Asmongold SHOCKED By "All Gas No Brakes" Interviews: Fourth of July, Florida Man & More

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okay fourth of july some coverage from a day party on fourth of july in michigan and look at them all they're all out there why close independence day everyone's just here for the whole day just you know drink debbie or whatever it is shotgun beers he loves money he's good with money what's your favorite way to spend money favor to spend money beers beer's favorite way to spend money happy fourth of july boycott i think we're about to do some body shots real quick with the truly [ __ ] the brake fluid we sitting [ __ ] straight gas over here oh my god and i got some gas for you later too andrew okay so i was going to bring my mouth it's a car my mask is in the car [ __ ] what do you mean like can you believe she's saying that [ __ ] dude yeah right dude yeah [ __ ] right okay so this is i i feel like anybody that's going out right now on the beach is what i like to call a [ __ ] idiot you know what i mean they're just a big dumb [ __ ] idiot yeah like i i'm like i'm not a big like [ __ ] i don't know i wear a mask whenever i go outside okay let me just say that i don't know is that a big deal i don't think so did tequila and i rep the limes in my eyes and you bang your head on the [ __ ] table the line hit me up on the [ __ ] gram salt tequila hit your head on the table i can tell he's done that a lot it's all gas no break my thing with alcohol is no matter what i'm drinking it could be top shot shelf tequila it's gonna get me [ __ ] up or i could drink five dollar vodka and that's gonna do the same exact effect battle it's an amazing day right here in marquette michigan my name is marty but around here these guys are legends this is broccoli hey and that's all i can really what the [ __ ] is this what are you most passionate about in life uh cocaine bad [ __ ] and alcohol cocaine alcohol and bad [ __ ] it's way cooler let's go it's a different order it's life just speaks to the soul you know how do you feel don't listen to what the [ __ ] she said cocaine bad [ __ ] and alcohol it's great for the third time each other yeah she's one of my bad [ __ ] from marquette yeah this is one of my good friends what's your guys favorite memory together i've ate her ass like 10 times oh my god hold that man hey hey i mean that dude gets it in like that's the worst part it's like you have you see like you get like these dudes and i i know what it feels like man he's like you see like these dudes that like this guy's got the same iq as a refrigerator and this like this dude is getting with girls and you're sitting there in your [ __ ] room playing wow and you're mad about it like that's why people watch these videos they're [ __ ] pissed off they're like how the [ __ ] does he have a girlfriend how the [ __ ] is his refrigerator looking ass have a girlfriend like i'll be pissed yeah this is hilarious we're state champions 2019 what 18 18 state champion what what is that on your chest right there the upper peninsula michigan what does it mean to be from the upper peninsula of michigan great i am really i'm from baltimore maryland but i came up here for the med plan program for northern michigan university and i'll tell you from what i've met these guys are so much more friendlier than baltimore you know yeah i bet they are oh i wish they had it up here but it's still i bet they are coming up here and i appreciate it i wish our flag got more recognition but they don't give they say that flag is terrible independence day so guys across the street my name is tim trudeau this is the craziest this beach has ever been in my whole life right in the midst of a pandemic isn't that isn't that a [ __ ] miracle can you imagine like look at that look at all the happy who out there and despite even it's that's a that's a christmas [ __ ] miracle dude ah so here's july here's july 4th guys and wow this is crazy how that happens that is just crazy man i think that what it is is it's the chinese obviously they don't like seeing us have fun so they had to uh they had to activate more coronaviruses now i'm sure they'll get to that in this video yeah that must be it all these people come up and they're coming from all people from florida people from all over the country texas florida would have never expected that watch i think we're going to see a spark in marquette i mean you see where we are we're not going down into that craziness does anyone actually know someone with it any of you guys know someone with coral bars i [ __ ] don't so it might be a little it's not detroit rappers don't get corona dude because they drink lean is that really the cure so i'm in a nursing yeah i'm pretty sure that is that's how it works so you just it now if you're high here's the thing how you get sick if you're high because you're so high you can't tell you're sick i wonder you know what i wonder guys i wonder if they vote you know what i mean i wonder why do you think that do you think that they vote like like i wonder like do you think like maybe they go and you know maybe vote on something decide like you know what like let's for trump no actually no you're right they write in kanye never mind yeah they write in [ __ ] kanye west there it is and yeah in 2016 they wrote in harambe 100 real but who is a [ __ ] right now you have a buddy [ __ ] no do you know someone with it there's [ __ ] that have it i don't know you don't know anyone with this thing it might it kind of sucks black lives matter i just know that his dad oh my god oh my god this is listen i know you guys listen y'all are from the eu you're looking over and you think this is the way that it is all across america it is he's an artist so i know he got into art and every time we go to a beach he does this stuff yeah i swear he's a chick magnet because of this yeah it's mount rushmore kevin burke the sandcastle chick magnet my artist she taught me how to do this [ __ ] i know there's a lot of controversies on this [ __ ] but we're still american you know what i mean true true dude independence day and we all get the same color at the end of the day we're all equal we're out here deep we're gonna get andrew or kill tonight you understand me he might have a little two for one three for one who knows andrew got it going tonight wow shotgun truly to you feel truly ruling we're gonna get you a kill and it's gonna be unruly we're getting andrew or kill [ __ ] the bars you just have to say who you are andrew you get [ __ ] kills tonight this guy's a rap [ __ ] kidding me are you kidding me andrew you really don't even get killed tonight seriously there are birds waiting for you to hunt just gotta say i'm full send bro you got the [ __ ] camera and [ __ ] like are you kidding me you got it i'm full sin can i kill you no that's that's that's no no that's the mother [ __ ] i'm full sin can i kill you no say hey look hey i'm andrew let me get a [ __ ] kill shocked her unsharked [ __ ] how you want it you got a dart or no this is god's country the 906 that's god's area code oh my god i just i love this so much man but like there's no way he [ __ ] paid all these people to be actors these aren't these aren't actors man ain't nobody acting here hey nobody acting here everyone please vote if you don't vote what are you doing over 240 000. that answers my question i love take talk 240 000 on tick tock there's a lot of issues going on in the world right now to over 200 [ __ ] how many 40. she got over 240 000. i wonder why 136 000 followers 2040 followers how does that feel it feels good because i can promote things that are actually going on in the world right now what do you care about i care about everything i think about i care about everything that's going on in the world top three issues top three issues well definitely kova is one of the biggest things right now 240 000 on tech talk if people are on social media following they should be promoting what they think should be going on in the country and i think right now everybody are these the people that are like like tweeting out these platitudes on twitter like oh be nice to each other like i these are the kind like i hope you guys [ __ ] see this [ __ ] okay these are the people that you go and you read their [ __ ] tweets and they're all so [ __ ] so [ __ ] full of themselves so [ __ ] feeling good about themselves they've got to tell everybody else how to live it's like this is these are influencers man that yeah she's an influencer there's like 240 000 people that are like yeah it's true holy [ __ ] man this beach is where yeah think about that next time you read a [ __ ] tweet you should be fighting for what should be going on true if you're fighting for the wrong reasons then why fight because she's going into politics she's talking about less [ __ ] than politicians this is impressive there's a lot of issues going on in the world right now true and if you're not fighting for the right reasons then why be out here that's true how many people do you plan on saving today someone usually drowns on fourth of july but what about dying from the other thing from like heat stroke no the other thing what other thing what's up out here from the 309 i'm pat riley we're out here doing marquette shake and waste wait yo that looks like almost for a second i thought that would like stay safe hop out of here wait a second i'm pat ryan man that looks like [ __ ] stay safe dude that i'll be on that looks like [ __ ] it dude i i'm not i'm just saying it it looks a lot like the dude man stay safe exposed hey what what is he getting exposed for loving his country what are you gonna expose the guy for loving his country the hell is wrong with you our cat's chick getting wasted beep beep what's that mean the dump trucks the big booty [ __ ] yes yeah i see that rock i was just starting on that rock i've been on that rock before you it's all about jumping off big rocks that's life dude that's life that's sunscreen uh give me your eyes anything's on anyone's mind out here no one's really thinking about it just drops it you know the [ __ ] that's going on i don't know anything else you want to say to the country uh if i had a harmonica i'd be ripping that [ __ ] dude i ripped the hormone wow oh yes appreciate you dog oh my god no no yeah yeah go get him oh my god he's running like filthy frank yeah he's he's running around like filthy [ __ ] frank oh my god he runs like you no dude no dude this is so [ __ ] good i love these videos like this is amazing asthma doesn't run i no i i don't run i just go fast man that's all there is what the [ __ ] is this flat earth one okay yeah we'll do the flat earth one okay okay wait a minute brain blast wait a second so they add in wait they have this on on youtube if so if you talk about flat earth it automatically sends you over to a wikipedia page telling you the shit's not real despite the scientific fact of earth severity pseudoscientific flat earth conspiracy theories espoused by modern flat third societies increasingly by unaffiliated individuals using social media i guess so all right let's get to the video oh my god brain blast this is not real we are here at the flat earth convention in dallas texas where nearly a hundred people traveled across this two-dimensional planet plane to share the truth about what the surprise is going on flat gang baby black game all the way it's flat what the hell is going on the energy inside is electric there's a lot of big thrown around and frankly i believe all of them let's go inside and figure out who's doing the lying who's doing the lying who's doing the lying who's doing the lying [ __ ] tell me andrew who is doing the lying what do you think about this guy oh god dave dave nye the lion guy i think he's a clown i think he's an agent i think he's a controlled operative basically a black magician that's been compromised working yeah the sorcery elite he's selling uh solipsism he's selling oil he's selling deception he's selling more relativism a demon charlatan manipulator deceiver i like how he just puts in demon there you know like he's like talking that's like criticizing you know bill nye for his scientific views and also he's a demon you know it's like you add that in that's that's like the sprinkles on a cupcake it really makes it tasty and somebody to you know keep a distance from yeah he's doing the lion absolutely who who put this guy up to it again you keep asking you you want to define who they are i don't know who i mean again you just can't have a blanket statement and say it's a global zionist or say it's the jesuits or say it's the massage or say it's the rockefellers or say it's the illuminati it's probably all of them flat horse tattoo right there i mean all the empirical evidence overwhelmingly suggests that there's an enormous 200-foot ice wall holding the oceans in level and flat the sun and the moon are our luminaries same way there might be some dome with the crown chakra being the pole star there's arguments on whether we live in a closed system whether it's a firmament i think it might be a closed system a terrarial energy cosmic egg model baby flap keep it flat flat top of that gotta keep it flat like the top of the hat i mean is there anything more to be said i mean is there anything what yeah it's flat like the top of the head that's smart that's clever that's flat gang baby yeah flat adolf hitler they have reincarnated him he has been cloned a little short guy with a funny mustache about yay tall he realized that the flat earth model was correct and went to seize the gate of the south in what we call antarctica the place called new berlin antarctica i believe that hitler sequestered himself and there's always scientific i've heard about this yeah they think that hitler got away and they have like a secret uh nazi base in antarctica under the ice this is a pretty i mean like for just for context guys thousands of people believe this like there are thousands of people out there who believe this [ __ ] but keep that in mind thousands of people is right though well i mean hey berlin antarctica in the 1940s in the early 1940s where he just want to go ahead and draw a little bit of attention real quick to the fact that his uh his badge he's a vip this is a vip right here at the flat earth convention keep like just just look at that there's a vip i just noticed that right there a manufacturing city right so hitler discovered the flat earth theory and the nazis built a city in antarctica under the ice and they've been hiding the flat earth reality to keep that land and new suavia away from public scrutiny i just want to make sense earth is flat jack flatter than a flapjack we bout to flat smack globers get your backpack i'm with my flat pack globes in the trash sack azimuthal equidistant map up on my snapback flat smacking everybody at joe's crap jack looking at his life actually it's so abstract lesson one no curvature there to be found how can it be a ball if nothing about it is round lesson two three quarters this is good it's covered in flat water do you hear the way that sounds lesson three take a look at the stars that you see at night same constellations that you've been seeing for all your life and never trust nasa because nothing they say is right they're lying right to your face and they mock us in plain sight you can straight up see the wires and the green screen glitches and the water bubbles floating on the space walk missions it's detestable i refuse to be another vegetable pseudoscience garbage will to me because this is [ __ ] white with eyes to see don't have to be susceptible dispose of your gloves you already know since birth you've been told about the curvature of the earth like hold on if i can't see the other side of the planet how the [ __ ] does that work they say yeah they're spinning but i don't feel any motion that's why the water's level all across the ocean you already know everything holy [ __ ] man that guy's a [ __ ] that guy that's a better that's the word that's the best part about that is that dudes better than half of the rappers that we hear on the radio like did i hear a single [ __ ] mumble no like hey at least listen at least he ain't rapping about the same old [ __ ] you know he's got some new content now content's a little bit questionable right and you know it's authenticity but it's it's interesting it's better than little wayne uh little wayne's a legend okay it's better than some other people not little wayne though he's like crazy man you watch a documentary it will change your life dude there's cures for cancer there's a cure for aids i just became vegan this last year bro like pepsi had aborted babies like the little fecal set so i [ __ ] told you guys remember what i [ __ ] said about my mom [ __ ] believe she believes the [ __ ] pepsi [ __ ] dude that's why she didn't want to get pepsi's for like five years but then they changed the sodas at heb and she's like [ __ ] that [ __ ] we gotta get pepsis again that tastes too [ __ ] good so now we're buying pepsi's again we're eating baby birds elves inside of their flavoring is there anything that you don't think was an inside job uh that's a that's a tough one you know the jews are in [ __ ] yeah they freaking control all the everything if you okay 9 11 back to that you know what i used a lot of people about like hey my uncle was uh died in 9 11 because they think that you can't talk about a subject unless you have someone like you're connected to they're like you know what i mean like once you like open the box you can't like close it it's just you sometimes i want to go back one britney spears yeah i think there's a phrase for that yeah um yeah i i never understood that at all like it's that's so [ __ ] ridiculous annie simmons was fine well the guy's just nuts man like the the people like you got to understand this right it's like the people are dangerous but you also got to understand like people are [ __ ] nuts they're crazy like you think of like their brain so like a normal person's brain you see like a normal person's brain you know what that looks like their brain looks like this this is their brain okay so like big surprise sometimes this even turn on anymore no see it doesn't turn on it's just like they're praying yeah it's perfect yeah so i've had this since christmas over there so yeah it's exactly exactly accurate yeah dudes [ __ ] nuts their brain is flat yeah concerts and like [ __ ] you know just like turn it off where you can just like whatever but you can still enjoy life you know basically use another searching besides the g.o.o and you know there's jews controlling these companies uh flat earth i'll just type that in take a second glance that's good that like you know if you don't type it in because if you say google they're gonna hear you and then they're gonna [ __ ] send the black helicopters to your house and put you in jail like that that's that's obvious what is it with rappers in the flat earth are we really going to have another get the chance man this world don't twirl like the tour de france or shape like lance when he dropped his pants there's no balls oh there's no ball y'all they've been stacking up the lies but they this guy's not good that guy's not going to earth the glow but then his nose done grown till it hit the dome nailed the grass can't debate these facts if he wanted to earth is flat and stationary bro that means listen what a burger that's the drink he has all right i know a lot of you guys aren't in texas so you don't know what the [ __ ] that is you see that drink right there that's whataburger here's a little uh enjoyable thing if you ever go to texas you ever want to have a show uh go to whataburger at 2 30 in the morning at the closest one to downtown there's going to be a fight 100 a hundred percent there will be a fight there like yep there it is like there will immediately be a [ __ ] fight i've seen so many confronted with the proof lies get uncomfortable nasa's been tricking us all gravity is in a law your whole reality is flawed thinking you spin on a bull but oh that's good what is going on here it's not tilted it should be tilted and spinning also you're gonna notice some cartoon clouds here or photoshop and then also all that is i can see that here is northern america no asia no europe no africa where'd that go australia and no south pole what's that supposed to be outside yeah if you want to believe that the other ball is containing though all those massive continents then you're free to believe that but google earth was developed by the cia my name is nathan oh my god dude it's like what they on their side whoa okay if you want to believe that you know and there's like no even real rebuttal it's like yeah wow they're how they're gonna be on there they're that bit they're so big how they're gonna fit on the earth they're that big look at the earth it's like [ __ ] four inches tall how's it gonna that's the whole point how's it going gonna fit on there oh my god i'm slowly losing brain cells cool i'm quickly learning brain cells thompson i run the official flat earth and globe discussion we're on facebook we've got 125 000 members real grassroots movement so 125 000 members that's this year far over the last three and a half years we've had uh nasa employees snipers pilots telecommunications air travel controllers mike why would snipers oh right because that you can't shoot the [ __ ] bullet because then it would fly off into space of course yeah i don't know what i was thinking wave engineers they all say it's flat who's doing the lying uh well that's a good question uh nasa's definitely in on it yup there's some freemasonry involved jesuits involved and um some some gravelers you know uh most jewish people are just mom and pops deli owners what is the word zionist so these are people that are that's good have to use another word so it's like the the jesuit thing like yeah it's like they're always like these people are into the like the the jewish conspiracies the jq you know like i i've heard about this i'm i've been on the internet it's like i don't get it i just don't [ __ ] get it like who spends all this stuff like spends all this time and getting into this stuff yeah this is insane man people are [ __ ] nuts careful what i mean like you what you can't talk about it you can't talk about it the thing is like this shit's [ __ ] stupid the only way people ever stop thinking it is whenever people just start saying yeah they confront exactly what they're saying they're like yeah you know what this is [ __ ] stupid like that's how you deal with it you don't deal with it by just pretending like it's not real and oh well we never talk about this we don't want to deal with this you know no it's like no it's not a big deal the guys are just [ __ ] [ __ ] like what you have to do is you you have to use like their logic against them if you want to convince them anything different yeah just [ __ ] dip shits well bent on world domination and most gentiles are not very conspiratorial minded so they don't think holy [ __ ] we can't wage war with the beast but holy [ __ ] for jesus it's all mind control you've got a chemical and you've got a fallon and i think both of those are jewish black names oh my god is not what they told us it is the whole thing can be saw very easily how do you stand up hitler do you believe in if you research hitler at all hitler was demonized by these oh my god so what are you out here today to talk about well i like how like he just goes he's have you hit or was demonized and then the moment he [ __ ] says that they played the music over his ass dude all right yep get him out of here the true what that's the question that you need to answer thanks andrew do you feel yourself spinning wobbling gyrating no it doesn't move we don't have toilet water flying out on people in australia that's because water seeks level it goes from your water closet to your bowl and yep and beyond aren't we glad that it works that way yeah right it is it's cool i'm gonna be driving separate to thanksgiving yeah why well because there's family tension they're all excited about i like how that just comes up you know what i mean like that just it just comes up like you're talking about it and then boom you know what by the way let me tell you about my interpersonal problem with my immediate [ __ ] family and what's gonna happen at thanksgiving yeah that's a straight up [ __ ] didn't ask out living on the globe and i say i know that's why so i wanted to ask you who created this gravity lie demon-possessed individuals still i believe are amongst us bill and i seek the truth give me a call the question is is this a photo or a painting what's the answer man well i'm asking you at it get you thinking right so like what are you what are you really seeing is it an image because images can be photoshopped right that's what really gets you going oh [ __ ] dude go from there man the earth was photoshopped oh my god you know what i love about these people is they will [ __ ] ask like some stupid ass dumb [ __ ] rhetorical question like that and they'll give you that smile right there and they'll think that you're confused because you just blew their [ __ ] mind or because they just blew your [ __ ] mind but you're actually just confused about how [ __ ] dumb they are uh okay so for the man two what the f who the [ __ ] is this bob try to [ __ ] hit me with a gas pump i was like no you can't hit me bob and i [ __ ] knocked his ass out poured gas on him and walked away told him i could have ended his life but i didn't yeah i'll whoop disaster circle okay i'm gonna catch his yeah again i light it on power next time yo who's upstairs we're [ __ ] judging people so [ __ ] much yeah i ain't no yeehaw farmer right horsey top [ __ ] billy backwood type [ __ ] you feel me i do who the [ __ ] is the everglades before in the airboat damn i hit i hit a baby gator right it's mating season and some [ __ ] right here so like it nicked the skin of them so i like it it doesn't even [ __ ] the guy doesn't even ask him any questions this isn't an interview he just puts the mic up to this guy and he just starts talking what real quick well it was colin america high well i knew it was but i wasn't paying attention but mama tried to climb up the front of my boat and try to get me but luckily [ __ ] the fat [ __ ] couldn't fit a whole body through i went tripping on shrooms one night in a cow pasture and i was riding on some baby bulls when i got bucked off and i was tripping balls and they got [ __ ] up by a bunch of cattle they ran me over because i scared the whole crew i got trampled pretty bad me and my best friend and i've been incredible crazy hurricane down here in florida andrew wilma charlie how do you feel about the coronavirus the coronavirus the china virus yeah that shit's fake that's just the government's scarcity [ __ ] from the swamps of course it's like he just says it like it's a matter of fact like yeah it's just fake that [ __ ] you mean the shine of our oh yeah yeah i don't survive like every other [ __ ] flu oh my god you know definitely i love this guy i'm just just a white boy for a cracker whatever you want to call it so i do a lot of smoking weed videos y'all love wheat it makes me feel good i got my videos papaya cake smackdown who the [ __ ] is this guy you just eat that just eat the tobacco and the swisher we don't like [ __ ] around here from any parts of woods you know so everything goes put use you know is this real what the [ __ ] that lit was that lit swisher yeah i was a lit blunt bubba i think i might need to lay down boys now i'm gonna go out on a limb and say this guy's a [ __ ] redneck man like i honestly like if you don't if you like this is amazing like what the who the what the [ __ ] wrong with like and where's his teeth he got no teeth it's like i i i got more teeth than he does i'm feeling like this dude don't got no teeth and this is me all right i'm gonna unpause this i know it's upsetting you guys we don't like [ __ ] around here from any parts of the world he's not gonna he don't three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen [Music] it's a record to how many joints you get oh wow you got down you gotta swallow that [ __ ] yes my boy what the hell [Music] this guy lives the life man yo good [ __ ] bro that's his car over here for sure thank you so much oh my god before i started getting on instagram like that you know oh yeah the girl was like yo this guy joker gang he's sending me red hearts in my dm so i went in his dm my con said hey buddy stay the [ __ ] off my girls dm give me the [ __ ] alone you know for the longest time he's been trying to troll me and get me to fight i'm like hey let's fight whatever now he's on probation what kind of stuff was joker saying to you in the messages oh he's going to [ __ ] me up he's [ __ ] my girlfriend i swear to god there's some embryo [ __ ] over there watch out man yes i think that corona should fake as korea the russians [ __ ] sent a chemical in the sky it's like is this [ __ ] real like it's so like this is honestly i feel like the world's gotten so [ __ ] crazy that you can't even have parody shows like reno911 anymore because real life's even stupider than that is it's the same reason why house of cards fell apart after the 2016 election nobody could top that and that actually happened like it's so [ __ ] ridiculous is this is this real like is this a sharpie like a trailer park boys no this is worse than trailer park boys yeah ricky shoots his gun around has a little bit of fun but this dude this dude lives the life this is like a whole [ __ ] comic book character this yeah this is amazing i want to change planets [ __ ] that i want to move in with these guys like if i did irl streaming with these guys i'd never run out of content well i think it's fake because i ain't catching that [ __ ] yet and i i barely wash my hands why not because i'm a hood [ __ ] that's a bit much you [ __ ] need to hold the wrong [ __ ] who is this guy the [ __ ] whole rust is all the little kid bro dogging doggy i gotta say this kid bro i came out to a bag honestly i'm surprised it's only six so these are this is the kind of people that i went to high school with some people like this these are like this is what a juggalo grows up to turn into right here this is a full-grown juggalo in like full uh full form yeah this is what they evolve into like imagine a juggalo's a pikachu this is a full-grown [ __ ] raichu right here it's a it's a charizard i just straight away in no way like try to [ __ ] my baby my mother for like nine months before i even found out what the [ __ ] was going on all right so uh so we're doing this he's mad she's made he's got a he's got rainbow hair why is that like is this what is this what rappers do now is they just have rainbow hair yeah the six nine [ __ ] dude like this is heartbreaking i don't think it is at all i think this is totally [ __ ] normal man like this is a hundred percent totally [ __ ] like this guy these dudes here's the worst part about it i'm gonna tell you guys some real [ __ ] okay here's the worst part about it these guys probably enjoying their life then more than you're enjoying yours right now like imagine what this guy's life is he wakes up immediately before he even opens his eyes either gets high as [ __ ] or or takes a hit before he even opens his [ __ ] eyes he gets up out of his trailer he he goes he gets his [ __ ] food stamp food out of his uh refrigerator that only halfway works and can only cool temperatures down to 80 degrees he like [ __ ] has some lucky charms or some [ __ ] sits there and watches television all day and he doesn't give a [ __ ] that's what it is like these guys are having the time of their life they're so happy and i think that's the best part about it is it their straight up [ __ ] like these guys are fiends and they love it don't disrespect lucky charms bro we are looking at a lucky charm right here look at his goddamn pigtails what the hell do you mean don't disrespect oh my mess up my dick yeah [ __ ] you my [ __ ] you bunny [ __ ] bro oh my god he started the corona what the reason why the started corner a [ __ ] as batman why because he's a [ __ ] they fought one-on-one joker beat up a batman no they didn't that never [ __ ] happened there's some batman dude that never [ __ ] happened to go through swinging would you find any batman impersonator yeah or any robin personally you don't like robin the [ __ ] did robin ever do to you i'm just going to give to him i swear to god man if this video doesn't end with them fighting i'm gonna be [ __ ] mad so wait a minute so is this guy batman then okay okay yeah that makes sense yes rock and roll and philosophy i am truth justice and beauty but not in any way that that can be contained like a hyper dominant alpha all right sometimes the situation gets so [ __ ] raw and intense you got to be able to have them as a male have some of that little butt meat you have to have what a little bit of that butt meat and um uh get the girls too um to to to loosen up um you gotta have the ability to walk into a town you know show your what those guys show all five horizons revolved around her song that's the thing about philosophy they caught something called the hermeneutical circle to me i of course always already am with everybody so true like the more absolutely my mind-bogglingly beautiful girl is the more i am like completely like at home the moment you know um do it the moment you see that you're interested so it could be 100 yards away hi oh my god hi i love you oh my god oh my god these are the these are the guys you know like girls are like yeah i can't go outside because weird guys [ __ ] try to talk to me there he is he's right there okay like this this is what they are right there and here the worst part about it is they're the craziest god damn ones this dude's nuts who the [ __ ] is this guy like i i love this like this this makes me feel good because i think to myself at least i'm not bald and i'm not wearing short shorts i love everything about them yeah except for the weird [ __ ] uh hey baby that's butt head that's butt head who's butthead is that a friend of yours the legendary beavers and butthead like you didn't you don't know like you don't know what i'm talking about those are two friends of yours mtv beavers and butthead your friends have a show on mtv i can't [ __ ] believe you guys don't know what i'm talking about they they watch music videos and viva said ac dc he's going to try to he's trying to explain it to him shut up i am corn hello do you have tv for my bunghole what about butthead oh wait beavis uh i'm gonna kick your ass were they friends or are they enemies yeah they're best friends they're friends so [ __ ] stupid and not condescend transcendental consequences to transcend where we are who are you who you are transcendence is florida even real or are americans trying to trick us at this point i've been to florida these people are real okay we'll look at the uh the talladega super speedway man i got tired to see your boobs so i want to see some butt hole show me your butthole show your butthole i saw this before and i think 2006 there's a movie that they made about this i saw this i think it was called idiocracy well i guess this yeah this is [ __ ] i i i really like this is straight up [ __ ] idiocracy i love it reveal the rectum okay i think we should be as a community i'm not going to show you my buddha i hate it whenever like that's the one thing that i hate is never [ __ ] drunk girls make statements like they're talking to a public audience holy [ __ ] that drives me crazy wait do you guys know what i'm talking about like i [ __ ] hate that [ __ ] and i it's like any time like a girl gets drunk at all or like some of them just do it whenever they're sober and like it's is she's true though yeah that is true you're right [Applause] [Music] number three baby right here oh my god [ __ ] dale dale who art [Music] i love guinea horns i [ __ ] with the guinea horns oh my god what is that guinea horn just google it bro you gotta tell us you gotta give us the definition that's declinatorius the guinea horn i'm [ __ ] with it yeah there it is the [ __ ] i [ __ ] with the guinea horn i just don't get so it's just a clitoris my favorite thing is like these guys they have to let you know that they're straight man like you can't go like there's a two-minute comrade look at that look at that face man he's gonna let you know how much he likes titties that's what it means yeah penny horn never heard that before [ __ ] guinea horn doggy style all day where does the word guinea horn come from i love it my [ __ ] brain baby guinea horn uh-huh all day trendsetter that's good oh gas no brakes baby what's going on man oh my god oh yeah i'm from mississippi state we're just out here out here rallying you know you know what i mean yeah yeah about that yeah that's true yeah i'm sam smith like the sinker but i'm not gay i just drink [ __ ] tons of beer talladega this is dagger i don't know you're interviewing me for it but um what the [ __ ] oh this one y'all saying that's belly or if he was born in america no oh my god this is amazing like boomhauer yeah i'll tell you something king of the hill was a documentary damn [ __ ] me over there i [ __ ] dropped my jewel and my natural light hat every damn tent i [ __ ] came over here to get a condom walk back guess what happened every [ __ ] over there wanted them fight me and i was damned what they just [ __ ] stole my damn joke and i was damned what i'm tyrone and this is [ __ ] what can someone please [ __ ] explain to me what's so [ __ ] cool about drinking beer from the bottom of the can wait could someone please [ __ ] educate me in this subject because i i see it and i think to myself what what is the point it's faster oh man like i'm so i i i don't even know what the [ __ ] to think man like i really do not even know what the [ __ ] to think that's the next president yeah probably in the state damn mississippi that's true all day trump 2020 [ __ ] there we go dude if he can run a business the country is a business [ __ ] bernie sanders can eat a dick first there's a [ __ ] [ __ ] dude i hate bernie sanders but i mean he was trying to wasn't he trying to make weed legal or something like that oh wait yeah yeah he's cool drive fast yeah there it is all right you can't say you don't like that that's how you get the youth vote right there man you just have to you have to let them do a weed like that's how fast you just you change it around you change out yeah that's like [ __ ] that's a one it's a u-turn right there man holy [ __ ] it's gotta be clean fresh but oh you know what all right the ham and cheese from arby's the photonic looks just like that you know when that shit's been tore up before me and this black guy ran a train on this one white [ __ ] i didn't want to do it but hell i wanted some [ __ ] [ __ ] bro what do you guys like better trump or daley it's right at the time story is we come down here we gonna spend some time that's a that's a hard pick man we're definitely gonna eat that cornbread this is heaven on earth why this is freedom out here making left turns what's the fantasy for tonight what do you guys want to happen tonight if you could see titties open the cash always in on one bundle well i heard if they're showing butthole i'd like to see that i'm not gonna lie what the [ __ ] dude i don't wanna die but i'm here to show my titties and get beads pickup truck full of boys or what y'all supposed to [ __ ] i was about to skip ahead bro this weekend man uh i was so scared therefore i was like whoa i like you know like probably like 60-plus and they get a little wrinkles like the hang real low and you can pick them up and play with them a lot more you know because the young ones are kind of boring playing you know what does that say butt [ __ ] what does that mean we ain't gonna get into all that but butt [ __ ] i don't know if i can watch another one of these man like i really i don't think that that's somebody's dad man the odds are that's somebody's grandfather at that point like these families like they they have kids at like 13. like that's somebody's gr grandfather or great-grandfather what the [ __ ] are you talking about well i remember i had there was a daycare at my middle school like so i i know all about this i love seeing these people because they're crazy i also yeah this is this is really good that was my dad i'm sorry man and it keeps going there it is that was amazing i couldn't do that what does it mean i couldn't do that are you going to put this on tv not tv no you know when you get real excited and you slide out and you hit right in between that's butt pus in between what i did uh between the vagina and the ass that's called that's good i'm glad that he explained that what do you think about that man it's beautiful well you only live once man that's good that's true you so you got the american flag so i wanted to ask you what does it mean to be an american okay oh it's freedom i mean you see all these it's like so you got that i'm thinking like what the [ __ ] he's got on his shirt you know i thought he's talking about his shirt man i i guess not it's freedom well i mean he is pretty free right now well i hear their their veterans and everything like that and they're veterans this like burning man for rednecks yeah is this like burning man for redneck like this is amazing [Music] you
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 953,165
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold twitch, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, asmongold best, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, asmongold channel, Flat Earth Conference, Fourth of July, Talladega Superspeedway, Florida Man 2, all gas no brakes, asmongold all gas no brakes, all gas no brakes interview, all gas no brakes reaction, asmongold shocked, all gas interviews, all gas no breaks florida man, all gas no breaks fourth of july, all gas no breaks reacts
Id: dzxHcS9yGKE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 17sec (3017 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 29 2020
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