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yo guys what is up it's teach here coming at you again with another video over on Ark survival ascended and you can see that we've had a little bit of time to play this game basically a little over a week at this point and a lot of changes have happened and all this stuff and blah blah blah blah blah right so I want to give you a video that's kind of unbiased and everything along those lines and I'm going to give you nine reasons that you should not buy Ark survival ascended now if you don't mind smash that like button leave a comment below and consider to the channel I'm getting starting to approach near 100K and that's been my goal all along so now immediately I say you shouldn't buy this game and I sit here playing it right now I want to kind of preface this ahead of time very simply I love this game I love this game that's very specific to me certain people are going to love this game and love the things that it's about however if you're looking to get into it and you're kind of on the fence right here is some things that you should keep in mind nine specific reasons why you shouldn't by Arc survival ascended I'm going to and I'm going to love playing it but you're not me so let's give you some things right so the first thing I have a 3090 TI right now that's not even the newest section of graphics cards inside the 40 series TI in order to run this game on mostly epic settings you can see there's still frame lag as I'm going through everything it's optimization certainly needs to be a thing and you can kind of see me like glitch as I go faster and faster and things show up slowly things can be very very heavy and I still have a 30 90 TI which can handle almost any game in the entire world and yet with Ark survival ascended because they did so much to it now half the reason I love this game is because they did so much to it but because they did that it is very difficult to run this game on pretty settings the graphics even though they look pretty if you have a really expensive graphics card not everyone has a $1,000 plus graphics card with a lot of stuff in it so that's your first reason why you should consider not buying now option number two if you like this game or if you like Ark survival evolved it is literally a reskin I'm going to go and open up like there's some UI changes don't get me wrong but you can see the map is the same the trees are the same the dinosaurs are the same the water even though it looks prettier is the same there is no major overhauls inside of this entire game it is quite literally a reskin of Ark survival evolved right nothing special was added there are some UI changes and there's some basic quality of life things but it's not like it's an overhaul of the entire game it's the same thing the bosses are the same water for the most part even though there's slight changes to it is identical right nothing really different so you're essentially just playing an updated version of Ark now this is not a second game that's why it's called ark survival ascended and not evoled it is the same game with updates but just a reskin now the next reason number three the reason that I think you should consider not buying this is Ark 2 supposedly now I say supposedly has a relase relase date some point in 2024 my thought probably towards the end of 2024 but still nonetheless it's in 2024 it is something that you should consider because why would you spend money on this game when the long-term goal is just to release Arc 2 anyways now some will argue that you should buy this game to support the development of Arc 2 and other people are going to say that it's a stupid idea that you should not consider that as an option right it is a beautiful game don't get me wrong again like I said if you have a 3090 TI plus but for the most part Arc 2 is going to come out next year so you could just continue to play Ark survival evolve for the next year year and a half maybe in order to get your Arc fix and the only benefit of Arc survival ascended is this you can see it right here now everything's loading cuz I moved quickly but again you're really what are you really supporting now number four the lack of content early is a major problem for a lot of players some people love that You' gone back to this generic Island build right where you've literally got no access to any of the major things that people love about Ark like gachas and different maps and uh clusters things like that right you are literally going back to Old School Ark now though I personally love old school Ark a lot of people really don't like it because you've got to grind things out you have to grind out metal you have to grind out polymer pearls everything is back to square one harvesting it from the wild there is no easy features right there's no easy mode you've got to go through this the hard way and a lot of people don't necessarily like that they kind of want to get their Quick Fix Arc of Arc in and then they want to roll out and that's again totally fine it's up to you what you decide on that one but a lot of lack of early conic cuz they removed cryopods and a bunch of other stuff is really difficult to support for some people knowing that this game has been out for eight years and they've had time to perfect literally everything they've only got one map they've only got a few things on the map and yes it does look good you can see that in front of me right right now but it's not necessarily perfect or Flawless in any way shape or form now the next thing is a major Hot Topic for a lot of people and this is very very fair right the biggest reason that people are really considering hating on Arc right now is because of the contract that was made for exclusive rights to have servers all that means is there is only one company nitr that's authorized to have any servers and of course they've jacked the prices up as much as they can get because they're the only ones that are allowed to have it now some people say well if you can be a large enough YouTuber you can have your own servers I barely fit that description and that's that's a lot like I mean I'm not a small YouTuber by any means but I'm not a big YouTuber either it's not fair that only people of large size YouTube wise or with enough money can play this game it essentially totally just destroys everything Monopoly wise and pretty much isolates a big thing in the gaming world we try and avoid so personally if you're really against that kind of kind of stuff that's a big problem because if you want to play on The Unofficial networks or have your own server it's pretty expensive now it's not cheap in any way shape or form so keep that in mind now that being said moving into official networks my next reason official networks are all already broken the reason I say that is because on day one they forgot to fix a whole bunch of stuff that happened in the original Arc and people were able to use god mode and spawn in infinite resources and do un like crazy things they had the ability to use admin commands inside of regular official Arc now also because of that there became this like same toxicity that they tried to remove from Ark survival evolved they got pulled into Ark survival ascended so youve got that same toxic kind of fan base that are always looking for Corruptions and glitches and hacks and they hold those to themselves so it's not equal to everybody it's only the few people that know about them and then eventually people find out and they get deleted but they don't really get undone so official servers are already pretty heavily broken and they are already destroyed based upon all kinds of stuff that I've heard there are people that have have like thousands of stuff cuz they were just spawning things in left and right which is kind of not fun right now that's all great let's say you can get past everything I've said so far my seventh reason that you want to consider this or not something you want to buy is Ark survival ascended even though Ark survival evolved was released for the last 8 years was released in Early Access mode essentially what that means is they don't necessarily owe anybody anything this is an early access game so you're supporting it just by playing it right by doing the things that you do just by playing this game you are supporting what it's doing now a lot of people don't like supporting Early Access games because of the fact they can do whatever they want they don't necessarily owe you anything if you release a full game that's not an early access mode you essentially owe players certain aspects of a game this being an early access mode is kind of a Tipping Point for quite a few people and like hey you've had eight years to perfect your game and then you release essentially something that's a reskin and it's just Early Access that's kind of wild a lot of people aren't big fans of that now again let's say you get past everything number eight now if you haven't gotten past all of this and you're like you know what give me some more reasons optimization in this game is happening pretty much every day now that makes a lot of people question I am receiving many updates a day in order to make your game less broken now a lot of people question why didn't you test this or why didn't you do this and a lot of people forget the reason that they had to push their game so quickly is because a certain company snail games um took a loan from somebody and had to release their game by the end of October and if it didn't get released by October a lot of money was owed to them so they essentially had to release a game earlier that I'm sure the game devs wanted to release it and a whole bunch of glitches were present inside of the game which causes a lot of problems that be literally means that every single single day for the first few months of this game we're going to receive optimizations and stuff like that which is great because you essentially go from what is a crappy game to a better game now some people are not big fans of that release your game completed in the first place some people say so that's that now my ninth and final reason is kind of wrapping all of this up right you get a beautiful Arc right I love this game I'm going to play the crap out of Arc survival ascended and I really do recommend it to most people but some some people are not big fans of what they're trying to do because essentially you have taken a skin it's like making I don't know it's like making a car like they do every single year and then releasing almost the same car the next year and saying it's a new car so you should pay an additional $5,000 for it right the same thing that Arc did they took the exact same game kind of reskinned it kind of is the keyword a lot of glitches and everything like that they didn't even address they just left in the game and they just left it there so there is nothing majorly new no creatures have been released with this initial one no major structures no major gameplay Styles no major anything there's no like even special mode or um temporary protected PVP any of that stuff it's all just gone now some people like that because they wanted an update I'm one of those people I love this game I love survival evolved I love that they came out with a reskin of it and I was going to pay for it whether or not I made a single video I love Ark and that's what I'm going to continue to enjoy but some people really don't like that if you're going to charge me $50 for a game or $45 for a game whatever it is at this point in time you should produce me with a large amount of new stuff there was not too much new there were adjustments made but there was no major dinos released there was nothing so why would anyone pay for something that's not new that's my question to you right that's up to you to decide and I say that at the end of this video now I said all nine of those things right those are major reasons why people are not going to play this game and it's sad I say that because I love Ark I think Ark is one of my favorite games of all time if not my favorite game of all time it lets you be somebody else into a character creation mode that you want to be living in a world that's kind of cool to think about the daydream about even you could say I am personally in love with Arc survival ascended because I've always loved Ark survival evolved all of those reasons are not a big problem for me because of my love for generic Arc in general right I love playing the game I love the things that you can do in this game I love all of the content that I get to use in this game right I love the fact that I can log on for 10 hours in one day and feel like I have done nothing no let's be like half serious because that's not totally true but at the end of the day I'm like you know that's really cool that I can spend so much time and know so little I like to be the stupidest person in the room because if I'm not learning and I'm not being like like taught things or if I'm not like uh how do I say this if if I'm learning if I think I know everything I think I'm an idiot so this game is perfect for me because things change all the time you learn new strategies you learn new everything every second of the day and that is why I play Arc to enjoy all of those features so personally I think it's a great theme I do think you should buy it but those are nine reasons why you shouldn't let me know what you think in the comments below would be really appreciated again if you don't mind smash that like button leave a comment below for the algorithm and consider subbing to the channel I am getting close to 100K and that's been my goal all along it costs you nothing just click that button that would be awesome all right [Music] teach [Music] the
Channel: Teachers Game Too
Views: 39,402
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ark survival ascended, ark survival ascended gameplay, ark survival asc, ark survival ascended release date, ark survival ascended trailer reaction, ark survival ascended news, ark survival ascended live, ark survival ascended reaction, ark survival ascended xbox partner preview, ark survival ascended console, ark survival ascended launch, asa first 10 minutes, asa cheats, asa metal, metal spawn, metal, metal ark, island metal, island top 5 metal
Id: mpip450LaU4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 8sec (788 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 04 2023
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