7 Games That Punish You for Being Nice

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kindness is its own reward said nobody playing a video game ever no when we do something nice in a video game we expect at a minimum sweet loot Karma points or if we're playing Fable a set of angel wings and yet occasionally a game will go entirely the other way and instead of giving us a fabulous prize for a good deed said game brutally knocks us back for being a selfless Hero trying to do the right thing what the hell game consider these seven times you are punished for being nice and beware spoilers for The Following [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] games there's something off about me I know what other people are feeling I can see these auras around them the life is strange series of story based adventure games team up troubled youths with Supernatural powers like Max in the original game who can rewind time itself get that gun away from me psycho no or Daniel in life is strange too who has telekinesis Daniel calm down LI or Alex in life is strange True Colors who can see feelings and some sometimes make them go away idiot you're going to lose her you're going to lose her and it's all your fault look I'm not saying feelings aren't cool and important but if two spots open up on the X-Men I know who's getting in regardless life is stranged true colors is a moving tale of grief family friendship and Sinister corporate coverups in which protagonist Alex loses her brother Gabe to a landslide Gabe look I'm not saying feelings aren't cool and important but if she had time rewinding or telekinesis Powers he'd be fine in the aftermath Alex must investigate the blast that triggered the landslide and manage the emotions of half the town gab's girlfriend Charlotte for instance is filled with rage at the senseless loss none of it matters he's [Music] dead and I wish I were too Charlotte's Fury is so intense that maybe you think this would be a good opportunity to use my Supernatural empathy to take away her pain that would be a nice thing to do wouldn't it except if you do choose to take away Charlotte's anger assuming that you're being nice Alex later winds up lashing out at her close friends on account of all the rage she's hoovered up then later still you find Charlotte has become unnaturally detached from all her feelings and then later still at the end of the game when you need her support to against the villainous Corporation behind Gabe's death She's Too numb to back you up all I know is everything falls to sh when you're involved you wouldn't be saying that if I had time Powers then I'd show everybody okay so maybe it's not nice to steal people's emotions even if the emotions are negative ones also you might think except when local police officer Pike callers Alex and hauls her into the station you sense he's filled with fear about what will happen if anyone stands up to that villainous Corporation what are you so scared of you're given the option to remove Pike's fear and on this occasion you really should take away his feelings because only if Pike has had a non-consensual supernatural feere ectomy will he have the nerve to support you against the bad guys at the end of the game you know what I'm not scar of you anymore what do you want from me game is it to consider each case on its own merits and how the world is a complicated place because if so fine this would never happen on the X-Men I came to warn you Jedi you know not what path you walk this battle is mine alone I am not defenseless on rare occasions it's not so much the game punishing you for being nice as it is one of the game's characters telling you off for trying to do the right thing in nights of the Old Republic 2 for instance your party member crer is an exiled Jedi Master with a vision limiting Hood braids and in the grand Star Wars tradition one hand chopped off yeah that'll happen somehow it's not the pain in her wrist stump that makes crayer cranky about Good Deeds but instead her unconventional perspective on the supposed light and dark sides of the force like so many Jedi you hear but you do not listen you have much to learn so dedicated is crer to not being nice that when you and the Gang Rock up on Nadar and she sees you giving a few coins to a beggar she absolutely goes off on one why did you do such a thing such kindness is will mean nothing his path is set giving him what he has not earned is like pouring sand into his hands wow all right crer just trying to help him survive and would that be a kindness what if by surviving another day he brings a greater Darkness upon another jeez someone got up on the Sith side of the bed there follows an edifying cut scene in which we see the beggar being accosted by a second beggar we assume who beats him up and takes the money you gave the first beggar and it's all your fault for being nice unless this is only happening in cr's Miss and ropic imagination either way consider yourself well and truly told off perhaps in the end all you have wrought is more pain and that is my lesson to you be careful of Charity and kindness lest you do more harm with Open Hands than with a clenched fist which would be more convincing as a moral thesis if crayer didn't go on to transform into evil Sith Lord Darth trayer which undermines the point a smidge and of course you must be willing to die to kill us all all great stuff everybody give her a hand because she needs one cuz it got cut off yeah know I got that what do you want Phoebe you know gaos the town on the other side of the island why people that are sick and my friend Kina is too there is a Blood Fever they say it's a curse and they need help from the gods Blood Fever is a quest that you will encounter early on in Assassin's Creed Odyssey it is also the name of my un screenplay about disco dancing vampires call me Hollywood anyway in Odyssey it transpires that the village of Corsos on the island of kefalonia has been ravaged by a deadly blood plague The Village has been burnt and the inhabitants massacred in an attempt to contain the disease but one innocent family has survived they killed our brothers our neighbors we survived the massacre but he'll kill us now the priest that's holding them hostage insists that the blood plague can't be cured and that the only way to stop the spread is to execute the carrying prisoners nothing has worked sacrifice prayers prayers and sacrifices guess you really have tried everything it's a tricky situation all right the priest doesn't exactly seem happy about having to kill this family but he's convinced it's the best thing to do for the good of the rest of the Island's inhabitants to the point where if you defy him you're going to end up in a standup fight nobody gets better this is the only way all of kefalonia will save itself from extermination well if I can just block out the fact that there are children about to be killed here maybe I can just walk away we have children think of them ah nuts so you probably do what is the objectively nice thing to do at least in the short term which is prevent this poor defenseless family being murdered in front of you by defeating the priest and his [Music] Lackey and then you play for several more hours feeling pretty good about yourself and mostly forgetting this ever happened until it's revealed later in the game that the blood fever has spread to the entire island of kefalonia thereby wiping out many many more people a sickness has spread across the Island heartbreaking and I would argue even more heartbreaking not a single disco dancing vampire you know what to do Hollywood you about to get school go faster long and harder and that's how we stay together in GTA 4 you play as a bad man doing very bad things in fact the nicest thing you're likely to do is to resist the urge to kill your irritating cousin Roman in a helicopter crash Nico you're really moving up in the world no sorry I thought I could do it but it's it's literally impossible GTA 4's first piece of story DLC remember when those were a thing was the lost and damned this DLC introduces a new playable character Johnny kleitz and does offer you one opportunity to be genuinely kind in between bouts of killing many many people just want the fight I'm a complex three-dimensional character the lost and damned follows the fortunes of the Lost MC a motorcycle club in Liberty City a major thorn in Johnny's side throughout the story is Brian Jeremy the club secretary because apparently even hard-bitten biker gangs need someone to open the mail and organize the Christmas party you know I've had a complicated few weeks only imagine shut up Brian Brian is a Weasley character who is constantly sucking up to Club leader Billy and when Billy starts making some questionable calls that cause a rift in the gang Johnny and Brian find themselves on opposite sides of the Divide culminating in a massive shootout in Brian's Safe House Billy's not here to protect you Brian clear out the safe house and you have a decision to make to either kill Brian or be uncharacteristically merciful and let him live on the promise that he never shows his face in Liberty City again that guy was too pathetic to kill he's already already dead anyway too pathetic to kill that's saying something considering the amount of people I have as previously mentioned killed except if you do spare Brian then uh-oh a bit later on in the game you run into him just wandering around in Liberty City in direct contradiction to the terms of your kind sparing earlier in the game hey I thought I told you to stay out of town I did I live I was a ghost seriously John you were a ghost for like 5 minutes man he claims he can help you out but when you follow him this jerk actually leads you into another enormous firefight you didn't expect this one did you and then to cap it all off you have to kill him anyway making your earlier act of kindness entirely pointless die okay but who's going to organize the Christmas party now 1 two three the Wonder vir of kland the interesting rhyme don't know you go away in sociology unintended consequences are the unexpected knock-on effects of an action whether those effects be good bad or in the case of The Witcher three totally devastating totally devastating because the witch of three is packed full of both unintended consequences and morality that's grayer than a pre- balrog Gandalf you still think me rotten to the core a base bastard don't you so even when you think that maybe possibly you're doing a nice thing like taking your stressed out surrogate daughter for a drink later on it turns out that whoops sorry now she's going to die alone in the worst possible ending of the game well shoot to pick another example with more immediate but similarly deadly unintended consequences there's the quest whispering hilock in which geralt is dispatched to the Village of down Warren which has been suffering strange going on the war awoke an ancient power an evil one that feeds on Bloodshed night Mayes haunt our nights and days folks Sleepwalk from their hes never to return it turns out that the source of the strangeness is a spirit trapped in an ancient oak tree be gone come no closer I know whence you come far be it from us to trust a ghost imprisoned in a Giant's spiky heart beneath an old tree but she does say that only she can save the orphan children held by the cronn of crookback bog and she will if you only set her free the children I know all I know what wi with them free me please I must if you're trying to be nice and what with saving orphans being the quintessential nice thing to do you might as well go gather the ingredients and perform the ritual required to free this tree ghost by decanting her into a horse good news the spirit keeps her word and rescues the swamp orphans so instead of being eaten by Crohns they wind up in a School in novigrad bad news she also paid the villagers of down Warren a visit in her new horsey form so they've gone mad and murdered each other it's the spirit of the forest taking revenge on those who sought its demise driving them mad oh sure geralt make it like you weren't the one who put that ghost in that horse this leaves you with both the intended consequence of saving some orphans and the unintended consequence of dooming a village so I'll be taking my Witcher of the Year Awards whenever you're ready thanks [Music] kajit has no time for you when you boil it down most of your time in RPGs is spent wandering around helping people like a sort of heavily armed magic blasting Boy Scout congratulations you just earned your murdering Bandits badge you can sew it next to your cooking and orienteering ones usually your reward for helping people is just that a reward a handful of gold pieces or some useful item that will assist you the next time you have to murder a load of Bandits there is one occasion in the Elder Scrolls 3 morrowwind though where the opposite happens wand the countryside Southwest of old VY and you'll come across cette who is hanging out with her invisible friend tavu it turns out she's lost an expensive ring in a nearby Pond and she asks you to swim in and get it what can I do for you friend now I know what you're going to say stop whining you giant baby because picking up a ring is the easiest quest You'll do in this entire game but it's not as straightforward a task as it sounds the water's murky and the ring is a dark color meaning it Blends in with the bed of the pond and you have to keep surfacing for air as you look the game makes this pretty tough I'll gloss over the fact that with the amount of plate armor I'm wearing If This Were realistic I would sink to the bottom and immediately drown find the ring and you'll hear here an ethereal otherworldly message which is your first clue that you're not going to be handed a blanket and a cup of cocoa when you return with cte's Lost Property no good deed goes unpunished Outlander sure enough you emerge from the pond only to discover cette and her mostly invisible mate are now hostile and Keen to leave you face down in the water and if you want to get out of this mess you're going to have to kill them both so much for my karmic high score run I have to try again next reincarnation still it's not all bad you do get to keep the ring which in spite of being described as expensive is worth only 30 gold oh and once you've murdered the pair you can loot Taven you and receive an item which turns you invisible called The Amulet of Shadows which is weird because surely if you're invisible you don't cast a shadow they should have call it the Amulet of no Shadows honestly this Quest I owe this to you it's a wonderful place they even let Beggars like Miss self in what's better we keep our distance don't step on anyone's toes right the way proper yanites ought to live in a game as Bleak as bloodborne you have to cherish the good moments like uh the part where no I'm drawing a blank you could be forgiven for thinking you'd found one opportunity to make the gors soaked city of yanam a smidge more cheerful however at the point in bloodborne where you find this beggar alone on a rooftop huddled amid several bodies blly me don't scare me like that prior to this point you'll have explored a place called Eren Chapel a safe Zone in the usually extremely dangerous bloodborne World here a pitiable chapel dweller will entreat you to do the kind thing and tell anyone you come across about this Safe Haven y stand tell you but if you spot anyone with their wits about them tell them about their ear in Chapel they'll be safe here the incense Wards off the beasts spread the word tell them to come on come on over in this Spirit of kinship you can indeed send several NPCs found throughout yanam to the safety of the chapel so when the beggar on the rooftop asks for a safe haven well it would be cruel not to right he is surrounded by corpses but so is literally everything in this hell hole we should give him the benefit of the doubt would you know of any safe havens I'll be thank you a good deed done see this yanam place doesn't have to be so terrible let's head back to the chapel and check in on everyone maybe get some pizzas in except uh-oh upon your return you'll find the chapel dweller replaced with a worrying smear of blood because guess what the beggar or suspicious beggar as he's known in the game will once sent to erden Chapel begin the process of killing every other NPC in your lovely safe Zone ah hello again I owe this to you it's a wonderful place well it was mate before you know you killed everyone yes this is how bloodborne rewards you for trying to be nice and if you try to take revenge on this suspicious beggar for his crimes have you got a screwless or is it your animal inition he turns into a gigantic Beast yeah that sounds about right thank you so much for watching this video please do like and subscribe if you enjoyed it and do consider heading over to our patreon at patreon.com Ox Club if you'd like to support the channel now you you know what I'm going to say if you want to do a nice thing that isn't going to be punished with some horrible consequence then why not click on one of these two videos that are up here there's one from us one from our sister Channel just a nice thing you could do for us that will have no bad consequences whatsoever I promise I promise I mean you'd have to click to find out but I I promise
Channel: outsidexbox
Views: 450,451
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: outsidexbox, andy farrant, mike channell, 7 things, top 10, top 5, top ten, top five, list, countdown, punishment, punish, game, games, videogames, Life is Strange: True Colors, LiS, Knights of the Old Republic 2, kreia, pike, alex, charlotte, beggar, Assassin’s Creed Odyssey, blood, plague, kausos, GTA IV: The Lost and Damned, brian, jeremy, kill, spare, should, what happens, The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, orphans, crookback bog, Whispering Hillock, morrowind, lake, ring, Oeden Chapel, bloodborne
Id: BzA7Lyw5zMk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 48sec (1128 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 09 2023
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