Asmongold Reacts to "The Ballad of the Level Boost" | By MadSeasonShow

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the ballad of the level boost you guys running here we go [Music] that's good i'm gonna resize it now i know what you're thinking you see the title you see the video duration and you're like oh god it's finally happened he's gone postal no worries i'm fine honestly it's just a big change with the game so naturally it warrants a big video that's all yep so as you may know the level boost was announced for tbc classic recently there's been a lot of discussion surrounding it and i wanted to weigh in myself here i want to go on record here saying that i didn't want to make this video i know that's like the biggest cliche on youtube me too because i'm lazy it's true this is an unpleasant subject for me the discussion surrounding it is very toxic yes i know it's going to make a lot of people i think that the conversation around it has been really toxic too the reason why i think that it's been really toxic is because people have been able to portray the different positions as uh basically they've like mischaracterized them in a negative way so they say that the streamers that are for it is for it because they're out of touch losers and generally there's like a large contingency of like the classic wow community that just uh reflexively dislikes streamers so i think that it makes it very easy for them to kind of paint people in a bad light and then uh vilify them in that way and i think on the other side it's obviously like lazy casuals people angry and to that end just keep in mind it is my opinion and it isn't meant to make anyone angry what did anyone who's irregular to the channel can probably guess that i'm against it in general i'm not a fan of cash shops they do work and they make sense in some games but i personally think that they don't in classic as i'll explain but whatever the case is i want to stress constructiveness in this video i said that there's what is that mr dog okay i'm back sorry about that um as i was saying i said that there's been a lot of discussion about it but really it's more just arguing and toxicity it's hard to find a discussion where people are debating the points it seems to me that people are more debating that they're 100 percent correct and the other party is 100 percent incorrect i wouldn't usually isn't the way the world works uh apparently mad season doesn't go on twitter like i guarantee that there's a certain percentage of people who just heard me say that i'm against the boost so the switch has flipped on and you're thinking that anything and everything this guy could possibly say is irrelevant it's wrong and incorrect that's right it literally doesn't matter what i could say it could turn out that foregoing the level boost would lead to world peace and pure happiness for everyone on earth there would still be those who would reply yeah but that's not fair to those who don't have time to level stop being selfish you nerd yup well really let's be honest here that's not a discussion i've invested what some would consider an unhealthy amount of time thinking about and researching this topic me i mean like if there's a way to invest an unhealthy amount of time into something wow related mad season has probably not only done it but then made a video that he's invested in a healthy amount of time and making the video about doing it and the process of doing it so yes this is accurate in the past three-ish weeks i've been reading forums talking one-on-one with blizzard developers streamers youtubers players the works and if you truly care about the game as much as the guy who spent approximately 120 hours of his life making a one hour video about the recreation of a 15 year old video game you listen to my points just as much as i've listened to yours yeah so i just wanted to put it out here that the overall goal of this video is to have an actual discussion about a pretty major feature coming to dbc classic the biggest thing is to not take it personally the goal of this video isn't even to necessarily sway your opinion is to let you know exactly what you're getting with the level boost because it's not just a level boost it comes with many strings attached and these strings have the potential to tear down core design pillars that make classic world of warcraft classic world of warcraft i i agree with this world-ending thing of course not but at the end of the day this is a paid service in a game that didn't have it back then that wasn't designed with it in mind and that it will indeed have cascading effects as i'll explain i agree with you so forgive me for the extra long intro but i just wanted to front load it with all of this because as i've said it's been a rather nasty and the thing is like the people are so [ __ ] nuts nowadays he has to actually start the video out with a three minute disclaimer like he has to like or there's gonna be like a million hate threads about it the subject this year's blizzcon revealed many details about the highly anticipated recreation of blizzard's hit 2007 expansion to world of warcraft the burning crusade of the day is changes video game re-releases are always tricky because there's a special balance that you want to hit in recreating the original game but at the same time sticking true to what made it special and as hard as that is it's even harder for mmos because you always have that multiplayer aspect what other people do has an effect on your gameplay either directly or indirectly so from the get-go developers are in this dilemma many of us saw in vanilla classic the repercussions of of the original no changes method in an attempt to preserve the original experience as much as possible i hate to say it but like one of the coolest things in classic is already taking the griffin at the same time i think that's [ __ ] badass sabotaged as they learned that recreating the game versus recreating the experience are two very different things you saw this in the form of world buffs raid logging in the general easy difficulty of rating to name just three back then when the idea of changes was unheard of i always joke that people would freak out over their fart smelling different because that's what it seemed like and the idea of a level boost would have sent the community into nuclear overdrive but well the thing is like also uh realistically classic wow is like an entire experience of like levels 1 to 60 like tbc is really just an update of 58 to 6 to 70. so i it is different but at the same time at the same time leveling in tbc was still something that many people did and i don't think that's necessarily a bad thing and i uh uh i i worry about this a lot i do and i don't really worry about the boost fundamentally but i worry about the mindset behind why people are okay with the boost they're okay with the boost because they don't have time to play the game and that's the same reason why the game changed to the point to where they wanted classic in the first place they've said things have changed and many big changes were announced in the burning crusade classic oh yeah and overall from what i can tell the community has been quite receptive because we've all seen what the hands-off approach can bring arena tweaks shared paladin seals gated raids and of course the level boost which brings me to the meat and potatoes of this video at blizzcon it was announced that the classic burning crusade will have the level boost service which is a page service that will instantly bring one character of your choice to 58 it is limited to one use per account and it is 58 not 70 which is of course the cap for the burning crusade yeah and you can only use it on the burning crusade classic servers the classic era realms which are the permanent non-fresh 60 servers will not be available for this boost and you can't use it on the new races the blood elf and the draenei the reasoning for this provided by blizzard and their official fact is there's this person who wants to play bc but they don't want to level through the old world they're not going to play unless this boost exists that is such a huge in my opinion a a terrible way of making the game like it's just so bad because what they're saying is like some people just don't want to play part of the game so just remove that part of the game for those people and that's actually been the logic and the mindset that blizzard used for years in the game and they fragmented the player base more and more and more i i really worry about that uh it's true though the thing is though is like if you have a player who is not going to play the game unless they get like a massive boost to their character is that really the kind of people that you want to appeal your game to if if it's an mmo i think that one of the big mistakes blizzard made is trying to make the game appeal to everyone instead of appeal to their specific audience like for example i think path of exile does a great job of this path of exile doesn't really make their game appeal to a large audience but the audience that it does appeal to it really makes those people happy and i think that's why the game is so healthy uh in its seasons all right yeah harvest changes are not ideal right but like as a general rule i think this is true so because of these restrictions and the overall climate of the community's receptiveness to changes has created two sides the boosts are good for the game as they'll bring more people in who otherwise wouldn't play because they're allowed to skip the hurdle of leveling and the people against boosters who think about all of the bad that it'll bring the boosters and the anti-boosters and don't worry we'll talk about all the bad but again yep i said that i wanted this video to be constructive so first i do want to talk about and acknowledge the good because after all that's what a discussion is i do also want to add a caveat to what i said realistically most people do not level in classic wow the way that they used to so whenever you think of leveling in classic wow you think of killing bears in hillsbrad foothills the reality is that most people in classic wow buy gold and then pay a mage to aoe dungeons for them so it's really not the same experience and i think that's probably the strongest argument for boosting that i can think of is that because the leveling experience is so dramatically different than what it was and this is an outcome of the community that the value of that leveling experience and the cachet of it or the uh the novelty of it is diminished and it doesn't matter enough to where boosting really would make a difference that's what i think the two arguments are you don't just ignore and dismiss i'm not saying right or wrong i'm just saying these are the two do the same when we get to the bat i can see a couple of benefits with the boost one is just what blizzard has in the fact it will absolutely bring in people who otherwise wouldn't play that's true what's better for the health of the game than more people playing it especially in the case of multiplayer games it's the bandwagon effect the more people play something the better it looks people see a packed stormwind like this yeah like dang this game is popular that's true there must be something to it it's one of the reasons why every couple months we see a new game just blast off into orbit fort skin among us and the newest one valheim these games are all great in their own right but a big part of why they're successful is that's a good mentality look at everyone having fun i want to do that i'm unironically a bandwagoner like i'm actually a bandwagoner like i will [ __ ] go and i'll watch a stream and i'll see like oh a lot of people playing this game and then i go and i play the game the reason why companies will pay the most popular streamers money to play their game on stream for a certain amount of time yep it's a huge marketing strategy that's a big difference in the opposite direction as well if hardly anyone plays a game your first impression is that there must be something wrong with that yeah game sucks and the next point kind of goes hand in hand with point one is that it allows people to more easily play with their friends maybe it's not the grand that's the issue it's doing the grind alone so fast tracking to 58. so that's the good according to blizzard and their official fact they're simple but strong points for what they are [Music] somebody's gonna be gold thank you the first point i'd like to bring up for the anti-boost is that i feel like this target audience that blizzard set up doesn't match and is inconsistent with the restrictions that they currently have set up for the boost i have one short simple question that i'd like for you to answer okay if this were truly for this player who hasn't leveled yet and wants to play with their friends why is it that those who already have level 58 characters are able to purchase it really makes you think if your goal is to recreate the experience and bring in new players while at the same time not negatively impacting the game in a major way anybody who already has a level 58 now on whatever server they plan on playing on has no need for a paid level boost you just have to lock out server transfers on these boosted characters i actually i i mean i'm gonna use my level i'm gonna use my character boost a hundred percent i'm gonna level paladin uh why i'm a level paladin i'm a [ __ ] tank it's gonna be so i cannot wait man i cannot [ __ ] wait and no you can't say same because then you're gonna take my gear nobody else can roll paladin except me uh but yeah anyway i think i actually need to do that soon so i can uh start doing mcs to get them thunder fury but what i'm saying is like uh this whole thing right is it does seem weird that only people that have 58s can can do it it does seem really weird so obviously or else people would just bring one over to their realm i understand that blizzard is a business and they need to make money but it doesn't need to be done at the expense of the game which i'll be talking about throughout the course of this video it's free okay that's what i thought like then why wait a minute let me go back and read this again we're at 849. so that's the good not be usable on classic arrow realms players are moving to boosting only one character per account okay so then that doesn't even matter people already have a 58 can still buy a boost well yeah because they want to play in all i think that's the best like that's the most okay thing about it like you've already leveled once if you want to boost another character that's like that that's the least bad thing possible yeah you've already gotten a character and you want to boost another one that's totally different than boosting your first character to me course of this video but back to my question if your answer to it is well it wouldn't be fair to those who already have a 58 that they can't buy the boost that's true that means you're acknowledging that a paid level boost does give you an advantage and if you really want to bring up the word fair how is it fair that there are those who already leveled from 1 to 60 that now people can just pay to skip it that doesn't seem very fair yeah and even putting that aside if the boost does come out there will be those who won't buy it because they just lack the disposable income so why is it okay that you get to buy the boost if there will always be those who can that is true if sacrificing gameplay for convenience is an objectively superior game design then why does classic even exist in the first place it's the textbook definition of the game adapting to the player instead of the player adapting to the game which is one of the major reasons people cite for quitting current in the first place i think that's what happened though is like the game is adapting to the player because the player adapted to the game okay like this is meta but like what i'm saying is that the player adapting to the game is people uh negating the leveling experience in classic wow by just boosting characters through mages and then the game adapting to the player is adding the boost so that process is not necessary hey you can't argue the fact that the game became the giant that it is today and peaked in popularity because they kept this core design philosophy in mind it was right around here is when the growth stopped and started taking a turn for the worse yeah and maybe coincidentally this is when we first saw the major cash-off services the race change and the faction change that this is like is like wrath of the lich king is like smoking weed in high school it's like it's really cool while you're doing it but as time goes on you start doing you know like let's say somebody starts doing more drugs and you know things start going downhill now we're into cataclysm right at the very end of cataclysm uh the new raid comes out it's called meth and you know you get excited about that it goes up a little bit and then suddenly you find out oh my god you know this this [ __ ] raid sucks jesus this raid's really really bad and you get to the very very bottom there and you think okay we've got to find another raid that's even better than that how about heroin and then oh my god you get a massive boost and then it goes right down to the [ __ ] bottom that's the way i feel like rap i don't like i just took that i took the analogy way too far but the point is that wrath [ __ ] was good in a vacuum but the the [ __ ] things they did for the game and wrath were bad for the game in the future okay weirdest analogy yeah well halfway through the analogy i realized that it sounded stupid so i i recalibrated it and i i said something else instead not just that but also the adoption it's really the backwards mentality that the game must adapt to the player i saved it yeah getting off topic here back to the boost i have a second question for you as well what again if the goal is the overall health in the game and to bring in as many players as possible why even charge a fee for the level boost okay if it were free wouldn't that bring in even more people well then it would really be broken mays will not even have the eastern kingdoms and calendar at that point because straight to the outland for ninety percent of the player base oh this arbitrary dollar amount makes it okay which is a lot to some people and nothing to others one of the main issues i have is that you're creating an in-game advantage based off of a real-life wealth disparity such is the issue with in-game cash shops since in-game cash shops have existed that is true who thinks they're gonna do the wow token in tbc one in chat if you think they're gonna do wow token two in chat if they won't uh i'd say we're looking at about eighty percent once maybe uh now maybe like 75 75 87 somewhere around there gold buying is really bad at the moment well hey the wow token is a lot easier than actually doing your job and they fire the people that do those jobs so uh uh probably gonna do lots of them and for my next point although it is restricted now how long is it until we see that maybe it's not one per account anymore maybe it takes you to 70 now instead of 58 i mean if you skip 57 levels why not 69. you know what guys bc classic has been on for six months at this point it's not that big of a deal why is this level boost still restricted yeah we're at it let's just bring out the race change and faction change early dang these bots are a real big problem i don't know how but ever since tbc launched with the level boost things got really bad clearly being able to start from level 58 had no impact whatsoever on the massive botting problems the game has right now i think also uh you know you can like this is clearly a slippery slope analogy and um or fallacy excuse me uh now slippery slope fallacies are really interesting because they're not always fallacies and they're also used in many other cases like you have like a salesman has the uh the idea of getting your foot in the door like this is a codified technique that salesmen use that follows the same paradigm as the slippery slope fallacy but it actually does work and it's something that many salesmen use so i don't really think that people that use a slippery soap fallacy are necessarily ever wrong or right but whenever you're using something like this it's definitely important to look at how realistic is the extrapolation of the original event going to be do you see what i'm saying so like like for example like how much can you extrapolate out of that original event to say oh this is gonna be where we're gonna end up i hope that blizzard brings out the wow token so players can buy gold from them instead of bots because that always does a really good job at stopping bombing wait what kind of zero issues with bots wait a minute that's me look at that a big issue i have with the boost that was actually such a good [ __ ] stream like boys that was so good i cannot get i dude that was such a i remember and then they started getting rid of them oh my god i was so happy that day necessarily even the boost itself but rather what it'll eventually lead to yeah i think that's reasonable slip slowly but surely i really wouldn't be surprised if we saw a wild token in classic don't they have wild tokens in a classic level boost gives tesla don't they have wow goddammit don't they have loud tokens in classic wow in china yeah okay so yeah it's absolutely not a i don't think that's really much of a slippery slope either i i personally don't think so approval to put anything on the cash shop hey the people want to buy things so let's give it to them you see this with their cloning method of moving from vanilla to bc yeah that's actually really good you can choose to continue your character to bc or move it to a classic era server but if you pay money you can do both yep why does this cost money well to make money of course but more importantly the more minor cash shop services you slip in slowly but surely the more receptive people normalize it like just think about it how do you implement it tbc streamers on twitch and youtube i'm sure that's a very healthy thread um i think also a another element of that is like if you go back let me let me look at this again give me one second but more importantly why does this cost money well i think that the reason why it costs money is the same reason i forgot to say for a second the reason why it costs money is the same reason why uh faction transfers and uh server transfers cost money it doesn't really cost blizzard 30 to do this but the money there is being added as a uh as a barrier to entry so people don't just do it willy-nilly and uh i i think there's an argument whether that's a good idea or not but i think that's actually the reason why blizzard has it at that price is to create a barrier to entry to where people don't do it all the time and also i think with this the simple reality is that they don't want to have to spend a lot of money on these classic only servers and that's why they're making people pay money to transfer characters over to them is just so they can make more money because you're transferring the data i really think it's that simple money of course but more importantly the more minor cash shop services you slip in slowly but surely the more receptive people are to them like just think about it how do you implement cash shop services into a community that isn't very receptive to them you slip them in make them very minor you have these restrictions so you generate a certain amount of people who will do your work for you and try to convince everyone that it's this minor thing you slowly but surely increase them in their severity until you're at a point where you can buy anything you may see that as a pretty pessimistic statement i see it as just paying basic attention to the past 15 years the level boosts that's literally what they've done race change faction change services didn't just magically appear in current world of warcraft in some people i think they should have never let you faction transfer match they were graduating that was the best thing one by one as people slowly let their guard down and now we're at a point where the only thing you can't buy in the game is raid progression and even that is a great area people will sell carries for gold and obviously you can buy a gold with the wow token also yeah yeah i've known when searching for groups and current i find it pretty funny it's not like that anymore because we took care of those bad boys didn't we boys yeah yeah we got rid of them 200k for cutting edge is it really only 200k there's no way it's 200k right now at least 50 of the listings are done by real life money boosting services oh they all are i was curious and i checked out one of the actual websites and i have a section on why you should boost and it's so funny that this tos unfriendly paid service website's reasoning for boosting is remarkably similar to blizzard's and the pro boosters reasonings for bringing out the level boost yeah because it's the same thing the same thing yeah of course it is uh yeah no [ __ ] um also if you ever think about using one of these websites really be careful about doing it because these websites are i mean they usually take advantage of the people that are actually doing the sales and they will also take your data and sell it like these these these websites have like no ethics at all so if you give them any information at all they will take that information and use it against you in whatever way possible so be really careful with using these websites and not just for getting your account banned but also for them taking your personal information and misusing it like facebook and google and amazon if you really wanna know it's completely different man like i understand that like yeah facebook and google they do privacy invasion but at least they pretend like they're not these people don't even pretend they don't even care it's it's like two different universes so why should you buy world of warcraft boosting services come on guys the answer is simple yeah you'll save tons of your time and make the game more enjoyable let's face it farming slash leveling is a time-consuming and tedious activity it's the early days of vanilla players have dreaded spending countless hours doing the same things over and over to get pets achievements amounts very true wait achievements in vanilla i call bulkhorn here at censored website name we don't think it's the best way of playing the game that's why we've started the professional wow carry company to give you more time to play the game how you want professional wow carry company this is just hilarious so this isn't okay because you're paying some third party website yeah it is okay and apparently the best idea in the world but only if you're paying blizzard that's just amazing to me okay yeah not okay okay not okay in fact i think that would be a fun game just take excerpts out of blizzard's fact and this website and show them to people and have them get that's dirty like this is i never even thought about this yeah that's that is pretty [ __ ] funny i never even thought about it like this i've never seen this uh uh this comparison made before yes who's saying them wait a second here i thought that if blizzard sells you all of these services that means websites like these don't exist why do they populate fifty percent of the listings in the group finder why are there so many youtube videos of various gold farming bots and shadowlands i'm seeing a contradiction here could be that saving the integrity of your game by compromising it yourself isn't as effective as people claim it to be well they can't ruin the game because we already did they can't do anything now can't ruin it if we already ruined it problem solved the bottom line is the whole point of classic was to go to a time before cash shops dominated the game that's true it's my personal theory they thought that classic would just be this minor thing that isn't worth monetizing you see that with them only releasing like 10 servers at launch then oh [ __ ] the people who are fighting to the death that classic another night would actually play it were wrong who would have thought this was such a good day man like i remember the dude the lead up to classic wow was actually like the [ __ ] best time ever it was so cool like everybody was playing together people would always play the game and you have like these stress tests that literally everybody would log on to oh my god it was so fun like i'm not the only person that [ __ ] remembers that right people called it vanilla yeah yeah it was great invited yeah invite to asthma and lair and there are actually a ton of people who play it there's a lot of money to be had here dude i remember this my dad even saw these video shops how do we sneak this in here i know let's just restrict it and use this new player oh how do we see the character boosts are not keeping questions we don't want to break well it's not classic it's tbc it's not it's not quite it's tpc classic which means not classic i mean come on that's two completely different things guys come on come on sneak this in here i know let's just restrict it and use this new player as a straw man to see how receptive people are to it yeah one of the main issues i have with it is that they're using this poor downtrodden new player as an excuse to bring out the boost yet it's available for purchase by literally please think everyone the new players and people either the [ __ ] yeah the lazy [ __ ] casuals man i i just it's i i agree with exactly what he's saying here personally i i really do i again i said you know the strongest argument for boost is like you know the the community of like classic wow and everything but the fact is that like if you're paying a mage if you are paying a mage to do the boost you are still injecting money money into the economy you're still playing the game you are still playing your character there is an interaction that occurs even if it's like really really minor and i think paying a mage for a carry is not the same as buying a boost directly from blizzard i really think they're completely different they're just they're two completely different things even though like functionally they're the same i just think that they're totally [ __ ] different it's worse dude of course it's worse i do think it's worse but the point is like obviously the outcome is the same but the impact is completely different a don't see that or b they're just willfully ignoring it because they want a 58 without putting in the time to get it to be honest i want a 58 without any time for it but it's overused for a reason yeah just because it's true i've been playing since march of 2015. i can't wait to boost my foul my balance road before i know where it leads i remember when they first released the little kt and pandering pets in the cash shop in wrath the players were worried that this will lead blizzard down a path where players can pay for an advantage we were told that would never happen and look at it today it did um yeah i mauled it out over the uh i i did the celestial steed was like my first recorded mauled out was over the heart of the aspects right like the heart of the aspects was the uh that was the big one but uh the celestial steed i was really pissed off about that too like i genuinely felt like kind of betrayed back in wrath whenever they did that and i didn't really make videos a whole lot then or talk about the game then so i never really talked to anybody about it but i remember it did feel like it felt really it felt like it was fake because like before then everything that you saw in the game somebody earned but at that point i guess besides tcg i mean tcg is also another it's another gray area too but i don't know like just being able to buy the mount like that it just felt wrong to me hey hello classic just over a year ago yeah gee that lasted long what is tbc not classic i'm confused here so when i'm told oh it's only the 58. oh it's only usable once i have a pretty hard time believing it i don't have a problem with blizzard making money they are a business yeah i just think that they make it in ways that are destructive now they created the best mmo of all time where it peaked in popularity with zero cash shop in the context of a recreation of that game these services have no place until they were originally introduced for example i wouldn't have a problem with the race change and faction change in wrath because i would after all that's when they were released i still don't care for them i think faction changes are terrible for the game i i really think they should have never let you do that in my opinion i think they should never let you even race change suddenly you care i've video like 10 years ago karen what do you mean yeah uh i i guess like faction change i really feel strongly about race change is like just me you know it's my opinion faction change i do actually really feel like was harmful to the game but i don't have much room to talk there like can we just acknowledge that world of warcraft is the most monetized game of all time let's just take a look at the different payment models for years ago you have your typical upfront purchase typically this is 60 bucks for a full retail release maybe later you have some dlc that you can buy at an additional cost you also have the free to play games where there's no actual required cost to play them instead they make their money through a cash shop they range in severity some are purely cosmetic and some give clear advantages over those who don't use it yeah commonly referred to as pay to win and lastly you have subscription based games of course these are commonly mmos a lot of the times the game is free but you just do you guys think battle passes and like fps games are basically subscriptions i was thinking about this yes i i i think they kind of are like obviously it's not the exact same i've never bought a battle pass in my life but i uh i do think they're similar a monthly subscription to keep playing it yeah world of warcraft has all three you pay for the expansions you pay the sub fee obviously and it has a pretty substantial cash shop where you can buy pretty much anything for a lot of people said even rate progression due to the advent of carry runs current is current whatever i used to complain about it but people told me to just quit if i didn't like it true [Music] wait oh my god i did and guess what i wasn't worried or have player numbers dropped by 41 percent what yeah damn like i saw there's yeah there's a value or title of that i assume that was like [ __ ] is it not maybe i'll watch that like i don't know i might watch it later so i did and guess what i wasn't alone but the whole reason why classic exists is again to go back to a time before it dominated the game and again blizzard saving the integrity of their game by compromising it themselves doesn't seem to work out very well so at this point you probably are calling me a pessimist but again i just call it paying attention for the past 15 years you're treated based on how you've acted in the past and i'm sorry the history is there so if you're getting heated at me for saying these things just keep in mind that i wouldn't be saying then if blizzard didn't do them in the first place i just remember the uh remember that speech i gave remember that that speech i gave pull the chat back i was in icc whenever they first announced classic wow and about like how i didn't want them to change [ __ ] paul who quitted paul who did quitted okay i will pull who did quitted real quick uh are you actively playing shadowlands i'll let you guys uh i'll check it in like maybe five minutes okay because it's like a little bit slow the next time you go and try to convince people how minor the boost is and how restricted it is take a look back at the past 15 years and ask yourself a question are you trying to convince other people or are you trying to convince yourself oh turn it back on them turn it back on i've used that psychology i'd like to bring up the point that it's just paying to skip content yep leveling is such an important thing class especially and even once has this butterfly effect that effs up so many other things actually [ __ ] just do a twitch podcast you're coming i already know just do a switch pole guys leveling in classic isn't a big deal because people paid for us to power level them anyways which does happen for those who don't know there's something in classic called power leveling where basically you pay a mage to run you through a dungeon and they just aoe everything while you sit at the entrance afk and collect xp yep it doesn't seem like a very healthy or natural way to level because it's not people use this as a reason to bring out the level boost this is because we're not using much right i'd like to address this first because it seems to be one of the bigger reasons that the pro boost crowd pushes i have two problems with this take first is power leveling is nor near as bad as a paid level boost yeah like i mean paying the actual company itself to artificially increase the level of your character with real by by giving them real money is a totally different universe in my mind than paying another player to help you level in a dungeon like that's totally [ __ ] different so let's see what the the poll is here uh we have the the [ __ ] main one 54 is at i quit shadowlands and i don't play wow is it 15 i'm playing now is it 31. so most of the people that are [ __ ] watching my stream right now like [ __ ] 70 of the people that are watching my stream right now don't even [ __ ] play wow anymore god damn guys i'm leveling alton classic yeah i was thinking about leveling a magel or something like that like i actually kind of do want to level in classic like i feel stupid though like i want to level in classic wow the normal way because it's more fun but like there's so much ganking and [ __ ] on my server that i feel like that wouldn't be fun and then also every time i'm leveling and it's like taking me a while i just feel like i'm stupid for not taking advantage of the boost because of how much easier it is for starters it still takes time and money the people who power level are players who already have a main character on the server or those who buy gold who should be actioned by the way because you know [ __ ] rules exist for a reason a new player which is the target primary demographic for the level boost according to blizzard can't afford to pay someone to level them from 10 to 58 thus leveling remains to be an important thing that they must progress through just like everyone else number two is that if we're in agreement that power leveling in the resulting emptier world an empty leveling experience is such a big issue why would we destroy any chance of restoring it by giving people the option of paying real life money to skip it it's a contradictory argument that's actually i really uh i really agree with this the poor state of leveling is important enough uh to me to use it as an excuse to bring uh as many levels but i was important enough to actually fix it yeah i mean it's i don't think the leveling boosts are like a solution either there will always be people who dislike leveling even if mage power leveling didn't exist true there will always be a fastest method but even if everyone was naturally in the world as they were in all four to o7 there'd still be those willing to pay to skip it i guarantee you that they existed back then because i played the game back then however they were stonewalled back then because it wasn't designed around a level boost and i'll provide many examples of why in this video leveling has become more of a minor thing in modern mmo design but players who want that have modern mmos to play that's right i thought the whole point was to go back to a time before the modern mmo some changes such as the pre-nerf bosses for increased difficulty i can understand as players grow in skill and knowledge you have to adapt to recreate that experience but a level boost to me isn't adapting to anything it's trading money for time for those who want something but don't want to put in the time to get it exactly if you see dungeon power leveling as a big enough issue to use it to rationalize a paid boost you're not interested in the betterment of the game you're just interested in fast tracking yourself because a paid boost doesn't solve the problem it avoids it some people say that dungeon power leveling will be fixed since tbc introduced the aoe cap blizzard noticed how powerful aoe was back then so they limited the total overall damage of several aoes yeah capsule like 20. i personally don't think that that itself would fix it because they missed a big one and that's the power of the consecration yeah consequence i think then it would consecrate is not aoe capped and neither is the flame effect on the ground that's left behind after flame strike because it's not technically an aoe ability it's like an area that just deals damage it's like a djinn area dude i watched this video on remember those [ __ ] 4x3 monitors at jeff's house while we were laying in the bed together thinking about how we were going to roll paladins and power level each other in dungeons dude like honestly wow hobbs was such a huge like he was like the guy i remember watching his videos all the time require further attention such as an xp nerf when there's a high level disparity within the party it is already reduced but clearly with the strategy of these dungeon runs it's not enough yeah this would be another change of which there are many with tbc classic that would bring the game closer to what it was back then not further away my take is that if one truly cares about the leveling and the old world this is the route that you go down i do think that some people overstate it and they make it out like literally everyone dungeon power levels to 60. that's just not true in fact ever since the announcement of tbc classic natural world leveling has seen a resurgence people aren't is that really true like i should actually go on the classic myself and see because i don't know are people actually going out and leveling on their own because if they are maybe i should do it myself i think that would be really fun i'd like to level a new character in classic not really on some servers yes i'll look into it after this if you guys remind me leveling characters in preparation for the burning crusade which spoiler alert that's how the game was designed and guess what this all disappears as soon as you release the level boost i just don't get the argument that leveling isn't a big deal because no one is out in the old world so let's introduce a paid service that further reduces the amount of people in the old world can we all agree that solves the problem is the definition of rubbing salve on a tumor if there's an issue with leveling we should fix the leveling not introduce a way to pay to skip it that's the most destructive game design i've ever heard in my life like i said the community at this point is open to changes and if you truly care about the leveling experience in the game we would address the disease rather than the symptoms and not to stay on the same subject too much this video is about paid boosts not dungeon power leveling i just have one final point here though because again this is the most common argument i see to bring in boosts my last point is the fact that the two of them are just inherently different power leveling ultimately is a service you're paying someone in-game currency to do something for you in-game you see this all the time with people selling tanking services some industrious players noticed a shortage of tanks in the games yeah of course that's what you do right it's like if you're a tank and you got full [ __ ] like imagine imagine you've got like [ __ ] nax gear and like what's your max block value uh with [ __ ] tier three it's like what 400 or something like that like you can literally go into most of these dungeons you don't even [ __ ] need a healer and you can just do whatever the hell you want that's what's so good about this i know nobody's literally paying attention all right is anybody even watching my [ __ ] watching the video like holy [ __ ] guys what is wrong with you god oh oh they offered their tanks i knew this was a mistake in exchange for video people will sell summons for gold to save time for others and while these services themselves are up for debate the fact that it's an exchange between players is a natural and healthy part of the economy while i do think that power leveling brings more bad than good at least it's a service that you buy from another player i agree with in-game currency i agree you're not swiping your credit card giving them real real life money skip a court part of the question from the more rpg genre fixing the leveling instead of neglecting it would do so much good for the game at the same time because it helps with another issue yeah and that's a botting oh oh okay anyone who's played classic before will tell you then one of its biggest problems is bonding they're everywhere and whatever blizzard has been doing for all of classic has not been enough because they're pumping an absolutely ridiculous amount of gold into them i can say thank you bots because having to pay like [ __ ] uh 400 gold for my flask back in like you know mid bwl or like aq whenever they pretended to care about it for a little while that was so bad like the bots oh it's great dude it's [ __ ] great because i can actually like on farolina it's so disgusting that even now like how much is a mongoose it's like it was like eight gold last time i checked it's so stupid economy everything is inflated five i went down third party gold selling websites i used to only be like three and the level boost i believe will make it worse let me explain why one of the puzzling things about bots people completely normal players by the way obvious totally normal there sure are a lot of guildless hunters with gibberish names running around here's a pretty popular spot in duskwood on my server if you go here usually you'll find a bot and you can tell instantly they repeat the same exact patterns snap to enemies so and then he walks in and out then look at that so plentiful oh my god one of the reasons at least because of power leveling there aren't enough people out in the world to find and report them i don't think it's a coincidence that when power level we should go on like a botting [ __ ] expedition in classic wow and try to find bots and just report them too maybe that's the uh that's the that's the goal and we just like go out and we try to find them and instead of like killing them a crusade yeah yeah we you guys like that idea a lot maybe we should do that that'll be really funny and uh classics to snooze fest well that's the thing is these people are asleep we gotta wake them up we gotta make sure they ain't sleep that probably honestly that dude is asleep he's sleeping while this bots [ __ ] leveling it for him he's killing killing tigers while this dude's jacking off on his other computer started to become a norm is when the bots started taking over and bringing out a paid level boost doesn't bring more people out into the world it takes them away so now my idea of nerfing dungeon power leveling sounds a bit better because not only are you bringing people back into the world this way yeah but you're also recruiting more boots on the ground to actually report them and ban them before they do any significant damage i like that i'm not saying you would catch everybody i like that there are bots that level through dungeons but they're still attacking the old world and you'll find them if you just look but none of this happens if the level comes out because it allows so many people to just get past all of this and if these people i'm pretty sure if the tiger team was in charge of this what they would do is they would change the way the the rotation of right-click report so like instead of it saying cheating at the bottom they'd put cheating on the top and that would make it easier for them that's what the tiger team would do otherwise not play it would take them six months by the whole world what kind of gameplay experience are we creating here yeah everyone just skips straight to outland exactly to continue to run unchecked nobody cares about the fix the leveling we ignore it exactly while we're on the subject of bots let's tackle the more obvious issue if you think that they're bad now let's talk about what'll happen if you give everyone the ability to skip to level 58. at least right now you still have to level up from one to the 50th range to be able to farm enough gold to significantly impact the community a lot of them don't get caught but a lot of them also do i'm sure i don't know exactly how long it takes i suppose if you're unchecked it might take about a week to level high enough i'm sure it depends on the bot and its efficiency give or take a couple days maybe but that time spent level this actually does fast track bots that is so i did not think about that at all [ __ ] is time spent leveling aka not farming gold someone on reddit actually did the math which i'll derive from here because they actually made a mistake but they were on the right track assuming 10 000 bucks across the game making one gold per hour while leveling if it takes each bot 200 hours to get to level 58 which i think is a fair estimate that's 2 million gold and 2 million hours of botting however bringing in the boost you're already at gold farm bot status and at this level maybe you farm 100 gold per hour so let's take that 200 hour investment and i've gone from 2 million gold to 200 million gold but what's that i hear you say the boost costs money well yeah they do but again using the same post let's assume gold sells for 15 dollars per thousand gold so that's thirty thousand dollars from gold farmed from one to fifty eight and with boosts this is three million assuming that the price of the boosts are forty dollars which i think is also fair that's a four hundred thousand dollar investment and you take that away from three million for the money earned from body at 58 you're netting 2.6 million it's 86 times more effective than leveling from scratch geez those wow wow okay uh yeah that is really really [ __ ] good um i think this is what happens whenever you have like for example you have these boosts it makes it so much easier for people to just get up to the max level and not have to worry about it at all uh it's actually crazy because like if you can just boost up you don't have to amortize the value of leveling you can just make the money immediately goblins weren't kidding this is money friend and just so you know i'm doing you a favor here and assuming that people will pay full retail price for the boost anyways they will which won't happen i won't speak too much of it but there's a way that's been around for all of vanilla classic where people can basically get accounts for four dollars a month and assuming that the boost is 40 bucks still it's actually around eight dollars in this method which most assuredly will happen because it's been happening for the past year and a half but regardless of all of that there's no way that you can argue that starting off at level 58 doesn't give these bots an enormous head start at least if they level you do have time to catch them because they're gonna have gear and before they do any damage at 58 and it's straight into the blackrock deck it's kind of like uh you know how like uh a [ __ ] frog will lay their eggs in you know like a a small little patch of like dirt and then the eggs become tadpoles and they have to swim out and like kind of get into the water you see what i'm saying okay so yeah there's certain frogs that do this and uh we could also use like was it was it crabs that like the little baby uh no it's turtles how about we use turtles yeah a turtle made it to the water right and the turtles have to get to the water um the the blizzard is the seagulls that come down and eat the baby turtles and you actually want the cycle of life to be as cruel as possible and that way they don't make it to the water and the water is being able to make money from botting no it's true it's true that's the cycle of life i'm serious or just 12 levels for some outland bod farm response to this is usually well they won't be able to sell that much gold while putting the argument at the defense against this is that bots will be able to farm so much gold that they won't know what to do with its side i can't help but feel we have a failure of understanding because it will devalue the gold that people farm legitimately more gold that's in the economy the less it's worth exactly 100 million is a lot of gold until it is eventually injected into the exactly which it will slowly but surely because the purchase price will be driven down as it loses value and sooner and that affects casual players 1000 gold now is eventually worth 100 gold and 10. imagine that that's never happening you can farm your epic flying training by mining a nagrand for a day because the ore sells for 50 gold to pop you never have to worry about repairing yup or any of the other gold sinks developed to naturally keep the economy in check it's just one example of probably because people are just people are just injecting too much money into the economy that's exactly what's going to happen why the game wasn't designed for a level boost at least in the context of how boning has overrun classic a lot of people argue this point saying that oh it's too late the bots have already taken over so the level boost making it worse won't make a difference again gets into the same issue with power leveling why is it that your first response is to immediately give up classic is a game that's much more affected by the economy yeah just look at vanilla you can gear up a pretty decent character just through the auction house yep you have things such as the lions especially now and your masters hand guards titanic leggings cloud keepers consumes i'm sure you know by now play a huge role in vanilla ratings you actually can't buy storm herald because the nether vortexes that you need in order to craft storm herald are bop until the last patch in bc and it's not just item availability on the auction house but rather item availability elsewhere in current you can get geared for raiding on four difficulties mythic plus which are spammable infinitely and to a lesser extent world quests your order hall pvp gear that's still effective in pve there are many more ways often way more cost effective to gear your character and since all of the gear and current is basically the same since it only has four secondary stats that are useful for every spec really who wants to pay hundreds of thousands of gold for an item when there exists 20 clones of it in other activities exactly classic bc it's rating or crafting and pvp oriented gear only from pvp you have much more power in gearing up and buffing your character through gold compared to current so it's all the more reason to treat it as delicately as possible in this aspect to me the level boost is the equivalent of letting a bowl loose in a china shop i know what you're thinking not just with botting by the way but also with trans i actually i think the strongest argument that mad season has had for this entire thing has been the idea that the level boost will actually remove the barrier to entry of leveling for bots and then cause those bots to be able to create negative effects for uh have those bots create negative effects for the economy much more quickly i actually think that it's an incredibly incredibly big problem that i am assuming blizzard probably didn't even think of i bet they didn't even think of this at all mutes which will serve my mom used to make all the money through through selling these by the way let's just stick on bots so budding is a big problem if they've been ineffective in controlling it for the past year and a half in vanilla what makes you think that they'll magically be more effective in the burning crusade yeah i don't think i've heard the word bot once in this year's blizzcon at all the boost has the potential to turn it from big to huge and blizzard will have to patch in a new zone for the outland called zimbabwe i'm telling you right now if this paid boost comes out and the players who use it aren't put under 10 times the amount of scrutiny as other players this is exactly what will happen there are a lot of farms that you can do right from 58 you can even do them while naked putting old world materials aside because they will still have value unless they release the profession boost token you have things such as brd pickpocketing to name just one in fact let's have a little exercise go in game and do slash who rogue blackrock depths and tell me how many guildless rogues you see in their 24 7. i actually want to try this spotters right now are just rubbing their hands and looking at the paid box i want to try this gee thanks for saving me the trouble i wonder how bad it is straight to it now and let's be honest here this issue goes beyond botting oh hey hey dude i've never i remember watching this one too what the [ __ ] wait it's just tear away to heaven if the time investment for re-entry is short are more likely to cheat would suck but if you can just i can see that guy's good at the game that's why he understands how to how to get all the way up there people that are below him are just bad buy another 58 and get right back into it it's not as big of a deal cheaters are bad enough but now we're setting up an even more ideal environment for them yeah it's very easy to me but don't you think it's possible that we're going in the wrong direction here they've been fly hacking for a week now i've been watching him for over a week of them and a week later they're still here you know maybe if blizzard would have shown that they were capable of actually controlling botters hackers speed hackers fly hackers at a reasonable level that would be one thing yeah the simple truth is they didn't they did plotting and cheating hasn't been addressed in several months not one peep from blizzcon so how's the community supposed to have any level of confidence that this level boost won't take an already huge problem and amplify it 10 times over [Music] dead worlds are unhealthy for mmos that's very true the next time blizzard actually solved this problem a lot with cross-realm zones but they solved this problem really well with cross realm zones and they just made it to where like you're always around other people it was actually smart for them to do that i'm actually a fan of crz to an extent but not the extent that blizzard implements it physical i've now realized that i've done this video out of order because this should have been one of the first things i mentioned that's the fact that doesn't it just seem unhealthy to you that in a game with 47 zones then 90 of the player base is loaded into just seven of them yeah leveling serves as a barrier for more than just gold making it's a way to spread players around the world i thought that one of the biggest appeals of mmos is that it's this online spring world where no matter what time it is someone is clearing through the crips of dusk squad or skulking through the jungles of the stranglethorn veil again another reason why dungeon power leveling has hurt the game once more though to solve this we shouldn't introduce a way to skip it more effectively we should fix it by actually fixing it but again the boost just completely destroys that and everyone immediately goes through the dark portal some people say that because draenei and blood elves are restricted that this won't happen which will be true in the pre-patch when they're released literally doesn't matter because they're going to it does not matter at all like it's only slightly different there's going to be a ton of old-world activity yeah i'd like to use ejaculation as an analogy okay there's this initial burst of uh activity yeah but then dr kicks in extremely quickly and before you know it you're shooting blanks the sperms are all paladins and shamans and shortly after this much like my sex life the old world will die yeah and again how long do you really think that these restrictions will stick the old world is a part of bc okay yeah i like it because that makes sense it comes out that the old world suddenly doesn't exist like it's vanished out of thin air this is the world of warcraft not the world of outland and even just like that that's such a good point because that's exactly what blizzard does now with every expansion i was actually really happy to see them not do that as much in legion i think legion was a really great example of blizzard adding extra things and bfa to a lesser extent right with the new uh dark shore and stuff like that but you know integrating the legendary quest lines into the old world and now why would you ever leave the shadow ends you're just playing the same five zones period that was one of the criticisms i had even a of a bc is that it felt like bc just like invalidated everything that was in classic it didn't feel like an expansion it felt like a replacement putting the unhealthiness of 40 zones becoming ghost towns aside this causes other issues with layering if you thought that layering was bad in vanilla classic launch wait until you see your entire server with boosts loaded directly into an expansion that's one the size of its predecessor one zone will happen regardless at launch one point i'm trying to make sure is that having people in the old world actually leveling would help by bringing out the paid boost you're just adding on top of it outland i wouldn't be surprised if on the higher population servers it reaches like 30 layers no joke which is an issue for me because how am i ever going to get on asthma on layer now on a serious note though can i get an invite to kazak on layer 32 please [Music] yeah dude tbc is gonna be so stupid like i really hope like my plan right now with tbc is like i'm gonna play it a lot for probably the first like three or four weeks i'll do like some content creator like karazhans maybe like some [ __ ] like that and like i'm deciding if we're gonna revive all of the olympuses or not i don't know if we oh i don't know if we should or not can you imagine that like reviving all of the olympuses no shots special olympus yeah yeah everything my next point is what target audience are we really trying to get here so again blizzard's reasoning behind it are these players who want to play with their friends but they won't if they're forced to level through the old world again leveling is an important thing in classic animals just because there are players who dislike it doesn't mean it's a bad thing that shouldn't be in the game i love you become less important in the current game because more of the content is focused on that end game there are a ton of different things to do end game and current sometimes too much in my opinion and leveling is more of a side attraction at this point i mean look how fast you can do it with pokemon pet battles wait really if you hustle through questing through a starting zone and then you knock out the rest through pet battles you can get into shadow lands in under four hours and that's anybody as long as you have a couple good max level pets you anyone can get out into shadow lands in four hours if you hustle is this in the game now yo i love pet battles we love pet battles i'm gonna do it today is a little outdated has it's been nerfed god damn 8 to 12 hours but damn that's pretty good with never even having to enter combat clearly yeah from this major thing to a complete side attraction wow hazel will not even be in the game as far as i'm concerned start everybody at level 50. so it's no surprise that all of these retail players are coming in then looking at the old world and they're like [ __ ] that button because it's more of a major thing that makes it even more damaging if you're able to skip it via a level boost and that's the key point here current is built in a way that leveling is a side attraction let's just compare the end game of shadowlands to the burning crusade in shadowlands you have torgast the ma raids on four difficulties mythics world quests pvp of course its own currency system and renown system story quests achievement hunting pet transmog and mount collectors and i'm sure more that i'm missing in the burning crusade you have pvp heroics raids and the attunement for the raids that's it so where am i getting with all of this well where i'm getting at is that the boost is designed for modern mmo gaming where leveling is more of a distraction it was not designed for a game where leveling is a bigger chunk of that game's content because there isn't as much end game to keep the players busy thus you're letting people skip a huge part of the game in the context of the classic mmorpg interesting i completely agree with that because leveling was the game like most people in classic didn't even hit 60. like in classic wow i think a lot of people probably they got 60 and then they stopped playing the game shortly after because they were [ __ ] done with it they were bored like leveling is actually a really good part of the game it's the best part of the game that was me yeah that the game begins at the high levels and the leveling is indeed this unimportant distraction that's meant to be skipped over what do you mean now we can finally play the game there are players who because they find the leveling experience and current doll maybe they think it's ridiculous that you can level to 50 in one day of pet battles yeah the classic instead to fill that void if the first thing they see is a paid level 58 boost how's this player going to react i know that many of you just refuse to believe it but there are players who actually enjoy the leveling in classic people are already nostalgic of classic's launch even though it was only a year and a half ago everyone seems to mention how awesome it was to see so many people leveling up it would have been dude i would have had so much fun leveling and playing in classic wow if i didn't play on a pvp server like it actually would have been the best time ever i totally ruined my experience by playing on a pvp server it sucks like there were so many i can't think of a single thing some of the blackrock mountain fights were cool in uh at max level but other than that it was always just like an annoyance it was so unfun man it was so [ __ ] unfun i i would have had so much more fun if i just played on a pv server the world has acted like this you feel like you're part of this big experience working with others competing against others it feels like a game that's my rage crazy huh that's my ring when your friends hit 60 you have this sense of accomplishment and you know that people can just pay for it what's the point with a level boost your accomplishment is that you swiped a credit card money clicked big money and generated a level 58 template whoa what a journey someone better tell joker his world record has been broken look how fast i can level yeah it's more if we're talking about this casual player which again is the target demographic according to blizzard the casual player's game time is much more heavily favored and leveling exactly because it's more on rails so if they can't be bothered with the leveling they may as well not even be bothered with the game period exactly i'm all for bringing in more players for the health of the game but the target demographic for the boost is so skewed and contradictory it brings a negative element that everyone has to deal with for a demographic that i predict won't even stick around anyways the idea is that they want to buy the boost because leveling is too time consuming or maybe it's too grindy or unfun well those players are in for a surprise because if they can't level from one to 58 how on the f are they even going to finish this i was about to say that dude like farming out all this [ __ ] attunement to these raids in the burning cruise look at that the attunement for bc is absolutely huge it's big dick for talking pre-nerf here to attune to the black temple you have to attune to mount hydro into a tune to mountain high gel you have to attune to sherp and shrine and tempest keep gotta get that key to attune to the tempest keep you have to complete a lengthy question that requires you to clear through four heroes dungeons and four but to zone into the heroic dungeons you have to grind these four factions to revered and to zone into serpent shrine you need to attune the karazhan into it i like this to be honest i like the way that uh they had all the attunements and everything in uh uh in in tbc you know ironically it reminds me of a valheim so like in valheim each boss that you kill unlocks a different level of progression so like for example whenever you kill motor you unlock the artisan table which allows you to make the blast furnace in the windmill which allows you to make black metal gear uh whenever you kill bone mass it gives you uh does one must give you anything i don't know if bone mass gives you anything um i don't remember offhand but i know like elder gives you the swamp key and so then you can go and like look in those things the wish yes yeah bone mask gives you the wishbone that lets you uh you know mine for silver so i i in a way valheim has these same kind of kind of attunements and i think that's actually a really cool way of getting the game it's yeah it's it's natural progression tuned a character and you have to complete another lengthy quest chain just know what i mean yeah remember they also nerfed leveling a little bit in bc i know each level requires about 15 percent less experience compared to vanilla so i think the 1-58 grind is comparable to a tuning in bc honestly leveling is probably more time consuming but i think you count all of them yeah maybe and even putting that aside the raids in bc might be pretty damn tough it was confirmed that we're getting the pre-nerf versions of these bosses which went unkilled the raids and tbc are gonna make knacks look like a joke but to be fair mythic castle nathria is going to make the raids in tbc look like a joke like this is not going to be anywhere near the difficulty of like any current raid but it will be a lot harder than classic by like 99 of the player base back then this demands even more knowledge and even more time in building your character properly understanding each boss fight and its mechanics and furthermore especially in the context of re-releases we all agree that classic's worst enemy is stagnation right eventually you will quote complete the game and run out of stuff to do it's unique in the fact that it's an mmo with a planned end at least that's what everybody's been telling me for the past two years so why now is it suddenly okay to start paying to skip content and move people along more quickly to that finish line if you're rationalizing a level boost because it takes a lot of time for someone you're directly developing against one of the biggest weaknesses of your game it'll cause players to finish the game faster and therefore it will stagnate faster than it otherwise would exactly the level boost wasn't part of the design if someone won't play tbc classic because they don't have enough time to level or they think it's too grindy a level booster that's like it's like the theme the same thing man it's like it's like imagine you go to like a a [ __ ] place that sells hot wings and you're like man everything here is always so that's always so hot man why is everything in the hot wings place so hot this is crazy why can't they just do normal wings at the hot wings place it's like you don't want to waste your time on something don't [ __ ] play an mmo delay is the inevitable because other very basic things in bc are extremely time consuming oh dude that's great jeff bought that up again for people to just level up to something it was so bad your response might be that well what's the problem then if you're just gonna quit surely that doesn't affect you does it well no it doesn't but all of this other stuff in this video does your question with another question okay if nothing is gained but money for blizzard then why does it exist only brings the bad stuff in that case but maybe the problem isn't starting from scratch maybe the problem is starting from scratch behind everyone else okay maybe the reason why people want to skip leveling so they can just get in there and play with their friends yeah which after all is the whole point of multiplayer games i think that's true of course grinds are always more fun with buddies right i get the question is it too late to start classic all the time because understandably so it sucks to pick up the game when everyone is level 60 and all geared out yeah people don't want to start behind and level for one this is an issue i can get behind but first can we just acknowledge that this was the case back then i don't know it seemed to work out pretty well for them sure do you think starting from behind is an unavoidable downside of mmos since mmos have existed and if it were really as big of a problem as people are making it out to be why is it that in current with its many different ways to catch up such as these new loot islands or scaled up gear from every other activity or i don't know level boosts but it still to this day has struggles keeping players subscribed because the game is uh the thing is like he's right he's right but also people play games differently now people uh people are just so much better and faster at playing games now it's crazy like if you want to figure out how to it's me yeah it's meta gaming like it's like hardcore like it's like meta meta gaming you guys have no idea how big it is because like every game now if you want to figure out how to kill like any boss in a video game like let me just look at uh this just a random thing uh how to kill uh guardian let's see let's look at um uh [ __ ] nameless king look at all these videos okay so you see what i'm saying like yeah it is yeah uh people just play games differently now and they're just better at video games people the general competency for video games is way higher now than it was 15 years ago throughout all of this it still has retention issues they hide their sub numbers obviously and redefined what success means for them but the consistent server merges speak pretty loudly i think when you allow people to skip this hurdle you're gaining a player base with a high turnover rate because they're not as invested into their characters if you keep unreal players you gain although fewer will have more of a chance to stick because of the time and effort required to get on the scene it's a healthier yeah it's a healthier community this includes not only gearing but also leveling especially in the context of classic it's how they built their player base in the first place it's short-term gain versus long-term gain again referencing here that i feel like blizzard makes money in ways that are destructive to their games these days but as i said they do they do i think they exhume money from their uh from their ips now uh it's like you you're not you're withdrawing integrity from the game you are withdrawing uh quality from the game and they make money at the expense of the game and that's what i worry about something that comes up a lot and i can always get behind the idea of making it easier to play with friends because it just amplifies the experience many times over so for the sake of constructiveness i offer a healthier solution okay freshbc servers are such a huge request that i'm very surprised that they confirmed that they will not be out at launch due to the aforementioned botting issue and blizzard's failure to control it there are those who won't play unless fresh servers come out people want fresh bc and although i'm not sure everyone is willing to reroll if one of the reasons to bring out the boost is so people can play with friends i think this is a way more healthy alternative to get new players into the game everyone it's just such a massive barrier to entry to like ask people that have already leveled in classic to do the entire thing over again but i guess like if you here's the thing though is like if they did a server like this then only the people that would want to would play on that server so it's not like it's either or like you could have both like what he's saying here and it wouldn't even yeah it wouldn't even matter i don't know what would you guys want to play on a fresh server or would you want to play on like a progression server because for me i think i'd probably want to play on a progression server that's the truth because i've already leveled up my [ __ ] character i've already done that and i i don't want to have to deal with it all over again but if i hadn't leveled before if i've like never never played before then yeah i'd be one i'd want to play on fresh too yeah i already talked together and you're knocking out two birds with one stone if not enough people playing is a big worry you can balance that out with the people that you'd lose by removing the boost and gaining the ones who are going to quit if they don't release fresh bc which to me based off of my channel feedback and the forums i've been reading it's a substantial number if you're one of these people by all means let your voices be heard i really don't think that people are not going to play tbc because of some of the botting stuff like i really just i i think that like that number is so small it's irrelevant i have friends who loved everything they heard about tbc classic they loved the pre-nerf stuff charlotte and seals real world buffs big but they're not playing because they don't want to play in a broken economy some have over 100 days play time and that's really the crux of this video is that there are more healthy ways of solving these issues that are used as reasons to bring in a paid service officially endorsed gold mine dude i remember one time so [ __ ] my mom back in tbc she would make all of her money through alchemy and she was a transmute master which means that she could [ __ ] my mom shut up man like you know how i talk you know that's not what i meant you know you man you know that dude listen she has she [ __ ] was playing burning crusade and she was a transmute master and there was one time that she if you're a transmute master you can proc extra extra things whenever you do a transmute like instead of making one you make three there is one time that she procked five primal mites out of one i remember she was like zach get in here get get in here quick quick look at this she was so happy it was it was such a big [ __ ] day man yeah get the camera i probably have a screenshot of it and to the next point gold buying is also oh yeah they sent me these mail too like i get the same shield if i told you that the level boost is indirectly an officially endorsed way to buy gold transmutals are very powerful and classic oh wow i used them to fund my rank 14 grind for those who don't know certain professions true and real transmutes that you can only do once per day real estate for a few days to turn not so useful items into useful items and because it's on a cooldown they're worth money and you've seen trade chat all the time people selling their transmutes they don't even have the materials the buyer provides that yep they just buy the cold that's it bc of course also has these transmutes spell cloth primal mite primal moon cloth and more to learn the recipe for these transmutes though you have to have a certain character level 74 developers recognized back then if people could just train these professions right out the gate it would break through the balance of these professional cooldowns for the important vanilla stuff it's level 35 to train up to 300 scale and for the burning crusade stuff it's 50 and it trained up to 370. oh so you can do it all the way with the boosters with the paid 58 boost yeah you do still need to level the actual professional that's a huge investment the work is done yeah it's just another example of how the game wasn't designed for a paid level boost it's a package deal that indirectly also brings in gold buying so my question this is actually a really good insight that he brings up i never thought of this to you is after playing vanilla classic for a year and a half do you honestly think that the community wouldn't exploit this to its fullest extent like this is the classic community we're talking about yeah these are people who will raid log their characters for six days with world buffs level in altar i still have my character with the darkmoon fair buff i might raid next week and i didn't come into raid last week same class so they can actually play the game but end up doing the same thing with that all funny enough you have players running over a dozen accounts camping each and every black lotus spawn in an entire zone not that there's necessarily anything wrong with midnight itself that's what you like that's what you like it is but the point i'm making here is that the classic community is the definition of min max they don't min max they are min max and we'll do it i think classic wow players are more min max than retail wow players which is kind of [ __ ] funny whenever you think about how easy the raids are anything and everything to eke out every last percentage of advantage that they can possibly get so do you really think that they wouldn't buy new accounts solely to bypass the one per account restrictions 100 spam transmute and this is assuming it's still 15 a month assuming that the boost is 40 or 8 bucks still that's 55 or 12 as an entry fee and 15 or 4 months depending on the player like i said earlier in the video to some that's a lot and to others it's nothing which creates an unnatural discrepancy between players who have more or less disposable income i already know that you're going to say that people buy a golden classic anyways they do again that's true the same give up and fold mentality that people yeah just give up that's the solution rules exist for a reason and a failure in enforcement doesn't warrant an officially endorsed compromisation of the game across the board another point that people bring up is the fact that not everyone will buy the boost or very few people will buy gold through the multiple account transmittal method only a small percentage of players will well first i don't think that's necessarily true and two even if it is a small percentage are we really still at the point where we can say that in a multiplayer game a small percentage of the player base doing something doesn't have a massive effect on everyone else even putting all of the other points i've made in this video aside only a fraction of them multi-boxed and i don't know it seemed like it affected the game quite a bit that was such [ __ ] bull dude multi-boxing i thought that was so funny whenever they got rid of multi-boxing i i really did i thought that was so funny because you had these people that like invested thousands of dollars and now it's worth nothing [ __ ] idiots they're spending a bunch of extra money just to get an advantage in the game what a bunch of losers and botting as well like i said they're a big issue but are they the majority of the player base of course not there's still a percentage of the player base and do you really feel like bots haven't had an effect on the game they have little guess how much they are considering the vendor price is too gold that much you reckon do you want to lose three and a half years i'm pretty sure it's on my server four gold 99 silver you were right a righteous orb for five gold what they used to be like twenty five see the real time prices of items go up after a ban wave warns that they have a pretty big impact on you yeah why does that happen when did we as players earn this great privilege to pay blizzard to allow us to skip critical parts of their game leveling is character progression in the context of classic and paying for progression with real life money compromises its integrity i see the whole thing is arbitrary anyways the main reason blizzard brought up is that there's this group of people who find leveling boring or too time consuming to be bothered with it but you can say that with just about anything the attunement is time consuming all of my friends are attuned and i can't go into the same raids as them where's the boost for that farming gold is time consuming i remember that i [ __ ] remember that [ __ ] because i had one of my pal i had won my characters i couldn't take it in the karazhan that actually that is a [ __ ] that is a true they got rid of the attunement well they would fade they phased them out and they made them a little bit more relaxed but they didn't get rid of attunements until like the very end of tbc it was like the [ __ ] pre-patch almost they got rid of the attunements yeah 2.4 yeah like i thought the two minutes were a good idea like i like attunements if they're account wide account wide attunements i love character-wide attunements i hate why should we be forced to do it i already farmed to get my flying mount once there's no reason to force me to do it again let's bring out the wild token yeah okay that was a mouthful can you tell i care about the game yet and hell i think you too if you've made it this far yeah whatever you think about all of this if nothing else i think we can agree that we do all care about it we just see it in different ways in summary i do see the good and the boost more players are always better but i believe not to be short term because it'll lead classic down the road that cost players to quit the game to begin with yeah i think if you really believe that these restrictions will be in place forever i got a bridge with your name on it that i'd like to sell to you i think that there are much more healthy solutions for the problems that people are using as a reason to bring out the boost if people skip past leveling anyways by paying for power leveling nerf dungeon xp further when there's a higher level in the party or something to that effect and if people don't want to start behind their friends release fresh servers and give them the option to start together this is a compromise of course there will be those who aren't willing to reroll but hey it's an option there's already a huge demand for it so why not i don't know not even one phrase it sounds weird but like this whole video like the one thing that it did is it made me want to re-level in [ __ ] classic just like thinking about it and everything it's just like oh man remember like that was back in the day and you're leveling up your character and then you're just like seeing him run around with like that shitty armor on and everything like yeah it it did like i remember i actually talked to matt sees season before he made this video uh let me see i'll expose the dms um okay um okay i will show you guys the screenshot of the [ __ ] dm's i had with them uh after this okay bc server really not one these options revitalize the old world get more boots on the ground to report bonders and give friends a chance to play together all at the same time keeping classic world of warcraft classic the level boost gives friends a chance to play together more easily as one doesn't need to reroll nor re-level but at the same time it causes irreversible damage to the game in my opinion in my eyes it creates more problems than it solves and opens up the door to all manner of cash drop services now will the boost be enough to make me stop playing i don't think so no i'm still it's not that big of a deal i want to give credit where credit is due i think blizzard has done a really good job with a lot of this other stuff and i think it's going to be a root and toot and good time all around and hey maybe that's what they're counting on yep unfortunately i do feel like at the end of the day it's all pissing in the wind do i really think they'll change their minds i hope they do but i don't think they will i agree with that this is something i love to be wrong on but probably not and just to let you guys know right now is your only shot because once this thing is in the game it's in there forever it's never going away buying it yep they have the excuse of well gee guys our hands are tied we can't just let some people buy the boost and then just stop offering it come on that wouldn't be fair so rest assured no matter how much damage this causes once it's in it's in i think it would be a good move oh man seriously how much respect would blizzard get if they announced that you know what this isn't classic leveling is character progression it is and people wanted to skip it back then in the original release and we didn't let that happen because it would have hurt the game back then and it would hurt the game today you see that big statue outside of your building the one with the first of your eight core values the one that says gameplay first i'm just saying that if you guys tasked me with creating one of the best games of all time my first thought wouldn't be to offer you a paid service to skip over a major over the gameplay i find it pretty good now instead of game boy first it skipped the gameplay first ironic that people are lauding one of the very features and the the game must adapt to the mindset that caused them to quit current in the first place if nothing else i just wanted it to be known that man season show does not approve he thinks that it's a bad move that'll hurt the game the cash shop is something i've been very vocal about in current so i feel like i had to share that with classic as well a lot of people will reply with stop crying but guess what classic wouldn't exist in the first place if people didn't quote stop crying about it you think you do but you don't great games are made from criticism not from people who refuse to acknowledge that there's more than one side to a discussion the funny thing about that look at jay look at jay oh look how happy he is look at look how how brown his hair is his hair is completely brown not gray at all now look at jay that's the difference between being a developer and being the [ __ ] president like that dude's got solid gray hair now he's so [ __ ] stressed out probably all the time constantly it sucks this video and the whole situation in particular has really left me feeling burnt out about aging so much so that i think i'm gonna that's a lot of aging nothing too crazy maybe just a week or two away from it because i do feel a bit drained i mean this is a one-hour video of an unpleasant subject to me out of the 630 videos on my channel this is the only one i didn't want to make but i made it because i doubt very much that you guys are subscribed to me because i'm afraid to share my true feelings regardless of how they're received classic has had its problems like i said but i mean you can't argue the fact that it put 150 days into it since its release clearly overall i've had a great time with it i've met a lot of like-minded people and i'm lucky to say that i've made good friends through it it's had a very positive effect yeah and no matter what else i've said in this video i want to give a big thank you to not only the devs but you the viewer as well for giving me your time as you've done so many times but you gotta look at it from my perspective i've slowly watched over the course of 16 years one of my favorite hobbies of all time turn into something that i have little to no interest in sad that itself is bad enough but to see that happen twice to see the start of it going down this old familiar road of oh i don't have enough time to level so the game itself and everyone else playing it must adapt to me that really sucks and i feel pretty comfortable in saying that i think i speak for a lot of people on that one i agree again you may say it's not a big deal that i'm over exaggerating it all i have to say to that is i have 16 years of experience under my belt i i actually didn't think that it was a big deal until mad season brought up the point of botting and how much this removed uh the fixed cost of investing into a bot like now that he brought up the point of botting i actually think that this boosting thing is bad like everything else about it i think it's like a wash right like who gives a [ __ ] but the botting part is genuinely harmful like this is genuinely bad and uh it's like you ever [ __ ] you ever have like a lot of hope in something and you're like oh you know maybe this time it's gonna be different well we've had that with bots and blizzard for 16 years it's not it's gonna be the same [ __ ] [ __ ] they're gonna not pay attention to it they're gonna do a ban way people are gonna be like oh that's nice and then three days later it's going to be an issue again and that's it that's what i'm worried about it enables faction transfers it's it's different than that okay they did get rid of multi-boxing true blizzard does do some things right botting dealing with botting is just not one of them 16 years of history of the game becoming what it is and you have the word of a company who's already gone back on their word multiple times yeah i just don't see how you can look at this laundry list of issues and say you know what i'm okay with the old world being abandoned 90 of the server going straight to an expansion that's one tenth the size of its predecessor i'm okay with the botting going from bad to horrible i'm okay with creating an ideal environment for cheaters i'm okay with people being able to indirectly buy gold i'm okay with blizzard saying that the target audience for this boost are those who don't have a high level character yet the boost is available for purchase to everyone even those with 60s already i'm okay with creating in-game advantages based off of real-life wealth disparities remaining in a poor state this is america sort of fixing it blizzard is allowing us to just pay to skip it i'm okay with speeding players closer to stagnation in a game whose worst enemy is stagnation and i'm okay to opening pandora's box to all manner of cash shop services because blizzard now has approval to offer you services that you deem to be too time grinding and fun and that if blizzard can say that oh people don't want a level so we're giving them the ability to pay to skip it and you support that yeah that means that they can say it for literally anything in the game and it's all for this demographic of player who'll struggle to even play the game because if they don't have time to level they don't have time to do the time consuming or grinding it's like i don't have time to level i i have to get in to do a three-hour [ __ ] heroic so i can unlock another three-hour [ __ ] heroic so i can do the fourth three-hour heroic so i can do the seven-hour raid but i don't have time to level things that are recorded to even play bc at a very basic level let me know what you think thanks for watching and i'll see you in the next one yeah peace so here's what mad season and i said here's what i said to him you know pick up streaming again for tbc i miss you actually my videos like yes curious to your thoughts on level boost funny seeing people advocate for the same things made them want to classic first place since i have a lot to think about to say i said thank god that'll be an entire stream [Music] there it is that'll be an entire [ __ ] stream [Music] you
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 1,328,362
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, world of warcraft, asmongold tv, ZackRawrr, asmongold madseasonshow, asmongold madseason, asmongold mad season, classic wow, wow classic, madseasonshow, madseasonshow wow, asmongold classic, tbc classic, classic, tbc, classic tbc, classic the burning crusade, wow boost, wow level boost, ballad of the level boost, madseason classic, madseason boost, madseasonshow boost, tbc level boost, classic tbc level boost, madseason level boost
Id: V35ivtZD_Xo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 99min 50sec (5990 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 18 2021
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