Asmongold NEW Alliance Transmog Competition - The Most Unique Sets Ever!

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now boys I'd like to welcome you all to the second transmog competition of 2020 for the Alliance guys we've seen this before and now we're here to see it again today I want to see some good [ __ ] sets I don't want to see some [ __ ] I don't want to see some half-ass thrown-together [ __ ] ass transmog that you've never even you know looked in the mirror with I want to see some good ass [ __ ] sense in every sense of that phrase so gentlemen let us begin uh I don't know guys what do you think yeah I mean you know what guys I think that it could be it could be a winner late on storms in from the guild critical physics using the helm of leash in the shoulders the gloves in the boots right there from the heroic throne of thunder paladin said as well as the belt and the chess piece and the legs from a mythical deer set this is actually pretty good I understand that some people might disagree with this but the reason why I think that it's pretty good is because it's the first time I've seen somebody use this helm in a transmog competition and not look like a complete idiot I understand that you guys think that it's bad and so let me put this into a higher what weapon is that vicious gladiators axe um so with Mongoose on it so here's basically what I think about this I like it because he's using the helmet it's not anything that beats beyond the helmet it's just the fact that he tried to use the helmet and it does look kind of like a Titan keeper now I understand what you tried to do with having the differences and the juxtaposition of like the dark like kind of Titan armor with like the more likely Shin themed armor with the shoulders and the gloves and the boots there I like what you did a lot I don't think this is a winner I don't think the weapon matches that well because doesn't have a skull on it or something yeah there's a skull on it doesn't really make sense with a with some sort of like a Titan watch or a Titan keeper weapon I don't really like it a lot but for a helmet for a set with that helmet the leash and helmet I think that it's okay I've tried to come with a lot of sets for that helmet and every single set that I've tried to use has been shitty I still haven't seen a good one betrayus bane of the fallen king a jailer of the Damned all right let's see here ah he looks like a UH he looks like a sip for the arbiter yeah he looks like a simp for the arbiter I don't know guys like I don't think this is really gonna work but you look at this [ __ ] right there and it does look okay like I'm gonna be honest with you like even know your ascent for the arbiter simple always bad I mean she's really powerful and maybe you know you'll get something out of it the weapon I think is a little bit off off beam but for the most part I think that's okay this is a decent looking set and overall I think the theme is reinforced throughout the entire thing look at my sword yeah you have the sword wow it's a throw accord and my pet you want me to look at your pet to moneymaker wait why is his name moneymaker what why is his name moneymaker we all complain around couch oh quit playing around man you know you're one of the people I just randomly invited it the last second bro you're from Ragnaros I remember you cost a lot on the auction house snowball run okay all right well that's good this is actually an improvement though I'll be honest certainly an improvement okay police turn off UI I've got enough I just want to make sure that I was able to do it if you guys have corruption gear on please try to transmog something else instead of it so I don't have to inspect you through the other thing okay man that's really great okay she looks like she's uh you know actually you know what never mind all right Logan a door Jenkins alright so super grass shadow right there the gloves right there and then also yeah just the gloves right there from old or 25-man for death nights that chess piece is from chess pieces from 25 men naxxramas pound and offset chess piece in obviously wrath knowledge King tr7 those shoulders there are the primal combatants shoulders that came from the blue set of words Draenor and the helmet there is the that is a blue version which means that it's I believe yes - powered and set which means it's a cool gladiators version because it's blue for the throne of thunder sorry tomb of Sargeras paladin set the Tavor to the Lightbringer which is of course from shadow borne now felt right there which is the random quest belt the leggings there are the dreaded Spirent leggings that we used to come from the first tier of a I was thinking too fast man I need to recalibrate first here battle for a draw and then the boots right there from I believe specifically general zhanna's and those boots coloration they're blueish which means that there's a normal mode version and they drop from normal mode Dragon Soul and I think that you can also get them as a be a weak but also normal Dragon Soul offset DK boots I think this looks pretty good overall I think it looks pretty good I got weekly dungeon weekly min oh you got lucky then I think it looks pretty good yeah it's not amazing but as I said before I like anybody who likes to use those shoulders and I haven't seen a lot of transmog that actually use them correctly and I think that for this for this set it's one of the best uses of the shoulders that we've seen in a long time I'm not saying it's perfect I'm not saying it's perfect I'm not saying it's perfect but it's a pretty decent looking combination of the items okay and I think because of that it should be impressive I like it a lot it is simple but good so yeah slogan a derp good [ __ ] job I really like your set even though it's not necessarily perfect let's go ahead and we're gonna move on the Honorable Manos de fuego corruption is part of the MOG yeah I can see that this is [ __ ] awesome this is actually [ __ ] awesome oh wait dude he's a butcher this is a straight-up bucking butcher transmog holy [ __ ] this is awesome he's using that weapon right there that comes from night wealth I believe their shoulders in the helmet they're come from that's I think a rogue wait no that is the demon hunter mythic version of your armor for emerald nightmare and then also the boots and the legs are from the pretty much just like I think that's like a class overhaul or something like that or not is it Rove it's rogue not demon hunter of course it is yeah I got that wrong yeah it's rug or demon or I forgot which one it was it is the road when I was wrong about that you guys were right and chest piece right there I think comes from somewhere on wide I don't really particularly know I really really like this a lot I feel like certain cult here and trans mugs are only they only work because they're cold here in France mugs like he's just this big beefy [ __ ] and as mama what do you want can I dance for you go for it let's go [Music] this is the way she goes I don't know really what else to say besides that oh it's the way she goes okay now this looks really really great I'm super proud of you and you did amazing okay go ahead and close that up all right yeah this is really really nice I like this set a lot this is a really really nice looking set it fits together really well and I like this is the first time I want to say this - this is the first time that we've had somebody come in here with a transmog set that the corruption is actually supposed to make look cooler because usually the corruptions make it worse but this time [Music] this time I think actually this one worked really well and I like it a lot and I think the way that you had everything fit together looks great so thank you very much for coming this look really really good what the [ __ ] is this ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha from the guild fiction ok so that chess piece right there is the I believe that's the rogue chess piece from mythic hellfire citadel with the helmet obviously from the rogue set in a I see seat and then those weapons are of course the monk I think those are the challenge mode weapons I don't really even remember honestly or a challenge I have no idea slim hope yeah well yeah he's like the anorexic hope you know what he looks like you know whenever you have like a [ __ ] you know those giant whole cans that you used to get whenever you were a kid and then like you had like some super super skinny kid that was using him and he just like a [ __ ] idiot wearing them this is exactly what that is this is exactly what that [ __ ] is man and yeah he looks like a scuf ho yeah it's basically me yeah how do you guys think that I knew about that know it there it is listen man this could be a thousand times better now the theme in my opinion is at least kind of interesting right as is it's kind of interesting so I would say that it could be a lot worse could be a little bit better it's not awful but in my opinion I don't think that it's that good I don't know what do you guys think any opinions and he thoughts and he got any comments guys looks like a villain from one punch man well yeah he would be a villain because he's got two punches makes sense the [ __ ] is this skates on BAM Cal for desire award the [ __ ] is this supposed to be greetings what's up bone Reavers ed [Music] a nice mug to go with my classic weapon on my warrior imagine still having that stupid-ass popsicle stick whenever the you know whenever a sh con DS in the game then wait what's your tip argh this is a light Forge wait wait what wait what did you transmog wait so you were a light Forge Draenei and then you race changed over to human but because you had the Tabard equipped it's never taken it off of you I race change whenever I was leveling to 120 well there's one thing here is we'll probably never see this again so you know what I'm actually not going to completely hate on this this does look pretty damn good and it fits pretty well too and yeah it looks all right good enough big brain yeah exactly alright next tank don't even have to say your [ __ ] name Hank Sinatra he's not really supposed to be clever honestly your cleverness with coming up with names is as equal as your cleverness with coming up with trans modes they're both lacking and mediocre my old name got banned what was your old name as long as except if it's not to you if it's TOS don't tell me moments not to us tell me what your old name was sanction on Troy because I'm on an RP realm in stunt class was an RP name well Hank Sinatra sounds way better listen man this set this is like I think that's the Xul's Azhar or whatever [ __ ] chess piece there those shoulders I forgot where those exactly come from the legs boots and gloves I think those are like a five man set in BC but I don't even [ __ ] know skull Ford Reavers the weapons and that belt comes from warlords of draenor I am NOT a big fan of this set I actually think this set is the worst one that we've seen all day this is the worst set can we let's get a one out of ten I want to hear it in chat what do you guys think about this set give me a one out of ten [Music] [Music] maybe you're gonna hit it too but in my opinion I think this is barely a 1 this is terrible better luck next time [ __ ] Shannara rube the cube so rube you obviously have on you know we've got on these amazing badass really cool looking items but then you've got this dog [ __ ] ass belt dude look at the [ __ ] belt like this is the worst belt that you could possibly ever pick out this thing comes from vanilla [ __ ] Wow and then you've got all these pieces that come from Legion that's Dawnbreaker which is a sword to drop some Bo D in the first boss so shoulders are the mythic yeah the mythic tomb of Sargeras paladin shoulders in the helmet there is the normal load I believe paladin helmet from tomb of Sargeras the chest piece there is the LF our version sorry excuse me normal mode version of the warrior tear chest from night hold the leggings the boots and also the gloves all come from the paladin set from Emerald nightmare and then also night hold as well and then the belt comes from somewhere in [ __ ] red Ridge you're really gonna do that you're gonna come in here with the red Ridge belt you've defeated the Burning Legion but you're still trying to hold on to the past Laurie from killing till 10 Knowles is that right get with the times get with the [ __ ] times yeah alright we'll listen up man it's too late for them 12 Knowles yeah dude suggest them a belt quit early any other belt oh wow I like this a lot big bait holy [ __ ] I really like this this is really nice okay so we've got going on here so that belt right there is the based off of the coloration is the elite version of the previous tier of the gear of the [ __ ] the notorious gladiators belt that is no notorious gladiators belt right there the elite version that chess piece there is the because it's great I think that's the LFR version might be the other version doesn't matter that's one of the versions of the old award chess pieces for warriors and actually never mind all plate wares forgot and then that shield there is from all the water 25 men I believe that weapon is of course the I don't know which version it is but it's one of the iron horde savers it comes from black hand with obviously the enchant that you get from pre-ordering as well as the shoulders you get from the pre-order set as well and then the vlogs the legs and also the boots there are from the hellfire citadel paladin set so this is a pay to win set it is a pay to win set we can't forget about that Notah bard or sword and the yes it's happened blackburn is here i think that it looks good i do now i do agree with you that tavern is a little bit out of place what chess piece rate oh yeah i know it just is using the gloves in a boots from wild gladiator oh is it the different coloration yeah i guess so i sometimes i forget which ones with the actual paladin ones because you are a paladin right yeah you're a paladin and which ones are the HSC i'd remember this colorations i've been pretty bad about that but it is what it is regardless i like it a lot i think this is probably one of the better-looking sets that we've seen so far I really like the old deer chess piece I think it fits really well with a number of different sets and so seeing this guy use it right here is awesome I like to see that a lot to bard sucks yeah probably it's a bard is the main thing that needs to get worked on but overall I think this one is all right what do you guys think pretty much pretty much average in my opinion pretty much average but maybe a little bit above average epic heels the Kingslayer from the guild has gone linkdead just got back a while great from the expansion 1/4 from Q up sorry nothing log don't take [ __ ] oo L love you and love chat so this is nothing transmog you know the funny thing about this though is that you still have a better set than [ __ ] Sinatra so you know what men think about it like this you're not in last place and you didn't even try yeah he's still ahead he's still ahead man did I have to say it yeah this is obviously not your good set but it is one of this alright let's move on fire award cozy I'm gonna gild beacon so this is a Timelord kronum answer set using the shoulders right there from dragons sold that weapon is fellowmen warned I believe and that Bell I don't even know where the [ __ ] that belt is from I don't know I kind of like this no I I do also like wait say something again say something again say something again no man like come on dude do I swear to god they jiggle whenever she talks I swear to [ __ ] god like a blizzard dude yeah look at that dude I know I know it dude I [ __ ] know it hands up yo dude listen I never show both my hands alright well listen this set does look pretty good the helmet right there obvious news from the brg [ __ ] rare spawn it's an ambassador claim lation BRD and let's see or you come also got from the anniversary event too and everything else I think really really fits together well I like this set a lot what do you guys think about it I think it fits together really well and as a chrono mansoor transmog especially from like a little bit of a distance they're like it looks really really good wrong helmet I think the helmets fine the cloak isn't really that amazing I would say and that actually makes it look even worse yeah I'm not a big fan of that tell him to do a sigh alright slash side yeah slash side we're waiting streamed away [Music] she's not gonna do it she doesn't want us to object the fire yeah she doesn't want us to objectify err it's okay I mean this is 2020 we can't ask for those kinds of things anymore all right okay let's go to the next one duelist Thor from the guild Braveheart this is awesome yeah this is awesome I'm gonna change the song what's this right now this is this is really cool like that helmet right there is one of the hunter helmets it came from the first year of Legion those shoulders there are just random shoulders that you get from I don't even remember where the [ __ ] they were from basically just like cult ers questing and then a lot of the other items through some cult heroes questing too like the the gloves the belt and the boots and what tavern is that and then that weapon right there is last laugh from kel'thuzad 25 man this shield right here is one of the wards of Draenor our shields again it drops specifically from grim rail Depot but I could be wrong about that it's one of the world's who's been our shields regardless so I think it's one of dungeons and I think this is good right this is straight-up a good ass [ __ ] set like the colorations look really really good I like the undertones of green with like the the sets that are a little bit farther out there like I like this a lot it's a full set you all think this is a full set I don't think it's a full set bro like I'll go ahead and I'll double check but I don't think it is yeah yeah it's it's not a [ __ ] full set I know for a fact that helmets not part of the set so yeah I think it looks pretty good it's almost a full set well we'll see if he's gonna win or not but I do like what he's got going on here yeah it looks great how much from Legion I know that yeah it's from the first year of Legion I believe it's the PvP version but I could be wrong yeah that's not the PvP person I don't know what the coloration oh wow junkyard power stain from the guild indestructible what the [ __ ] this is badass belt sucks [ __ ] I see that so that chest piece right there is from trial the Crusader the shoulders right there come from naxxramas 10-man paladin offset shoulders those weapons right there are from are those de tyrannical gladiator swords holy [ __ ] I would have never thought to use those that looks really really nice god damn and then he's got the legs of boots and also the gloves they're from another set as well god damn what do you guys think about this I really really really like this set what do you guys think I think it looks [ __ ] badass this is a badass-looking set right here fix the belt uh yeah fix the belt and you're gonna have a real big winner like I don't know if this is gonna be able to compete but right now I like it and we haven't had a lot of like really really strong contestants anyway so I think this is a pretty good-looking set man overall it looks good looks say a death knight doing allowance a death knight doing an alliance sponsorship yeah this is a death knight sponsored stream for the Alliance that's good okay let's see here night ray Goran from the guild personality okay so that belt right there is from mythic hellfire citadel for uh what do you got for pallidus and then the helmet there uh because that's the brown version of the helmet that means that helmet right there comes from island expeditions those weapons right there are either world breaker or the or the gladiators bone grinders the chess piece the gloves the legs and the boots are all from the woody cause those are the sets that you're able to get from just souls are different worlds quests and also some of the dungeons and then the shoulders right there come from freeholds last boss those are azurite shoulders so I like this set a lot right if you like this set is too aggressive it's like sexually aggressive in a way that makes people uncomfortable you know what I mean like he's basically a gladiator and I don't know if I can handle that yeah it's like I don't know man Draenei yeah it's too much man it's a little bit too much it's like you come out there with your nipples out on your flippy floppies with your big-ass [ __ ] belt and your giant maces yeah yeah that's too much go to the next one what's hard to makes up over the chest piece and swords I don't know if you think it's trash I like it a cow Eid gullible from the guiltier of them so this is really really really nice so up right there's a wonderfully the northern kings come final expedition so shoulders right there from the normal to your lovin set for warriors the chess piece there is obviously the heroic version of the chosen dead chess piece that comes from trial sorry not a trial of our and then so with the legs from the same place that belt right there relentless gladiators belt from tier sorry Season seven in rapido which game those gloves there are from because her the blue version of the gloves those are the normal modes primal gladiators gloves for warriors and then those boots use a random green item that comes from wards of Draenor I like this a lot I like this a lot this is a nice looking badass [ __ ] set I love it whenever people come in here with these sets and if I ever see V for version shut up super tease you know [ __ ] say that to [ __ ] to me again yeah right dude I like this a lot I think all the pieces fit together really well the only problem that I might have is with the belt but the thing is with the belt is that you have the belt on there to make the shoulders make sense and if you didn't have the belt there then the only other belt that you could use is the the earthen belt which is B the other belt that drops from milori Act I believe and I don't think that would make sense either so you need the belt to have the shoulders make sense and everything that comes together really works out like I genuinely think this is a nice looking set for all like what do you guys think opinions thoughts legs are too blue though no they're not yeah this is really really good I like it a lot good [ __ ] job you should never get a collie of a goal good [ __ ] job dart go of the deeps from the guild word of Elysium so we've got the I think those are the notorious gladiators PvP swords from 8.2 and let's see the shoulders are again from freehold ah I don't know guys it's it's kind of a basic looking set but it fits together really well like it does fit together really well and you've also got what you've got crackers on your shoulder look at that big ol [ __ ] beak dude oh yeah big ol [ __ ] I don't know man I think this is a really nice looking set dwarf sparrow about the war sparrow or anything like that but I think this does fit really well together I'll go ahead let's see what people say what do you guys think about this set or not you like it or what dwarf has a huge [ __ ] yeah true dude weapons suck yeah I think this is a solid eight out of ten it's not particularly original because it's using a theme right but I do like it I do like it in terms of it being a pirate transmog so yeah I would say this is a nice looking set and it might actually get a place in I'm not gonna promise a placing but it might actually get a placing we'll see what else we have a people come into here with Talon Queen drew Nanta from the Guild's fan and friends brandon friends things cataclysmic gladiators helmet I never see druids use that Vigenere artifact weapon chest piece right there from trial of the Crusader that's the tier 11 chess piece rogue offset version I believe I'm not 100% sure on that and the shoulders I always forget where these are from or these from Blackrock foundry living woods Boulder's I always think they're from Blackrock foundry I don't remember very well wrong leggings it's hard for me to say yeah they are okay I thought so yeah no but I really really like the shoulders I actually think this fits together really well but the problem that I have with this is the fact that you have like a very very strong nature-themed transmog at the beginning and then you change it a little bit with having like little pouches and then the kilt I think is a little bit different color kilt as part of the chest can't swap it out yeah I mean maybe you could try something else but I could see what you're trying to go for man and I like what you're trying to go for all right I don't want to say that's a bad thing so yeah it looks okay so yeah a decent looking set could be better but overall I really like the helmet and shoulders combo and also the weapon I think fits really well as well go the next one Drac C and the faceless one from the guild the Oblivion so we've seen a lot of these haven't we this is pretty much a full set though right I mean how did how did it wouldn't hurt his knee he fell Wow that jokes as original as yourself who sets yes I know that so basically you're using the rogue mythic knight hold and emerald nightmare set for your shoulders helmet gloves and boots and also belt and then the other two pieces are just some other random [ __ ] that I don't even really know where they're from and then the weapons right there of course to have a demon hunter challenge artifact weapons from the mage tower now this does look pretty good like let's be real it does look pretty good and if you're edgy and like you still listen to my Chemical Romance this is the kind of [ __ ] that you like to listen to if your favorite band is 5 your death punch this is your transmog if you play a demon hunter and that's okay like I'm not saying it's a bad thing but it also it is what it is and I just it's very very itchy I don't think that it's original enough for me to give it a place I'm gonna be honest with you like you're basically using all of the important pieces and changing two of the under pieces and saying it's not a full set man like I don't know like I like what you're doing it looks cool but it's nothing that would really get too excited about okay do listens to Godsmack well I listened to God's back so I can't make fun of him for that okay so let's go ahead and relax alright let's go ahead and look at the next one death Lord hetero botamo from the guild Buffalo Soldiers can you say thanks traxion can you say thanks the reason why I want you to say thanks to death Horde hetero here is because your set comparatively looks so much better and more original and better because this set is probably the worst abomination that I've ever seen in my entire life that helmet right there which is I believe the vicious gladiator no sorry malevolent gladiators helmet for decays thank you thank you honestly the [ __ ] orange makes your color theme let's look better that's how bad it is this is the sorriest saddest excuse for a set that I have ever seen in my entire life like if you look at demise you're gonna use demise with the mythic mythic argus gloves from an Taurus and then the shoulders from the primal gladiator set are you [ __ ] kidding me no no don't start feeling sorry for him don't start feeling oh I'm saying I'm oh yeah you're sorry for me I'm so scared you know what else is sadness you're set actually it's beyond sad it's a [ __ ] tragedy this is the worst set that I have seen in the entire competition this is the saddest sorriest excuse for a transmog that I have seen in probably months hey this is so [ __ ] awful I don't even know what to say and then what was your thought process behind using the chest piece and the leggings from Stratholme back in 2005 looks cool no it doesn't know it doesn't look cool it looks like [ __ ] it looks like absolute [ __ ] [ __ ] all right it doesn't look cool not as cool as your full set though wait why before yeah well I'm not in a competition yeah well I'm not in a competition alright so it doesn't count yeah if you want me to I'll come up with a good set if you guys want and it's just people that people I think don't like my sets because of my sets and the standards are too high sorry empires flight so that X right there drops from skirt toward Tyrannis in pit of Saron heroic and the shoulders there are from what's the ICC 25 men who look for decays are sorry for paladins and then the this the gloves and also the boots they are are from do it wait do what okay alright I'll come up with a good set oh well I will and then the helmet right there is the let's see that is one of the either PvP or one of the DK HFC helmets from 6.2 that belt right there is one of the new night low that belts in the leggings in a chest right there the questing items that were able to get from from Legion so and the booster no clubs are HFC starting at just a siege of Orgrimmar ah mythic boots for decays what do you guys think about this I'm actually really kind of on the fence about it I don't know man what you guys see how he's getting off the frame so he can transmog himself and try to come back and think he's got a difference huh that's really cute dude really cute head room keep it up man okay so yeah listen I think this is an all right looking set all things considered I think it's an all right [Music] okay yeah it's an all right looking set it's nothing amazing but I do like the idea of using that weapon because it's not really very used that often I actually it hasn't been used for so long I forgot its name so that's certainly something to be said Patrick thinks or five gifted subs I appreciate that man Thank you Thank You Patrick so yeah I think this is a decent looking set nothing particularly amazing nothing particularly great but it's a good set it's a new theme and I don't really know how the helmet and shoulders are supposed to fit together but you know it could be better it could be worse alright let's go ahead wall yeah when I can skip this song so I'm spawning the [ __ ] guys I do really like the belt and the gloves into boots combo I like that a lot this is that this is actually pretty good I would say like the weapon is just weapon throws me off honestly prepared as Rothes champion do you know what this set says you're actually like prepared the multi boxer because instead of trying to rely on actual skill you've just used money you have a full tier 3 set this is embarrassing this is a terrible set and the only reason that you have these pieces on is you think that I'm gonna give you props for using yeah ha ha it's really funny ha ha it's really funny so that's demonic tyranny on his weapons right there from the legion 2,400 enchant their shoulders the gloves the belt in the boots or from the Dreamwalker Tier three set and then the leggings and also the the chess piece are from the bone size set that's tier three for its top but the [ __ ] is doing this boys it Dominika why'd you do it why'd you do it what was it that made you want to do it [Music] Logan we're all waiting 50,000 people are waiting on you I did it for [Music] how old are you Logan tell me the truth however how old are you 16 I made this character back in Cataclysm bogan listen to me 13 years ago I was a 16 year old spirit and you know what happened whenever I was a 16 year olds burg I had people make fun of me and call me a 16 year olds burg and it took a long time but eventually I cut that [ __ ] out Logan do not be an annoying [ __ ] [ __ ] in the competition's again nobody interrupted your turn I understand your ritalin medication might be a little bit late for today go jump around drink another monster relax and just chill out wait for your [ __ ] turn all right so now we're back to prepared set all right it's [ __ ] garbage all right it's prudish all we got to say right sucks next tighten Slayer kiloton i suck my dick Titans Slayer killed it ah he looks pretty cool I like the Hellmouth so what really really what blows me away he's a kid that's why I'm being mean to him because he's gonna learn like whenever I was a stupid ass obnoxious attention-seeking sperg ass kid I had people that were older than me that were [ __ ] them not they treat me like a [ __ ] stupid ass kid and eventually I stopped doing it that is the cycle of life I was once this burg and now I'm the [ __ ] and in 20 years Logan's gonna be a [ __ ] [ __ ] - that's right it's the cycle of life belt right there is from the waste of time which we just had with Logan and then the swords right there from the that's the movie event the boots and also I think the helmet right there are from the chosen dead set from - oh sorry a trial of our and the gloves and the shoulders there are from a pre-order event thing and then the leggings there or I believe is that the seventh Legion legs Oh is Helms from old ear oh yeah okay sorry I must set up yeah helmet is from old ear is that seventh Legion let me see here demon bane leggings okay seventh Legion chest random legion legs okay I didn't notice that at all I didn't recognize those all all right there we go color match but too many themes going on yeah I do feel like you might have a little bit too much themes going on overall though I like it a lot the only thing that I genuinely don't really like about this set is that you have more of love like a Titan theme going on but your weapons Sona song but your weapons don't really fit very well and I think that's what the problem is like you're like these Alliance weapons and then everything else about about it doesn't really work as well as I think it could have let's just say that they couldn't have worked couldn't work as well as it could alright let's go to the next one artisan tone deaf this is really good [Music] ah wow this is really [ __ ] good this is awesome holy [ __ ] what do you guys think like I really like this a lot which King Gandalf yeah this would be Gandalf if he took the One Ring so that staff right there I believe that's the staff that comes from Gore fiend and Hellfire Citadel great spread debate devourer yeah I think that's from Gore fiend in hellfire citadel those shoulders right there are from I believe that is the LF our version of or could be the heroic version I forgot which one of the priests tier 13 shoulders that came from Dragon soul that helmet is this helmet actually from this raid I think it might be is this the priest tier 2.5 helmet no it's demonic lightweight demonic gladiator wait what holy [ __ ] and then the gloves right there are these years like random Legion gloves this is [ __ ] awesome like this is actually a really nice looking set I very died I didn't know that I didn't even know the monocle idea how look like that at all this is really good what do you guys think opinions thoughts staff doesn't match yes it does I think the staff does matter because yes obviously like the the shoulders do kind of imply more of like a what's the word for it more of an Orthodox theme but I think that because they have like a weird purple coloration that it kind of could also go against that as well look like the weird staff and so I like that a lot it looks really really nice and this is actually one of my favorite sets that I've seen so far this is really really well put together parts of the chap for ass man well thanks man more Gorn from vengeance incarnate from the guild night terror so you're thinking about playing bless online know what you think I play that we've [ __ ] no man no 150 dollars for a [ __ ] game I think that's so crazy that [ __ ] was three years ago man like that is honestly so insane that [ __ ] clip was three years ago I don't even know what to say like it's actually so [ __ ] weird to think about that regardless um this set could have come from three years ago and I still wouldn't be impressed it's not that good you've just got some water to drain or items that you randomly put together I've been here since then well thanks a lot man but I would have hoped that you'd pick up a little bit better fashion sense along the way this is not really amazing this is it's a horrendous set yeah I really like that word horrendous let's use that one more often horrendous I can't we decide between horn the Lions okay yeah well watch the clip just one second let's watch the clip I like I like that so were you thinking about playing bless online was I thinking about playing some weaves you know did I this is such a good [ __ ] time I was I had a lot of good times back then it was [ __ ] amazing I just I had to two years only two years ago okay guys you're not quite as old as you thought wow it's actually really funny to think back to how long ago that was this set it just sucks like it just mean like I don't know what else way to say about besides that like I don't know I just don't like any of the themes you're going on with like I don't know does anybody think this set looks good I don't know if it's worthy of an orange like relax but it's not that amazing either it puts yeah it's horrendous like it's just it's not good hmmm alright let's go the next one what the [ __ ] Fire Ward nice tots from the iron bank of Azeroth what the [ __ ] so that's the shaman that's the shaman challenge mode set for mr. pandaria shoulders gloves legs and boots and then also the belt actually no nevermind that belt is from throne of thunder and then pogs and chat you can't say pogs in chat to influence their vote that's the most dishonest diss reputable [ __ ] you cannot do that man these are these are ill-gotten pogs and they are not deserved all right so that weapon obviously the black hand and then the chest piece here is probably the best part about your said ok I do like the chest piece that you've got going on here now let's just look at it real quick so anybody doesn't know dragon raid or harness now where does this come from it comes from the island expeditions and it's actually not even a chess piece it's a what do you call it's like a tattoo set which i think is a really cool idea I hope wizard does more of those actually and so I think this is a decent looking set but I don't think that the weapon really fits that well with it honestly I remember whenever I was going with this but I ended up going with instead of that weapon is the malevolent gladiators spell power mace and I thought that one was much better I'll show you guys what I'm talking about I might as well since were here okay where's the moan gladiator spell farm is yeah this one right here well monk why to use gavel I feel like this one just fits a little bit better with those uh those other things too personally wait where do these four weapon is fine dude do you think the weapons fine uh hammers better [Music] to ended enhance yeah I guess like I mean the two-handed enhance is a little bit a little bit silly but you know it is one of this um I don't know I just don't really think that the weapon fits like the weapon is like [ __ ] some kind of [ __ ] forged in fire in a foundry and the guy's a shaman he's not even wearing a chess piece I mean it just doesn't really fit the theme man it just doesn't it just doesn't fit the [ __ ] theme all right nice tots it's alright but I'm not getting overly excited about it okay let's go the next one Inquisitor a dual fez this is amazing I love this this is an amazing nice looking stuff I like it a lot it looks [ __ ] amazing what do you guys think um yeah this is really really nice uh more to the question I thought we had a [ __ ] thing that then we have a bot the time not out let's really annoy I always I never liked that personally I always thought that was a guy who's dumb but whatever it doesn't really matter regardless I think this set actually fits together really really well um let's say too skinny yeah I think it's too skinny too but I mean like overall I feel like that's part of what makes it a little bit more sinister you know what I mean cuz you've got the end torso I'm going on right there with some of the other earlier pieces from Legion I like that a lot I don't even know where this uh this offhand is from at all and then you have this yeah what the [ __ ] is this offhand wait that's not an offhand wait what is your weapon I stalk a building on oh it's a wand what the [ __ ] yeah I think this set actually does look really really good oops [ __ ] amazing helmet was something different than it would be good yeah I feel like maybe it'll be a little bit better but for me personally I just don't really think the set looks that great at all like actually [Music] well we think for a minute let me think [Music] you know what let me move back a little bit I'm gonna give him this I'm gonna give him this it's original I have not seen a set like this in a long time I don't know if I've ever seen a set like this I think what really makes it good is like the tight-fitting leggings and like the gloves and boots and everything with the helmet there that just looks crazy so you know what no I'm thinking about bipolar no sorry I was thinking about something else yeah I said the wrong thing sorry I have very bad verbal dyslexia sometimes tonight I say things that I don't mean to that's why I literally I swear to god guys I don't even think be an organ I don't even think the word because I don't want to accidentally say it on my string III do not even think the N word I'm not even kidding I never say it anymore I don't [ __ ] I don't do anything I do not want to accidentally say it which one on the grand yeah cuz I don't like remembering Burning Crusade it just upsets me a lot that's why anyway guys so this does look like a decent looking set I do like it yeah I'll say that I do like this is a good set not the best but it is a good set okay let's go the next one Inquisitor dragon saber and the grim future there is only war so is this a Space Marine sec holy [ __ ] ice cream cryo cannon on the back oh wow okay this is a badass set anymore yeah yeah I used to say it all the time but I don't say it anymore now right I don't want to get in trouble but yeah I've made that very obvious like I that's not a secret or anything like that it's not like I'm trying to hide that information okay so let's look at what he's got going on here the helmet right there is from the I think that's from the warlords of draenor set and that's the Paladin offset I don't know if that's paladin I need to get these colors right I don't know if that's countin or yeah wild gladiator there's like five different versions of these and that's all there is to it now you look at the shoulders Tube loves the legs in a boots right there actually these boots this is very interesting choice that he's made here so the gloves the legs and the boots right here or sorry not the boots the shoulders the gloves and the legs there are all from the the elite set and then the boots here are from the normal mode set which I actually like that because I think that the elite boots are stupid looking right yeah that they're just pretty stupid looking that I'm not a big fan of it at all I rotate the chain source work well no the chain saw sword it's a one hander so it doesn't really fit that well and then the belt right there this belt is from a siege of Orgrimmar Ella farm for paladins and then the chest piece they are forces from the night hold warrior set normal mode and then the Tabard is of our guild what do you guys think guys like it I actually like this a lot this is pretty good a pretty good space Maria okay head [ __ ] what happened to your friend what winning without looks good tavern matches helmet to coast to a full set best one so far Tabard kinds of ruins it yeah Tabard could be a little bit better but overall I mean I do think it looks decent okay guys to small model for SM yeah I mean you can't really have a model that's big enough to be a Space Marine model I mean like let's be real little coast to a full set yeah maybe I don't know I do like it a lot it's a nice looking set and it's certainly something that I haven't really seen before what the [ __ ] Brower firma sag what the [ __ ] is this what the [ __ ] is this dude this looks like she's on the body painting section of Twitch look at that look at those titties man look at that it looks like they're just straight-up painted on are you kidding me I don't know about the chess piece bro and then the belt right there could all come from set the calls heroic or also it could be the dread-nots fell there pretty much all the same I think I'm specifically the set the gauls one doesn't really matter those axes right there I come from root guard pinnacle I believe the shoulders are in the tier seven point five shoulders and then also the leggings there are from ICC sorry old war 25-man heroic I don't know guys what do you think yeah I mean you know what guys I think that it could be it could be a winner uh yeah I mean you never know man it could absolutely be a [ __ ] winner best set so far yeah clearly okay turn around again it's just a chess piece sucks man like the chess piece just [ __ ] sucks you've got to figure out a better chess piece and bare a pair of a better bail like they're just so low Res it's like every single time did I see a set like this it makes me worried that my graphics card is dying because it only halfway partially rendered your set that's genuinely the way that I feel whenever I see stuff like this you can't have that much of a difference between the pixel counts okay she has no [ __ ] boots yeah I know that okay why sir the beloved from the guild cool and nice and that staff right there I believe that staff is the Edict of Argos and based off of its under coloration as the mythic version of the ETF Argos from Ithaca are c'mon and he's got the the void glow enchant on it with the chess piece there from the void elf heritage Armour and then the shoulders and the belt and the gloves there from were those from that is from the mythic tomb of Sargeras warlock set and then the Tabard there is from shadowmoon valley questline helmet there is a tier-one helmet that's pretty [ __ ] impressive just by itself the fact that he would ever use its your tier 1 helmet I don't really know man what do you guys think won't match yeah I don't know guys I think it looks pretty decent like what do you guys think back nothing goes skirt yeah I mean it is a little bit kind of weird but I do like what you did with the weapon and the shoulders and the chest piece I mean with the the wings I think the void wings and a weapon look really cool together but you're right that it probably does have a little bit too much colorations I think there's a number of really good ways that you can make the Boyd elf transmog work very well together I've seen some people combining them with like the warlike T or for stuff and everything like that and I like that it looks good but for this personally I'm just not really a big fan of it it looks okay but that's all there really is to say about it ok I really like it it's ok it's not amazing as mahn clobb the faceless one from the guild literal gods oh my god this is awful this is actually awful you look like a scuff deletion listen man the tyrannical gladiator warrior set is if I could delete any set it is [ __ ] awful it is out wait you guys think it looks good are you [ __ ] kidding me no it does not look good you've got to be insane or [ __ ] blind to think that this looks good to a chess piece right there isn't a pre-order pre-order event the helmet there is the tyrannical gladiators helmet the shoulders and the gloves there are from the tier 11 what's that the tier 11 hikes I mean yikes this sucks like it's not good the hell I feel like but you really think that this you guys really think this is good like I want you to tell me right now is this actually good it could be a while boss design yeah but Blizzard like that doesn't say a lot yeah this is not that good man like I really don't think that it fits that wall together the belt is interesting that belt just clips right through that but oh guys they work look how good it is oh look at it guys this is such a good-looking set geez Wow are you [ __ ] kidding me guys you're gonna use the Teran I'll give you props for this okay you tried to use the tyrannical you tried to use the tyrannical gladiator set and it's not a complete disaster okay [ __ ] it you know what I bet that's exactly what you thought whenever you put those pieces together this is blocking this is so bad this is actually the worst set I've ever seen in my whole life but this is so [ __ ] bad like are you kidding me dude this is so [ __ ] terrible this is an awful looking set guys I'm sorry to say but if this looks like absolute [ __ ] trash even like comparatively you know what this is this [ __ ] technique he comes in here with it with a [ __ ] set and then he gets on an e puts on an even shittier set and then he's like oh well that one's bad well I'll just go to my other original [ __ ] set and make it comparatively look better as monk wob this is a joke this is a terrible looking set as my club you have to do better than this this is so bad let's go to the next one don't lock the fabulous Poorna guild no mr. Aries I didn't know if it would be possible but somehow somebody out here has come up with something even worse than that it just this is so awful like this is actually so [ __ ] it like it's just it's not terrible okay it's not terrible but in general I don't think it's that good either like I like the idea it's kind of like water like a warrior and the Ottoman Empire or some kind of [ __ ] like it's it's an interesting theme we've never seen this theme used before but regardless of never seeing the theme used before there's a reason why I don't like it a Janissary Jannah serves the elite warriors of the Ottoman Empire yeah I don't think this guy make the cut sorry to say not uh no not that big of a fan man I don't think so at all okay let's see ah I don't know guys you don't like the color brown well I don't like the color brown wherever the sets are [ __ ] but you know what sometimes the color brown doesn't mean that the sets are [ __ ] but usually at least over here it has been yeah this guy isn't a Janissary he's a janitor this is awful listen like I'm sorry but the shoulders don't really fit that well the [ __ ] is this we're gonna put out you're literally putting on your robe and wizard hat are you [ __ ] kidding me it's just [ __ ] awful dude absolutely [ __ ] awful try and get better like heighten Slayer all raw from the guild indestructible to my guild that's good I'm proud of you this is good this is actually really good what do you guys think so let's look at what we got going on here right those boots right there from mythic night hold those leggings there and also the chest piece is from the tomb of Sargeras set for a demon hunters or sorry death Knights and then the belt there is from normal mode throwing a thunder I believe that's the belt I know it's from the throne Thunder uh DK set I don't know which difficulty those shoulders they're come from old war the helmet is from the that is the PvP elite helmet yeah it's certainly PvP helmet and then stainless the gloves as well and he's using devastations our from the Czar I think this is really good what do you guys think you just like jagged plates that no here's why I like this is he's using pieces every single piece of gear here basically is from a different set this is an old wash shoulders with a chest piece and the leggings here from tomb of Sargeras a belt from throne of thunder helmet and helmet and gloves from PvP and the boots are from mythic night hold and the weapons from it from nilova are you gonna [ __ ] sit here and lie to me and tell me that this wasn't a very unique combination of gear that ended up fitting together very well together [ __ ] you idiot [ __ ] you this is a good-looking set you don't have to make him look like your [ __ ] mom this is really really nice this is a very unique set he's made a unique combination of armor and I think it looks good so you know what this is a nice looking set can you guys agree with me here don't listen it's unique but trash what do you mean it's trash this is badass I really like this yeah too much before it were more unique yeah of course it's unique if somebody takes their own [ __ ] and they draw a pentagram in the back of their [ __ ] butt in their backyard on canvas and they take it over to an art expedition exhibition it's gonna be original it's gonna be unique but just because you smear your [ __ ] on a canvas doesn't mean and its original doesn't mean that it's anything special okay Zach thanks for 10 subs appreciate that sorry teeth Wolfgang thank you very much the substitute 10 subs thank you very much yeah just because you smear [ __ ] on a canvas in a unique way looking at you doesn't mean that it's anything special this is unique I have never seen a set like this and that impresses me I look at these sets every [ __ ] day get out of the [ __ ] way dude [ __ ] off yeah this is a badass set I like it a lot gilad re Gilad Gilad a glue it with a glue you I don't even tell you how the [ __ ] do you say your name LLL adorn a Illidan okay we're gonna do it illa dari Illidan this is a stupid-ass set so these sets this is just getting worse and worse it's so badass it's trash this looks like illidan's dad like it looks like dog [ __ ] man look at him he's got those weird-ass [ __ ] masks on he's got those shoulders right there which I think come from the highmaul set I forgot even which one it's from though and then those weapons here I come from I believe heroic thank you heroic Cara gasps blade fist in highmaul I mean the weapons are way too [ __ ] big the boots and the leggings don't really look that good with the chest piece but we'll just let that happen he's a divorce demon hunter yeah he's an actual divorce demon hunter with the footwear he's got a mohawk are you [ __ ] kidding me this looks like trashed this is actually the worst set this is all Mike he's a night elf mohawk he's a night elf mohawk and his name is Illidan his name is based off of Illidan it doesn't get any more stereotypical with that oh wait yes it does read his [ __ ] guild name attorneys at wall what's your belt it's a primal body inner belt because it's not right like what was the frontal Ghadeer bell oh I haven't transmog two thoughts over yeah I'll just actually put on my other belt right now sir buddy can see the the full sir yeah there we go okay that's better god damn I look good [ __ ] I look good is a full set though it's not a big deal okay yeah this sets [ __ ] terrible everything about this is not original and well I mean I guess it is kind of partially original which is the worst part about it this is not very good we want to see something a lot better from this and with the Illig re ill daegil is the belt a lovefool we meet again as money he told that my set yesterday looked like an average lock so I decided to look different I like it this is good this is actually real oh wow that's really nice so that what be right there comes from Jaina Proudmoore sorry the off end does that weapon right there is the I think that's one of these salvage create weapons that you're able to get for more loads of Draenor now let me go ahead and double check saber if you haven't blade I think that's some salvage Grif I could be wrong about that the kilt there comes from the dark store war fronts the shoulders here I think come from are those end tourists shoulders I think they are and though they're the PvP shoulders so the an tourists offset right no they're not falling Avengers [ __ ] I don't remember that all I guess they are from an tourists but I forgot exactly where the helmet there is comes from just avi that's just legion questing it's a blue light I'm not really a big deal and then the chest piece I think also comes from the dark shore war front this is really nice this is really [ __ ] nice guys I think it's an actual girl why because it says Isabel like you think that makes it an actual girl trust me bro like let me tell you something that's a little bit of a secret just because they have a girl name doesn't mean that it's a girl take my word for it okay yeah it's this stunt this set does look pretty decent okay I really like it and it's a lot better than the other one that you use them so you know what I think this is definitely possible consent and it looks decent point out from Richard yeah yeah 20:28 can't believe women on the Internet yeah there are no girls on the internet obviously alright let's look at the next step I'm Ward crucially Oh from the guild I have no [ __ ] I have no [ __ ] idea of what that is wait why am i one of these I have no [ __ ] idea what that means Adil okay go ahead come on put it back on what are you doing just put on your set man hey I don't know man like it's alright okay winner winner I don't know if it's a winner I think it's alright though chess sucks well regardless Gil name is laughing coffin well I don't know I feel like the chess piece is really the sore point here looks like usually I mean I don't know like the chest sucks it just does and with the Night Elf female that should be the opposite that should be the only part that you get right but like with this set it's still shitty like that actually makes it even worse this looks like a scuffed sports bra it sucks bro like the the helmet and the shoulders I think are fine they match pretty well with the gloves in the belt and the boots there are a hey relax dude that's the second time you've been trying to get attention in the stream we'll get to you Oh we'll get to you so we've got these uh okay listen guys relax yeah I don't know oh and she's got a [ __ ] stamp - that's great okay listen guys and I know it's not really quite a [ __ ] stamp could be a little bit lower but that's fine uh I don't know I think it sucks like I'll be honest I think it sucks like it's just it's not like this wait he has a macro for taking his clothes off this guy's from Ragnaros - no wonder they never get anything done they're sitting around taking their [ __ ] neidell female characters clothes off they'll [ __ ] wonder but this is insane god damn [ __ ] right alright let's look at this guy alright battle worth the wrath alright so let's get that [ __ ] I'm gonna kick you out man I'm gonna kick you out just just get-get in London give the guy his turn okay even though he doesn't deserve it cuz he's being annoying I guess just get the guy's turn okay so battle Wertheimer those axes right there come from Teron Gor fiend I believe I think it's jarring or fiend it's a soul cleaver and that's from Black Temple obviously the the gloves and the belt right there come from old wart 25-man and I think the lights come from the same place and the shoulders right there come from the why is there an eye of kill dog what are you doing oh god I don't know what other warlock was doing I was casting another spell the [ __ ] out of here checking the elves booty it's alright you know what actually that's fine okay you know what alright so chopper to the light born I don't know I feel like this is a decent looking set but it's nothing that's like super exciting I don't know what do you guys think I'm not a big fan of the boots these are like just random rapid witch-king 5 man boots and I feel like they just look like trash like the boots just look like trash everything besides that is ok I like the shoulders and I like the old war pieces as well I think that fits really well together and even the Tabard I think oddly fits well the weapons are decent too but it's really the boots and I don't know I just do like something it's kind of off on it the weapons don't fit yeah the weapons are a little bit off but the thing is if he didn't have the weapons the tavern wouldn't make sense either and then there's also like the the yellow undertones or like the yellow like [ __ ] horns I think of the thing yeah the all horns there it wouldn't make sense either so it's kind of just like a weird thing where he kind of has to have that or everything else wouldn't really fit together as well this is a decently game set but it could be a lot better the [ __ ] is this Nero's the Horde Slayer gonna go with the sentences obvious isn't this a full set isn't this a full set I feel like it is like I don't even really know let me say two things number one for expansions who sucked yeah I think that belts from ah from fire lands and those weapons right there are from isn't that from the island expeditions yeah those are from Island exhibitions in there are damn yeah this is really really good it's from throwing a thunder okay Belgians from Thunder regardless I think this looks really really good like if it's not a full set this genuinely looks good I know some people might disagree with that but I think it looks good might not be a winner but it certainly looks good fellows out of place yeah I think that the worst part about this is the helmet the helmet it's like you have like this weird like demon hunter type vibe going on with these weapons with like all the blue and gold and then like you have the weird green [ __ ] coming out of your mouth like that's not a that's not a look that I want to go with interesting choice of textures well it's unique and I think that's what makes it special here is it the set looks unique class identity matters well yeah but not whenever your identity is to look like [ __ ] that's the problem so yeah obviously class identity makes the difference but whenever your class identity is looking like trash then we have a problem it could be better could be worse it's decent I say it's a solid I don't I'll give it guys give me give me a Radeon this guy set tell me what you think what do you think about a set let's look at some numbers [Music] Devon whistle you've come into the most competitive transmog competition in all Basra and you came out with a seven I say that's pretty [ __ ] doing it gotta figure figure out the the helmets there I'm thinking about it guys I'm not really sure what the [ __ ] is this song dude I love this [ __ ] song man it's the part where he talks about how big like that his dick being really biggest Eiffel Tower dude this is my favorite part but listen anyway the shoulders the gloves in the boots stare come from of course the trial of our set by the weapon there is the survival hunter artifact weapon the the leggings I think actually the chess pieces from Legion and I don't actually know where the belt is from but jugs done the way that it's modeled it's probably from Emerald sorry from eternal palace so I think this is mediocre honestly like you have the chosen dead items and you're trying to make it look like more of like a savage like I don't know like some kind of like Huntress transmog and I like that ideal I think it looks decent but I'm not really a big fan of it new helm uh it's boggling I'm yeah I mean like wait the new helmet Oh what the [ __ ] I want snow song what the [ __ ] that's awesome you know come in here next time and you'll actually get a placing with that I don't let people change their mug so if you you only get one rating because if I do that then I have people that are trying to change it constantly and like you have to go in there with one one transform festival regardless this set is okay but it's not really anything memorable and now we have this guy who changed his sword in the shield okay now after I think I kind of like the sword and she'll better let's see what we got let's look at our losers and let's pick our winners he who sees all he who sleeps is now away from this off grant me strength wow you summoned a void Walker that's impressive okay tell me what you guys like tell me what you don't like don't know what you like that's a new Sun why didn't you just come in here with this one it's almost a thousand times better issues coming there with that one in the beginning I don't know guys this is gonna be hard for me to decide I'm glad I did do it this time yeah me too tickles not stupid a sudden you had before okay all right all right hmm deciding [Music] [Music] okay all right third place third place is going to go second and third place are about even here I want to say this right now before I go any farther second and third place are pretty much even here third place is going to go to Titan Slayer route draw from indestructible okay you can deposit the gold in the guild bank after the raid but listen man I think this is a very unique and interesting set I like it a lot I feel like the colors fit together very well and I think that because of that I'm gonna give him to placing he's using three different expansions worth of gear with multiple different themes that all seem to fit together very well and come out with something that's original and unique and really cool-looking so you know what you want to know the truth when Roger off I don't even know who route Roth is in my guild I have never spoken to this person before there is no prior communication with him I have no idea about this guy at all I don't know who the [ __ ] he is you congratulated me once on a mount that is the extent of our relationship rod Ross you are getting third place good job good job router op second place its troops I invited them to the guild last week okay all right dragon second place [Music] this is gonna go to artisan tone deaf I think this is a badass-looking stuff this is a badass big dick [ __ ] open set man I hope this [ __ ] set I think this is just a really really really nice little set everything about it fits together really well it's got a unique theme and that's one of the main things man it's like I've been doing these trans mount compositions for three [ __ ] years whenever I see somebody who comes in here with something different whenever I see somebody who comes in here or something different that's [ __ ] impressive Jian vitam all right you know what let's G invite him [Music] there it is Nerdist welcome to the guild and now people can say it's favoritism even more yeah now it's [ __ ] rigged yeah now it's [ __ ] rigged isn't it good job tone-deaf you're gonna get second place first place first place be honorable man oh stuff Lego we're gonna give the big old beefy boy we're gonna give him number one now I'm gonna go ahead and explain why I think this is number one okay because this is the first time that I've seen someone used the corruption effects that they had from their gear and they used it and integrated it into their transmog in a unique and interesting way that made the transmog better and not worse this is exactly why he's getting first place it's a unique groundbreaking idea and today we just saw it for the first time good [ __ ] job Manos I love it yeah we gave we gave Fatih a win that's right [Music]
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 385,382
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold transmog competition, asmongold transmog, asmongold competition, asmon transmog, asmongold transmog contest, asmongold transmog comp, world of warcraft, asmongold tv, asmongold first transmog, asmongold first transmog competition, transmog contest, wow contest, wow competition, asmongold wow transmog, wow transmog, world of warcraft transmog, asmon competition, asmon contest, alliance transmog competition
Id: jEc_M4kk1Vg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 82min 49sec (4969 seconds)
Published: Sun May 03 2020
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.