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flying a plane in battlefield not too hard flying a plane in Arma pretty hard flying an f-18 and DCs pretty dang hard flying a frog foot in DCs even harder and then and then there's the a-10 the definition of difficult you set a new weapon on to a pylon on the wing and then you have to click through six different menus to be able to tell the aircraft hey there's possibly a new weapon on the pylon of your left wing you have to get a teacher that teaches you over two or three weeks of time over two to three hour long lessons just to make you barely understand the basics of the aircraft in dcs every single piece of this aircraft is one-to-one simulated as close as you can get to the real-life one every single button in the cockpit works as as far as I know all the mechanics are the same if you fly this plane in dcs you could hop into the cockpit of the real one and most likely fly a real eight in just the same now there's a lot more training in actual preparation that comes with that but you do have the basics of the aircraft down in this simulator so how do you get into learning one of the most complicated simulated aircraft in all of videogame history well you get a guy like Ralphy dude to help you out Ralphy plays a lot of DCs he's sat in the cockpit of the simulated aircraft for 10 plus years now this guy is probably the number one dude you want training you how to fly this plane but first he won't he won't teach you by just flying the plane you have to go through ground school first yeah at ground school in a video game just like how we did in the f-18 you can't just sit in the cockpit and instantly know how to fly you have to learn the different concepts of the plane and different pieces and technologies that the plane uses to be effective in the modern-day battlefield each plane has its quirks and features to it and this one certainly does as well primarily the 30 millimeter gal cannon on the front that goes it can destroy tanks it can destroy airplanes that can destroy basically anything this plane is an air-to-ground machine you can hold I don't even know how many pylons this thing has you can hold so many bombs so many missiles there's racks where you can just attach a three times missile rack on it's amazing there's so many possibilities with this thing you learn very quickly when you're flying this thing the real-life advantages of the aircraft like how long it can just stay up in the air because it's so fuel-efficient and so slow that it really doesn't require much power or much fuel to keep it flying for two to three hours or how simple and effective and efficient the gal cannon is on the front of this aircraft or how crazy accurate the targeting pod is when dropping bombs or a GM's and things like that how crystal-clear the thermal display is on that thing it's a very very impressive aircraft to say the least the whole teaching process is impressive as well Ralphy dude had to teach me about the entirety of how a targeting pod works and how to slew it - targets and sort of things like that it's very very interesting the science behind these starting pods and how they exactly work misunderstanding the methods at which the targeting pod works could make the difference between you hitting a target or missing a target by 15 feet with a 500-pound bomb so ground school here was really important to allow me to not make those mistakes once I finally got into the plane once we were in the plane it is a very very slow process first up the startup is something like five minutes long it's a gruesome startup process once you're on the runway and you take off you realize that you're taking off at about like one third the knots that you would take off an f-18 yet you also realize that this thing flies a little bit slower than a p-51 Mustang from World War two the a-10 is slow but that's not a very very big disadvantage with what you have you are carrying the most weapons for anti ground or air-to-ground war of any plane in the entire game you also have one of the most advanced damage models in the game like you can lose the entire engine and you can still fly aircraft like the Frog foot still have the old damage models where it's basically just maybe there's some damage to six or seven pieces of the plane well the a tin can take a single shot to a computer and all of your heads-up display can go down or certain parts of the targeting system pod can get shot and to get disabled as well the survivability in the a-10 is very interesting as well because they were not lying when you are actually seated in a lead tub I think there's like a titanium or a crazy heavy-duty lead tub that you basically sit the pilot in and so that the pilot is safe from flak and anti-air fire from down below certain parts of the cockpit like the front glass that vertically kind of rises above you straight in front of you that glass is bulletproof I think up to like a 50 BMG but then the glass to your sides I really don't think is very ballistic whatsoever so it's very interesting there's a lot of in-depth mechanics to this that have to be thought about all at once and just like the f-18 overtime these mechanics turn from extremely intimidating to just a muscle memory sort of reaction so first thing Ralphie taught me to do once we were up in the air is shoot the guns as well as try out the Hydra pods guns is very simple in the aircraft and it actually has its own little computer system to make it even simpler in ARMA 3 if you shoot the main gun on an a-10 the eight engine starts rocking backwards it's really hard to control unless you're in a very very fast dive and the aerodynamics of the aircraft kind of balanced that backwards force out in the a-10 though there's considerable recoil in DCs so it has its own little computer system called gun pack that automatically will adjust the aircraft to whenever you fire which is really really cool all you have to do is just hold down the trigger halfway it'll activate this kind of autopilot mode which hones you in down on the ground wherever your target is and then you squeeze the trigger all the way through and that's when the gun will fire that autonomous bought autopilot will kick in and automatically move the aircraft to adjust for the recoil of the main gun crazy-cool technology there the gun is super-powerful in this thing - it can take out tanks buildings houses really anything on the ground you shoot at it will be destroyed by this 30 millimeter cannon there's just so many rounds such a high rpm such a high explosive or armor penetrating around as well and the ammo capacity that the pilot has means that they can shoot this gun on and off for maybe an hour or two in a way this is in my opinion one of the most unique aircraft I've flown yet because it has a gun as almost like its primary utility the gun isn't exactly the best at anything but if you need to shoot a lot of targets down and you really don't want to waste all your missiles or you have no missiles left well you have a huge gun on the front that's insanely good and easy to use plus you can do maybe 30 or 40 gun runs before you run out of ammo hydra pods are pretty similar as well they use a very similar heads-up display hydra pods we've used them in arma 3 quite a bit before I usually just use those for kind of like light armored targets maybe like a Jeep or some infantry on the ground they're pretty fun in this game as well there's splash there visceral splash is huge and ginormous but Ralphy said they don't actually do as much damage as it looks like which I was kind of saddened by but if there's like let's say a infantry heavy objective than some high-explosive hydra pods would do that objective some justice throughout all of these gun runs and trainings we were doing I was slowly starting to get a feel for the aircraft and what flying it was like it's very different from any other aircraft I've tried before the frog foot you're flying fast and low the f-18 you're flying fast and high and you're shooting targets from 40 miles away with a 120 seas while the 18 is this slow heavy tough beast of holding tons and tons of firepower and never having to worry about fuel whatsoever it's just really really different from what I'm used to then comes the complicated computerized stuff a lot of people said the a-10 is like a computer it's just like flying a huge ginormous Zeit act sponsored PC instead of flying an actual plane and I definitely agree at some points you are pressing more buttons than you are holding on to the joystick in this aircraft when selecting a dumb fire bomb you have to click on an LCD display and then you gotta select that bomb and then you can select if you want to shoot bombs at the same time or this is a really cool feature you want to drop the bombs within a certain distance of each other on the ground which is super cool cuz then if you have like a convoy that's 150 feet long you can set three bombs to release at a 50 feet interval see at the front of the convoy the middle of the convoy in the end of the convoy super cool stuff there's so many different heads-up display UI elements that you have to learn that I don't even remember them it's just you kind of have to yeah kind of just have to figure it out I will never sympathize for somebody that says that an ARMA 3 plane is hard to fly I have been fully spoiled by DCs anyways after learning how to use the dumb fire bombs the mark 82 s with 500-pound bombs they weigh a lot so you kind of want to get rid of them quickly and there's possibly I think up to say I think you can put up to three on each pylon so you could have an 8 in filled with like eight of these bad boys but that would be very very heavy and then after the mark 82 dump fires we move to the gbu-12 now these the ones that I remember from ARMA 3 quite a bit these are laser-guided bombs you have to set the timer on when the lays needs to actually hit the target and when the GPU should start listening to that lays it's very interesting here just how much difficulty goes into making a bomb go from dumb fire to or just kind of like just you know you're firing it and letting it go and letting gravity do the rest of the work and then the difficulty of moving from that to a laser-guided bomb where there's a lot of different mechanics and cameras and sensors and all that that has to go into it to make it really function laser-guided stuff helps a lot though because that means that you can guide the bomb into a target really really far away from a very very high altitude with dumb fire stuff you kind of have to be dive-bombing and really close to make sure that it hits within your area that you kinda want it to go but they're rather inaccurate they're not gonna be something you use in a very precise bombing situation if you're doing precise bombing you use something like the gbu-12 the GBH elf releases from the a-10 flies in kind of a dumb fire mode for a little bit and then depending on whatever the pilot has it set to it will at some sort of seconds before impact it will actually open its eyes and look out for a laser beam from your aircraft and wherever that laser beam is going to impact the ground at that is where it's going to slough itself towards and start going and holding itself into that target then Ralphie dude taught me about the AGM Mavericks these things are some of the most difficult weapons to use on the a-10 but they're also some of the most powerful weapons to use I remember these from ARMA 3 myself these are the ones that I would use to lock on to enemy vehicles with these are the ones that would be the backup of the backups these are the the most powerful weapons on board the a-10 in my opinion just because they can reach out so far they can lock on from so far away and the functionality between ARMA 3 and DCs is aging and Mavericks are not too far apart with the AGM in ARMA 3 you have to just lock onto a vehicle but the actual flight mechanics are pretty similar to DCs in DCs it's not just click R to lock on to any vehicle you can see it's interesting the AGM when fired will release itself from your aircraft and it will be looking in the direction of wherever you Sloot it to look so you'll use your targeting pod to line up a target you'll tell the AGM to look at that target and lock-on closely to that target and then the AGM will release from the aircraft and stop listening so that your aircraft entirely it will then focus on whatever thermal signature was in its cone of sight wherever you kind of told it hey there's something here I want you to hit it will focus on whatever thermal signature is there usually it'll be a tank or a BTR or maybe an aircraft that's parked on a runway or you can even force the AG a maverick to hit a building if you really want but that's not really that useful you might as well just bomb a building but the crazy thing about the Maverick is that you can lock on to something from up to I think 17 or 16 miles away which is insane that means that you can't even visually see the object but this missile can lock on and just fly straight towards it from 17 miles out the longest I have ever ran before in a single run I think was 11 miles and that was middle school cross-country and afterwards I laid on the grass and just kind of looked up at the stars for a very very long time and then I went home and slept like 10 hours I am NOT I'm not that fit I guess I mean imagine the mileage between your home right now to your school or your work or whatever place you go to every day that's probably a 20 or 25 mile trip right imagine most of that trip being traveled by a single missile holy crap and the age agam is so big and fat that it can really kill anything it hits like it you hit the highest armored tank of the game it will kill it in one shot no doubt so by far the AGM was the most impressive I think I already knew the power of the a-10s gun I think everybody does but the AGM was a it was a quite a surprise there's also a lot of different munitions that he showed me like cluster munitions and there's also like anti-ship munitions which I don't know why you would be going after ships with an eight in but just in case you have to it took me three different lessons to finally kind of get the idea of how to fly the aircraft how to shoot things with it how to you know basically do a very simple mission with the a-10 but for sure I'll be showing you guys some more 18:00 stuff in the future because this plane is really really awesome and it was a blast learning his plane I think it was the most entertaining one to learn so far and I still have a lot to learn about it as well I don't even know how to use countermeasures yet but just like our f-18 that we started flying about two months ago or just like the Frog foot that we started flying a month ago this is going to be a adventure but eventually we'll probably get pretty good at this plane so I'm excited to show you guys that so thanks for watching today guys thanks for watching the adventure on the a-10 warthog the introduction to it on DCs I know not much action was shown in today's video but as this is such a complicated aircraft it took a lot of training and we still have yet to truly fire on an actual target on an actual PvE server so that will be coming soon also guys if you didn't know I made a vlog channel this will be a channel about some real-life adventures I'll link it down the description down below if you don't want to click the link then it's just called drew ski if you look up your ski on YouTube hopefully doesn't show up afraid your ski but you'll find it the video is just in the description down below if you'd like to check that out and I will see you guys the next one [Music] you
Channel: OperatorDrewski
Views: 1,198,351
Rating: 4.944169 out of 5
Keywords: a10, a10 warthog, a10 thunderbolt, a10 gun run, a10 brrrt, a10 dcs, dcs a10, digital combat simulator a-10c, drewski a10, a10 drewski dcs
Id: zaBapIAXn98
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 36sec (936 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 09 2020
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