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well time to move where's jack I don't know he went to relieve Baker on point in this all right [ __ ] it on me let's go already I have a blue tinker on the Mac like a blue paint whoa what the heck are those some mortars oh man where are they exactly oh I see I just get it I think I just got hit my gun sounds different too [Music] holy crap combat ineffective an Oscar bike reported west of your position over here the primary get those throws offline those explosions are really weird they're like fiery like incendiaries or something if I hear a pickup with the boss yep these sounds so weird except boys my arm kind of akin over here keep that jammer on it Jack hold space to disable ugv what's that it's not a little stick what is this you wedged a [ __ ] screwdriver Master tools okay space stop edit parameters 20:39 simulation false hey execute that's actually kind of like for one to highlight actual livonian Defence Force ug bees are out of action I reckon I could pull some Intel if you can wait one over oh shoot great you bluebells get extra points if you shoot us in the back hey what the hell wait is this it yeah thanks I appreciate it pal is this a training scenario the whole time that was kind of confusing but oh look at the top it says blank it's sad that this don't fall down cuz we're you're only using blanks the sad day already blood yes sir specialist Dayton Ruud well I've just been reassigned on a pcs then you are my problem wonderful do you have a map just a sketchbook sir not enough maps to go around sinews of war huh rip that one off the whiteboard here okay so let's take a look at this our joint exercises span the not bore region as you know that's pretty much one big military training area no SIM pop to give us any trouble but this this is premium strategic real estate the Andreev gap take ground here and you close the door on the Baltic States huh anyway our boys are pushing East from the Kaliningrad border obviously in this scenario role playing as the Russians that means okay we'll be facing off against the livonian Defense Force already this morning we've put some pressure on their MSR here later today they'll counter-attack dominating the high ground south of our position so we're just doing field training exercises right now perfect that's this country listen on our fireworks [ __ ] you not even the weather here's against us isn't it let's wrap it up point out anything you want to know their input that's a black boots bill one of our many burn pits pissed me off and I can't see you'll see more of it this road it's not part of the training area no civilian quarter it's the only way to turn a dwarf you haven't got a pass huh okay are you that our military tower kind of Armed Forces Radio it only airs your lieutenants pic of classical music at the Edit panel I'd make that a tier one priority target not the border you know if that's a large town sir large enough just don't expect a warm reception people there they've had enough of army code and Magnus that's the livonian defense forces mo be aside from being the main base of operations here because of the home of the elite 5th regiment Special Forces just [ __ ] them by the wolf's head insignia on their sleeve the LDF have a small logistic staging area at the junction there it's only home to a few MTA warden colano is also an left generis shop cup 41 let me guess an old Soviet site radar-based LDF tested drones there huh and I'm Conrad that an f OB sir it is right on the edge of our live fire zone alright then let's get this [ __ ] show on the road do that concrete office across the courtyard I need you to go on over and assisters black ass corporal I need that electronic warfare demo making sense alrighty it's funny they brought back old they brought back old arma 2 buildings I need to you know some incident yeah but I can't fix the problem between your ears Lane Oh screw it then do any words I need now I got a need and this I'm not sure this is not looking like an ARMA 2 building yo good well corporal status' up on the roof if you're looking for him oh yeah ethical building a lot of cool new assets like computers and high-tech looking stuff cuz this is what four years after the offense of ARMA 3 his ARMA 3 was 2035 now this is 20 39 no [ __ ] way you here for a 101 homewards orders I got voluntold the dawn so what are you like idiot proofing hey I didn't want to be here jack yeah whatever better you than some damn Bluebell jammers on the desk let's get you zapped and [ __ ] okay now what you've got there is some funky fresh tech a modular electromagnetic spectrum device with an integrator to analyze it oh that's catchy yeah which is why a Sparky's call it a spectrum or m-spec device my frames were really low like 30 I don't know if that's just the game yeah here we go my faithful assistant Monsieur de la terre that you a be on a program I don't know it's doing stuff ain't it okay so point the antenna Adam you'll see the and wait for the signal to scan you ought to get a confirmation beep so hold on it and there that's a signal strength you can use those readings to get a rough location of the source okay first lessons tracking hit him up over to the right and again scan that signal if you aim at our little friend and squeeze the trigger oh he's slowly dying we got him okay he's set him down telemetry is out yeah the noise you're transmitting breaks the connection autopilot takes over he thinks he's out of range [Applause] affirmative North or South Dakota sir we're supposed to go up here okay yeah there's some stuff hey what's up Ruud well nicely timed I got to verify some numbers for the live fire and well all I'm getting is a false negative maybe a dud designator could be but only the GPS is out huh do you mind if I take a look at it yeah no not at all be my guest there's a load of concrete targets on the hilltop to the south should be marked with purple smoke okay I got him coordinates are zero six seven whoa yeah it's glitching yeah that's definitely off a little bit magic touch thank you know it okay can you give it another shot zero six zero six eight zero one five confirmed great job really hold here a sec I'll call it in zero six eight zero one five Alchemist how light actual requesting cast support on zero six eight zero one five over give it a few SEC's payloads a gps-guided smart bomb you're not gonna want to miss this you ever see one of those things go boom before yeah right drone operator sign up for that not really I enlisted as a translator six languages in an extra G every month then it all went digital anyhow long story short helped my kid put together a mini bot last Christmas and figured hey army can now be doing drones pointless to fight the future huh okay so where's the strike coming in from is this innate in I think he said a bomb but I'm spooked to this great corner because I can't mark anything else there he is you got him oh yeah I see him yeah he's missed it overshot the target by what half a klick uh no oh my god all call signs incoming on the factory no play no play Jesus Christ Rudd well get down there find out if there's any County oh gosh I can't get down very quickly not all of us are encountered I don't know how big that bomb was oh yeah not good lieutenant it's bad what of ours wounded two others non-responsive six maybe seven LDF all dead advise over with a medkit make it nice whoa the Hank I can't see [ __ ] over Jack all right come in heck lieutenant Jack's hurt the APC dropped in a sinkhole and there's something real weird space to trow in a tree out of the ground over his injury do you copy [Applause] I guess the livonians are it's like a general up there I think we just found something out ooh the spooky star two weeks later two weeks yep thanks dill dill is your last name pickle gotcha yeah he'll never talk to me again eyebrows doing all this rickston 48 hours remind our permits for the roads aren't valid yet or for the fact that the NMC seas are all choked this is suicide by logistics I swear if the Russians invade I couldn't be too [ __ ] soon listen it's all hands on deck even the Colonel's out there hitting corners I need everyone to do the same not a problem sir he didn't let me finish I need everyone including that black ass corporal corporal Stipe I love that I don't have to explain myself to you specialist he's almost got a lisp I really like it he's on task carting our little [ __ ] over to the burn pit that's hard to say I want you to tag along stop him from getting on the business end of an MP's nightstick Roger that things are tense enough as it is the livonian Defense Force have the accident area lockdown you know why I just got the word highly toxic vapors in addition to structural instability that factory is sitting on a landfill of chemical crap Huckle isocyanate LDF began evacuating not for this morning and the radius of effects only getting bigger so PPE will be mandatory from zero hundred hours Oh sir NORAD's on the line they're patching through the LCS office butcher Cates in the meantime you're hauling ass okay there's a loaded hammett over by the main gate got it hold space to advance holding space advancing I don't know why it's why is it tell me hold space to advance okay anyway okay I think we advanced hey major wants me with you what are you his stoolie now okay fine I gotta ask a little favor first [ __ ] you will Jack last one I did for you got me and Jay peed yeah did you just swing by the armory pick up my m-spec device I'd go myself but you know reasons I thought we were on a garbage run sure but there's something I got to do on round okay where's the Baker corpus type once is doohickey right spectrum device there's one in the back of the Faraday cage nice improv in here you still expect in World War three [Laughter] [Music] that's funny unstable world leaders escalating tension tense oh my gosh tensions between NATO and member states for having special nuclear arsenals let me sort of climate change huh living on a Razors Edge all right thanks buddy all right so I got the spectrum device I don't know why my friend wanted it you know they they don't use burn do they still use burn pits I feel like that's like a last resort thing in military so it's great that they're still using burn pits in 2039 because I know like statistically the the hell I'm driving that problems again you're gonna give me directions or just be a prick all night directions follow the road black goop spill you mean the smell okay I get it I get it we can shut up and you can drive that yeah this is terrible framerate by the way I'm getting sometimes like 20 fps I think that uh oh it's not through the roadblock those guys are very hazmat looking they're all wearing like full CPR in suits yeah the frame rates not been really good I hope that people playing on lower NPCs can play this at a smooth rate cuz it's like I've got a 880 700 K with a 20 atti and I'm running 35 frames right now which that's okay if I look over there at the lay-by it's 24 delay by yes this is the lay-by okay oh you want to tell me what we're doing isn't anything struck II was kind of strange lately yeah life is strange what's your point my point you hear that [ __ ] about a chemical leak yeah you hear we got 48 hours to get our asses stateside yeah cuz I'm hearing everything cuz it's all out there tinkling on the airwaves rad you don't believe me try the spectrum device you see the transmitter tower focus the triangular antenna at it and a switch to detail mode on your screen about wavy lines waves Jack yeah our electromagnetic see now in with those there's a peak that indicates activity there's also a vertical bar okay ride that over to the signal while you're aiming at the source music oh it's the classical music music huh it's modulating the signal - that's not all the LDF they're using pretty basic encryption scramblers yeah poor bastards hard as nails dumbest planks you cracked their comm suck in a way I swiped a couple grams of modafinil from the medic supplies at Point Hopi who exchanged it with a militia nut for the price of a genuine Bluebell radio and it's crypto key Christ okay so go ahead there ought to be some chatter bouncing between whatever's going on at the factory in the burn pit the short ways up the road oh and hey yeah don't forget to adjust the vertical frequency band otherwise all you'll get is static well acknowledged to give us the next one over huh truckload of makes plus one morph has met as for the second or drop they didn't make it over what wait wait I gotta find there's like don't know mentioning the sinkhole or root they saw over copy that sergeant Humber lethal force is in effect beyond your checkpoint anybody wander off else huh okay you used to be a translator right you get any of that I mean I'm reading it they're not talking about an industrial disaster are they you think this is a cover-up I asked around about the factory there was never any landfill there the Soviets built it on top of an old sawmill and as for that thing we saw on the sinkhole I got nothing oh that sounds like a helo moving target try and catch him as he comes over oh okay there's a truck on the road to the burn pit drivers stop they could be they got a puncture making a basket of moving over negative Raven one returned to base your priority asset awaiting transfer copy will sound task vectoring for approach now out Oh nicely done so I guess you're going somewhere with this I need a wingman no no what he needs a fall guy you are the fall guy Rudd the blue-on-blue the loss of faiths the protests the politics if the DoD can't pin it all on Russia who you think they're gonna come to next the LT yeah you're right hey stop linguist last seen on that day on a roof with the [ __ ] drone Jam oh yeah I was with you jackass or did you forget no I didn't forget drive us to the burn pit and don't sweat it I got a plan hmm there's a soda can I shoot the soda off oh no I can't all right zero out of ten can't shoot the soda off the post it's not worth it don't buy the DLC just kidding so far it's pretty cool pretty interesting I really don't need the lights the lights are super-bright people mondo maybe the military might not like if I have him off yeah if i zoom in mic frames go to a nice smooth 41 but if i zoom out man I'm getting like 24 fps hopefully that's not regular for this deal see cuz that's not very good at all angle in here pink 1924 now what whoa put us over by them containers party Jesus that's dent that you can feel it coding up your lungs already huh well you got a choice it's either step out of the cab and we shovel [ __ ] or I run you through the plan which I may add does not involve sucking in the sweet stuff okay you in depends you're gonna get me killed not if you don't do anything stupid I won't look we're right next to the LDS restricted zone I'll distract the guards while you get near the factory I made a load of notes on your man infill exfil plus a vantage point do you chew me my footlocker to do that yeah [ __ ] you very much yo you're welcome soon as we hop out beeline for the corner wall there's a break which leads down into a gully Oh what's a goalie six languages and you don't know I'm disappointed all right come on let's do this oops free vet all right move to vantage point of objective full disclosure added okay I guess all I need to really listen to is just the move to a vantage point thing that's all I really need to know how am i moving so slowly I understand now why am I why am i moving slower than usual what why is time slow is something happening what hello time one okay that's better that was weird I had to adjust the speed of time right then it was really we yeah remind me why I'm doing this I'm not a sleeper agent the world really is up black and white for you what never mind I like that hell he would see me at that speed but just in case stipe come in Jack talk to me I'm hearing shots fired come in did you just do [ __ ] oh shoot that's moving in front of me oh that's a flash side I think get up here in this bush oh man there's a car coming definitely Patrol oh man that cars it right there this guy's looking away clear that guy would definitely be able to hear me but you might just think I'm a friendly this is spooky I like the the atmosphere right now I like there's like creepy music in the background - there's like owls cooing and stuff and the music there's like ambient scary music it knows that you're expecting like aliens to hit at any moment okay must be up here yep here's the cliff and a very pyro container yep okay cool oh they're building a dome ain't gonna believe this you were right it's a black site the LDF are building a dome over the sinkhole I've seen a place like this before don't worry masks and respirators and there's hazmat guys too well he's talking smack to the other guy we should go save that one she'll kill that guy save that one all right Oh search for signals I guess I should what was that from they took two horns or phone calls in a row the shit's getting stranger by the second does the Scottish guy here and he mentioned there's a second site on the hill where point Dakota was Dakota that's just across you saying you want me to go scope it out because it's crazy I'll never get through the factory I'll go around the right side there's a patrol right on that next Road okay hopefully we don't run into the slow-mo bug again yeah okay it's not happening that's good there was a patrol like right there there's a tank right there too they don't look in this way though I'm just gonna try to sprint run can i outrun that patrol cuz if they're going the way I think probably need to get out in front of them and get past them quicker I really like the forests man they look really good maybe not as good as dayz standalone forests which we'll talk about that in a future episode but they're playing a little bit of dayz on our server lately and it's pretty pretty fun it's not perfect still has a lot of problems but it's alright it's alright at best this is super foggy in here man I can't see more than 50 feet it's very volumetric though like once I'm once I'm this high like the fog is much much clearer much more transparent alright so here we should be able to sneak past this next compound some on trucks in that compound there just go along at her wall somebody's talking in there yeah these are ARMA two buildings and that's the same texture from ARMA 2 look at that's 2019 everybody same exact texture I wish they'd at least read textured some stuff but I mean any more objects in Arma 3 any anyways it's like as long as it's Interpol I'm happy because that does add more buildings in to the game this is getting spooky music now hey alarms alarms oh I don't think so okay yeah something's got them on edge the aliens definitely more aliens there's aliens the whole time it's a very little okay there's the moon the moon's not even full moon no and it's super bright right now it's like the brightest I've ever seen a night in Arma 3 I wonder if they added a custom parameter or something to make the moon brighter because it's like this is really not that dark at all I guess it's also perfectly clear a lot of interest how do we do that one of them was just talking not just a beep [Music] maybe fnet okay I'm there to match the right once they respond select that movement order I told you about and relay it to them okay don't broadcast [ __ ] random if they realize they're the subject of electronic deception they'll go dark same with the entire combat we want to keep them talking [Music] [Applause] what if I got it that was easy easy-peasy boys all right it's me I can't believe it they bought it all rightie big computers and stuff and Pitt with another thing in it and a hose hose that goes sorry no answers only questions yeah yeah they dug it up looks like they were doing tests on it or some kind of fumigation look you can [ __ ] right off if you think I'm gonna touch it okay too risky once they see stuff missing they'll be on us [ __ ] wait I got a USB stick on a keychain yeah oh I have a USB stick oh shoot Sara heli coming uh no I know just another two seconds we'll do it oh shoot oh man right [Music] holy [ __ ] thank you Jack I didn't take down the [ __ ] helicopter did you see what happened got it got it okay alright that was yeah okay do you think it's a Russian offensive our radios no wait you idiot the LDF you're gonna give away my position how did he still pops a foot oh my gosh are you kidding we popped the flare like that why would you pop a flare we are in a still I guess I mean I guess the LDF have something more to worry about when a helicopter just went down due to a pulse I don't think they're gonna think that one guy made a EMP the scale of mana warfare to come over the place this is a very pretty terrain though I mean just like at nighttime I love the look of this terrain it's very pretty is there smoke or was that another flare did he pop two flares on accident it looks like there's like a huge fire like not a campfire but like a big fire like a bonfire oh my gosh how is the house on why is the house on fire so we're torching the place now oh that's a great idea Jack start a fire let's kick back roast some [ __ ] marshmallows it ain't my fault maybe we can help it spread huh burn the whole goddamn world yeah hey it ain't my fault flare came down on the roof not your fault not your fault how's this anything but your fault oh I thought the smoke was there before the flare I'm drilling a hole in your head first pal hey [ __ ] don't go shooting off fancy fighting words if you ain't got the press whoa Oh God ah okay can I shoot it I guess I guess I should try should I that'd probably be a bad idea at this point look at the lights Oh take me take me with you aliens I never never believe this could oh my god oh my god three yeah [ __ ] the [ __ ] you guys saw it the hell it look like a big bright sort of squid like smooth metallic holy [ __ ] [ __ ] rising off the ground floatin who you seeing how did we not rise up off the ground much of us left Conrad I was driving in damn yeah yeah Colonel Richter is dead his Hemet crashed Jesus you know who's in charge still here at the done he's bringing arrivals up his feet oh [ __ ] me you better go get the g2 [Music]
Channel: OperatorDrewski
Views: 1,089,602
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: arma 3 contact, arma 3 contact gameplay, arma 3 aliens, arma 3 first contact, arma 3 aliens dlc, arma 3 contact aliens, arma 3 contact campaign, drewski arma 3 contact, arma 3 drewski, drewski contact dlc, operatordrewski
Id: 0QdJaGn2Apc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 5sec (2765 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 26 2019
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