Helldivers 2 - how to master toxic gas with the orbital gas strike

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hello everyone hope everybody's doing great today with reason patch to Hell divers 2 claiming the fix the away damage over time works if you're not the host I've been seeing a lot of people joining my games using things like the flamethrower and a napom Eagle Strike and as great as it is to see such Variety in my games I like to highlight another damage overtime strategy the orbital gas strike the gas strike has always been an interesting strategy to me with its unique way of taking out enemies by means of corrosive gas and with the reent fix of damage over time it sort of reignited my interest in it and I've been using a lot as well as learning a lot of things while using it which brings us to this video where I will share all that I've learned with the orbital gas strike informing you all on everything I believe makes the ins and outs of it and giving you the information needed to make the decision yourselves on whether or not you think you should bring it with you on your Dives I got a lot of neat and fun things to share but before we get into it a quick overview of what to expect first we'll start with the basics and here we'll take a glance over the gas strike at face value we'll see its most basic functions and its intended use next we'll move over to the behavior and damage and here we'll take a look at the behavior of the corrosive gas cloud and the shell that it comes in on in this section I'll also share with you my thoughts on how exactly I think the gas strike works from the damage deal to the way that the gas cloud kind of forms and moves onto the third section we'll be looking at gameplay and use cases and here I'll share my thoughts on how I use the gas strikes against both the automatons and DET terminates I'll be highlighting cases where the gas strikes perform well in cases where its weaknesses became well known for the fourth section we have here tips tricks and interactions and before we wrap things up I like to spend some time sharing some unique things I found out as well as some neat tips and tricks that I thought will be good to use while using the gas strike and finally My overall thoughts and here I'll just share my personal two cents about the strategy and my thoughts about it for the future as a quick disclaimer everything that I'll be sharing with you guys today about the or of gas strike is from what I observed if you feel like there's anything in this video that I'm missing about the gas strike please feel free to comment it and let me know i' would love to have the discussion and there is no Liberation without communication and if that all sounds good to you I'd like to welcome you on board the power of War because noxious fumes are force to be reckoned with and we'll start this breakdown with what the ship description of what the orbital gas strike is here it says that the orbital gas strike is a projectile which releases cloud of corrosive gas harmful to both organic and robotic life forms I feel the description to be fair and I also want to highlight that the cool down of the gas strike is fairly low with a cool down time of only 75 seconds on top of that the game wants us to know that the gas strike has an explosive trait to it the gas strike has this trait to it because when you call it in during your mission the gas does not come in the form of a shot the way the EMS orbital strike or the orbital Precision strike does the gas is delivered through this a shell fired from your Super Destroyer with the gas as the payload when a shell makes contact with a Terrain it's going to explode and release the gas if you look at it here the gas can easily be denoted by the distinct green clouds that not occupy the area where you called it in on any units that enter this area here will begin to take damage and I don't feel it's right to say poison damage so I'll continue to refer to this as just toxic damage compared to fire which tis away at your health rapidly the toxic gas takes chunks of your health over a period of time units affected by the toxic gas can be seen having like these small green clouds around their model and for hell diver specifically you also make a groan similar to when you get hurt in general and then you also be coughing unlike fire you cannot dive to get rid of the effect rather it is recommended that you just try to leave the area as fast as you can when leaving the area of toxic gas the toxic damage will still linger dealing damage to you over time more often than not contacting the toxic gas and the lingering status of it will be enough to kill you but you are able to out heal the damage by stipping yourself and getting out of the range of the gas toxic gas cloud stays active for about 15 seconds and despite there being still a visual of green gas beyond that time you can still safely walk in that area and not get damaged by any toxic what's neat about the duration is that the cool for the orbital gas strike begins on impact which means you pretty much have this on cool down for only 60 seconds so gas strike away looking at it here that pretty much wraps it up for the basics now let's get into the behavior of the gas cloud and the Damage that it deals let's start with the damage it seems that to both hell divers and enemies alike the gas cloud ignores armor attacking the unit's Health directly and ticking away at it with flat damage when affected by the toxic gas the damage ticks every .25 seconds and when under the effects of the toxic gas the only thing that really happens to you is that one you take damage and two you're walking and sprinting speed are slowed you won't be slowed severely and you won't even see that slowed text underneath your stamina bar but you cannot walk or run as fast as you could you're still able to aim crouch crouch slide and dive without issue and your vision does not become blurry either so long as you continue to stay within the gas cloud you will be constantly taking those TI of damage when leaving a gas cloud the toxic damage will linger for several more seconds but something I noticed is that even if you were freshly walk into the gas cloud if the duration of the gas strike ends so does the toxic status meaning you can walk into a gas cloud at the the final second get affected by the toxic gas and only take a couple ticks of damage and that's it because then the duration ends and so does the toxic gas I'm confident to say that's how this works on Hell divers and I'm not so certain about the enemies I want to say it's the same but I've seen Chargers die even after the gas cloud has fully dissipated and I haven't hit them with anything else but the gas strikes lastly the damage you take from the gas cloud is constant there is no increasing damage that scales over time depending on how long a unit is in the gas cloud or how deep within the gas cloud they are as for the behavior of the gas cloud there are steps to it and I have some visuals to help illustrate the idea of it again it all begins right here with the fire shell carrying the toxic gas here you'll see a top down view of the gas strike with this hell diver here at the bottom being you the gas strike icon being the center of the explosion and the circle surrounding it being the range of the gas on impact the shell carrying the gas explodes and the explosion radius from what I've tested seem to go as far as 17 M meaning you'll be safe at a cozy distance of 18 M on explosion units within the AOE will slightly recoil from the the blast and also get hit with a quick bit of toxic status you aren't technically in the gas cloud yet but it's as if a quick layer of toxic gas was to spread over the entire radius in that blast and since again you aren't in the gas cloud the toxic status will fade over time and you won't take any damage beyond that after that initial blast the toxic gas cloud would form at the center of the impact and in terms of how far the radius is at this moment I want to say it's roughly 10 m it may be more but not as far as 15 M and over time the gas will start to spread and I wasn't sure if the gas would spread uniformly across all directions but from what I experienced this seems to be the case meaning it won't just spread horizontally but vertically as well equal across all directions eventually the gas will spread to its max range and I believe that to be roughly 17 to 18 M I've never seen it really gone past these numbers and it's hard to say if it really is 18 M because again the shell does not always strike precisely where it was called in I believe the radius of the blast to be spherical and it seems to ignore terrain meaning even if a building was between you and the point in which the gas strike started it won't wrap around the building to reach you it will just spread through the walls and through the floor to get to you I try to double check this by just using the grenade launcher to dig a hole and just to see how the gas would move and instead of coming out of the hole like this it would simply spread in a sphere damaging units through the floor and I think that's it for everything I have here on the behavior of the gas and the Damage that it deals trying to understand this was the most difficult part for me so if you guys have any interesting theories about the gas strike please be sure to comment that as I'd love to discuss it with you all next we're going to be moving on to some gameplay and use cases and I'll start with the bugs because here I have to say it was very useful almost every gas strike I called in resulted in a double digit multi-kill at times hitting 40 considering that the bugs generally try to just outnumber and swarm you they will almost always be clumped together allowing your gas strike to affect a whole lot of them since a gas strike directly attack enemies Health a lot of the small bugs such as the Scavengers and the hunters will drop fairly quickly and the gas strike is great at responding to something like a bug breach allowing the Heavies to come through and be focused by you and your team while the rest of the small mobs pretty much get wiped by the gas strike as to how how quick it kills the bugs units like the scavenger the pouncer the hunter the warrior and the Streaker will die within several seconds larger units such as The Brood Warrior The Hive guard and the bow spear will need to take the near full length of the gas strike to kill it if not they will almost always end the gas strike duration near death taking only a shot or two just to finish them off when it comes to the Heavies it's tough to save for the stalker I believe that when they take damage to a specific point they'll just cloak and jump away and begin the regen Health on top of already having a high base health because of this I seem to take at least four to five gas tracks to kill one I believe if they weren't to go away and heal it may only take two to three for Chargers I've seen the Chargers die consistently to about two whole gas strikes and then halfway through the third lastly for the B Titans I would say it would take around five to six gas strikes to kill I want to say five but that might only be if they are within the gas clap for the entire duration every time but since you can't stun a b Titan it'll be tough to Corral them into that small area for the whole duration overall for the bugs I think it's a great mob clearing tool to use I think it's great for thinning out the Swarm and it allows you and your team to shift attention to the heavy units as well as the objectives as for the amatons it's a bit of a different story the bugs do the hard work for you and get themselves all grouped together while the Bots are pretty spread out in most firefights and will engage you at range the only units that you can really kill quickly from the gas strike and ignore are the bot Troopers and the Scout Striders all types of Devastators will die from a full duration of a gas strike and although that's nice there's still an active threat in those next 15 seconds much how like the toxic gas doesn't really affect you it probably also really doesn't affect them their accuracy is unaffected as if they were hit by a smoke and still able to lock in on you and lay heavy fire on you for units such as the Berserkers they can pretty much survive an entire gas strike but most likely they will just run right through it and straight to you surprisingly the hulks don't seem to be affected by it at all I would stun lock a Hulk into a coma just so I can continuously throw gas tracks at it for this example you're looking here I stopped at 8 thinking that if it was even possible at this point it was nowhere near practical the gas also does not seem to affect tanks or Cannon turrets but the impact of the shell carrying the gas is able to put a dents on them one Direct Hit outright won't destroy but three direct hits on a weak spot will be enough to blow it up and it's impractical I know but I feel like it's cool to know so to sum it up it doesn't really affect the Heavies and it takes a full duration of the gas strike to kill a Devastator and the general nature of finding automatons is just tough because they aren't grouped together like the bugs and they'll attack you at different ranges either by themselves or with only a couple other Bots around them so it's hard to really find good value out of a single gas strike I was able to kind of compensate for this by saving the gas strike for times when a new Bots will be grouped up such as at a bot drop or when engag jingle Patrol bringing stun grenades also helped to make sure that if a group of bots were caught at a gas strike that they would stay there for the entire duration in terms of just an ideal Mission type to bring for the gas strike I would say for either faction that the best mission is the evacuate high value assets Mission given the way that the gas strike works it performs best when enemies are clumped together and what better place to use it than a map with defined choke points for enemies with a low cool down I was able to consistently have gas strikes at the gates where the enemies funnel through and just leave the area in a plume of green smoke if you were to couple out with EMS mortars near the objective and it's just a recipe for Endless multi-kills that's it for the general gameplay and use cases moving on to now the section of tips tricks and interactions starting with interactions and beginning with the strategy the gas strike is able to destroy any health postive effects but also destroy all of the sentries as well with both types being destroyed just from a single gas strike the heavy machine gun placement will take two gas strikes and antipersonnel mines and the incendiary variant will not get affected by the gas strike since the gas strike does not act like a smoke it does not prevent your spear from locking onto a Target through it and the airburst rocket launcher will not detonate prematurely from it as well early on I mentioned how the gas strike seems to attack the unit's Health directly ignoring armor this also is the case for Shields if you equip the shield generator backpack you will get the toxic status and will take ticks of damage over time through it the shield backpack will not take damage from the gas and remain unaffected The Shield generator relay doesn't do any better of a job cuz the gas stri can go right through it and even attack the shield generator destroying it I thought it would be interesting if you can sort of contain the gas strike within it if you timed it right but since the gas moves just in a circle Beyond any type of terrain that just not the case the AR guardog the one with the Liberator do not seem to be affected by the gas strike it's still able to lock on and shoot and perform without being damaged and S into the repair State the pilot exos suit also does not take any damage from the gas strike if you are inside of the pilot exos suit while there's an active gas strike around you you will not take any damage either despite your hell diver having the visual of showing that they are affected by the toxic gas more on that if you were to be outside in the toxic gas and get affected by it and then enter the pilot Exo Suit it will stop it immediately pretty much preventing you from taking any more damage beyond that point coupling this with the fact that you can even stem yourself inside of the mech makes this pretty much a great Sanctuary from a gas strike when it comes to dealing with side objectives the gas strike can still be considered an option because of the explosion on impact this can be used to close up simple things like bug holes and B Fabricators but this can also deal with other structures such as the illegal broadcast tower you can even use it to destroy a strategy Jammer once you've disabled it or a detector Tower with a really nicely lined up shot it's also surprisingly well for dealing with a termined eggs with almost one gastri able to take out almost 40 eggs at one point but I haven't been able to see much success in using it to destroy something like a sport Tower or a Sher Nest when it comes to the bug holes it's pretty self-explanatory you want just want to Chuck it into the hole and make sure that the shell lands right into it but a b Fabricators you also want to ideally land it right on top of it but if you can't the best place to throw it is in front of the bot fabricator even if you were to throw it directly beside or behind it you won't always be able to destroy it I've had a lot of success when throwing it down in front of the door even if was a couple meters from it in terms of load out options to complement the gas strike starting with the bugs I believe the jump pack is a must if you are able to place yourself a high enough ground a swarm of bugs will just gather below you allowing you to rack up an easy 40 bomb from a single strategy stun grenades are also great to bring down to lock down a group of bugs as you call in a gas strike a short range weapon with stagger like the Blitzer is also something I like to bring as I'm able to use it to lock down enemies in place while they're under the gas cloud as for the Bots you ideally won't be throwing the gas strik so close to you as you would with the bugs so even though it does go right through the shield backpack I like to still take it with me I also like to take stun grenades as well just to make sure a group of Devastators get a full dosage of the gas and as well as take the Dominator from my primary since not only does it do great damage but can also stagger enemies a rail gun for my support weapon makes it easy to deal with Hulk since the gas strike can and EMS mortar is also a good pickup When approaching or defending an outpost or objective in terms of what armor is best to use I like to either run the medkit or Sero assisted armor passive I like to take medkits so I can fight close with my gas strikes and in the event that I get caught in a radius I'm able to out stem the damage longer as well as carry more stems I like to take Servo ass to sit if I want to engage with the gas track from afar so this is more useful against the Bots than the since the stem is able to out heal the gas I sometimes would like to throw the gas strike right on top of me knowing I'll be able to just heal and survive and a quick thing I noticed about the armor is that with heavy armor you do take less damage per tick I don't believe this damage reduction comes off of the armor rating but rather the innate trait within heavy armor that it gives you 10% damage reduction as it was mentioned in patch 1.0.2 since I mentioned stun grenades as a good option in both factions I also want to mentioned orbital EMS strike it shares a similar cool down to the gas strike with boats sporting a nice 75 seconds so one can argue that they do combo well together stunning a group of enemies and then gassing them to death I've tried it out and although it works well I rather use my stun grenades to lock an enemy in place and save that strategem slot for something else to help me deal with the larger enemies next I mentioned how the only effect of the toxic gas aside from the ticking damage is that your walking speed and sprinting speed is slower and I've tried using the new motivational shock booster to no avail because like it says doesn't help with area effects but I still wanted to give it a try as for the way the toxic gas moves and spreads I found the speed in which it moves to be the same time almost every time you can see here that with the blizzard weather effect currently happening the gas cloud seems to be right around me visually but I'm not getting affected by it I do not think there's a way to increase the speed or the distance that the toxic gas spreads next if you happen to see the operation modifier atmospheric interference I'd advise against using the gas strike as an inaccurate gas strike is pretty much a useless gas strike and I rather use the strategen when I'm certain I'll know where it will land more on where it lands if I hadn't mentioned it before try to aim the shell the gas strike on an enemy to deal additional damage from the impact I was able to kill a b Titan in three gas strikes with each a call in landing directly on it next on planets with foggy weather it could be tough to see the smoke especially at the crack of dawn and you see a bright foggy glare I found the gas cloud to be most distinguishable at missions during the night with the green clouds being very discernably noticeable from the rest of the environment here next a quick word of caution to anyone trying to go for a high multi- kill off of a single gas strike I personally tried to group up as much bugs as I could and then when I landed the gas stack my game crashed I was very sad about that and lastly if your hell diver was to be affected by a gas strike and survive they would cough every now and then and there doesn't seem to be any negative stats or debuffs attributed to it I thought of it more as just an intention to detail and actually one more point on top of that it does seem like the gas strike also affects Beyond you the bugs and automatons it also affects the civilians you try to evacuate in those evacuate cenal Personnel missions so I recommend not bringing it there and overall I think the orbital gas strike is a great offensive tool before this deep dive I thought of it as more as a throw and forget type of strategy the way you would for the orbital rail Cannon strike but since it may not be able to kill everything out right you still need to pay attention to the enemies that it affects they still come from it very damage only needing a couple more shots just to take out and that's helpful for knowing how to prioritize my ammo so I don't reload at really bad spots the gas strikes explosive properties also gives a lot more utility allowing you to use it Beyond just taking out enemies and opening up ways for you to take out B Fabricators or bug holes if you're in a pinch personally I do think that since the gas is literally killing you as you're in it it should do more than just slightly slow you down when you try to walk or Sprint I feel that it should at least strain your stamina if not give you that same motion blurring effect when a charger T-Bones you and it should work both ways where tomaton have your accuracy decrease and units affected by it have their movement speed decreased above all though if and whenever they add passives to helmets the c27 ground breaker should allow you to breathe within the gas I think that would be a wonderful helmet passive so yeah the or of gas strike is a very interesting strategy I think it's great against the bugs I think it's fair against the automatons and have a lot of fun testing this out and sharing all this information with you all so if you like what you saw and like what you heard be sure to like And subscribe I enjoy making hell divers 2 content and if that's something you're interested in stay tuned that's pretty much it for this video I appreciate you all for making a time to check it out and have a nice day you have maintained our way of life [Music]
Channel: Wallbouncing
Views: 83,852
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Helldivers 2, Helldivers, Helldivers 2 Gameplay, Helldivers 2 Review, helldivers 2 orbital gas strike, helldivers 2 stratagems, Helldivers 2 Orbital, helldivers 2 tips and tricks, Helldivers 2 PC, helldivers 2 tips, helldivers 2 tricks
Id: PLfPhQHwQyg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 50sec (1070 seconds)
Published: Thu May 16 2024
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