Jinn & Black Magic - Ustadh Tim Humble - Part 7 - Magic and Magicians

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so now we come on to the topic of magic and we have 50 minutes she's a short time so we gonna have to make it intense and we have videos as well inshallah so just take a minute or two to get yourself ready with the okay I'm going to try and keep this relatively child-friendly we're going to talk about magic is not really very easy to do but if anyone is concerned the videos are probably where it's going to be not very nice and I will try and let you know what's going to be in the video before I show it to you and if you're particularly queasy or you're particularly you know sort of worried about how you might feel watching the video you might want to turn away and you might not want to watch it but I will let you know beforehand inshallah if we can just have everyone quieten down now in Charlotte so that we can begin beating the light on okay I'm just going to use this to help me along this is not my presentation and it's not in English either but it has some very useful things in it I get to the right bit okay so we want to just zoom back a bit once and that's me I think I think that's why I'm using it in the room I'm using forgetting the our Arabic goes the other way okay so we want to talk I begin by talking about a history of magic a history of magic and the first place you can see up on the map is Babylon ancient Babylon and you can see here a picture of some of the ancient Babylonian relics and Babylon is of course a particular area that is mentioned in the Bible and is mentioned in the Koran and the people of ancient Babylon were known for a particular kind of magic that they were well known for and that is that they were well known for their use of stargazing and magic so that they they had there is a relation in the magic of ancient Babylon between stargazing and astrology and magic so they're well known for their astrology and they're well known for their magic and they used to worship the seven stars of Babylon the seven stars the seven stars of the people of Babylon so we need so far we know they were well known for their astrology they were well known for their magic and they were well known for their worship of the stars they used to seek nearness to their gods through three things particularly through the use of incense the use of knots and the use of sacrifice - other than Allah and their books are full of the mention of magic so we have one historical source of magic which is the people of Babylon and we have in there their knowledge of the stars and magic astrology astrology their worship of the seven stars they're coming close to their gods through the use of incense snot and sacrifice and that they have many books written on the topic of magic now we come to Egypt and as you can see there we have a picture of Egypt and we have some Egyptian hieroglyphics and a mask of or an image of Pharaoh the Egyptians were well known for using in their magic hieroglyphics symbolism and magical words hieroglyphics symbolism and magical words they have many manuscripts and Scrolls that are written in hieroglyphics depicting the carrying out of magic their religious class of people the religious caste among them were well known for the practice of magic ie the ancient Egyptian religious caste where a people who are well known for the practice of magic some of their kings were also known for the practice of magic and likewise they were in a particular area or a particular there was a particular place where they were known for the magic that they did and you all know the story of firown' and firown' and the magicians and how that came about so this is sort of indicating the ancient magic that took place in Egypt now we come to Persia okay so we come to Persia these were a people in ancient times who worshipped a lot alone they were not a people who worshiped other than Allah in the most ancient times they were a people who worshiped Allah alone their great military commander Rustom was one of the people who first introduced stargazing and astrology to the people of ancient Persia and they have this this famous sort of symbolism that we're going to find we should be able to find a picture of which they would use in their their magical practices and we can sure we're going to show you some symbols from that later what about magic in Islam so now we're coming out of ancient Babylon ancient Egypt and ancient Persia and talking about magic in Islam magic in Islam is represented by letters and numbers symbols and signs that relate to the the stars they relate to the the the the zodiac so we're talking about letters numbers symbols and signs that relate to the zodiac they added to the ancient magic of Egypt Babylon and Persia they added disgracing the Koran and attacking the Koran and likewise we find that a number of the innovated or the innovating sects in Islam also using the practice of magic to fulfill their aims we're going to show you an example now and I'm going to go into this later but this is an example of symbols numbers and writing that is there in order to in order to perform the magic and we're going to talk about how that works in a second likewise we're going to see another example here this is Babylonian magic the seven stars of Babylon and we're going to see again an example of modern Islamic disgracing the Quran and attacking the Quran through the supposed writing of ayatul kursi in a way that cannot be understood and can't be comprehended so that is one part we're going to show you some videos in just a second but we want to begin just before we if we just have the lights on for just about five minutes while we just go over some theory and inshallah to Allah then we can talk about in show you some of the videos and some of the practicality behind it so I want to explain to you magic in the light of an ayah in the Quran and that ayah in the Quran is the eyes one hundred and second ayah in surah Baqarah and allah subhanaw taala says and they followed instead what the Devils had recited during the reign of Suleiman it was not soul a man who disbelieved but the devil's disbelieved teaching people magic and that which was revealed to the two angels at Babylon how root and marveled but the two angels do not teach anyone unless they say we are a trial so do not disbelieve by practicing magic and yet they learn from them that which by which they cause separation between a man and his wife but they do not harm anyone through it except by the permission of Allah and they learn what harms them and does not benefit them but the children of Israel certainly knew that whoever purchased the magic would not have any share in the hereafter and wretched is flat for which they sold themselves if they only knew five points I want us to take out this ayah number one magic is something that can be learnt magic is something that can be learnt magic is not something that you are born with number two magic is an act of disbelief number three magic causes real and significant harm it does not just cause illusions it doesn't just cause you to to see something that's not there there number four there is no harm without the permission of Allah and number five there is no such thing as good magic or white magic as for magic in the Sunnah it is narrated that I shall radi allahu and has said a spell was put on the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa seldom until he imagined that he had done a thing when he had not done it one day he made dua and he said do you know that Allah has shown me in what lies my cure two men came to me and one of them sat at my head and the other at my feet one of them said to the other what is ailing the man he said he has been afflicted by magic he the other said who had bewitched him he said labeed even allow some he said with what did he perform the magic said with a comb the hair that is stuck to it and the skin of the pollen of a male date-palm he said where is it and he said it isn't in the well of that one the prophet sallallaahu alayhi wassalam went out to the well and he came back and said to Ayesha it's deep palms are like the heads of Devils aisha said did you take it out he said no Allah has healed me and I feared that it might bring evil upon the people and then the well was filled in what is the nature of the magician the nature of the magician is that a person cannot become a magician until they reach the highest forms of disbelief from which there is rarely any return the Shaitaan lures them with promises of riches and fame begins by asking very little once the person is hooked the Shaitaan does not let them out of their grip they must perform the most evil acts in order to remain as a magician and in reality rather than me telling you I'd like to show you and I'll tell you what's going to be on the video beforehand so you know whether you want to look or not one second I fix that just give me a more wider loads so we're looking at what the magician the actions that the magician does the things that the magician does in order to practice the you know the evil that they do so we plug this in okay what magicians do so let's start by looking at the cave this one is fine this one's not going to upset anybody in shala and there's nothing in here that's going to be particularly particularly horrible and as I said I'm going to try and avoid the worst of them because I did have people fainting in previous one previous lectures okay here you can see a magician describing and showing to the people how they perform their magic and it makes no difference where in the world they are from magic is one religion and it's one one way there is no two ways about it so you see this person has made a circle and they've created an altar at the front the altar has magical symbols in it and symbolism each single symbol has a purpose each color of each candle has a purpose you can see in there there is a little shrine at the front with a triangle and the use of the circle and the triangle is going to come later on you'll see that very clearly each of those candles has a purpose and a reason and what this person would be commanded to do would be to sit inside of the circle for a prolonged period of time in a cave and this is just showing you the cave in which the person would be sitting they go into a place known for the possession of the jinn known to be isolated they're sitting inside of that cave and then they are going to be sitting for such a prolonged period of time lighting the candles and beginning to mention the name of the Shaitaan call upon the Shaitaan and invite the Shaitaan to come to their presence so they begin by lighting the candles and by sitting in the circle and by reciting their words but not words of the remembrance of Allah but words of the remembrance of the shape line and instead of playing you the whole thing because the time is very short what we will do is just forward it slightly to see what this person is doing so they sat in a state of they would sit in with the upper part of their body exposed and they would begin to mention the name of the Shaitaan and to call upon the Shaitaan and they would usually be asked to relieve themselves in the same circle that they sit in and to sit in their own filth that's one but that's the lightest one I thought I'd test your you know your stomach first of all that's the lightest one now let's go and have a look at what magicians do with the Quran this one is this one is horrible to see but it's not it doesn't contain anything particularly horrible in terms of you know something gory or something like that this is a public sewer it's full of you know waste and excrement and they're trying to fish out something from the public sewer and we're going to keep going and the Sheikh he climbs down into it and this is what they pulled out of the public sewer as you can see this is a copy of the Quran that has been used in a public sewer it's covered in human filth it's covered in sewage and they now have to clean and purify this copy of the Quran just in case you thought that was a one-off we'll show you another video this one has 51 copies of the must-haves that have been disgraced by the magician's as you can see they are covered these are all copies of the Quran they are covered in knots they are covered in filth inside of them they're going to open one of them up they're covered in pins like voodoo dolls they're cutting them open and you see the state of the most half inside you can see the color of the water that is coming off of the the copies of the Quran as they're washing them as they opening them and they're washing them with rose water and they're washing them with perfume in order to to remove the the excrement that was on them and they were found in a toilet in public sewer 51 copies of the masaf and you can see inside the state that these massage have been put in and inside there are metal nails bent over these are part of the magic and you can see how covered these massages are in in dirt and in uncleanliness right now that I've have started to get you used to it a little bit I'll show you one that is really quite I would suggest if you don't this is probably a this is not a nice one at all however it's not it's not the worst one we have so it's not a mission is it what you can see here is a copy of the Quran and you can see a circular in order to call it a device and you can see what the Quran is smeared with the story of this is actually much much worse whatever you can imagine the story is worse there was a maid who wanted to perform magic upon the family that she was with she took a copy of the Quran she placed it into this tube and she placed it where she placed it when she was on her monthly cycle and she covered the Quran in menstrual blood this is what magicians do here we're going to see another magician and this magician is going to show how he again he's been caught and part of them being caught is they ask them to they ask them to show what it was that they were doing without letting them make [ __ ] they don't let them call upon the Shaitaan but they just let them show the idea of what they were doing in order to expose them in front of the people so the first thing you see is that this man is wearing I won't forget that this man is wearing red from head to toe he's wearing red from head to toe because the prophets lie silent forbade a man from wearing red from head to toe he likes his incense that is done deliberately to bring the Shaitaan it's not it's a kind of incense that's well associated with the shape on and he begins to perfume a whip and he starts to with himself this might remind you of some people and I'll make no further comment than that but he doesn't do this for our ah he does this every single day of the week now what you can see there is curtains on the wall that again he has disobeyed the prophets eyes I learned by placing curtains all over the wall and what you see here is bloodstains on the curtains now what he would do is he would sacrifice a rooster the rooster that that a prophet sighs solemn said that when the rooster crows that it's seen an angel the rooster that's associated with the calling of the people to the federal prayer they would sacrifice a rooster to other than Allah to sacrifice a rooster to the Shaitaan and then allow it to flap a law around the room spreading the blood all over the walls the blood that is the blood of that that has been used to worship other than Allah and then you would see what this person would do they have some more little tools that they use they would then lie in a position of humility and a position of of lowliness and you're going to see and they would stay in that position calling upon the Shaitaan calling upon the Shaitaan to appear before them calling upon the Shaitaan to help them calling upon the Shaitaan to aid them and to support them and what they do is they make a contract between themselves and between the Shaitaan they make a contract between themselves and between the Shaitaan and this contract is then placed in a number of places and I'm going to show you some examples this here is a bird that was confiscated from the house of a magician and you can see stitched into its wing or onto its tail but all sorts of them this one that stitched onto its wing you have either a written piece of paper with the magic written on it or you have various strings and threads that have been blown the magic has been blown over them I think the other one is a little clearer so I put the other one on so this is another another bird that was confiscated from the house of a magician and you can see very very clearly there that it has stitched into its wing a contract that is written between the magician and between the Shaitaan you also have an example of their burying the magic in the graves so they go out to a grave and they dig inside the grave they've caught a magician or they've been informed by a magician as to where the magic is hidden and you're going to see that they bring out from the grave they've been told what side of the grave to look at and they bring out usually a plastic bag and the bag has various magical items in it you can see there that you have the letters and the symbols that we're going to talk about tomorrow and you're going to learn about what all about what they those symbols and letters mean show you another one that comes out of the grave this is right in the base of the grave in the middle of the night they call them out because they've heard that there's some magic buried there and they keep on digging and digging and eventually they take out this pouch they start to open the pouch we're going to see what's in it that looks like somebody's vest inside you have a an egg which is painted or colored red may well be blood and has a number of needles stuck into it you have a tissue a man's tissue you have a lemon you have the head of an animal that was sacrificed to other than Allah and it's not uncommon for them to put inside of the head of the animal some magic and you have these writings you have all sorts it's covered in blood you have a child's nappy in there and you have a sanitary towel so you can see the sanitary towel in the middle you can see the child's nephew over to the side you can see a vest you can see a handkerchief a male tissue a bunch of pins inside of the egg and there's some Koran in there as well and we're going to count the number of pins you can see in there there are seven pins okay having had a look at that for a moment and I just briefly show you some of it that's buried in the water as well you can see they're dredging the sea agenda when the people come for Hajj some brothers here came from with me to Hajj you would think that the people came to Hajj to worship Allah but there are a whole bunch of people who come to Hajj in order to put magic in the sea near Makkah because it's greater in disgracing the Islam and the Quran by putting it in the nearest place to Makkah okay let's switch the lights back on and let's try and analyze a little bit of what we've seen so here we see we saw a number of things what did we see in that last one that was open from the grave we saw I think there was a vest there was some kind of clothing there was a sanitary towel there was a nappy there was a lemon there was an egg it was colored red there was blood there was a male tissue there was seven pins each individual item that was put in there was put in there for a reason magicians don't do things at random they do very very evil and very horrific things but they don't do them around it was put in there for a reason and an aim in order to bring the Shaitaan and caused a problem and I'll tell you what happened there the story of this the Sher who who gave me the video he actually was involved in the case and he told me the story he said what happened was there was a woman who had been divorced by her husband and she had lost custody of her child she went to a magician in order to bring her child back to her she brought her own blood she brought the child's nappy she brought some clothing from her husband and his tissue and she brought an animal and the animal was slow to other than Allah and I want to make something very very very clear the magician in the beginning would do these horrible acts and they would leave Islam and and they would you know they would sell their soul to the Shaitaan however there's a problem once the magician has done that what's next the magician says calls the Shaitaan says I'm willing to make sajda to you in order for me to you to do something for me and the jinn and the Shaitaan say well what's the point you've already disgraced the Quran you've already left Islam you've already done the worst of the worst of the worst there's nothing left to ask from you you've left Islam and there's no Islam left in you so we have no need what what what what is next so then he says what can I do for you next to make you obey me or to make you carry out my orders once again and so the Shaitaan says now you have to bring other people it's not enough for you to leave Islam now you have to bring other people and so that magician goes out to convince other people to use their services and to bring them those are the people outside of Islam and this is something that you see amongst the magicians is that they don't simply disbelieve they disbelieve and they become a Darija a caller to get people to leave Islam and so that woman was asked to bring an animal knowing that animal would be sacrificed to other than Allah in the beginning don't think that this magician sat there with horns you know like an sat there saying I'm an evil magician in the beginning the magician enticed her look I can solve your problem I'm a healer but when it comes to the crunch you're going to have to bring me an animal to be sacrificed she knows and he knows the animal is going to be sacrificed to other than Allah when he asks her to bring a sanitary towel I asked her to bring a nappy I mean she knows what's going to be done with it but he has to get her to make that step so that she would leave Islam and when she leaves Islam then the jinn will now do another act for him and would afflict her husband and caused him to lose the custody of his child and for the child to go back to the mother or afflict the husband to make him love the woman again and make her come again to a back and bring the family back together and of course it should be mentioned that they never bring anything good they never bring anything good and they never ever ever um are successful in what they do while are you fillet her sir here hateful utter the magic magician will never be successful wherever they are so they do these acts and the husband would go insane fall in love with his wife once again go back to his wife within a few months he will have fallen out with her again because magic never works of all of it the stuff that they do it doesn't bring anything but evil for everybody it doesn't bring people back together magic can be done for a number of reasons those two reasons can be summarized by two things sort of fun what pushing people away and bringing people together pushing people away is if you like what what people term evil magic all magic is evil but what people turn black magic or evil magic magic that's done to harm magic that's done to kill magic that's done to push away magics is done to destroy magic the Sun to break up a family that's one thing on the other side magic that is done to bring people together and it brings nothing it brings nothing together it doesn't do anything like the magic to protect someone from the shaitaan magic to give someone health magic to cure someone's illness magic to make someone love someone and all of it is done the same way all of it's done by disgracing the Quran all of it's done by pushing people away from the path of Allah this is the reality of the magician but now we come to a very important point and that is that the magician will not appear to a person as an evil shape on as a devil the magician is going to try to get people to become confused and to follow him through appearing to people with the most outward action of piety so you would see and a brother when I mentioned this in East London they told me a story just a few weeks ago in East London that they came across a person who was a magician and he was handing out cards telling people that he does black magic and then they you know they they ignored him and whatever he was handing out cards on the street that I can heal you know that I control the Shaitaan and all of the you know clear magician and you know where they found that magician they found him when they went to the prayer in the Masjid they went to the Masjid and they found him sitting in the Masjid doing his magic upon somebody in the Masjid and that's not surprising these people don't have any limit don't think that they live in caves you know they go to the caves to learn their magic and then they come back from the cave and the guy grows a nice long beard and he puts on his best saab and his you know his little hat and everything because this is how they get their business I'm a healer I'm a pious person and we're going to talk tomorrow in the session about the raki about who is a true raki and who is a fake who's a magician dressed up as a healer and who is a real person who is helping people for the sake of Allah Spri Matata but these magicians they come out to people with an apparent nature of piety you know showing people that I'm pious I'm good I'm you know I'm I'm able to help you I know a lot of greatest name I can give you something I can write something for you that will educate you I will give something that will help you I can heal you I have power I have do either is accepted I have a Shaitaan that I can control all of these different things so they appear to people as being pious and being holy and in reality it's very easy see the difference between them for the one who are lost honor to Allah gives the ability to do so so we understand how magic works how does magic work magic is an agreement between the Shaitaan on one side and the magician on the other the magician agrees to do certain things for the Shaitaan and then of course the Shaitaan agrees in return to do certain things for the magician usually this magical contract is written down and the first thing we're going to do tomorrow and please do come on time we're going to cover the written symbols the magicians write down you saw that open from the grave with all the letters on lamb lamb lamb lamb hahahaha what does it mean what is it therefore in sha Allah who Tala you will learn about we're going to talk about destroying magic of course in the in the Rocio session but very specifically if you do find the magic itself destroying it will destroy the magic completely because at the end of the day the jinn are only there because they have been commissioned to be there they are there because they've been commissioned by the magician the magician has done is act and the jinn have done this and therefore the jinn are only willing to remain as long as that written
Channel: WLICC
Views: 107,111
Rating: 4.8492384 out of 5
Keywords: tim humble, west london islamic cultural centre, wlicc, jinn, black magic, luhaidan, imam wasim kempson, saeed al ghadi, mufti menk, green lane masjid, al muntada, muntadaaid, magic and magicians
Id: _1ddVQ8V50I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 26sec (2486 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 13 2014
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