A Bizarre Adventure (Comic Dub Compilation)

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[Music] why aren't they appearing figures you've got to be me of course he has to be here why wouldn't he whoever the [ __ ] is up there you're just loving this aren't you can't i catch a [ __ ] break even when i'm dead doesn't matter i still have a score to settle with you if it hadn't been because of you jojo cujo what's done is done it's over already you lost you ruined everything i could have had all my plans all my hard work would have come to fruition if it not for your meddling i could have ruled the world and you ruined my life so i think we're even you filthy dog if i didn't succeed and kill you before i sure as hell will finish the job now honestly how about did you turn out this way you were great-great-grandpa jonathan's adopted brother you were a part of the joestar family you were supposed to be my great-great-grand uncle what the [ __ ] is wrong with you i could have known you i don't want to fight i've had a lifetime of it that's more than enough i'm tired can quit it fine it's boring if you don't fight back honestly if you hadn't come after me you stupid brat none of this would have happened look i didn't exactly have a choice okay mom was dying because your awakening activated all of our stance squad she couldn't withstand it because of her gentle nature if i didn't kill you she'd die and that's no help since he's always away huh any dad too huh so i spat on his grave before leaving abusive alcoholic scum of the earth worked his life to death and beat his son i should have exhumed his grave and left his corpse for the crows to eat what nothing to say too much for your delicate little heart to handle you couldn't possibly have thought you had it bad somewhat pathetic like you wouldn't have lasted very long in my position boy say something don't ignore me oh feisty kitty you made my life a living hell you know that yet here i am actually feeling sorry for you king nauseating but euchostars really are a bunch of bleeding hearts aren't you if i had heard of my arch nemesis had it in life i'd have been more gleeful feeling sorry for your enemy you're just as bad as that chivalrous brute jonathan shut the [ __ ] up and don't you dare talk about great great grandpa jonathan i'm not sorry about anything i know you're probably proud you made my life a steaming pilot the fact that you're a heartless smoker makes it worse oh i'm ecstatic alright i'm [ __ ] stoked pookie was the one to kill you i knew i could trust him i hate you the feeling is mutual where are you going you're driving me insane so i'm taking a nap then i'm finding a way out of here this bastard thinks he can walk away from me deal turn this back for me deal it'll be so easy to just just oh damn i must be getting soft if i'm not thinking about killing him i don't like it uh who are we looking for again a european man with a pillar of silver hair black top white pants broken hearty orange jojo is it difficult i didn't know you have friends shut up josuke oh he's here wait he's our help he's a lot cooler in joturosan's story wait mister don't do that he doesn't like physical affection hug reciprocated jotro how are you what damn i've missed you jojo you call me every week that's not the same thing who the hell is this guy all right put me down you're confusing the kids oh [ __ ] you have sons what no so has jotro yelled at you yet uh a few times uh yes great that means he cares about you can you do me a favor of course jojo that's why you called me here yeah thanks i'll treat you to dinner at tonyo's in the open like that okay okay pants on i don't get it so we just wait stand users attract each other and paul nerfs of enemy stand magnet you'll see what i mean the service in this place is terrible i think this is the place josuke said it's the best restaurant in moriah oh shucks you didn't have to jotaro hope it won't be too expensive as long as you don't eat the entire menu will be fine i've got more than enough fun all right i'd never say no to good food gentlemen table for two please any drinks give me your best wine poneroth it's midday we're not getting drunk just a glass silly where's the menu uh we do not have a menu here every dish is tailored specifically to you now may i have your palm please oh okay hmm i see i see i think i know what to serve you both please wait this is a rather unusual restaurant yeah no menu and palm reading that's whack doesn't seem dangerous so far here is your food parmigiana for you and for using your carbonara also the bill as you requested bon appetito is it yo jojo this is excellent oh wow right let me try some of yours hmm wait that's it no reaction at all that was nothing like when i ate here i guess like me they didn't need anything i must say it's rather rude to spy on someone you're lucky i let you in through the kitchen back door uh we're sorry tony osan we're just curious yeah we just wanted to know more about this mr polnareth i've never seen joe torosam be this soft towards anyone he even lets himself be manhandled with no complaint stop making a mess i can't believe you're over 30. forward they are a very intriguing duo for sure they have the eyes of war veterans both seem very guarded especially senior cujo well one person was eating the other senses would be on high alert as if they were watching out for any attack so pearl jam didn't work here was there anything wrong with them beard jam calls illnesses both of them are a peak physical condition so there was nothing to fix if anything heals them it'd be mental not physical belgium did what it could i merely have it boost positive hormones and chemicals in their bodies to make them feel better [Music] so they can relax unwind lighten their minds and perhaps let their guard down around someone they deeply trust uh yes jojo thanks for being here it's my pleasure jotaro i'm really glad you called you want to take a long walk i'm feeling good right now can we go to the beach of course it's the beach how's your eye it's useless now there's the scar but other than that i'm in perfect health why risking the destruction of the world risking your own life to save mine why how could i have chosen any different but why it's one person versus the world it's not the logical thing to do you're my daughter jolene i don't have a better reason what happens now moving forward for us i don't know but it's up to you but i i'm sorry jolene for a lot of things my father was never around when i grew up so i didn't really have a good role model for a father figure i had to grow up too fast too soon i'm not good at these sorts of things and i have a tendency to push people away they'll be safer if they don't get involved in the mess i'm in they'll be better off not knowing i don't want to hurt them but in the end they're always hurt because of me all of these aren't meant to be justifications but maybe you'll better understand me honestly i i don't know how to feel about this about you this is still all too sudden i don't know how to act around you right now you weren't around and you never explained anything now you're suddenly here and talking why do you think i did all that dumb i wanted your attention i wanted you to look at me to care julian i never knew if you were ignoring me because you had something else serious going on or if you genuinely didn't give a sh damn i really am a horrible father you have every right to be upset it's understandable that you resent me i'm not expecting anything whatever you decide i'll respect it if you want me back in your life i'm happy if you want me gone that's fine too you're grown now after all you even changed your last name so if you want to become complete strangers that wouldn't be hard i doubt my presence will make much of a difference but you you're still so stupid so many years and now you're finally back you think i'm just gonna turn you away like that okay [Music] that's the story about my encounter with dio so he did all of that your birth father is dio but your biological father is jonathan joe star my great great grandfather keep in mind outside of my personal experience with dio a lot of what i know is from joseph the speedwagon foundation hopefully that provides you some context and helps you understand why i did what i did i don't want his legacy don't want his legacy i feel sorry for his past and i understand what he went through but it's not an excuse he's done reprehensible things i don't condone and i want nothing to do with them or with him but you do take after him in some ways no i mean mafia boss at 15 hardly conventional you inherited his ambition and charisma as well as some of his ruthless and brutal nature for sure passionate was selling drugs on the streets and i couldn't have that i wanted to take over the mafia to change it that's why i had i get that but it's hard to believe personal ambitions played no part in that decision didn't you and your team slay la suadra escuzioni because they got in your way they tried to take trish and we were tasked with her protection if we didn't kill them they would have killed us we had to because they were in your way they also wanted to get close to the boss like you did using trish una yes you didn't have to kill them you're no different dr kuchow you don't have the moral high ground here i never said i was but i didn't have a choice my mother's life was on the line i had nothing to gain and everything to lose i mostly beat them up badly enough they'd be out of commission and couldn't come after us anymore they died it was unfortunate israel torn up about this i did say some ways huh you told me you didn't like the truck trade so you targeted diavolo right i know you went out of your way to deal with people like popo because they were willing to hurt innocents you did all you could to protect your team and those around you and i find that quite admirable koichi told me you're reasonable and joe star-like i trust his judgment and i agree i don't know jonathan personally but i heard stories of him and i feel like there's some of his demeanor in you you got a great heart journal giovanni i hope you continue to cultivate it and grow into a true gentleman like jonathan i'm glad that despite your troubled upbringing unlike dio you did not become twisted and immoral because then i would have had to do something about it and i'd rather i'd never had to i don't want to hurt family it's rather late and i think you'll have a lot on your mind to think about so i think we can call it a nut thank you giorno i'm i'm sorry i just needed a hug from family right now and you're the only one i really know i'm sorry if it makes you uncomfortable but i it's all right [Music] hey why did you change stop platinum's clothes huh what are you talking about stop platinum used to have pants didn't he what happened to that we are not talking about this no you're not getting under this one he was wearing pants and then all of a sudden he went damn near commando explain that to me no i like loin gloss is that a problem it's for the best they'll be safer that way i'm fine i'll be fine i know i'll be all alone again yeah silly me i still love you thanks for always sticking around start we won guys we did it guys what's going on wake up son please wake up please wake up please he's goddamn it wha what the hell are we gonna tell mrs holly come on you guys are joking right jojo will be fine we just need to get him to the doctors jojo hey wake up it's safe now jojo come on you're just sleeping right paul rough please came here to save my daughter not to plan my only grandson's funeral don't worry i removed the needle before the poison spread along with the flesh that it pierced amazing you and this rat are something else wait does this mean i'm the only dumb one here slap a bandage over it honestly what did you do it was so fast i couldn't see it it's as if time stopped uh enjoying yourself how ironic it is for you to now possess the world's ability beautifully tragic poetic even you remember what i did with it how i killed kakuin killed joseph and drank his blood and nearly killed ponerf do you think about it when you stop time shut up the world is too good to waste isn't it don't you love how powerful it makes you do you feel like a god every time you use it can you feel me you get what you deserve nothing in this world is free now it's your time to pay up joe taro well joe drosson hey are you all right you kind of spaced out there for a bit huh uh i'm fine just sleep deprivation hey don't fall asleep on me now come on we have a rat to catch yeah [Music] are you fooled chotero haven't you had enough already i didn't take you for a greedy man jojoro haven't you tasted everything that can possibly be offered something new or same old taste and texture why even bother eating anymore you haven't had anything good in a while have you and even when it's not gag-worthy it's not as palpable as it should be you know you can stop anytime you just have to ask for dessert once dessert is done you can leave the table dessert sounds wonderful yes that's it jojo dessert sounds great doesn't it [Music] great but no i haven't finished eating yet it's rude to ask for dessert before your meal is gone so go for a bit ugh if mrs joestar and the girls don't come back soon i'm going to order the cafe's most expensive cakes and put it on their tab i don't want to get fat though i'll split it with you you're the best joanna excuse me ladies here are your drinks yay they gave me an extra cookie to go with my cafe creamy hmm what's that call me gorgeous he's way too old for you though it must be nice to be so popular with men i don't want them gianni he's in there [Music] bone ruff [Music] sorry jotaro no you're gonna have to get used to this from now on come on it's not so bad we can still talk like the old times i just can't give you a hug anymore i don't think i've ever seen you cry like this jojo i told you why it suits you look how dapper you are i guess you're right i took a bit of time getting used to but it's grown on me mother knows best i'm actually surprised you haven't yelled at me for it you only liked black and darker colors when you were younger i'm sorry for having been such an unruly and foul-mouthed teen when younger you deserve better you know i never minded it you've never been one for words you're a man of action you were rough but caring my sweet boy after everything you've done for me above and beyond i couldn't ask for a better son [Music] huh gray hair even you can get gray hairs huh even you can grow old get sick die and be gone forever though it's not like that'd make a difference from the usual to me anyway stupid the old man i wonder what's happened to you 72 out of 100 could grieve josuke this is completely unacceptable i didn't get greats this atrocious back in high school that's it you're not leaving this room until you memorized all of these formulas and score at least an 85 on the practice test and do your damn exercise book it's practically blank did you even review for that test yeah yeah yeah i know what i have to do i'm not a kid no need to nag me so much mom what did you just say go in the site please don't kill me [Music] i didn't expect you for a couple more days i haven't set out the futon or anything yet i decided to catch an early flight oh so eager to see your old mother huh [Music] have you been eating well i try i forget sometimes lots of distractions that wouldn't do i'll have to feed you plenty to make up for that come on it's almost lunch i'm gonna get fat you should know to take better care of yourself then [Music] i made your favorite food make sure you eat lots your cooking is my favorite hey old man time to die boy are you having a heart attack call an ambulance call an ambulance but not for me can i sit here sure you're jotara right yes do i know you probably not but well i know you i think everyone in university knows you you have a reputation in campus you know oh you should have heard what the girls say about you and you did punch a guy in the face a couple of days ago news travels fast if he didn't want to be punched he wouldn't have purposely spilled coffee all over my papers [ __ ] troglodyte ah so that's what happened what major are you in marine biology that's an interesting one why do you choose it i like animals and i love the ocean best of both worlds [Laughter] you're right you know from all the campus gossip i didn't expect you to be like this at all you actually seemed nice serious but just a quiet normal guy normal that words lost meaning to me i don't know what's normal anymore i guess i want to be normal i'd like to have a normal life but i doubt it's possible for people like me you can try oh i mean you seem like a troubled man with bad life experiences perhaps you just haven't been around the right people to give you the normalcy you want that's not what i mean my friends and family are well not great if they make you wish you were normal uh let's do something nice we can maybe have a coffee this weekend only if you want to of course sure what do i have to lose [Music] you forgot your morning kiss no objections to public affection this is so rare for you that trip abroad seems to be really life-changing huh i just thought it's okay to show affection once in a while that's all see you in the afternoon okay [Music] huh joe tarot you're awake what jojo you're really here this is crazy you're not a ghost are you of course i'm really good grief you're always getting into trouble i leave you alone and this happens what happened what are you doing here in italy i've been trying to get in touch with you for ages passionate up all my attempts at communication but i finally managed to track you down came here as soon as i uh paul naref don't no no no stop deep breath it's gonna be okay how is this going to be okay you have to calm down down calm down how am i supposed to calm down my legs are [ __ ] gone it at least you're still alive that's better than being dead ow are you [ __ ] kidding me how is this any better i don't know if i should be happy i'm still breathing or despair at the fact that i have to live like like this i can't walk i can't run maybe it'd be better if i died a fighter in this prime thing lived as a [ __ ] relic i'm very happy you're alive i'm so sorry it's all my fault none of this should have happened i could have prevented all of it if i'd been there on time i should have been me if i could have taken your place i would you didn't deserve any of this you shouldn't have gone searching for the arrow that was my job dio was my family's enemy and my burden alone you shouldn't have been involved in any of it first your fingers and toes now your legs and eye and one day you'll be i'm going to fix all of this we have to get you out of here somewhere safe i'll call my uncle josuke to heal you joturo joe tarot he can restore anything to a previous state i'm sure he can for sure repair your legs jojo i'm i'm not angry at you i'm just in shock and grieving come here and look at me please sorry jesus one day you're gonna kill yourself for all of this that you're putting on your shoulders none of this is your fault all right i'm a warrior jojo it's my pride and honor i choose my battles and i've chosen to fight dio with you you are not responsible for what i choose to do i will bear the consequences we've got each other's backs yeah like back in egypt you couldn't have done anything and i will not have you torture yourself over this okay good now give me a hug i think i deserve a good one after all that i've gone through i'm sorry i know i can't stop you from doing whatever you want but i i don't want you to join them not yet but if you didn't want to be here i have no right to nah that that was stupidity talking i'm very grateful to be alive who did this no jojo not now we are having a moment don't ruin it i'm gonna kill him if someone as awesome as me couldn't beat him no way you can just shut up and hug me god i hate you yeah yeah i've heard that before you guys want a cigarette maybe later i don't smoke much anymore no thanks i quit smoking same here well how about a beer do you want some beer future me still likes beer right no more drinking yeah we have too much work to do too dangerous to get drunk will i become a f none in 10 to 20 years [Music] god now i don't even know if i want to fight dio yes i mean uh i'm not here
Channel: PARIS
Views: 327,553
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: JoJos Bizzarre Adventure, Comic Dub, JoJo Comic Dub, JJBA Comic Dub, Stardust Crusaders, Golden Wind, Jotaro, Polanreff, Jolyne, Dio, Giorno, Jonathan Joestar, Joseph Joestar, Josuke, Okuyasu
Id: Qibo9qpHNBQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 21sec (1701 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 29 2022
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