Asmongold Panics In MOUNT OFF Competition Against His Viewers

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alright boys we have not done an alliance mount off we have not done an alliance mount off ever since I took a break and today we're bringing it back today we are doing another mount off let's go alright get far got away good finally guys let's not get in a circle and let's get this done get in the circle let's do a voice now for anybody who's new who hasn't seen one of these before the rules are very simple I will get on a mount and every single person in here has to get on that exact same mount if they don't they are kicked out of the raid until only two players remain those players will duel to see who is the better mount collector between the two of them and then the winner of that is the winner of the competition and has the possibility to duel me and so let us begin mounts number one let's go with the yellow one get on the yellow qiraji battle tank get on the yellow qiraji battle tank boys all you have to do is run this instance once and you better [ __ ] have it this isn't are you kidding me Elizabeth are you [ __ ] kid is this a joke Isabel or what I don't quite mount where you're collecting kicks are you kidding me wait what's your name that's the weird ass guy oh my god what the [ __ ] dude okay we lost weight four people four people didn't have the mount number two bulu qiraji battle tank get on the blue karashi battle tank let's see it get on the blue Karachi battle tank okay good good good hey hey go blue go what the [ __ ] is this tone-deaf you just joined the guild man you get a break are you gonna bring dishonor to the guild you literally just join the guild he's actually gonna bring dishonor to the guild right now he's actually about to bring dishonor to the guild kick him out easy come easy go no man I'm not gonna kick him out all right tone-deaf thanks for coming man I appreciate it welcome to the guild by the way you're kicked out of the group love you I love you too buddy okay now what now am I about to get on what mountain am I about to get on the guy's got some people that have watched these for a while get on the red one why because it's red get on the red one F are you kidding me are you guys [ __ ] crazy these are so easy to get what the [ __ ] this is the only one that I don't have that's why I got on it oh my god I don't even know what to say I don't collect mounts either well that's the way it goes did you get think you're funny you think you're cute little dick boy talking your [ __ ] well you know what I don't have it but I will and that's the difference I will absolutely have it got a guy hiding I'll get rid of everybody here all right Hank Sinatra why am I not surprised that you don't have it wiser more like loser you're out okay we've got everybody else here wait what the hell is this I don't collect mountains hardcore sadly okay well why don't you just do it casually and do this run twice and you'll get them out there you go better luck next time nice tops okay already we've lost a number of people the red Karachi battle tank is apparently what separates the boys from the men Peters sitting down wait what he's afk no he's not he's sitting down intentionally rare spawn you.why an ass [ __ ] love you if you really loved me you would have cheated better better luck next time and I actually don't have that mouth yeah he would have cheated better that was insulting insulting me to achieve with such an obvious way dude all right let's see what else do we have okay good all right bald okay yeah that's more like it all right let's see what else we have oh come on don't stand on top of me all right next Mount what do you guys think what do we go with I'm curious we're not gonna go with the raven bald this early man uh those are all pretty hard guys come on these are hard let's go with an easy easy mouth man like come on relax relax has y'all buying Oh Drake they're all gonna have the albino Drake dude like imagine they don't have the all by no Drake okay ah you know what let's do that one that's a good idea let's go with the bronze Drake everybody go ahead and get on the bronze Drake let's see if voice get on the bronze Drake okay good good good good good good lmao nope step forward let yourself be seen this is a man who can't even new account okay alright that's why well you know it only takes five minutes might as well go get that so he actually doesn't have the bronze Drake oh my god dude okay actually you know what I love you thing for the last thanks for coming man for sheet it alright everybody at the same time when I say spacebar I want everybody to spacebar okay not right now but I'm gonna type in a raid warning I want to see what it looks like with everybody on the Drake student same time alright so as soon as you guys see us a raid warning spacebar three-two-one how's good it's really good that's beautiful all right next Mount let's see I've got so many of them hard for me to decide let's see twilight drake you know what let's just hit it let's get it out of the way let's go with the twilight drake everybody go with the twilight drake turn on purple let's go these aren't wait that's the twilight avenger bro that's the wrong one i don't know are you trying to brag right here that you have that one too yup you're trying to brag okay that's cute alright everybody should have this one everybody should have this one good job good job see people that play classic don't understand this is the game this is the actual game like all this other [ __ ] like the reason why you get here is to get these mouths like this is the this is the true in game like Nezhat is not the end game the zoth is only the in game through the extension of the fact that he drops them out like whenever a shara was the last boss like i mean it gives a [ __ ] right but if in azad if he drops a ball that that's what that's what matters the game of classic is drama it's drama reddit and getting mad yeah that's about right okay alright next let me think on ironical question mounts yeah that's actually what the end game is this is the first mount that I ever really wanted everyone get on the black War Tiger this one might be hard this one could be a bloodbath right here this one could absolutely be a bloodbath get on the black War tiger no [ __ ] way no [ __ ] way you guys better have it 3/4 of you don't have it are you kidding for people don't have this one Wow I'm sorry for the disappointment yeah me too I remember dude the first time I saw this mountain I was like [ __ ] dude I'm gonna give this I'll have to go post a screenshot of my character back in the door wow dude my full Field Marshal grand marshal gear on I got this [ __ ] mount man I was so happy casual mount off yeah I know Nero's nice try nice try Nero something to remove Nero's do Pez get rid of him and wing we're gonna get rid of him alright we got everybody else good nether ray please I don't know probably want to go with nether ray or not I mean it really can't defense there's a cheater [Music] [Music] the hell you think you're doing the [ __ ] you think you doing the hell do you think you're doing in my [ __ ] competition cheating on the wrong [ __ ] Tiger get out of here get the hell out of get it get out of here get out here gonna farm those [ __ ] mounts kick them out of the [ __ ] group alright yeah chase them out get them out of here alright alright alright let's go the next uh let's go the next one okay nice man a saver no no man I can't do that one wait right draw if you have it Robert Ross do you have it or not yeah you got a mountain I didn't even see if he didn't or not no okay nice try buddy okay ah let's see that was a lot of people we got rid of what that [ __ ] mount dude I was not expecting it to be that hard Swift Zhu Li and Tiger I'm not gonna do a Swift Zhu Li and Tiger that's way too [ __ ] hard this early on a swift Zhu Li and Tiger all right you know what two-minute black primal Raptor black primal rapper I used to always use these mounts I kind of got you I kind of forgot about those yeah black primal Raptor let's see it boys that is not the primal Raptor that's not the primal Raptor Drex n come on and before I only have red and green I don't want to hear that that's it for me it sure is perma sad yeah your mount collection will be until you get this now all right yeah it's [ __ ] embarrassing all right good luck Drac Seon thank you very much for coming unfortunately it wasn't good enough next round let's see what do we got here we're gonna pick out let's see if we get a good a good pick here actually yeah let's go with one of these let's go with the silver yeah silver a war tau book get on the silver war tau book let's go boys this is for the grand reputation the Grand Moff dire horn that one might be a little bit too hard this early on he helped me pick between playing horde reliance yeah sure play Alliance okay just give me one second I think I got everybody else right yeah I did can you start rewarding people that have the worst set yeah I can I'll call it the biggest loser okay let's see that was what my dad by the way my dad he says this to me whenever I was I had just invented the idea to transfer out competitions and I told him what it was he's a what do you call that the biggest loser and I'm like what the [ __ ] there well what what what the [ __ ] there wait yeah always piss man not wrong top towel tall book no it's called it's Talbert okay trust me I've been saying it that way for 15 years if it was wrong then I wouldn't been saying it that way for 15 years Zara better luck next time buddy dragon saber wait you don't have that holy [ __ ] you had the 250 [ __ ] god damn I'm surprised about that all right dragon thanks to the last man never got this far well you know you did this time thank you very much for coming man all right killer then let's go ahead and get rid of him and let's get rid of a nard dog all right we have already lost nearly probably over half I'm not really gonna count it up right now if we lost a lot yeah we've lost over half of our original contestants guys we're gonna have it well I don't know who doesn't have it that's a long [ __ ] talbo logan you noticed something sort of different between yours and everybody else you notice anything a little bit of a different Logan he said you're 16 years old this mount came out before you were born I understand the target for you to be able to understand the depth of this game but you need to actually get on the [ __ ] ball get your [ __ ] together and get the [ __ ] mount get the hell out of here the hell out of here gold we go back over to the grand start killing ogres you can't go yet the light's not green oh it is now okay next mouth will do one more relatively easier so you guys moving a little bit no this is fine you have the circles fine just do whatever you guys want I don't care okay hmm I don't want to do that had those horsemen on that one might be a little bit too hard I'm thinking about something that's little bit better than that not not really quite that difficult but still pretty challenging many people don't have and let's go with you guys want to go on rare mounts you guys want to go on rare mounts okay activate the Raven wards activate the Raven wards good good good good good oh no no doesn't have the Raven ward oh [ __ ] hey it is what it is it is what it is I remember whenever you needed druid to summon that my mom would come with me I said this I post 300 times I told again cuz I like telling my mom at the end of my naxxramas raids in Wrath of the Lich King would come with me and summon the boss after our raids and help me get them out and after a few months I [ __ ] got it and she'd help me do it every single day after it and whenever the words of Draenor pretty expansion or sorry pre-order came out and you were able to pre-order the the normal or the deluxe edition and the deluxe edition came out 10 with the uh I came out with the dread Raven I could only afford one of these at the time and thinking back on those days I gave her the collector's edition and I took the normal one for myself [Music] you know long time ago it's a good time it's very good time all right let's see nanos alright man I was thank you very much for coming I appreciate I've very I very much brew shaking I'm happening whenever there's two up the manipura you'll see alright next mount alright guys jet pick it pick it Chuck [Music] invincible no I like that idea uh I don't know I feel like it might be too hard though let's do it as they're drake azure drake from now a ghost 25 or now it now it's actually 10 men as well alright get on the azure drake this is a really cool looking mount and what wait they all have it holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] god damn all right guys oh all right we've got ourselves a real competition here regard selves uh this is a situation okay let's go ahead and let's tighten things up a little bit thanks for inviting me thanks for coming better luck next weekend tempest keep okay and there we go boys look at these asses yeah look at these asses to belong uh yeah he had to walk it out man that's the way it goes a song dude all right Amani war bear no no not a money worker all right I love dude I love the way these mouths look man these are like some of the coolest looking mounts in the [ __ ] game bye oh no there's not a cheater I'm not seeing it where away yeah there is a cheater who's this guy power Stein no he has it yeah he hasn't no no I'm good everything's good yeah we're good all right I was on it yeah I thought so I people just started freaking out so I didn't really know what the hell was going on all right next amount vibart man array let's throw a curveball vibrant man array get on the vibrant man array this is from patch eight points are a 7.3 and apparently everybody here played Legion okay all right there we go that's a lot of this is a very very vibrant Manor ring holy [ __ ] all right that is impressive guys that's doing one that I have yeah what's the coolest one so you got lucky there do soundless next shut the [ __ ] up okay let's see what else I've got we days wait in Legion on two hundred and BFA sorry man okay blip stallion Panther Oh didn't I get on this one last time [ __ ] it we'll get on it again flips dillion Panther this is a five-man dungeon drop from the new zg ah you have to get you have the old mount but not the new one wait no way guys no [ __ ] way three of you don't have this is this a joke oh my god oh my god what a [ __ ] same voice what an absolute [ __ ] same the new mount is older than the old mouth wait the new mount is older than the old mount you stop [ __ ] saying that [ __ ] do you have to say that [ __ ] what the [ __ ] you have to say that [ __ ] my stream like but what the [ __ ] does [ __ ] out of here don't ever say that again or say that gets a [ __ ] off that I'll forget wit that bouncy [ __ ] piece of [ __ ] get the [ __ ] out of here the [ __ ] at it the [ __ ] out of you get enough get him out I don't have a single goddamn [ __ ] alpaca I need to get one of those alpacas man but I don't know why I haven't done it yet but I've been being a lazy ass [ __ ] alright let's go ahead we're gonna look at the next one alright that's pretty decent yep walk it out wait what's this here Oh Darko you have it right but you have you have it don't you want you stay on the [ __ ] now you're freaking me out man you're freaking me out all right let's see what else I've got here hmm all right I'm gonna pick one right here mmm Ron said get on member on set get on memmer ons head let's see it numeron said this is a very easy mount to get wait no guys no guys come on 160 kills and I don't have it so what you've only been farming it for three years it's been out for ten you've been slacking and that's only on one character he's all I've been farming him out for three years dude he doesn't even have it that's sad alright what a [ __ ] casual all right let's remove this guy good luck guys good luck Tom's good huh give us like two minutes what do you do with the other men and a half you're messing it up bro you mess it alright you know what this guy's messing everything up we're pausing it alright we're gonna go with the next one yeah this guy's out I'll remove him okay next I want to do one that we haven't done before hmm mmm deciding give me one that's off the wall give me an off-the-wall mouth something people might not have ah I like that idea pure blood fire [ __ ] get on it I love this mount I got this mount on the same day that I got my other award way wait no okay never mind it was an honor boys it sure was and maybe you should go do Ragnar roast again that is sad I'm surprised he doesn't have that this is one of the coolest looking mounts in the [ __ ] game like this mount is actually a proto Drake it's a prototype skeleton but I really like it a lot okay we have five contestants that remain I will let you guys choose right now who you think the winner is going to be skate John famed conqueror of desire war from the guild indestructible scarab Lord Bart snart from the guild faith of the Fallen dat creek cray the chosen from indestructible bash cutter the purifier from the guild number go up and Kazaam the immortal who is guiltless [Music] what if Kazaam just comes in here out of nowhere and just wins like we've never seen this guy before he's just took some random [ __ ] on guilded dude how when at the [ __ ] moon just doing whatever the hell he wants man all right here we go great Brewfest Gautam great Brewfest gota get on dock creek cray Oh oh okay alright alright that's what I'm talking about let's let's [ __ ] go this is great to see alright next now this is whenever we actually get to pick out the interesting ones guys yeah these are the interesting mounts yeah let's go with that I've never tried this one before it's been a long time vitreous stone Drake get on the vitreous stone Drake it's a little bit of a probably an easy mountain to get but some people might not have it some people might not have it but everybody in this raid does alright let's get a little bit more serious you know the first video that I ever made on my original asmin gold channel was on how to get this mount right here and I never published the video it's still private Adhan my channel and maybe I should go and show that one of these days and it was a long [ __ ] time alright blue part now we're not gonna do blue proto Drake dude that's way too [ __ ] easy make it public maybe I'll release it one of these days okay I'm not really sure when it's gonna be alright let's see next Mel I think we need to remove one of the people out of this group I think we do let's go ahead let's make it a little bit harder okay young the health iron Bosch cutter and the Scarab Ward got this yesterday y'all Congrats dude that's actually [ __ ] huge but you just got to do the mythic one now all right yup you guys just step aside we have our three final contestants here skate John dat crit cray and Kazaam all righty let's see what's going to happen Kazaam could actually pull it out boys I don't know if it's gonna happen dude dude Kazaam is the [ __ ] Kazaam is the chosen one all right we'll see how it's gonna go okay let's look around armored sky screaming get on the armored SkyScreamer this is a really annoying mount to get and I think it might actually trip one of you guys up okay this is beneath them this is beneath them that's good to know all right I'll go ahead and I'll get on one more I'm not I'm not ready to really drop out the big dick mounts on him yet okay so just keep that in mind should I turn it up all right let's turn it up I'm lost brother Drake pan lost product all right Kazaam has made it into the finals now before you to face each other the first point will be determined by whichever one of you doesn't have these mounts all right I'm gonna just go through them glacial tide storm mythic Jane Amell [Music] oh what the [ __ ] okay all right Kazaam starting it off with one point skate John gets on - which one - junk keep drifter which drops from I believe [ __ ] like whatever the hell his name is and then they both have this one to skate Ronnie gets on the witness system-level and drawn from Cork cedar and Oldham does Kazaam have the malevolent drone he has the malevolent drone what the [ __ ] is this skeet John gets on the [ __ ] what even is that again the [ __ ] risen mayor does know oh my god Corona Dietz getting on the [ __ ] Buffalo not Buffalo the the Muhsin the Muhsin dude Kazan is coming out of nowhere skate Ron gets on the Swift zuly and tiger from the originals DG and Kazan doesn't have it in skeet john ties it up excuse me skate john ties it up 1v1 and then what the [ __ ] Kazaam gets on the black proto Drake and skate John that's two points for Kazaam skates on you know he has it because he's got the title skate John gets on you Twilight Avenger from the island expeditions okay cuz in with the big dick mounts and they both have it Kazan with two points skate John with only one and skate John gets on the dapple gray which is very easy mount again I think it's double great is it no it's not Admiralty stallion from Proudmoore Admiralty everybody has this you know Kazaam has got it he's got it Kazaam is sitting here two points skate John gets on the mythic neck agon hard mode Mount cos dams gonna have that one too you know he's got that one Kazaam might actually be our random [ __ ] winner here skate John cannot come up with a mouth that can trip this guy up to save his [ __ ] career is this the end of skate John's reign of terror he gets on the Swift sorry the the armor dressage you wrapped her from the news eg from blood Lord man no cure and as Kazaam have it this is a big panic mount I don't think Kazaam is gonna yeah this is a panic mount skate John it's already panicking this is not good person this is oh [ __ ] do you know steam out the cobol primordial dire horn and he doesn't have it all right that's two two two and Kazaam gets on their own no way dude the wicked swarmer isn't that the ten thousand coins and kazoo yeah already gets another point ahead Kazaam with three points skate John tries to respond by getting on their skates on with three points as well it is three two three and then kids ium gets on is at the waist by their amount yep that's the waist Marauder and that's from rust feather IRA and whatnot in rust feather but the other one alright so they both have that one too Kazaam oh the Drake of the four winds from Ishaq alright this is three two three skate John was just getting on the baby dick balance at the beginning now skate John is gonna have that one too of course he's gonna have that one too it's an easy mount the farm and everybody can do it every day and then Kazaam gets on the fail steel Annihilator for mythic Archimonde and hellfire citadel this skate John is gonna have this you're scaring me I just came back to retail remaining classic for the past six months yes same trust me I'm feeling the exact same way alright it's three it's yeah three to three boys it is three two [ __ ] three and Kazaam is blowing them out with the ashari bloke ray from the glory of the eternal Raider to skate John have it they both have it and I don't that's not very good for me I think Azam that one doesn't count that's promotional no wait okay well now it doesn't count either way cuz they both [ __ ] half the big boys are there Wow okay so I believe that's one of the glorious spell crushers that glorious but blessed spell Crouch for excuse me this comes from one of the Paragon boxes and the army of the light over an Argus and 7.3 and of course they both have that everybody had that because there is nothing better Oh two million gold now two million gold now four million gold on the screen right here boys Holly he has Holly he's got the new melt oh [ __ ] experiment 12 B weight is Kazaam running on fumes is Kazaam Oh No Oh No Kazaam that's a panic mount man I don't know okay the frightened Cotto that one's kind of rare but I think everybody has it by now it was a lot rarer maybe like eight months ago or so but now it's pretty common all right Kazan what's gonna infinite time waster this is a really cool looking mount but let's be real everybody's got it there it is he's got it you know he's got it Kazaam come on man you've got to come up with something a little bit better than that Kazaam the chat's champion balls that's not is it that's four points for Kazaam that is the rare spawn drop from dune gorgeou crawl walk inside of all dune that only spawns once every other month and this guy [ __ ] has it that is four points for Kazaam and then scape john responds by getting on the swift midnight courser from honour level 250 is this gonna tie it up or skate John or not let's find out it is alright there we go it is four to four and Kazaam gets on the [ __ ] rusty Meccano strider and then that's five points for Kazaam and skate john gets on the other amount that's the per P boy wait a second where wait stop stop stop stop over it go up your mounts gap you're not sorry there's a confusion okay stop Kazaam get on the get on the mount that you were to saw on the robot mount did that skate John got on okay skate oh sorry Kazaam it's on you skate John has four and you have four you still need to get for you yeah it's still four to four right now yeah it's still four to four alright Kazaam you have to get on another mouth and not the recruiter for nothing not the recruiter fitnah case you can just buy that one uh yeah I'm not recruiting nice waste of money alright Kazaam yeah go ahead and get on something else besides up Oh the mail muncher I don't know I feel like even skate John's gonna have oh he doesn't have that way what the [ __ ] that's five points for Kazaam that's five [ __ ] points for Kazaam and then skate John is scaling down getting on the Royal coarser and he doesn't have that either that is five to five and then Kazaam goes and gets on the Ringling parasite I don't even where the [ __ ] that's from but he has it is this gonna be six points is this six points for Kazaam our new champion our challenger six points and skate John oh no dude skate John is going for the BM dude he's gonna get oh no wait wait one second okay yeah that's fine okay so that's six two six wait a second it's six to five six to five skate John has five Kazaam has six yeah sorry it's it's five to six skate John has five at Kazaam has six excuse me guys I think all right all right now Kazaam get on this mount this is the a prestigious forest courser okay there's so many reefs Kim's yeah I know all right Kazaam if you don't have that Malkin on another mountain okay sorry just yeah it was confusing because he thought these never the mouth I don't have that one okay well then get on another one so it's six to six then it's six a pap mounts are lame and shouldn't be allowed why are the pvp mounts lame and shouldn't be allowed t turtle okay all right it's six to six everybody has to sea turtle Kazam Kazam like you got try harder than that sea turtle man bye oh wow the swift versace raptor oh oh they both bucking habit and then Kazaam okay he gets on the oh and by the way Kazaam you can use that alpaca because you didn't use it before i just want to say that's you you can't use that alpaca okay alright so they both have the ultramarine battle tank and which one is this that's in Lao so this guy's been farming the rare so this is a rare that I've been trying to go for it and then somehow both of these dumb thoughts have it and I don't fix to six spring for alpaca the skate John have it or not Devon points seven points for Kazaam seven points for skate John and Kazaam apparently the master of alpacas has every [ __ ] alpaca in the game he has the elusive quick hoof and okay alright so it's still seven to seven alright Kazaam oh wow that's an old mount that was from the timeless coins or sorry the bloody coins back in a timeless Isle all right there we go alpaca Andy dude okay alright they both got it they have both got it now this is pretty easy just PPP mounts no yeah alpaca and E versus PvP and E okay the Twilight Avenger oh no from glory of the dragon soul Raider is Kazaam running on fumes is he had done is he finished is it oh wow Bren stole her hound oh that's one of the new Mouse uh-oh eight points eight points for uh eight points for Kazaam and skate John gets on the other amount and oh that's the last PEP mount that he can get on he was scaling up but now he's gonna try something different he gets on a plague proto Drake there's a very high chance that Kazaam has this if you already have the black fur Drake but we're gonna go ahead and see is he gonna happen he does not have it but Kazaam does have the Razavi what is it called the resolver Johnny war serpent this is a pretty rare amount this guy's come back and he's played the game a lot it seems like he seems to have every [ __ ] mount it is eight to eight it is nine to eight Kazaam with nine and skate john with eight and skate john gets on gmod and so does Kazaam it is nine points for Kazaam and skate john gets on the son of galleon bringing out the big dick world boss mounts Kazaam a speechless he's like [ __ ] it's just nine to nine escape john tying it up uh-oh uh-oh they're taking it to double digits they are taking it double [ __ ] [ __ ] okay all right State John that is nine points and Kazaam gets on the what is this called ivory clouds are penalized pin points for Kazaam and skeet John gets on the now mount the thundering blue one and then ten points for skate John in Kazan Kazan gets on the beat I don't know let's see if skate John has it or not the blue yeah the blue one wait skate John doesn't have that one I don't it's 11 it is a skate Kazan with 11 points skate John with 10 and then Kazaam oh no oh no gate John gets on the vicious Oh No the vicious Wartortle Oh Oh gate John ties it up 11 to 11 he ties it up 11 to 11 okay what about this one right here what's this coupon I bet skate John probably has coupon yep it's still 11 to 11 Kazaam still with 11 points it really can pay for PvP we'll talk about that afterwards you can pay for anything in the game let's be real I you can set like if he got on a mythic night amount he would call again shaft but you can still buy that - alright Kazan he's sitting there he's waiting Oh what even is that in Cohen wafer Oh skate John's got that for all like he's got that a hundred percent that's an easiest [ __ ] mount to get all you need to do is do the the dailies 12 points okay 12 points all right skate John gets on the vicious warhorse oh no state draw oh no is he's still gonna pull it out just with PvP mounts the heel of the team of the competition is gonna win just with PvP mounts ruining chasms dreams of ever oh wow Kazaam got that one to skate John mains hordes so I bet he has that yeah yeah he has that okay that's the Horde version I actually need to go by this myself okay that was sick yeah I don't know man we'll see what happens yeah it is 12 to 12 right now Kazaam needs to go on one mount that skate John does not have pvp mount should be limited why I'm honestly confused here why do you guys think PvP mounts should be limited desire war win river from warrior of the desire war Raider yeah I don't understand how that makes any sense like yeah what why just do pvp just pvp yeah just PvP boo Kazaam all right man if he had the first one he's gonna have this one too man that's the blood gourds clogged it comes from glory of the old da Raider I'm pretty sure he's got this he's got this Kazam Kazam I'm not sure if it's gonna go to 13 buddy oh he hasn't gotten on that one that's it that's the the one from the questline because there's three separate ones 13 for Kazaam and state john gets on the beefy boy he gets on the beefy boy big all chunky and Kazaam doesn't have it in his 13 to 13 Kazim gets on squats and to skate John he also has squawks Oh No Kazaam gets on spawn of horrid on [Music] oh he got on the crabby you got on all crabby all right 14 sorry 13 they both got all crabby just in time that's right all right Kazaam [Music] you know how many vicious mounts were in the game [Music] [Music] there's like eight vicious mounts in the game oh he's pulling out the long dick for the last [ __ ] round or I should not last round but probably oh no he's gonna make his bigger isn't he oh come on dude come on oh the BM dude Wow all right he puts on his everything okay all right okay yeah this is this is wow in 2020 right here this is the true endgame oh my god Wow Kazam Kazam I want you to be honest with me right now is it over he will win the PvP if he has more well I think skate John has all the PvP moans doesn't he get John do you have all the pvp mounts I can't use any pvp mounts as long though that's right you can because I am like my chat actually farm out the mounts instead of complaining about the [ __ ] rules yeah you just get them out like it's hard to get the [ __ ] like a boosted you just have to win a game at like 1400 dude you just win a game at 1400 or is it 1600 I forgot just win games at 1400 here's the thing guys oh [ __ ] all right skate John Kazaam you fought well you fought hard and you fought long Kazaam I'm gonna invite you to the guild if you want to be part of it if you are in the completion ISM I have a completionist in community is called the elite wizards completion ISM community I am inviting people into this regularly in order to join you have to have twenty thousand-plus achievement points over 300 mounts or over 500 pets this is only for high end players and it's for the biggest loser as possible so if you guys want to join this may be like in like a few hours when I'm done with the stream message me and I will send you an invite all right skate John it's on you [ __ ] do I have that wait do I have that I do nice okay I have it there we go nice all right there we go less feather okay actually do have that I have it I know I don't have that all right you know what let's just let's go for a rerun let's go for a rerun that's one point for me isn't it one point for me one point for you okay I has arisen there - okay I see how it is all right big love rocket all right that's two points for him all right big love rocket let's see if that's two points for me there we go two points for me and he has a [ __ ] what's this guy [ __ ] aw Island stone hi Delbert horn I have it there we go better luck next time then better luck next time it's still two to two Swift Zhu Li and Tiger it's not good guys it's not good you know what's not good about them he thought he could trip me up look at me I found his [ __ ] back whenever zg was still in the game I've had it for a long time let's go of course I have this a four sided tiger white Avenger wait what the [ __ ] I didn't let me get on it alright I have it I'm pretty sure I have it right yeah there we go Twilight Avenger okay easy I've got it nice try blood gorge hunter all right let me see I get on that blood cords Hunter got that one too it's still 2 2 2 it is still 2 2 2 Pratt corn Yeti got it better luck next time man he's 2 to 2 still he's trying his best which ones that again I own thunder still Alan Thunder scale there it is I got that one too is that kwinto shoes yep that's Kuno shoes to turn around I just got that you guys saw it just a little bit ago all right boys it's still 2 2 2 still twing wait what the [ __ ] do I have this yeah I do I didn't even know but just this one a thousand doubloons yeah of course I have that squawks ok that's 4 X 3 points for him that's 3 points for him I don't all right and I know you don't have that because that's what originally DQ'd you okay there we go all right wait what's out Swift forest Strider wait what what the [ __ ] is a swift forest Strider okay wait it's a dark moon ticket mount what the [ __ ] you think you're gonna trip me up with that dumbass [ __ ] [ __ ] no oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] not today that comes from the world bus mouse this is a one in two thousand drop chance mouth which actually bought off the black market auction I lose no [ __ ] way I was gonna farm that [ __ ] up son of galleon alright son a galleon I've got that I bought this for 2.5 million yeah that was a minus 10 mil I spent 10 million gold on that mount I have son a galleon boom I was doing something a little bit interesting along my break maybe I was uh getting one of those I only spent three million I did I did two point five man I got really lucky alright that's these are all one in a one in two thousand drop chance mounts okay he touched four points for him all right that's fine okay I'll get on this one seven mil for this that's a lot all right solar Sparhawk from rukmi [ __ ] book okay Amani war bear I've had this forever this is back from back in the old days alright that's five point four points for me he probably doesn't have this one jackal dorsal easy now easy [ __ ] mouth easy [ __ ] milk easy [ __ ] now bell boys infernal bell place infernal alright that's it's four to five it's four to five [ __ ] man how the [ __ ] you gonna get on that but I'm literally one quest away from getting that on my hoard this is [ __ ] I don't have that [ __ ] mount okay just give me a minute alright let me think what else can I get on all right looking around looking around son of a [ __ ] [ __ ] it is 5 to 6 it is 5 to 6 that's 6 points for him okay um I know he has that vial okay there's no way I'm gonna get on that that's dumb okay what about one of the new ones vicious black dwarf sabre maybe he doesn't have this one this isn't a mountain okay this is a new PvP mount we'll play him at his own game oh okay vicious basileus maybe he doesn't have this one maybe he doesn't have the basilisk yeah we're gonna beat him his own game man we're beating him at his own game maybe he doesn't have the basilisk oh oh whoa the season classic came out yep that's [ __ ] son of a [ __ ] son of a [ __ ] [ __ ] alright alright fine alright let me get all right that's seven points for him that seven points for him six for me seven for him six for me [ __ ] all right let me see has he done this one yet has he gotten a otc eye you said he just came back I could maybe gonna get a quick point on him here uh-oh he might not have it okay never mind all right ah got that like two weeks ago yeah all right Swift the lion steed all right I've got to catch up man I've got to catch up all right it's it's all right this is seven to seven there's no way he has this one this is row four in a game during trial the grand Crusader Tin Man if you can believe that with having without having a single white son of a [ __ ] [ __ ] son of a [ __ ] [ __ ] okay all right all right all right let me think let me thank you this is not looking good for me at all okay seven eight it's still seven to eight sharkbait all right maybe he doesn't have this one okay come on come on okay you're hardcore sir a hundred exalted reputations 100 exalted reps this is not good all right you know what I'm just gonna get on a gladiator mount I'm gonna get on a gladiator mount there you go all right no he wanted to do PvP mounts I'll do wild top stick hey hey tell that sick until that's what the little bucks his name again yeah tell that to two kissa a Kazaam I don't know why the Silas - singing kismet I knew that wasn't the right [ __ ] name yeah yeah yeah tell that to Kazaam don't need skill to get the vicious mouth that's true that's the one that's one that I don't have that's the one that I don't [ __ ] have okay that that's so [ __ ] stupid man alright let's see here um let me see what else can I get on uh let's see gratz grats on what alright I'm gonna get on this one you know I'll get I'll get another one I got pretty lucky with this yeah that must be nice alright that's nine points for him oh that's a good idea that's a very very good idea I might use that one after this okay what's I think I have this one placed Marauder okay just give me a second waste Marauder [ __ ] I didn't mean to do that now okay I have this one actually I got this one very recently okay what the [ __ ] is that [ __ ] all right you know what fine I have another one I have another one all right there we go Dominic why do your mouth come on come on ah all right it is still 10 to 10 it is 10 to 10 toxic oh no yo that's the way it goes that's the way it [ __ ] goes cheese yeah you're goddamn right I have that one I have that one coupon I remember I got this on stream okay there we go yeah PvP yeah no this is the thing dude we do a PvP [ __ ] I don't have this one okay just give me a second all right play pro Drake he just he got this one or not I'm trying to remember if he had this one or not okay give me a second yeah this is karma dude this is karma okay come on yeah okay Blackstar in an exhaust he might not have this one this is one of the new vision mounts okay all right this could be ten to ten this could be ten to ten I think it is yeah he hasn't done it yet there we go we got him boys 11 new 11 Oh what's this stupid ass [ __ ] Marsh hopper you had all the marsh hopper dude this is only a 300k dude that's easy I have all these [ __ ] frogs nice try hey he'll try and do that [ __ ] to me this is not looking good for me though man I'm actually really nervous about this okay okay okay what about these these are the brand-new warlords of draenor the time walking mounts does he have the new time walking mounts or not let me see if he has a did I could trip him up with these because a lot of people don't have them yet [ __ ] man [ __ ] man [ __ ] man are you kidding me this is what I was hoping I get him with okay uh I'm gonna [ __ ] lose dude [Music] this is just okay we're all wait deep coral Snapdragon what about this one here maybe he doesn't have this one this is just like a random mount this is a random mount he might not have it come on [ __ ] okay all right dread gladiator mouth I'll use this one too I don't even have that many more gladiator mounts dude I'm almost out I think I'm gonna [ __ ] lose man I think I'm gonna [ __ ] lose I have it I have it I have it I have it okay all right I have this one let me get on him there we go there we go source but no no no guys it's fine I'm not gonna lose I will not lose I will not [ __ ] loose ah you son of a [ __ ] still haven't been keeping track haven't been keeping track I finally [ __ ] got him not gonna okay ad to buy time alright okay alright okay I see how it is alright ah no man no man like this is I think this is the last gladiator amount that I have this is the last one wait no no never mind never mind I already got on that one before which one did I not get on because I have five I got on four I guess it was the sinister one yeah I know I got on this season 31 okay yeah so that was the right one that's my last one [Music] okay okay bah trying to think man I've used those men book I I can see I can see he wins i Jesus you [ __ ] kill them Krosh [ __ ] damnit man [ __ ] this is embarrassing alright alright alright I'm glad I won on your turf yeah it must be nice huh okay let me get a screenshot just get on your big wizard bear yeah [ __ ] believe it I can't [ __ ] believe it taking game okay [ __ ] god dammit man alright alright let's get a round of applause for skate John let's get a round of applause proud of you man alright shout out your do it coach crime so I get my hundred dollars which holds in this gate slash skate John ninety-two if you guys want to finance this [ __ ] to keep beating me [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 601,968
Rating: 4.7625093 out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, world of warcraft, asmongold tv, asmongold channel, asmongold mount off, asmongold mount, wow mount off, mount off competition, wow mounts, asmongold mount off competition, mount off contest, asmongold mount off contest, asmongold competition, asmongold contest, mount off wow, wow competition, wow contest, asmongold mounts, asmongold loses, asmongold loses mount off, asmon mount off, asmon mount
Id: T50cgZ8ysls
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 2sec (4202 seconds)
Published: Sun May 03 2020
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