Asmongold Reacts To "Arthas Did Nothing Wrong" - Hirumaredx

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[Music] okay father is it over at long last no Coons forever myself I see only darkness [Music] after a culminating battle in which the best forces of azeroth faced off against the lich king Arthas we get this final scene after his room blade Frostmourne is shattered and all of the souls he's captured over the years are released and he's talking to the soul of his dead father simply asking him if his nightmare is finally over generally when a bad guy is killed at the end of his expansion they don't have remorse over what they've done but usually go down kicking and screaming or out with a whimper I'm not asking if they can finally stop and rest you see Arthas is one of the most popular villains in the Warcraft series and it's generally because his story is a tragic one of a guy who just wanted to do the right thing he did it was willing to do anything to do the right thing he did only to fail anyway and become a villain that's you see Arthas as a boy and even a young adult was a very nice and kind-hearted man he was the death of his horse invincible greatly ate him up inside since he died in an accident that entirely could have been avoided if Arthas wasn't being an idiot wait Arthas was trying to race back home in it so Arthas got invincible killed damn I didn't even know that what the [ __ ] a snowstorm on his favorite horse invincible and he wanted to do a really cool trick of jumping over a short ravine that he'd done a million times before but the back hoof of invincible slipped on some ice while they were going for the jump and caused them both crash and this crash completely tore up two of Invincibles legs to the point where it was either going to bleed to death before they could possibly get help or freeze to death either way invincible was done for there was really only one option for him despite the fact that he broke some of his ribs in the fall and his face and limbs were numb from the cold what they somehow managed to move himself closer to a dying horse this is all my fault I deserve this Arthas said as he removed his sword from his hilt invincible regarded him very calmly almost as if he knew what had to be done and did his faked that cause arthas's eyes to tear up Wow I blinked them away pulled out his sword and then pierced his heart with a single blow then he collapsed sometime later hills and people found him and helped him bury his horse and it's at this point where he thought to himself should anyone else ever need protection or if sacrifices had to be made for the welfare of others he would do whatever it takes and it is a mantra that led to our path which would be his ruin as sometime later boys the day I started spreading the plague throughout his kingdom Arthas was chasing down kel'thuzad Wow so he'll which isn't it been infected by the plague everything just believed exactly what was going to happen and how almost impossible it was to change anything so when he came to the city which had already been infected by the plague he made the tough decision he did the right thing higher city before it could spread any further absolutely thir king he didn't know much about the plague yet no was a notion what it did to people that's right it's Bradley Arthas was and he knew what he was asking didn't seem reasonable to people who didn't have the same information he had it wasn't possible too excited to understand him and then convinced him of what was going on so instead he ordered his men to work with him and dismiss Luther who was doing nothing but slowing him down absolutely when he was sitting with his men this is true herds in the city he knew what had to be done he was killing people now who were already doomed to be turned into the undead anyway yeah he was going there we're gonna die anyway this is this is why I'm saying so Arthas the invincible dying gave him the perspective that he needed to have to make the right decision to do Strath LOM it's just ether didn't know it countless others by stopping the spread of the infection but a part of him just couldn't handle it and he was just so having to exterminate an entire city of people just wouldn't sit well with him no matter how justified it was in his mind yeah and that's gonna bid to control the light during the purge of strappin you see the light in world of warcraft doesn't necessarily belong to people who are good know the right thing the light can be used by people who strongly believe in whatever it is they're doing that's why this scarlet crusade can use a light even though they're all a bunch of crazy lunatics who kill people because they think they might turn T onion in the future or they might be non dead in disguise the light doesn't abandon the Scarlet Crusade members in fact some of them are so well versed in the light that there's one who was able to canonically bring people back to life and another who was able to use the light even when they were gone dead and turned into a death knight really no God surely believed in what he was I never even put those two do too have lost the ability to use the light during the coin at Raths home riders couldn't help doubting himself so that implies they're Arthas was doing the right thing Luther's a dumb boomer yeah Luther is literally a dumb boomer that didn't know anything about what was going on yeah I stopped trying to get away it's annoying and weird yeah he didn't know what the hell was going on and he goes in there and he messes everything up Arthas didn't Arthas made the right decision in Stratham people don't get that if you had convinced himself to do it anyway that's why he was desperate for power when chasing down mal Ganis a Northrend afterwards the AL gannis was taunting Arthas to go into Northrend in order to pick up the Frostmourne and since Arthas had already gone so far anyway and he thought Mel gannis was behind everything he was Young's elite tricked into finding the blade and picking it up where he then immediately struck down the dreadlord you see I like to think of Arthas as two separate people the one before he took up the Frostmourne and the one afterwards well what do you mean you like to think of him as two separate people because that's literally what it was mal Ganis wanted him to pick up the sword because the sword mind-control them it's like if you mind-control somebody and then they start punching you then it's not really it's not really them you know what I mean like that's why mal Ganis wanted him to pick up the [ __ ] sword and Arthas would have never needed to use Frostmourne if he had gotten the help from Jaina and ether and like the one before was someone who just wanted to save his people yeah so he was doing lots of morally grey things because in his mind wasn't morally gray justify the means it wasn't really great at all Lord his personality got twisted and turned and he a much different person who had goals that no longer aligned with his past self but still had all of the memories from the previous Arthas the post Frostmourne Arthas had goals of freeing the lich king from the legions control and then afterwards its goals were a little bit more self oriented of freeing himself from nursing his control and getting the world ready for an eventual legion wait you say it's not morally gray are you [ __ ] kidding me that are you [ __ ] kidding me like they were going to die anyway and if he let them just turn into Undead they would have killed more people so it's like you kill a hundred people or what the hundred people die and then they killed two hundred people that's not morally gray at all there's there is one obviously correct decision doing nothing causes more people to die how is that that's not the right answer that's the morally gray one killing them now so they can't turn into zombies and kill other people that's the morally good thing to do that's the definition of morally great how is that the definition of morally gray in my opinion morally gray okay so this is like my [ __ ] philosophy about this morally gray is doing something that I guess and it's kind of a bad thing to murder people yeah that's true but they were gonna die anyway so where are we so if spot the dog gets [ __ ] cancer or something like that and you put the dog down because the dog was gonna die anyway is that morally gray no it's not [ __ ] no it's not Vasia since both are secularism oh great it's not very powerful artifacts that belong to the legion and they were very much going to want them back someday this new Arthas knew he could basically end all life on Azeroth whenever he wanted since he had an unstoppable undead army who only grew in strength every time he clashed with the New Kingdom yeah if he wanted to he could just let loose all of his undead hordes in order to turn to everyone else undead and he would have his whole army sin stone and he would simply just prepare for the eventual legion invasion although he never did let his undead loose to turn the entire world Undead right he could have had basically any point they were undead basically everywhere and they replenish their own horses but he just never did for some reason and it's later on that we learn it's because a part of Arthas from before the Frostmourne was holding him back the entire time exactly there was a small part of him which had the personality of the original Arthas and it kind of just put some mental that's why he kept Janos Lockett teased which didn't that's why he kept Jana's locket when you do eventually kill Arthas you find that he kept Jana's locket on him the entire time yep and Jana yotz herself there it is it's probably a small part of Arthas inside the monster he turned into an he and I think these two things are some of the best examples of a theory that Arthas was kind of trapped inside the lich king in some way it's obvious you racing up the frost morning and I have two possible explanations for how this might have happened that's not a theory like what do you mean there's not a possible explanation that the sword literally allowed the Lich King to control him we get literally allowed the lich king to control like there's no possibility of one it could have been more literal and that the original Arthas was trapped inside and he just watched as the monster did everything using his memories and body and the second one is that Arthas himself was doing everything the Frostmourne did corrupt him and didn't create a second personality yeah but that his old personality simply conflicted with his new one which made him act in odd ways momentarily I examined Jana's locket and not immediately ending all life on acid I think that's what was I'm not lana doing it eventually but the fact that he didn't do it immediately was heavily hinted because of a small part of him that was trying to keep himself in control yep as his plan during the wrath of Lich King expansion was to train up the strongest unstoppable fighters and then have them come to a Citadel where he would test them and then kill them and raise them as his personal bodyguard the vetted best possible warriors for his new hunted army that he would use the fight the Legion and I think the second theory is a little bit more likely yeah because it doesn't seem like there was an original Arthas trapped inside his body since the lich king did cut off his own heart in order to rid himself of his human side which is found by players through a question and ice crown really which culminates with Tyrion destroying the heart and weakening the lich king the [ __ ] was a part of Arthas trapped inside of him I've definitely been hit and he got rid of that which is why it's more likely that the curse of the Frostmourne corrupted his mind made him want to do all of these things yeah and was kind of like a forced magical mind control types of jewy yeah or he's a whose mind was closing is on drugs and that's why when the Frostmourne was destroyed and his forced personality curse was lifted he was able to show remorse exactly realize that exactly he had just lived through yep which he willingly did himself and then was glad that it was finally all over mm-hm but unfortunately only darkness waited before him because even if he was finally free from his living nightmare he was the one who ultimately made all the decisions that led him to get him tricked and to become the Lich King in the first place yeah it's true he didn't have to chase mal Ganis down to Northrend chasing mal Ganis and northren was more of an obsession that it was something he needed to do as he never has began Astoria talked to his dad and better prepare them for the plague well he thought he could end everything on his own if he just it wasn't that much of an obsession know because mal Ganis he thought mal Ganis like caused the plague basically and so of course he went to kill mal Ganis because number one [ __ ] that [ __ ] number two so he doesn't do it again like that was the right call doc mal Ganis in Northrend he could have taken time to explain the calling of Stratholme to Thurman they wouldn't listen or even come up with a more reasonable plan for dealing with it and he could not have been so efficient dead killing things after becoming a lich king the only thing he really held back on was the literally killing every body thing but even with his mistakes it's not really fair to blame what eventually happened to him having his personality twisted and corrupted when he had good intentions the entire time there's this old saying we judge ourselves based on our intentions and others based on their actions arthas's intentions were always good yep even if he was a little bit too obsessed with Malvinas he was only obsessed because he thought killing him would fix the problem absolutely but he was also very pissed at what Mal'Ganis had made him do with Stratholme yet his obsession is kind of reasonable if you really think about it he had someone who he knew was responsible for the death of an entire city plus a whole bunch of small neighboring towns and since he cared about his people greatly and since he had a mantra to protect people no matter what it took it was kind of inevitable when Arthas found the runeblade and he was told that it was cursed he had the mantra that he was willing to sacrifice anything cuz he didn't think it was gonna turn him evil and he'd be selfish not to sacrifice himself after what he'd done to Stratholme yeah so he picked up the blade and made the worst decision of his life because it all dies that's for him to do that and there was almost no way he wouldn't based on his intentions and personal mantra yeah it's almost tragic in a sense his actions ultimately ended up being so evil to the point where no one considers Arthas a good person at Lord everyone knows that he took up the curse blade and killed a bunch of people but everything in his life kind of led to that that's right as well as forces outside of his control directly manipulating him into that decision ultimately he did make the decision himself but it was always from a place of good he wanted to do the right thing yep willing to sacrifice himself and he did right thing he just didn't know he was being tricked you don't know he'd be mind control and cursed to willingly and his kingdom himself as he marched into Lord Arryn and killed his own father with the curse blade she obviously don t killzone mind many more people including 90% of the Isles and had planned on killing everyone else eventually so he could prepare himself to fight the Legion not because he thought defeating the Legion would be a good thing but because as the lich king Arthas the Legion was also a threat to him as the person in charge Legion could cleave his planet in half and there's not much an unstoppable army of undead can do about your planet literally being destroyed that's kind of them so yeah did Arthas actually do anything wrong you might say his action not really yes but in context and taking his intentions into account he was never trying to do the wrong thing as intentions absolutely matter these kinds of situations exactly and you can't really blame Arthas for something that cursed blade forced him to do yeah so that's awful interesting on the whole of it the hell of domination the runeblade Ner'zhul they were absolutely bad dudes who did bad things for selfish reasons and Arthas was just kind of caught up in all of it because he was tripped and it really all depends on how much one can blame a person who was tricked into doing bad things so if we go based off purely intentions excluding cursed mind-control shenanigans no I don't think Arthas wasn't the wrong exactly but if you look at his actions and what he accomplished exactly ignoring all of the context then he is without a doubt what are the most evil people yeah you know it's all it to you to draw your own conclusions because Arthas nothing wrong well Arthas was the lich king by Arthas I did things like is - there's two separate things that's what I mean it's like there's Arthas and then there's the Lich King Arthas did nothing wrong the Lich King did that that's the point that I'm making and you guys see it's not Arthas apologists or whatever the [ __ ] man can't you say the same thing about Hitler whose mind controlled no because Hitler wasn't mind controlled by a rune blade that was created by the by a [ __ ] a dread word or some [ __ ] no that's because it wasn't that's because it didn't happen is different okay like that's naughty how do you know because it wasn't in the lore like I've seen a lot of World War 2 movies have I ever seen Hitler use Frostmourne not yet I have not so I don't really I don't buy this men see Arthas is one most popular villains Warcraft series is generally because the famous story of tragedy one alone one of a guy who just wanted to do the right I was willing to do anything do the right thing only to fail anyway and become a villain yeah is upload an April 1st so what so what like it's still wait what do you mean like this oh it's not true now like it's obviously [ __ ] true I noticed this supposed to be April Fool's but 100% facts exactly dude this April Fool's joke yeah see this is it he did the right thing man yeah he'd have to he tapped that Jana wait what the [ __ ] everyone who has tapped Jana turns into a raid boss was a raid boss or dies what the [ __ ] dude [Music]
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 349,376
Rating: 4.918355 out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, daily dose of asmongold, asmongold twitch, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold moments, asmongold funny, catdany, asmongold tv, asmongold channel, asmongold hirumaredx, hirumaredx wow, hirumaredx arthas, asmongold arthas, asmongold reacta to hirumaredx, asmongold arthas did nothing wrong, hirumaredx arthas did nothing wrong, lich king, asmongold lich king, hirumaredx lich king, wow lich king
Id: X3--b72vmbM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 55sec (1135 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 12 2020
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