Helldivers 2 Diligence CS & No Stratagems (Solo Max Difficulty, Tips, Fun Facts)

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[Music] curious what a no strategy automaton solo hell di looks like say no more my name is fil and this is a diligence counter sniper run no strategems no support weapons just head shots and movement that would make Muhammad Ali proud that said this run in my opinion is mostly Testament to really just how far good decision making can take you so let's Jump Right In I'd say my only tools are a diligence counter sniper a grenade p pistol and stun grenades also I'm bringing the 550 speed plus 50% explosive resistant armor so lots of hidden running basically all right let's see the cards we deal what have we got Jarvis I call my mini map jvis by the way cuz I enjoy Marvel movies too much I guess for the route my plan is much more erratic than it would be normally basically I'm assuming I can't clear most things the first time around because if I get drop shipped and there are heavy enemies that simply means I have to run so I decide to head for this heavy Outpost first see how many Fabricators I can take out before the Big Boys force me away the factory trer and Tower Cannon are my friends here ideally they take out all the Fabricators for me while I play hideand-seek so my game plan is set doggies all right through my plan Tower Cannon didn't though nice one down three to go I know there's a ramp leading up to the other three Fabricators here a ramp filled with mines but still I won't lie missing those shots there felt really ominous I get better though I promise the plan here is to wait for the dog to come stomp on Fabricators 2 and three which you can't see but they're right behind this rock on my left the fabricator I'm staring at is number four tip number one mines prevent Bots from beining towards you they'll just slower use to your advantage I have to shoot the mines here the car a path upwards did you hear the Strider stomping on the Fabricators rewind 5 seconds if you didn't intels everything and sound qes are Intel babyj I'm starting to get worried I need to clear fabricator number four before the Strider picks around that cliff in mindsight I should have left here so reflection number one don't just have a plan have parameters I never decided when exactly I was going to retreat which is why I overstayed my welcome here after this Outpost I decided I'll stick around for two three waves Max after that I leave since it's probably not worth the time see now I'm in a rush so I actually forgot to reload here come on remember to hug rocks by the way see how peaceful this is so far due to good positioning let's pretend that Devastator didn't appear right after I said that oh no lesson learned fil just kidding my plan was to help po this fabricator all along honest Jokes Aside reflection number two I could probably have gotten behind that fabric Ator sooner which would have made The Strider stomp on it so practice your split-second decision making you usually have more options than you might think reflection number one was still better though just leave if you have to not too bad I suppose a heavy Outpost for a reinforcement not the worst trade hey tip number two you can help bombb detector Towers by placing it at its base you think the hill protects it but it doesn't free objectives are pretty sweet if you're new to my videos you're going to hear me say this a lot use your mini map really often basically gives you eyes in the back of your head why wouldn't you want eyes there am I right using it often also teaches you a lot of stuff like for example the size of these red dots combined with the speed at which they moved means they light infantry Devastators are the same size blip but they move much slower see in this is going pretty well maybe next time I do a no gun runy that's a joke by the way please don't make me do a no gun Run fun fact number one this is probably a good time to talk about Patrol spawning more specifically where they spawn there's fantastic research done on it by Lex locatelli and his friends I'll link to them in the description below good to know is that Patrol spawn on outpost SL nests or on the edges of the map so if you take out all the outposts you'll run into a lot less patrols mid game in my opinion I do have to add I'm not sure whether the research is still accurate I haven't read up on it lately but the devs seem to be well in touch with the community so I wouldn't be surprised if they changed it a lot of their work still seems correct though so definitely worth a read okay let's focus the two Tower cannons here give away that there's only three Fabricators two between the towers and one across from them I wanted this fabricator here first but the Hulk was in the way so change your plan whenever there's two Tower cannons like this you can always climb up the side to reach the Fabricators this is the most efficient way to deal with these if you ask me you'll be the judge I suppose I Supply next to these towers because most enemies seem to be etish of me so worst comes the worst I'm running North which means I can grab some more supplies if I have to important note here destroying Fabricators will trigger the tower cannons so as soon as I engage I don't have much time because I'm on this rock there's going to be a lot of enemies coming from around the corner here so tapping the tower Cannon to shoot the fabricator is actually the safest option here since the alternative is trying to get in front of it I'm probably getting blasted by 30 robots the positioning here is a little tricky I need it to see me so it shoots but obviously not in the face but I can't get behind the other Tower because I'll get blasted from the East there we go are you enjoying this madness if so a like and a sub would help me out a lot thank you very much time to run and pray that those two Tower cannons have po him today zigzag zigzag not too fast or you run back into a bullet fil nice it missed reflection number three my prospection here was on point I figured since I got forced towards the ICBM I may as well clear the static defense if they drop ship me I run and if not free game when I get back here I'm an ICU nurse and I enjoy spreading Knowledge from my life experience so fun fact number two the confirmation bias will destroy your happiness in my opinion what it is is our mind's tendency to want proof of something we already believe which is the wrong order you should look for facts first then form an opinion afterwards not the other way around arguably this is one of the hardest things we'll ever fight as people because letting go of it also means accepting you don't know everything and you never will but starting down this path is going to teach you things you could have never imagined and life is short so please get on this road I've started getting a decent feel for the grenade pistol and the fact that lets me close nests and fabricators from a distance is amazing also I enjoy ruffling some feathers so I'll say this loud and proud this pistol is s tier oh in case it wasn't obvious the diligence counter sniper is my favorite gun against the tomaton if you enjoy your accuracy being highly rewarded you definitely need to not miss out on this gun try it out like quickly fun fact number three the diligence does 125 damage the counter sniper does 140 so only 15 more headshotting a Devastator Takes Two Shots from a diligence though but only one from the counter sniper so the 15 is a huge difference in gameplay I used to enjoy the diligence more because it handles better but one-shotting Devastators to the hit is just too good to pass up tip number three practice memorizing your strategems if you find the time being able to do the inputs rapidly makes a gigantic difference in how difficult missions feel additively tip number four visualize the inputs for example a hellbomb Colin I see as an infinity sign you don't have to use the same reference but visualization is a strong memorization tool so apply it have you noticed how little patrols I'm getting fun fact number four again crediting Lex loell and his friends patrols spawn 125 M away from you since I've taken out a bunch of outposts they're being forced to spawn near the edge of the map but since I'm near the edge of the map they have nowhere left to spawn essentially this knowledge lets you manipulate their spawns the northern half of the mini map is clear which means I have a lot of room to fall back to that's good piece of mind at least reflection number four here plan ahead I'm proud I fell back here it's super peaceful right now but I have no clue what I'm about to get drop shipped by so leaving is the right call I can always come back in if it's not a big deal but it could be a tank or factory trer or both so better sa than sorry that's a reminder fun fact number five enemies are static or dynamic static is in they're on the map already when you land at the start of the mission dynamic as in you did something to trigger them like a patrol a fabricator bot or drop ships Dynamic enemies despawn if they lose track of you which is essentially the mechanic I'm using to pull this entire runoff not the most badass Strat but definitely among the most effective this run was filmed with the broken Patrol spawns solo players are getting the same Patrol spawns as fourman groups I'm not sure if they still are or whether they had fixed it already supposedly it was an accident and they're fixing it it's good for the overall health of the game I'd say I won't lie though the action-packed missions was a lot of fun to get used to maybe one day they'll introduce a setting where you can choose the patrol spawns fun fact number six knowledge really is power like look at how peaceful this mission is simply because I'm hugging the outside of the map in the olden days kingdoms used to go to war for libraries can you believe that they' kill each other for books it does make sense when you think about it though because learning things things is the fastest way to success consider how blessed we are right now you can literally learn anything you want right now using nothing in your pocket your phone of course stay with me now which means your success in life has rarely been more in your control than it is in this day and age long story short if there's anything you'd like to learn do it stop wasting time look it up and teach yourself a new skill there's no way you regret learning something new even if you end up not using it leave it up you got this I hit this bot in a different body part like four times else he would have died already so tip number five when aiming for anything focus on one body part always that's because they have separate HP pools per body part which for the most part don't share damage to each other so if you hit a different part every time you're essentially wasting a lot of damage and therefore time and even ammo democracy I have one magazine left so I'm pretty worried here reflection number five I should have killed this heavy Devastator while he was stunned I got distracted unfortunately Freedom never SLS I aim to land on High Ground here since it makes headshotting a lot easier also I knew the console to the Jammer was up here so multiple birds with one stone basically this Hulk is a problem luckily I know I can get this Jammer deactivated within the 12 to 15 seconds these tun grenades are going to buy me it's not an actual fle run unless I bounce a hell bomb to an unintended location so check that off the list I guess I'm going to arm it hoping it kills the Hulk I mean it's there anyway might as well use it right reflection number six the hellbom has a lot more range than I thought it actually got the Jammer from there lesson learn oh tip number six Berserkers take the least amount of bullets to the head like all Bots but I struggle hitting them in the head consistently because of how far their head sways after you shoot them there so I aim for the abdomen normally if your aim is good enough aim for the hit though the hell bomb bounced again but I know now the range is bigger than I think on average so maybe it's good enough yes it was sweet fun fact number seven this detective tower has a red Oro around it still because the fabricator is still up it doesn't actually give you any extra XP or requisitions for ing at all since it's not an outpost fabricator on a side note I don't actually know whether patrols can spawn from a fabricator attached to a Jammer and such like that though my guess is no simply because I've never noticed it and the Run only gets more tranquil from here and you'd think a fabricator pretty near the middle of the map like that would swarm me with patrols if they did spawn there so let me know if you have a 100% answer in the comments below I'd say I'm deciding whether I should take out the static defense here it's a lot of bots so I'm probably getting drop shipped on the other hand maybe it's better to get drop shipped now over getting drop shipped while on the objective it's also gives me some room to kite towards the edge of the map if I have to so I guess I'm going for it I also know as soon as I get to the objective I'm probably getting swarm by patrols spawning near the southeast edge of the map so probably good if these are done Guinness world record sniper over here sheesh I threw a stun grenade to lure that Patrol to that location away from me basically I didn't quite catch where they were headed so I decided Safety First see I'm not sure whether this Patrol spawned near the detector Tower or whether they've been walking here for a while it definitely looks like they spawned near the detector Tower but I'm not confident unfortunately I decide to run north here for the fuel pump first I noticed the Hulk in the patrol and it's headed straight for me so instead of wasting time fighting the patrol into probably another Patrol into probably some drop ships which would then force me to leave I bypass all of that by simply doing the other objective first a huge time save in the long run basically reflection number seven probably should have strafed e here a bit just to make sure no patrols SP near me not the biggest deal but Perfection is in the details so probably good to mention honestly this run is getting quite boring at this point the combination of good decision making with good positioning based on game knowledge is preventing stuff from even attacking me so I guess tip number seven although killing outposts and nests makes more Patrol spawn that doesn't mean killing them is a bad idea if you understand positioning so make an informed decision depending on the mission and the location of your objectives reflection number eight this is an ICBM which is an easy Mission because combat is rarely forced upon you some missions Force drop ships on you like the Geological Survey for example the strategy with no strategems for those missions would be to do the objective to force the drop ships out then run away and come back later unless you get really lucky and there are no heavy units of course but that's really unlikely remember this Outpost sun has literally come up since last time we were here so what are your thoughts so far are you going to try a no strategy run for yourself if so please let me know what guns you decide to try I'm very curious about your load out the completionist in me wanted to take out this fabricator by the detector Tower just to remove the red AA from the map but the 50 units camping it urged me to reconsider I got all the outposts and four out of five side objectives with 15 minutes left on the clock so the base is good I still have to find the last side objective though see everything's gone nice and peaceful blood pressure stabilizing okay so I'm literally just pressing buttons then running across across the map and then pressing more buttons at some point through this fast forward I decide to just shoot random tiny Bots because I got so bored of not having combat which is a really bad idea in general so uh tip number eight don't shoot stuff unless you have to if you want the highest mission success rate anyway needs to be said I suppose so definitely don't follow my example on average there this gives me a good time to talk about fun fact number eight prioritize having fun in life and in turn being happy see I've met a lot of people on their Death Beds some very rich some very famous some black some white some old some young even younger than I was at the time even and apparently we all learn the same thing when our time is up when looking back to the memories we made we'll remember how we felt not what we achieved so being the best at something might feel good now but it'll be worthless later but enjoying something and loving it to the fullest won't just feel good now you'll carry that feeling with you forever or at least to your death bed so stop wasting your time competing with others enjoy every minute of everything you do except some will be better and some will be worse emotionally it will change absolutely nothing for you in the long run if you prioritize joy and happiness I'll debate anyone who wants me to on this standpoint just remember you're talking to someone who's seen More Death per week than you have kills per death in your average PVP shooter game I can't prove this to you so you won't believe me for hopefully another 50 to 60 years you will then though be happy my friend okay let's do a less heavy medical fun fact number nine did you know we can fix a crazy amount of your health issues by just giving you water when you go to your hospital's emergency room you'll see plenty of people with an intren canula better known as an IV which is a fancy label for we place the rubber tube in your blood most of the time we just give you water through it though with a little bit of salt to replicate what's already in you but still it's water so if you have a severe headache you're probably dehydrated it will give you water feeling very dizzy water it is heavily congested how about some water lost a lot of blood in a cooking accident believe it or not we'll often just give you water unless it's a crazy amount of blood of course then we straight up give you blood but more often than not we just give you water crazy [ __ ] right democracy has been well delived all right where's this last side objective there we go found it I usually just try to find static defenses since they will be placed around points of interest I know you can theoretically identify where objectives are based on the way terrain looks on the mini map but I can't figure it out to save my life I'll work on it so I can sound more Pro I guess that just leaves pressing more buttons more running and then extracting so fast forwarding for sure as a last tip number nine the easiest way to extract will usually be to just let the timer run out pelicon one will start a landing countdown timer when the mission ends but the big difference is you don't have to be near the extraction for it to land you can just walk around the map and avoid combat altogether until pelicon one lands I decided I didn't feel like waiting another 6 minutes though so I ran towards extraction to do it the old school way I could have also spent 6 minutes just looking for samples and such though so definitely consider that as an alternative to unnecessarily fighting at extraction on a side note again I should probably point out that this extraction avoidance strategy used to work a lot better I think they hot fixed it so patrols will now spawn and Camp the extraction they do still seem to disappear though if you're not anywhere close to The Landing Pad when they arrive all details worth testing I suppose Food For Thought I hope you enjoyed this diligence counter sniper no strategy run I had fun recording it since it really pushed me to make all the right strategical decisions since it was either that or just dying next time you feel forced into running certain strategems remember you can make just about anything work so play what you enjoy playing and find a way to make it work you like those gaming hours a lot more than your hours running a load out you didn't really feel like playing I guarantee it also join me in 2 weeks for your interance viewer build I have one more week of vacation coming up so no video next Friday my apologies his build flaunted the sickle and the auto Cannon I absolutely love the autoc cannon but I'm pretty new to the sickle so I'm curious how that'll go I tried it once or twice and I really enjoyed the lack of recoil so looking forward to it I hope you had fun watching and maybe learned a thing or two as is the usual request a like and a sub would help me out a lot thank you so much for sticking with me through this run my name is fil be well take care [Music] [Music]
Channel: PhacilGaming
Views: 10,371
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: helldivers 2, helldivers 2 gameplay, helldivers 2 tips, helldivers, helldivers 2 pc, helldivers 2 tips and tricks, helldivers 2 ps5, helldivers 2 game, helldivers 2 diligence, diligence, helldivers 2 solo, helldivers2, helldivers 2 details, helldivers 2 weapons
Id: ugCRdTrcwaA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 0sec (1620 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 07 2024
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