spoken in no this isn't about her it's about you you don't even have to show me just write it all down let it all out and be honest e e frustrating scary and good really good that means you did it right so what now burn it what is it some sort of spell it's called [Music] closure not going to do all of it no I uh I think I'll keep this one hey thanks for not giving up on me some things are worth fighting [Music] for Mia hi hey where are you um just running some errands think it's best that you come back to the studio Stu's here Stu yeah Stu as in Dustin Miller's rep we need to talk still hi what a surprise H well today's just full of surprises isn't it namely the one where I found out that you're not a producer at all and that you've been producing Dustin Miller's new single behind everyone's back wait hold on is this a joke if it is it's not very funny if the record label finds out that an amateur is producing this song they could just walk away come on Dustin we're leaving Dustin I'm [Music] sorry we need to talk well Dustin I'm sorry I'm at a loss you can't say we didn't try so what we're just giving up Dustin buddy it's 4 days until the Showcase I don't see how we're going to pull this thing off we don't have a Studio we don't have a song and we don't have a producer yeah we do Chloe man did you see what just happened Chloe is not a producer yes she is look I realized what she did was wrong and I'm not exactly thrilled about it she's the best producer I've ever worked with and I actually think we have a hit on our hands so let me get this straight you've been recording in secret this entire time M I'm so sorry listen I know this is risky but is there any possibility of you not telling Sloan Chloe I have to he put me in charge while he was gone if this came out we would both get fired what were you thinking yeah I know but we were going to do this all in secret while he was gone anyway he wouldn't have known that's besides the point I would have never gotten this opportunity if I didn't take it for myself what are you talking about Mia I've been working here for 3 years he's never so much as listened to My Demo he's never given me a shot as a producer and I had to take it on my own you're putting me in a really awkward position here I know I'm sorry you promised that this would stay a secret promise okay okay you're not going to tells alone as long as you can promise that this will stay between us yeah of course I'm not going to lose my job over it I don't even think you have to worry anyway because Dustin's probably never coming back here well I wouldn't be so sure about that seems like he needs you as much as you need him it'll be fine no it'll be great Ste this could be my best work yet I can feel it I've already laid down a killer bed track start lyrics we still have 4 days we can totally do this Dustin I'm so happy I'm happy that you're on a roll but this just might be the end of the road for me what are you talking about the label will never sign off on continuing to fund a single produced by a complete unknown and behind the back of one of the best producers in town no less listen as your friend I'm 100% in I got your back but as your manager I understand but I hope you realize I need to do this Dustin she's probably already fired man where are you going to even record we'll figure it out I believe in her take care St oh hi hi i s no sorry you go first yeah you go I want to do this just to clarify this meeting for with you yes you've actually managed to get me writing again I can't walk away from that Dustin I'm so sorry I lied to you it's just I knew Sloan wouldn't give me a chance and when I saw an opportunity you did what you had to do yeah well for what it's worth I'm glad you did so are you fired or no not yet anyway well then what are we waiting for let's get back in there uh small snag uh the studio is being taken over by a band right now and it's my dad's birthday so no of course Family First you should come to your dad's birthday is that weird no is it no I I actually think you'd love my dad all right well you're sure then yeah let's go [Music] yeah so what's the secret you do like a barbecue Rose I told you my secret uh you don't need me anymore happy Birthday Dad oh thanks for coming sweetie and who might this handsome fella be this is Dustin Dustin Miller I knew I recognized you Chuck Brandon it's good to meet you sir and I uh hope you don't mind me crashing your party what are you kidding me music legend in my party I'm honored plus dad always makes way too much food way too much hey I never had a choice you know they say feeding teenage boys is like feeding an army they never met my girls Han I can put away more brisket than any man I ever met okay one time Chloe ate so much cornbread at Thanksgiving I thought you Dad he got it okay I got you I'm being embarrassing it just I didn't know you'd be joining us yeah I thought he could learn a thing or two from the old man wow Who you calling old that's right I hear you're somewhat of Legend yourself I wouldn't use the word Legend but I do hold a family record at Guitar Hero so yeah okay he's being weirdly modest which is unusual for him don't worry he'll regil you with taals from the road with my mom the second he gets a chance hey it's my party I'll regail if I want to but first sustenance come on let's dig [Music] in so then the van breaks down again just outside of Tucson and what does their mother do she leaves us to fix the darn thing while she hitchhikes to the next gig and performs on her own but she always said I love the road but not enough to sleep on the side [Laughter] oh your wife sounds like she was quite the firecracker oh you have no idea some days I thank my lucky stars girls took after her some days not so much so why'd you stop touring well after Fiona pass I decided I'd rather spend my time with these two so I buckled down put on my big boy pants got myself a steady job you ever think about going back no it wouldn't be the same about her besides I like fixing cars and amps and guitars keyboards and pretty much any old instrument he can get his hands on I have a asked quite a collection over the years really I'd love to see it yeah yeah Fender Telly that's beautiful thank you d35 Martin it is just like cashes to play May I of [Music] course yeah there you go that sounds good yeah I knew it oh okay like we're going to make a little magic girls okay [Music] [Music] you come back anytime seriously anytime okay okay we get it he's the son you never had thanks again see you so your family's great I know they're the best I think your dad might be my new best friend I think that's the best birthday gift he could have gotten oh I that reminds me give this to your dad from you of course Dustin you don't have to do that I can get it no seriously you've done so much for me it's the least I can do well if I give it to him it's going to be from both of us us thank [Music] you so uh anyway thanks again for tonight see you tomorrow yeah see [Music] you [Music] hello hey Dustin it's Ana how are you on you really well you remember this place I me I think they came here every night when we were riding Horseshoe Lake really good times they were oh I took the liberty in ordered for you still C so fan right oh my taste have changed a little I don't know if you heard that I have a new album coming out that I'm really stoked about I've heard congratulations thank you so what are you doing here well I'm releasing my new single at the Showcase and I I heard from Stu that you're doing the same thing he did we spoke earlier today and don't be mad but he told me everything he's concerned what do you mean by everything everything the label wanting to drop you the fresh single the 11:00 a.m. time slot the rookie producer okay it's a messy situation that you've gotten yourself into Des bu well Anya I appreciate your concerns Ste and I we've come up with an idea that we think will help save up for Success so we both have a lot coming up you can benefit from a little publicity and what do the people want to see more than the two of us are united I I'm going to stop you right now I don't like where this is going no it's silly it's just the cameras you know a little bit of Buzz your names in the papers no look bunny I'm not doing this solely out of pity it's for us we could both better sit here excuse me you're Destin and Ana aren't you you'll see as charged I'm so sorry to bother you but oh can I have an autograph of course and what is your name Jessica Jessica that is beautiful is it yes Horseshoe Lake is my favorite song of all time it's just so sweet of you to say take care now all right have a good one we had a really good thing going just tell me you'll think about it okay fine got to [Music] go okay I'm loving that low SE I'm thinking I may want to add some lap steel later and definitely female harmonies but let me just listen once [Music] more hey Mia that was amazing I'm honestly blown away oh you sound so surpris oh my gosh no it's just I I've never actually listened to anything you've done before you're brilliant you both are thanks anyways since you clearly don't need my help I guess I'll go grab a bite you guys need anything no I think we're good we're just going to power through for the next 45 minutes sounds good okay best part lyrics please tell me you have some as a matter of fact I do Hallelujah and it all started with this is this from horu Lake it felt too valuable to burn I mean it's just thoughts you know really obviously I'll work it into something more coherent you hate it no the opposite actually I think it's going to resonate with a lot of people you think so yeah it's about two people growing apart what could be more relatable I mean that's what happened to me and my ex what did happen um we were together for 6 years we moved to Tallahasse together and I realized after some time that I couldn't pursue my career in music so I broke up with him and I moved back here to work with Sloan and it was the hardest decision I've ever [Music] made for Anya and I our path started to Veer in two different directions both creatively and emotionally it was hard because the whole world wanted us to be together but in my heart I knew it had to end yeah I guess we all have our Tales of heartbreak yeah but I think if you can turn it into something that resonates with other people that's a good thing I think you have your song our song hey sorry to interrupt uh Dustin there's somebody here to see [Music] you H you what are you doing here I was in the neighborhood and thought I would take you to lunch and we could continue to discuss our little you know you two uh haven't been introduced Chloe this is Anya hi Ana this is Chloe my producer producer right I've heard so much about you really so anyways Dustin lunch m if it's easier we could stay here and no uh lunch yeah let's do it cool are usual spot in 20 sure great it was nice meeting you so I'll uh work on those lyrics we convene here later yeah okay [Music] so here you go you're so sweet dust so have you thought about my proposal why are you so intent on helping me well guess I'm worried about you now FY oh please don't call me that excuse me but if we're going to pretend to be a couple we should start acting like one least in public I can't do this this isn't me what other choice do you have I don't know how about I write a hit single perform at the Showcase and solidify my record deal without the use of a cheap publicity stunt okay bunny why do you insist on making things so hard for yourself you have an 11:00 a.m. slot on Sunday I mean you'd get a bigger audience if if you form a church so look if we do this then I can almost guarantee you this L before mine maybe we can even perform Horseshoe Lake together you know for all time sake come on Anya I appreciate you trying to help but it's a not this kind of thing is exactly why we broke up in the first place I can't go down that path [Music] again okay you changed your mind you I would have I [Music] [Music] me so how you doing I'm fine thanks I mean about the whole Dustin thing what Dustin thing I saw the look on your face when he left with Anya I have no idea what you're talking about I see the way you guys look at each other and that song There's clearly something there Mia it's called creative chemistry okay it's purely professional I mean yeah he's super gorgeous and we've been hanging out a lot and it's been really fun and honestly a really good time together and I've told him things I haven't told anybody else oh no yeah you've got a crush this is not what I wanted right now are you kidding it's amazing what could be more romantic two artists a shared secret a passion for music and for each other it's like something out of a [Music] movie you don't subscribe to Country daily do you I do so you just s picture of Dustin on you holding hands yeah [Applause] we don't know if it was a romantic lunch Hannah they're holding hands maybe it's just two old friends catching up holding hands look I know it doesn't look good but you can't let this affect the work I'm not letting it affect my work at all so why are you not in the studio right now because I'm taking a personal day Chloe Mia's got me covered Chloe you've never taken a personal day in your life you can't let this affect what you have going you can't let some guy get in the way this is your career we're talking about you're right I'm going to go to the studio good oh my gosh Cleo right actually it's Chloe hey Ana nice to see you uh hi I'm Hannah I'm your sister I own this place cute can I get an nice a latte without milk no sweetener just a Teensy Splash vanilla it's a cheat day sure so I hear you and Dustin are making some great progress yeah it's going really well good he is so talented once he works while through his blocks you know and clearly you've had a huge hand in helping him with that so thank you h why are you thinking me well now that he's finally finished working on himself he can finally focus on us M mail latte no sweetener on the house thank you that is so sweet of you have a good one CLE I'll see you around I totally had sweetener [Music] good hey M said you weren't feeling too hot you're doing better yeah I made a speedy recovery good I'm glad you're here I wanted your opinion on something we thought about slowing down the verse add some dramatic effect whatever you think uh well I don't know that's why I'm asking you I don't know it's your song It's Our Song what is with you you know what I think I'm going to go grab another coffee what's with the two dude don't be cute with me did realize I was being cute Anya came into my sister's store today what you want a Macha latte don't be cute what did she say she thanked me for fixing you so that the two of you could get back together I'm sorry what which is interesting because we just spent all this time helping you get over her we're not back together then what's this Chloe I can explain this I just think it's one step forward two steps back with you you either want to do this or you don't I do want to do this if you just give me two seconds to explain to you I Mayday what Sloan's here oh SLO I thought you were coming in a few days oh we wrapped up early I just had lunch with my friend Ana and imagine my surprise when she told me that Dustin Miller was recording his new single in in my studio Dustin buddy would you mind just give me a minute here with my team alone Sloan you have to believe me this was all my idea I was desperate for her last minute studio and I begged Chloe to fit me in oh she is very accommodating isn't she just just take one minute ladies can we thank you just you have any idea how stupid you made me look Mia had nothing to do with this it was entirely on me that's not true when I found out I agreed to go along with it what you did yeah Chloe's been working her butt off here for the past 3 years only to be undervalued and underappreciated by you Uncle Sloan she has talent if you would just listen to some of the stuff she's done you'd realize that you've been overlooking her this entire time me you don't have to do this no I do this whole thing has made me realize that I've only gone to where I am because of my last name my eyes have been open I have to fight for what's fair this is all very touching but uh you put the Studio's reputation at risk and uh there have to be consequences sorry but you are fired what no you can't fire her one more word in you're next Mia I cannot believe Mia it's okay Chloe you have a really bright future here I don't want you to throw it away just for me son I'm really sorry thank you for [Music] everything hey what happened in there he fired me oh my gosh Chloe I'm so sorry it's fine so what are we going to do we're not going to do anything you're going to go in there and finish the song with Sloan no you have to Chloe no I started this with you I want to finish it with you this could make or break your career you can't afford to throw it all away for one single it's fine Dustin really the's not half bad I don't think it's there yet Sloan well I need a few tweaks here or there all right I'm thinking a little more Reverb in that chorus it needs way more than a few tweaks look I'm going to level with you you know good song is not enough when record company needs to hear record to know you can deliver in the studio too yeah well this isn't going to do it for them well then I have no idea what you're going to do that's okay I [Music] do and then I just left so that's it I guess so can't talk to Sloan no I'm done with Sloan and I'm not even upset about the job it's more that we didn't get to finish the song and the stupid fight I had with Dustin what fight I saw pictures of him and Anya and I got mad oh okay so you lost your job you lost the studio really on a roll here there's nothing you can do about that but didn't feel great to take control of your life fight for what you wanted yeah so you come this far Why Stop Now you're right why would I stop [Music] now oh Dustin what are you doing here I want to do this with you or not at all but we don't have a studio and this is way too important for you to do you're right it is too important that's why I need to finish it with the best producer what about Ana Chloe whatever you think you saw with her wasn't real we are nothing it was just some cheap publicity stun she used to boost her own record sales we're over oh that's good yeah it [Music] is Ste this better be an apology apology apology for what I don't know how about that whole Ana stump for starters well forget the apology my friend because you're going to be thanking me in about 10 seconds I'm listening I was able to leverage the buzz from those on your photos and got you a better slot at the Showcase that is if you have a song oh we've got a song Good that vots well because you go on at 6 6 tonight uh-huh and the execs are still expecting a copy of that track before you go on so get a move on and I'll see you at the show we need to record this thing now but we don't have a studio or a band sorry to interrupt but I think I might have an [Music] idea [Music] Dad this is incredible you even have baffles hey you never know when you're going to have to put together a makeshift recording studio to help save a famous country singer's career now all you need is a band oh you're hired but that does remind me what are we going to do for the female vocals and want put into the bridge there you are I've got the emergency brisket why does it look like I just walked into a crime [Music] scene [Music] ladies and gentlemen we got ourselves a song and well we can just make it if we leave now uh not so fast this is only a temp mix it's not nearly good enough for the record company it has to blow them away well I guess you're going to to finish mixing on the road uh Hannah see if you can dig up some fancy Duds for everyone while I load the gear just like the good old days so I've been thinking this all goes according to plan I'm going to have a whole album to write are you thinking of renting out dad's garage just warning you this was probably a first time freebie and he'll try and gouge you moving forward I'm being serious you make a great team what do you say [Music] I say let's see how people respond to the single before we get ahead of ourselves get up slow pokes okay you got this see you in there yeah how's it coming along slowly connection's terrible you guys going without me seriously I need to get this to the label before you go on this is our song you should be there to hear it I wouldn't know [Music] that okay so we'll start with the new song I'll introduce it and you guys come out and join me yeah you bet [Music] okay are you all right Dad yeah just nice to be [Music] back oh good I made it in time you're going to be great dude did you run here yeah Debbie has the car I couldn't miss this this you're still my number one client and number one friend bring it in friend oh wow you're sweaty overactive sweat glance hey Dustin it's time go get him tiger yeah buddy I love you come on ladies and Gentlemen please welcome Justin Miller thank you now thank you all so much for coming out tonight we're going to start off with a brand new tune we literally finished writing this thing a few hours ago so thing for me has been about Second Chances Getting Back to Basics making music in a garage with some good people so you're all here for the world premiere of better days ahead thank you how's it going never better you get the next time done and delivered Hur you holding up Chloe I don't know if I can do this hey you are always telling me to take chances and fight for what I deserve it's your turn you got this okay thank you all now please join me and welcome to the stage to VAR guests Hannah and Chuck [Music] Brandon well this is it do or die can be right [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] yeah slow down hone by your side sometimes you get it wrong before you get it right it's just another lesson in life it's just another reason to try you ain't got anything to prove got to hold your faith before you lose it one more lesson in life just get back in the saddle and ride you only get to heaven when you're driving on the high roll behind the no go open up the closed doors always be there somebody you know you can't rely on when they're all gone when they're all gone we only need to hold each other let go sing our songs to the open road lose our troubles to find our souls there's better days ahead better days ahead the song's going to sett on before we shine waking up to a brighter life just got to hold each other and let them go there's better ahead better days [Applause] ahead I kiss my P and it many times I watched it think it's just another lesson in a life just got to find a way to get by far too many times I tried being someone else somebody I don't like just another lesson in life just got to be yourself to survive you only get to heaven when you're driving on the high road behind Theos open up the closed doors always be thebody you know you can rely on when they're all gone we only need to hold each other let them go sing our songs to the open lose our troubles to find our souls there's better days ahead better days ahead the sun's going to S on before it shines waking up to a brighter life just got to hold each other and let BL there's better days ahead there's better days ahead [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] days we only need to hold each other let them go sing our songs to the open road lose our troubles to find our soul there better days [Music] ahead's shes waking up to a brighter life just got to hold each other let them go there's better days ahead there's better days ahead better days ahead there better days ahead better better days ahead better days ahead it's better days ahead there better [Music] days buddy thank you thank you all so much it uh clearly looks like you folks like that little number huh thank you and Han with a perfect time it was hey hey was that Quincy Morgan yeah he's performing at the Showcase tomorrow he wants me to produce his next album ohlo that's amazing congratulations thank you so it looks like we've got a hit on our hands yep which means you get to record your next album it does I couldn't have done this without you I know the song was in you the whole time I just got it out well then first order of business Chloe would you be my producer that is if you can fit it into your busy schedule it would be my [Applause] honor what's the second order of business it's something I've been hoping to do for a [Music] while for spech foreign speech [Music] d fore foreign [Music] foree foreign speee [Applause] [Music] foree foree foreign spee foreign foreign spee fore foree for speech foreign fore speech foreign [Music] hello kyy be for Fore fore speee foree
Channel: The Fishing Lady
Views: 43,477
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: DfOtwDsQN2E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 82min 2sec (4922 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 10 2024
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