JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: The Movie (Comic Dub)

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you've said i'm part of the joestar family just like you yes then you must know my father oh here i have a photo of him do you recognize him we've never met but to keep a photo of neo brand on your wallet he must mean something to you huh you do know him then please tell me more about him [Music] i killed him you know [Music] jojo go easy on the kid he isn't like you at all i am why'd you kill him he was my enemy you're not here to kill me too are you i don't even know you no you're not my enemy currently are you my enemy then i can't decide that for you but i'd say think very carefully about who you antagonize do you know what happened to the last person who threatened my user he suffered a fate worse than death no stand in existence can oppose me in battle so i adjust your frame from your empty threats dr cucho that may be true i haven't encountered a requiem stand yet and have no knowledge of their abilities i could very well die worse even but i can still put up a good fight i stopped my own heart 20 years ago fighting your father in a sense i've already died there's little left for me to fear so we can have a go see how it goes gur it's okay you can go i believe dr cujo means no harm thank you i appreciate your civility giorno if you don't mind please tell me more about my father and what happened between you two sure but it's a long story you may not like it dio brando was a vampire and a stand user so power hungry and so wicked he used the stone mask to aid his desire of eternal life he had such knowledge of vampiric powers that he could even turn his followers into vampires like him you actually become real vampires the stone mask of the pillar men is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural what happened to him he became so powerful the only thing he was afraid of was someone who could stand up to him or rival him in power which eventually of course he found him unfortunately he arrogantly told his arch enemies everything he needed to know then his nemesis killed him using the same ultimate power he was so proud of ironic he finally got the power he wanted but it was stolen right in front of him [Music] joshua cujo is it i'm jonathan joster hello great grandson great grandfather um i don't know if you know but i killed dio i hope you don't mind that i know you two had history i know you did i tried to help him but failed it was inevitable and deserving that he met his fate yeah did you lead a good life did you cherish and protect your loved ones i don't know i tried to great grandfather i hope it was enough i've watched you from what i see you've had a rough life but you tried your best and did an amazing job despite the struggles you're a great man jotaro i'm proud of you you poor thing no one has ever told you that have they come here let's go the others are waiting for you [ __ ] i could have lost we could have both died if i hadn't reacted in time i would have been dead that stand was stronger than expected this is bad if the rules of the stand users coming after us are strong or even more powerful mom is running out of time i need to get stronger but there's no time to train if the battles get more brutal i don't know how well i can keep everyone safe shut up shut up that was a terrible move at least my mind is a bit clearer what oh jeez you look like death warmed over can i come in no i brought you some apple juice as an apology fine just make it quick i'm sorry for [ __ ] up during the fight how's the wound it's going to heal as usual you're okay does it hurt too much it i'll live honestly jotro even if a serious injury you always stay cool and composed i really admire that you're so strong we're hella lucky to have you it's like a guaranteed win when you're around yeah i got [ __ ] to do enemies to fight ain't got time to be sad and depressed you really all right i don't know come here what i give very good hugs you're actually kind of soft aren't you jojo tell anyone about this i'll end you don't worry cool guy your secret is safe with me how's jonah doing he's okay mr joestar he passed out on me from exhaustion but a good sleep will do them good daddy when will you come back home i miss you on your birthday it's coming up soon right what does little princess want for her birthday dolphin plushie another one yep i had a tea party with my friends today that sounds nice i wish you would have joined us why aren't you home more often daddy i really miss you i miss you too but i have a lot of work to do jolene how about this i'll pick out a pretty dress for you since i'm in france what color do you want oh blue and pink big fluffy dress a school play is coming up and i'm one of the main actors will you be home to see it oh try but i don't know if i can finish my current assignment in time it's very important i see well you're really busy after all jolene i i'm sorry i can't mess up this one it's okay if i can't make it can you videotape it for me i'd love to watch it later sure dad i was prom jolene did you have a nice dance like you care about what's happening to me and mom you can't even be there for your daughter's graduation the only thing you care about is your stupid job and you don't even talk about that jolene i have work guidelines there are a lot of things i can't tell you you know what i do is dangerous i don't care you never tell me anything beyond that if it's so dangerous that you can't be with your own family then quit your job and come back home it's not that simple it's a job a few people can do then let those people do it what's more important to you your family or your [ __ ] job is it the money that's not i hate you don't even bother calling again here's the corrections to your math problems honestly though josuke i'm a marine biologist not a mathematician don't ask me to help with your homework but you're like the smartest guy i know you understood what i explained to you though didn't you i did you're pretty amazing and here i thought you were a delinquent in high school i was but i was also very bright that's so unfair sometimes i think you're just blessed to be good at everything don't say that there are plenty of things i'm bad at oh like what for starters i suck at cooking that doesn't count that's just a lack of practice give me a real fatal flaw one that's truly detrimental ha you can't think of any can you well i suck at showing affection you forgot to give me your morning kiss no ah i don't know how to be softer with my words you're annoying [ __ ] off now now jotaro i keep too many secrets so it's hard to get close to people i suck at expressing how i feel to the people that matter i try to do what i think is best but it seems it's all bad decisions i never seem good enough i suck at making friends and when i do i'm terrible at keeping them don't look at me that way i can't stand if one day that same look of admiration turns into disappointment too like all the others huh sucking at making friends and keeping friends huh don't worry your friendly neighbor uncle josuke is here to help you i'm thrilled hey don't you snark at me do you want my help or not i suppose i do friends would be nice i should call pulmonary too you'll get along with him i think [Music] jojo hello jojo hey don't cling to jojo you're acting way too chummy with him so what why are you all obsessed with me oh but because you're so handsome and cool jojo yeah is that all you're so mysterious too more dreamy than all the boys at school yeah you're so tall and strong more handsome than all of them as well don't touch me stop it stay away from me i don't want this don't touch me it feels gross i hate it don't look at me like that don't touch me i hate this i feel gross it's mom she's different from them it's okay grandpa's okay this is different from that they're different from the others they're okay that [ __ ] hurt stop stay still i'm trying to help you it's okay it's not the same thing this is different it's not the same it's not the same papa jotaro you're back holly i'm so glad i see you're healthy again i'm all well again papa don't you worry i've missed you jojoro [Music] my god are you injured what happened to you did you get into a fight papa too jojo answer me children [Music] [Music] sorry for the delay jojo the store was super packed but i got the medical supplies let's get back to the other oh so you found it by the side of the road poor thing yeah i didn't want to leave it there well at least it'll go to heaven i'm sure the birds had a good run heaven yep where my mom and sherry is good people and animals go to heaven are you religious nah nah nothing like that you don't have to be religious to believe in heaven at least to me a hope for the existence of the afterlife it's a nice thing to believe in i suppose it's not just belief it's necessary if you've lost someone you'll believe in heaven jojo trust me i think i get it hey pulmonary i guess i you're right after all [Music] sit down sit down jotaro i have something very important to show you it's something that helped me defeat many enemies back in my days best weapon ever yeah what on earth is it this time behold my balls huh their shape and aerodynamic design make for lethal weapons they're quite heavy but nothing you can't handle you're a man now after all joe turo now for maximum performance you need to wax these balls carefully and gentle daily i'm feeling so uncomfortable right now this woman is just a pawn a pawn i can use to checkmate you know cars you bastards [Music] do i have to be a part of this be quiet and just let me relive this moment shotaro you're the only one with legs long enough to play lisa lisa [ __ ] sake i don't wanna do it mr joestar it's time to eat some real food french boy guys don't do that jojo will be annoyed if polnorev comes crying to him again would you two quit it stop force feeding them shitty cheese it's the third time this week sorry three days later [Music] what is it this time the cheese powder pack in the felina mac and cheese cup oh for [ __ ] sake can you use silver cherry to trim off some branches yeah sure but we don't find an oasis often we need to get all the supplies we can before we reach the next one why though i just don't want to kill a tree every time we go looking for firewood do you want to take the leaves as well for tinder maybe if it's not dry don't bother it's a pain in the ass to burn and produces a lot of smoke i hope the others made food i'm hungry they can't cook anything unless we return you dummy [Music] [Music] all right we're in a [ __ ] submarine there are no enemy stand users nearby give me a [ __ ] break i'm going to try to take a nap don't wake me up unless there's an emergency got it okay right so that's when they figured out i was a girl they never saw it coming very interesting attack i shut my eyes for 15 minutes jontaro help us egyptian market okay we have some time before the train arrives you have two hours to stop with the allowed budget two hours later all right gang show me what you've got i found a couple of old books to add to my collection sweet let me see him later souvenirs to bring back home nice nice what about you two we've got custom-made lighters and lighters of all the things you can buy youtube about lighters no look oh god nice haha what about yours jojo watch out he's going to blow your mind oh my god no sign of him yet perhaps my spy was mistaken about the city i wonder where joseph joestar is hiding you know my grandpa mister what are you a friend of this you're a foreigner right mister just like grandpa you're dressed very strange hey what you say joseph joestar is your grandfather yeah who are you i'm an old friend of his like you said what do you call yourself jotaro cujo is it worth it to even kill him he's just a shrimp he probably won't even be a stand user in the future harmless little thing wow you're really strong mister dad carries me with both arms while you can deal with just one where is your grandfather he's not home right now he's at the bookstore but he'll be back in a few hours if you want you can wait and you'll meet him holly totoro i'm back the store didn't have any coloring books but i got something way better welcome back you never told me you had such an interesting friend papa grandpa look who's here there you are joseph joestar oh my god boy general poneriff get down to the hotel lounge dinner is ready is this okay yeah just hurry up and get on with it what is going on in there how ow stop that you clumsy idiot you have to tell me if it hurts how the hell am i supposed to know just give it here i'll do it myself no way light out you don't know how to put it on i want to be able to breathe properly after you finish i told you i've got this you're way too tense the tenser you are the more it's going to hurt don't be so rough sorry you can move your legs to the side it's kind of hard to good [ __ ] grief just get in between what the f are you doing to my grandson you degenerate oh will you come home soon oh there's a big concert coming up i see good luck can't wait to see you again dear so he won't be back anytime soon not even for valentine's day in two months he has a big concert ahead isn't that great said it's very important to his career but he's sending me gifts uh it's the same as every year then what's wrong oh nothing mom don't lie it's no big deal just next week is our 20th wedding anniversary i was hoping to spend time with him hmm put on your favorite dress we're going out this evening general what i booked a table at your favorite restaurant i'll be paying but general you're still in school you don't have a job yet i should bring money i asked for a couple shifts at the school library and i've been saving up this month's allowance there's more than enough you can still have fun on your anniversary without dad i'm not like him but i'll make sure after dinner we can go shopping if you want i know you haven't done that in a long time i'll even leave my head at home if you wish okay you've gone up so much of fun young man would you stop that woman yeah i'm not a baby anymore thank you for agreeing to babysit joe for what today grandma lisa lisa of course it's always a pleasure spending time with little jojo what'll we do today great grandmama oh i don't know little jojo how about i show you a new cigarette trick yay you're so cool great grandmama years later hello great grandma you're growing up to be quite a beauty little jojo don't say such embarrassing things hey i know you never told me how to do it but i figured out the five cigarette trick that's my boy show me that this pita wrap needs more spiciness [Music] is that mashed avocados i didn't know they sell those in tubes now wait don't eat it all at once you [ __ ] brain surgeon that's wasa is he still upset yes see this is why i hate japan shut it you old fart perhaps this time he'll learn to be careful damn it jotaro it's a damn group hug you need one stop being a baby and just come here palmer f2 i don't like physical affection give me a hug you [ __ ] nerd where'd you come from the toilet nothing happened it was great ew did you wash your hands before hugging me yup twice have we got any cookies left i've got a butter cookie in my bag sweet anyway like i was saying i don't like physical affection but paul riff was hugging you literally three seconds ago that's different pulling the rev has no concept of personal space and you won't take a no it's easier to just go with it iggy want some gum what the hell am i thinking can't be iggy the caller says buster wonder where the owner is hey all dogs go to the same place when they go right you'll probably see iggy at some point can you tell him something for me tell him even though he was a shitty mutt i think he was still a good mutt and thanks for saving that french idiot i'm very grateful oh you want to shake my hands buster there you are oh my god i'm so sorry is he bothering you he suddenly ran off it's okay he's a nice dog how the hell are you gonna find the killer we only know he targets women and he seems to fixate on the hands i have an idea a few days later excuse me but may i say you have very beautiful hands such elegant high-class gloves too holy oh my how straightforward [Music] dotaro i have something for you hmm look it's you what do you think i like it you do i'm still practicing but one day i'll be a comic artist greater than disney yeah it's great is it you can keep it it's for you i know it kind of sucks but it doesn't hurt to be supportive where did palmyref go i haven't seen him i'm not sure he only told me he had some personal business to take care of and that he would be back in a few hours hmm i saw him buy some flowers and a necklace though maybe he's out to flirt again hi sherry i hope you don't mind this i can't visit you in person right now because i'm on a trip so this will have to do oh what a trip well it's a long story but i got into trouble with a bad man called dio and these people saved my life jotro mr joestar kakuwin and avdol i joined them to save jocharo's mother from dio's influence his gratitude and for a chance to find your killer hopefully we succeed so he doesn't lose his mother same way i lost you ah what the [ __ ] jotaro hmm what are you doing here making sure you don't get into some stupid [ __ ] what's the occasion it's the anniversary of sherry's death uh it's been three years right you think about her a lot yeah what's on your mind you know i trained so hard to become powerful enough to venture mom died when i was young cherie was the only one i had left she she really was the sunshine of my life what kind of a brother am i if i couldn't even protect my little sister well i may not know all about it but i can kind of relate from what you do know you weren't to blame if it means anything i think you're a good brother and you're not alone anymore i'll wait over here also i just bought a new pack of cigarettes when you're done if you want a smoke i can share [Music] don't worry about me sherry i'm in good hands [Music] how are you josuke i miss my grandpa i'm tired of people telling me he's in a better place about how great he was and that he lived a good life doesn't help he's gone i know if you said once the life is taken it doesn't come back no matter the stand it can't bring it back i know that but i can't help but think about how things could have gone differently if only i had paid more attention you did your best josuke it was just an unfortunate series of events but he didn't have to die i miss him i could have saved him if only regrets can only do so much what is done is done you must be incredibly sad i am my sincere condolences i want to show you something whoa is that you when you were younger you look angry and you're even smiling are they or three of them are dead the redhead cacuen the dark-skinned man and jewelry aftol and iggy the dog murdered in cold blood and there was nothing i could do to save them too late we were on a dangerous trip to egypt to save my mother's life me paul niref grandpa joseph kakuin avdol and iggy the only memorabilia i have of the trip and of them is this photo in retrospect it wasn't a long trip less than two months we had so little time but the memories of that trip i will keep with me forever how long have you kept it 10 years give or take huh 10 years that's a long time to the grief never we as humans aren't that great at dealing with death we tend to be in denial and not acknowledge the truth which is sad death is a painful reality it takes loved ones away from you and you can never see them again it's okay to be sad it's okay to grieve i think acknowledging the pain of loss and sitting with it despite the discomfort is the quickest way to accepting it being told to move on doesn't quite cut it but you learn to live with it feel lucky they were a part of your life just don't get drowned i still have moments of grief but i try my best and i continue on i have pulmonary and gramps they're both idiots but bless their souls i don't know what i'd do without them we have to stick together the ones left i see the old man often enough but not pawn ref this keeps me grounded feels like he's around in person it calms me a lot perhaps you can find something similar too i doubt any of this will help no thank you it helps a lot it's good to have someone who understands [Music] uh is it tuesday already it is don't tell me you forgot joe tarot tuesday is our weekly call sorry i've been busy they just slipped my mind sometimes sheesh are you at least eating and sleeping well i i try i'm still fit you're always fit once you ate a pint of brownie ice cream with three beers for dinner and your body still looked like it was chiseled out of marble it's so damn unfair sometimes i suppose it's the joestar jeans jealous of course i am you unlike you i take good care of myself i'm telling you the neighbor old lady makes some bomb booyah base [Music] how are things with jolene worse you're such a mess jojo you gotta fix that someday before it's too late i know you mean well and you're trying your best but you gotta explain things to her eventually or she may resent you forever maybe when she's old enough to understand she shouldn't have to worry about any of it still can't express your feelings to save your life huh typical jotaro and you still haven't found a nice woman yet nah still nothing i think i'm running out of luck soon my youthful glow is starting to suffer from age the tragedy [Laughter] hey palmeriff i miss you i know i'm bad with words but i thought i should say it i know jojo me too you don't have to say it out loud when your current assignment is done come visit i'll save some fancy cigars for you can't wait to try those out i'm following the aeros trail to italy i think this might be it watch out you've always had a knack for getting into trouble on your own hey that was like 10 to 15 something years ago just try not to get into trouble since i'm not around to get you out but call me if things get bad i'll come promise geez i promise you always worry too much i'm really sorry i couldn't keep my promise jojo [Music] hi if you have any business with us please come back tomorrow we are already closing i'm actually just looking for some i said his name is yoshikage do you know him what what the what are you doing here i'm here to pick you up looking like this what's your problem you look like you came back from extension that's right people get the wrong idea you're ruining my cuff my image lucky it's nothing like that i always thought that purple suit was kind of sus huh yo kira get in loser it's all your fault don't hold back you can hit me if it makes you feel better i deserve it i had to do it i had to protect my family i know that damn it that's why it hurts more but what about my family what about me if there's anything i can do for you please tell me again huh he's been acting weird ever since we talked about santana raise your head you said anything right then don't disappoint me how about that that should be easy for you don't you agree i've always wanted to be like you strong elegant merciless you took me in raised me made me the man i am today so tonight i will show you it was worth it watch me i will make you proud can we get ice cream please jotaro please please best ice cream in mario see i told you let's go wait jolene yes you were right joe tarot i know why this root looked familiar are you here for the ice cream okay bye ice cream i'm a joking don't get into a fight next time okay are you tired of patching me up constantly nope i just don't like seeing you get hurt mom shh don't cry stay strong for mom's sake okay deal deo is something wrong [Music] you are all the same you all look down on me [Music] oh i'm so sorry i didn't mean to it's okay i'm missing a paper ah it's there could you give me a hand sure [Music] oh you are doing amazing kira done i was faster what sloppy work huh are you blonde or something i wish i was so i wouldn't have to see your ugly braid how dare you insult my work i've been practicing for years practicing wow you are just so lame jojo my braid is perfect and this is my first time doing it what will you practice next doing your makeup maybe your nails maybe i should cut off your fingers let's see how you can braid after that can you stop sorry [Music] isn't that jodorow whoa he's in such a good shape i'm jealous what a show-off he heard us what was that i i can't believe you'd say something that rude okuyasa huh that wasn't me oh josuke that was f what's wrong there's no toilet paper huh would this work do you want to die are you dumb so it wouldn't of course not thanks for the nightmares though oh can i look not yet koichi don't put that there but i like the red okay done do you like it it's so pretty can i make one too sure dad look what i have that really suits you do you think so josuke made it for me i mean one for you too do you want it of course [Music] does it look good on me too yup oh it sure does oh man this is amazing we can totally use this against him josuke you are so smart josuke i i am i i just [Music] can i what's wrong can i huh can i huh huh i just want to i i can't hear you he just wants a hug hurry up and do it already uh oh that's all you should have just told me that i want there there it's okay sorry must be all that pepped up frustration everyone needs a hug once in a while speaking of hugs uh i think you're not the only one who needs one right now wait i i really don't you smiling no i don't know what to do i'm just afraid he will hate me if i tell him how i really feel josuke you've been talking about okiyasa for two hours straight huh really yeah really i'm i'm sorry just go and tell him you like him while you can you don't want to make the same mistake we did because trust me you'll regret it joduro is right huh we what are you talking it's not important but go ah okay wish me luck sure regrets huh what do you want at least look me in the eyes if you have something to say [Music] jolene i'm sorry i'm so sorry josuke hi princess can you pick me up sure but first i have a question for you oh she really likes josuke yeah who is cooler me or dad you hey josuke what stop being so smug i'm not a dog are you sure do you want me to test that josuke don't you dare don't say it who's a good boy [Music] me see bro i don't know staying in that huge room alone just working all day and not really talking to anyone it seems really lonely i like being alone no one is there to annoy me i can just focus on my work it's quiet and peaceful [Music] i'm happy like this i see you know i thought you are that person who is just good at everything huh i guess nobody's perfect you are bad at lying come and have dinner with us tonight [Music] okay this kid [Music] you
Channel: PARIS
Views: 791,131
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, JoJo Bizarre Adventure, JoJo Bizarre Adventure Comic Dub, JoJo Comic Dub, JJBA Comic Dub, JoJo Bizarre Adventure Movie, JoJo Movie, JJBA Movie, JoJo Compilation, JoJo Memes, Jotaro Kujo, Dio Brando, Josuke Higashikata, Giorno Giovanna, Okuyasu Nijimura, Jean Pierre Polnareff, Muhammad Avdol, Noriaki Kakyoin, Jonathan Joestar, Holly Kujo
Id: f2T7Genx0R8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 43sec (2323 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 12 2021
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