10mm VS .40 VS 45acp - How Many Paper Plates???

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[Music] hey everybody how you doing this is a video I've been wanting to film for a very long time it gets requested by viewers all the time and today we're gonna film it we're doing another paper plate test and today we're shooting 40 a 10 millimeter and then a 45 let's take a little bit closer look at the guns and the ammo that we're gonna be shooting here in this video for the first shot we're gonna be shooting a sig p210 in 40 caliber very nice pistol and the ammo we're gonna be shooting in the 40 is some pretty standard stuff 180 grain bullets for the 10 millimeter we're gonna be shooting a Rock Island Armory 1911 very nice pistol very similar to the 40 we're gonna be shooting some pretty standard stuff this is 180 grain 10 millimeter ammo lastly for the 45 we're gonna be shooting a Glock 21 the ammo we're gonna be shooting is some 230 grain Full Metal Jacket you've seen the pistols you've seen the ammo let's go get set up we're gonna start with the 40 go to the 10 millimeter and then and with the 45 I think I have a good idea of what's gonna happen but put down the comments down below which one you think is gonna stop in the place first and which do you think is gonna go the farthest through the plates I guarantee you we're gonna catch all three bullets but let's go see what happens starting off with 40 if you've been around long at all then you'd be familiar with the paper plate test but if you haven't seen it before we've got 1,200 paper plates lined up we're gonna take one shot each with the 40 the 10 millimeter and then the 45 then we're gonna dissect the paper plates here and take a look and see where the bullets stopped or if they didn't stop if they go through the back and through that cinder block honestly don't know it could happen but let's go get set up with the 40 all right so here we go with the sig and a 180 grain bullet they'll shoot these papers now with the rock island 10 millimeter shooting 180 grain bullets see what happens now we've got the Glock 20 145 with the 230 grain will it see what happens with the 45 you can see how we ordered our shots here the top one was the 40 the middle shot was the 10 millimeter and then the bottom shot was the 45 you can see that bottom shot is a little bit bigger if you look closely let's see if we can separate these plates and find the bullets I'm super excited to see what happens let's start at the back and see if any bullets made it through all the plates back to the cinder block I don't think so because this wall isn't broken but I've seen crazier things with these tests so I'm gonna loosen up this front cinder block here just a little bit and take it out the back plate there no holes in that back plate so I'm just gonna start here at the back and little by little work our way towards the front and see if we can find these bullets one at a time so pulling off a big pinch there still nothing taking off about two more inches still absolutely nothing this might get interesting ooh still nothing but keep going here we're gonna take off a whole bunch there's the whole rack of plates look at that half of them still no bullets yet I think we're getting close though I can feel some of these starting to stick together still nothing sue there's the first plate that has a crack and if you look the crease is in the middle which is where the 10 millimeter was so I'm gonna start moving through these real slow now yep so there's the first bullet I'm gonna pull it out here the 10 millimeter absolutely went the farthest and that is not what I had guessed I was thinking in my head that the 45 would go the furthest because the 10 millimeter has a flat front there there is the ten millimeter round that we dug out of those plates and it's not hot at all strangely enough so 10 millimeter went the furthest through the plates let's keep going I'm gonna dig them all out and then we'll show a close-up of them side by side keep going through here that many more still no 40 or 45 still no 40 or 45 so already look right there that many more plates the 10 millimeter went through that shows you right there how much more powerful the 10 millimeter is over the 40 and the 45 uh-huh so right there we found the 40 actually no that's the 45 at the bottom that's the 45 so take a look at that 45 round there pretty funky the way that it came smushed apart but it's all still in one piece so 45 at the bottom went the second farthest or separate those so he can remember the plates and then still haven't got to the 40 there's the 40 ha ha very interesting keep them separated there that is all the plates that it took to stop the 40 take a look at that 40 there so recap this many plates stop the 40 this many plates stuffed the 45 and then it took that many plates just top the 10 millimeter so let me break it down like this so you can see them all side by side the front plates there is what took to stop the 40 then plus the middle is the 45 and then plus all of that extra is what it took to stop the 10 millimeter there's the three tiers again there that's all it took to stop a 40 this tier Plus this tier is what it took to stop the 45 and then all three tiers combined is what it took to stop the ten millimeter here is a close look at the rounds as the 180 grain ten millimeter that went the farthest then the 230 grain 45 that went the second farthest and then the 180 grain forty caliber that got stopped a very shortly in the plates I'm gonna flip these over you guys can get another view of them ten millimeter up 45 and then the 40 a big shout out and thanks to my friend Jerry and also our friends at heavy metal guns and outdoors heavy metal actually just started a YouTube page I'll put their link right here in the video if you're on youtube click that link and go subscribe to their YouTube channel tell them I said hey thanks for watching the video guys this one was very interesting share this video with all your friends don't forget to subscribe to the hoo-dee-hoo channel if you're not already comment down below ideas for future videos stay tuned for the next one thanks guys who do [Music]
Channel: WHO_TEE_WHO
Views: 429,429
Rating: 4.7751961 out of 5
Keywords: 10mm vs 45, 10mm vs 45acp, 40 vs 10mm, 10mm vs 40, 10mm vs 357 magnum, 10mm vs 9mm, 45acp vs 40, 45acp vs 40 vs 10mm, 45 acp, 45acp vs 10mm, 45acp vs 40sw, .40 vs 10mm, .40 vs 10mm vs 45, 10mm vs .40, 45 vs 40 vs 10mm, 10mm vs .45, .45 vs 10mm, 10mm rock island, rock island 10mm, glock 21, sig P239, stippled glock, 9mm vs 40 vs 45, 9mm vs 40 vs 45 vs 10mm, best pistol, pistol comparison, 10mm penetration, 40 vs 10mm test, sig p239, rock island 1911 10mm
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 0sec (540 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 11 2018
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