Asmongold Reacts to "The Worst of Classic WoW" | By MadSeasonShow

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the worst of classic wow what is this it's 2004. you're a kid again and your obsessions include elves dwarves magic and getting rid of my acne masturbation yes what's this there's a new game called world of warcraft that just hit store shelves it's about right that's everything your heart desires it's about right maybe aside from the masturbation your mom drives you to the veggie game store and buys you the game form of crack cocaine and you install it and it's beautiful levels skills talents gear the wonderful rpg for friendless nerds from around the globe that actually is probably true it's pretty accurate is it it's too quiet okay and the surfers are done this is better it was torture yeah it's something that's kind of bad and hours felt like days that's because it was that good and not just the game but also the community if you ask people what's their favorite thing about world of warcraft what's classic state will be the community yeah i would say so that's about actually before the time of cross realm zoning and dungeon finder raid finder and wild tokens all of these tools that let you bypass critical social aspects of the game oh that's right yeah you just just you know buy your buy your way away just buy it away that's all there is to it man and those longing for a sense of community have found solace in the official recreation by blizzard truly it can be one of the best items oh yeah this was the uh that one this would be one of the worst your parents wish they have oh dude what the [ __ ] dude let me see here can't be that fine to [ __ ] them up in real life oh my god man jesus these guys yup this is classic wow right here we knew it classic andes on alert oh my god there he is boys that's a mad boy defense mechanism for angry neck birds that's about right mmos are complex because it was such a good time they rely on the community i mean just think about it the game play the classes systems and features they all hinge around a multiplayer experience there's an inherent competitiveness to everything you do you have the obvious stuff like pvp of course you're just gearing you want 4 000. it's easier god damn that's right also to do more damage than everyone else you farm so you can have more gold to buy things from other players you want that mount not necessarily because of that that's a [ __ ] private server there's no way he got if if mad season gets the [ __ ] death charger i don't even know what i'm gonna do i'm gonna have to stop streaming or something like a [ __ ] dude if he gets a death charger too like he has he has all these other things and he has the desk charger as well yeah right yeah [ __ ] right you just want to flex on all of the other normies yeah dungeons raids yeah battlegrounds trading everything that's nice it all hinges on a multiplayer experience he has it no he doesn't just ask yourself either for current or classic if they were single player games would you still play fifteen dollars a month for him maybe if i'll uh it's a good question that's actually a really good question um well how many people are subscribed to retail i love your party or raid members or bots or something so you can still do all of the content in other words okay okay there we go dude what could i say great minds think alike i i gotta i gotta take a baby back okay i'm back what are we talking about we're talking about how bad lfr is right hopefully this is an hour long video i got all day to talk about that oh actually i gotta do my game itself is good but to me the fact that it's multiplayer it gives more gravity and meaning to everything you do yeah thus the quality of any mmo not just wow to me is ultimately dependent on the quality of that community and it's very difficult specifically always it's a mixed bag you never know what you're going to get oh sometimes you don't pull back a candy or a dog turd about this please me to my main point the worst thing about classic world of work is the community is a community smart dude there it is boom there it is look at these angry boys starting with the pvp here mad classic pvp community is and always will be the classic pvp community because here's why it's bad okay i'll tell you guys why this is [ __ ] bad it's because they don't have a rating system in classic if wow classic had a rating system and you saw this kid with this massive [ __ ] gigantic ego sitting down there at 1600 rating and he has to make a new arena team every single week because you know back in bc you'd have to do that because he'd lose too many too many games you wouldn't be able to get enough honor points or arena points like you had that [ __ ] number that you knew was associated with you and you that kept your ego in check and classic wow doesn't have that number to keep people's egos in check so they just go wild dude they just go [ __ ] wild what you see is what you get yep there are some great people but there are also a lot of salty neckbeards oh my god probably one of the most toxic in gaming history i own you in real life and wow like what is this you're a sad loser be honest both in wow and real life they are brain hurt oh my god oh my god what are these people sad that the terrorists in paris didn't kill you in your whole fam oh my god these are they're so mad they're mad for no reason like why do you get mad over the it's like it's a [ __ ] video game like who care like i get you get mad i get mad at yourself like like but here's the thing it's like i get really mad at somebody and then in like five minutes i don't care yeah why have to be mad like they're mad at the person not the video game yeah it's crazy it's probably one of the most toxic in gaming history it is that's counting league of legends i gotta be careful here because i have a lot of friends that i met through pvp and they're great people but they would agree with me i think yeah find them in a sea of negativity and relentless toxicity the ego that people carry over what's ultimately pretty straightforward in simple pvp it's [ __ ] easy that's the best part about the whole thing is like classic wow pvp is [ __ ] easy like so it's like i can get like somebody getting a big ego over like being really good in cs or something like that but like [ __ ] like a classic wow is like that one of the easiest [ __ ] games that's ever existed like it's been [ __ ] it's been like i just i don't get it man it's so [ __ ] dumb man i have a coffee yeah what is this here what are you saying that's because you play warrior yeah i guess listen man if i played a warlock i'd be getting mad a little bit more often but you know what i i get pretty mad in playing a warrior two you know his mom's a 15-year-old video game is pretty astounding yeah it is just take the loss both the enemy team and your team if someone loses it's not their fault or that they could have played better no there's this mystical external force i hate winning it's out of their control the other team isn't good like out of external force stopping this is the thing like it is like i have people they do this [ __ ] all the time like every time that we would do a game and we lose every time like the whole team will be talking about how much the other team sucks while they're beating us and i asked them like well if they suck and we're losing what does that make us like it's the worst [ __ ] it's the worst mentality to have going into uh going into a competitive game it's their ego yeah their ego just won't let them lose from winning that's out of their control the other team isn't good they just got lucky yeah my teammates held me back yep well they only won because they're in a pre-made that's true we got farmed like zf zombies in our den isn't because we suck if i was in a pre-made we'd mop the floor with these clowns oh wait well they cheated and they used consumes in a pvp system that's balanced around consumes yeah they're playing a cheesy comp they have more gear well okay i have to correct one thing the pvp system's not balanced period all right okay i got to show you guys something so this is a tweet so this is these are the kinds of people that you deal with and um in classic take a look at this okay there we go so this guy right here makes a tweet and responds to what somebody says uh what somebody says on matt on uh on ass fencing grants man was an honor getting stomped by you every so often we murdered s fans group but you always pushed us to the chapel and so the guy has a picture of his character and that's warlord conduit and then esvan posts a picture of himself dueling or not doing but playing against this guy's full premade and they two thousand to zeroed them and farmed them in the [ __ ] graveyard these are classic andy's here it's like they're really just he's just lying like he he got farmed in the [ __ ] graveyard the sun was in my eyes my controller is broken it's everyone's fault but my own that's true it reminds me of when i was 10 years old playing smash brothers with my friends and everyone would rage if they're getting their butt whipped yup that's understandable after all we were 10 years old we didn't come to the dark realization that the primary age demographic for classes like 13 year olds the primary age demographic for classes there it is a bunch of aging 30 year old boomers you think your skin in video games is as great as mine think again you god dude you ever hear the saying that the smallest dog marks the loudest from my experience let me tell you something if you watched my video from yesterday i can confirm that to be the truth that is [ __ ] true players are usually the quiet ones they know that they're good so they don't need to proclaim it to the world yes only the insecure ones who go out of their way to explain to everyone why they're in fact the most skilled players in existence and how everyone pills in comparison to their awesomeness yeah don't get me wrong i never do nothing wrong with banter and [ __ ] talking goes hand in hand with gaming yeah ever since the days of xbox live first came out and you can't figure out how but somehow dude i used to have that exact same headset and then i broke off the little thing so i had to hold the headset like this and play the game so they could hear me and that when then i could yell and uh and scream at them and like as i said the main thing that i would do and i broke the little thing off i'd be like this dude i was so [ __ ] stupid man i was such a [ __ ] idiot like i was so talking like i have to get zach over here and have him tell stories like just blowing into the mic i never used the n-word back then i i didn't even know what it was that sounds crazy i didn't i'd call people the f-word like every um five seconds something like that i was i was one of those kids a hundred percent everyone has indeed made love to your brother grasshopper's got his xbox communicator and so does roadhog and oil slick and anyone else who's playing can use one too oh kill yourself i [ __ ] your mother he just can't stand losing oh my god i just lost oh and then this is the person dude dude this drives me so [ __ ] crazy whenever they [ __ ] send you a tell and they're so goddamn fragile that they log off before you can respond like oh my god i i get people that do this constantly with me yeah or they ignore you you're like i'm an ominous i'm gonna let him know what i think man and then i remember there's or they block you yeah they block you and then they just keep sending your tails like there's this one time at the end of [ __ ] uh uh in the end of nighthold there's this one guy that um he wanted to come into officer chat and we knew that he was gonna quit the guild and so i broadcast this on my stream the officer meeting of him doing it and he wanted to come in right before he left the guild and you know like give the manager a piece of his [ __ ] mind and this kid felt so [ __ ] stupid by the end of it he just eventually just she quits and leaves the uh leaves the guilt quietly like these kids are so [ __ ] dumb man like i don't even know what to say rugs are cowards well yeah it's like he literally he did a cheap shot and then he vanished look at that it's the same thing lost i want this person to die mythical community that uses them on a level that's very deep yeah i just think that maybe when you're so catastrophically angry that you rage make level one halts or you start doxxing someone because they farmed more honor than you it's not funny it's really bad like it it's it's just actually really bad like these people are it too far yeah i i'd say this is grounds for a uh you know a little bit of d platforming what do you think you know yeah probably want to de-platform this guy uh these guys are [ __ ] nuts they're nuts man i don't know what to say it's scary it really is like oh my god yeah this is i this is just criticism guys hey it's just criticism is a little overboard it really is just pathetic and embarrassing behavior and the insecurity of the classic pvp community is reaching biblical proportions oh dude this was the best [ __ ] thing so whenever people would add you so this happened all the time when timeless aisle people would if they were cross faction they would send you a battle tag request so they could add you and talk [ __ ] to you immediately so you see like that screenshot is like you know fill in the blank as a battle tech friend because he just added mad season just so we could talk [ __ ] to him you deserve to be gunned down in the street that's good we've got somebody who's uh you know maybe he's a fan of um i don't know shakespeare the you know okay yeah it's great uh your parents wish they aborted you oh my god dude rank 14 video the pvp isn't the hard part jesus it's the politics the pbe oh here we go here we go here we go let's talk about the raiders there's no denying it the min max culture has dominated the pve community it's sure everything takes a backseat to efficiency that's right there is a leaderboard for professional turd polishing rest assured the classic community would be all over it they already are it's called speedrunning molten core yeah they already are i mean this is what they do to begin with i'm sorry but like yeah it's like the problem is that they sit around and it's like you build up a big ego around clearing a raid that's really easy pretty fast like i'm sorry but like just the difficulty of the game is just not there like it's just not it doesn't take any sort of like dexterity like any sort of like dynamic decision making to play the game at a high level like not anywhere near other competitive games it's just not there i'm sorry it's just it's sad but it's true have you you have mentioned this before you may have mentioned this before good i'll keep saying it man the people need to hear it so well so you shouldn't get a big [ __ ] ego about it since players can't find difficulty from the raids themselves yeah they find it instead in leaderboards yeah the game revolves around optimization parsing and a penis size the world buff meta arranged supreme many guilds either require it or ostracize those who don't want to chase down world buffs for three hours [ __ ] getting some [ __ ] six days [ __ ] getting a song flower you don't want to sneak into orgrimmar oh buff for an hour no priest might control you so you can get 15 percent melee haste what a casual it's one of the reasons why these raids are being cleared entirely on week one they weren't designed for players to have fifty percent critical strike chance if this is what you i've dabbled in it here and there yeah sometimes it's just fun to blast through these raids and see how you compare it to the best of it it is fun yeah it's fun and by the best of the best i mean those who've mastered the art of using two of them oh there it is dude ultra complex dp that's it's mr number one right there that's mr number one parsing literal god champion defender of azeroth right there the best player in the game look at that pace dude that itself is fine but it does leak over to other players in negative ways yeah like i said if you don't put in the sometimes several hours required to get these buffs you're looked at as being lazy or you're not trying hard enough yeah it is kind of dumb in other ways too even if you decide not to get them when everyone devotes hours into getting these shots jesus makes things more toxic if you happen to wipe which with you oh yeah spike in nature of these boss fights can happen oh yeah dude like imagine spending four hours getting world buffs and then one guy [ __ ] up the raid like you're waiting there at c'thun and there's like the one guy who like he just got his [ __ ] first karaji mount and he's going whoa he runs away i think c'thun targets them and [ __ ] i-beams the whole raid like that's that's what these people do like yeah it makes it so [ __ ] bad man it makes it so [ __ ] bad getting world buffs takes literally 30 minutes i don't know for us it takes way longer maybe it's different for a pve server in a normal raid somebody pulls a boss by accident you wipe and oh well run back it's 10 minutes yeah but in the world buff meta we're collectively between these 40 people you only got 100 hours are wasted with one simple mistake and yeah people blow up this is [ __ ] everybody people are pulling [ __ ] aggro and this is dumb he's terrible that's it that's a mad boy dude [ __ ] dark get your [ __ ] together get your [ __ ] together get your [ __ ] [ __ ] together it creates a tense environment where you feel like you're walking on eggshells deathly afraid of slipping up unless you incur the wrath of the turbo nerd the language individual possessing enough nerd-like traits to qualify for turbo status that's about it god damn social ineptness use extreme caution in the handling of turbo nerds they can snap it bro i [ __ ] love this video dude i remember watching this [ __ ] video whenever halo 2 came out croix something kroit's anger or something like that dude i haven't seen this video in i don't even know how long watch it it's like i remember seeing this in a long long time ago it also supports just all right game the buffs obviously retain their game when your character logs out yeah so naturally what will happen is people get world buffs like out for six days then raid get worse like out for six days and rinse and repeat it's pretty bad again if that's what people like that's what they like i'm very much against gatekeeping how the game should or shouldn't be played no one is saying hey i'd like to have a server where there are no world buffs i think that bc will be better because of that i i like the idea of world buffs in some ways but i do think that they're just kind of boring and they make the raids too easy it's kind of like you don't even need to worry about a lot of mechanics or problems with world buffs and it's like doing the raid at level 70 that's effectively what it is who makes you go for world buffs well it's a pursuit of efficiency i think that's really what it comes down to but and it's also fun to raid with world buffs i'm not going to say it's wrong i don't think it's wrong to raid with world buffs i just think that it's different and if they made a new a new classic i would want it with no world buffs need to not put in as much effort and start sucking intentionally yeah it's just an important dynamic to bring up when discussing the community because this min max culture is something that's so prolific and classic in general it certainly is classic too overall it's way harder yeah but in terms of convenience it's a classic record classic you want a raid well maybe bring a flask and some potions and well i mean and also make sure that you farm out all of your essences of nyotha which you then of course need your corruption resistance cloak level up to 15 in order to do which you of course need to do your dailies in uh the oldham and the veil of the eternal blossoms uh questing areas and also you need to make sure that your azerite necklace has the correct amount of levels for it now if the azerite necklace does not have the correct amount of levels you will have to go into islands now islands you have to do those for about um uh just just start doing them and so uh you know yeah this is the barrier to entry for raiding in bfa is also kind of annoying but i don't think that it's as bad in a way as classic it just depends on what you kind of prefer uh it's annoying uh yeah not for heroic i don't know i think that it still kind of matters like it's not for heroic until somebody else comes into the raid with the buffs and with the gear and then you get replaced for that person good to go but in classic it becomes this huge time consuming yeah it is it's annoying trotting zone to zone setting up head drops yep enemy pre-stalls to mind control and reset portals and auto bound zones [ __ ] if you're on a pcp server with a whole dispelling meta you feel like you're in mission impossible dispelling meadow dudes guys with guns you're sneaking past the [ __ ] dispel metals uh [Music] the loot drama oh my god yo can we get that loot oh holy [ __ ] death sting and gauntlets of annihilation that's big that is so [ __ ] big drama is the best part i don't think it's the best part it's like it's just the loot drama is better than having personal mood i'll say that for sure i don't like personal loot at all talk about loon competition creates scarcity and scarcity creates drama yeah combine this with the fact that these items being more unique the fact that you share them with 30 people makes things extremely competitive people go to great lengths to get those purples i'm reading that that's possible from luke disputes and classic has been legendary he's already claimed many guilds don't worry this all happened but now with the establishment of the game i feel like it's more intense these days oh no luckily for me my guild has been pretty relaxed overall but i lucked out already there are hundreds of videos and meltdowns guilts disbanding legendaries being ninjaed that guy's just hard thing that [ __ ] was funny it's crazy the loot in the game really does bring out the worst in people oh my god the things they'll do for it will surprise you yeah so i actually did a pug bwl yesterday and it took two hours and um this item didn't drop and i'm mad because now i have to do it next week too it's going to be [ __ ] annoying like it's just it's so bad like that the classic wow community around lude is like it's very very toxic and it's always been toxic too uh it's just that now i think people know more about it whizzo wzo yeah like i was an idiot witch hunts harassment oh doxing there was a case on my server where someone ninja the edgemaster's hand guards which was a highly sought after oh no people got wind of it things got way out of control royce long story short someone got a hold of his address and started sending threats luckily all that happened i think was that he was sent to pizza but still with the advent of swatting and with some of the crazy people within the classic community it's still pretty serious and that was entirely created because the admins on the wow classic subreddit did not get rid of the post that was clearly witch hunting it would have never happened if they had just removed the post and followed the rules that are site-wide for reddit i mean because nobody would have even known about it it's actually kind of funny that didn't happen only 20 years i mean i don't know like but regardless right it's a joke yeah i see that man and it's all for ninjing a level 44 purple which he should be punished for in game that brigaded on a witch hunt by a bunch of angry neckbeards who've lost their grip on the real world yep or maybe the time where all the streamers were given the ultimatum you're not allowed to roll on our server oh yeah subject to the blacklist an add-on which automatically cancels all trading boots them from any group or guild doesn't allow them to be healed or buffed hides all of their options blocks them from chatting removes them from groups these people were such spurgs like these people were ju they were such [ __ ] spurgs man like i just honestly these people were the worst the worst community that i've ever been a part of like i've never seen a community that was more embarrassing and pathetic than the classic wow community like it is the it is the worst community on the entire internet that i've ever been part of didn't you plan on doing a blacklist i never really talked about it i talked about like the the legitimacy of it but i never really talked about if i was going to do one or not i don't think and real time announces their exact position to the enemy faction yeah and a whole ton of other stuff against tos by the way not just the streamer but also their entire guilds or even those who refuse to download the add-on this post was on the front page by the way and ooh even a reward nice wow truly the community in classic is what makes it special uh-huh the conclusion all right what is it egos which size are only matched by their fragility what is this i'm going to read this here best friend the glass on par with his stupidity you are a plague on impulse and the sooner they realize it the sooner the guild will be better off what others see in you i will never know you pick fights with those in your guild and ridicule your own friends i hope that if by chance you happen to knock up your cousin or sister in the back whatever trailer you live in that you have to watch your children die a slow and painful death as you die with some luck choking on your own [ __ ] have a wonderful life douchebag oh yeah these are just like this is like honestly this doesn't happen as much in retail like i don't know maybe i'm just like not seeing it but like i just feel like the classic wow community is much worse than the retail community it's much worse i'm sure it happens sometimes but it's like in this game like it's all the time man and all the [ __ ] if you dare challenge them you'll face the wrath of he who hasn't bathed in two weeks hey you haven't played on private servers for the past seven years okay the bottom line is the same people who tout the grand community of classic are the same ones who act this way and it's sad i feel like it's the elephant in the room so to speak of just how much of an unwelcoming and unpleasant place i think a lot of it comes from a place of passion as bad as things can get with classic one thing i still feel is true is the extreme passion we collectively hold for the game oh they're very passionate that's why they dock people over but i also feel like it's an excuse used by those unable to control their emotions yeah that's what it is oh you want guild banks put into the game i'm gonna kill your entire family oh sorry i'm just really passionate about the game as you could tell yeah that's why i want to kill you i mean come on it makes sense there are plenty of great people playing and if you happen to run into them you'll have a lot of fun but there are also a lot of bad apples as you can tell so it's kind of a relevant there's a lot of bad apples overall i'd say that the game has been doing well if you like the classic mmo style with a ton of rpg elements and an actual community it's the premier mmo in my opinion nothing matches it you can really lose yourself in it whether it be pve or pvp and it's just as addicting today as it was back in old 407 but the only downside is the community as good as it can be sometimes it can also be equally bad and you have to have a thick skin and some patience to be able to deal with the bands hopefully this video didn't come off as being too negative but i didn't want to sugarcoat anything you come to this channel i want them to know the state of it i'm okay with a little bit of banter okay that's fine but these people take it way over the line like this is obviously clearly way way way way like honestly i'm surprised he doesn't have more screenshots of messages maybe it's because so many of them contain the n-word that he wasn't able to show the other probably 90 of them that's somebody blowing smoke up your butt so just like how we talk about the good yeah sometimes we have to talk about the bad and even the ugly and if there's one thing you'll learn with classic it's that the ugly can get real ugly that's about right isn't it that is about right farewell for now mortals [ __ ] today oh yes the community the best and worst of every game if you're bad for the guy in the neck beard picture it isn't the first point yeah i feel bad for that guy too it sucks uh remember my grandfather they're getting it for me i think it was an expansion for warcraft that thus began an epic journey into a new generation of gaming rush people would just chill with the optimization and relax i tried uh i get trying to get the most out of your performance but this is just ridiculous yeah the world buff meta is [ __ ] insane man it definitely is [Music] you
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 601,437
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, asmongold tv, asmongold madseasonshow, asmongold madseason, asmongold mad season, asmongold classic wow, classic wow, wow classic, classic world of warcraft, madseasonshow, mad season, classic wow madseasonshow, madseasonshow wow, asmongold classic, asmongold wow classic, madseason worst of classic, classic wow drama, wow drama, classic drama, asmongold drama, classic experience
Id: m6UFiG92oko
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 6sec (1926 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 22 2020
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