#107 Faruq McDermott: Muslim Drug Dealers, Jinn & Aliens

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assalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh brothers and sisters welcome to episode 107 or fresh new grounded this episode is with fruit McDermott the only guy in the world that you'll hear with that name as read podcast Farouk is a present Iman channel that's how is he he's one other presenters that he mentor who are met in Ramadan and we we spoke every like this personally and I wanted to hear his story and so I invited him on to the podcast he very generously accepted he's also studying at the University of Medina right now in the jamia and so we hear bit of stories about how he got that he actually managed to get into the job ER in you know post 30s and we know that you normally quite him again after the age of 25 so we hear about how he managed to get in we hear about his opinion on the jinn and aliens and his fascination with that and with kinda like the the science in general what else Muslim drug dealers a lot yeah Muslim drug dealers and gang members it's very very interesting bombs very very interesting episode I'm really this is actually also our longest ever episode so you'll be maybe happy to hear let us know if you get for the whole thing and in charlotte who the other we will be back next week and with that be amply sounds back next week as well without being said guys please do check out our patreon which is patr um calm for such rescue grounded patron or comfort such pressure grounded it's how you can support a podcast for 5 pound a month you become a premium subscriber and you get every episode one day early with a bunch of our kind of advantages but main thing is you're able to support us and it helps us be some costs I firstly grounded and to be able to keep going so do check our [ __ ] or without me said guys this is fresh grounded episode 107 with Farooq McDermott the brand new podcast by best friend's face who answer huh I well could I say welcome to freshly grounded after but the brand new podcast and offer but but best friend's face will serve fruit McDermott growling and moaning man okay food McDermott the only person in the world that has that name no I'm probably most likely no probably about it off oh definitely definitely there's no other three McDonald that's for sure easel is it so funny because I mean when you introduce have they ever date someone you said there was asking for your name and you like fruit McDermott there's no one else like it no one else only one who's called that in the world and unique my so bro look we met I'd you know what bro I know I'm gonna this is probably gonna be annoying and not great etiquette but I just am not comfortable with how high my way is going right now my audio waves and so I'm just gonna reduce them a tiny bit yep I'm happy with that now that we met very a very short while ago one month ago right we met at the beginning what I'm arguing right there because just Abdul Ahad a man channel kind of boy you want a Zico Ramadan present off yeah and did they put me on to present in Ramadan and I so we got spend a lot of time together I'd seen you before but I never really got to know you until this past month and I feel like I've gotten quite a lot as possible because I've seen you more than I've seen my family yeah I haven't you know done a lot like night shifts give on stuff and but you know what you're just how I imagined you to be as a person which was a very positive affirmation ahead of you okay because I've seen some of your stuff before I love job reading yeah I love just about channel stuff no but I just loved the vibe and personality you had and how because but because it's so vibrant I thought that perhaps a lot of it is a performance and I wouldn't have been anything because there's times I've seen you you've been in front of the camera and you do have to do some what performing former camera before you're consistently like that a table severed you get a lot no not really I just William when our first I'd media I always had this idea it was but by the way yeah if you want you we can go from how I'll go into media if you like eventually I want to actually start from how you even take your show harder okay yeah however you want to start yeah but I suppose I'm not a trained professional maybe that's what he is I just do me I'll just behave as I behave if you don't like it nice men no no danger you know I mean I'll just roll out how I am and I suppose that's how I'm remained consistent as you could say just being myself brother but do you think that copies of each book because as you get older and you watch all you realize that you you become comfortable who you are as a person you don't care about people judging you as a person yeah I suppose in a way you could say that but I was always like that the thing is them when you're younger you shape yourself right what you who what you become as you get older who you become should I say as you get older get shaped from a very young age and then my mum told me a few key principles well the main one being is fear someone hits you hitting back okay yeah and I've kind of always been like that ya know in it not it not just the physical sense in be who you are and if someone don't like it yeah I mean don't take it you know I mean don't change as it was someone can hit you normally they hit you for a reason yeah they hit you because they want you to stop being whatever your being at that time or they're trying to make themselves something that they're not like that bully you not push you around yeah and if you accept that you're going to check conform today their opinion of you so I always fight back now and now what it is just stand up for yourself and because of that reason one of the many reasons anyway that I'll just be myself I don't care brother I really I see that in you over the for an outfit that's such an attractive treat man like to have that it's not it's not in a rude way it's not good you do you pull it off in a very positive you in a very good way in a way enriches he said Morrow boys that yeah you know what you're shooting my face you can could be like oh this confidence man all right let's go let's check her back you uh you said to me that you were we did when we started I spoke to you about dropping a podcast yeah a man channel you said to me know hold bars I'm comfortable talking about whatever so I wanna we did mention is just before the podcast started yeah yeah and also earlier a few almost to a point there's no hot spot right yeah pretty much yeah there are a few rules bum sisters okay we weren't going to what rules they are but yeah handle ah only for me by the way special rules you're 84 years old right yeah people take I'm almost 30 free I'm not gonna thought you're 21 meter I was like I either 21 or 22 okay I took child I finished 2008 fine yeah 2008 and and and how so how many times have you told you a story a lot several times different versions really explain it is different versions like the best one is the super short version yeah for me because after I did one I did my first time I did the story was a bit of a long-winded version they followed me around with a camera I had to go to certain places this was years ago you could probably never be able to see it again yeah it was a pretty one time run and one of these channels I think was it crow UK yeah crow UK in mum kasam okay yeah oh yeah yeah yeah one here it crew UK not yet not yet got their own costume yeah yeah in more class and they did something with only one act when he was here oh really oh yeah oh okay uh yeah this is years ago though you probably won't be able to get it there probably haven't even got in their library anymore this was when they first launched I did something for them they followed you Angela hometown stuff they just come see me in my hometown they filmed me there and they asked me about how I came into Islam and then I did one with always forget his name man traveler with the Quran o journey with the Quran yeah journey Muhammad Salaam no not mohammed salameh this another guy they say oh maybe not joining their Hawaii ship man I love him for the sake of a like came to my yard as well I forgot his name I'm sure she no he's crazy no no no no I forgot his name if someone's Google's it man I'll forgive me man I'm not very good with names and yeah yeah he came to my that was the best one I did quite a thorough version of it there you can watch it on YouTube as always the one at your I'll give you I'll give you a very brief version of it yeah the crux of it was the early on when I was little always believed in God yeah whenever my mom would tell me off have a guy and he shot at me yeah maybe gets smacked Randy ed you know Clete brownie arrows they say you know whatever else was involved the purple slipper a classic one that the slippers she back be with it nearly every occasion yeah I know I said it was a little cane as well she had yeah but my mom was shaked but she was a good woman she brought us up in a good way you know and I remember going to my room lay I used to have this bunk bed and I'd lay on that a bunk bed I'll pray to God naughty oh please let me see what happens when you die I always had this affinity with the after I always wanted to know what happens when you die what is there I are what this was like a natural desire from a very young age I've always wanted to know I was used to believe in ghosts and things I act so I was always interested in under seen that a lot late this was something natural to me hamed Anila and then when I've got old up obviously I weren't a religious person nothing like that but I was believed in God and then yeah brother gave me probably used to live next door to me Pakistani brother when I first met him he's spoken if in English accent and where I grew up he was no real ethnic minorities there there was a Indian corner shop owner or broker like Cadiz proper accent you know so this was my only understand I thought everyone who comes he's gonna talk like that yeah and it was one black guy that was it there was no other foreigners as we called him not you know I mean immigrant yeah whatever there was no one else there so when I met this guy he had an English accent I thought why happen here how did she had an accent I got to know him dadada and over the years we drive with discussions and I know used to go into his room and on his wall was the last sermon of what I saw I sent him and I've read it and I'd sort of parade him with you you lot you need to follow this man yeah he's telling you nothing to do why you know you know kind of because it was his prophecy would say yeah them you know as a prophet I just say you got this man whatever you said you you need to follow him you know are no good yeah then he'd one time I was trying to figure out if you could travel fast in a speedo like that's really interesting science I wanted to time travel prof yeah again I was late I wanted to go back in forward in time lever and then I kind of came to the conclusion you can't but this set for people who predict the future this was the issue people who predicted the future how is it that someone can say something's going to happen and it happened and it be accurate I wanted to know mate I thought maybe the future already exists it just hasn't happened yet so how are the people bringing that information back so I looked at people predictive fusion its brother he gave me this book well he gave me this CD that talked about Hereafter it's actually cool to hear after and he had any signs of the day of judgment and I may be listening to that and I thought wow you know this makes sense what this guy's saying that was the Prophet Mohammed science in them and then he gave me a book called a brief illustrated guide to Islam I read that and I knew Islamic so truth and then one time I was going with her brother jogging took me drugged him quite a few brothers actually we were went jogging man the local park I know I was with Jawad then joe hart was in that little crew and anyone who knows jawad he loves dowry as hamdulillah he's very dedicated to calling people to his land so I remember we caught up with him it's me and him with much love I was proper unfit yeah and we caught up with him and he said I might not be able to run with you and the dunya but I'll fly with you and Jenna inshallah and I for Tomaso who don't want to fly breath no I mean you give a man an oxygen to fly but as I sit you now yeah you drink now coffee you're gonna fly man you drink that down a fly off you won right so when I heard the bat fly Nasser yeah I want to do that and I said to them like you know how do I do it and then are you I said if I get run over by a bus will I go to this gen that they said no and why not and we said because you have to believe in three ways heart tongue and action yeah so I believed in my heart what's the rest of it I've got doing it said you got to say this and you got a you know become a Muslim that's all cool and I'll just became Muslim on a jog yeah literally after we've got be a part three he explained to me do you got have free things heart I'm an action boom I jump team mate okay if you who don't want to fly brother I'm saying hey the it so many people honest imparting oh you know very naive person he's LED it's not the case so a bit of a longer vote a very short version of it and I wouldn't say that I knew everything about Islam when I accepted it I want a person who knew a lot about Islam but I knew that the Quran was from God there's no way that when I read about the scientific verses or you could call him whatever you want to call him here some people like they don't like to use that in Dawa now yeah they don't like to talk about the so-called scientific miracles or to put I on because science changes one doesn't yeah but for me it's irrelevant what I felt at that time and when I read the ayat talking about how we created in a womb I knew it's from God so how did your parents take you you'll be measuring your mom was your dad round no okay single parents to the state you know have you had any interaction with your dad yeah TJ okay and so how do you want take it my mum did you find out straightaway no it's just about two months because that kind too much into detail because I don't mind talking about it yeah we're not gonna have my family airfare and but let's just say there's a certain member of the family who was allegedly a religious individual okay mental mentally ill person right so when I told him novice ly I believed in God mum was worried you know that I might be going down a similar I see I see I see us yeah so but at first she was I thought I was gonna go there genuinely I was going to go home tell him about the ayat akhada an and everyone's gonna be like no I denied that was the naive part yeah for everyone's gonna accept it yeah I thought is clear-cut black and white my role Oh give him Darla everyone's going to take Shahada so I went home and there obviously everyone reacts hit the opposite you know strange behavior plus at that time you hours with Josephus he had a Sufis breath so I was busting out a turban I had a hole in my eyes and a roll deep / low bond yeah I was fully committed from members committed yes I went in there karlie Redd's do with your eyes and of terminally Giza I was rolling around town walking with my hand in my pocket no I mean I didn't have nowhere else but mauve my eyes fixated a grouse doing tickity layers I was walking lots of pine and LA trying to grow my cheese in gender brown yeah I was very committed early on you know well the little one knew I really believed it brough up banging on matey boys dog kicked him to get four fudge it oh yeah absolutely horrible horrible man man ah forgive me I was ruthless bad I wasn't why you dressed like non-muslim you need to fear our laughs really bad man oh really because I thought what's the point in wasting your time dude everything should be related to reward in a sense that he says there's no hikmah yeah yeah you know it's pure maths bro formulas yeah like that that makes reward what you doing wasting your time prof yeah I mean if Ralph herb in it was there was no a man at the beginning because he man was all I had to get what I'm saying I didn't have no in so when you a man in the wrong hands and we could talk about this as well later on a man is a very dangerous thing if it doesn't have knowledge not an example a man is what drove the sahaba to put their lives on the line yeah and that's something which in the wrong with the wrong understanding can cause real issues for the Muslims across the world as we've seen yeah a man without knowledge belief faith that this is really true and this is gonna happen if I do this can be really dangerous brother yeah without knowledge a man is beautiful but if you put people on the wrong path it can lead to destruction well let's talk about that now because you if we fast forward now kind of obviously oh you started well I'm not saying you started now but you you are taking studying a lot more seriously now you studying full-time I want to say is any different actually I'm just trying to learn Arabic now okay yeah and perfect my Quran inshallah but yeah you're right I've lost give me an opportunity to go study in Medina hamdulillah I'm there I'm a new student near one of the oldest students from the old Britt Sarnia so two questions what what means you for way to meet that jump to to go from because some people take their Shahada or even if we just do a Muslim as in general not even new Muslims people who are practicing Muslims there's a difference between those who practice and it knows who like are seeking knowledge on a level where they will need to travel for etcetera so a what made you do that and B how did you manage to get into the Jeremy o Medina 30 in a post thirties old because there's like this real like concept of all I've heard as well especially that you know you got getting there while you're young otherwise it's almost 25 is the age limit when I first applied a free laughing I was 24 years old okay so I apply it like seven years ago breath yeah I mean eight years ago yeah every year since yeah but no I didn't apply for you applied that first time and the strange story actually bro I applied and then I for you is a given everyone's like yeah you're white guy you're gonna get in here for sweet yeah and then so I applied thought I was gonna get in but there's an online service that they say send us your details you know and so I did that's in them all my information this online website I don't want to mention what website is my application got deleted brough and I kind of felt like it was a you know there's a known information about a certain group that used to you know run run riot from amongst the British students day and Allah knows I don't know the reality of it but that's how I felt like someone had put delete he because when I went when I had my first interview here there was a [ __ ] who came to he was in High Wycombe so when's high we come for this interview yeah had the interview with a chef gave might be else of my application whatnot and yeah are for you know hamdulillah but I'd get in but then when I went for my second interview when I went from us first amra they were like your application don't exist awesome no I definitely got the number and everything yet then he asked me okay what's your name the guy day when he won was your name and I'll be there our head judge he's at Marshall I'm gonna bless him I'm a head judge who recently graduated we're not recently a couple years now him and but yeah he took me in there and the guy was like draw application don't exist will gate does because I've got a number anyway nowhere that number is not current showing up yeah my name I gave my name and he looked up Oh Jerry this has been the lead hmm that's strange white LED and he's all don't worry about it just do a new application so I did another application and then I thought he said yeah you're gonna get him but then they had like this pause where they didn't take students him for a while I think it's not two years or whatever so I again it was delayed again so I went for my first second Unruh and I went again for any of you and this time I said to the Geezer I said to him if I were if I became a Shia yeah and I walked down to the Iranian embassy and I said I want to go study in there Jamie I in their University I said dad instantly give me a ticket to come and join us said that fund me interference so when it comes to the Huck you love slow or something like this I calmly I got there I'm up to the second time I took I'm not her judge again when I bless him and this time it seems that going maybe little little she a fret got a I mean application story prom I mean little advice to anyone out there say that you know I mean if you joined another sick did it make it easy for you I mean just a and so this was when this was to just 2017 okay yeah this one up in 2017 then last year he may I've got an email saying yeah they came into my junk email box so it was only by chance I saw dad got in then they booked me on a flight and even though it brought for September and in like a few days before the flight I found out meant to be flying or something I'm not ready for that so I missed the end up having a pair of fine ayyyy quit fine because I missed my flight and then I got into a flight for the end of end of September so I got there like September to 28th I think it was just gone September and I studied now I got into the mat had the lovely' today idle be yeah and how is that going look at that area but it's not waffle is gonna be and anyone out there who wants to apply and join definitely you know an Arabic before you go definite yeah it's not an it's not for a new student this diploma program so you get there and it's just in Arabic with Arab people but it's with you you say that but I I because the preconception that someone like myself has from what you hear is that the first if you don't do our break for the first two years they'll teach you that all right no no no okay you straight yes I imagine going into like say you want to learn Mandarin yeah yeah and you go to China to learn it yeah and you go into the classroom and it's everybody is sitting in a classroom and he speaks only Chinese and he gives you a book with Chinese writing in it and you've you know what what chance you think you gotta learn in it but how in that method but you have you have you're able to actually have conversation so how did you get to this level then for you to breath really yeah I've got back tomorrow and then I do my watch my youtube videos it's the only way I learn I was I would have never been able to lessons which is that watching that watching videos of the medina Arabic online yeah that's how I learn because you have you have spare time I'm there to learn a key so you got spare time and as being every older as well I'm in the back in the day when you're young you read a book you've almost memorized in one go bruh I had a pretty good memory I read I read a lot when I became Muslim I used to only do our new in Arabic was so rugby's it knee Alma okay so I did that door all the time so I took constantly doing that to our and I used to read a lot and I found it easy to memorize things from Islam principles more so than like you know specifically you know I won't memorizing books but memorize like principles or memorize things about Jinnah and not on things like that so I picked up knowledge quite quickly in about two years I learnt quite a lot of the basic stuff you know I'm not talking about you know I won't hire him or anything but then over the years as well spent time with some sure no I won't like a student of the shoe well I'll go to lessons and I'll speak to different school she walk on the phone and asking questions and I've spent you know I like to listen to one sheikh abdul-rahman de Murcia who I benefited a lot from over the years and I've spent time with him you know I like him very much he's very knowledgeable chef and he stays in his ground you know and I asked him one time about fish June he said may I'm not a scholar even though he's a he's I think I hope he's not watching yeah I don't want to you know over praise this year but I think he's memorized Sahih Muslim or closer to memorizing sake missing he's very knowledgeable but he won't you know answer things if they're too intricate you said go to someone else you know mashallah but we've a cleared everything so he's excellent when it comes to a belief and tawheed in things I he's very very strong in that knowledge much on law you see that you see a lot of hick were used by the big shield and it makes you almost embarrassed when you are trying to help your family sometimes not obviously that you know what's worse coming into it as well so i'm not saying you know don't advise your family but when you see the show you that are that you so much jicama and i'm but i asked a question to through someone to michelle abdill a eunice i think it was and the question was very intricate and it was a question that I knew was a struggle to answer I was it was pertaining to business and stuff at that but it was it was something I needed in order to know it I thought I needed in order to know to be able to carry on because if I got the answer that I thought is more Islamic Lee correct yeah the chance I let my whole business would have shut down right so I was shopping for a fatwa bra no no I was I was actually shocked I was actually shopping I was I was actually looking for that answer that's all I was looking for the one else and shut me down but I just wanted I couldn't live with myself knowing that I'm trying to do something that wasn't right he's so good luck it will show you wanted to be told I wanted to be told down what you would do gotcha so I've been asking me for me but I never looked a lot I finally got to this one I was like you know what I'm gonna ask in a front and so I asked and reply I got back such hit humble isn't it is deploy he said sometimes it's better not to ask that's all he said bro I took from that I'm from and I didn't even before I lost in the question I didn't think to myself this is the last place I'm gonna Oscars I don't so many shirts knowledge before but when he gave me the answer I said Carlos I'm not asking anyone else now yeah there's hikmaíah and in one brother who told the bobble who told me who I asked who I went through he's he said look the prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam he would sometimes in the rate that you should take a fastball from your heart from what's in the heart it basically said that sometimes you just know you know I mean I Sabra went when the sheikh said that I was at Kailash I'm content actually now because it's almost like the someone was telling me about a chef who people asked is my thinking was America or something but people basically asked if cabin that uber and stuff is permissible not and the Shirtwaist he can replied and I don't know who this was or anything I'm just telling the story as I told it yeah but he basically replied and said that he he can't come out and say that's Haram and a reason he can't is because he asked out he has to weigh out the fact that if he was to say that that this the such a large quantity of Muslims who are supporting their family through that job that he doesn't want to be held responsible for the calamities financially that would occur from that and so through his jicama he didn't answer the question you see the Sunnah that it was one time the subtle body psyllium will happen their brother slept on yet and I think it was I think after fertile Mecca he was talking about performing Hajj and when I was habit of saying it every year process I said him he told him perform Hajj and the man said every year they said perform higher every year he suppose I assume said if I was to say yes then it would become wedgie upon you so just accept what I've said yeah yeah if you keep asking and I like miswak process I said him he said if I was to say so it become logic before he died now he said if there was anything now I want you know I would say about miswak but he refrained from doing so because it didn't become it might cause difficulty in the future so it's hikmah sometimes like you said ma sha allah bless the shoe and then our benefit as from their knowledge and that was the yeah that was part of my development I suppose you know spending some time with some sure over time talking to them and listening to lectures and taking a lot of benefit there was one chef male a blessing or hemolyzed passed away now up till now it's been a mushy tarnishing she abdul hadi rahim allah used to live local tea about where we are now I know oh did he possibly recently a couple of years back he was shot dead in Malibu Serling he used to be the Imam and actor mosques okay a normal skin actor he was the Imam Lee it was a lot of fitna a win went down and I got a new dog [ __ ] personally and then I bless him and I used to benefit a lot from him the thing was he he was like a specialist in the sheriff Ian and Hanafy Matt had very clever mashallah but his manners was excellent I benefited a lot once on our sitting in front of him yeah yeah and it was one of these a shoe you from America was being talked about and him I was a lot a bit younger than this we're gonna have five years ago four years ago about five years ago maybe a bit more actually and now I said I called that guy useless so he's useless mate you know I mean a chef here he told me you know don't say this you know don't don't insult people and I really benefit from that one moment with him you know because I don't know any you don't know anybody's case of Allah there's things in a dunya that we see and we we judge people on and there's nothing wrong with judging people according to what you see from them yeah but what is with Allah what Allah knows about them is from our loss of panettone and he he knows them better than you so if you insult someone really and truly you already taken away from you know himself not benefiting from insulting him yeah is there is there position where you can insult people definitely in Islam you know this is from the understanding of the self sometimes you can you know in a joking fashion say something about someone yeah yeah I'm not giving a fatwa though my sheikh said this I asked him once you know but there's a this conditions conscious Quran is solving people but if you said are someone silly if for a position if taken you know or someone knocking complete deviant yeah and you called him a deviant like kelp or whatever dog if that person is really bad and it's nothing wrong with calling my dog you know well that's my understanding I'm not even fat or on your show stuff alive I'm just saying that's what I was told so but yeah that's chic mehleb listen man yeah I benefited a lot from his manners there's so many different lists people use don't know about yeah very very knowledgeable it was one guy when it comes to debating and arguing yeah sometimes you do a where early days of Facebook Annette you'd get into debates with people and arguments here stuff for Allah and then people love to play pokemon with the old shoe you know they call out they pull out an old or in this book we ship said this yeah and they bring it out like to try and defeat you yeah I didn't like that it was really boring it was no benefit in it the Prophet said the Sahaba saying you start pulling out some you know there's one guy who does that today I don't know if I'm allowed to mention him he's from Birmingham yeah and he calls himself a Mufti but he's way more knowledgeable than me for sure but when you listen to some of the points they bring it's always from scholars of old from an old book I didn't become Muslim because of the guidance of a scholar its Allah guided me man well I don't lean upon their owner mouth for my religion if you do that if you base your religion on the statements of men who you're building on a very weak foundation but you if you build your religion upon so he though and your belief in allah spirit data okay that's solid i'll never change yo i'm saying yeah i do i do you you are you able to try to meet a lot of people and stuff because of your you're working in media so yeah i want to talk about that what what i what plane after you started you became muslim did you start an idea also you very quickly good to me it was by accident bro I remember I get a phone call from a brother and a be saying yeah we want a white guy for a show who is this when Ramadan TV was about yeah this was in inaugural year of Ramadan TV and as I can it's five versus I'll just look it also intrigued yeah yeah man's feeling summarizes possible now I'm joking I'm joking I don't need nothing but we got we got some strawberry in apple let me just grab so yeah with that I mean coops fish app when Sheila teespy let's get it open right yes so anyway you have to just do what you had but I'm not gonna have any by whiny little strawberry man you know banging I'm not gonna be the only man to eat the Latisse Piper so let's get Nate sorry yeah once makes last man's will finish it right so so the TV's about now I take you up on you a CI get his phone call yeah oh well you need a white guy for it show yeah and I couldn't do it so I sent prophets a wild to do yeah link your black brother yeah but he's brilliant for 420 yeah so then I've got another phone call yeah we need you to do a show and it was lay I've been at work I just started six in the morning work and was going to go to like free at night so I was like oh I'll do it and this is his advice to everyone whenever good comes whenever good comes to you don't close to dawning sometimes we [ __ ] on helps us make excuses not to do so tired busy these Danny over you have to prioritize her hair so I remember really weighing up in my mind sure do should or not and I did it I knew I was gonna be tired I knew I was gonna be battered at work the next day Pat just went free ahi and from that one moment so much hair this game I know I'm sitting here today you won't even want to know who I was brother I didn't do that one day yeah cuz I don't never got into the TV world I did so when I went we had a good time me and Java Aki the studio was no bigger than this look we really actually tiny finger I had a massive camera and it was poor quality it was just my first ever TV job for it it's like media anyway was and I got we got cool for mooses dad he's dad kudos yeah and I hadn't been but I've known Moosa from way back though I pulled him onto Hodge TV in no way yam Ramadan team you know was here on the Hajj TV movie that's been too young for Matthew he's not 16 when he came so much TV bro yeah I think he was about 16 15 16 I've only been about three years a bit now like in the media and so about maybe like a couple months in said I got a call from we go come from was his dad he said look it's Ramadan time we need your guy's help surf use common sense to do so I'm thinking I'm telling you like yes what we'll do it went down now and he's gave us a postcode I'm driving to the postcode we pull up and it's just a garage in Wembley surround the corner no just yes radical by just a random garage bullet that you will drive down some alleyway I'm thinking he's supposed to be parked up gunshots come up go here and it's just the most Rhaego like except they built a TV sit inside a gal reach both yeah quite a few round park rule away like that yeah just yeah Rambo yes and it wasn't we got we got there so funny thing because so we go there to we sit down we thought what we're doing yet turns out it's gonna be an appeal right so we are cool so Moosa sat there I'm sat there was his dad sat there we figured all right cool captain guys car gas town I'm skirt lead-free to boost that leads he goes assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu year it's a bacteria he saw speaking who do bro yeah and I'm not what you can't Spooner old I hate my old do is the worst broken popular word to man come on bro that view is no I saw I will pop in Punjabi I can see 20 can who that bad yeah got a few do I know that I mean which are pinion he passed me that why'd you say para after that's a pipe oh come on bro it's certain words you got no in all languages bro pies one of them pissed me now I tell you what I think a word I don't know if anyone has any language and that's promote control quite sweet yeah it's gonna be me mmm masala you all called me boy huh you got company by where you live no yeah we won the white broth I was pulled over yet Allah bless you man I mean bit sooner you probably won a few people who's bought something through and coming out for being man she's coming yeah you yeah we hosted you we should be bringing you gifts man okay I'm gonna wait to the end man you've got a few out you got about an hour and a bit to something will pop up don't worry I've got wireless I think I mean Jack they're both so yeah so that was my first my first one so so yeah I know I'd always like like it's not what it seems with we've telly especially of Islamic media it's very very like shoddy at all time ASCII that was probably in a better days when you went to that one in a little shed man yeah that was better days broth I think and then she had Nana bless him he'll remember the studio in I forgot name adèle you area it's right by the 406 what you could it the gyratory man I've got we hang a link right by hanging a lane there used to be one it was at a bottom of this big office block it was right the bottom and it was only a little tiny little room I was a fat man watch it no no not crown house broke crown house is an upgrade okay this thing it was in a beautiful building don't get me wrong yeah there was in a beautiful Wembley port no not Wimbley pointer comment was cool yeah but it was right on the corner of hanger lane you'll see it and there at the bottom they used to have a press TV there and a few other little fingers a little Shia News Channel yeah promote in there I've done other rules of this podcast yeah but promoting their whatsit yeah they're smelly socks and then I when the the actual little studios right there next to it and so we used to do a little thing out here man so tiny he and I'm gonna turn out and it was a use of chambers I was on screaming use of chambers just seen it used to change doing drawings in a broth to make me laugh he's out drawing live on till you just show me China to love bro it lasted nowadays right yes bless him is Elijah Yousef Lamanna rewarding man me an edge jawad then you say enemy side doing hajj TV as well I remember I am when I went down to last a few years back yeah I suppose and they said oh we just gonna jump on radio quick I hear this was a really early days jump on a radio we generated this radio show with this guy and then I find out here that that guy whose greatest rate was use of tables yeah usage lovely men yeah I don't know I don't know I don't know him we met at one time he's one of a few dudes you mean and he is as he's like oh yeah yeah Youssef chambers of you if he's chambers but I he's not you don't put a front on I remember watching him one time I was watching him doing appeal and it was hilarious Buffy he just literally said I don't wanna know cause I'm not good like didn't want to be there but you've just because your appeals were right Dave man oh no what people don't understand here we're gonna heal is so which I don't really want to go too much into appeals because it's over with I want to get it for this year but it was like five years we took my other TV Appeals that you see from like Russell time to Fletcher that's how he appeals that if you or actually my channel is past run on every night either probably saw for uncle myself yeah doing archery opinion the Phoenix Brahmin sisters all good is good right everybody to serves this ship a loss of Panama Tyler will allocate you definitely wherever I do you do whoever does it yeah but people want you to to present to do a good job to show the viewers to encourage them to spend after doing it two three times in a month he gets very difficult yeah not only that as well like there's certain peels de notice certain style yeah lot of orphans orphans I know but yet they want that style yeah a lot of decline cuz it looks fast paced it looks busy yeah one of the night so I'm gonna mention what night it was when I saw Jonas screaming these brothers I'm not gonna mention it I was there I'm not gonna mention okay but he's doing an appeal I'm not just looking at the way the people were doing it and I was like use of robots the guy I counted in my head the guy said the same thing about five times in one minute yeah the same thing yeah the same thing after he was like a robot and I thought he sat brainwasher you know like you see them shows you know like their eyes are like glazed over they don't even ask going on they're not robots brother I think that's what it looked like I'm lost I felt sick yeah III said to deploy our final uphill like I remember I gave one to be produced a massive heart he gave me a hug and he just our simple producer was it big big a be what I'm a buck a person yeah well I II BP it's the legend himself so anyway I'm gonna I'm gonna tell you a bit of IBP profits podcast oh yeah I wanna know he's into a podcast as well I've known Abubakar for a long time yeah I'm listening I know I'm a member when I met him is a Jeep man will carry on I are basically sort of he was producing of the appeals and so he saw me like my energy just window and my enthusiasm go throughout other nights as we go on and it's very hard to explain this feeling unless you've done the appeals because to review is it might sound like you guys are meant to be there for Charlie you're doing clay like why is it that you are even being negative right but you have to bear in mind that it try working from like so hey hours in front of our cameras but but you're there from 6 p.m. to 4 a.m. so that's a 11-hour day and almost all of it is under three strong guys on camera as we high energy and why didn't you even give a man screaming the ear at all times and it's a night shift so it's not just that doing random match and I should be turned on the whole time and you got to school run in the morning yeah you got worried so so I so doing them like for the entire month it's tough man and the we can go into politics is do like world I believe on the point is that Abu Bakr straw and out explain things you might say to me laughing off the DC I'm never doing a repeal care every year you feel like every year comes in you see the opportunities so what happened is on the last appeal Pro after he finished it I was I feeling you would ever at one only unit 30 if he was now I left that was to tell Khalil yeah I think now it's your last one yeah I'm Ximena de yeah I gave him a hot he advised him and he gave me a hug and he just like squeezed me and he wasn't I go I had this like a different kinda who's that car I was on a really been passionate he gave me a big hug and he's like a father-figure man he's like an older generation for me and he's old and it's real gray hairs he's all his hairs coming out he's at my mom's generation so he gave me a gun and in like he just said bro a really appreciate finger on the small its thank you so much and you know something like that made all of that worth it just got hugging in for someone saying I really appreciate all the effort you put in I know it's been tough Allah bless you make something I still hold yours a snowflake generation many to hug well done little and in a back in the day you get kick I'm happy I mean men are issuing I mean I'm joking I'm joking yeah I know that I bless you but I just wanted I just wanted to put the knife into your obviously a buck his love youí really I've done enough productions with the guy man we've done ones which just mean him we had to build a set our pain and would love here and now as we've made a whole set he was done crazy things mean double bagger but he someone like him does appreciate the work that the presenters putting sometimes their their job as well as unsung heroes bro everything that we do they're going through as well the only difference between us and Emmys they can cheer in her back Dana and the no pressure of being on TV yeah however with some of that me on there definitely feeling the pressure yeah because I push I push the buttons man or people pull the AP sir Rob what are you a bad difference okey I'm a bad influence yeah you don't want to go I started I started a very professional job I did and then I'm buddy and even at you proper mate I was pulling it out and then they were like then they started pranking me because they were like if you're gonna put a visa look what we're gonna do shoot so I put it in here near or as madness I'll tell you what will a be I reckon hands down I don't wanna upset you about Rick and he's the best producer I've ever come across he's very good it's very good it's very with Apple bucker you can't put him and I'm gonna say this I love to you Joe back and he knows I'm speaking a truth you can't put him on switching their cameras you can't put up a bucket switching camera bro he falls asleep yeah but he's brilliant on the earpiece he comes with nice little [ __ ] here well guys in terms of sharpness of the actual production yeah this is very sharp they have less mistakes than Abba workers one yeah Robbie why we breaking it down in a podcast man and I forgive us here but honestly working him working in the back room is very strenuous are you I've done it myself for a long time I've produced shows we've like those Brian exactly what it going through and you don't want someone like me especially when you're becoming a rebels or you don't want to down the front yeah you just heard it server the other added pressure for them actually as well is that if the show goes bad the pocket she falls on them no I definitely hear the ones were getting the blame neither one is getting asked questions and so it must be tough for them because last saved us saved the day a few times videoed I mean yo DAF common all that bro safe that there a few times me I mean so that's how that's how I get my brownie points before me once yeah yeah you could buy your tickets at no it was something else you did it weren't promote any event it was safe coast you do how was it was it was Ramadan we've that's not too bad that's not much of an issue that's not really saving there was someone who come in but they did a proper faux pas I managed to make recovery I took off with him really like like one guy this one there one guy was like you know oh he goes you know at my house you know we have the creeks of that that Costco war and it might either like and he's a really emotional story boy after he's about to cry yeah I'm really so you you have to mention for Ofcom that there's other brands readable no but this I was a car like you till he's like no and then oh it's just cut you a date though there are other brands available and it's so unnatural to say it yeah but you don't look the way they sometimes the emphasis is put on these off golfing now we're getting into territory I really wanted to talk about it talk about man because off look the Muslims today we don't want to hamstring ourselves what I mean by that if you cut the back of your legs you can't stand up and these sort of monitoring organizations when you enter into their world in TV and on especially when you're broadcasting to Sky or on terrestrial TV or free view whatever you're entering their rules their domain and for Dawa your hamstringing yourself grub there's so much about Islam that we can't talk about and clarify because you're not allowed to you but how do you think that to an extent that that's someone that that we still need to have a servant presence on TV and so if that's your way by their rules sure I agree I agree there has to be but we also need a wing that isn't hamstrung but em it because in the minute we starting 100,000 power finds from Ofcom every know that if that's my point then today handler dealer media stronger yeah in my opinion it's definitely gain that way and Gary's definitely a need for on sky or whatever platform yeah there definitely is a need for that yeah but their role is as Iman channel is filling this is education in attainment tv-channel yeah so we need a wing and online wing yeah there isn't doesn't conform to the mainstream TV rules the Ofcom implement and have an online wing that's a bit more flexible and could talk about more pressing issues like an example yeah today broth I was watching a video online and it came up about gambling aware why they advertise in gambling aware bro why because gambling is causing so much issues but yeah every other adverts a gambling adverb rough yeah so at the same time they're advertising be aware of gambling whilst advertising gambling the point is the money that's made from gambling I remember reading an article in one of the online newspapers I can't remember which one it was there they were talking about this woman who runs one of these big betting companies yeah Jesus she's like a billionaire now or multi multi-millionaire she's bought like a Tim site property owner with a big garden and it got joins onto the Tim's and she's loving life man she's making an absolute fortune then you see the scumbag strolling around the high streets looking for something because they ain't got no money because they're on drugs and they're gambling yeah it's feeding off the weakest poorest people of society yeah this is a huge social issue here in the UK right now it's destroying people's families why is it the high streets dying out yet more betting shops are opening yeah Rob you can go down one high street where there would be no betting shops before now you got three four yeah the only things that are surviving is charity shops and betting shops brother yeah and and grocery stores everything else is closing down brough why are betting shops thriving because people are getting more depressed people are getting hoping and pinning everything on one big thing there was a an advert I saw the other day for like bet against each other you know flared up a bidding against the house then you can basically now they've got this new style of babe well you could bet against another person let's say you support your team and our support marketing wherever they're gonna go against each other yeah I can put on this app or do you bet this and they you can agree to it y'all you know it's you mooing more because it's let you know you can do a bigger bet I can bit like big money against you and it's a bit of a better split yeah sort of thing the point I'm trying to make is our society is getting pulled into the drakes by these what's allowed this is allowed in a Britain you're allowed to thing yet the government cannot see there is a huge problem is causing socially Islam as a solution to this I can't go now make a TV show about it because I'm not allowed to hmm this is not in not in the remit of the Islamic entertainment TV check a slide that's showing them actually Islam has the solutions to all of your problems the reason that we haven't had that chance to talk about it it's because nobody's willing to do so yeah and the ones that do speak the truth about it gets shut down yeah yet with an online platform to set up specifically for this reason we'd be able to give the point of view of Islam across political debates that occur where they talk about certain issues that the country has its LOM always has a solution yeah well I agree I think that there's a level of our flipped around everyone's filter on knowing what things are going wrong and it comes to the same discussion when we speak about alcohol in that look everybody knows you you're not you'll be crazy to not know that our is an issue widespread in terms of drunk driving in terms of our economies and everything if we just talk about alcohol for a second everyone's aware of it but nobody wants to like come forward and admit that actually crying off alcohol completely would actually solve so many social issues but the thing is it's fine actually excuse me financially it's so beneficial and and I remember listen to a talk where um the the teacher that certainly was saying that Islam doesn't say that all of these things or a little bit of the mountain good for you like for example having alcohol at a certain time across one night after your dinner could be good for you gambling a little bit could be good for you because you could get some money except sure but what Islam does is it costs problems at his roots so that's the benefit in the end I think people's desire is well known about it's awesome yeah but people's week people's desires stop them from admitting that actually the solutions if I cut off alcohol I'm talking about like non-muslims here if they say if I cut off alcohol it will actually be a big solution to help people own social issues and if people did that on a macro that a lot of the social issues will be solved I think people are aware of that but I don't want to admit and secondly as we know he's making such a large amount of money for the economy alcohol tobacco why is it that tobacco is so bad for you but yet it's sold so much but yeah at the same time so even though it sold so much it says it all the tobacco packets smoking kills is such a contradiction it's such a hypocritical thing to do to sell someone someone's gonna give them cancer and then why this is good cause you cancel on it it's if you really cared about your people you would say this collision cancer so we're not gonna give it really not gonna sell it or you why could you not make any good to say that you can't say that is oppressing people by making it illegal reason being is because they make weed illegal you know I mean they make no they're gonna put it on sweets now you know what I know sweet sugary sweet snacks and it takes they're gonna actually starting put them in here we're all branding is removed and they're gonna play sonic warnings really yeah this has been talked about recently they have a sugar tax if you go to Nando's now you get Coke the other pic should wait for the sugar tax I didn't imagine that you're gonna have lock on the front of you know rotten teeth and that and talking about diabetes before you buy your sweets yeah well there's be those three sweets and cigarettes that I don't if they should do that with sweets do you reckon that should be done I'll lock up whatever way the country goes I'm you know we have to conform right where Muslims yeah we followed the law of the land I'm not bothered to be honest yeah I'm still gonna eat my sweet so I wanna you sweets prop whatever they put in a package it's not going to deter me yeah same with the people who smoke it's you know it doesn't really determine if you're addicted to smoke and you're addicted to smoking Bravo yeah it's not really gonna deter you cuz of a picture of someone's you know a way with the warning on the packet yeah the point is you talked about you know how dangerous alcohol is this is legal in this country I'm not talking about changing the law or even smoking is Eagle here yeah yeah well we're damage you could drugs is illegal bravia actually if I want to I could go to school anything probably within an hour you go to the right place in any town and you can get anything you want the point is that what's illegal isn't even working here there's people who suffer with an addiction to heroin this destroys families broth heroin destroys families actually it ruins people rough and you'll find a lot of the people selling drugs in your area are Muslims we have huge social problems in in as Muslims here in the UK we have the solution to these problems yeah the fact is uncle G's as well allow their sons to sell this stuff and allow their children to sell this stuff why cuz they're mutually benefiting from it how many Muslims you know are doing some sort of fraud just think you know you know this is the fee that I get if I show you with the most bro I want to not just come to the briquette bring solutions to the problems of UK we need to start a home first run we need star review people watching at home how many of you are planning on cheating a system I know yeah we don't take card brough business why you not taking card what's the problem everyone's moved to electronic why are you not taking card oh you know okay you want to cheat the taxman in it I'll say it turns straight you're doing it to cheat the taxman yeah you are don't give me that you called machine networking if you saw my company yeah if you want to cheat the Taksim say it yeah and if you know but they won't know live a MIDI the point is everyone's cheating no I'm not saying because non-muslims are cheating you you know you feel like you should how many people get a house yard on rent and sub brick sub lay yeah how many people are doing it how many people have got a yard in their name yeah just so that they can buy it cheap when they not eat they're not entitled to according to the law yeah yeah because they're married with children whatever these loads of people are do these things not to dim it's a personal thing now I'm not really harming anyone based upon occurred you have no barakah when you start losing bollocky your victim ah okay ah bro I'm so with you and this is the one things I struggle with the most and not saying I'm perfect at all but I do none of as a perfe you do see this thing like so something's something's okay I said no read because it's stealing the stealing so something like assistance in because there's other examples where it's like Steve different I'll explain why the prophet saw said him said I'm Muslim Muslim he might still he might do that a Muslim he might commit murder he even someone who believes on our last submits himself to Allah worships Allah made commit murder I was able it's a major sin but a machine doesn't work bro you know the hadith a Muslim doesn't lie when you're committing fraud you're lying yeah stealing through lying as well so you're lying the Muslim doesn't lie this is a big thing people have forgotten the Prophet City you're Muslim might slip into these other sins lying zina excuse me zina a you know stealing and I must say my duties murder but a Muslim doesn't lie mostly my duty but Muslim doesn't lie the point is brother the lying has become so epidemic amongst our communities how then the worst one is the drug money people make like people look up to that how are you how many of them look up to a man we have a fat car he's 21 22 never worked at Dana's life Matt you asked Matt to dig a hole we don't even know how he don't know how to use a shovel I've seen someone struggled to dig a hole because you don't have to use a shovel brough you don't know you go put your foot on here you stamp you dig and then you wiggle it a bit in Ichi you know I may have you ever dug of frozen ground no frozen ground I mean a frozen that when it's cold you know but a man's laughing yeah you know I'm talking about yeah when their ground is really cold in the middle of winter and you got to dig a hole brav his heart but after technique bit of hard work you can do it Sahaba used to dig in a blazing heat they would dig a hole they dug trenches okay they went through a lot to bring us this religion when we get it what do we do know what do we do ruff well how would you be laughs seems like we wipe ourselves with the religion the way that we go about ourselves there's some brothers you meet them they're very you know like proud they say they loved what I saw Allah we love the prophets of the lightest in them yet they'll fight another Muslim Bravo how many of these stabbings go on and when I read it I'm not Mohamed Abdullahi that is it all been stabbed or stabbing these acid attacks when you saw the arrest names a few of them had Muslim names are they from these moped gangs where's the mums and dads where are the people to deal with these issues that he did the Muslims are facing the people today the scholars and the people of knowledge need to get out of the masajid we need to form groups that take these law and deal with him he cuz they're why you don't work okay you can bring the albumen say there's a guy - showing men still shut in a week after the week after that the week after that some people come to you you can't snitch now I've never snitched on anyone hem did he laugh never told the police on nobody I've never run him I've never said cuz I've never known enough to bring right but the point is it's not in my position I've never grew up like that I never grew up talking on my mouth my lips are sealed air but when I see my community destroying the position of the Muslims how can I go to my local councillor how can I go and stand and speak to the politicians and tell them Islam is the right way when most of the criminals are Muslims or at least a good portion in my area at least where I live are Muslims and the people bring in the drugs in our Muslims the people selling the drugs are Muslims and the trucks cause most of the other crimes in my area the people who robbed cars who break windows who still burgle houses it's for what drugs because I don't need the lowest of society I'm prepared to do that it's free rare you find like a you know legit man with a suit we have a good education going around Bergen in houses right he was a educated man burger house never you never see a man roll up in a suit and grant Berger the house right it's always ones in a tracksuit with track marks on his arm yeah walking around are his eyes are like that and his teeth were falling out it's him Wyatt because he's a drug user or he said he's an addict of some description and the reason he's an addict because his name's mo mo shine but really his name's Muhammad and Muhammad's got gear he's got brown shot in a nice bit of brown you come and he'll take things instead of money he would take a TV he will take her camera he will take a phone he'll take something else instead of Durfee this is a problem the Muslims need to clean our areas up this is not something the police are gonna do you can tell the police yeah till you're blue in the face they know half the deal is a fee they really do but Adi does have deals with Tim in that on the side I think there's corruption yeah people think that Britain is free of corruption no Britain's not free of corruption man but bro I could probably [ __ ] I don't want to talk too much these people I know for a few pounds I can get anyone's details of anywhere in the country because they've got access to the police system for a few quid you'll find that anyone once you can find out where man lives what's he got over you yeah you shot me in my I'll come to your yard I'll burn your yard then I'll kill your kids or whatever you want you should get him sort of rates you don't want to do nothing there was no jokes with Aslam if you were a sinful person about addiction you hid it away from the people well I'll forgive you but when you're brazenly walking around driving flat cars showing off telling people you're a bad man and your name's Mohammed Ian you're walking around like you own the place what Muslim brother does this man man is not just an oppressor he's allowing oppression he's encouraging oppression he's in he wants people to go and steal to bring him stuff so he can give him their little bit of crumb and that crumb lasts a day he knows they're back the next day with more money you make loads of money the people that call it a line you ever heard of her and lion it's okay no man's got a good lang I'm pulling five g's in a week should I tell you a true story before I became Muslim I was offered an opportunity to take her line and that line was pulling in a couple of bags a week thousand pounds I never really spoke about this but I'm prepared to do so on his podcast today and my op my my option was take the line or become Muslim and I chose Islam and upset some people but I could have handled it no problem that lifestyle no problem anyone can live like that a scumbag anyone can shot anyone could pull a trigger anyone can pull a knife if you got a bigger mop and big enough mouth you can make anyone afraid of you yeah but if you one-off Nixa they're called a boom or you could do boom boom boom they'll get shook man put these tires out yeah shoot his wind desert people get scared of you if you act like a big man yeah just really hard to pray fudge it to get up and worship your Lord Allah to be kind to your neighbor to cook food for them to go knock your neighbor's door to cut your old lady's grass down a road this is hard to graph this is how Muslims are you know to to do the real difficult things is what takes you to gender because what I lost a panatela surrounded in gender was difficult and what takes you to Jahannam is easy bro me and you right now if you if we were people with no Eman no fear of Allah we could easily go sets and cup and make money I could make money like that doing it Haram anyone could do it Haram people today even know I'm not getting into [ __ ] discussions but people can you know they do Haram mortgage after Haram mortgage after Haram mortgage their whole business they started it with the Haram loan you see man smashing you think wow how did he get that far man Wow like and they never say the truth yeah they even mum and dad Selma yeah and I won't tell you that I'm gonna say mum and dad gave me a big chunk which is no shame no shame in it but they'll make how it was food effort you how did he do it and then when you find out in reality is even drug money no one goes up if when he's got he's gone holla as he says but everything was seeded with drug money he wouldn't he wouldn't have nothing if he had to do it like a normal person does from the beginning from the scratch with not a penny it's really hard without a loan from the bank really hard to do if in yourself it's really hard and may Allah bless you brothers and sisters that they doing it pure Holland not mixing it up not a little bit her arm just to get to the Hallel no the ones doing it straight and laced this is the difficult and the usual ones you're gonna collect on it there that's what about work is where the park is and this is what we seek you more and over a couple yes it's butter cause nobody night jungles yeah Boko Haram magic it's like it's a way you give money to someone yeah feasibility you do donate Brahm sis that feel a spark and Rito actually see that money go boy your Fuhrer money grows never it's amazing to see that man because it implies the thing that is so difficult to explain but it's a situation where a person could be earning 5000 pound a week or a person could be earning 1200 pound a month but what about the one who if this butter crying at 1200 pound and there's not in that five grand a week that's not much parent gonna take you a lot further in both your dunya and your after oh yeah that's what particles and it's Boracay something you can't really speak up between the feeding of it but if you've experienced it and you put a trust in our law and that bottom is all you need you need so handler it she's slowing shoe things yeah man I've seen times y know if people have seen time should I say who when you've had nothing but you do anything legit and odd love finds a way for you yeah Anna finds a well facility there's been times when I've really where people have really struggled and they're you know families struggling your whole truck and you got pressure that's another thing you know this dunya causes pressure on you especially in the UK you know sometimes you see a picture of a man in the desert or struggling away yeah he's you know he's his struggles gotta get water he's got give a bit award to the plants bit to the animals bit to the family you know he's boiling simple food he's got just rice it's got a fat smile in his face he's that that big green in an eye yeah why cuz he's got bark ratings life she don't I mean there was one brother I used to talk about he say uncle used to live in Pakistan or sang a manner to wife's cutlet goats in a few chickens had their chickens laid eggs he gets up he cracks the eggs he makes a little omelet and there and he doesn't go a year or wherever you know go every month forever yeah simple life two wives both happy lives in two little mud huts he's got two little cheeky mud huts and a little bit of land to grow crops on that's it that's his life simple life the sahaba radiallahu anhum mela bless them all their lives are very simple the hard hard working hard graft sacrifice they lived with barely anything in their back pocket yes some of them were really poor like really poor I remember I think Abu Huraira but I dill ahem he went it without food he used to get really dizzy he'd walk following a Prophet Esaias in him because one time one of the was even a tabby no another companion I don't want to gain too much should have fun at the F so you make a mistake on these sort of things people who write all comments about any oh he made a mistake you know I don't want to make mistakes but it was really freshly grounded no the freshly grounded silver yeah yeah yeah so Abu Huraira he was asked you know how comes you're narrating so many hadith and you were only with the Prophet for like three years you know they would question all these hadith coming from that other people haven't heard and you're the only one seeing him like an accusation almost questioning accusation yeah a barrera he said some Han alumina bless him he said them while other people were busy with their businesses and at home with their families Abu Huraira I used to follow us all Allah saw why they sent him with an empty stomach Abu Hurairah he was from the hand of sofa yeah not the Sufis let's make that very clear brown sister's not the Sufis but I had a sofa these were the people who used to live behind the message of the prophets of the like I said I mean a small low ha it was about 70 of them I think in one narration and these were people who are very poor and I would come a lot most of them being more Harun Omaha jeering excuse me they would come from outside of Medina and yet have nothing but they would work and they would collect wood to know do simple things to make enough to survive you know and he was one of them he was very poor man but he had a very good memory he used to review whatever hadith you don't from the prophets I sent him in the night so he barely slept as well Abu Huraira is a blessing for the summer you know and look now how many hadith of you know how many look at the butter cut of his work the reason I'm mentioning this is they went through a lot and we could mention so many stories of the sava one of my favorite topics is the Sahaba now I love them so much because they're an inspiration they're not all Russell they're not from the NBA what that they're not why I mention a promise sisters is because the NBR special you hear stories of what the NBA went through here well this is beyond human capabilities yeah with a la support anything can happen right but the Sahaba they were not of the NBA they weren't people who received away directly they got it from not us all himself so there were normal humans the price that I sent him was a human as well but he was one who received the way that separated him from us and he's the best of creation so sometimes you hear the way of the prophets of Allah he said name and then it's just so amazed it's so like amazing he's saying oh he's filled crack you know all night prayer from the hadith of Aisha she said that the Prophet I sent him would stand one night he was standing was so long that he the he'll start to crack so she said to him o Messenger of Allah how comes you spend so much time thanking Allah when I'll already forgiven your past and your future sins every is forgiven for you a messenger when I want you spending come to bit basically come relax yeah that's all so handsome so should I not be a grateful servant how many of us can you know say that we would if we had the opportunity to relax but the Sahaba they were ones who were guaranteed the paradise and they still worked I'm not one of them a great example earth man another one a great example guaranteed paradise yes still carried on working they work their fingers to the bones to bring us this message province sisters the reason why I'm mentioning is is that how we treat Islam like when you get a little bit of knowledge and you get a little bit of Eman I see people Swan about like their share is lamb and I don't mean that in an insulting way like him that they get give fatwa they go out their position they don't yeah but it doesn't it's not something that you earned you have no right to it it's a lot gave it to you and when you called Muhammed and when you have these sort of names beautiful names that the Sahaba had and the prophet SAS enemy himself had you have a innate responsibility and when we stop being responsible Muslims and when we stop like an example yeah you got in the newspaper pretty much any day of one of these main newspapers you gonna go through it you'll find some crime done by some Muslim they just love to report Muslim criminal yeah and if they will be Mohammed like these gangs of people who did play around with kids so these guys would do that these terrible Muslims are old grown men you behaving nothing like a Muslim should but they carry the name Muhammad and when they commit the crime straightaway brough the first thing people say these deep Muslims is that a swear word not to know Yassir I often I I'd say it quite often but I've got told off once are you she I think that it is yeah it comes from Bloody Mary I think sir alcoholic drink that's always full anyway um yeah but I said he's ruddy it's a better ruddy Muslims these rowdy must seems they like this they like that blah all because the name you carry denotes Islam people immediately associate you with me no Muslim oh you're Abdullah are you huh yeah you're one of them it's a straight way you're carrying her and whenever a Muslim commits a crime you're bringing Islam into it whether you like it or not so you're bringing us down if you've got a criminal child Chinese name if you want to live like a non-muslim change the name call yourself Bob Dave Shawn yeah well whatever Gertrude yeah Sindhu whoever yeah another non-muslim name bring a non-muslim name yeah Ganesh wherever yeah go yourself something else don't call yourself Muhammed don't cohesive no give yourself anonymously when you get caught changing it by deep hole so if you don't want to bring a slightly change your name don't behave like a low-life and have a name like Mohammed changing about Deepak if you want to be a drug dealer change your name change your religion become something else leave everything because you're destroying the view of Islam change your name at least at least that way when you get cool because inevitably you will yeah at least when you get caught you're not gonna bring Islam into it it's a big problem whenever I'm giving that were I know Hamdi lobbying doing dower here and there for a long time a lot of the problems we have is people believe we're evil because of what the newspaper portrays us and we have no back we have nothing to stand on because it is true off of it the criminals are Muslims in our in my area specifically I thought no way even I know around this area as well where we are right now a lot of the people if you want to go pickups on it drugs you're going to be picking up or for Muslim maybe a Somali brother maybe a Pakistani brother but you're going to be picking it up of someone who's probably Muslim you got like a night if you same chance of being a Muslim because they're the ones who got the contacts they don't ones who bring the stuff in you know it's really but I now keep going back to this yeah but it's a really big problem that we have we need to fix it and it this takes guts this takes courage this takes a plan this takes not a lot of people talk about unification you know there must seems we need to unite brother you know know we don't know we don't we don't need to you know in any of it the Sahaba were small in numbers at the beginning yeah a lot still give them victory the numbers is not where we're strong it's our adherence to the way of the process at him and his companions that's where we gas drink from and being brave being strong and brave but not being cowardly or or always making excuses sometimes you got to take that leap of that gutsy move you got to do that gutsy move right if your areas full of crime being done by Muslims you need to go to the uncle G's and tell them life you know the Sun go to the dead tell did that because normally dad's slippers enough yeah it can make man's change but if dad's corrupted and is happy for the son to be a criminal then you need to go elsewhere like these these need to be formed strategies done with scholars and with consultation mate with sure of groups that set up and change things this is my ideal was hopefully if I Allah allows me to gain knowledge and maybe my position will change his knowledge gets more I don't know I'm an ignorant fool yeah in a lot of it and but my my heart tells me that I need to do something to change the position of the Muslims in the UK we need like I said a branch that promotes Islam and we also need a branch that changes the Muslims yeah and it has to be both you can't do just one you know you've got the email channel and other sources of Education and guidance for the Muslims but for the most part these lot preach to the converted so already must do so you're educating already Muslims you've got some people who have their Islam their version of Islam is you give the bits up if it's cool now why she wipes you wipes all the sins away type fee they've almost got like it's like you know go do confession and you saw it you go to beers up Chuck beats up a few few quid and Pierce are poor get things delete for you yeah because he's that close to Allah and he'll go there's one even one story of the ship you can you know erase or son the sacred tablets this with Allah but this sort of nonsense the people have is in their belief brother you know in this country it's unfortunate but there's people like that who literally claim this or how delete was in a secret tablet and you know this is you know what's with a lost pen at an at a secret tablet allo whole not who's done if I'm saying it right here forgive me you know about this everything but I lost a parent and I told the Pinter right yeah yeah an offensive watch all right and in all acid told you what to write until every to the day of judgment hey that is the sacred yeah yeah what what the pin row on yeah that is yeah but the people claim is something yes unfortunately insane people believe it and they go and they commit all sorts of sins and I'll go team and chucking a few quit and that gets deleted obviously this is the point um we don't need to unite all the most seems together yeah but we need a strong voice on Islam and we need a strong unity from from asthma from those who practice the ones who are cool if we can have a group in each area we don't have to have all the Muslims in that one area but just one strong group who can make a difference make a change brave strong and is a position for everyone that maybe me and you will not call us or maybe even less I am yam less than that yeah but it's some people who are the finances of Dhamma if you have got big business you're making a lot of money your job isn't a liver fat life that's not why your loss gave you the money a lot gave you the money to support the Muslims that's how it works if you watch how the Sahaba were set up there were some who had money yeah and they supported everything yeah the framework came from the others were published and yes our everyone had their role to play like you said the poet says you've got your media wing you need a media wing and this needs to be organized it can't be that like freshly grounded fresh brandy needs to be under an umbrella organization not because fresh new ground is shouldn't have autonomy over what it does you should be able to do what you need to do yeah this is your field at the end of the day however you should be answerable to an organized Islam with an Emir in so on and so forth why because this house always worked so that you then are functioning according to a set plan that your path do you have sure rain do you talk to this head group and they give you advice on what you need to do and where we need to go then when we've got saved not just freshly ground about all of the Islamic podcasts when we're all on the same page we'll all agree we're all under one thing then we can have organized push ok this week guys we're going to talk about this everyone needs to start pushing in their podcast this is how we become organized this is how the Prophet Esaias am organized there's some people who will operate on the other side of the fence there will be people who will be feeding information to this unified group yeah so we've got people who are doing research so do you won't have to do that really sit there is that something you think there could be a hundred percent this house arm works what you mean realistic this habit yeah I'm aware that's what I mean like there will be people who join the party as it was I know but people who won't simply that's why you can't expect everybody to do it yeah but if you join that pie that's where the reward is if you stick to that main body this always talking about seeking juju man we need to form a job and it can't be it can't be necessarily a secret Gemma act like I as but you know nobody knows about it's weird it's never gonna work it has to have an identity I have a framework yes ever known that way we can start taking away because like any Tom Dick and Harry you can now come and talk about Sam look at me I'm talking away sit and talk about any sort of nonsense no one can say nothing to me yet when you got a sick group and a set body if it's not coming from then then it has no credibility it's like the Ofcom world yeah totally but let's say if I set up a seminar and I'm talking about you know a new secret pill yeah if you take it rough you're gonna be super fit super strong you can run for longer yeah you you sleep less and it's better for you you know you only need one hours sleep a day but it's the best sleep you'll ever get you'll be able to double lift double what you and all you got to do is take this pill once a day yeah I'll set up this seminar bro I'll get shut down in a minute cuz it's waffle yeah yeah and if I did make such a super pill then one of these big organizations to buy off me and bury our way somewhere you know the point is I'm making is you can't just go around doing anything in this country when it comes to health or other things like law I can't go around talking about you know claiming I'm a police officer comport on a police suit and go what you're doing I'll be done for fraud for claim to be a doctor a medical doctor and I'll giving medical advice or our performance procedure without the right qualification often go to prison okay this is fraud and this is you know endangering people's lives the point I'm making when we're talking about people's arkarow they need to be a set group then you can't go around talking about song because then when these fools do who start talking about you know oh well you know I'm gonna say it bruh forgive me but some people will say oh homosexuality is permissible in Islam like completely legit yeah then if someone says that and I I google that and I'm looking for supporting now so yeah look Muslims believe in it and then someone comes on Susan no we we believe something's different as an example we believe it's oh sorry brother I don't know what I did there but we believe that is sinful it's Haram that I lost a parent Ana dislikes this behavior and this is forbidden in Islam and it could lead to you going to net and to the Hellfire and opposite then they're allowed to that's the thing they're allowed to say it you could say what if you want I can say the Islam you know is this that in the other and no one can say nothing I can start making video podcast tomorrow a pet salon telling people Islamist disdain you ever and it where's the proof where's the I don't need to there's no set whereas if we have a set body that actually you know anything that to do with this thing it has to come from their voice it's not credible this make a credible group that makes the decision I'm not saying off to be part of it or you have to be part of it but we need to be organized and like you said no one's gonna join let's say ten percent of those with power like I was told about him there's a recently a group of a new Muslim group or trying to unify the new Muslim groups they want to have an online platform you know about it he's talking about in Ramadan yeah but there's a new Muslim plan I'm gonna mention your name of them there's a new Muslim platform they can have an online system where people can register to Shahada so we can have a rough guess of how many Muslim people are coming with sin so on and so forth yeah but they went to a certain groups and some of them joined and a lot of them didn't even some big groups didn't know we don't want to be part of it why if it brings a benefit to it on my wire you're not going to be part of it and it's up to you though you could do it if you want but Allah is only gonna bring him who he wants and there's blessing in it why because you're doing it for the sake of law it's not for for me to have the power for any one individual to have the power but rather to have an organized concerted effort to promote it's not properly that's why we have these eight-man channels and podcasts and his I so we can promote promote it's Lomb property I'm not saying I know anything about Islam I'm as ignorant as they come but I love the idea of Islam and I want that to be their died that ideal way in which we have Islam is promoted and preached in the UK you know yeah I think that there's a sorry I went on a read I don't know I I think that it's it's a difficult task though and and and it's idealistic views so idealistic yeah it's not difficult it's not difficult it's come people let go of their egos yeah enough where he goes a huge you see he goes a massive issue just in general even like I think that's one of the good things that that when witnesses are practicing Islam or person becomes Muslim that you notice it remove their ego the ability to like speak to anybody look look down at people to know that Allah has Allah has created this person which means that Allah values they might have to create them as a human I should value this person I should give him a smile or show to greet them that's one of the things I learned kind of the most in impact to him is seeing this little move of ego in people who you may sometimes actually seen ego in yeah III I'm interested to talk to you about and I'm about family as well come whenever you like know that you I know that you're a father and stuff so well how was that journey how is that been kind of like going from I don't know I your mother burger to be would like to talk about it but you know from going from becoming a Muslim to getting married I know that especially how old were you in your own 24 know she's young 25 specially especially the rich cultures young in Pakistani culture not so much that the normal age to get married was it was it alert like how is that even processing like being like look it's time to come right well when I got married to my wife and then I bless her and she's brilliant man like my best friend I'm really you need that man blessed by a lost parents Anna okay we got on so well pure jokes man I'm not gonna lie we joke a lot we have a good laugh man yeah I don't want to reveal too much but like we just joke a lot man we a bear joke but my wife fair she already was previously married yeah so I let's say i moved into a pre-prepared family when I got married so and then I had my son I've done whatnot but I considered that I have a daughter as well and a son that's who I grew up they grew up with me yeah he's to be honest it's half your Dean right marriage that's what everybody says that's what the Prophet said yeah but you don't really understand why it's such until you get married you have your ups and downs bro yeah they're gonna be times when sea peoples love to talk about love and all this sort of stuff yeah love's just a feeling bro yeah sometimes you feel angry man yeah yeah I mean what you're gonna when you're angry with someone you're gonna say you love you but no because when you're angry angry when you love them you loved him when you're lusting after them you're lusting after it these are all feelings and emotions but marriage in Islam only care is an agreement there's something different see I love Islam for the fact that its foundation is always solid it's not based on love I hope marriages are not based on love Rev if you base it on love love can go yeah therefore the marriage you are you're gonna end the marriage because you don't feel in love anymore I've heerd heard people say this one great example is from Allah ready Allah who I am there was a woman who said that I don't love my husband anymore he said then what what what marriage is based on love so based on agreement sanyika is in agreement you you can love someone and not love someone after you know it happens you could be laughing at someone's joke a minute and then should they say side too far and you get angry with them like you're on people's emotions change about marriage in Islam and I bless the people yeah because if you base it on if you base your marriage on your agreement to obey Allah and His Messenger and any problems you have you further back to Allah and His Messenger and you follow fulfil the rights of all the responsibilities you have to one another for us man you'll have success simple as that I'm though when you do Nika you have the opportunity to add in any specific things you like women and men yeah some women they love to have an economist yeah what does that mean and you can't miss yeah is where you remove some of the rights oh I see someone has now they love to talk negatively about it because you hear stories about men who have this sneaker where they'll have a second wife or third wife forever and the woman who roulette give up some of her rights [ __ ] you don't need to provide a house for me this Sonia and they can breed upset but women do all the time say oh you can't marry another woman it's an academician you're taking away man's right to marry again but if the husband accepts that hot ass man seen any car boy you can't get married again simply the point being is it's based on a solid foundation if your agreement is this thing and that thing Hallows you agree to it that's what your marriage is based on it says set principles and rules that has been divinely revealed from a little mouths eyes makes things so easy breath yeah that's why I'm you know and you have times when you don't get along definitely man there'd be times are you know I'm fuming yet now just I laughing because it's based on a I don't see you as a crier I'm like my new crying everyone know what for pipe myself annoying yeah only something like that will you peel your cotton onions oh yeah yeah I asked I need to have a date broth I followed this I googled this method a couple of months back kaity without crying it cuz when we you know when you're doing a silent and out here you got to bear you go silent rock and cook man although I don't make silent but what sometime I'll chop the onions but the other day I was making am lasagna okay so I was cutting the onions and I was following the route he's he'll don't clap the route this way please did he still Myers was streaming bro cry my eyes out I cut somebody exhaust night I mean I made this hard last night was he good why are you not being in his silent here today bro that's the question that makes this island is our first time making the I think he was quite good but I put too much of some thinking I don't know what it so I maybe cumin or or maybe chili powder and she washe was someone of the spices so it's a bit it's it's taking the balance off a bit but other than that it's very nice sure it was a keema keema nice partial Turkey my brother you talking a lamb keema is beef beef came out but it's good first time I just went and picked up some keema a lot for the butchers and then when yo bro this one plans to join this is good idea cuz he's a really good cook so I was like rightfully how's my method sounds good is it beef or lamb I thought their own I didn't think about that too so I looked it I for keyboards keema I looked at beef he was all I would have gone for lamb but Yale and lamb just got a bit more flavor to it really yeah but be he's very flexible you know beef you can get away with you know flavoring a have you want land leans towards certain flavors you know so when you're making a lasagna you'll use that I didn't at all this month and I used them twice this month cuz LAN I never had a lamb lasagna a lamb zania called it would you normally have a your vegetables albeit no beef beef be generally speakers as far as I'm aware you can even mix in a bit of pork in the old days yeah when I'm assume you could put pork on what knowing it yeah but it did light as a lasagna yeah but tends to be beef well when you said you could Latin Lambert's why smart in this what did you make - two lamb lasagnas lambs Angus oh okay okay by the way to trademarked you know one kigali you start claiming they got the Lambs on you that's my team is that your best dish alone what because I know you into cooking my best dish I would say my chicken soup my cream of chicken soup it's brilliant really it's deadly broth it's deadly I'm achieve a circle seems to comply I am as well man but I know might look [ __ ] seems listening to this chef I know my cream of chicken pie is going to be better than your what you could buy trust me on that one I'm gonna cut just that bit up and send it to him yeah going in do it my magic works Libra okay I'm really terrible it will cook on helix okay if you want to if you want to do it underneath freshly ground in rough man's gonna freshly ground down his pipe wrap and show him how a real parts made you know I mean on how to cook a pie Aki yeah well as you can see the if you were to have a song do you prefer bolder bloodless what for chicken well yeah chicken a lot boned okay people who are boy tofu the Aleppo where's I found that because they say that the taste is better because you get it but I prefer boneless but if you if you should I can pick any carry out one if I party let's go for keema yeah now it's going for chemokine man potato partial to that man land lamp keema with the with the spices with the potatoes up my mother-in-law she cooks that you know michelin-starred stuff brother I'm telling that now you know like when you watch the shows and they eat in a cup delicious dish that's how a food does to you like eating boom tastes like this and you start praising it you know it's delicious the I like boneless Corey's because yeah I feel like you [ __ ] hard ey0 plate a heart your boat bro it's about a flavor I know this talk to you for me the flavor like it for me so it's a case of power ease or like what outweighs what so for me the the idea or being able to eat everything I play outweighs the idea of that there's such a small difference in really I don't know no no no no see this is a problem yeah because you've never had a good boned curry you don't know the difference in a flavor and I'll give you what I do is I cat it that's why I call it cat it what does that mean Brahman sisters what is getting your food me it means that you remove all the bones so I'll spend a good five minutes with my fingers all in my food pulling all the bones out and the grease is cooked once this day I see oh yeah and I debone the whole thing I need - the boats and then you put the bones on the side or so that what's in your plate is everything edible everything set up or then you get your property or your roti or whatever you're doing usually for that novelty run a nice I prefer roti man I love routine yeah last time roti I used to be a big plot ahead but I found that you get used to them quickly and they pile on the white quickly air brought in part a really kill off there any sort of loss of way you have a few a few practice going bro but if you but with roti if you have you have to have a smart way if the people are not watching yeah I'm a little bit on the chubby side yeah or shoes I say heavily on the chocolate bomb yeah I'm not going to blame the party what I'm gonna say is I'm not to this healthy e'en non sir okay I'm from now I don't know what happened man I mean but back in it they use yam whatever you want nobody ever used to say this you said this the other day you said we'd thought the cultures man with that overnight I woke up and people are like yeah not eat healthy and I'm Connie yeah well I don't know I kind of push that why he's gone because I remember the other day you said that you that you went back in the day men were men and they didn't care about where they and their fitness stuff and I feel like we just becoming more educated as a society I understand what's good for us most bad for us yeah and that's important because I didn't think even as a Muslim bro like if you look at the prophets Aloha little stomach was flat his shoulders were poured he's strong and so I think I understand that there's a there's a way of going too far with the yeah definitely but I think that when you see the shoe that I have the biggest bellies and stuff is it's not if you were how a Muslim should be and I'm not saying this is a [ __ ] might think yeah you wouldn't be liable because the prophet salallahu I was constantly like Ian and the Sunnah is not to disclose alii and smaller some of that so I don't know agreed so what do you think is going wrong do you just talk my way this overly like yeah one mmm that's a good question because you're right the Sahaba though they didn't have the diet we have so definitely there was skinnier and smaller you're touching on another thing I would like to talk about as well you're going into that room now which is people what they're into they make it part of the Deen I'll give you an example yeah no joke you're not making this up there was a dude right he's into let's say art yeah yeah a form of art not calligraphy but a form of art yeah and he genuinely believes that the way forward for the night through his type of art and I said they are if other people just you know got into this art I don't want to mention it's a pretty reveal who is yeah excuse me the type of art form yeah but he's basically saying it the Omar will be you know changed if we just then I meet other people who are like into fitness so they make you know the umma needs to be fit people make the religion about what they into yeah so how did you take like when you block from one how did you say that this is the video and the beauty of the profits a little hard it was that everything was life yeah like if you want to make little profit so nobody said him look like a super you know really merciful what she was yeah it's not until I mean but if you just want to show his mercy without showing anything else you can do that if you want to show him as a military leader only without showing anything now you could do that yeah if you want to show him as a romantic yeah as a romantic you could do that with the process in him but the best way to do is to give everything in one go and that shows you the completeness of his manhood yes true but what about the idea that someone like someone speciality is health fitness yeah as a vase a tall order has anything about this or to say the Prophet would like you said the process in was flat understand but why was he flat their life thought you do you think the people who attend gym can handle the lifestyle that the sigh happy there's people today they'll go gym like you how can do this and I can do that is that you try get man to pick up dirty boxes to move them out of a dirty garage yeah okay I can't do it okay scratched in my arm and I'm gonna get dirty choosing they're wimps yet they're the guys in the gym you know how can do this and I can lift that much but you can't even help you move out so that way you get my point yeah the point is the heart is where it's at well maybe on a chubby side here but you need me to pick up some you know poop in a garden but I'll go pick up the poop learn if you need me to clean vomit man I'll clean the vomit up you want me to dig a hole in a freezing-cold I think I'll win a freezing-cold me and abu-bakr we done that me and abu-bakr person yeah but to find people like that nowadays spoke seeing him yeah beautiful brother Abu Bakkar Mela bless him we spoke about this before like the next generation of computer people yeah like they have no like they've dug a hole online they've dug a hole online they've never had to get up at 6:00 in the morning and walk missions to go jump in a back of a dirty van and get driven to a building site it's just something which is buying out amongst the British natives the people who take your name jobs are the foreigners as you want to call them yeah the Europeans who are coming over okay next-door neighbors getting work done there's not a single British laborer all the labor is about free laborers all pollaxe all Polish yeah they come and they work hard like men they're men man don't get a penny or do hard work all day come home and give the bread on the table I remember when I was really young working for a 30 pound a day and I'll be out all day as a plasterers laborer I'd be shattered robbed I'd be so tired yeah but he was hard work then I've got up to like 50 pound a thousand 50 60 pound a day we're not striving the point being is do a lot of the new generation have never done work like that have you ever done that you ever worked in a building site know if you ever like done proper graft work not for prolonged period of time not a week not two weeks like some people save you've done it yeah I used to do gardening what I mean is there when you need dad's garden and the kind of grass here but that's not gardening I'm talking about cutting down trees clearing cobwebs fencing fencing his graft fainted the reason I'm mentioning this is this is the Spile of deciphers life they were crafters I remember one amazing story about Omer already La Hawaiian this is in a time of Abu Bakr acid dip now abu bakr as-siddiq he had added Aloha and I bless him I love him for the sake of Allah may Allah allow me to meet him agenda I mean Abu Bakr the Sudhir he was very merciful very kind soft man but tough he needed to be tough he was tougher than anyone and he's adherence to the Sunnah was stronger than anyone yeah so income some of these men from the tribes outside of Medina these were Abed wins and he's to bed wins they used to come to us all sigh sell him and ask and the Prophet would give to them so they come and they asked for this piece of land yeah that was part of the Treasury of done nothing was really being done with it and they said yeah you know we're gonna do this Revere put it to use exactly so Abu Bakr Siddiq he agreed he said you're going take the land he said bah take this deed you could cool it off a deed for the land yeah he signed it he said take a dollar modern game to sign it now when they went to armor with this piece of paper I'm not what do you think he was doing today he was applying tar to his camel and you'll find in a lava murder there's a few incidents where he was doing this job this job is about the lowest job this is the job that the servants used to do yeah the low people would do as you call it yeah it's like the toilet cleaner yeah the applying tar to a camel is hard work you got to get this thick sticky tar and you got apply it onto the skin and then take it off and it's to get rid of fleas and you got to put it on the hole come on camels are massive yeah in a hot Sun and you're doing it and it smells you're Anna come on you're you're doing this hard graft and it sticks to your clothes and it sticks to your fingers and gets in your beard or whatever yeah I'm gonna doing this work and these guys roll up to him like yeah I'm er you know just sign this document this is no murder he said let me finish yeah I'm mad like he didn't like these guys IRA's out yeah let me do my thing when I record it and he read what it was he's spying in tore it apart they tore the deed apart he said to it are asadullahi sent him used to give to you and he said I'll refuse I'm never gonna sign this I'm a I'm gonna said that I did on the saucer I said I'm used to gift to you when Islam was weak I'm needed strength now Islam is strong we don't need you anymore basically you ain't getting nothing do one yeah so I know it was tough but the reason I rated this toy is the nature of the work he was doing was really tough hard work they would build they would make the bricks themselves and it would build their houses themselves with their bare hands I'd love to take some of these wannabe gangster brothers Adam he's young you walking around on the street thinking it tough yeah they live Abdullah and the little Mohammed's who think they're bad Manning being cheeky to their mum being cheeky to their parents yeah walking around like they own the place I'd love to take them take them to Montana some desert out there and then do a little challenge for him live like the Sahaba for a month you got a form your own little community build your house our mud make him live like them taste that feeling it's like a rehabilitation program this an idea for a show of had for a long time if anyone the funding and I mean gain touch yeah but this show I've had and abu-bakr knows was well aware it's an idea I've had for a long time I think it's a great rehabilitation program because their way of life is phenomenal yeah it's a real testament to being a real man if you're gonna live like that live that rough tough life I think people have fasted this month and they think no a lot of people they love to mention oh it makes you imagine what it's like to be poor that's not a purpose of it okay if Allah didn't say too fast and it's sinful and I'm gonna get punished for not doing it I'm never gonna fast bro trust me man you see me every single day if the Prophet Esaias him didn't do it and it was not told by a lot to be fought okay I'll never do it bro simply don't come with that nonsense do you wanna do it to make yourself feel what they feel like because if you're doing thereafter you're like some you know spiritual warlock whoever go live that life man I don't business I did because there's punishment and reward involved yeah and most things we do we do it for punishment and reward the way that they lived was not a choice it won't punishment reward yeah but it made the best generation when you read that in the Koran we have to look at it from every angle why they the best generation want just because yes nobody had the best technology there then you don't know technology in comparison to what say the primitive technology capita I was yeah but they were the best generation their best and you got to look at their life on the whole don't just say oh there were only the best when look what I had came to them yeah or there were only the best after the Quran was finished being revealed they were the best a generation has ever lived he considered that for a moment at the billions of people that probably lived since the beginning of time how many billions Allah knows I don't yeah and alone you know everything Europe Allah subhana WA Ta'ala knows and when he said that they were the best generation that's taken in consideration every generation has ever lived a fee and will ever live like even the ones now these are the best guys look at their lifestyle look at how they lived look at their school did they went to not just their they got from the Prophet Esaias Salem but their style of living the way they could the way they could behave in such tough conditions the manners that they kept in such tough conditions because when the proverbial hits the fan that me and you a Cornell when the proverbial hits the fan when things go down you that's when you see man's saving his stuff on the boat when the ship sinking people's not saving their own thing that's not grabbing their own bags forget you man I'm step on your back to get off onto the save boat I'm not saying I'm like that but I'm saying this general happens when things are they grew up in a tough environment they never had so they never had that they were always selfless when you hear the hadith that will not hide leaf but the incident in ceará in but after Honda or during conduct when some of the Sahaba were in need of water but they would say give it to my brother and he went around yeah one who star famous story proceeded to consider their in consider their their lifestyle rough they had nothing and he was still willing to give up like it's real special moment when you read that it's not this is true love for your brother what you love for yourself we're not talking life and death it sounds romantic like you said earlier sounds romantic to be like that I love you brother I cannot coffee you know it's easy to do this anyway when this when the proverbial it's the fan you got to save your kids in your wife he most people are gonna turn and look after man first look after itself they're gonna look after their family I hold on a minute let me feed my family then you there's an iron Quran when him and his there was one of the and saw him and his family were in more need mallow forgive me I forgot his name when him and his family was in more need yeah he brought one of the people in of fed him from the food that was meant for his own children and Allah reveals and I are concerning him saying those who give when they'd himself sorry more need than him this is true love for your brother you love yourself this is why these young you are they were acting all bad man think they're tough I know if we took all those gangster dealer type took him out of his crummy little BMW and crushed it and sent him to a desert somewhere said now mercy a tough you are how long you last here now see how good your lion is and I see how much money you're gonna make when all he's got around him is the desert our Siemens gonna fall apart he's not a man he's not a real man he'd be crying for his mom after two days even a day I think they'll be stuck crying please send me back home um I'm not gonna do this anymore they'll cry off the one day I mean imagine walking back when we knew we were coming and you you have that feeling I send me back off change yeah that's that's that's your talk you're giving an example of dunya and we can't even behind and put llamo Carmen towards quite explain it to you but when you're saying unless you're saying now Vicki voiceover ayat that anyone you put you got me in a desert pro with nothing around me after just meet my son so I can break me but that does got nothing compared to your car when your mom I said because I even if I'm in that desert I know I'm in the dunya they still away I can get myself home even if I got no peace I don't know what I can see the language they'll be away akka wakka wakka wakka - I see human life and when I see that human life best know I would you actions out anything say you give me give me that where can I go from all human life where can I go where people could be English how do I fly you know how where can I get a job I venture he stacked the peace even takes me a couple years except the pieces get one flight back in London I mean if it's good again but with your camera with me a bag in for half an hour Doniak why now back in that guna and we can't get it imagine them days bow imagine them days when you just think God to send me back for half hour I'll change my life there's no more you're done you had your time your time was your time and the time was allotted to you time was always do it to you and your time was gone and we don't know when that time will end so you know one thing that that changed my life around was therefore that if I I said to myself if I leave my house right now get hit by a bus I'm not gonna call heaven I'm not gonna go to hell because I believe that I'm believes a hundred percent and I know I never doubted this level I was just about we've all practiced a lot so I feel if I leave my house right now I'm not talking about tomorrow why mommy this is Doug leave a house on you hit I die I'm not gonna have a hell I said to myself I'm definitely going hell no but obviously allies the best I can't say that that was what was in your heart and he had an acid what if I start living a life where I heart say it I'm gonna go ahead and well if I start living life where I feel that I built a case up for myself a bit dicey just build a case so excited for I got something to go with it again a fee I don't alized the judge okay I can't say I'm definitely in heaven or hell but I but I was even building a case for us of them days so I said let me try start building a case because I could actually leave my house unless that's me done so what could I even do inside the house of here I started getting the things that are around me sir - sit down or trailer anything I could anything what can you do build a case go to the back wake up Roger that's an excuse everything's at least I'm now building the case myself yes I move this removed it's a good attitude because this how you are looking at you got to stand in front of the Lord much time plead your case brother and your body is gonna witness against you it's a thing you're just witnesses you don't even realize that around you there's two angels people forget about this you know beautiful prophet Jawad man I bless him he always says keep this busy keep this one busy keep this angel on your right busy keep it writing keeping good deeds flowing in it's such pens you know constantly dip it into that quill you know dipping a quill in today whoever you know I'm talking poetically here obviously I've done an exact nature of house writing yeah and this one here can make sure it's not busy try to keep it you know relaxed and this angel is the Emir so if you commit a mistake brother and sister and you make toe ball you do a sin to erase it this one will say don't write maybe he will have regret and ask Allah for forgiveness then it won't write that sin keep these angels busy brothers and sisters because if you live your life like that with that awareness like you're saying with this idea that I need to plead my case to the door too much time it will make you be more practical about how to be a Muslim sometimes we base too much of it on emotion and feeling like you know I loved what she was seen was talking about the beginning of month people are you know a lot of people out there they get really excited about Ramadan this Ramadan is coming brothers and sisters yes let's do it let's enjoy the month let's get there mostly about and there's some people sitting there with an empty heart on my you see me better for me I'm just I'm nervous you know I don't know if I'm gonna be able to do it I mean it's a struggle for him they're not boosted by Ramadan they do opposite they become nervous and afraid in Ramadan they want to try their best to observe all the fasts and you know they handle a they do it but for them it's not like his celebration Ramadan it's another ebody like your five-day I don't go whoohoo each time for salat Aloha and start jumping around a place yeah same way as a lot of people treat Roma Bahn they don't jump around that ya know it's a normal video math he's like yeah it's another month will be better for the Lord most high simple yeah and same as when you got a lot of people built up and I told you about this before a lot of people built up he's in the Kaabah oh yeah yeah when you swear you was a bit line are sorry far started crying so you start thinking yeah that's what I'm gonna happen to me I'm gonna get really emotional I'm gonna cry I'm gonna do this Jam around a place you know a lot and I'm gonna get that emotional you're all up no actually I've got it was just another ting we just have a day got there went around did I was waiting for that epiphany that a religious moment didn't happen for me I did get my I did get emotional at one point but that was in Medinah reason why mentioning is is some people out there they feel deficient because of this but it's not a deficiency there's no promise of this in the pot I rather Allah say Allah promises you Jenna for the ibadah do you do so tree is a worship if that's how you feel if you get boosted about Ramadan but ham did you learn this from Allah and you should be thankful to Allah for that you should put your head down and thinking and considering it yeah and it's a proper nimah from allah you know if you if you love to pray and you spend your night praying a lot some people they like to get up in the middle of the night and pray if you like that if you feel the love for that in the life this is from our lives nothing you know it's not normal this is from allah special you should be thankful and that's why you should maybe do a little extra one at the end of your night prayer just to say thanks i'll often let me be like naive honest but there's some people who hate to give they may be the best worshipper a bit of allah this surfing obama seems brother and not a lot of people talk about this they talk about the react they talk about the the ideal Muslim and we was talking about I deal with Islam oh yeah let's talk about the ideal Muslim that ideal Muslim is all-encompassing of everything the perfect is the perfect that not all most things are this some must seems like maybe like yourself got good personality bubbly they stand out great for dour great for these sort of programs yeah I don't know where your weaknesses are you know what your own weaknesses are yeah but my point is some people are built for dour some people are key and that a built for scholarship they're just their way their mind works the way they are they're built to be scholars the people who learn and study the religion but not so sophisticated that they can't relate to the people I'm talking about scholars who break it down I make it easy for them and that's the purpose of discolors not to sophisticate the dour to the point where only a select few understand yeah bravas the opposite they take the Ellen of a loss of power to Allah and the prophets all all artists in them and they break it down they make it easy for you to understand this purpose of the scholar and there's some a lot of people are that's their job though that's not why Allah made them there's other people who are great for charity work the you know to get up and go oh I've got a container ninnies feeling boom they're the first ones down ada volunteer type people yeah they're the first ones down there filling up the container did jumping in a van and driving down to collect the clothes out of clothes mean these people they have their place - yeah maybe they're not good at our maybe they're not that sophisticated in the understanding of Islam and struggled to make it easy for you to understand you know but they're simple Muslims but that's their role that's what it good out here then there's some people subhanAllah their job is you know a few other things yeah they're more physical they're brave they're not afraid of the people yeah but their role in the society can't be fulfilled yeah then is the Oh bad the people who worship Allah you see them in the Masjid they've maintained the mushy they look after the message it they're the ones establishing the Iran they're the ones who sit around there always tell you go to the mosque re meet you in the mosque army you ever in a mosque there in the mosque all the time they're bad they don't want to worship Allah spirit and play a role to their inspiration you go in there you see how much Allah he's always and he's always worshiping on lost parrot at he's up at night prayer worship analyze fasting the Sunnah days he's this Dyneema some people are he they combine multiple this he might be in a bed and a day or he might be in her bed and rock person who loves to worship Allah and also scholar at the same time or he might be three an abbot a scholar and ie you know a die yeah and then there might be some who encompass all of them in one if they just good at everything they do general the reason I'm mentioning this is sometimes we get upset sir Muslims with sakis he's a vid you know he's a what sir I'm maverick you know you say things to people and you think I would you be lucky why you say it like that you know you're putting people off he's too tough he has a role but we're not facilitating his role being the Dean you get what I'm saying that's why they go astray or they go wrong because nobody's facilitating him their position in the Dharma yeah you'll find that amongst the Sahaba when you read the batter Sahaba bro you see all of them and you see the lights to shine bright then who wants to encompass multiple of these multiple traits yeah then you read like ones who just have one and they know for it like but I'll be Malik wealthy Aloha and you know about but I'll look him up I want to go into too much detail but per hour he was a brave man you know you hear the story about the more Salem of the liar yeah batma Salem Atalaya Okemos a limo was a man who claimed prophethood right and he did so in a time of Russell sort of lightly silly he had his own Quran and his Quran was laughs he was awful like he would talk about a frog and his Quran would contain ayat about food one of his people he said them he was from benin hanifa i'm sailing my news from Penner honey if a said he went in he said was really revealed to you today from the Lord Most High and he started reciting his ayah about food yeah describing food and whatnot he goes I don't know if dangers revealing it to your heart or to your stomach yeah and then he left the little room he goes you know the liar from below Hanifa is better than the truthful from Harish so he said arrogant Safiye but this man he became a fitna and he even after I saw psy cinemas passed away some awareness in them he can do his fitna continued into the time of a Baba Cressida and in Abu Bakr he fought against masala ma and you know why she the one who killed the uncle of a sorceress hello he claimed he laid claim to killing of masala ma he threw the spear but then another Sahaba coming boom he was also claimed because he struck him with a sword when his spear him pay anyway the point is they took out my Salem ax in this battle my Salem was inside his fortress they couldn't gain the Muslims could not gain a flee and they were outside then they were all inside they were doing Tawaf around him they were circling him you know there were like a tornado brough the all these soldiers going around the realm of Salem ER so they you know and they were inside the fortress so they needed one man who had to go over the wall and open the door for another side he this man his name is Bobby Malik and but I said put me on a shield so they placed but on the shield and they pushed him up with their spears to frame over ya achievement manzanas you know the old days when there these stone walls like fortresses excuse me the way it was a key old-school man's on a shield getting pushed up like wearing rags and whatnot yeah see he gets pushed up and when he goes up the first time he's in one of the narrations in there I think this one's in a logical not done no excuse me it's not in the life of a book up up a buck arrested they excuse me but but but there's a hadith about but I know him anyway they push him up and it goes up to the wall and he looks over he sees all of the spears and the people ready for a key he gets kissed like a little shook it goes back down because I know fire me again yeah and they fired him and he went over this side I he fought until he got to the door and he opened a door for the Muslims he said Allah knows best if his true number yet about 80 wounds on his body at that time Berar was a special man the process him said about him that there may be a person who has disheveled hair meaning he's unkempt rough looking dusty clothes but when he makes an awful awful feels it for him so and he said in one of those many's but I'll be Malik lady ilaha when he's this brother of an SPI Malik yeah you see my point he's role it wasn't as a scholar he wasn't he everyone has different roles and we've got our appreciate our Batna muslims and that's why when you have a strong leadership that's governing the muslims you can identify who's good at what role yeah and then that way instead of man who's got a lot of energy going off somewhere else you contain it and control it yeah and you put me in fitness regimes or whatever and get them to control them assumes in that way you know maybe like the your into your fitness and you like the healthy in after you develop a program for the Muslims with other brothers who finked similar to you and help you know I mean make the Muslims better enough anyway yeah you get my point yeah well we need to that number yeah you know we're talking about quite a lot and one things that you mentioned if we just talk about be it was the angels and you want angel in your shoulders and do you think that a lot of us forget or don't spend enough time contemplating by unseen there's stuff that stuff like the Angels because we have to bear in mind that la creates so much and I love a scene but love is also unseen and we don't think there's an angel here with his angel there there are times Judi that gets forgot about definitely it's especially now time that goes back to the sophisticated out war today people believe that Dawa now is about proving God and his existence in very intellectual ways back in the day who the people used takes aha take become Muslim in a time of the Russell's when you read the Quran who is it those who sort actions nor heed the weak and the poor right that those type of people weak and poor the ones who had no rights they were the ones who used to become Muslim in today's society and I I can't remember which brother was explained this to me and it was beautiful and I've been really thinking about it since he said that in old times I think it was them I forgot everyone forgive me he said in the old days the people used to think become Muslim in an initial Dawa were the weak and the poor and it's true when you read the Quran you see a face I had to but today a lot of the people who take Chardon our middle class wise that's not a problem you know everyone has it should have the chance to become myself but now Dawa when you look at Dow online it's always debating in this sophisticated language and there's a right and rightly so yeah there should be people dealing with that but at our the people who are becoming Muslim or the middle class whereas the ones who used to become Muslim when they heard about the rights and they heard about the the change of the law and how they would be treated because of the justice of Islam those people are not becoming mascara in fact they don't ones who hate Islam yeah get my point yeah the Dow has changed now Dow has become too convoluted with discussions and deep debates and considering philosophy and who are lost apparent Anna's nature sector Excel yeah you know we don't think we don't think much about the unseen yeah this is there's no I remember you talking to some people and it's always the even amongst Muslims okay let's talk about amongst Muslims yeah nowadays it's always discussion about beta yeah discussion about [ __ ] okay what's this opinion on this and whose opinion on that and what should I do here Shere Khan what should I do dare she and it's all to do with [ __ ] yeah and all to do with belief and what the correct understanding is and what the scholar said about this and what the scholar said about their he when was the last time you until football and then talked about at the jet or talked about the signs of Yama Keanu and related them to did it to now or talk to you about Day of Judgment in it in depth I'm not talking about like in on a day of judgment this will happen brothers or not a simple little reminder I'm talking about you know yes here are the the the melodica bring in Gehenna and Gehenna names description in all of this when was the last time it's very rare nowadays we only want to deal with solutions to problems I love him buddy unseen topic my favorite our soul well I remember one thing that just blew my mind is when I heard about the wing of angel jibreel I think it was and he it was like horribly I might get it wrong so forgive me but I started on lights off in having 600 wings and one wing he's big enough that would cover the whole sky I'll just imagine it I was like subhanAllah because when I'm in vision danger debris would I start how I read it he but i was here but i've always been human excuse me I've always been hearing stories about angel Jibril we're revealing revelation to the prophet sallallaahu and it was imagined him to be this big figure who solely wigs if he put his wig on the earth like he would like Jeremy though or like he measured about about Sodom and Gomorrah if she breathes in one Nora I was then asked if it's authentic or not based from the history he apparently took the tip of his wing and he lifted it up to the seventh heaven Gomorrah it's a place oh it's a you know where the Dead Sea is what I say he lifted it up with the tip of his wing and he threw it down jeepers hit the tip of his wing I mean I'm doing it like this yeah la le Maui is I'm doing it my little tip of my finger but can you imagine that you know a whole country religion about johanna being carried by what was it like 70 yeah and and at each the seventy thousand brittle and it brought everything that's happened can you imagine that broth and it's conscious it told us it has a head provence sisters it's alive and it's designed created part los a panatela to punish it's got a specific purpose just like me and you we have a purpose in our creation just like the sun has a purpose like the earth the Seas the the water rain the cloud everything forms and has its purpose you know I was watching this documentary I watched only that first half hour of it but it was alright BBC iplayer called to the planet and they were it's its documentary about different planets of solar system and in that the first episode about the first 10 minutes he said something de Nuria this guys that really pro will be bang theory and that my stuff yeah and he goes he said something afoot to myself how could you not believe in Allah Bob listen to your own words but his own words he's given that work he goes and we and then no other life can be on any other planet and the reason is because the earth is the the earth because the earth is the exact amount of distance away from the Sun or the Sun sorry is the exact about distant from the Sun for there to be life on the earth if this Sun was even a tiny bit forever or a tiny bit closer there will be issues you should rather be able to sustain yourself on earth so that's why the plants don't have life for them that's what he said and I for Allah look how law created the Sun how did he he perfected the distance and computed and he but that guy's energy that Maria who's that really bigger science stuff he goes he said something like the Sun happens to be happen these spots closer so that that love to be enough enough and I'm like how can you use the what happens to me that he said like just by coincidence just by chance we're not off because the Sun just so happens to be the exact distance that it needs to be I'm like this is proof of Allah bro and it's guys that proper Pro like and Matty but if you come to them you say to them all everything's a simulation be knocking about yes are wearing some sort of simulation that you know that we might even be jacked into something abut we die we actually come out of the the so they're kind of saying that this is not a real world but the next world is in real world yeah just well whilst the Panama Taylor says well work but relent hum but if you tainted him that's what God says it's an honor and there's no such thing as God even though what exactly what is saying I'm not saying it's true but we know what lost panatela told us the next life is the real life if only they knew probably they considered contemplate anyway somehow Allah like what you said even the you know winter and summer here in Britain yeah the way it goes like that even if that wasn't doing that if you didn't have that you know wobble effect almost to the spin so it's spinning bit wobbles over the year ago we wouldn't be able to live here say because one side would be burnt to a crisp in the other side would be super cold yeah so but maybe we should have a look a little little rim of area where we be able to live like a small area of the planet we're very yeah like a thin layer I lost panatela when he wants to do second fire couldn't that's why when you said a lot designed to handle makes me think like look a hot loss designed everything like fiction in the design has a use man like there's nothing that allows greed doesn't have you it's not and yet they try to try to make it that the human has no purpose they take away the human purpose but everything else seems to have one even just where the eyebrows that yeah that's just the fact that when you're spitting in your hair forehead in the water I ain't going into your eyes because your eyebrow got beast one eye brow one one piece of hair this one is a beast of a beanie boy it's out what part man mommy she's trying to pull you one yeah I mean all of those things and sometimes you think back oh I wasn't that what this is and you don't want asked me to push me finger I'm excited to find out like in accra excites find out why that we had to have light on her hair or now a big tall right wherever it is always really bad exam I'm point is that there's some things that you just think why like there might be some something on our body or know what how did we need two kidneys necessarily whenever we these little things obviously is no pretending you aren't yeah you are stupid questions you know it's you a bit far apart you I'm excited to find out I feel like I know what's exciting for me I can't wait yeah it's when we get to the alpha know if I lost Sarah allows me to enter into Jen there right imagine watching a greatest movie of all time the beginning of everything yeah and you sit there and it's not like him it's not like in a movie cinema like you're in it I imagine right now brothers sisters yeah that me and you are watching this together in Jinnah but we're there right here but Allah Tala allows us to watch it without the vows covering it so we can see the miletti car flying through because we remember in our LA right now my any gathering where the name of Allah is mentioned the miletti Casilla through this as they fly fly through the sky and the special angels looking so they're flying around through though the going traveling through the sky and they see the dickory lair like we see the I would live in a minute on him continent wonder had these mentioned is it like the lightning excuse me or like the star though I'm thinking about doesn't mention what is yeah there's when it mentions that it's like that they see it like a light and they're like a light passing through the sky so they come to the gathering and then when they see us they go back to Allah and say oh Allah did some people there and they're remembering you I lost a parent Allison you have they see me as my creation see me Nona and their praise him in here then right that I've forgiven him you know and you know they're longer hadith where he mentions I except for the one or but he even he gets through yeah but the point being is that right now we can't see that imagine we're sitting just here yeah like a special throne because AMA says they're sitting on Thrones reclined facing one another talking about what they used to do imagine we're sitting here looking insane you remember that when we did the podcast yeah but we can't see it now and I'm referring to it I'm pointing to myself and Allah knew that I would do this so they have me to see you you'll be chats with you via podcast and then we'll watch some and you go why did you edit that bit out yeah why did that be don't make the final cut Eddie fruit but you couldn't imagine that that amazing if he and this is a no this would be imagine going from the beginning when you watch Adam lat yeah like a proper mood for stories that we heard about what everyone in the Quran know when when when Noah started warning his people they were reusing it and we be able to see what they were saying about him behind his back and go and see what he was doing and then we see when the rains come and we see the people were running looking for show and he's sitting on his boat but a lot Tyler inspired him to create you know there's a one Baja that he that is the arkla changed his perception of morning yeah yeah and I mentioned in a previous podcast but the short story for you is that he's door passed away when she was like four years old and the way he the way he's changed his morning has really helped him in the sense that he no longer thinks about her in the past but he looks forward to meeting her in the future and he's excited seeing my daughter she'll be free free and John nabhi same age as me I'm gonna meet her in sha allah and makes you want to work for john mack cuz you think yeah i mean you tried shout out that he died that's just straight job for the sun ray oh no it's not i did what we don't know so happy huh he's like it does change of things because it gives you something to look forward to something to work towards there's a lot that's hard to fathom as well with it but this is this is what we didn't know limited in our understandable way limit yet at the same time we should have that hope to get yeah some people they work better off hope some people work better off here me personally I prefer hope oh yeah you work better with the reminder of there's a fire underneath yeah I'd see I like to have hope in making it to the Wonderland Asian I've always wanted to see it I've always had the feeling that was there I never understood what it was now I have the knowledge behind it I really really want to be there I wouldn't want to go there like who don't want a teleporter all the technology we have here and what we can imagine here bones this is weak compared to what you can gain Alaska like like the tech imagine me and you could just like say we want to be like we want to go there and we're there instantly there's one hadith subhanAllah there will be some people that will be sitting and they'll see a bird in the sky and that bird will be brought to them prepared instantly in front of them they will eat from it and the bird will restore back to his normal self and fly off again so Haddie I'm just giving you the crux of it rather than going through each and everything there was one time described one of the birds on a lake or a river may be bigger than I'll buy him exactly what it was on maybe the hold alone and I'm mad when he heard a femur they heard the description he had big necks he said all those birds must be really happy because you know they're doing a la vie in with such a big neck and the process him said no the ones who eat from those birds will be even happier so there's gonna be when you were when we arrived there he there's a banquet like you never imagined wrong sisters we know when the Jew came to the poster I said I'm asked him a few questions one of the things he said what would be the the what would be the the banquet that would be given to the people when they first enter into gender the Provost asked him said the first bit of food would be fish liver and the second thing will be a steak from an ox that's been feeding in the four corners agenda so this ox right now right now it's in gem they're eating grazing on the land of gender munching from here there and everywhere in Jinnah this thing's will be huge profits gonna feed all the Muslims and all the people that make it in Virginia it's gonna feed them all the millions in media have any alarms right billions even know because the processor sim said that one time what does the Ox look like accomplish your oxy sucker like a cow with horns yeah it's a big beast like a wildebeest you know we'll do it like that yeah mercy finger this thing's been fed right now we're gonna yam on that turn again to Jenny yeah and we're gonna be given a drink from Celebi special drink that the Prophet said I sent told us were given to his people enter into Jinnah and then the miletti can agree us as-salam-o-alaikum yeah peace be upon you yeah enjoy it'll basically enjoy this for what you used to do for the hard work you did you made it congratulations welcome come in enjoy this food take this dish this first food so you're gonna eat that live our fish liver Allah who I didn't once a away will liver but it's a special food maybe you don't like it now one [ __ ] when I heard the mention he said you know maybe in the done you you don't like fish liver but yeah that's the that's the ox there yeah so we just we showed a picture if you ain't seen an ox price this is Google it yeah so and maybe the translations not very good but that's what the sheriff said he said ox I think I read somewhere else it was you know translated differently buttocks I believe is a good translation anyway the fish liver once said it was wild liver like a giant whale we're gonna have that as our starter then the main dish will be ops and then it was followed with salsabil as a drink then you're gonna go to your yard so when you get in there straight away you're gonna be told by the Millea after you've had that much now you relax to be you've had the food you're not boom you're looking around you see how beautiful it is you seen trees you've never seen before you've never seen this stuff well you're gonna see the soil it's made of masks you see every then Malaya kind of gonna say recite and every hour you know it's gonna take you up a level boom boom boom boom you're gonna press I and you're gonna recite and then when you finish you're sorry no yes land at your yard a lot like butter and then you're gonna see your yard and it's gonna be huge Brahmin sir absolutely massive and you're gonna know it because you built it in the life of the world the thing is in a dunya we chase after summit that we don't even know is there like you might say yeah I'm gonna have this something I've never get any of it but Jinnah right now you're building it for reals it's real estate not this dunya estate is real estate when you Chevron's are speaking about that and about like you know raising your oxygen now so he said to be honest if I make it to Jannah I'll be happy the street asleep on the streets agenda coachable but that's not me no it's that low of course of course but he's saying that like his boyish water gets turned about me to meet ya and I hope Allah lets me go dear coz there's one shake okay this relationship I think you baby to the UAE it was a Q&A and someone said how dog is John nah that's what that's what the question was any older Sheikh said such a few first ones he goes Oscar one who is in control just ask him because if you're the artist accepted that's it you're done okay if your dog is accepted that's you their joint China because why cousin last one could hold it allows one who owns it allows one created it so if a large is accept you two are I say oh you're in Jannah and such a view were supposed to these two selves as we do infinitely anything every possible but how often do we raise our hands they all call me turn now I mean I mean I mean why should you every every day yeah love forgive me not to say that that's enough not to say that like we should do anything else but to say that you might ask that time well the answer except you ask at a time where like you know whatever you may have just done something flew sincerity that you don't realize that you've done that because you were so sincerely you didn't realize that the you how lofty Dax was how how much reward you got for that and shake off the u.s. college or not and that act was so heavy or no scales that's it I think that was your ticket you don't know so it's so beautiful when I heard that Sports is something that I didn't think about ever because you just think you get so caught up in the world so come up with the things that you have to do you don't figure that sometimes brings a simple one islam is easy it's not-me simple we make it difficult for ourselves something we definitely do a lot of the times man with you and and and the more you I think a lot of it comes down to the body you know in the podcast you were discussing the vertical and I love this concept about Allah and Islam I love you because he removes the a removes the notion of quantity something that we base our entire dunya of how much my new house you know is how much money do I have how followers have how much photos have how much square foot is my god how many bedrooms in my house how how fast is my huggle how much my is my co-host how many of this do you have how many of that do you have I mean everything is to do numbers actually but with barakah is got nothing to do nothing it's the numbers is the least of voices but it's about it even if you have little it's the baccarat isn't it I mean it is it is a hadith a reminds me of that I don't know but I heard he and it was it was the the crux of it was to do with the fact that the prophet sallallaahu I think it was a guest at someone's house and that's basically the fact that this person I think it was but like he was not the richest of people I know how much food he gave the prophets allah or than what you had and probably liked it and so he he said that kind of give me some more kind of thing the plate is a buddy every time we kept going back it was just more in there and even though he was confused but I was a butterfly at the food there was more there's more so story with a nun sorry he invited the prophesize in him for food meet and his wife told him we've got food for so-and-so amount of people yeah so he said that I sold a lot o Messenger of Allah come to my house and bring a certain number of people because we have some food yeah that we want to give the profits on online is said him he invited everyone everyone so they went back to this sahabas house and he goes into his wife and he said o wife you know a prophet suddenly I thought maybe he said the Prophet Esaias enemies brought every is bringing everyone what we gonna do we ain't got enough she went did you tell him how many people we had before and he said yes then I'll learn his message and her best she said and I bless her peurto heed man she knew it all along knew something yet so they come and a prophesy said him would tell people to go in in eight groups of eight I think it was they would go in there would feed from it go in a fever every I think over 800 people were fed and he said and when we looked in the pot there was still more in there than we side with but occurred and when you but sometimes we forget who are lawyers Allah can increase your physical like that like if you got a real heart to be brother bro the last story that he told that is actually true like actually happened ever since I was in it took place right because the war yeah imagine a drink for me I drink from it it sounds like a fantasy story that you fit in a movie that's what my point is but yeah actually happened and guess who made a / the same Lord back then he's a same Lord now nor today that's what I always say yeah this is my little finger when I do Dawa especially to Muslims we forget that allah subhanaw taala the one who opened the sea yeah heard you say a few times you he opened a sea Bravo Musa that this happened it's not a trick there was no wind that cause there was no it broke all the laws that I lost a panatela set for the dunya workers I lost a panatela the one who set the laws right I'm not gonna open a see a lot can split the mooning off a lot to do what if he likes and place it back together Allah can open it see and put it back together but I lost perfect in what he does when he opens the sea for moosie makes the ground drive for him to walk across so he's feet don't get stuck yep for from only these people he made his sticky and wet for him this is Allah you are worshipping the same Allah when you got four fudge yet you're praying to the same Lord that Moses prayed to or Musa Ali center the one that you know a boat on a raging sea at least she has almost no control especially an old primitive wooden Ark Noah built Allah so Allah saved him it's Allah who guided the boat to the right place Allah Subhan Allah to Ali's control of every you know you can't have a child you can't except that Allah knows it happen there's people out there who wish and wish them wishing they're going to get surgeries and all sorts to try and have children they can't cuz a lot doesn't want it to happen simply and if some people are not even trying to have a kid you know I lost a pan or two Anna's the one who grows the child in the womb you can't do it yourself what you sit there with your wife going oh yeah I've gotta came to arms or should we make it a girl or a boy you have no control you're just a vessel man a last panettone does it all and yet we see these things every day me forget who are lies and sit instead we start asking people you know I mean there's nothing wrong with going to help for people yeah but ask Allah first because Allah is the most capable Allah can do anything and you worship Him he is your Lord he's the saint you know when I'm so sorry I seen him passed away and it's the biggest calamity as we know I love what I'm a walk of a city except one talks about it but considering Abu Bakr Siddiq said whosoever worshipped Rasul Allah know that he died today whoever worships Allah and know that Allah is alive and never dies bakr as-siddiq was on point with the Deen allies alive and never dies like turned to him worship Him because he is the one once you leave this dunya like you said earlier brother may Allah bless you you can't come back to come back so you turn to the one most time and anything's possible you want to become super good to cry or whatever yeah yeah you got to do a bit of training but if you ask Allah Allah can make you the best the very best overnight if he wants so Mady when he is guided he's mentioned in a hadith authentic ID there happens overnight you know maybe he's off-key and then Allah Ta'ala brings him in fully in one night a nossa panatela can do anything promise sisters last panel to add I can't do anything and when you realize that about realize who your Lord is makes you a bit more relaxed laughs leave you to the most time yeah take the burden off yourself a bit places the Lord this truth is true so Hannibal you're feeling did you want to carry a vain no yeah I'm happy to keep going but I look to your face you like em just like you I felt the disaster like an ex-pro yeah I knew it everyone always knows this is nothing ok I saw in the haze brother man did enough to say enough yeah I'm happy to keep going but promise sisters I've had a real good time here you are 34 minutes out you find it have you been finding it I think it was quite quick man I couldn't carry dunbroch a bus in our software who's gonna get into some alien stuff and all that night oh well ghosts are who you were done with that because I mean when we spoke on my channel you were like yeah bro like let's discuss that my belief in ghosts than that and then I'm not I believe in God well that's well I thought that's what I heard and then Jean and then when you said when you said that I was alright cool so in my head today I was thinking oh that's part of the that discussion I wanna have a four-way and then wait a while beginning when you were telling you reversal you said oh I used to believe in ghosts so I was out for or maybe that's all he meant but I don't have so so you see do you because because of the realities my turn I'll switch myself like can you be a Muslim and he goes no no no belief in a dungeon okay see the finish here with Dawa do you believe aliens I believe personally I believe this jinn you see the thing is before I became Muslim yeah I used to read all sorts of stuff brother yeah I used to read this book and I read this guy's multiple of disguise Bookshare he's like a clairvoyant and he contacts the Year the dead as he believes it or the spirit world yeah so this dude he contacts the spirit world clearly clearly man's talking to the gym yeah and playing around with this sort of it information just leave on for you know I couldn't go for a little bit more sure yeah I'm cool I'm cool man we can finish up on this if you like this a bit the last thing I want to because I wanna hear this properly yeah I remember early before we said you weren't finished with me but if you're good now yeah okay I can go to too cuz I've got to get back to pick my boy or two now I was - now what - now 157 157 yeah I think we have to let me finish this 10 minutes 15 minutes right because I don't know what the traffic's are I can pass the buck but if I hit the traffic I'll pass the back no worries noise someone else to collect my boy yeah yeah so as I was saying yeah I used to be really into this stuff okay so you sorry because I was distracted by all that time stuff so you're watching you're watching this man who wet his books and he spoke speaks to quote-unquote funnies ghost hunter shows okay this goes to show I saw I was in Twitter yeah like I used to watch his finkles strange but true okay you ever hear in that show no but I'm not sure when I was little called erm it was it wasn't it wasn't a real documentary was like a made-up show of kids about ghosts good ghost not Ghostbusters ghosts made you mine well sure when you were younger and it was about this woman and she was talking he's like evil like woman or something oh and she's to collect ghosts in a jar didn't I blow a bubble saying it was like a bulb used to light a bulb when he would suck the ghost into a charge yes like an evil woman yeah even woman who'd catch them and they were like trying to like yeah that's the one I remember the one you're doing oh yeah that's the dude I'm that's the original dude Derek his name was Derek faxing and all that yeah I can speak to nice girl sin it's coming to me yeah me too no score need it was called yeah I used to watch that yeah okay but this before die you saw what she's been called strange but true okay you stabbed Michael a sport remember him and he would present the show and he goes some things in this world stranger things happen are people see ghosts or strange anomalies you know scientific break tall the laws of physics you know things would happen you know someone coming in all their chairs are stacked up and things like that so I was always into that sort of stuff yeah and I've got really going to I believed it man sincerely about al jinn I'll keep my taco since everything you know it will be sick if Salman Seva protocols case a much he took his shoulder and his journeys to do with the jinn oh really yeah so he used to do like DMT and stuff and so he spoke about his experiences when he used to like leave this world I like be with the jinn oh well and it he used to have these experiences with the jinn right and then sometimes they'd be really friendly and loving to him scary things ever seen obviously my sir and because that is described in a hadith yeah and this is good because that he became a Muslim has he heard about Jenny I've got here he's podcast man well if you weren't really on the show yeah if you want to eat original story and then at the first-ever podcast I used to want to put co-sponsor good the next phase okay and so the next phase new word play and so my my one the loss of him so I did was with him and then we start fresh garlic and he talks about story they're very interesting man I'm gonna listen to April the next phase the next phase and she killing once we are running late it's all good yeah I can just climb at African boy yeah so I I used to get the magazine my mom used to get a magazine here like these fortune and whatever magazines you'd agree I'd read for a more about ghosts about this than you have our little stories and pictures I was actually I was proper into it man you should love that stuff and when I heard about the gym the gym made total sense now aliens and all this stuff bro there's things that have happened that people can't explain yeah physics and people today they're only believing what they can test as they try to say it's not scientific it breaks her bro your conscious is not scientific technically yeah if you want to play that game you can't measure it I can't I can't explain you my mind's voice kind of right yeah did you hear me yeah yeah I'll just hit Faisal yeah but you can hear that right no did anyone at home hear that that's the question no nobody heard it yeah there's people who somehow interact with beings that we can't see yeah like these Bravo's talking about DMT he went and spoke to these creatures whatever they were he's come back he don't you can't see them they're not don't exist even your eyes sight in what you can seeing what you can measure yet they're there they share this dystonia with us yeah how you access them I don't know if DMT is a gateway to or not yeah I'm not no I'm not and I'm not scientist nor am i you know one who receives wacky from the Lord most high yeah so I don't know anything about that but what I do know is that this reminded me of everything already valid you were trying to frame on TV I'm trying to ask the sake of drugs and Pokeno so far evil thought you'd ever seen man he dealt with a key I'll try to voice break chef's machine make him laughing with that specific drug he said is permissible hishaku sing me that study drug talking about Oh what DMT now there's a study drug what he's cool is that notice though that so sorry because I kept buying him a story yeah that's right and so I used to I was really into anything and there was a guy who lived near me he used to claim to be able to you know take feelings from things oh really say he would like oh you didn't give a description about surfing you know by touch and things I the point is there's parts of our creation that we don't fully understand ourselves not consciousness it's not fully understood yeah dreams the profits sort of like I said out there it's a big thing I want to if Allah allows me I know it's not anything that you study per se but I want to spend time with some sure when I'm out in Medina with those Shu who can do dream interpretation because this is something which is coming from the unseen have you heard Tim humbles him how was a video about he don't lecture about dreams no I have he's not like on that he admits himself he's like I'm not dreaming or anything like that but he's that I've done recently and he explains his research very interesting yeah I love that I I listen to a beautiful lecture series by one of the shook when I listen and as well I've got book by min serene wall it's not by answering but it's a collection of his dream interpretations and he's a understanding of it and as well I spoke to many shook about this topic because it's a very very interesting topic it comes down to feeling you know a lot of dream interpretation how you that when Abu Bakr Siddiq he interpreted their dream upon our prophets I sent him professor said you got part of it right and a part of it wrong he really really wanted to know what part was wrong and prophets actually refused to explain it to him the point is this is information it comes and you can derive it from the dream it's not to predict the future that's not the purpose of it but obvious to give you good tidings give you good news to encourage you to make you feel good his son the people brothers had dreams recently about the day of judgment you know one particular person and I blessed him she had a dream about the day of judgment it was a very powerful dream there's people who've had dreams seen a moon split in half there's people who have recently had dreams of malaikah angels people have strange dreams well it's amazing when you hear them you know these people who claim to hear voices in her head that things are happening things are being spoken to think people are doing things because of these voices they're in their head he say Angels is it Djinn what is it this this whole part of their Ellen is very interesting especially to people in Britain this whole knowledge is very interesting because a lot of people want to believe in a Hereafter they want to believe in a ghosts and nice or stories but has to be explained to them correctly so they're kind of a right understanding we are completely disconnected from anything like this here now we're very material society bro back in the time of the Sahaba there was no question of whether the gene existed or not that's why the correlations deemed being a madman who's a clairvoyant you know talking to the spirits he's possessed so what they said about this believers bro didn't believe in online his messenger yeah but they had their own religion waiver but they accused him of being possessed this is something which in today people don't talk about people maybe they are mentally ill or maybe there's something more to it than meets the eye this is a reason why I like these sort of discussions and talk about this type of knowledge is because it's something which we need to be familiarize with this is something our children need to learn about need to know about because it's interesting and is something which people are forgetting about but when was the last time you heard a hood bird about the Jinbo why man I don't know I love it I can't even remember one to be honest about this anymore it was the last time solid to Austria about your dreams what dreams you've had yeah try to decipher but did it all the time yeah is the prophecies I said him after fudgie of das tip anyone have any dreams and he would the rate he would explain their dreams to them and he himself had dreams but his dreams were more than a dream right but the the thing is this this was somebody discussed dreams Jean this was people talked about knew about it was understood the Jean accepted Islam he was mentioned in the Quran there was a party of them that were listening and they became Muslim you know these things exist they need to be discussed we need to be familiarize with it and we need to understand it our from them those that do not want good for us especially the Muslims I'm not saying that we need to go into these have you seen these possession videos yeah yeah I'm not promoting that at all yeah that's not one promoting nor my promote promoting this idea that there could be controlled or that there's any authenticity to these videos yeah but they get a lot of views people love to do yeah I have met a sister when I was doing a documentary series and we was up north and we took him to the sky and there we wanted a story so we could put into the film about this and there's a sister she didn't come on screen you don't see her and we changed her voice as well but she had a case of it and she said them you know I used to be really good at school hard-working at school whatnot and you know just you know she said I just started became snappy and the parents explaining you know yeah she was cool fine one day then order of sons just like um and snapping she said I wouldn't remember any of it but she was speaking a different voice and we had some footage of it that was given to us yet which we blurred out everything but she did she sounds like a different person she would speak Arabic she was from a Bengali background she had no Arabic whatsoever yes she would speak Arabic the thing claimed to be you know the grand all of them seems claimed to be the grandson or related to a police somewhere yeah or these things claim this information is strange because this is something which society is turning its back on life's crazy you know to believe this stuff to talk about it we need to revive this knowledge we need to talk about it needs to be familiarized with the Muslims specifically because why do we have these protection these are as yeah because these things actually affect you people forget that that you are why am i finding it hard to pray why am i finding it hard to get up for Fajr why am i fine maybe there's something else affecting your lifestyle do you can't see so you've got to be aware of this you got to protect yourself with this people today they like you know this DMT you mentioned earlier this a few Alex Jones yeah Jesus lahu al him oh no he seems so yeah but a lot of what he says and I I tried to follow some of these he's more famous pop yeah I don't listen sees podcast but I listen to a few of what a few of the ideas that they come out with because there's people who followed him and believed them oh yeah massive man you got massive audience that is this guy wrote Joe Rogan yeah yeah he's got massive following yeah that's what he said the funniest thing is I think a lot of what he says and they these more erroneous beliefs like he had yeah he's obsessed of the offing yes what's current zone out or I'll just go to the forest do some DMT yeah that's what he believed so much in unseen he's like he says that is more to this world but by Islamic he's completely oh yeah yeah the the the he brought this Brian Cox on you show you you know Brian Klock I saw I saw I saw that episode like that there was episode but I never watch the I don't know who is okay Brian Cox well I knew Brian Cox before I knew Joe Rogan and you have to Brian cause because if you're into science I've always loved science as well it's something care no I'm not professional not studying or anything yeah but something I've really been interested in because since I was little now I remember I invented rollerblade shoes before rollerblade shoes came out bro yeah I meant Lanisha I was bored at my Nan's house and she used to have this shortbread you know shortbread Thea aqui I took the back of the shortbread box because I wanted to have skates but I'm not from a family where we'd buy things I had we had you know we're in a wealthy family yeah but I designed them I designed trainers they dish the wheel was folded inside the sole so I designed them and they were spring-loaded so you did she like you could jump up click your feet together and if the wheels have got Bing pop out and then you know you could skate in a proper design of him I didn't build them or anything and then they came out a couple of years later rolled up and they were massive mm you know this what you know Muskies building yeah that underground tunnel you aski I'm been hid this in school in when I was about 14 years old exact thing Lee's doing it's a pressurized tunnel system that uses electromagnets to travel pool yeah now I invented this years and years and years ago the thing is I always like to dream about technology where we could go with it dream about science and with this added in thing with the G now when you look at Brian Cox's theory when he was talking about you know he might be in a year maybe you know simulation Madrid he ties in perfectly was on when people talk about the gin and they talk about DMT in these little elves the Quran talk to he Jim everything that these people talk about that's out there and it'll be you could tile you could draw a line like a doctor dot through it's no I'm saying Islam is that I'm saying that rather that has to conform to Islam I'm not saying we've been this on Twitter but what is within what they discuss these a lot of these topics the people are interesting people care like this guy what's his name they're the one I mentioned the crazy dude Alex were annex Jones yeah he was talking about y'all these people are talking to interpret interdimensional beings you know these aliens that are doing you know and they're doing this and that and the other two children you know he was talking about some really crazy stuff Howie how do we know that the gym or the shear plane are not requesting because there's one shear from Sudi they caught a man doing magic and they asked him know how did you get in contact with them and I don't I don't finish the right podcast to go into the details but I don't want to encourage anybody to go there and start trying to get in contact with the jinn this is not the idea but the things that they would do he was disgusting there's a pot is a lecture done by a hammer Tim honey I called a bliss I don't know if it was that one go to the rock whatever grab what is one called I don't you mean I watch they're both yeah he talked about the history of magic yeah yeah in Britain yeah they found the names of a liar it's funny how these all connect to one another that Islam is at the core of a lot of this stuff and the things that these Sharleen may make these people do like maybe attack children something forbidden Haram there was one a guy here to defecate himself turn up for Salah from row of salah in janaba on fudger so you might see man praying front row now I'm not saying go start being suspicious of CAI Jia but he in order for him to please the share plane they said right go come you know become you know become majorly impure ones going a ten yeah whatever yeah what every mother to do that worse than that yeah you know I mean but then attend fudge asada that's the dedication they wanted so who's to say that they don't you know a lot of these sick evil stuff that we hear about it's not to do with that yeah I'd advise watching abracadabra extra magic by Tim humble it's on YouTube he's very easy to find you like I think they both like our to our on what lectures but it extremely interested and it gives you an idea but unseen speaking of inventions and stuff do you know you could we just thinking about who said you to well II difficult like you know must with tons of stuff and you know the guy who invented Dyson Dyson who ya know who this because Hoover is actually brand and yes browser Dyson vac Dyson vacuums what he's won the mean she's men now in the world I so rich and they like the leading vacuum cleaner brand and he actually his first invention was that he was called the bull barrel so he invented a wheelbarrow that's on a ball because he saw people using real bars moving back and forth for this so inconvenient so he created the bull barrel and he got a stock to some shops and he realized that even that's a good invention the demand for it is just not there because you have to think about the amount of people who actually buy will bar is so small and those who buy wheelbarrow who actually finally an issue to use it how they use it to have a bolero and so he said sometimes it's not about just having a good invention that she is a really good idea but it's about like people don't want it or need it over everything and so he actually took that concept with a bull Barrow and he put it into a Hoover and then so that a Hoover doesn't same thing works well because all the Dyson's the work on a ball right and then you can tie so now look how rich he is and how successful Dyson is and also I think now the first so I found that interesting that one part of it but I think I found interesting is I believe that the first Dyson that was ever made or the concept of it just like how you created the roller blades in your shoes he put he got a ball I took apart Hoover and I put it like that and he's the first concept was just his house Hoover's everything he came from a wealthy family but it's interesting yeah at the end of the story's not like yeah no no I'll see a hybrid this is the thing and inspiration can come from anywhere you know a lot so Anna's the one who gives it like there's how a loss of planet Anna gave to doubt and made malleable in their hands of dode metal so he was able to make different type of armor that no one had ever seen before really yeah it was there chainmail they say it was invented by though now on him if his sahi or whatnot or maybe it's from the Israeli yet but the point is him we know that diode in his hands he made metal software miss minchin yeah but if you have the right mind in if you like example the cup yeah how can you improve on the cup he does no need does this funny yeah yeah people try but like for example you see those companies that made a mug that has a bottle and it stirs your coffee for you but even all these things he knows he thinks it's not gonna actually a place a copy you look now every household have that so that's that cool what's up what's the point like nowadays everything becoming a nap the only way to see if we're gonna ever going to be really feasible is if when they build new houses they incorporate it into the design of the building which is offering which what they're gonna do what happens now it's box mom yeah everything's smarter now yeah if it that's the way it is oh really yeah I love ya i'm not i'm not i don't mind smart mom what I'm more interested in is how we can use apps and smart devices to connect the better to the Muslims and connect better to each other it may be strong I'll give an example of how one can benefit from so I might have said smart bulbs in it which means that all my bulbs or the bulbs that are able to adapt adapted and I'm gonna turn my bulbs or don't often if you don't mind I'm gonna quickly message him know that text that oh I'm calling on yes we're gonna get in big trouble yeah so these smart bulbs right what you can do is to is to Twitter you right now yeah yeah I reckon before you go for another 10 minutes really should we finish off then yeah let's just finish it fine so you're gonna edit this bidding now you just leave it yeah I tell you what brother sisters it's been a real pleasure coming here today to talk with you Faisal jazakallah khair to handle illa he said hopefully we covered enough stuff in Charlottetown interest abuses hands down the longest podcast we've done yeah he's got over three arm walk yeah I really would break the field that was the idea it's two hours 5858 should we do another two minutes to break in five minutes okay I'll tell you what let me ring my missus cuz she's just just in case alright lemme call her are we gonna mow gonna go live with you so now I could Kelly still be right yeah actually no we don't want to cut nothing up Stephen yeah he's making a call who's mrs. live on the podcast oh he's actually he did he's actually he did a away I don't know I thought he was gonna have the conversation due to microphone but he's not he's having the causation and when he must have a beautiful opposition that you had there was yeah love you just just standard procedure brothers/sisters you gotta be a romantic ia man you can't just walk around now I mean Billy no I'm saying Billy big money name yeah yeah I mean you go you also be a romantic why sooner so so these spots so this is what we like a smart thing can benefit there because it's about how you use it wise so these box smart bulbs you can turn them on and off the light with your with your voice your with your Apple you can dim it except yourself you can also set a time warning so what you could do at first I'm like oh man comes on yes that's a brilliant idea brilliant idea what I was thinking is more on the encouraging to do more hired not for example like a imagine a set diary yeah base works smart with you so for example you want it gives you a time of the day to do thicker and it has a little time on you and you click it and it gives you the thicker and you read it off there yeah and it gives you lot for one minute of thicker just randomly Friday they yeah yeah but it builds up as you're a bad that gets more and then it'll register you and then at the end of the week he gives you a little report almost like a health report but you know okay this week you did no sooner you did this you did that whatever you do but you have to register it that's it knowledge you already exist so I should have physically benefit in that for a wildlife people take that ball yes the point practicing Muslim yeah someone who wants to lifestyles are so different that wears I think stuff like that Bob helps I think stuff like for example there's other smart things you can do that is a good one or another one the light comes on versed in Amin yeah definitely it's worth an iron Center bro there's stuff like for example well that's smart furnace that's and that kind of stuff it's mark kit the smart key always doing my find the weeds because I understand the benefit of a smart bulb because you're in bed like switched over they just turn light switched off with your vote phone or you go to turn night off and it goes off but its mark it all I get confused by because let's see if I went hey Alexa put a kettle on kettle would wirelessly come on but somehow need for watering it so if I'm up anyway but when DK I'm on thin that often you're gonna get rid of that imagine yeah there'll be like an integrated fridge yeah that makes your tea for you know you could already boiling water taps installing the house yeah no but why why would you need to when you can just command it with your voice and it creates the tea and it comes out in a cup and you go over and you pick up your mark you go say and when you're done with you put it back in it washes it yourself places it away that's not even difficult really like you said very simple it's all mechanisms in electronic share but it's when is it going to be integral I guess it has to be that source it has to be integrated into a big unit yeah but you can imagine are all an x-up make me fish and chips would you like fried fish grilled fish did it and you'll be able to do it all and it will make you a that's good I reckon we get an honest if you yeah totally totally totally buff this is this is simple what I'm really interested in is concepts that already exist in order and an example light speed travel okay light speed travel what i'ma let you can made from what dangers made out I don't know you don't know light light our frail human body cannot travel at a speed of light bro it would literally destroyed yeah at a certain speed if you travel a certain speed yeah your body falls apart tears apart yeah Malaika why is it just consider this yeah consider this I'm not a scholar I don't know anything reading but if something travels so fast that you can't see it yeah it's traveling faster than like shiz see due to the light right everything you see is because light is hitting it and bouncing off of it it lights the room if you took all the light away you can't see nothing yeah because there's no light for you to see your eyes require light to see right if something travels faster than the light moves so it could literally move in and out of this part here without it ever interacting with us because it moves faster than we can see it makes sense yeah yeah makes sense yeah the muriatic are made out of light so they travel a completely different frame than us if we take a fo to graph at this moment now yeah they move through us as if we're like a photo ID moves at such a speed we cannot see it it doesn't exist to us because what is it like who is it that you're interested in seeing in this life one that was smart is that kind example yeah when sudhi man was seeing and he said who will bring me the throne of Sheba yeah yeah and one of the Djinn he said I'll bring it to you before you stand up from your gathering two opinions on this one of the scholars have said or one opinion is should I say that this means the gathering he used to have after the hood would lost between the heart on a certain roughly so maybe an hour or two the this gene would be able to bring the throne from Yemen to Syria or rusa l'm no B but you couldn't do it now you couldn't do now with the technology we have today then a las penitas says but one of them or one who has knowledge of the scripture what scripture la Orana we don't know what said I'll have it before you blink your eye and it was there brought the throne and so Han Allah he said alter it so that it's who tricked her to see if she can recognize her own throne it was a trick he was playing on her yeah but when I lost panatela mentioned that there was some knowledge of a scripture it shows that there is knowledge out there there's an ability there is a way in which you can bring something at speeds phenomena maybe not even speed a key maybe like a transfer of one place to another instantaneously that doesn't require travel you're I'm saying the these these are things mentioned in the Quran well you can do that life way yeah yeah but that's information I'm talking about physical this is a throne like throne is in need but a print off I printed out oh yeah look at out Sheba I was a real throne yeah I'm just trying to relate it back to something which energy that you couldn't taking that as the guide yeah that's let's see what at the moment at the moment but who's to say that we like years ago if you are said to the Sahaba that are I'll be able to take an image of them and then send it to the other side and some will be able to see or you'll be able to talk to one another this was something that they they I won't say necessarily would have disbelieved in but really how today we could do so many things that I couldn't do when I was little now I remember Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles they used to have these little turtle funds and they've got a tax and they pull the little thing up yeah they always said the new area which remember that I always they say put it up and they go hey Master Splinter in his talk to Master Splinter through the that will open up turtle shell phone you know it was obviously if your total you have to have afferent oh sure yeah so they open up the talk show and he had the video in that and I used to think oh don't be so cool that it was a dream now actually I can do it I can literally video call my son when I'm in Saudi you know and I talked to my wife and everyone video via video every night like in a very high quality video yeah that was like me with the I was talked to about a smart board which I discuss a bit almost every episode of Fisher garlic but the reason I more settled smart phone smart bulbs smart phones yes sir that's what I just told you about the bulbs now you could tell you obsessed really smart but well it is it is because when I was little I used to watch this show and these guys would be putting in the clapper a mansion yeah yeah what was it Richie Rich knows it all my fire the old mutt fire yeah he went from Uncle Buck Jim of Uncle Buck yeah the movie Uncle Buck and he used to call it up and that's the lights would come on yeah the clapper they called it but so that's why it like you dream of things but your I technology is going you don't know what's gonna happen soon bro yeah then today they're lychee this close to launching the drone delivery service Amazon yeah I think he already works like test areas broke yeah they've tested it for AG now they like talking about launching it now like not rather than testing it launching you know I was in I was in America underneath HBO but up the first ever like super market that doesn't have any employees yeah but I've seen going they do shopping but you just paid 50 yourself in your app you just got it all in a newspaper there was one I think was an Amazon in fact I watched it it will fill on it they didn't even have to scan anything bro they literally put it into their passkey and walked out and it somehow knew everything you'd put into your I don't know how it works Allah knows yeah but this thing's brought people are working on okay they're talking about changing people from the very early stage embryonic stage that way you know if you want your kid to be blue I you can started my degree in criminology we studied designer babies they'd call it yeah and should that be legal to design your baby so you're expecting and you could design it's you do gene design bro often have already done it I think they're mucked about enough with it already person you say I want my child to be an athlete or to be weaker at maths whoever and you pay a lot money like all to their gene manipulation shake that you can do up seeing they were discussing would have already manipulate genes already in animals what makes you think that these crazy people haven't done it secretly in n Lebanon human beings I'm sure they've money came from certain remedies on here right now he'd be talking about the fact that that's what is happening without the food that they give us right now like the genetically modified food yeah for sure sure okay plastics in everything that we breathe it plastics just a bane on this earth yeah everything's like made for mass-produced to make money yeah you don't think if they can't charge you to change your kid like to make your kid smart bright more intelligent stronger faster they're not gonna charge you for that push the out breath there was there was a thing that I was watching and it was it's kind of on the topic of just everything kind of just being for for show and for money and stuff is they basically they basically went to hotels and they they they took a swab why of things in those he's like some like 5-star hotels and they put in for this machine - Scott how 30 years and now the measurement was something like and if it's over 50 or I don't even example yeah if he's over for example like 50 of this measurement it's illegal to like or like it it's against our hygiene standards so much so that it would it's dirtier than like one was dirty it's really not your toilet she was something hard but very later yeah that's it he's 50 so it's all these hotels birthday and he's all like still look nice man plush yeah bro they like swabbing the TV remote and it's like 90 and this one in a bed and it's had this body swabbing things that you would just touch in a hotel man looks clean but like little things ball right something you always use like the better table it's like a thousand Matt but and fifty is like unacceptable and there was things you're swapping in the hotel rooms and it was a thousand bucks per but did you see well it didn't them one of these super I don't know if you're allowed to me not one of these fast food restaurant share you know the new touchscreen thing where you order touchscreen stuff they found ya McDonald's have have fecal matter of no man's they've have fecal matter on it like this you on the buttons where they press it on they do this way you know you know you know Maurice white and you can you could be so you know the food start the food standard hygiene agency whatever you know we knew what was special or something over there dual that stick quite it's like a green stickers one two three four five and five is really big yes because they're showing the food hygiene standard agency whatever they marked our restaurant he was a five five especially a party every restaurant has to have be marked by this way yeah but on a breeze you can actually order from restaurants that are a wand which means that it's so bad that virtually needs to be shut down or like it is extreme like la who do over is off Brodus two rules you gotta live by when ordering if you if you know if you've been then you've ordered from there before and you've seen it oh that's fine yeah but when you need to go first to see it number one lookup man's nails yeah he's nails if he's nails a dirt he's got long nails and out no D he's scratching and itching and assaulting his nails and he's handling your food don't order from there number two the second one is look behind where they where they where they cook because it's okay to walk wipe down a surface you look at a surface say yeah but look on the floor look behind him look behind him if you see grime and dirt behind and oil in that that means they never wipe there that means that whatever happens they don't care about it if this yeah you get one saying so your food drops on the floor man's gonna pick it up yeah ain't gonna care listen to this bro so on every one says one and I'll give you guys some examples so this is banging so like if you were to go to a food in fact bro let's do it right now so go and have a look tell me a restaurant now I'll tell you what the rig is so like let's do it like a big one that we like would all like a magazine and I see what it's saying I think Nando's are gonna be pretty cheap because they're gonna have they're gonna have procedures in place they can have general managers coming in to chicken up on them but I just wanna give us a chain restaurants should be quite high I'm guessing they're gonna be a three to four I'm gonna do Nando's in I don't even think I free I think four to five actually Fernando's brother because there's going to be incentives for them to have a five star rating they'll get probably some sort of bonus so as a manager I can assume their managers again so that now this has a five yeah I knew it that's the best you can get so that's the dancers in parkour so now let's go for like a because I want to show that pressure on now Duke about yeah alright so Turkish I think they're gonna be when we actually got a specific one so this one up the road in Wimbley December school is it some it calf you should command one that we just put kebab type key Bobby and are you calling us to make sure the business name and yeah but then I'm sure this one is gonna be one kooky Bab house or something round okay so think about a durably yeah it will come up it will come up Taniya well you got what you got okay no I that doesn't help me might want try to explain to you because yeah can't you see itself raining once you bonus it comes out because I want us to be to picture the restaurant so I could tell you about this thing so Peter I like so it has before should we all know of so like in a Randy Syria let's say let's say Dixie let a chica you know what yeah okay I'm expecting a three are they all right chicken cottage and what's what's the area like is where do you know where distinguish there's one in this one haze iam haze yeah hey she can quote its bro I said I'm gonna say they've gotta be a three at least there are three yeah new in my wishes which me by the way threes not bad three means that is generally a satisfactory yeah but now that's what you spy from a chicken rice chicken all day so now we have our idea in our head so in front of you is we have idea what our free is which is quite strong are you already are three here yeah chicken quarters are free and picture am sesor five okay for Wilburys they pull up her one let's get one bro now let's now let's find a one okay who father I say but Scott young no offense Indian restaurant former winners yeah we wouldn't become white folk will breach bro yeah you can't actually so you can order from a restaurant that's a one you can restaurant as a restaurant you allow to list yourself will breeze if you have a one stands e8 rating now that means bro that day basically accepted anymore which means that I could order from somewhere every okay so it'll release must be calm right so one now finger bite as you breathe if they cared about their people poll what they would do I don't but what they would do is they would be like go to a Russian said we caught have you cuz your world needs to be at least a tool-free right to be on our thing but I don't do that so this guy what he did in this documentary this is legit bro I saw him did you yeah sorry when he when he opened up a place in a genius kick so he hired a skip yeah in in he hired us keeping a cop show what's his name Joel Joel something yeah hi to skip he put and then he got some food he made like some food somehow but the dirtiest thing inside the skip he made anything and he registered self-release uber he's accepted it and just to test it they they went to like an office nearby and they ordered from their other guys comes he sees it's a skip he sees that's been he picks up the berries he drops it off yeah and it was like a rosy that they made Pete Sony you know no is something in a microwave she'll eat [ __ ] on my crazy microwave something yeah and it was a wonder it was even one it was something like that yeah but no he's literally he showed that no matter what as long as you registered a business there yeah you can open up anything less so listen to this man had to skip the story years yeah that is a spot that be my miss have been going to like for sushi love must you guys who's you in it I've never had sushi oh who is that in my tongue will do exactly like sushi probably Ali no yeah me or mrs. we love this place that had that sushi you go into space ball we've been there a few times food is good it's good price and it looks very clean the place eating it loads of times [Music] now we found out about this food stylist and finger we can check everything so I'm like doing what we just now so I'll name a restaurant that is a free on in his honor as a for uncle and she's like you'll check that sushi place that we like yeah alright cool check it now it's a one blue one it's a one and you've been yam in there but we know what you pretty good little doing is worse yeah cuz up in devotional service hives is so clean yeah and we always eveness we never had a stomachache ever from the restaurant I'm giving him a benefit as well but now we've been to my sushi so much I fancy sushi so for one of the if tours now it's possible not all have to have this information yeah she's doing a girl myself she's that I touched up how you know that since you know she doesn't never go there again I'm not even we've been enough time seen everything's clean everything power it's so whole time now my sushi diluted earlier would a couple of sushi is but all I can think about my head is this one way in one way I could see cuz I was in each one I was like this this could be like this could be actually worse for our health we've been in the restaurant yeah and they look clean I hate for them to get one and it looks clean this smart you what's in the back terrible you know why bro because you quite actually see what's gonna yeah you don't see in front of us were starving yes yeah he so actually yeah love it now so but bro imagine what they had to pull because we was both chicken I don't think a few rabbits enjoy it but you know what these fighting about you look at his greasy floors the fried chicken altar but you're munching it but it's abandoned yeah they don't roll off food but and that's the fish really bro fishes so we're going to a proper like top rusher and you'd go date night it looks nice bro you wouldn't be embarrassed to go there with your missus at least one give me another one let's go for Dixie chicken think she's gonna be around man you're probably gonna get a two-hour fat dick see ya that's not dick sees wait did I run away this is Dixie Dixie you're gonna get two probably a dick seen what now master you just put Dixie Dixie baby don't need to provide look at you don't look at that well Dixie's I'll set a - I reckon you get Dixie - Dixie chick is a 5 Pro all of these chicks are 5 all of them Lancashire Derby Newcastle Birmingham not in yeah but later 5 star big C's what about there must be a few free to start big yeah the South Dixie what's going on there buff we was looking at restaurants and South worked it was to a free Bob like let me chop it there's this is the one of the worst restaurants off of a seamless Holloway broth i winning near man's fingernails that I've been scraping up ya are constantly feels like look at say there's a restaurant in South Africa shakalaka shaka bob8888 nobody some pop on ice Shahin on kebab yeah but boy you gotta talk about Kok babish original yeah look at that I like but Michelle kebab bro is like he's like a rag old sport you go with your feeling grimy just fancied a kebab therefore imagine what that is so it does everybody came in so yeah ok like yeah yeah well they're not gonna advertise with you bro for gain so boys and girls don't go to in so many disgusting once stuff that I probably got pork as well in it rough what was why don't we just mentioned that I Yubikey babish everything see ya I'm gonna just hop in here I like a good Donna Mae Donna's my thing Donna's my finger now there's no capiche original is every I think everyone has to have has to have this yeah oh well I don't want you to say yeah yeah could people go searching with myself here but look at what a Kobayashi region who has yeah I know which one that one is bro of course is now look at me or one Yakuza's got one how disgusting bro thanks exactly where is no I'm saying don't say the number you said the number yeah I was saying don't say the number Brides got one hey I'm surprised to go one way listen bro three hours to me two minutes yeah well we record a podcast cuz I know obviously you have that podcast before this is your first one my last cuz I've got one next week yeah you have got one yeah yeah and that's the IRA one right yeah you got you got the first dibs dope yeah this be I'm not gonna be able to do next week's rent because back to work on Thursday and he wants me to do it further sir I said yeah but then okay message from me mansion or so yeah you got coming first day sir oh okay ham did you'd let him do lot I'm gonna be doing that I'm not a millionaire for well no no now they brought me in for a dance off but I guess Easy's out yesterday yeah Charlotte I'll come up with an idea for a show preach it to him man yeah sure I've had a few ideas but it's hard because like they quite like reproductions or like ones that I want to like I don't want doing him in the studio and stuff yeah the alley you got up herb the feeling is all of your prep it right all that I sort of did man I've done some massive productions over the years and all of it's just been like that saying yeah I can do it and then coming up with an idea guy I dunno what it is bro like it will get like somebody's stuff it's a little bit of a black of us and Oliver talking in a lie so I'm gonna suffer get more traction online broad on TV now the way the media's working out do but at the same time your credibility increases on TV compared to online online bro have you seen the weirdos online bro there's people with lipstick on walking around pretending they're men that but a pretending they're women excuse me there's men well you didn't want me to get into this too much yeah but like there's that going on bro you you I wouldn't say online makes you credible you can get a lot of followers but credibility is off like that on TV oh yeah yeah if you wanna have eyes on though you'd give more eyes on online uh probably no yeah you could get up in saying it for a long time years ago we we was going to do something online mean another brother we really considered it but I don't want to just be the one not uncle on my facebook I've got about 5,000 followers but don't know anyone and I haven't added to anybody they add me I'll just accept yeah and I'll get the maximum I can get I don't know them overall I don't know about 50 people in this so if you wanna get in touch with you can they yeah on Facebook yeah actually you could get me on Facebook well aren't probably not gonna respond I don't go on there max yeah I've got an Instagram I said it out because of him advice from a chef he told me to do it in Farouk McDermott fa r uq McDermott I'm the only one in the world boys and girls yeah so yeah you can catch me up on it but for the most part if you just stand if you queue and the Kadena MCD erm o CC there's only one the one and only bro 596 followers in there on my facebook I got 5,000 but those those 500 night I don't in post proper 5 those 500 that's from like two weeks were for post oh you haven't posted since 2018 bro yeah I don't do use it but if I did I know I could get more but the fact is yeah how come you cut your hair your hair looks nice long oh no bro starting again scar are you going back up oh I'll go for the simple cut yeah it's the one length no fading nothing bro are you gonna grab a cup yeah I'm sort of do my next one run then you'll get shaved again cuz I know I ain't on that opinion really card little bit like a little baby girl I don't want to come I know brothers who do it man there's one brother I love him for the sake of love but he's lighter cuts a little bit off be a man about shave your head so so you get your hair cut once no I wanna only wanna do one go yeah oh you know I trim it to keep it within the signal yeah I'll trim it from going beyond my shoulders other than that brother quite happening I don't shave I don't I'm sure you got a lot cuts yeah oh no you just like cats yeah I loved him Medina cats Perl that's my that's my Instagram when I was in Medina said oh cuz someone told me to do it now just got border he comment in and did little videos as well but Brahman sister's add me on the Instagram maybe if I get a few few followers in a few messages maybe I'll sit back up again l don't know to be honest Ashley I ain't got a time frame and I've got my fam and you've got the kids got my wife are not doing fishing is those the stuff I could have gone into mana fishings one of my big things man why don't you take a picture now I probably used to grab fresh ground it and then we'll get the bothers and sisters to comment on it and see if they like the episode or not you could take a picture I've been it gonna make three hour marathon that hissing became you'll be surprised well this is our this is our official I'll do it I'll do it I'll do it photo owning if I get a chance later on maybe I'll uploading channel well let's hit the phone ow while we aligned on cover yeah I have the proof in it screen anyways well now look start we've been here trees on this one I do so much for watching this episode of fresh stranded shackled okay as a power fruit for coming down and in shadow to automate offer you that a lot of us Baraka your studies Emmy Awards I can't allow it again
Channel: Freshly Grounded
Views: 33,149
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Freshly Grounded, Sam, Faisal, Sam Palmer, Faisal Choudhry, Podcast, Muslims, Muslim Podcast
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 205min 43sec (12343 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 07 2019
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