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yo guys what is up it's teach here coming at you again with another video over on Ark survival ascended and you can see that I'm in the horse you know whatever you want to call this this the I don't even know what to call it at this point it's getting crazy but this is part of my series to teach you how to basically Master the concept of breeding and mutations inside of Ark now this right here specifically is going to show you how to stack mutations on top of each other in order to maximize the number of points that you will get inside of a specific statistical or a category now there's a couple of ways to do that I'll show you both of them inside of this video if you're like whoa you just said a lot of words and I don't know what you're talking about this video is part of a playlist a miniseries go ahead and check out some of those other videos they'll explain to you how to do mutations how to check points how to basically do everything else up until this point so we're going to go and get started but before we do if you don't mind smash that like button leave a comment below for the algorithm and then consider subbing the channel I'm starting to creep towards that 100K and that's what I've been going for it's going a Little Dream of mine so anyways without further ado so what are we doing so basically let's start from square one right so we started with level one horses and we had zero mutations and zero points in any of our horses and I've been breeding for Generations along the series of videos and we're kind of getting to the point where we have a large number of mutations you can see instead of level one horses now we've got lots of fancy colors level sevens 9es 11s 13s and much higher so now we've got all of these horses all over the place but it's not really valuable until we actually start taking those specific specific levels and then adding them where we want to so this is how you do that so what you have to do and this is the first method there are a couple I'm going to show you the first one first okay so first off what you want to do is you want to find a male and a female horse ideally you want four female horses and one male horse um we know why if you've seen my past videos but you want one male and one female horse with two statistics or whatever statistic you're trying to get to have the same stat now if you're looking at this one this one has has two health and four stamina right two Health four stamina two Health four stamina two health and four stamina so all four of these guys have two health and four stamina now the reason that's valuable is because they all have the exact same statistics and that's what we're going for we want the statistics to be in the health and the stamina we're trying to raise those right now so what happens when we go ahead and enable breeding on these right so I'm going to go ahead and enable mating I've already done it once but I'm going to show you the point behind this and why it's valuable let's go to enable mating again let's go to enable mating on this guy so once we breed these guys we have a guaranteed two points in health and a guaranteed Four Points in um stamina now what we're trying to do with this is we're trying to increase those stamina and those Health points because we know they're guaranteed to be the same in these two we're not going to waste any mutations if we get a mutation and it happens to be in health or stamina it's just going to stack on top see how we've stacked the stamina we've gotten two mutations in the stamina which means we now have four points now to show you what happened the first time around this is what happened the first time around I got some twins notice how they have mutations not in health and stamina so they levels went up they actually have food mutation and that's going to cause them to uh I I guess they also have a melee mutation so these have a food and a melee mutation which means that they have extra points so they're level 11 even though their health and their stamina state at two and four they got additional mutations so these aren't very useful for us if we're trying to increase our health and stamina we're going to go ahead and toss those right we don't really care about these now it's cool that they're higher level but they have no value in increasing the health and or the stamina for us so we're going to toss those to the side now again this is another one right we got a it got an oxygen uh mutation and it's got that pink color again we are not trying to raise the health or the or we're trying to raise the health and the stamina and this did not get a mutation in those so we're going to get rid of it even though it's got a mutation never bring that back into your line because it's just a wasted slot for a mutation now this guy however you can see we have two points in the health and six points into stamina so we just stacked an additional mutation onto this female horse now what we want to do inevitably is we get rid of that line of horses right there right because we just said okay cool we got what we wanted we got a mutation inside of the stamina so I would then enable mating on this guy and I'm going to go and let these guys finish so you can understand what I'm talking about on that side um we're going to pretend like we don't know we have this guy so we're hoping for an increase in the health and the stamina we already got it in this one knowing we have a six stack in stamina that means we have three mutations inside of the stamina stat and uh there's one two and three right so we're going to go ahead and go over here and breed these two because we now want to get another one with increased stamina so we're going to go ahead and let that that happen right and then you can see we've got some high level 11 horses over here so we may have gotten lucky yes we did so we have another stamina horse right here pretty ideal so actually what we're going to do is going to pause this and back up and disable mating on no what are you doing no stop this let me go um so we're going to move him out of the way the reason that we're going to do that is because one of these extra horses we just got has six points in stamina as well you can see he's got two points in health and six in stamina so now we've got a new line and now we have six points guaranteed in stamina so why is that a big deal right we've just stacked one more point forward which means that we've got those two points and we have a guaranteed stamina breeding line with guaranteed Health right so we know that these two have the exact same health and the exact same stamina now these guys you can see we have oh we have a health mutation over here and we also have a yep so two females with a health mutation oh and another one with a health mutation as well so we have three females with health Health mutations as well so that's crazy so that that probability of that is super low um but just to prove a point what I'm going to do is I'm going to show you how it works right so now we're not sure right because we want to figure out what we actually want to increase stat-wise in order to stack our mutations we have to take the numbers that we want we do not care about other mutations so if we're getting mutations inside of like food or anything else we only literally want our statistics inside of health and stamina so we know we have a guaranteed six over there right this is where it gets kind of fun because we start stacking things in different ways so the male horse that we have over here wow you won't let me leave huh let's go and bring this guy around too these both have four I guess all three of the ones that I just added to this line have four points in health so two mutations in health and the male horse has three mutations in health or three mutations in stamina so if I enable breeding on these three behavor enable mating behavior enable mating let's go over here where is it yeah we're going to go back up over here Behavior enable mating so now what we're doing is we've gotten to a point where we have a line in place we have some of them with four points in health and four points in stamina and some of them with four or two points in health and six points in stamina so our goal is to now stack our horses because we've got the mutations we want we want combine all these so we have the higher health and the higher stamina so we want to end up getting four points in the health and six points in stamina now I'm if we get a mutation on this that'd be kind of you know funny because that's been my luck so far but our goal at this point in time is to stack these so in order to stack them all you're going to do is combine the horses that have the statistics that we're looking for right I need to make sure this one's off M cool so what we've done is eventually is we're hoping for luck because we know that this male horse for sure has six points in stamina and we know that the females for sure have four points in health now inevitably it's going to take some time but we will eventually roll a horse that has four points in health and six points in stamina and that means we're stacking even higher so we've essentially gone from a level 1 0 0 to a level 11 26 and a level 11 44 once we add these two together they're essentially going to be level 13 for sixes now I know that's a lot let me back up as they're mating and I'll tell you exactly what I mean by that right so because all of these horses are still under the cap of random mutations on less than 20 on both sides they can increase their their uh mutation chances so they can basically still continue to have mutation so we don't care about that yet what we care about is increasing the total health and the total stamina so we have four and four on this Four Points into Health Four Points into stamina and on this horse we have two points into health and six points into stamina by combining these together we will hopefully it's not guaranteed we'll get a four health and a six stamina now just so you know the statistics if you haven't watched my other videos on this you have a 55% chance of rolling the higher stat and okay what do we get here huh anything good I see some nines and 11s I don't see anything that's a 13 which is unfortunate but you have a 55% chance each time rolling the higher stats so there's a 55% chance that this uh this horse will combine with a um four health and it'll roll that one and then there's a 55% chance that it'll roll the six which is the higher stamina when combining these two so let's go ahead and look at the numbers here so we got a two and a six here we got a four and a four and we got a two and a four that's not good that got the worst stats overall it got the two so we're definitely going to pull this one out of the line is it like stuck oh my goodness yeah it's stuck this one got two and a four as well so see how they're going down they did they got the worst of both of the stats what you always immediately do inside of those horses is you pull them out of your breeding line I'm just going to get rid of them for the time being because I don't really care because that's we're just trying to prove points right so we didn't get anything we wanted because we didn't get any of that stuff but you can kind of see where this video is going we're trying to increase and get all of the statistics man I am you know I might just say screw it and just use my admin gun on him so we got a 26 mail again again no value to us I'm going to use the admin gun because I'm sick of trying to get these things out I'm going to go ahead and say bye-bye bye-bye bye-bye right those we did not want because of their stats we do not want to put them back in the line so you can use those as things that you would ride but you don't want to use them for any other value because they do not have any value to us we want to make sure we keep them away so we're hoping for this um four Health to be picked up from this guy and the six stamina be picked up from that guy that would equal level 13 probably and let's see what we get out of this guy right so let's see what happens survey says it's a level 11 so I doubt that it's what we want it's a two and a six again right so it's another male two and a six there is zero value in this to us so we're kind of going to toss this one to the side yep don't need it by he actually worked though so that that helped quite a bit so this one's mating again this one's got a coold down timer and this one is mating in 30 seconds and mating in two seconds all right so if you haven't figured out kind of what we're doing here right so essentially we're just waiting for the stack it is not a quick process we want to uh minimize the amount of mutations that we get uh uselessly and that's why we're kind of trying to move this four and the six together before getting a new mutation because that kind of gets our nest if you want to think of it like a ladder right we're climbing the ladder of health and stamina we've gone from 0 0 to 2 six and our next goal is that 4 six combination um and that's kind of what we're going for so in order to stack you just complete this process over and over you take the higher those stats you're looking for in those individual dinos and you continue to try and breed those together and then get a male and then take that male and breed it in with your wild female so this is one of the strategies right and it works as long as you have a room to grow on both sides for the mutations and what I mean by that right when I show you the ancestors we've got 11 and nine none of them have hit 20 so we've got a increased chance of mutation if one of those is above 20 it is not going to there mean there's going to be a 3.5% chance of mutation and if both of those are above 20 there's a 0% chance if you mutate it with another mutated horse so in order to clean that there's something another video I'll show you about but for the time being the point is just trying to blend these together and that's the whole point of this video to learn how to do that right hopefully you get even if it doesn't happen you can kind of understand what we're going for here it just takes time I think I see some 11 so I don't think these are going to be what we're looking for nope that's a four and a four yep so we got a four and a four male and we have a four and a four female so that's great and all it doesn't help us at all we need the six and nothing huh I'm getting zero luck in general so so you can see how much of a pain this is because it's all statistics based it's a 55% chance across the board so we are just playing the waiting game at this point in time mating we'll wait for like two more maybe yeah we'll wait for this guy and then if it doesn't work we didn't get lucky enough to show you in the video but you know what the point of the video is and how to do it and I don't think we did right that horse has two and six so not quite what we're looking for we're getting really unlucky on honesty but it is what it is so that is how you stack those mutations together you go from z0 and you keep combining the horses that have your I guess whatever creature you're working on right the higher mutation values and you want to get them into a breeding pair and once those breeding pairs are bred you want to aim for mutations in those and kind of increase those and then once you get those that's a level 11 I think yep that's not even I'm not even going to bother like looking at that right because that's not not going to be what we need um once you get those above 20 mutations on both sides that's when you have to bring in the actual cleaning process of the wild female horse in order to prevent there to still have a chance of getting mutations so I know that's a lot but that is how you stack mutations inside of Ark I know this was a little bit of a longer video and I apologize for that hopefully it makes sense if you don't mind if you don't understand let me know in the comments below and I'll try and explain it to the best of my ability or if there's something you like let me know so I can keep doing it and other than that [Music] teach [Music] a
Channel: Teachers Game Too
Views: 8,282
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ark survival ascended breed, ark survival ascended breeding, ark survival ascended breeding guide, ark survival ascended breeding settings, ark survival ascended breeding changes, ark survival ascended mutation, ark survival ascended mutations, mutations, breeding, breeding ark, mutaitons ark, ark mutations, mutations ark, mutations ark guide, mutations ark mobile, mutations ark for dummies, mutations ark 2023, mutations ark ascended, mutations ark survival evolved
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 16sec (916 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 06 2023
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