Asmongold Roasts His Viewers PC SETUPS | Episode 4͏͏

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as mine's set up too this is our setup how it started and how it ended up with a bit of a dual streaming that's why we had to get the backlight and it's gotten a bit messy over time we stopped streaming because our internet provider couldn't handle it we are from belgium they play apex cs go and wow bro this is like this is like a booth from like one of those gaming conventions somebody lives here somebody like dude i would ruin this setup in like four days like in four days this would look like [ __ ] if i was here okay yeah cable there yeah where are the cables well what they have is they have like those big tubes that keep all the cables together because like you can see it on the right side there look at that okay that's whenever all the lights aren't on this obviously doesn't look as good because it doesn't have the lighting let's go to the other one damn dude he's got the little blanket right there in case he gets cold he's keeping himself cozy he's got his little mic right there oh my god this is really really well done i like it a lot does he watch porn yeah him and his boy would watch it together man that's how they have the monitor in the middle obviously that's the way it works yeah this is [ __ ] great dude he has anime girls on literally all five monitors five monitors all dedicated to having anime girls on them i will say this though in terms of quality this is probably the best one that we've ever seen it's the best one that we've seen so far like i really really like this one the first picture dude this is what i like to call clean as a [ __ ] dude oh my god this is nice i like it a lot this is really really good has the table stand up um magic obviously and now uh oh geez i spent all my time on this setup whenever i'm not sleeping or at the gym i don't drink sodas etc only coffee and water setup has all the things i need considering to upgra up rage to monitor them so there's a lot to unpack here number one it's a piece of [ __ ] you know it i know it everybody knows it and you know i know why it's a piece of [ __ ] it's because it only has one monitor it has this scuffed ass little baby dick keyboard it has a razor like this is a loo like there's no way that you could lose any harder than this there's no sodas you're using a little dick keyboard you're using a razor mouse a gaming chair you only have one [ __ ] monitor a wooden desk and you've got [ __ ] everywhere and toothpaste what the hell do you need toothpaste for for your own desk and he doesn't he doesn't he doesn't even have a mouse pad bro this is a [ __ ] neanderthal this is a straight up [ __ ] this is a caveman setup this guy is living in 2006. what is this oh my god this is a cry for help it's not a cry for help but it's something it's uh it's not good all right i'll say that for sure it's certainly not [ __ ] good let's go to the next one this is nice this is a girl too alley cat i play world of warcraft sometimes role play on worm rest accord and i tweet about my cats a lot let me just say this i can tell that you're a girl because only girls would buy the headphones that have the cat ears on them not true no if you're a guy and you buy the headphones with the cat ears on them now you're a girl listen so overall i do like this okay like you've got obviously like all the little pins and everything like that that's really nice and let's see what else we have here it's not amazing but what i will say is that it's good you've got your one monitor you've got the little uh you've got the little candle there for you know for the mood and overall i think this does look decent wow this is actually i really kind of like this one so here's what i really really like about what he has here okay so let's view image we're gonna zoom in a little bit and um we're gonna see what he's got there so he has this turned away because this right here his middle thing that is um lotion so he has his lotion bottle turned away so the viewers can't watch it or sorry the viewers can't see it it's tums well yeah he needs tums no never mind he needs tums look what he's got right next to it he's got hot mustard sauce so this is the logical progression here he goes uh hot mustard sauce tums wow that's it it's perfect so he's got the circle of life right there on the middle of his desk and on top of that he's got his little keyboard there he's got a razer naga which always reminds me of mitch's razer naga that i had for like three [ __ ] years and then besides that what does he got over here besides that he's got a little mcdonald's cups i like the mcdonald's cups i feel like that's good the reason why i really like this one is the fact that this guy actually shows that he can plan ahead and he thinks about the future how do i know that he thinks about the future the fact that he has three of the mcdonald's sauce packets now if you ever go to mcdonald's if you order a 10-piece nuggets or a 20-piece nuggets they usually give you two to three sauce packets so that means that he is saved and rationed out extra sauce packets on the off chance that sometimes mcdonald's doesn't give them to you and he doesn't want to have to go back and then he will have them at home and he can use the ones that he had saved at home that he doesn't have to worry about getting new ones because mcdonald's back in the day you know what they [ __ ] did is they decided that because they were giving away back in the day remember back in the 90s guys back in the good days whenever they would give you the sauce packets for free and now you have to pay 30 cents for each one of those okay let's go to the next one all right greetings from germany now look at my scuffed ayah setup um uh oh wait a minute uh what's going what too dark well no this is the way it's supposed to be listen i actually appreciate it being too dark because a weeb that's playing ginge and impact the waifu simulator that only costs 200 a day deserves to be in the shadows they should be in the shadows they should be holding out hiding out not letting people know what they're doing not letting people know what they're saying they're hiding shame this is uh this is a decent setup i would say okay oh it's in the light now okay all right so let's see what's in the light so he's got obviously like a little little controller to where he can change the colors on his stuff he's got the aragon book i remember that was really popular whenever i was in like middle school or so that's pretty cool xbox 360 controller that's great because there's probably no way you still have a working xbox 360. and overall i think this is decent right and what i really like about the setup okay this is a genius setup that he has here here's what i like about it is he has used the two monitor or sorry the two books under his left monitor to elevate his first monitor to the same level as his second monitor so they seamlessly fit together on his setup this is genius level planning and whenever you look at it in the dark this is what this looks really really good like this guy actually that's german ingenuity okay this is impressive and i like it a lot let's go to the next one uh it's not much but it's something all right listen listen kid let's look at what we got here so obviously this guy owns a beaver because the beaver's been sitting there nibbling at his keyboard tray for the past four years so that's obviously what's going on here and also here let me go ahead and explain why you why you don't have much here let me let me show you why i'm gonna zoom in a little bit here you shouldn't have sub to the stream yeah you you [ __ ] don't sub again until you can buy an actual [ __ ] desk like you've got this omen pc [ __ ] going on there there's like five it's like you know some cents right there you can probably buy a uh an hp monitor with that you've got the logitech keyboard i like that one that one's pretty decent what do you see let's see what we got going on here so we have what the hell what the hell you got action figures going on there for what the hell are these action figures doing what the hell is this [ __ ] and wait what is that what what is that what is the tilt on this monitor what is your is your is your room in zero gravity yeah do you have like a zero gravity [ __ ] like suspension system where like you're looking down on is maybe seven feet tall he's like oh what's going on what's that has been doing now what the hell is he doing now yeah maybe that's what it is man and um the only thing that makes this at least even slightly okay is the fact that he is following some of the boys here okay mike you look over here you can zoom in you can see his following list he's following i'm a cutie pie shroud and uh and train okay like that is acceptable those are the boys there's nothing wrong with that at all so i will accept that 100 percent let's go to the next one an absolute piece of [ __ ] what an absolute piece of [ __ ] like he's it's like he's he's got a factory underneath his desk he's got so many different like table like chair things and you know like legs down there like if you tried to put your leg there i can guarantee you this guy's knees are bruised and not in a good kind of way in the bad kind of way because he's sitting there hitting his [ __ ] knees against all the legs across all the tables that are sitting around here this is not good man not good at all it's dusty it's musty it's scuffed and you're playing classic while you're on class well let's see what character do you have in classic wow let's zoom in here we're going to see what's going on so you are a level about level 11 troll mage troll female mage let me stop you right here probably want to go and play a gnome number one you're playing horde that's wrong number two you've got shitty bags that's wrong number three you've got twenty dollars you literally like this guy's flat like guys he's flexing on all of us man he's flexing on every single one of us showing off he's got twenty dollars uh regardless i do think this does look pretty good uh it could be could be better but i could see in the dark that's actually looking okay alina gaming on the first photo my setup on the second photo me and my man setups together damn that's a lucky dude yeah that that's a pretty nice looking setup look at that she's got the head yeah he's got the headphones going on like a razer headphones not ideal but it's okay i've never actually actually i did have the razer cracker and kraken headphones they were too small um that's okay let me see here so this is her setup with her uh her her boyfriend or her husband i think this is actually pretty nice what do you guys think they're too close see like to me i don't want i don't know if i'd want to have like a dual pc setup right next to my girlfriend like because like what if i i don't know i think it could just be like it's too close it's like if you wanted to do that you could just have like it would be okay for a while but i feel like i can be in my own little world here and like she can be in her own little world and then we can hang out at another time it's privacy right because like sometimes i don't know like let's say there's like a really hot draenei female so you turn around it's like and then then you screenshot it right but you have to wait for that that's what it comes down to yeah it's like it's so awkward if you if they're right next to each other you know what i mean like yeah you can't jerk off that sucks regardless um this is a decent looking setup and um he's a lucky guy okay there we go we're good this this isn't even really a setup like this guy is showing off he's showing off his apartment okay it has nothing to do with the uh with the setup at all it has everything to do with the apartment because let's actually just look at the setup okay the setups over there on the right let's be real the setup sucks looks real cozy though it does it doesn't look cozy like you ever try to sit on one of those [ __ ] like it's like people they try to reinvent the wheel don't reinvent the sofa just make a [ __ ] sofa if you want to lay down on the sofa lay down on the other side don't reinvent the wheel buy two sofas if you have a problem with it sofa looks nice i'm not a big fan of it man i i don't like it a whole lot it's not cozy it's not as cozy man i'll say that for sure why would a guy like this watch asthma gold i thought we're all trashy here well we basically are we're all basically raccoons here but every once in a while you have a few people that aren't complete [ __ ] degenerates okay now we've got another one here now this one right here comes from somebody who's uh you know who's someone that a lot of the stream knows about you guys know this guy this is my one of my mods niandra's now niandra i can see why he gets along with me really well and why he probably uh this stream resonates with him and you want to know why it's because he's balding how do i know that because no man with a full head of hair would own that many hats regardless i do think this one does look pretty decent okay this is like a setup that's a guy that plays guitar at parties like this is he takes the girl home after playing a guitar and like you know like uh i don't know like wooing this like you know this girl that like thinks it's really cute at the at the party and she comes back to his house and this is what it [ __ ] looks like right here okay he's even dude he's even got a record player he's got a record player down there at the bottom this dude's spinning vinyls holy [ __ ] man i've never seen it before but somebody named hypixel really wants me to look at their setup and it's got 500 likey boys okay so we're going to take this seriously and we're actually going to look at it now hypixel donated the equivalent of like 500 to have this reviewed you better not [ __ ] this up dude we are going to be we are going to be much harsher because of this [Music] [Music] holy [ __ ] oh my god bro this is [ __ ] badass [Music] dude this is awesome i i actually don't have i literally don't have anything bad to say is this what normal people do with their money like is they actually use it to like create cool things and improve their lives i i go to wendy's yeah that's what i usually i'll go to wendy's and um sometimes i'll get a large drink there i'll waste a whole dollar i'll say this this is not a gaming setup this is like a gaming lifestyle i am very impressed by this i like it a lot and i think that you did a great job putting this together i really really really like this this is [ __ ] amazing man anyway let's go over here this is another one of my mods now i understand this might not make as much sense as it would for a lot of you guys but you have to understand firehead not only has to deal with me but he also has to deal with s-van and dealing with both of us at the same time regularly it takes a toll on anybody's mental state yeah he's got his pants off what's the surprise there he's watching my stream anybody that's watching my stream with their pants on is a [ __ ] [ __ ] that's not how it's supposed to be done so what you have here right here is a um this is what you like to call a champion so he's got his pants on the floor he's got cheez-its he's got a power drill that's in case he like we don't want to know we don't want to know what fire head does with the old power drill okay like that comes out at night you don't know what that's going to be all right uh he has no mouse yeah wait yeah he has no mouse pad wait he's reviewing the logs he's reviewing the logs to somebody who's banned all right let's do another one give me the validation i need the air on tuck this right here is incredibly well done i really really like this a lot this is very very clean very well designed very nice i really really really like it this is exactly what we're looking for this is exactly what we're going for everything about this is clean well-designed well-kept and nice you have three monitors that all fit together with the same uh the same background you have a keyboard that looks good and you're not trying to show off too much with it you have a steel series uh mouse pad and also a steel series mouse i believe you have master chief's helmet this is exactly what we like to see i like this a lot now why is this the winner it's simple it's purple this is the winner there it is it's right here this is what we like to call this is a gamer this is a beautiful setup everything about this is just so well designed and so well put together the way that he sprinkles around his uh cigarettes and nail clippers around his desk who creates the first the perfect level of feng shui to really bring this room together and create a setup that's worth remembering the dpi on his mouse is 25 000 because he only has half an inch to move his mouse and he has to move everything around in just that type of half an inch so this guy has the closest and the the closest hands possible his mouse pad is not a mouse pad it's just a pad for other things that are not mice this is amazing i love it i think that it's very well done and i like it a lot he's got my twitter open uh he's got izzy's twitter open and he's got my uh my stream open as well and he has wait he has condoms oh sh regardless i think this one's really really good his name is sean and let's look at this is what he typed this is his uh his thing skeet skeet tweet tweet sean gamer king this is by far the most gamer set that i've seen in a long time this is probably one of the most gamer setups i've seen in a long time he's got 17 followers all right he's doing his best so this set right here this is a struggle setup this is obviously a struggle setup this setup you know what this strap you know what the setup says right this setup says i'm in community college because he's using his life he's got this uh his monitor right there and uh i don't even know what else to say the grinder i don't know what the grinder is um i i don't know about that i don't know what that is uh british parliament yeah regardless this is probably one of the scuffed and saddest and most ghetto setups i've ever seen man and uh it's for weed i don't know if it's for weed i think it's just for herbal uh herbal supplements actually so yeah don't forget about that buy a [ __ ] desk yeah listen he paid for more first keyboard than they did for probably the monitors you you wouldn't be surprised there uh the desk is a piece of [ __ ] like the desk is so much of a piece of [ __ ] that both of us monitors this these monitors give me anxiety like look at these monitors like one desk slam one asmon smash and that monitors on the four like that monitor is done finished and like dead deleted one asmod smash it it's gone man and uh this is a wait this is one of my discord mods oh my god this is this is my mod he says uh still waiting on my paycheck mr ass man now look this is a it's not uh that's not good it's not good i'm gonna be honest with you man this is the worst setup we've seen all day and i really like how he has the mop and the bucket there because he has to clean up my chat because he's been my mod for like three years he's using a dictionary as um as a as a monitor stand his keyboard comes from the discount section at best buy and the mouse comes from discount bin at best buy it's an hp mouse this logitech little uh the sound system that he had was 20 on sale at best buy this is genuinely making me depressed by even having him look at him i feel like every single round of these setups that i do they get more and more ridiculous some of these i do think are really really good though like i feel like some like i i do think that uh i i do think that high pixels was probably the best i mean realistically it probably was but i mean like that guy's like a [ __ ] minecraft guy i don't think we can even compare that man it's not even fair to compare that this one though i think is really really good though yeah that's my old setup man do you know why we took this picture by the way do you know where we took this picture it's because it was the only time that my desk was ever that clean we took the picture specifically because my desk was that queen i was i think 16 years old in this picture yeah 16 [ __ ] years old man that was a good [ __ ] time anyway guys thank you all so much for watching so until tomorrow [Music] you
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 670,090
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, asmongold best, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, ZackRawrr, asmongold pc setups, asmongold setups, asmongold reviews, asmongold viewers, asmongold rates, asmongold pc, asmongold roast, asmongold roasts, asmongold roasted, roasts, roast, xqc, xqcow, asmongold xqc, xqc setup reviews, xqc reviews, xqc pc setup, xqc pc, xqcow setups, xqc setup review, episode 4, asmongold 4, asmongold episode 4
Id: I00mgVllvi8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 37sec (1537 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 25 2020
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