Ruqya, Posession, Evil Eye, Adkar, Jinn Stories, Potions and Knots | Bewitched Conference

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Salam alaikum wa rahmatullahi ta'ala wa barakato snarf mal raheem alhamdulillahi rabbil alameen wa sallahu wa salam wa ala al anbiya wa l-mursalin sayyidina muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi ajma'in i welcome all of you to epic masjid for our first conference for 2020 titled or named bewitched yes although it's called bewitched the plant the plan is that you leave today not bewitched insha'Allah Tyla so calm down I know this title might be scary but you're going to have a very good satisfying knowledge packed experience with me la ila many brothers and sisters often call the imam of the masjid called the masjid approached us and asked us about jinn possession black magic evil eye because they hear so many things about it and because it's such an ambiguous topic it's something that a lot of people don't have knowledge about and a lot of misconceptions and misunderstandings are spread on YouTube and on different social media platforms we find that people split up into three different groups because of this the first group is the group that believes in magic evil eye and jinn possession to a point of paranoia where they see everything in the light of that and that's all they tend to think of so they become paranoid well a other will know and of course this is not the correct pathway and others are very skeptical and they think it's just like the movies that they watch not really true possession is true black magic does that really exist and others saw the path of moderation the path of Quran and authentic Sunnah they understand what magic is they understand how jinn can possess and they understand the evil eye but they also understand rukia and the protection of a loss of Hannah wa'ta'ala through a scar his son one day came and said to his father he said there are people who are saying that the jinn cannot enter into the human body imam ahmed responded by saying having a tequila bottle in his hand he said that person who said that the jinn cannot enter a human beings body is lying and on his tongue agenda saying that in other words the jinn is using his tongue to spread these lies that the jinn cannot enter the human body I mean what more what a ginger Shaitaan want then for humans not to understand what the core problem is with them also the process of Allah who Ari was son of made it very clear we have authentic a hadith that the prophets of myself when people had issues who were either suffering through convulsions would come to the Prophet SAS and were complaining about certain things the process of life would strike the person his chest and say look for jar do Allah he would say get out for enemy of Allah now the problem soul Ison was talking to the shell thing to get out of the person's body and you can only come out of something if you've entered it so the province of ISIL would not be telling the shell team to get out of the body if they never entered it also we have the Hadees of the province of ISIL where he said in the Shaitaan yes Judy Miller in sanema diadem the Shaitaan enters into the human being that Shaitaan flows through the human being like blood so our blood flows within us it's an internalized concept which also means here according to the hadith of Prophet Esaias Adam that the chair thing that jinn can also be internalized in our body they can also flow within our body so what I'm going to talk about today the method I'm going to use to derive this information because lots of Hannah jello wada said that the jinn can see us but we can't see them so how are we going to explain the this information about the jinn so the method I'm going to use today is one we're going to use evidences from the Quran and the Sunnah that talk about the jinn and then number two I'm going to use experiences that I personally had with the jinn world or others had and shared those experiences and we're going to use both of those sources to dip to present the topic today and this is basically the method that allah subhana had told us to use when he said i will love me a doll with a pointy toe pump saw Fatima Yoko bidam my MC Kunda in love oh man there are lots of Hannah says do they not see the birds above them who spread their wings and fold their wings this is observation this is the scientific method we look at the birds we see how they spread their wings we understand the concept of lift we understand the concept of thrust we understand that bird soar birds glide we do this through observation but then right after that Allah subhana said madam sit kahuna in love like man yes we have the laws of physics explaining to us how birds fly but then right after that loss Hannah mentioned an article of belief that we can't prove scientifically none hold them up except all right man this is the belief part this is the metaphysics part of the ayah so there's two ways where we can learn about things one is through observation and experiences and the second is through belief and today we'll be using both of that belief in the text of the Quran and Sunnah they talk about the jinn and the second is going to be experiences that have been shared over many years for many people in this field so the first question is why would a jinn want to possess a human being why would that even happen and there are many reasons and we'll cover most of them or some of them today insha'Allah the first reason a jinn would want to possess a human being is that a jinn would fall in love with a human being so since this gin would fall in love with a human being they would want to be close to the human being and sometimes just being around a human being being around them participating in their activities eating with them when they eat if they forget to say bismillah that the Shaitaan takes part in their activities sometimes that's not enough they want to get closer and the way they get closer is by possessing the individual so the first reason why people can get possessed is if a jinn has fallen in love with a human being sometimes they also want to enjoy the lifestyle of a human being in one instance when the quran was being recited the person was shaking and what happens when the quran recites in most situations the jinn pops up when we say the jinn pops up what we're saying is that the person loses consciousness and now the jinn and is this happens two ways the jinnee that takes full control of the body where after the quran recitation' in the session the person has no recollection of what happened and sometimes when the jinn pops up the jinn starts speaking in different languages or at times when the jinn does pop up the jinn doesn't take full control of the body the jinn takes partial control so the person the human being has some consciousness and is observing and observes what's happening what goes on in this case this jinn popped up and the gin was smacking its tongue on its lips and it was asking for Pepsi so the gin possessed human beings they do so to enjoy their lifestyle and the gin world is probably no Pepsi but this gin was enjoying enjoying drinking Pepsi because every time this person would drink that soda the gin gets a share of that taste so we said yeah you want Pepsi no problem we get you Pepsi we got something that was prepared beforehand we got a a glass of water that was the head Quran recited on it we gave it to the chin to drink and boy did the gin find out that it was not Pepsi because even recitation on water Quran recited on water when given to someone that's possessed it can it can it can have an impact on the Shaitaan on the gin so at times the shayateen have their activity with the human beings because they want this lifestyle I mean their food is bones and dung and when you're talking about you know maka Luba you talking about kunafa you talking about Pepsi you're talking about they want some of this so if a person is constantly saying bismillah before eating they're not getting a share one of the ways to get it is by possessing the person so there was another incident where a woman was at home and her husband came knocking in the door from work in during the middle of the day and the husband came and said you know let's have lunch and he had lunch and after he was done he went back to work and at the end of the day he came home and they're having dinner and she said you know it was really nice that you actually came home for lunch today and we had lunch together and you never did that before and he said I didn't come home for lunch today I didn't leave work at all so the person that actually had arrived was a gin and a gin can take the form of human beings we can't see the shale thing the gin in the original form but they can take their form of snakes and animals and and they can come as in the form of human beings right so check the person next to you it's the real person inshallah another reason why the Jim do possess people is because if the human being has harmed the jinn can a human being harm a jinn yes and most of the time it happens unintentionally let's say someone's traveling or they're camping and you know they're out in the bushes and there's no bathroom facilities and they need to go use the bathroom then go out and do one or two but that happens to be in the open lands where the jinns live that happens to be a place where a family of jinn live and if you did one and two on their little baby the jinn they usually responds with a rash you know attitude they will come back and try to harm you by possession by making life difficult so in the general arm they can come back and take revenge by possessing the individual and this these reasons do pop up in the recitations with the jinn say soto threw hot water on me so and so did this someone so you know crossed hurt my family or and so then it has to be explained that it was unintentionally it was not you know an intentional thing and it's Haram for the person - pizzette for the jinn to possess a human being so one of the reasons what possession happens is that the jinn is harmed and this is why we Islam protects us why we have this protection Islam we're before going to the bathroom you have this other car when you say that you've been granted the exclusivity to use that place so the champagne don't have any license now to come and possess you and these protections happen even we are told like our lifestyle shouldn't be extravagant we shouldn't be stuffing our faces we should be eating good food and healthy food and so and so forth so when that happens you have that's of a chance that the shaitaan wants to possess you because you're drinking Pepsi every two hours it's not gonna find Pepsi right if you're fasting I say Mondays and Thursdays and you're doing intermittent fasting why would he want to possess you there's not much going on you're not eating carbs much you know why would you want to possess you and this is where the Prophet Allah item said a song with Jinnah that fasting is a protection and this is one of the forms of the protection that it also protects us not just against the health hellfire but also protects us in this world where it becomes a shield right a shield against the shell teen in the jinn now that we have a shield the shield can also be broken it can be made porous there can be holes put into the shield so while the shield may be built for us sometimes we may start destroying that shield by our own actions and that is done by sins so when sins are being made these the shield becomes porous and these pores then start to become gateways for Shaitaan to enter because Shaitaan can't just go possess anyone he it wants there has to be a gateway that's open for some people there is absolutely no gateway because of the recitation of Quran the two head Jew they pray the honesty there there there there pious there righteous they don't hurt people so on and so forth they don't back bite they don't slander they don't they they're not envious so the Shaitaan even if they shout wants to possess that person the shield is intact so it's also through our sins where we start treating these these channels within Shaitaan is then able to walk through these channels and then possess our body and yet another way that the shayateen possess human beings is through Sara just through magic and how does this happen so usually ser starts happens from the human world where a human a sorcerer or a magician wants to make contact with a jinn world and for this human being to make contact with the jean world the human being asked to prove himself or herself or do certain actions that will the champagne to attend and communicate with him and on this list of things would be he was he will have to make blatant Khufu he will have to make blatant and depending on what kind of content contact he wants if he wants to just contact any Shaitaan then blatant Cofer and blatant may do the job but if he wants like to get in contact with the mafia boss of the jinn the shell team then he has to do a lot more and this is why some of these sorcerers and magicians they seclude themselves for 20 days sometime and in 20 days they never take a bath they stay filthy and dirty and they do all kinds of blatant Cofer and until they get in contact with a really strong Shaitaan and now once the contact is there now that they have this 5g connection now the Shaitaan says now that you've made cooker and blatant ik and you're unclean I'm willing to make a trade with you you've just sold your soul to me I'm willing to make things happen for you what do you need you need information on people you need you want to show some supernatural acts you want me to pick you up and show that you can fly in the air so then you could present yourself in front of people as the woolie of a lawn and get these mass followings what do you want so now that there's contact between the human magician and the jinn magician this is where now the human magician says well yes so-and-so came to me and said he wants to marry this girl but she doesn't like him and he asked me can I write some tau YZ or write something on paper or do something that will make her like me so then this jinn magician then find some of the shayateen to then possess that girl and sometimes there are people who they're jinn who are willing Sheltie who are willing to do that and sometimes they're Shelton who are weaker and this mafia agency grabs them and tells them if you don't possess this person and do what we tell you we'll kill you so one in one instance when the Quran was being recited the gin was told to leave the body and this was a case of magic and the case of magic is is tricky if it was just pure possession like the laginas possessed a person because the human being harmed the jinn or the possession was because the gina's just wants to have fun the the recitation of the Quran and the treatment is easier but when it has to do with magic with Saheb it becomes harder because that magic that jinn that possesses the human being is under contract and that contract is usually symbolized by with by something and usually it's something you'd say it's a knot of a hair hidden in a well somewhere it's some paper that's tied in on a necklace with somebody that until that paper is not damaged or burned that jinn is under contract to possess the human being until that knot is not found or undone that person will be possessed by that jinn so during this Quran recitation this was a case of magic the jinn was told to come out and the jinn said yes I'm willing to come out but there are guards outside who will kill me if I come out and then the jinn right away I mean the human being or the jinn whatever the jinn then at that point put two fingers of the human being on her forehead and then she started making so dude you know she was replicating horns and renewing her contract and making so dude to who the jinn was saying that there are guards right now here to make sure that I don't leave the body and I have to stay here so when this is is done that jinn possesses the person now the question comes how does that when the jinn possess a person how does the the jinn manipulate the feelings and emotions of a person it's interesting that the professor lysosome said in the shaitaan and usually minute insane he majored in them the privatize them said that surely Shaitaan flows through the human being like blood and we know blood carries hormones and we know hormones govern our emotions so it's perhaps at the one that Jindo flow through the bloodstream they may be able to manipulate these chemical reactions that happen in our body to affect our emotions and our feelings so in this situation this is the case of of how this magic allows the human being to be possessed and I just want to clarify one thing here when it comes to magic there's two kinds of magic or be which meant the first involves jinn possession and the second one does not involve jinn possession where the jinn possesses the human being the second one could be something like where a person sees illusions the second kind which does not involve jinn possession is the kind that can afflict prophets and messengers we know Musa al-salaam that when the magicians casted their staff Alessa found that their eyes the observers their their eyes were bewitched and amongst them was Mousavi's to them we know from sucking Buhari that the Prophet slicin was bewitched he thought that he did something when he actually didn't so these kinds of Sahara bewitchment that effect the prophets and messengers it is without the jinn possession so magic or said can be both kinds with jinn possession or without engine possession now there's another thing that shouldn't be confused with jinn possession and it has to do with jinn activity and that is where the prophets of item said that everyone is appointed a pyrene pyrene from the jinn and a companion from the Angels so every one of us here has a jinn with us right now that's why I said there are it's in fact the urge in in this room right now so everyone has a jinn and everyone has an appointed angel and the prophesy lies I mentioned that their role is the prophet sallallaahu arlesheim said in the list shaytani Bini Adam lemma would in Maliki lemma where the role of this appointed Shaitaan was a jinn is to constantly whisper evil and bad thoughts into the human being and the role of the angel is to constantly inspire good thoughts and good actions into the human being so when you have it sometimes when you have an epiphany or you have inspiration it could one of the sources is that it could be coming from an angel but when you constantly have evil thoughts or if you want you know you have these weird crazy evil thoughts that come out of nowhere but you think about someone else or another Muslim brother or sister that could also be coming from that party in that jinn so they're appointed until the human being dies so that's separate from possession what are the some of the signs that a person is possessed there's certain signs certain things certain symptoms that indicate that a person is possessed by a jinn the first is when if someone has a you know a good temperament and all of a sudden there's a stark change in their personality they start getting severe mood swings that becomes that that replaces their current personality this sharp change is a symptom that there's jinn activity happening with this human being another symptom is where a person has migraines and these migraines also start to intensify especially in the evening time after all sir it intensifies get really really painful headaches another is when a person starts dreaming about animals or they become nocturnal I mean they stay awake at night they can't sleep at night they just want to stay awake at night and they end up you know sleeping during the daytime a good portion of the day they just have this an inability to sleep at night right now some of your faces that are telling me like well that's well that's what I have that's me right here now before you all feel like you're possessed or something I just want a little word of caution here you know some people become gin fated right every little thing that happens it's the gin alright the job interviews are not going well it's the gin there's marital relation issue there's challenges between the husband and wife it's the gin right the biryani is too salty it's the gin all right so there's infatuated and that needs to be you know regulated here and the way to regulate that is that when these symptoms appear number one berries these are symptoms that are continuing so not like you had a migraine during tax season you say oh maybe maybe I don't know maybe I'm possessed right it's something that continues that's happening you can't sleep every night and it's been happening for months and this never happened before it's a stark change in your normal behavior right all of a sudden you started getting these migraines now the way to regulate this to figure out if it's gin relator or not there are steps to it the first is you have to rule out all medical and physical reasons there could be a vitamin deficiency if you just take some vitamins you'll start sleeping at night and that's it done all right so it's we don't jump to the conclusion that there's some gin activity here sometimes we give way too much attention to the gin than they deserve right so the first is rule out the medical reasons if that's ruled out like the doctor says you're fine everything is good then we have to rule out the psychological reasons there can be a psychological reason that's impacting the body bipolar disorder is a symptom of gin possession it's also a symptom of mental illness schizophrenia so a lot of these symptoms exists in the medical world and they also are symptoms for the gin world so we can't just attribute the symptoms directly to the gin so first we have to rule out the medical physical reasons then we rule out the psychological reasons once those are all ruled out treatment has been done we take we've been taken we've taken care of that then we can say or you know what this probably some involvement of the gin but that does not mean that I have to wait for my medical doctor and my psychologist to tell me that I'm clean to start reciting for on or do for on treatment no doing the treatment you can start that from day one because the Quran is a treatment not just for gin possession it's a treatment for it's a she fair for all diseases so that cancer from day one but we don't attribute and think that there's gin activity unless we have ruled out through the process of elimination so the treatment of the Quran reciting it on water sort of sort of Fatiha and drinking that there's nothing wrong with that from day one the other thing is that even if you do find out it's gin treat there's gin activity you don't want your life to become overwhelmed and overcome by this gin possession don't give it that much attention the treatment to worship allah subhana wa ha fulfill your obligations focus on that because that times when people make their whole life about the chain they pull their family members and then there's some complicated treatments you got to take these leaves and mix it with that and do this and that you don't really have to do all that and the estrogen didn't be this many ounces in the morning and this many ounces in the evening and you have to realize you know 10 jews twice a day what's gonna happen to your life right and the person's working or it's a hundred and so-and-so so continue your normal life but there should be an improvement in uptick in our worship with allah subhana allah allah so the best treatment is focusing on our connection with allah subhana jalal wa improving that that is the best treatment better than going to someone saying hey can you recite on me you have the quran you recite the book of allah yourself you don't have to go to human being for the treatment go to the lord of the worlds go to a low Ida recite his words make tahajud make dua fulfill your obligations eliminate ship if there is a lemonade Co for if there is eliminate bitter if there is eliminate major sins if there are and emanate minor sins if there are in your life and the Shaitaan will not have power so this connection is important because with this connection Shaitaan has no power as la semana de la vie Allah said that surely my slaves he said to me beliefs you have no power over them in LA except money t Baraka meaning Halloween except those who follow you amongst the deviant those who are sinners or deviant who follow beliefs possession is easy right magic however can also afflict people who do pray mix-a-lot people who are righteous it could happen right so just because someone's possess it doesn't necessarily mean that they're a sinner yes sins make it more possible it becomes more probable but it doesn't mean that just because someone's possessed that they're a sinner righteous people can be possessed through possession except as we mentioned prophets and messengers so the best treatment is improving our connection with the lost account Angela Radha in both of these situations the Caliph Mata Joaquin one day sent a man to go to Imam Ahmed he said look we have a girl in the palace who's possessed go to mom Ahmed and talk to him and tell him come treat this this girl so the man came to nam ahmed and said you know the Caliph wants you treat his girl in my math mid said take these wooden sandals of mine go to the girl sit at her head side and say this ahmed is telling you do you prefer to leave this girl's body now or would you want to be smacked 70 times by these sandals the gym popped up and said i prefer to leave this body now and if Imam Ahmed tells me to leave a lock I will leave Iraq Lord so the girl was cured then when Imam Ahmed died the girl was possessed again and then they went they sent someone else and told the jinn to leave the body the jinn said I'm not leaving this body I only left for Imam Muhammad so what we see here is that if a person goes for treatment and they're not changing their life their continuing sins they'll get possessed again so there are cases where people are treated but they don't want to get up for Fajr Salah they don't want to wear hijab they don't want to speak the truth they don't want to stop taking interest in mortgages they don't want to stop doing that so those holds of the shield are still there which means if the jinn wants there's an open gateway to come and possess the person again so the best treatment is the connection that we have to lodge a lot of SAP HANA that ensures our ashido of Ann Arbor and our protection against it the world of the shell P then when we go to the bathroom we're told to say a certain door I love my India o through becoming a little ho both you will Sabattus Oh al I seek your refuge from the male and the female jinn the Shaitaan Sharleen they like hanging out in the bathrooms apparently shale teen are attracted to filth right like you know honey attracts bees shayateen are attracted to filth impurities and that's predominantly where what happened where you'll find that predominately in bathrooms and so they show up they like to dwell there and once we say this dua we are protected because we become vulnerable when we go to the bathroom take our clothes off we become vulnerable but by saying this dua we would get the exclusivity to use this place even if it's populated by the Djinn that you'd have no access to us but then when we come out of the bathroom we're told to say loaf Roenick say Oh Ally I asked for your forgiveness my question is why are we asking for Allah's forgiveness for using the bathroom is relieving the call of nature a sin is going to the bathroom a sin why are we asking Allah to forgive us after we use the bathroom the message here is that the shelter you are attracted to filth once we purified ourselves from the physical filth we are reminded of a more important filth which is sins sins have a terrible odor that attract the Shaitaan sins are spiritual filth and this is why that when the prophets license said that when a fascist if it dies his soul smells so bad there's such an odor that the angels who have come to take his soul take a cloth and wrap it around the soul so they don't have to deal with this odor so when we make our hearts in our bath and our body's receptacles for filth by sinning we make our bodies into bathrooms and when we make our bodies into bathrooms what's gonna happen next they'll be jinda will come and dwell and that's called possession so sins like getting extremely angry and acting on it sins like envy sins like backbiting and on top of the list major mind they're showing off seeking fame Co for disbelief major cook for minor cook for showing ingratitude all these sins have a bad odor that tract the shell team so the best way we're reminded every time we clean ourselves or frolic good we just cleaned ourselves physically let's get back and focus on cleaning ourselves spiritually so that shared pain don't make a house within our bodies I ask Allah subhana allah wahda to protect our results to protect our bodies to save us from the shayateen and bring us closer to him jello allah subhana Surpanakha and occasionally learner in toast okay we're to verdict like Melissa so inshallah Tata we just have a quick question Chester here maybe one question she'll love because of your time if we have some time we could do a second question for those of you that do have questions in Shella well see it's going to show you a link pigeon-holed 80 right there on the top if anyone has bodies so gin is just another creation that's able to enter into our body and number three you know keeping in mind about the whole test so you know you someone may say well I don't remember agreeing to this test right well this that test was a race from our physical memory because if we remember standing in front of Allah when Allah says Allah study Arabic whom am I not your Lord we say but I shall hate an ad that certainly we testify we remember that we remember speaking to loss Hannah then this wouldn't really be a test right so this test is like that Jason Bourne moment with her remember he committed to a mission and then but there were Clues throughout this is what it is we committed to this mission we have Clues throughout our life here that the Christian lives in the earth the scientific method we can use to understand there's a creator there's clues throughout our mission that we did commit and we had the fitler which is also another clue that that hints to us this is there is free will here we have this this commitment we made to lots of Hannah gelada and another reason a person may get possessed is that when a person and I've seen this myself when a person gets possessed and they told about the treatment they start reciting the Quran they start getting for Tahajjud one sister made to Hajj it for two years straight and then she got cured and one of the jinn stories that you there are documented in books or or mentioned online and stuff they will tell you the last session or show you the last session or what happened that Jenny came out so now there's an expectation people think I recite surah fatiha the person should be cured right away now sometimes the cure especially if it's magic or a case of love it takes long it can take two years three years or four years sometimes it could take 30 seconds there's no telling but this sister two years prayed to Hajj it and once you do something for two years it def becomes your lifestyle she continued after that but if the person was not possessed which she have ever made to hedge it her lifestyle would she recite the book of allah every day when she wear the hijab which you pray the five times prayers would she change her ways would she get rid of would she stop music because music attracts the shayateen and will halt on repel the society would she give up this lifestyle and in doing so on the day of judgment she automatically has this huge amount of good deeds which she may have never have had if she wasn't possessed or shuttle or leisa a take as the proverb says I'm said to Allah that evil is not to be actuated to you so whenever whenever something happens in our life it's not evil there's always good in it it's always good it will lead to good as well so the possession has this potential to lead you to good now the treatment of a possession will take time there will be first a general fightback will be very hard will get difficult the person will suffer but then there's this in there's an inflection point where it starts to get better better until the person who's cured so the person learnt sabar impatience so these are all some of the the wisdoms of why a person could be possessed yeah he's like my long hair chef very informative and inspiring speakers Ella Donna we're not going to cut it but I want you to do one thing in Charlotte Donna so as you know we're going to have our first raffle today okay and the first raffle is going to be our $50 gift because we get a lot of brothers that just come up yeah it's me well that's my name is Abdullah yeah we know you're a servant of Allah but you're not the winner so Charla we can go ahead but sit by and do the first spin now everybody's gonna come up well I didn't call it guys I just said it randomly because that's your son okay see we got the first example so well he didn't come but the house so what are you gonna do sure he's Abdullah - you know in me I'm the law attorney al-khattab all righty no but see everybody we have to we have to spin it again inshallah a lot of coincidence I'm sorry Jin I had nothing to do with that but model Manik Maru are you in the room here models Malik is not really matter of today only unknown Wow Malik my roof once twice okay God next next finish Allah chuckle okay chef secure for your patience with us [Applause] Masuda well anybody we have someone the back nobody okay you're witnessing the color of Allah in play right now okay one more if if this one isn't there then we're just gonna give it to or just fling it in the air next one tell us postpone or give it to Allah you have to be present I said nothing oh we got one girl hamdulillah he got up so fast - he was ready for Suzy's I said I'm gonna get up dr. Lawson that's okay these are here rings or messages during the next session in sha allah tala if you can just yeah let's take it out make sure it's on vibrate and we're good to go so for the next session bismillah so yeah we talked about possession in this one our next session is by one of our own brother Mohammad Al Shean now he works for European Institute published many many articles and from dill Allah Ta'ala has been working in Dawa for over a decade mohammed el Chanel we studied in Medina University and holds a degree from Alma Sky University in Islamic studies my best friend my brother-in-law and I'm the last Salama I didn't see him since he got here by the way you gotta love this guy so I'm commenting Sharla is going to speak about the evil eye without further ado sanic everybody hamdulillah salatu salam ala rasulillah karate was average brain we became the name of allah all praise and glory be to allah and may his finest peace and blessings be upon his messenger muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and his family and his companions and all those who tread this path may allah so jelly grant us and your life upon his path and the death upon his Deen and our union around him allahumma Ameen it's always great to be back in epic though I'm particularly upset with this community because you guys hired Murad which means you kidnapped my sister from me because he's married to my sister by the way and I hope you all will put up with my my strange voice I'll try my best to make this as painless as possible so my topic was that I in or another the why first of all I would like you to just imagine the scene of what it was like for the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam to bring to the Arabs to Quraysh the Quran so the Arabs the most important thing to them was language they were the Masters not just of the Arabic language but the Masters of language period they used to call non Arabs a gem a gem is loosely translated as non Arabs right but a gem actually means silent they called everybody else speechless as if inanimate objects why are you guys not able to communicate to articulate the way we do that was the disparity that they rightly observed in the world and that is why it was from Allah's great wisdom to outdo them in what they outdid the world in okay now imagine in the middle of all of that when Arabic communication the art of articulation was the most important thing to these people their greatest celebration was when a tribe would find a poet rise among them they would celebrate that because that was what defined them above everything and immortalized them longer than anything in the middle of that the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam comes forward and he number one breaks out of and did not borrow from any of their themes there were certain themes there were certain modes there were certain rhythms and patterns it was very sophisticated he didn't use any of their patterns their Co a fee their rubrics he didn't use any of their contents like Rafa like grieving like her like boasting of ancestry none of that add on top of these two factors the prophet sallallahu alayhi assalam did not limit himself to storytelling it's easier to be artistic on yours telling stories he spoke about very complicated issues in the Quran right like philosophy of meaning the meaning of existence profound the profundity of life the Hereafter legal like laws are very boring so he outdid them without borrowing from them without even used their system without limiting himself to stories and then he went and the stories he did get the everyone knew he had no access to that's why the people of previous scriptures were blown away and then you add on top of that on top of all of this he did it spontaneously it's not even like he was behind closed doors drafting first draft second draft ten years later submitting my PhD no these were yes a luna cat they ask you about this they ask you about that right away he has it first try if you will and you add on top of all of that he couldn't read and write it up in the first place on his saw to assalaam can you imagine how jealous they were of him that was the feeling that caused them to unleash their eyes at him their evil eyes allah azza wajal said about this scene every time he spoke they were just burning inside and staring at him in a way that almost would burn a hole in him ali salat wa salam in surah surah belkalem which is the surah named the pen at the end of it allah azzawajal says were in Ukiah do live in a cafe au lait you sleep annika be able saw him lam mass Emir of Bukhara and were not for us protecting you o muhammad sallallahu alayhi assalam these disbelievers almost pierced into you with their eyesight this is referring to a line referring to the evil eye almost pierced into you with their eyesight whenever they heard that revealed a reminder that you recite and so I just begin with that scene to give you an example of the evil eye being a reality that we need to protect ourself by invoking Allah Azza WA JAL from its harms Quran eclis it is a reality and also we can take secondarily from this verse that most of the time most of the time the evil eye is the result of hasit hating and v hating the fact that someone else was blessed with something that I could not have and that is very common in our world has had envy because this world is so limited so we can't all have it all right but it being a reality this is in Somme these are in different diet and so many I had it but let me recite to read to you for a hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to give you a bit of an image as to how undisputable a lying nasser actually is number one there is a famous hadith in Bukhari and Muslim when the prophet salallahu alaihe salam told us and i you know half the the i am is a reality inside muslim even at best for the allahu anhum and he said that the prophet sallallahu aleyhi wa salem even said I ain't no half kvie the evil eye the effect the harmful effect of the evil eye is a reality well how can a che own Serbia daddy let's have a heart to Lyon and if anything were ever going to outdo Qatar outdo destiny it would be the eye in another hadith narrated by Evan or I am from Jabbar the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said Allah ie new to the Silla Raju rule Cobra - the hidden rajala Cobra were two little German Ltd the I can has the potential to admit a man into his grave and admit a camel into the cauldron the cooking pot you know when a camel is about to die it's a waste it cost a lot of money so what are they doing it's about to die they quickly slaughter it right and they cook it even though they initially didn't want to cook it and so meaning a person could lose their life and a camel could lose its life or a person can lose his assets by virtue of design by virtue of the eye in another narration also for jabber narrated by al-bukhari in a chariot he said that the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam said xro many mo2 Minn Amati vadik allah alayhi wa Qatar he behind the most common cause of death in my Ummah after the decree of Allah his determinations is by result of the eye the eye and in the last hadith of umm Salama radi allahu allah and Bukhari and Muslim the prophets Allah Allah Allah Allah entered a house in which there was a sick young girl and wedgied Fe when she has Sarah he found some sort of discoloration in her in her face and so he said sallallahu alayhi wasallam be Hannah Vera she is suffering from NASA from another the effect of the eye I glanced estar ilaha seek for her arolea seek for her a religious remedy a spiritual remedy you have an entire session on raffia coming up inshallah to elaborate further and so it's a reality a reality we must be aware of even if we cannot see it it's not part of the dimensions that we see with the naked eye with the naked eye we have three dimensions we see length we see width we see depth 3d right the idea of 4d or at least I think that's why they call this lecture 4d is because this fourth dimension is a dimension of the unseen world right the world that we see with our heart and I would add with our mind not with our eyes even al-qayyim rahim allah speaks about those who have a problem grasping the fact that the evil eye can actually exist and it's not just some fantasy or some wild imagination or superstition he says that I he Mahalo and I hope it's not offensive to anyone would just take it to the grain of salt he says well mom kuru lyonie LaVon no ha ha moon I mean Angelina see with Sam and why luckily those who deny the effect of the evil eye and assume it's all just imagination like this affected this there's actually a relationship between those two things completely imaginative those who think so who assumed so are the most unlearned people when it comes to the reports we have heard from Allah and His Messenger right the Quran and the Sunna and the most unlearning when it comes to rationale it is baseless it is indefensible even according to rationale and we'll come back to that point in a minute he says what lovely him he Jabba he says these are the people that have the thickest veil these are the people that have the thickest veil what does he mean by the thickest veil he means some people are so blind the only thing they can see is the physical tangible reality all they know is this world what they've experienced of this world the physical that they've experienced of this world they limit themselves so much they are blind to the spiritual world and the world of the hereafter the world of hell the world of the metaphysical the non-physical world so that is someone who is truly blind that the only thing you believe in is what is we can repackage it nowadays and say scientific only that which can be proven by experimental empirical evidences that is very unfortunate because it's not even like science tells us it has all the answers right like our physicians in the community can tell you better than me that there are tons of symptoms out there tons of illnesses out there that we can't quite fully conclusively diagnose right and not just will our physicians tell us this then our Quran comes and tells us that Shaitaan himself may have an effect on people's physical well-being or lack thereof don't we read in our Quran that ayub alehissallaam said rob be any Messenia door well aunt arhamu r-rahimin rob be any messenia shaitana be no spin Rabb oh my lord I am suffering and fermented so much from what shaitaan has hit me with has abused or assaulted me with he's speaking about what year a physical illness so how can we think that the only aspects that exist or illnesses weaknesses disadvantages we may have are a result of the physical world in fact and it is so beautiful Allah made it impossible for the sensible person to not believe in the light the effects of the light you know why because he made a part of us right right don't we have souls what is the soul it's an unseen element of us it's a part of you so how can you deny it don't we all know that there is something clearly different between a living human being and a corpse right what is it it's the presence and absence of the soul and so this is an unseen element that affects our physical reality doesn't it and I'll read to you one more hadith and you should consider deeply inside Bukhari and elsewhere of the light in our best about the Allah one whom I said that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa ali who seldom one time entered upon a Bedouin man that was sick to visit him and when he entered upon him he said to him letsa pehoe don't insha Allah there will be no harm on you may Allah cure you and so this man responded in a way that was quite unfortunate he responded back to the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and he said Oleta tahoe you said i'm going to be fine i will be cured from something like this he says Keller absolutely not Bell hua come to fool eyelashes in Kabir in 2-0 whole Kabul no no no this is the death sickness he told him this is a severe fever that causes an elderly man's head to boil that will most Gimli caused him to visit the graveyards so what did the prophet sallallaahu alayhi wasalam say to him fana i'm even in that case yes it will be so what does that tell us that our perspective that's not something you put your hands on that's part of your your spiritual perceptions part of your rationale your lens by which you choose to look at a Las world doesn't just you choose to look at it a different way no this is a two-way street it will affect the way you interact and the results you will reap from al-ahzab universe of Hanna ho at ila and in other narrations outside of sahih bukhari this man died shortly thereafter as the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam foretold he would and so even your perspective is not just the lens it will affect your reality and that's why I'm a Booker so dear karate Allah who and he used to say he heavily sanik and a full effort of atella in el Vella and more Columba not he said be careful of what you say cuz what you say is the translation of how you see things right communicates your state of art which is your spiritual state of heart also your emotional spiritual your psycho-spiritual if you want to call it that he says be careful of what you say and then you go through a hardship a calamity because of what you say because calamities are inseparable from our utterances it's not because you control the universe it's because this is a translation of what you assume about Allah and Allah many at times will treat us based on our assumptions of him subhanahu wa'ta'ala but again these are unseen aspects metaphysical aspects that affect our physical reality and the evil eye is no different so some people that was only one extreme though they did deny the existence of the effect of the evil eye there is an opposite extreme as well in our communities what's the opposite extreme the people that are obsessed with the concept of the evil eye it paralyzes them them being haunted by the evil eye anything goes wrong it was the evil eye it was nothing it was I my children can't get married a time and his sort of disappointment any sort of sickness any sort of disadvantage everything hinges around what the evil eye it is just like dreams by the way there are some people that they cannot break away from their dreams they're always dreaming they never wake up right but what the Quran says this but the dream but the student says this but the dream but did you praise the Hara about it but the dream did you consult the experts the dream Quran soon as the Hara sure our logic everything on one side and the dreams on the other side and the dream was more some people are like this with the evil eye as well you see you have to remember that the evil eye is not outside of Allah Scudder Suhana ho it's odd outside of allah's destiny why do you think the Prophet SAW Selim said if something were to outdo Qatar it would be the evil eye so that you'd rest assured that the evil eye does not intervene with cancel out work opposite outside of the control of Qatar Qatar is Allah's control Subhanahu WA Ta'ala you know it is like the flu do you obsess with the flu no you understand it's danger it can kill you check out the season take what you consider our preventive measures I don't want to talk about vaccines in Muslim spaces but I'll talk about washing your hands I don't want to get controversial you do what you think and then you just go on with life you can't see the flu but it's okay I've taken my precautions likewise with the evil eye I take my precautions which we'll talk about in a minute and just move on why did the other hadith you also heard the Prophet SAW Salim said this he said the great factor that contributes to death in my Ummah he said after a Las Kaaba and kadal after his destiny is their determination is by virtue of or a resultant of the evil eye why is it less than cada because it is a subset of cada it was determined like everything else sometimes you may even take your precautions and you are struck with the evil eye because Allah wished to raise you through that affliction right so this is not something where they either bled greater than Allah or outside of the control of Allah what struck you is not going to miss you what missed you is never going to strike you this is extremely important for all of us to understand it is not separate from Allah scada sakana Wattana it is part of it and the only way for you to understand what the evil eye really does and how to are armored guard ourselves from it is from Allah guidance part of the unseen subhanahu wa'ta'ala and our only remedy is through a las help soprano at allah because when you obsess with it you also become desperate you feel desperate like nobody can help me so let me try everything you panic and that's where we adopt things that can actually hurt up us like doubting Allah like trusting amulets and talismans and charms and and these failed methods despicable methods the disappoint are destined to disappoint you the Prophet SAW salem said that Manalapan mms and fella at sam allahu know whomever hangs a charm talisman amulet dar weaver whomever hangs these things to complete an affair of theirs their affair will never be completed for them you do it for protection of this or provision in that it will never happen so number one you didn't get what you were looking for and at the same time he detracted from your dependence on allah which is even worse because this sabotage is your dunya and this can sabotage your ephyra may Allah forbid having said all of that let's move on to some of the preventive measures Allah did bless us with he didn't just tell us the I is real he also told us this is how you safeguard yourself against it how much time do I have anyone know I just want to pace myself the preventive measures the first of them our prophet salallahu alaihe wasalam taught us and in the quran with examples indirectly allah azza wajal taught us to hide your blessings femmine our webinar material because a hadith proclaim the favours of your lord that is not to be understood in the absolute sense that is to be a understood number one in humility not with boast but also it is to those that you don't fear their Envy you don't fear their harms not just to anyone and everyone and of course we have to transition from saying that to say don't be foolish and broadcast your blessings on the online networks right people that take pictures of their food all the time you're asking for it there are people who have Wi-Fi so they have social media and they don't have food yes or no and so we're not acquitting them for for being envious of you and sometimes they may be so without even realizing it but you need to realize also you are Co contributing to this don't be in denial about that one of our show you said that I had a classmate that said to me I never held an apple in my hand until I left the village to come to the big city to attend Islamic University can you imagine I had never felt an apple in real life an apple and then he sees your banquet online and there's also another aspect to this not just be humble and hide your blessings have mercy on the hearts of the underprivileged you break their hearts many a times without realizing it well I I don't I will not say it but many at times I do withhold from so many things and I have mixed feelings about it because I always feel uncomfortable with the person that may be the 1% only or the 2% only that may not have that example in there to be grateful for that 98% of the crowd does have mercy on them the world is open right now everybody's talking everyone keep that into consideration and then you take pictures of your family consider the person who was not able to hold back anymore from being envious of you after the 20th year of not being able to have a child there are people like this all the time or have lost one don't flaunt your blessings we find this in the Koran yahoo ballet his salaam said to his sons when you go back to egypt to appeal to the king don't all enter from one door don't go down the same road or the halloumi nab web in motif erica and to the city from different gates what does he mean why many of them for soon if not the majority of them said so that people don't see these ten or eleven sons altogether and say whoa wow that guy has 12 boys ten boys that's the first thing don't flaunt your blessings or if men have not found out at the eleventh hour on who one time saw a baby boy that was extremely cute the narration says he had a dimple in his chin you know dimples those indents people usually have in their cheeks some babies have them in their chin all right so this was something extra desirable in their culture many cultures so he said to them quickly the samanu Netta who hide that aspect put a scarf on him put some makeup on it figure it out don't let people see such a good-looking child because you cannot you cannot hear all these a hadith about the effect of the eye and how prevalent its harms are and then you just you you make a show out of it the second thing of the the second preventive measure is when you see something or someone see something that is impressive a tribute to that to allah subhana wa ta'ala quickly make a mention of Allah Azza WA JAL you know there's a hadith and so that I could hack in as many narrations of it that complete one another didn't honey if I'm gonna summarize it for you he took off his shirt to get ready to go in somewhere and be and when i'm ridin' that'll be out of the allah han who saw it he said wow I've never seen nicer skin than I've seen today felipito Raju he fell he fell he had like a seizure or some he fell and so the prophets of Allah who are incident was called he came forward make dried for him he was arrived he said he'll today hey Munna Munna hadn't do you suspect any particular person did this to him they said well we heard the armor if not I'll be I say X Y & Z you have awesome complexion amazing skin so the prophet salallahu alaihe wasalam said what i'll am i asked to do a Hadouken aha why does one of you insist on killing their brother he didn't mean it they love each other these are Sahaba why does one of you insist on killing his brother if there are a Hadouken manaphy him a orgy boohoo Feli you barrack for inula in hoc when one of you sees in their brother something that impresses them let them quickly invoke a las blessings for it or invoke a las blessings period because the eye is a reality you know it's very interesting that in our son our Deen Allah is so great so perfect so relevant so pointed our Dean tells you to say bismillah ma sha allah allahumma barik barakallahu like Tabarrok allah get yourself used to it just keep saying it whenever anything you like to say it mention the name of Allah the blessing of Allah blessed it is Allah the best of creators may Allah bless it for you say these things in general but the Deen specifically reminds us to say it at certain instances of them is what weddings how awesome is Islam why weddings because weddings when everyone's like dressed to kill with their looks right and that is usually when we we come out of weddings and there's always a story about this girl or that guy who after the wedding had some sort of complication in there whatever physicality relationships health whatever it may be we all have stories like this the profits are seldom said when people are getting married you say to them barakallahu lucuma oberek alaikum o Jahnavi nakum of excited allah bless the both of you and bless your Union and gather you upon the best of affairs so that's the next thing it's always attributed to Allah Subhanahu WA Ta'ala the third thing of the preventive measures is to seek a loss protection from a lion even our best for the aloha woman Bukhari and Muslim mentions that the Prophet SAW seldom used to say this for his grandkids and we should all say this for our children and grandchildren he used to say overall Hasan and Husayn or a Doku maybe can imagine a hit I mean Shaitaan in WA ham woman cool the iron in lamb go back to the live stream with the video and pick up the story if you haven't already or go find it on the internet or a lucuma be can imagine lahee Tama I seek refuge for you in a loss perfect words I mean could leash a tone in wa ham from every demon and ham is a poisonous crawler whether it's a snake and insect scorpion poisonous crawler from every demon and poisonous crawler woman : in Lam and from every critical eye critical eye every blur blameworthy eye every envious eye and the prophet salallahu alaihe salam used to say to his grandkids in baku ma can you are with me her is Mary Louise hawk your father meaning your great grandfather ibrahim alaih-is-salaam used to seek protection for his married in his half with these same words so don't be the interruption in the legacy this is sacred knowledge priceless knowledge and I will sell all the elements at the prophet sallallaahu alayhi Salam would seek refuge with many dua for himself from hyeme until Almora with that we'll be robbing a scholar adorable falafel wallah ahead were revealed and then he used to save them all the time even after every single Salah and then of course there's the times that you're supposed to say this before the sunrise and before the Sun sets yes those moments are priceless the great this thing they protect you from is being invaded by this dunya which hijacks your Deen right but it also armors you against harm while in this dunya that you cannot detect so how can you protect yourself from the last thing I want to mention is when you are being vigilant of the effects of the I don't forget that you can strike yourself with the evil eye you remember I said in the beginning that most of the time it can happen as the result of envy most not all the time sometimes it can happen as the result of a jab of conceit self conceit you're just so impressed by yourself your accomplishments your following whatever it may be the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told us this and even before that in the Quran don't we know about the man who owned the garden is Hotel Kiev Allah zilean said to him or about him when Allah is Delta genetical tamasha allahu la quwata illa billah if only when you entered your garden you would have said Masha Allah this is by the the will of Allah there is no might or power except by him Suhana Hatala attributed it to allah the prophet salallahu alaihe wasalam in the hadith i was referring to he said pay attention either a hadouken may you're a G boohoo mean f c/e ahumada he who led he valley adder ilaha bill barakah when one of you admire something is impressed by something within themselves o you who looks at the mirror a lot oh you who takes pictures of yourself in the mirror and uploads them that's a double whammy already you could strike yourself with the eye and you're asking for it from everyone that comes across your posts from yourself your intelligence your physicality whatever it may be or your wealth man you look at your portfolio you look at your bank account you look at the size of the suitcase under your mattress maybe some people still do that and just you you could cause it to crumble or your children see their accomplishment you see their achievement you just you feel so impressed by it but you don't know tribute to allah gratefulness to him quickly he says Phyllida allah make dua to allah that allah bless it so it does not stripped of blessing by your stare at it a custom your tongue to this it's even reported as early man in Abdul Malik Rahim hala who was a great man it was said though that he died in young age according to some historians because he struck himself with the evil eye he stopped one day and it crossed his mind some of his those sitting with him those in his gathering mentioned that he said I don't know anyone that ever became king while cheb while at a young age like me I don't know anyone at my age who was King and he went through a list the narrator says it was in that same month that he died so perhaps and Allah knows best because we don't want to obsess over the evil eye and Allah knows best he may have struck himself with that there is a story I'll end with it that I hesitated much in mentioning because it could be misused but I hope with all the disclaimers I've given you don't take it the wrong way and overly suspect people are overly obsessed with this it's widely circulated in Egyptian culture that a young girl was being dressed up for her wedding and when she walked into the hall she asked why did the lights get turned out she went blind on her wedding day and her husband said no I love her I'll still marry her and so he married her and they had three children together and oh just one morning she woke up and her eyesight was back and so she called her siblings or someone called her siblings to share the good news and they began to cry and they said are you crying out of joy they said no get up and pray to rock as your mother has just died her mother was the one dressing her and they suspected one of the guests and they asked them all to make it to sell by the way which is the Sunnah to bathe or bring some water they washed themselves with and bring it over to pour it over the afflicted person this has a therapeutic effect according to the Sunnah that's why the Prophet SAW said and said away they'll to see if that's a fairly of lesson where they still see that I had to come finish that's it when one of you is asked to make booster for someone else just do it don't feel offended just do it so they're right so they asked everyone to do this and nothing cured the girl until her mother died her mother didn't realize that it could be her it was her who apparently who struck her daughter with the evil eye and with her passing the effect was removed not to suspect our family members not to go overboard but it's a reality sometimes we don't mean it so be very careful of this and if you do feel you're afflicted with this and seek out what Allah has made available to you of remedies in the Quran and in the Sunnah and through this entity said that you'll hear about later on today in the rocky accession insha Allah may Allah protect us and you from every harm the apparent of them in the hidden may Allah Azza WA JAL protect us from every evil critical blaming eye allahumma Ameen and protect us from the the devils and the demons of the humans in the jinn and allow us to be safe and maximize our stay in this world and make us of people that are able to capitalize on the hey that Allah makes available in this world for us and our loved ones and for the world after us allahumma Ameen zupanic alone behind it shoulda larry'd I had entered as the photocurrent to village it's like oh hey no can you just stay for a bit Sherlock for for short Q&A in Charlotte Anna Zack Molloy preferred a very informative lecture I'm sure everyone here enjoyed it and benefited from insha'Allah Allah so now I hold on I have to say this okay I am on the side of the 97% of the experts I am NOT against vaccines in principle okay I need to say that by the way I hope no one understood that from me I said I'm not gonna speak about this because in Muslim spaces they tend to get in on it right it gets controversial I'm not asserting a position but just to make it clear I'm not against vaccines that I think that clarified it jon laaser comment another question so yesterday I was driving to have some dinner with a few guys and they had this imagination like that the evil eye is like you know Cyclops from x-men like you know I just strike somebody with it like it's a superpower they have when they want some have this evil eye is it is it something that a person has and knows he has or can it like does it always is it always the case where he knows he has it or can he not know he has it or she has it so soon also Sahara Sevilla when our scholars discuss this issue as I said because most of the time it's an extension of the discussion on hasit they cite the evidence is for hasset in light of what they consider an extension of hazzard which is that iron and in the discussion of how said they said that we find in the ye that there seems to be a distinction between al-hasa twill her suit that the a person can be has it and not her suit has it is someone who envies who envied even in an instance as opposed to a hazard which is someone who is envious and so someone who is envious may know that they're envious right they know it it's obvious they may not admit it they made me and so they may but the person that is hasit and insha'Allah Muslims who care about the purification of their souls who bow down to Allah who believe he's the distributor of blessings and we are the slaves and are no place to object know that he's the most wise we are insha'Allah more equipped to climb out of the Hassad monster that that tendency and so insha'Allah we are more likely to be hasit but we should certainly be really vigilant because we can be a hazard as well I don't mean that believers cannot but hopefully more of us may perform this act of hasit once in a blue moon this is hopeful but the idea is there is a difference between someone who does it a lot and they know this about them I want this they can't even hide it anymore so it's easily recognizable about them and someone who does it infrequently so he may never make the connection that oh man when I like something it it is hurt some people do by the way some people know that their eye is bad and that is very beautiful of them and they work to protect people from this could be the result of many things like everyone has their challenge in dunya right so let's say for example my challenge is materialism so I may be more panting right more desperate more drooling over material gain so I know this about myself maybe I grew up in poverty and so is it something that I have right they may know this about themselves and so if you know this about yourself you don't act on it you don't stare at people you don't you know inflict any other form of harm against people and you try your best to make dua for such people to the end of it so yes you can perform has said against someone without realizing it and usually for those that perform is infrequently insha'Allah we are of those that do that because don't think that there's a third category that almost any of us belong to her you never envy anybody that is very unlikely and hasan rahim allah used to say Mahalo just do Manhasset there's hardly ever adjusted a body of human being that he contains some hasit some envy don't acquit yourself that fast no he said Ryder and Mina yuffie he well Federer you buddy the only difference is that the believer buries it inside themselves they push it away every time he comes up they push it down again they get it rid of it they make to have for the person otherwise whereas the wicked person they cannot help but express it through the eye or otherwise so we hope we are of the minion and get stronger in the ranks of the mob meaning so we're more able to become less hat Hamid can someone like so perhaps that's that's a good antidote insha'Allah for husband one last question Hamed I know you're not feeling so well so we're not going to ask there are plenty of questions if somebody hit me why ya know it's shallow wasn't that so not on the plane now no no no my son was sick and I was inside he was just so you know look I'm joking guys so shallow we can go to this one last question Sharla someone someone asked are there like specific signs that a person was affected by the evil eye some of these signs are mentioned by those who are experienced in rupiah which I am NOT but these signs for the most part are ta'dibi that really means what they're like the Medical Sciences that we have today through just I guess but let us say it can certainly be wider than that these are just some very evident signs according to some experts that they say that whenever we find these signs it's almost always the evil eye because when we apply the medicine it almost always works that sort of thing but this is of the tragedy be Sciences the applied science is the experimental science is just like almost anything else but the cures are mentioned in the Quran and Sunnah as I relate to your try to in the lecture allotted atoms all alongside of all kind of Muhammad we have a raffle right now and we would like you to give the gift to the next room do we have a deal a hard one in the room going once going twice next roll let's see it right let's do this she now after the third one we're just gonna let you have it are you taking out to dinner tonight yes I'm ready miss I'm ready Hey Mosab Shetty if nobody one more time two more times still one more time okay McDonagh for sure his playing said and he said said come up said no I knows it I know it's his name so he's verified verified account yeah he's a verified account he's like I'm a lost head yep the winner how they busy uh-huh oh no he's a New Yorker was this plant was this thing rigged no it's been it's been all right first time I said if it's Abdullah don't claim to be Abdullah for your name is an Abdullah and somehow all the first rows Abdullah so Charlotte on just a quick announcement mabrook said mashallah you're a winner tonight you suck I'm a lot heavier from Hamid he asked allah subhanaw taala to bless to bless our speakers just a quick announcement on a leg hello Darla he's on his way he should be here in like 10 minutes so because of the delay we're going to adjust the schedule just a little bit be in Iloilo I just wanted to make a few announcements the salah is going to be in the gym business so you can go through the multi-purpose hall into the gym and that's where salata floor Ancelotti lhasa will be held it won't be here in the hall for the three salawats that's the first thing the second thing in Charlotte era we're going to eat in the multi-purpose hall the food sales are going to take place in there we have Mo Kio pizza sandwiches combinations with Pepsi West Shaquille oh yeah hanukkah's yeah that was a very interesting story I didn't hear anything like it so Charlotte Allah it's going to be very good food by the way the other day we just had them sandwiches and they were amazing Tabata Cola do promote do visit the booths that we have in front of the Masjid it has all of the sponsors inshallah all of the sponsors from the from the events so just go and give them your support with nillas Oh judge they sponsored everything just want to name a few of them or all of them Ladera heights it canada-us you arm are pure hands blue fig international Mojo's pizza and one more that i cannot read our mood foundation I would Sunday I'm sorry about that so we just want to say jizz Armel hacer make diet for them they're the ones that made this happen they sponsored a lot of the event gizamaluke head for everything my allah subhanaw taala bless the efforts of the organizers and of the ones who attended protect us from jinn protect us from evil eye the next sessions in Charlotte de la are going to be just about that we have Shikamaru shukri our speaker and poet inshallah maybe he can say a poem with I've got in it you know I don't know if he if he prepared something like that today but he always has something up his sleeve Michelle Tabata Kalaa so we're going to take a break right now till Salter love just a five-minute break until chef hallmark comes back perfect five minute break so check armadas apparently here and will carry on until Lord with Nina just how come along here to cinematic sorry about the delay guys I hope you're enjoying it so far inshallah is everyone enjoying it did you learn something new hamdullah that's what we promised we promise that you'll come in and learn something new in charlotte ila so what's the number one way to protect yourself from the evil eye uh-huh I've got connect with a loss upon a time okay and make dua out for people make it part of your ways to make diet for others to say my show a lot about Accola la quwata illa billah' do not say Wow oh that's so nice that's so cool that's so beautiful forget all these adjectives okay and make the first thing make it a habitual thing to say masha'Allah Tabata Cola whenever you see something that interests you anything that you like in anyone or in anything then just say Tabarrok allah masha allah la quwwata illa billah hey that's the first way bismillah I had some questions out here but I didn't want to ask something some of them were honestly very funny like one of the brothers I'm sure it was a young guy you weren't younger younger heart for asking this question someone asked is are there female jinn and the way they asked was they're looking for marriage or something yeah you gotta calm down with that those type of questions you know so inshallah Tyler without further ado whether I'm modest chuckle he studied in Houston with dr. Salah slowly and many renowned scholars a very good friend of mine from a long time ago I'm not is known to get up and push the emcee off so they don't continue to speak said I'm up one second man give me a hug first there's a guy you're bright and see you later so I'm mater I hope you got some rhymes for us today that's what we want so Dominique want Allah let me get my I hope all of you are doing well I'm the LA it's a pleasure to be with you here at epic and I'm sure that the conference is going I mean you guys hear this everywhere right every time there's an event or anything like that people they say it's going epic it's like a like the least creative play on words ever I'm their last so my topic really briefly in Charlotte ala I want to go over something that's incredibly profound and sometimes the thing that is the best for you is also the easiest and it is also the simplest and sometimes because it is so simple it becomes the thing that we overlook the most I give you an example just set the stage a lot of times when it comes to our health we are told that of the best things that you can do for your health is to walk so just walk get your steps in 10,000 steps a day walk for an hour it will help you sleep better it will help you lose weight it will help you but walking just seems so basic and so people are like I don't I need to join a gym it's 2020 new year new decade new me I need to do CrossFit I need to do jiu-jitsu I need to everybody's walk and so when it comes to spirituality of the greatest things that we can do is thicken the they could have a lot some of my machete used to tell me these to say when we were growing up we did not consider a person to be religious by how whether or not they had a beard or whether or not they wore hijab or nabob or that wasn't the thing that made them recognize whether someone was religious especially because they you know one of my Michelle he grew up in a community where everybody looked like that that's not how they recognize what religiosity was what made them see that this person was religious was there mentioning of Allah their dhikr of Allah and so the prophet sallallaahu Selim he says penny matin afife at an idol Asad tequila time film is on have you ever done Aloha Mahalo gambling subhanAllah this is liquor that you do is something that is so light on your tongue even now as you're sitting you can be making liquor of Allah so heavy on the scales so beloved to Allah subhana Allah and that is so profound and powerful for your spirituality a person whose heart and tongue is always attached to Allah hadith this uni he tells me of his chef chef bimba's rahim allah he tells me he says that of the things that impacted him the most as a teenager with this Grand Mufti of Saudi Arabia this great scholar of the past century is he never saw a person who made more thicket than chef Ben bass as he's answering questions on the radio as that person is asking that person a question as they're receiving the question as he's receiving the question he's making the color of Allah Subhan Allah Allah and someone like that The Vicar of Allah is of the greatest means to protect yourself from every evil from every evil and I'll share with you a number of aspects inshallah in which the dhikr of Allah protects and of the ways that we can invoke Allah as though yet for that protection of course the greatest vicar is the Quran and so the greatest way to protect yourself is with the recitation of the Quran and there are some saw that have been completely mentioned to be protective and there are some verses that have been designated by the prophet sallal artists that led to be protective as for the swap of them in surat al-baqara and so the prophet salaallah alayhi wa sallam he tells us to read surat al-baqara the prophet sallallaahu said that he tells us to read surat al-baqara and the hadith here let me just pull up the hadith rasulullah sallallahu said lamb he says to read surat al-baqara he says laa telugu you to come mohabbat he says do not read make your homes into graves in the shaitana young pharaoh min al batin lady Tokra orphan he solitude baccala as is reported by Muslim he says do not make your homes into graves where no remembrance of Allah is made and Shaitaan flees from a house in which Surat al-baqarah is red and so number one the recitation of solar cell baccarat expels shayateen and in fact the prophet Elijah said him says in another hadith that's also reported by Muslim he says the flower Surat al-baqarah he says resource al baqarah he says for in the harmonica watter Taha Hazara why lattice for trol baccala he says because seizing and taking Surat al-baqarah is Baraka it is blessing in your home and it is blessing for yourself and leaving it is husana is there's a cause of grief and sadness and it is something that cannot be overpowered by magic and magicians and so the recitation of Surat al-baqarah is protection from Cheryl teen and it is a protection from magic and also of the soil that protect of course is surat al-falaq and surat an-nas and sorta Nikolaas the sewer that we are commanded and reminded to read in the mornings and in the evenings the prophets the holidays and lot more you Allah is doing it he says put a hulu bit of beef it up min sharri Muharram I seek refuge in The Lord of mankind or the Lord of the dawn from the evil of what he created and so you are seeking refuge in Allah has O'Dell from every evil the evil of every human the evil of every jinn the evil of every creature the evil of every sin don't forget about all of the evil that lies within and we're reciting these words you come under the protection of the king and so the recitation of certain fell absolute an ass as well as sort of an the class of them as well is the recitation of ayat l could see and you know the story is very famous of a a doll of the law and who at one point in time he was in charge of zakat and there was a man who came and took from it and I'm holy it I caught him and then he pled forgiveness and Abu Huraira let him go and then the next day he caught him again and then the third time and each time he's telling him he says I'm going to take you to la lu la salida esenler and then finally he says how about I tell you something in exchange and what he told him was that if you recite ayatul kursi in the night you will be protected you will be protected from any shell teen for the entire duration of the night and so when abu al has told the prophet sallallaahu send-up of what he had said he says suck wha-hoo ok loop he has spoken the truth to you even though he's a perpetual liar even though he is someone who is a liar and he confirmed that that was a shot who above all data had been interacting with so this is a shape on telling abuela and us how to be protected from Shelton and so the recitation of ayatul kursi in the morning and in the evening that we walk with these words and then from the Sunnah the Provost on the line is and lambda are many a hadith in which the promise of mellitus and the invokes protection and teaches us how to invoke protection of them of course is what the prophet sallallaahu sent them used to use to invoke protection on his two grandchildren and has another hussain and he used to hold them up and he told us that this is the way that abraham ally salam used to invoke protection on its marilyn is harp you look ummah be kylie mati la dama min kulli shayin Ohama I mean Coulier nee llama that I seek refuge in the perfect words of Allah I seek refuge in the perfect words of Allah from every wandering devil and from every evil eye and so invoking these words on your children and teaching these words to your children as well as the Provost of the lightest and I'm telling us that whoever recites in the last or in the night whoever recites the last two verses of ayatul kursi gaveta the I was just testing you guys to make sure that you guys were with me exactly very good surah al-baqarah the last two verses of surah al-baqarah allah as the prophets of the light in him says that whoever recites the whole a team of surat al-baqara at the end of the night at the beginning of the night that it will protect them from every evil gaveta who they will suffice that person suffice from what it's a general term so the scholars he said suffice from every evil you live in the hood you're worried about people outside of your door you're worried about robberies you're worried about that you recite the last two verses of surat al-baqara a person is worried over themselves that they recite the the last two verses of surat al-baqara these are powerful powerful words of protection that we should invoke Allah as the weighted with so surah al-baqarah as well as the Provost on the lightest and then telling us anytime that a person is entering a a anytime a person is descending into a place whether you're descending into your house whether you're entering a new city or that you say Ruby McCollum Atalaya Matt min sharri Mahalo that I seek refuge in the perfect words of Allah from the evil of what he created our Luba Kelly mati Lolita Matt min Shelly mahalik that I seek refuge in the perfect words of Allah from the evil of what he created and then a beautiful one that we are taught to make in the morning and in the evening as well bismillah lady I adore my summation 151 office sama what was Simeon bossy this phrase I have not been able to translate it bismillah he lady lion reminds me a shape in the name of Allah with whom or by whom nothing can cause harm I'm trying to translate but it's just not the Arabic is just it's just majestic in the name of Allah by whose name or with whose name no harm can approach from the heavens and the earth and he is the all-hearing the all-knowing when you approach when you combine these concepts together that you are saying that I am beginning in the name of Allah in the name of Allah the one by whose name nothing can cause me harm I shall fear no man I shall feel no harm I shall feel no sorcery I shall feel no anything why because I am powered I am protected I am looked after looked over a lot is a Samia and the lady and and just so that I can conclude this with some names of Allah so yet because this is also very very beautiful a lot of times when we look at this notion of a lobbying the the ends with Allah being a Samia and an idea he is the all-hearing and the aahs and the all-knowing most of the time when we communicate to ourselves as well as to our family members as well as to students that Allah sees you hears you and knows what you are doing it is to inspire the fruit of taqwa you should fear a lot less easy right now you should fear a lot a lot here's you right now you should fear Allah Allah knows what you're doing and that is true and 100% correct and needed absolutely the fruit of taqwa but there is also another fruit that is inspired by these attributes that is also very very important not just that Allah is watching you but that Allah is watching over you and so Allah being a semi and Aladeen meaning that he hears my supplications he hears my prayers he hears my pain he hears my fear he knows my state he knows my apprehension he knows my there's no circumstance in which I am not being watched over and when I walk in the name of Allah then it doesn't matter who's going to seek to harm me it doesn't matter who's trying to bring demise to me or evil to me or because I am walking in the name of the one who with his name no harm can come in the heavens and the earth and he's always aware not just of my circumstances but of the circumstances of every went around luck Malloy here so the light is Muhammad to see you guys at Charlotte's either chuckle here for that wonderful introduction as well more I really appreciate it the one you didn't allow me to do there's a common austere Sheikh Ahmad and shallow we just have a quick raffle we have a gift card in Charla it's a hundred dollar gift card this time first of all I if I'm the one who's going to be giving this then I give it to myself and I appreciate it on behalf of myself thank you very much is that going to look at well how about you fight with the one who the wheel there's a wheel Owen will see you I thought I was gonna walk off with this there's one type of cell that we're not going to cover today and that's the set of the Prophet SAW I seldom said in nominal kill a millisecond need some speed yes in a minute by annulus O'Hara that's the Sahara more perfect a la la la la howdy gamma so we could go ahead Cheverus it Sabich yeah Robert you know going once going twice brothers are but you better not be praying sooner right now yeah next let's see mashallah a call for our power I'll Altaf Bella once right now you know okay not here next so the rule is on the third absence it goes to me correct well that's a new rule no no unfortunately sister Samara isn't here no sister Samara better stand up quick sister Samara is not here she's upstairs maybe she might be upstairs Aloha Oh her class is upstair okay so tell us fellas last one one more time let's do one more bismillah want it to be someone in here okay Scott is already putting it in his pocket what card so my sister Samantha are you here yes vertical aah alarm abetik hey guys so much so lots of article law well we learned something today yeah I'm not still sitting here you better you better your site your earth God we got a lot of eyes on you right now sure how's that gonna look here Shalala I then I then will happen right now okay no salat wa salam haaa ROFL MV i went more city said no muhammad saw the pillow I did I mean Ali Oh Sofia Jemaine welcome back to our conference bewitched for those of you and I asked some of you just came alhamdulillah we spoke about some very very nice topics so far we had some great speakers tabata kala we spoke about for those who who don't know about the conference you can find a paper on some of the seats that have the itinerary for today we spoke about Jen possession and the evil eye so far and then followed that with a session about God with our beloved brother Armand now in Charlotte Allah that everyone had lunch and is satisfied and got a little mellowed down and surely we could move to the next part of our program which is us talk about rakia and this is something that we should all be thinking of right now now after hearing about gin stories and the evil eye and what if we were inflicted with this what do we do alhamdulillah rabbul aalameen today joining us for the rookie assertion is our beloved chef I'm Marcia he and shechem are sought knowledge from a young age mashallah being around many of the scholars in Egypt he grew up and memorized the Holy Quran at the age of 12 Michele a lot about Alcala he grew up in Charlotte attain higher degrees in Islamic studies from Egypt obviously his biography is very very long and we are very very short on time right now so shikamaru masha'Allah is an expert and this is all you need to know he is an expert in the field of Rokia and Islamic knowledge so if you have any question throw out or if you think of anything that you want to ask the shell throw out the talk I want you to tag him on the link that we have up here well see little boy can we put the link go to pigeonhole eighty and then tag on Marcia Hien tag I'm watching because that's how I filter the questions ask the question in sha allah tala Sarah bye similar thunder lawsuits ooh la la Lu Savio manola inshallah to make it very precise the the topic is very wide and very long and I usually do this session from beginning to end by myself in six hours so I hope inshallah I could cover whatever possible to cover today focusing more on the rakia and the perspective of rakia and the dark Ida behind that so inshallah the talk will be first we're going to define rakia from the perspective of the linguistic scholars and the scholars of mas para hat the definition then will go on and we'll speak about the branches of rakia different types of rakia that a person could preform and then we'll talk about some of the speak about some of the evidence on when to use rakia and how to use rakia and what is that loud and what's not allowed inshaallah how to protect our houses our children or our family at the end inshaallah will speak if there's time if there is someone who's afflicted with possession of jenn whether its inner or outer if someone's afflicted with magic for evil eye somebody has Ataris on amulet or certain writing I wish there was a projector we could project some of the pictures that we have but inshallah any if I send it to you okay good luck inshallah if I send it here here drop it airdrop no her job so hello spiritual first Rukia Rukia yahoo Lula Mae it's a mineral ah you blow in with reading or reciting something for the benefit of cure some of the definition of having a theorem Allah Allah he said the rakia is a cure from sickness or disease and this came from the Quran where allah subhanaw taala said what kill a man rot who's going to reform a rakia a type of cure that an individual would use Ibrahim Ulukaya said oh rakia kalamoon Eustache Febby him in cooler air it certain wordings that the individual uses to cure from all sickness or any affliction or any harm yahoo loop leave your Himalayan player whom allah said majorca be him in at a level of Asifa that when you seek she fair or cure from allah subhanaw taala by supplicating by using certain a hadith or a daya or verses from the Quran that we are taught through the sunnah of rasulullah sallallahu aleyhi are a Leo solution Cure allah subhanaw taala sends deflection and the test upon an individual or a sickness or a disease and he sends its cure with it as the prof Salim said there are some people who are familiar with it and there are others were not the problem with rakia is that it's a field there is not limited to science like you can just say these are the only verses in the Quran you could use for that and here are the evidence so people fall into the mistakes of using things that they're not allowed to use that is prohibited some time upon them to use that we're going to explain insha'Allah so if we divide the rakia we're dividing into three branch three branch one rakia there is allowed second branch rope here there is this light and the Rope here there is haram these are the three branches that we will talk about in sha allah rabbul aalameen now rakia there is allowed any statement of Quran Sunnah hadith of the Prophet sallallaahu value assalam certain diet or social and taught the Sahaba certain verses that was mentioned specifically for cure or treatment and I'll refer you insha'Allah to one of the best research done in that field as much as I know about rakia and the signs of rakia and then the the rock here there is permissible from wordings that do not contribute for a nursing officer ooh-la-la reason 1q raquel macro ha are the rock the rakia there is mixture of words that don't contradict but the meaning is not as good or they are used by individuals and has no chain or narration or even the rope here that comes through certain innovations or that actually it's dislike even though some a llama and loves it as long as it does not contradict anything from Collins from the rock ladder is Haram and this is the biggest problem that we have today rukia there is written on papers with writing that you don't understand rakia there has names of ORN or letters or numbers that we don't recognize rakia that is complete sheer or disbelieve in allah subhanho wa taala things that are used for harm by people of magic or spells or who does tau YZ or amulets or other than that that is haram calling upon the jinn and the shayateen and most of us are not familiar with that because we might not recognize but it's it's very clear for example there there are so many times where you see a piece of paper it has certain writing from the Quran even ayatul kursi and around al kursi there are letters and numbers written ok and even that has names of Allah but within within the writing it has letters and numbers have you seen that before I wish we could show you all that I just I have to give you my phone oh yes so this is the I want to show you some of these amulets that you know a lot of time a lot of people with Rokia and I have to mention that now you have to be very careful what's your name you have to understand that now some of the things that people are giving you there might be in mind it might be beneficial but not for you meaning it might be harmful to your body for example there are some people who develops in a skin reaction or skin rashes because of certain elements like food so not everything that works in the raffia field could be for every individual to use so if you start using it and something happened don't blame the raffia just blame the Rakhi that's easier I just because they have to do some lab tests and they have to make sure that you don't have allergy and things like that no I can't see her yeah the only one I could see share my machine now image reminds that I don't want to send that stuff to him he's like I can't see what's your hair you go just have to take it in your phone but delete it after the plus has Jenny stuff in there he's gonna come back to me for Rocky and we're gonna there's no time to time so let's start in Shalala to talk about the evidence from the rocky and then i'll show you in sha allah how to preform Rokia and what you use it and when to use raw here like what for number one allah subhanaw taala said Wenonah z luminol Cora anime who was she fair metal minion well a as edith Alamein alaska Sarah we reveal in the Koran or the port we revealed the Quran as a she fat as a cure nor km said it is as she fell for the hearts a cure for the heart and also a cure for the body now be careful here with something Allah said little more meaning for the believers so everything within the field of rakia depends on how much you believe in what you're doing like water of Zamzam the pesalam says Zemzem is a cure correct mashallah we go to hajj umrah which we shower with Zamzam we drink Zamzam we are we bring them them back and we still sick well the problem is not Zemzem the problem is the hearts that are taking exams 'm the individual that is drinking Zemzem so happy when he came to rasoolallah Selim and he treated someone with al-fatiha and he said how do you know it's rakia he said they are Zola is in the Quran rakia in the in the Mustafa Muhammad he said yes he said and that's the only surah that I memorize so I believe it's rocky I believe in the cure a lot of us today we are not doing the rakia trusting Allah we are testing Allah and this is a bit Allah cannot be tested if he if you're trying to test Allah then you won't get anywhere you know side of Messiah used to get 800 pound or a dinar every month and he takes it in and he gives it to his nephew to spend it for Allah his nephew would take it he spend it he comes back second day he'll give him 800 again so his nephew asked him once he said you only have one job one salary and we give it all away and then the second day you give it to me to spend on the family where do you get the extra money he says every day I give you the money every month I sleep and then when I wake up I find the money under my pillow so his nephew was very smart mashallah he took a thousand from his money and he went and he spend it all for Allah and then he went to sleep that night in the morning he was expecting the money to be under the pillow so he took the pillow out the case out the mattress the whole house he couldn't find his thousand say it all say it Holly ahankhah dot-ne this is your fooling me or tricking me he said why he said I spent a thousand years today I couldn't find anything I was waiting he said yeah Bernie I been doing this with allah subhanaw taala and i'm waiting always for his mercy on his return I'm dealing with him this way and you did it to test Allah and Allah cannot be tested you just wanted to see if the money is going to come you don't do that so in the rocking fear it has to do with how much you believe same thing with medicine our own addition here is always what the believers its guidance and cure as even no claim we we mentioned that like where is the perspective of rock we are coming from important hadith of the Prophet SAW Salaam that should be in your mind all time when you're doing yeah or helping someone and this is your first intention - Tata I mean come on Farah AHA falafel the puffs Adam says if one of you could benefit his brother and a brother or sister then you should do so a benefit that you have toward your brother Rasul indeed Rukia Rukia was done on him by Charlotte Eleanor da rocha was done on him by gibreel away his salam when when the person was afflicted with magic and Gabriel came down and he recited Almar with that pull out doorbell fell across robinus and he blew in on Rasul Allah Allah Allah man died she said we used to read her so solemn used to read and blow enough and this word the rakia coming from and found law there's a I didn't know that there was a chain of narration connected to the professor Laura Santo Barrera trousseau Salem of the style of Anathoth and the sheer gasol of Haran gave it to us anybody know how do you do enough especially you do enough during what when when do you do enough when do you bloat like that if you have a night Mariya and your wife is next to you just wake up and you starts bidding on the left and you say you tell her I'm doing this soon all right all she's gonna do the same thing but on her right that's a problem or in Salah yeah a lot of people in salah you're praying next to a brother and all you see you feel there's and then you ask him what's going on he's like I was distracted so I'd blown much one in my lap well I was on your left rather be careful no enough and Neffe especially in salah is looking to your left but not turning your head because you're out of salaf you turn your head to your left you're actually out of salah is looking to your left and blowing out breathing out without saliva without spitting a blow and that's how you breathe did it to rasoolallah and this is how the prophecy salem did it and he commanded the sahabi to do it in water he said when you're reciting on water and you finish and this is the sunnah of rakia now if you're reading surat al-fatihah or on your children before to school for protection you read in your hand bismillah no human hand Allah you finish the surah you blow like that and then you wipe over your body and their body that is the protection with water is the same thing you're blowing in or you're breathing in the water it has an effect and one of our brothers is on blue heron did a lab work on Zemzem water in Davis and on the water the house for N and you could see miracles miracles of the components not just h2o but a lot that is later the rocky of those who have a rude one allahi aleeh him now when do we perform rakia hadith of Abu Zeid or the lawn or doe that Jebel Ali Salim came to Rasool Allah salam when he was kena yes techy he was complaining we know that Rasulullah sallallahu Salim was afflicted with magic for what how many days then is a good answer some narrations had three days but the authentic narration the three is actually theory three zero telephone not not three does the Atlantic narration through the chain collective chains is theory three days Theory day is not three days narration and also Salem he did Hashanah he did copping it didn't work he used to see things you guys have a trivia or you're trying got la control it's Jenna stuff take some time I'll take some time somebody spoke about gym before yeah people are gonna go home today only thinking about gym anything that have if the light goes off now it's gin yeah this is the problem with with our our key that we were trying so much to rely upon their means and the reasons and we forget that it could be a test from Allah Samantha so if somebody comes and you read the rakia and it doesn't seem to work they tell you all I have very strong gin and magic how did you know that I know myself masha'Allah you just want a hanger to hang your problems a man and the wife they come to me and they talk for two hours at then they tell them go xie xie who does counseling marriage counseling so it's not gin yes not gin worldwide Jim and we're going somewhere else like they they don't believe there is a problem you know that's it's easier to rely upon that and this affliction but anyway Gabriel came to rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam and he said bismillah he of cake I mean cool ishe in unique means every cool enough seen Hawaiian has it Allah who s feet bismillah happy by the name of Allah I perform rakia on you from whatever that afflicted you and from every evil soul and from every evil eye I think she Muhammad spoke about ional has it and that has more more effect than even said and I have seen it I mean 20 years in this field most people are afflicted with evil eye then magic and and say her anda because that's something that you can't see and you know if you remember she I'm sure mentioned the hadith of the prophet sallallaahu Selim where he said that after the cutter of Allah most people died and this Ummah because of the evil eye you know and we have seen cases who are like that there's one case right now smile on Minnesota he he had a stomach infection and doctors couldn't figure out anything so I called him and we went through a process of Rocky so I told him just do an MRI and this is how they found that he had an eye like an eye in his stomach in sight so an eye like I'm I read read hi so they took a biopsy from it and doctor yeah till then says we we don't understand so his doctors non-muslim he told them you should seek a spiritual healer to check you out it's literally what he told him and the brothers still alive may Allah give him Shiva and cure the Prophet Allah Salim said in a hadith narrated by Bukhari man that Allah who mundane in the anzhela Maheu Shifa la span hotel every day every sickness or disease or reflection that Allah sends he sends the cure the cure with it the cool leader in Dawa every sickness has a cure except death as as you all know the prophet sallallaahu Salim did Rokia from evil eye he did draw clear upon himself he did droplet or Hasan and Husayn when someone would get sick in his family he would do rakia he would reform the rakia and again rakia is a spiritual healing it's certain reading that an individual does has a Quran and then he he would blow so la la la Salem and wipe over their body when you into a smell of the love on Howard waha and he saw that that her children were very weak and skinny and he said what's wrong with him they looked very weak she said they are isola they're always afflicted with evil eye he said why you don't perform rakia she said I have a rakia that I preformed and the prophet sallallaahu Salim said let me hear what you have and she read to him the rakia and then he said it's good you could use it there is another narration that the Sahaba came to rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and there was someone whose acting like as it as if he was an insane all right running around and my mother what is the as if he had a seizure attack okay I shall I'm giving you stuff that cost money for free anybody knows the difference between if somebody if you're reading on someone and they start reacting how do you know that this is your attack that they're having is because of a medical reason or due to a flexion of general possession or that people who do row clear do they know there's one major sign huh what is it yawning I just want to sleep that's all a lot of people they come to you at 2:00 a.m. for Rukia you know this guy brought his son and I believe his son is much a lot he's Jin himself jumping around and all that so he brought him at 2 a.m. and he told me she always been jumping you know from the top of the bed on the floor all day fine he said what why believe me has Jin ok 2 a.m. i'm bismillah I read on him the kids it was yawning so hard and then he slept he said you see the Jin now I said and I just asleep take him home is fine people who are possessed people who have a seizure attack they when when they started developing the seizure attack they only fall on one side people who were who were having seizure attack because of a flexion of Jin they started rolling and falling all sides and let us a gift for the people who are doing rock you just said one sign of course there's more sign people who have a seizure attack only falls to one side they only start falling on one side people have a seizure because of a jinn they don't fall on one side they start falling up up and down they start rolling these are moving around that is a sign but of course people who are in that field know better and there are the more more science to that so anyway this is a hobby Kim he said do you have a rakia and he said to the problem I had a rakia that I used to do at the time of ignorance before Islam the prophecies let me hear what you have called ah ha ha bah bah wah wah wah ba-bah ba-bah the prof Selim accepted some and rejected some meaning he told him these wordings that you just said are fine to use but these are not fine to use you can do that alright so this is where the the rakia is coming from someone there is Ishmael consensus of the skulls how many minutes do I have two hours is up hello a handle like 30 minutes and then you say 10 minutes how often tell Karen Kuzma Tom did said touch our hellos okay my time mmm not the bottom Allah mentioned there is not a consensus of the scholars call Allah adam-11 they know Medina be is a lalala Salim oh he's married Laura if he's early he said I don't see any difference among the scholars that the rakia is required especially from someone who was stunned by a snake or someone who is going through sickness or disease or Rokia by the name of allah subhanaw taala for the Bela for deflection and even as I mentioned the Ishmael for it too there is a consensus that is allowed in the or among the the scholars now few points in Charlotte is to talk about rakia yeah thank you no don't after these are the the some people uses as form of shear they write these numbers and letters and then they dissolve it in water and they tell you to either draw names you see a diagram that has words that you don't understand you see a diagram even if it has Ethel courtesy all of this is a form of shirk and sometime it's a lead to disbelieve and calling upon upon gin there are certain verses or certain writing or reading that they do to preform or to bring in the help of gin all of this is Haram anything other than that from Quran from the Sunna from a'dreea from something that people have used so Hannah in the old days our parents our grandparents used to say certain things that they are like a Doha you can't find it in the sooner I can find it in the Quran but it has good wordings okay and it's completely fine to use if it's being practiced or through the experience of that now when do I seek help for Rukia number one you seek help for rakia in a case of sickness and the best of this rakia is the a out of a Shiva that our Hasan Basri rahim allah mentioned he said there are five verses they're considered to be the verses of shiva and the verses of releasing hardship now when do you seek Rukia if you feel again she fell from disease or hardship or reflection or or sadness any of that now choo-choo you seek help of Rukia if you have a look we better have nightmares there are too scary and then you see them all the time should seek rakia for that not not just once because some time you told you know this this brother comes he says I feel like I'm afflicted with jinn I mash a lot no problem you see with nightmares yes how many times he says how many times you need like to tell me I have gin I said no you tell me how many times you see we were better if dreams means almost every day or every night okay if someone again has seizure attack or any of that if the children are behaving in a way there is not normal not normal means crying is normal jumping is normal playing at the house is normal but if they start talking to some something or to someone that they can see where they start developing is it close Bassam - Andrew got spasm yeah spasm or if they start saying or if they start screaming or crying when their sleep you should preform rakia upon them of course if someone's afflicted with jinn or someone has the signs of Jen there is something completely different the evil eye upon Michelle all Muslims they have evil eye so what we believe and everything happens somebody gave us the heat Dave Allah could reform Rokia me because of that now what are the best Rokia to preform the best rakia to preform is the rakia that is done by quran and the sunnah of the prophet salallahu alaihe salam and the doha which is america hello your hymen loti allah he mentioned in a book in the collective book of a hadith a chapter about rakia and he mentioned everyone with a chain so surat al-fatihah best of cure surat al-baqara if it's read in a house then the shelton are out for three days and this is another way to spray your house the Prophet Allah salem told us o javea he said spray your house with the water or recite surah al-baqarah a get resolved rid of the shayateen for three days okay you spray the coroners only in the house ayatul kursi great effect this is the Baha you don't me so he al kursi is the great effect Shaitaan told Abu Huraira and the famous hadith he says if you want protection from the shayateen or even protection in general recite ayatul kursi now at work or see the two eye after a clerk or see also as a hadith the three best Rasool Allah saw wa salam says the three i had that was revealed to me as being one of the best in the quran or the last three ayat in surat al-baqara from linda him fsmo Tromaville art on okay surah - saw that also has a hadith come on there is so many ayat if a person has magic that is completely different Rokia they recite certain ayat in surat yunus they recite beginning of sort of soft fat the first thing i of source of solitude - han-soo repulsion the 4-pole cooling everyone fell out of a fella Calado beneath the rest of the verses and the ayat are more of experience and through some narration the dilemma has you could search it and find it online but these are the the main sewer or the main area if someone for example me let me make it easy for you how you know that your reflected bulging or magic or evil eye I'll give you a very easy step if you because we don't want questions you know for the amend do you think I'm afflicted do you think I'm afflicted I can't read English joking stuff so okay he said this is what you do get a headphone nice ones though on the block the noise outside noise at a time where you're completely awake not at 12:00 a.m. okay and then play the rakia and listen to it the full rakia like the hour hour and half rakia alright if you feel numbness in your body yawning too much not just yawning ones because because we do that when we hear quraían mashallah we fall asleep and your heart has to be awake okay you're yawning too much you feel numbness in the body you're on too much you start feeling a lot of irritation in the chest area or in your body body ache or you start feeling that someone's pushing you not to listen to the rakia or you start crying very hard not because of a higher that your reflect affected by but you just crying you know you can't control yourself you can't stop okay come on gene work right there any of that then I would recommend you should seek help from someone who could preform the Rakhi on you and who could tell you whether you're reflected with evil eye or there are a lot of signs like rashes could be due to evil eye there's like I have a hundred I don't have time to do that but I have a hundred sign that people could tell whether you reflected or not reflected but the point of the Rokia is that you're doing it with the intention of cure and seeking help from allah and know that allah subhanaw taala is the only one who has the full shiva this is the point of Rokia do it in your life or social image to do it for hasan and husayn every day do it for your children before they leave the house okay do it for yourself before you go to sleep the son of the president they used to read l-fatiha i intercourse ii and the three Cole and he will blow in his hand like we showed you and he would wipe over his body wherever he the areas that he could reach in his body and then he falls asleep the angels will protect you all night so you do stop nightmares and all of that I would recommend if anybody's going through problems or you feel that you have a problem or you think someone is having a problem there's a simple way to start olive oil has many a hadees' olive oil you start reciting on it or in it okay and then you wipe over your body with it before you sleep and in the morning you take a shower with water that has recitation if you still have nightmares again severe nightmares recurrent nightmares after you do that you do your body with olive oil that means that you have a problem and you should seek help if you're fine hamdulillah that that should be a sign of course there's I I have a lot of stories that maybe we could say later insha'Allah perform the rakia with the belief that the cures from allah subhanaw taala i will tell you a story to end with inshallah that i have witnessed with one of our Messiah Sheikh Muhammad the son she fell off a Milosevic urine this women in Egypt she had a she was diagnosed with cancer and the doctor was scheduled her surgery appointment in 15 days so she said that she was watching TV and one of the mache on TV he said he was saying madam z'm is a cure and all of that she's illiterate she she's from the villages area so she said to her as her son literally she said where is this mm that he's talking about and he said what do you want it for she said I want some he said we could bring you some she said no he said that Rose wasallam or asalaam said that the water of them so I want to go where is mm is if there is this had the surgery done yeah of course unwise don't know pure BA how she's all my nothing I just heard that there's something called Samsa and rasoolallah said is secure so when I when I drank them the money came back very simple not complicated a we spent 10,000 on Hajj we come back with viruses from Saudi Arabia sickness and disease and someone we have talked to a government mother but that's a different issue so may Allah protect you and my hospital SAV inshallah and I lost her aunt Allah bless you and home inshallah this was quick and brief there is hopefully we could ask permission to come back again and do the full gin workshop and the rakia and preform and actual practical rookie on somebody maybe show Mohammed was you and shall have to make a decision and I'm like that I have to join work now that was a Ron Burkle avi come sort of line Olivia no matter handle a black Absalon like shares a common law share it was a very informative and straightforward talk hamdullah I'm sure everybody here benefited from it if anyone has a question in Sharla we could show the link send the questions up above and Shella now it's the Q&A session with the chef we have a few minutes you should do the same thing but you burn it first and then you dissolve it into the water and then bury it somewhere now if you can't do any of that you could crush it okay and then put it in in water or burn it that will be better but I have to see it to tell you the way to do it exactly because every amulet is different there might be there are some emulous there are some time with that then needs to be dissolved in a certain way and there they're writing in it the writing inside writing is inside it is more important than the amulet itself the writing the writing in it if somebody would to be read it you could figure out what to do with it so I have to see it too to be able to it but if it's amulet and she's wearing it or if it's a nickels that she's wearing it universally man Aloha Tammy Martin / - what someone were to hang an amulet believing that it will help and protect him he has disbelieved he has committed chip this blue eye on every table so you know that means that people hang it in their cars for protection and the guy told me every time I hang it we have a car accident so much it's a sign from Allah that could be and Allah has protection is above all under Sun Allah hu second question it's a it's a nice one this one actually had about twenty twenty people voted for this question as well does plain Quran on youtube like surah al-baqarah have the same benefit as reciting it the hadith of the Prophet Nahum Allah Allah mentioned he said that what I remember I mean the hadith of the Prophet Adam says bata lady - Karratha surah tauba the house that surat al-baqara is recited in so he said a hum do leather open up a door for recitation meaning if it's recited by you or by someone else because he didn't say that you recite surat al-baqara in the house he said recited so the youtube and all of that would do the same and the recitation would do the same inshallah as in the house but better more recommended that you do Surat al-baqarah read it in your house every three days the shayateen will be out inshallah they will disappear from the house and show someone asked about spraying water that is the Quran is recited on in the corners of the house is this something that's a Sunnah that has a narration of Abu Dawood any memory nasarah Allah narrated that the prophet saw seldom told us however that and it's a Sunnah to do it and the the corners is does not give you the source for that but the corners is where - I'll clean mostly hide you know shayateen they how they hide in three places in your house anybody know where no no not about they don't they don't hide in the bathroom they are in the bath and this is their place they're not they're not hiding you have to hide from them seriously you're entering their house all right the person says when you enter the bathroom or the house of the shayateen some narration you should protect yourself cover yourself from their eyes by doing what by saying that also you're entering upon them don't say well this is my house after no right so you do that they hide we're mainly they would if to hide yes huh in we're grass trash any filthy area that's where they mostly hide yes corners of the house in the sink yes that's why I would recommend I would recommend if you were to turn on the hot water specially winter day if it turns on right away you should say bismillah first and we have I have seen cases myself of jinn possession possessing people because they harm them through hot water of course the people don't know that but we still have to convince the jinn that the person doesn't know that so be very careful of that because this is the place of the shielding but the corners of the houses and the filthy areas where they live they like to live away from people they don't by the way jinn don't like to interact with us it's not like they just sitting there looking at you hi the their life is complete they have their you know they're like isolated from us like we're we don't like to get involved with them that's an election 11:00 um mashallah we just have no no I'm Sharla we'll just go to the next part of our program chawla which is the raffle this raffle zone and they are present in the room okay you have to be present in the room and we said there no Jen participating shift because they don't have email addresses first where I'm washing in no I'm not as yeah so I'm gonna try to pull the same [Music] zeyneb was an Amish Oh Michelle Michelle from the first time Center second loss at sister Oh mashallah some alloy dick yeah yeah what's y'all la that's an election you shut up Salam alaikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato smellorama raheem alhamdulillahi rabbil alameen wa sallahu wa salam ala astrovan bi when Marceline said nah Muhammad Ali oh sorry Rin I welcome you back and sha Allah Ta'ala thank you guys for coming I'm whole I hope you're having a great time learning a lot of new things today in sha Allah Ta'ala before we begin with the panel talk I just want to send a special thanks to the sponsors of this event mashallah they helped us do all of this everything you see today mashallah they helped sponsor us bring the speakers and do everything we're doing today inshallah please do not hesitate to help them on your way out brothers from helping hands from Akina from UMR I mean pure hands and a la mode and I would and others as well Josef Allah here Janna for facilitating Jonnie and helping us facilitate this for everyone to zelmerlöw here please do not hesitate on your way out just take a look you know pick up brochure and she'll love you can donate something towards the cause as much out there helping our brothers and sisters in Yemen in Kashmir and full of Stian and all over the world and even here in Dallas they have so much work going on martial on them so now Chawla ending with that let's move on to the panel talk session so messiah desertin law here first and foremost for coming out today i ask allah subhanaw taala to bless you to bless your families to protect you from Sahara from evil eye to protect your families from Saheb from evil eye and to give you the best of this dunya and the next there are a lot of people you know or some people here may be skeptical right when we say jinn they're skeptical you know of the existence of jinn or that they can possess someone and control their actions and the way they speak what not right they and and some of them approached me today and they really they requested that I ask this question straightforward and I thought the Chacon Marsha Dean can answer this question in shallow thoroughly because he has a lot of experience with this he saw it firsthand unlike many of us someone that saw something isn't like someone that heard of something Roya Hammad saw this and he saw it plenty of times and he is certain about it and perhaps he can shed light on this subject in sha allah for not you are me he's also in California so just for what it's worth I'm well yeah he's also in California you can send a quote by the way if we could put the scope she has more genetic gene activity than anywhere else do you feel like there's a state that has more cheese Texas come on that's not good news right away okay so anybody want to leave no a lot of people of Texas people are out there so to be very honest anyone here denies the existence of Jim just the existence of gin hand 11 so we won't waste time to talk about this because this is affirmed in the coroner's on the existence of gin has creation of allah subhanaw taala that are created from fire or the flameless part of fire so I want you to describe to to think of this area and and give this description in your mind in sha allah allah subhan allah said o Allah call Jan mean marriage in me not marriage is the flameless part of the fire you know I think the brothers have the PDF still it shows on the top Flynn was part of fire is like here you can't see it and if you touch it you could go through it with your finger very quickly and it doesn't burn that's how jinn are now the creation of jinn they're not they see some people think of him as being bodies like our body so the possession of jinn doesn't make sense of a body entering another body in surah Baqarah allah subhanaw taala said in alladhina : Arriba leia KU mana eating like a lady their Foreman a little idiot huh buckles shape on meaning a mess and mess is a possession okay and there are two possible which makes sense he could be walking and someone would hit you yeah possible yes that there is no no one denies and the hadith when the women came for asylum she said they are sold a lot in now a teeny shaytani the jinn possesses me subhana Allah not to expose my ahora when the jinn possesses because she would she would run around and her clothes would sometimes get off and she would move her her clothes up and things like that there it's like an insane person they don't know what they're doing and she said literally because of the position of Jenica Theo said she got the dryer for Salah and the Baraka that whenever her gene would to come to possess or to harm her she would run to al kaba so the jinn will go away so she did get protection somehow in dunya and she's getting jealous so that's the outside possession which is possible and the reason the jinn do that is due to many things main factor the regime would possess someone or harm someone is due to magic that someone would done for them this is the mean the the magician's they use jinn or the stuff for the genuses the magician's to do things that they want magicians don't have control over Jim they're just working for the Jim they're giving sacrifices in a certain way to to do what the jinn wants or what they ask them to do and the first thing they ask the magician is to disbelieve in Allah and to disbelieve in whatever religion they follow and I have met about 22 magicians so far I have it all recorded in a book inshallah hopefully one day Jemima could translate it one day a few promise helps and I don't have time to write per magicians who repented and said the stories and how they how they bring in gin and how they commanded them there are certain books one of the most famous book today Samson Madoff it sold an Amazon for $9 is there an advertisement no endure a magic book it's nine dollars that book it shows the magician's the steps to become magicians one of the commences that they should take their holy book and they should go into a cave isolated himself or a doubler where where the Quran in their fetus sandals walk on it in Fell's no praying no solano for 40 days 30 days whatever they choose and then the Jun would appear to them in in a form like it appeared to Rasulullah sallallahu lyrics elements Allah means to see them in their actual form and it appeared to abu huraira in the form of a human I was either hoodie in a form of a goat goats feet because he said I saw the jinn he left it there his close up and he told me we could harm you came from a very powerful tribe and I wish I'd said just leave what Allah he there is no harm and you can't harm me and he was stealing the soda cart of Abu Zeid the hoodie everybody I'm a Muslim Allah so all of this is a position from outside why do they do that for harm they are very harmful in a sense that they have a lot of transgression I was a lot of volume that they do so this this part hopefully it's clear the outside position which is possible we just had a sisters aniline corona and just talking about stories to the resistor in corona they came they carried her to the message that was giving the workshop at at 2 a.m. and she was shaking suffering screaming and and I said what happened they said we had a Chanukah and she was just sitting there and we just felt like wind or something came in and then she started reacting like that when we read we found that she was she was hit by a jinn she was possessed by an outside jinn it's like someone walking they just slap you on the head but they don't have the power to do that by the way nah don't think that way all right they don't have the power to do that but this is like someone walking and just letting someone on the head that's outside now possession within the body is the problem that a lot of people are confused about how is it possible for two bodies to get get in or get out or all of it let me ask you a question if you have talking to your son and you tell him now he's standing in front of you alright you're talking to him in the living room and you say to him get out of your room what would his response be okay you're standing right here we're standing in the street all right you're fighting someone you're fighting someone the street and he told that person okay get out and I'll show you he's gonna tell you what I'm already out yeah I don't think you're insane until Leif get out of what this hadith should be enough evidence and if you need more with talk more shuttle a soul asylum they brought him a child young young kid and then he said the auto his father said yah Rasul Allah he is having a problem right he's confused he's having problem he's screaming he's reacting the puffs Selim read surah fatiha I told her she opened up his mouth and he said Hajj aduw allah awj means what get out o enemy of Allah three times the narration says Cardiff inertia palolem the child got up and I know she'll come in her file as if he was very sick laying down then he woke up and he said mat happy in or so Allah one what am I doing here at the Prophet SAW Solomon's house he was not even aware that he's a true soul lost salams house when the Prophet says three times get out out of what what of all if he was out it wouldn't make sense correct would it makes it and this is Rasul Allah so him saying that is evidence and this happened in many occasions with other Sahaba no soul asylum would to read on them so now the part we have see this is the problem the for opening that you have in your body all right there are very clear or a doors for the jinn to if a Jin's life is to enter into a human's human's body and they said in the brain to control the nerves that's how they enter so that's why a lot of Korah or a lot of readers just note side note when they read they start holding people and they start going get out from the feet how is he gonna get out you have a sock salon and you can't get out from the you can from the fingertip he can't get out from the fingertip and a lot of Jin don't know how to get out of the body they have a lot of complication so this person keep telling him come out of the finger and the Jin just screaming or laughing or shouting at him and he doesn't know the reason behind it so the intro the the entrance of the Jin and the exit of the Jin is not something easy it doesn't just happen out of nowhere there's another hadith that the Trostle ooh la la la asylum and when the Sahaba when he looked into his eyes and he he mentioned the same wording and he read to him and then he he completely woke up as if he was freed and they're also Salim said take him home so all these definition or all these a hadith supports that I'll give you a life story and I'll end with in each one there's one sheer and I don't no longer argue with hamdulillah with with anybody will denying or existing or measure because I have seen it 20 years I have over 200 cases of yen possession but this she told me clearly there is no such a thing so I took him to a sister so say read that of course because the sister she had Jean of course what did you get so we went to their house the husband is sitting down and this is I'm telling you something there witnessed with my eyes not there's not a story so that she has sat on a couch his car was mashallah like a glossary she said on the ground her husband had his hand on her head the extra reading and he started reading she was elevated from the ground to the level of the couch she was flying she had she had three Gian husband wife and their son okay so they were there start speaking to each other now this she is reading and when he saw her and he saw her moving up his hands are shaking he starts sweating old then they start shouting and they were arguing about Islam we because I introduce Islam to them few times Muslim doses they would want to be Muslim we're gonna be harmed the magician all so when she was up to the couch level the she kept pushing his his hand out she doesn't go down and I was just laughing on the side because I know this is gonna happen so did she read subhanAllah I am I told him what to read he skipped here at the surah I read in our he read the surah and then the sisters had like rotated 180 like that or lie and then her eyes came wide open read and then she shouted at the ships of the ship hit her with his feet I was a real and she taught him how love it and then he said let's leave this house let's leave this house he said ash hadu I believe that this is hot but I can't perform that no more I might I can't get into it so a lot of people they deny it because they haven't seen it and this is part of dark Ida of the unseen most of our athlete of the email or sorry all the pillars of a men are unseen so you can just prove to everybody something till you show them so you really don't need to argue much on it but it is it is true we have witness yet we have seen it so many times and if you really want to see if it Shalala we come to California or something anybody wants to see that location so I think that should that answer should suffice Yanni the one who asked or the brothers who asked me before now two other speakers I'm sure you hum it you know you know you're next you know you're the next in line Hamid is feeling sick so we're gonna accept we will run out of time before we get to me so no really I'm not no no humping that we have plenty of us coming back into each other particle of eco so our fellows yeah I'm Hamid isn't feeling well let's go down tomorrow Jin's story a Jim story I mom just say that I know you probably drop some poetry on that Jim tell us what it is no I actually don't have any gin stories of inter I've actually witnessed some rupiah being performed nothing that I can I can share here but I'll tell you a story that I heard from chef Larry Bruce uni with regards to gin it's a interesting story he talks about how when he was around 18 years old in college he was studying in in in Riyadh and he came to mecca for Amara and at that time there was no fancy buildings or hotels around the Haram and so you had to actually just rent apartments and so it was him in like 30 other college freshmen and they went and they reserved an apartment and like this really shady building the owner was on the third floor and the two apartments that they rented were like these really dark really dark area of the building in any case they go in they perform I'm glad they're college students they get whatever they can afford and so they go perform Umrah he says he finishes his room the whole time and as he's walking back to the building one of his friends meets him outside and says would eat you got to come and check out he he he always changes the name of this person but he says his name is Sammy for our purposes and that's Sammy calling right now but he says this is that an Amber Alert okay gentler generally yeah so he says his friend says to him you need to come upstairs like Sammy's like something really strange has happened to him and he says what's going on and he says he's just been really really sick been really weird and so he goes upstairs and he says how did you know that I was outside how did you he said he said from inside that would heat is coming in right now and stop him from coming in because either I'm going to kill him or he's going to kill me this is his friend talking so he says or they will at min ash-shaytani logic did you guys perform Rock Leone I'm he says we just performed a little bit so he walks in he finds his friend he's kind of fatigued awkward he's talking back to him and they begin to recite Quran they recite Quran for maybe two hours over this individual and the they realized that there's a possession there's a jinn there but he's not leaving and over those couple of days they're coming back and performing a little play on their friend performing okay on their friend eventually they go back home he said they continue to perform Rokia on this individual hearing all sorts of information that this man would not otherwise have known he's like I'm quizzing him about things that he he wouldn't otherwise know and he he just this is definitely not the same person one of their teachers his brother is a psychiatrist in the UK and he wanted to come in and examine this person to see if he has like if this can be scientifically proven what it's a mental illness or what's the deal and socially says I was carrying Sammy this individual I'm carrying him and another friend of mine and we're walking with him because he's so exhausted and he had just been carrying him and so he ran forward to him and he sounded like a whip so he looks in his back and he finds a fresh whipped mark bruises on his back and he's speaking to this person and he's saying did you just whip him and he said yes and he said he asked him and he said well me and my friend we were both carrying him did you not want to whip us and he said to him I would have killed you if I could he says to him I would have killed you if I could and then he says to him what stopped you from killing what stopped you from killing me and what stopped you from hitting us and he said to him bismillah he said between you and me was a wall and he said well what's that wall he said bismillahi little I'll block he said he just said those words and so the chef said I realized in that moment that this liquid bismillah a little a little nice machine fell off the wall of his Summa or was to me I didn't write what we talked about earlier he said I thanked a lot in that moment that this vicar I have not stopped saying since I was 14 years old in the morning and in the evening and so in that moment it was something that protected him and it was a wall between him and the jinn and that's one of the stories of the jinn that he likes to share eventually Sammy became better hamdulillah and the jinn was removed from him but the point that I wanted to share from this is just the really real and practical implementation of these Escada in the way that they protect us a lot on sheikh hamad so these are the of caught are real brothers and sisters have to really put some time and effort into memorizing these of God and implementing them on the daily basis in the morning and in the evening in Charlotte ila sure I'm not we're getting a lot of the same question right so I just want to go back to you for a bit how do we know if the Lockley is a real Rafi and not a fake because we know there's there are a lot of fake broccolis or people that claim to be the real thing but they come and they do all sorts of stuff in the house and and they sell them things and sometimes you know it appears to be like a business or it is a business what what advice do you have to give on that Allah so the there there I have a 100-point it's they're good enough say all I ever and how to spot the fraud rocky law but but the thing is I would just for for especially for the sisters because we're having a big issue especially in Texas with all respect to that long strong Houston is another issue all totally rich all about anyway but appears they like the gin you know one one one if they are anyone who asks you for your name or your mother's name is a fraud Rob right away you have a question mark on that person there's something shady about this person name or mother's name number to anyone who asks you for a trace something to write on something to to write something for you you need to bring a trace from your husband or your wife or your daughter or your children or yourself from somebody who's like that someone was using other than what we said Koran or sooner things that you could understand or things that don't have any evidence or any proof from the whole N or sooner from the experience that doesn't contradict for N or an office or loss Allah Allah for our sister anyone who puts his hand on you or touches you directly this person should be slapped on the face right now and you should leave seriously this is not a joke you know there is no reason or any justification for a person to put his hand directly and women he's not a doctor he's not you know so there's really no excuse for for something like that anyone who gives you something to write or to burn or to keep in the house in a certain way or to read certain wordings every day or to do things that are very weird humble oh one of the women in in very briefly inshallah the one of the women went to a shake and she told him I want my husband to love me more so he said you need to bring me a monkey's here so she went mashallah to the zoo day one she tried to get her monkeys here sugar into it so she tempted the monkey in every way you know look for one week and you know dressed yellow all yellow brought brought bananas nuts whatever she danced for the monkey day everything that you could imagine day seven she was able to pick that here finally after long time she went to she said here you go now I had a monkey's here he said what did he do she said I did this and that he said you can't do that for your husband he's easier than a monkey to tempeh of course women anyway forget this story now but anybody this is this is different this is the next time so anything that does like that or things that are shady then people should be aware of and people should be very very careful charging a lot of money that doesn't mean that the person is fraud or is not good but it's not it's not acceptable you know the bottle of olive oil for $300 I don't know what the machete would say about that $300 what for so we very careful and check someone that you trust is he-man and his Dean this sister came from me that came to me from Detroit she said that this famous rocky come do that we reported him he went to her house and he read on her by herself well is that allowed it was only him and her in the house that that's someone that you need to say question mark then he start writing a tour course he and her thighs were protection or lie and she's telling me that then she called me and she said what do you think of this rock I said you didn't need a fatwa you need a whip you don't need a fatwa you're you're it's clear there's something going on there's something wrong that is going on with with this rocky so find someone that you trust is Dean you trust is that manner or someone that you know that could lead you to someone in shadow law and maybe when you go on the website or online you could see the the other points in some national ID I'm now shell out dr. Y Q thank you for coming in I can imagine chef yeah sir like performing grope yeah you know telling the gym can we just have a logical conversation okay well yes I know I know you have a gin story cuz I'm not can you I know you have a gin story that you can share with us just because you lived in Saudi Arabia now you find you find all types of stories over there well he just said if you wanna see jinns come to California come I think he said Bala he said Houston right so that was part two California's number one with my own ears I witness known didn't know so that's what sorta firstly apologize from right today I was teaching all day also if I'm a bit tired is because I am tired so apologies for disjointed thoughts as well I wasn't here all day so some disclaimers I might be saying some things that you've already heard also for the record me personally I am cautious when it comes to narrating gin stories as some of the people here know I find it that is ER actually potentially it can sometimes cause issues this happened in my own life multiple times you were witness one time when it happened where we just started saying gin stories and something happened again which so when we gather here today and we're having gin stories we should do so genuinely for a class not for some titillating factor of some you know laughing or joking these are serious issues and as our chefs said if we hadn't seen it if I hadn't seen it you know it would have been a different scene here but we've seen things with their own eyes that have caused impact on our lives and these guys are all gonna leave I'm gonna be here with you guys all and it's gonna be a bit of an issue if something happens he's gonna say my Salama he's gonna say I'm feeling sick he's gonna just lean through their way as he Michelle always does for my companionship we're good friends don't worry and I'm gonna be left to and you're gonna come and tell me doodlee on me and so I have to be the one that gives you the disclaimer that I have stop doing rupiah for many many reasons and I try my best to avoid it as much as possible for multiple reasons and it's not something that I and one of them is simple it's very very very time consuming and energy draining it really drains your spiritual energy you just Georgia after an hour session half an hour session you're just done for the day I don't know how some of the Rockies do it for hours and hours after time it's something that I found exhausting it's something that started affecting my personal life and my family life and whatnot and I just decided I'm not too interested in this profession I'll leave it to the the experts alhamdulillah so I don't do rock Leah epic community I do not do it okay if everybody you got that you wanna you wanna have it okay you go to California Michelle the Tibetan Colette's no and you can do that inshallah so I'm out here in trouble so the the so with that disclaimer and also one more disclaimer one of the the main points of us listening to these stories and these are all like except for Sheikh Ahmad who narrates from somebody who narrated from somebody but the rest of us have all eyewitness stories here and I shall know you trust us you know us one of the main purposes and wisdoms is to increase our Eman that why do la he Hawk the promise of Allah is true these aren't just tales and fables in my own personal life I have experienced things that make me certain that the Quran is the book of allah subhana wa tada i see the impact of the Quran with my own eyes I see the world of the jinn that no one could have told me had it not been found in the Quran and the Sunnah this is a world that is laid to us and we see it manifested in front of our eyes in a reality that should increase our own Eman so we are not here to have entertaining stories this is a real threat and a danger and it is a tangible harm just like a scorpion can harm you a wild beast can harm you these are demons and they have the potential to harm you it's not a joke do not take it as a joke do not go home and start the teenagers here dabbling in pseudo Harry Potter type of stuff it's not a joke do not play Ouija boards because we G boards is a portal into the world of the gin it's not a joke you are literally opening the door for that entity for those entities to come in you're inviting them come I want you to come I want you to come and once they come then you come running to the rest of us after the damage has been done don't do it it's a real world we have seen it with our own eyes so as we tell you these stories it's not for entertainment it's time over Ordway no no no because I want to I want to keep on giving disclaimer so that we have to go into the next just a gin story that that you experienced something not too serious yeah I know hopefully made sure everybody here is ready for it yeah yeah I'll try to find the one that's not too scary something something trivial so when I first when I first started doing little fear so I studied with the chef and Medina in particular year I realized that I would be coming back and I'd have to do a lot of things that we weren't trained for they do not teach you exorcism in Medina there is no class called how to get rid of demons 101 doesn't work that way okay the curriculum Medina doesn't have that so I realized I would have to study on my own so I found a sheriff in Medina that did Rokia and I trained with him one-on-one for a while and learned some techniques and some you know a DAB and whatnot and and and different you know because it is know there are certain diet that are more powerful there are certain experiences the cumulative experiences that Rafi's have done so I studied a little bit and I'll tell you my first joke I ever the first one which terrified me immensely but in hindsight it was actually pretty straightforward compared to what I would see later on the first story I ever did I was still a graduate student in Medina still in Medina there was a brand new convert that had come to study in Medina like a literally fresh convert like a month or two brand new completely jaian about fake ID he doesn't know anything he just convert and you know connections was--like applied to Medina he got in he's still learning how to pray and the reason I say this is that what I saw with my eyes is found in the books of hadith he could not know it himself so one day his roommate was reading Quran and we're growlings come from his room and they come in and they found him find him writhing and you know like clearly he's like you know possessed and whatnot and so his roommates start reading Quran over him and they one of them was a friend of mine and he knows that I'm studying with the chef so I get a phone call in my apartment is like you got to come over you got to come over quickly there's somebody that you know we need you for is the okiya session whatnot and of course I'm an just a graduate student I'm excited okay get into my you know both Busters mode yeah what is the mode what is this backdrop for it now [Applause] who are you gonna call that's it yeah are you gonna call him like white you okay so he calls the white cues like come on I need you here we got somebody writing on the floor come do it oh yeah and I'm taking a class with the ships I'm like yeah I can handle the story I know I've studied zero experience plenty of book knowledge at the table on put the thobe on you know just drive to the wood dormitory that were in the dormitory and so the the brother is lying down you know and I spent like you know two hours the whole time they're sort of number of many incidents happen there of the things is that when I first started reading for on subhanallah again with my own eyes it's a very thin brother just wearing a dope you know um when I started reciting I could see the jinn moving up and down his body his body is rippling as if there's like an alien entity going up and down and I would put my hand on his chest and I'd see it like glitter like fluttering away and I put my hand there and it goes back up and goes here and I put my hand here and it goes so I'm literally watching his body you can't make your body Ripple you know you can't have just ripples coming up and down the body this way and I'm seeing with my eyes that rippling taking place and I'm beginning to panic a lot in this room because you know you can't like this is this is really bizarre we spent the whole afternoon there so one of the brothers Marcela he gifted us some lunch you know because we're there he went to get some lunch so we all sitting down to eat lunch and the brothers you know sitting in the corner you know we he's just sitting by himself and we're all eating we say after he joined like the brother not the gin brother joined and he's like it's okay I'm not hungry okay so we're eating and one of our brothers drops accidentally you know it's like everybody's from a common plates so one of our brothers just drops a morsel it just drops from his hand and he leaves it there and he goes in for round two instantaneously I saw from my corner of my eye the brother just darted like a snake you could imagine a snake with his left hand grab that morsel and gobbled it down in a very unnatural manner how so why so what's happening what did our prophet says I'm say hadith is assignable Hadi when a morsel drops from one of you pick it up wipe away any dust and eat it and do not leave it for shape on is a hadith this brother could not have known of this hadith the reason why the brother could not eat our food as we all said bismillah so he saying I'm not hungry but he was starving the jinn was starving so the one look mother falls down and he doesn't pick it up he just say I'm not gonna touch that it fell on the carpet I'm gonna go in for round two that look Allah that that morsel was jumped on immediately and swallowed with the left hand again this is a new convert not knowing anything I saw with my own eyes just darting out and gobbling it down like that and this is reinforcing our Eman than the process M is speaking the truth that we are at home do there are people of the correct faith again many things can be said here tell you a bit of a bit of a funny story is also a little bit freaky as well this kid is an 18 year old kid has no clue of any shape any item again he's a brand new convert so I began like testing him I said look if you don't leave this guy if you don't leave him I'm gonna call you know my teacher mention him by name said no no don't call him don't call him okay I said we had a call as chef Shanti that June went wild no don't don't I said I'm not gonna mention him I said I'm gonna call cher spring somebody by the name of spring let's just say okay house I'm gonna call that ship he started laughing goes no big deal if you called him no big deal okay then I said I'm gonna call her I'm gonna call chef eben or they mean I had said it with the chef he's one of my teachers and he had just passed away a few months ago chef everything mean right and when I said that he started cackling with laughter and he looked at me he clicked his head like this and he spoke in that horsey voice you hear in these horror movies and by the way a lot of the horror movies they're based on the cumulative experiences of men so there is an element of truth in these horror movies not that I'm telling you to go watch them but I'm saying this is the experience of men that is translated into these scripts and what not he spoken this raspy joking voice the eyes cocked up you can see the arrogance and he speaks are you kind of bringing him back from the dead like literally and I just froze because this kid had no clue who even everything mean was it mostly ever gonna bring chef wanted him you don't lease and he just laughed at me what are you her gonna bring you're getting back from the dead and I realized this is an entity that is not human this is an entity from another world you know so that was my first experience which was relatively tame compared to other stuff so bottom line it's not a joke it's a real world out there but I'm sure our Mushaf have said this but I'll say it again I have experienced this in my own life the earth God is a mechanism that protects you from that entire world multiple experiences I have had my own life where my earth God have protected me one of those simple story is not that difficult I get had a very difficult earlier session and I went home and I did ask out all myself before going to sleep and middle of the night you know there's the state that you're not asleep and you're not awake that's typically when the gins gonna come you kind of wake up but you're not awake okay I could see a dark figure coming I'm half asleep half awake I'm neither awake nor asleep you think you're asleep but you're not you think you're awake you're not it's that time you see the dark figure coming and I see it walking in my room clearly even though it is pitch black but I know it's there I'm not seeing with my eyes I'm seeing with my brain and I see it and it stops and I know it stopped because there is a barrier because of myopia on myself because I did the ethical you know when you go to sleep yes you blow yourself right I never in my life no matter how tired I am no matter what's happened no matter what state I'm in I never go to sleep without doing a little clearer because I have been attacked multiple times in my life for these entities and I have seen when I do Rokia there is a wall and I remember that night clearly that I did rock layer in the daytime I think even that was the same incident happen in front of you that time that I did repair that time when I went to sleep and I did the Ithaca and I blew over myself and I remember vividly that entity comp coming straight towards me and then it stops and I knew it stopped because it didn't have the power to come and harm me because I had recited a class Nicolo ilaha widen and fell upon us and had recited out of courtesy and the last two verses of baqara and i had blown over myself so it was a barrier between me and that entity so point of action always do your attic out and always before you go to sleep blow on yourself so that it shall doubt that it's a barrier so Allah except Allah here for the stories I'm sure they like these were the stories everybody came here to hear they want to hear real-life stories from the Messiah and the experiences that they had themselves speaking about something black when you woke up so how something similar happened to me where I I woke up in the middle of the night and I saw something black moving in the room I left the room I looked and there was nothing and then I looked in every room smiling I couldn't find a time like what is this thing then I went into the room and there's something going up and down and it was one of the best things I ever seen in my life a hundred allows my wife income are black some are praying God Frank to hedge its funding Salah she's not here now go a loss here yeah I just thought I'll lighten it up a little bit before we go to ships and now II just you know she's your sister so uh Charla you could end with this and y'all just don't get at me for it and she can handle herself oh yes shall we don't worry she will oh she will sorry she's not watching so she'll come I don't want to put you on the spot I know you have a fever and you just took some medicine would you want to share something with us or do you feel like your voices so the LA Lakers yes I'm shallow with that we're going to end the panel inshallah I hope you guys enjoyed it we really did enjoy the stories we'd like to thank all the Messiah for sharing the stories with us and being here we know you came a long way and chef he has said he'd been teaching from the morning an exact allocated for coming out but with that yes we're still not going to leave you because the next session is your talk about potions and not sin Sharla we're going to have a short five-minute break just until we set up and we can resume the program with Chef yeah say this talk and show that's going to be the last talk for tonight which is not gonna lock it so now I'm are they gone off to live it I got it Charlotte everybody can go back to their seats so we can resume the program Chawla [Music] okay so today we spoke about many subjects hamdulillah covered many topics we had some very good blessed speakers masha'Allah coming from all over the US just to benefit us today and to educate us and hummed a lot of bad I mean they did we think Allah subhana WA Ta'ala for this blessing indeed it's a real blessing brothers because so many people around the u.s. want to know about this but don't because nothing like this was ever facilitated for them and Hum did a lot of but Allah mean epic mister did that just for you so say alhamdulillah that were here in epic and make dry out for the messages that's right inshallah with the last part we covered jinn possession we spoke about the evil eye for division and we spoke about Oscar hey then we have the panel where check our modest talk about rupiah and then we have the panel and we want to end with seven the types of Sahel and house ahead works magic black magic and this is something that chef yasser in charlotte charlotte ila as we know chef yasser will benefit us a lot with well he's very tired so give him a break for today in charlotte allah he taught a whole lot today so I want to thank him just for coming out inshaallah after after this long day and obviously chef yourself doesn't need an introduction we all know chef yasser Carly he's hello chef yeah yeah hopefully inshallah yes it's working it's working show really are you gonna comment in the middle you don't need to comment bismillah okay I'm smellin under you now so that was salam o rasûlullah i just like walking around it's easier to to give a talk Jade so very briefly this is a topic that can take 2-3 hours but we have 20 minutes so let us ensure allowed to either summarize if there's some repetition my apologies I want to talk to you about what is the reality of sin why does it occur what is the the the happy huh we call it an Arabic where does it where does it come from ahead is very easy to understand if you understand the psychology and the physical differences that men have from jinn if you understand the jinn and the world of the jinn you will understand said because seer is the overlap between the world of men and the world of jinn very briefly jinn as we know are created from the Arabic calls it that a fire that doesn't have a smoke a smokeless fire okay and if you want to be technical we can call it a type of energy so the jinn has potential to go at the speed of light essentially the jinn has the potential to go through physical barriers because the jinn is not material the jigeon is not flesh and blood the jinn is not matter the jinn is energy so the jinn can go through material at the speed of light and the jinn because it doesn't have a form a lot of people say what does the Gendler clike what does a ghost look like what does it look like and the response is it doesn't look like anything it can take on any shape it's not a physical matter it can take any shape it wants to and be a matter be a dog be anything it doesn't have a particular shape so the jinn has the physical power to be much faster than man and to go through physical barriers because it's energy like we have the waves of the telephone come through the the walls of the messages so to the jinn can go through and come out not a problem additionally the jinn very interestingly enough and we learned this from the story of Suleiman it has a very very amazing power I say Einstein's theory is proven in the story of Solomon in the story of Suleiman we learned that the jinn even has the power to transform matter into energy and to take that energy for hunt one place to another Andreea transformed back into a matter in other words e equals mc-squared can be proven in its own way in other words what can the jinn do according to the story of Solomon the jinn went from Jerusalem and to Yemen and took thee or promised to do this and said I can bring the throne back to you before you stand up right so the jinn said I can go all the way to Yemen and within a millisecond before you stand up as a millisecond within a millisecond I will bring that throne the throne would have been bigger than this podium behind this bigger than this stage it's a throne that was magnificent Allah says in the Quran what I have shown Alim the jinn said I'll bring it back for you by the time you stand up and you'll have it in front of you and the throne would have come I mean you're not gonna see the chair flying in the sky the jinn would have taken the throne and somehow in a way that Allah knows best take it in his hidden energy form and then bring it all the way to Jerusalem and then re transform it back into the throne the jinn had the capacity to do that the fact that Allah mentions the fact that this was impressive the facts that all of the jinn only one stood up it kinda sorta shows this is the pinnacle of what a jinn can do this isn't your average run-of-the-mill jinn this isn't the jinn living in Dallas or Houston or California this is one of the most strongest jinns of the entire world if not the strongest telling soon a man I can do that but the concept is there that jinn can go super fast speed and the jinn can go through objects and therefore when a jinn is able to tell you something that's happening in another part of the world what's so surprising imagine if you had a cell phone and you're speaking to somebody on the other side of the world and the guy tells you what's happening as he describes it would you be surprised no similarly if the jinn is able to just go and tell you there's a hidden treasure over there why is that surprising the jinn lives for a thousand years maybe on average or longer than that Jin's live much longer than men and so if some man buries the treasure in the middle of the desert some Jin knows about it and they'll tell the word oh there's a treasure over there and when it's handy a Joon is gonna say oh there's treasure buried over there he's gonna say it to his you know a magician or whatnot and eventually they will find it so the Jin's have capabilities we do not have they are faster than men they are more powerful than men the average Jin is more powerful than the average man again that doesn't mean they're super powerful that doesn't mean they're infinitely powerful only allah azza wajal is infinitely powerful but the average jinn is physically stronger than the average man I myself have seen a little lady petite lady five foot tall literally it's just a young teenager possessed by jinn we were doing locally on her and ten men were holding her down at least seven when I say ten it says ten the seven men were holding her down and she's struggling to throw all of them off and my friend was was there in the audience as well and he grabbed her he had to because she was harming people he grabbed her what do you call this lock what do you call that when you grab from behind huh the body lock right right he liked that one he grabbed her from behind cuz she was punching men and everything and this is a little lady she took her head and she wound right back on his nose and the guy is like so this is I saw with my own eyes five foot and she became more powerful than seven men but in the end seven eight men eventually did bring her down she wasn't stronger than all of them physically stronger than the average man but still manageable you can bring them down it's not as if they're all powerful and what not only Allah is all-powerful so these are they're physically they can do things we don't understand but it's just like a horse can gallop faster than us like an elephant is stronger than us the only thing that freaks us out is that the jinn is invisible to our eyes Allah says in the Quran in Noah Rock'em who are Kabhi to human high through that our owner whom they see you from a paradigm you not see them from they can choose when to show themselves to you they can see you from their world we cannot see them unless they choose to show us their world so there's nothing to be scared about Allah gave them certain powers he didn't give us like he gave animals other powers he didn't give us but Allah blessed us over the jinn how do we know this well all night in Monaca this Judy Adam FS Agito Allah I beliefs Allah told the jinn to prostrate to Adam Allah preferred the Adam over and Bani Adam over maniacae and jinn walaqad karramna bani adam' Bani Adam have been lifted up and put on the pedestal in the hierarchy of things and the angels and the jinn were told to bow down to Adam Adam is superior to the jinn why because Adam has something far greater than physical strength than speed then going at the speed of light adam has intellect and jinns don't have that level of intellect and this shows us by the way the power of the mind is more blessed than the power of the body the mind is more important than physical strength Allah blessed Adam with a greater intellect a greater farm animal in sanam Adam Adam Allah taught Adam while dilemma Adam @s Mikula ha the angel says of Chanukah la mulana ulema Alam Tina so Adam was blessed over the Malaika and over the gym because of the power of the Apple because of the farm that Allah subhana WA Ta'ala gave and therefore intellectually speaking the jinn are nowhere near as intelligent as men are some have said they are like children in their intellect compared to men and that's what it is why they're so stubborn as every roughly knows just stubborn like a toddler throwing a tantrum and not wanting to give up hours go by and they're not going to give up that stubbornness is because of their their intellectual capabilities so the Benny Adam are more intelligent than the jinn and Allah has blessed them above the jinn therefore the jinns from the very beginning have had what modern psychologists call an inferiority complex Jin's suffer from a severe inferiority complex because the Jin's felt hey I should have been there allah azza wajal tells us in the Quran that a belief says enough a Roman that was supposed to be me why did you tell Adam to be the one on the podium I'm the one that's supposed to be there right so the Jin's always wanted to be number one the Jin's always wanted to be the best but they're not so they suffer from an inferiority complex now given the fact that they have an inferiority complex and yet they are stronger and faster and physically more powerful than men what is the net result the net result is there is a world and that world was a fitna that Allah taught to early man the story of Babel in Babylon right whatever o matic Lucia una multa sulaiman wa makara sulaymana while a kid Nichelle Tina Kaoru Yun Lee moon and NASA Sahara wanna UNC de la manna Kennedy Bobby Nehru to'em our route 1 Rui Lee monument I hadn't had their ola in demand inovative attack for in the nutshell of a story that how root and Marut were angels that Allah sent to the ancient city of Babylon 5 thousand years ago or ten thousand years ago the earliest city of mankind was Babylon and Allah sent two angels to inform mankind because this is in Malaya mankind would never have known at all that we can communicate with the jinn so Allah sent Haru Tenma roots and how to attend mal Ruth were angels and they taught mankind that we are a test from Allah do not come close to us we are a test from Allah literally like the warning signs you know the carbon radioactive dating do not come close the angels are telling them our job is to test you get out of here don't listen to us but what were they gonna test them with the knowledge of how to communicate with the gym so they explained a methodology and they said if you follow us if you listen to us this is for in Amana and Fitness one fella tuck four so all of the methodologies and mechanisms to call out to the gin they are methods that go back to this origin because they're different methods you have the Ouija board you have the the dolls what they call the voodoo dolls okay you have the the knots that are blown these are all different methods that all go back to the experiences of the Sahara of the magician's that goes back to the origin of habit and of Howitt and Marwood in the city of babylon so initially man was taught this is what you do if you wanted to call the Djinn and if you called the Djinn it is Kaufer don't do it mankind didn't care they said we wanted to it and thus magic began what is magic therefore magic as I said Saheb is the intersection of the world of men with the world of jinn these two worlds are not meant to be intersected these two worlds are meant to be separate and if an accidental crossing takes place it is easier to repel as any Rafi knows if a jinn comes into our world and causes some fitna and facade on its own it's much easier to repel rather than say her because what's ahead is is the following listen to me five minutes and you will understand magic and inshallah never be scared of it for the rest of your lives magic is an evil person who has sold his soul to the devil in order for the shayateen to perform some tricks for him it's like you feed your horse or your Pony to go gallop fast the only difference is you're not feeding a horse or pony you are feeding a demon a shape on and the difference is that it's not even possible I just started what time do we have no clue what time do you finish huh okay Wow okay so let's finish up as fast as possible so what the the thus ahead is doing is giving the jinn the one thing that the jinn wants what does the jinn want your American Express card with expiration date your cash what is the ginn gonna do with your cash what is the ginn gonna do with your money they don't have currency in the gin world what does the gin what what has it always wanted sisters I want to ask you what did the Djinn want superiorities are they going to get it what do you have to do lower yourself in front of the demon you have to become the slave of the Djinn the biggest myth I want to destroy is the false idea that the Sahara controls the Djinn nothing could be further from the truth it is the Djinn that controls desire the magician is a filthy evil disgusting creature of a human excuse of a human that has sold itself and its dignity and its RZA and its Iman and its taqwa in order to do sacrilegious deeds for the demon and that's why these things of get a toad of you know eye of a newt and go to the graveyard at 3:00 a.m. and get the blood of a donkey why because the jinn wants to see that Sahir humiliates himself go to the graveyard at 3:00 a.m. do toe-off around the grave who's gonna do that only somebody who has sold himself to the devil so the Shaitaan feels a sense of ego look what I can make this guy do right run him around with the tip of my finger do whatever I tell him to do so the Saheb becomes the worshipper of the jinn not the other way around how can a human being control the jinn how can anybody believe this by what when a human control the jinn whips chains what how will a human control the jinn there is nothing that the human has that the jinn can be controlled by that's what Allah gave to Saleh man no other person has that power the jinn controls the human emotionally it tells the human do this do this do this the human does it in return what does the jinn do some tricks and trades to make the magician happy you want me to go and harm somebody I'll go harm somebody now you got to go and worship me in this matter you want me to go plant some bad stuff in a person's house or the body or break up a marriage okay I'll go do that and now you continue to do worship Me the jinn does something utterly trivial for its world in its world it just does something that it is physically capable of doing Allah gave the jinn certain natural powers to be invisible to be super fast to do things hidden manner for example the most common type of magic is you thought it want to be here by tomorrow sog wear a husband and wife are not able to have a happy marriage and if conjugal relations are attempted perhaps something supernatural perhaps the husband feels a physical pressure perhaps something happens these are things that are manifestations of the jinn it's not that difficult for the jinn to push a man back how is that difficult why are we scared of the jinn the jinn is simply like a bug an insect you understand it has certain irritable qualities but it's not gonna it's you understand it it's not something you need to be like supernaturally terrified of if you understand that the magician is the one selling itself himself to the jinn and the jinn is returning the favor and so why is the magician doing it the magician wants your money the magician lives in our world so you go to the magician and you pay the magician in American Express he'll accept American Express okay he'll accept Visa and credit card he'll accept cash in any currency give me a hundred dollars and I'll do the potion you give the guy a hundred dollars and the jinn will do the potions sorry the magician will do the potions that the jinn once and then the jinn will then go in basically listen to the to the magician only because it wants more worship being done now another thing we need to know is that jinns work in gangs jinns are the mafia so the magician approaches The Godfather the dawn okay the Jenna proaches the dawn the Godfather and the Godfather sends its minions generally not the one that is approached isn't the one that will go and do the sending it's the you know the the worker worker class of the Djinn they're the ones that are sent right because the Godfather Jin has an entire mafia under his disposal thousands and thousands of jinn and you just send the jinn so that jinn will then be persistent for years decades and live in your house cause issues and that Jin is getting whatever recognition and I don't know their internal currency but it's getting a benefit from the dawn right is getting something from the big guy and so it's doing what it does and a lot of times it's also scared of the big guy a lot of times is terrified of the big guy once I was doing rukia and I said to the Djinn after a long time why are you still here just leave and the Djinn said I can't leave I said why just leave and the Djinn said I'm scared if I go then he will kill me who is gonna kill you the one who put me here the one who brought me here meaning the hedge in whatever the dawn would be I'm scared he is gonna kill me he's gonna hurt me so I have to stay here so internally they're doing whatever they can and they're getting it done so bottom line ahead is merely the intersection of the world of men and the world of jinn once you understand the reality of this world you should not be scared of it in the slightest it is a nuisance it is an irritation but it's not something that brings about supernatural fear also realize this that the jinn is absolutely terrified of Allah and the name of Allah and The Vicar of Allah and the speech of Allah the jinn is terrified and that is why if ever in your life you feel the presence of a jinn use you see something supernatural it will be terrified if your bravery is manifested to it because of Allah subhana WA Ta'ala the fact that you have no fear and I have experiences and I know all of the Rockies in the audience know this firsthand you stare at it straight and you just say as the process and taught us to say memorize this race bismillah and our Buddha law which I do Allah three phrases memorize them bismillah in the name of Allah I'm not powerful I'm not gonna do anything I am connecting with Allah bismillah I am the servant of Allah I speak with a laws name now I'm not speaking in my name I speak in the name of Allah get out o enemy of Allah you say this with firmness and you will see I hope meld protects although you hope you don't see but if that ever happens now the opposite and I understand it's a bit terrifying but put yourself now in the psychology of the jinn if you start wailing screaming cowering what have you done brothers and sisters what have you done to the psychology of the jinn louder empowered it empowered it that's exactly what it wants to see you groveling in the corner terrified that's what gives it the power and that's why hadith an Abu Dawood our prophet saw some said there was a man who was on his camel and the camel for no reason reared backward and was about to throw the man off and the camel said line up to LA here the Shaitaan allows curse be on shape on the problem said don't say that when you say that shape on becomes so big he's bigger than a house because you have mentioned him as the cause of your animal rearing upwards rather listen to this say bismillah and Shaitaan will shrink until he's smaller than an ant this hadith shows us when you connect with allah subhanahu wata'ala what you're doing is you are shrinking the power of the gym you're eliminating the power of the jinn the only issue comes with this we conclude I know much more can be said what's a hair it's not that easy to kick it out because there is a binding that takes place there's a knot that has happened there's some type of issue so it requires long sessions with a professional or yourself feel free to do it with yourself as well but just know what you're doing ask us an expert or what not and you can do it okay up on yourself there is no easy way to battle ahead have you guys done the symptoms say hell have you done the symptoms of said so some things you should know before you conclude some of the symptoms of say head number one levitating in the earth if you see somebody levitating in the air you know it's a head ok clear eye that's the joke number one symptom of say head is bizarre scary dreams number two system as a symptom of saheb is you feel somebody is there when nobody is there you have your conscious there's an entity or a power number three symptom of saheb is inexplicable problems or disasters that cannot be explained okay anything that science can explain medicine can explain is not certain you go to the doctor the doctor says oh you have this issue that's not said if the doctor can analyze it and the doctor tells you this is the problem that's not sale ahead is supernatural problem ahead it doesn't make any sense you wake up and there bruises on your back you wake up there's marks here you're having constant miscarriages and the doctors like everything is normal I've done all the tests and there's constant miscarriages for no reason and every doctor scratching their heads you're totally normal and the third week fourth week you know always there's a miscarriage around the same timeframe this isn't a symptom of sahel that you don't know what's going on between husband and wife everything seems fine and then all of a sudden when there's some romance all of a sudden extreme anger or inexplicable feelings or pushing or whatnot these are supernatural symptoms when these exist and only when you find them otherwise if these symptoms don't exist it's not said I have to say this most of what we think is ahead is our imagination it's not actual sin so if you are not sure about a supernatural sign then assume it is not said there has to be something palpable bottom line with this we conclude don't be scared of these entities they are creatures of Allah like all other creatures and if you turn to Allah you are more powerful than these creatures these creatures are terrified of Iman of taqwa of Vicker of the quran they can't stand it and if you show fear that fear empowers them if your heart is trembling cover it up and speak with a voice and say bismillah I speak to you in the name of Allah I am the servant of la get out of here enemy of Allah you say this with Iman and thicker and you are going to be the one who is powerful Allah says in the Quran while you flee who Sahara - Atta the magician will never be successful wherever he comes the one who does dhikr and the Quran the one who turns to Allah will always be the one who wins over sick in the short and in the long run may allah azzawajal protect all of us on her families and loved ones may Allah subhana WA Ta'ala allow there to be barriers between us and the world of the shayateen may Allah subhana WA Ta'ala give us all righteous children and righteous grandchildren that are firm upon their Iman and are protected from the world of the jinn and the shayateen Hakimullah who hired under Saddam alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatu like molosser Shekar just want you to bear with us for another few minutes of Charlotte Allah I hope everyone benefited today please please do not forget our Mushaf and your diets when you go home please when we pray Mahadev I ask all of you to make diet for our Messiah for everything they prepared for us today well lie they made a huge difference hamdulillah believe me I'm sure does everyone here feel like a stronger Muslim today does everyone here feel like their fear for from the jinn is less and their fear of a loss of Hannah todd has more and their strength through Allah is more yes hamdullah this is what was intended from the conference well hum did a lot of belial I mean we did what we wanted to do some of us however came to do other things like when a mini iPad right IRA got three times I'll call your name if you're not here then we go to the next party cow's udder honey kocaeli going once she's upstairs she's upstairs knock on the window knock on the window if you're upstairs oh okay Hallows hundred dollars for sister at Coachella that's good she knocked down that was a girl we heard that I'm good hung that's $100 oh the kids are upstairs oh so it might be the cute huh so sister Charla you have two minutes to come down within the last minute any the clock is going to start and we can go to the iPad what kind of iPad is it it's a pink iPod so this is where the sisters anyway and Charlotte's assist if it's a brother I'm sure he wouldn't mind though right just get one of them skins and live with it um do you want to roll that can you read that say that's a brother saved puddle and Marshall you say it cited one do you have an ID without a driver's license well look here site hummed it in the do you have an iPod yet here's your first iPod of your I shot a comedian parody please forgive us ruining Said's father was waiting to give him an iPad when he's a teenager listening to the Quran and Islamic lectures and what else my cell lines it up like a particle of V so now his father any time as father says get off your iPad but I got it from the message it it's a blessed iPad right what Luke say with this inshallah oh the sister this is history oh Allah my sister cosas sha-la-la-la hamdullah broke my leg look sister live ethically alright and with that cello we're going to end our conference i ask allah subhanaw taala to bless us our families our friends everyone in this masjid inshallah we ask Allah to protect us from jinn from evil eye and from Sahara we ask Allah subhana WA Ta'ala to give us strengthen Eman Amina rabbil alameen wa sallahu wa sallim wa barik alaa said the muhammad was salam alaykum wa rahmatullah you
Views: 160,454
Rating: 4.8455648 out of 5
Keywords: East Plano Islamic Center, EPIC Masjid, East Plano Masjid, EPIC, Yusha Evans, Yasir Qadhi, Imam, Nadim Bashir, Ustadh, Baajour, Hafiz, Sajjad Gul, Allah, Quran, Islam
Id: mT2RbtAlScA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 224min 59sec (13499 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 21 2020
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