7 Bizarre Guest Appearances That Took Characters Out of Their Comfort Zone

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most video game characters are good at what they do that's the reason a Call of Duty protagonist doesn't spend half the game reading gun instruction manuals and why in uncharted you don't have to watch Nathan Drake wait for the feeling to come back into his bore arms before climbing another wall Savior sometimes though characters want to stretch themselves and step out of their comfort zone which is how we ended up with these seven bizarre and unexpected guest appearances that really put the O in cameo although he is best known for a string of aggravated kidnapping Donkey Kong is something of a Renaissance ape also turning his poor toucan tracing and professional Bongo playing at some point however Donkey Kong decided that boxing was where his true passion lay which is why he turned up as a secret opponent in the Wii version of punch-out it doesn't say in the rules of boxing that both fighters need to be human but it is a bit unfair to expect the 100-pound little Mack to fistfight a super heavyweight gorilla turns out DK is a pretty good fighter he's very strong and very hard to knock down and his torts are OnPoint mr. Kong and unlike the other fighters in the game he loved pick you up and leave the ring with your unconscious body why we don't know all we know is you don't come back terrifying [Music] good job son good job it's fighting game fans will recognize a yani as the purple haired ninja from the Dead or Alive series who can mostly be found fighting people or playing beach volleyball that's why it was such a surprise to see a Yanni rock up in the bonus chapters of a survival horror game that game being fatal frame 5 maiden of black water now you would think playing as a ninja in a survival horror game would make things incredibly easy you just backflip off a roof slice all the zombies in half with a katana and then disappear in a cloud of mystery the whole thing should take about 10 minutes but unfortunately for a yunae the fatal frame games don't work like that the enemies in the game are ghosts that you can only harm through the use of a paranormal camera called the camera obscura and as such they cannot be harmed with sick ninja skills at least a Yanni is able to find a tattoo parlor open at this hour to get some protective tattoos and she gets hold of a magic flashlight that works in much the same way as the camera obscura although she still can't find a top that does up properly [Music] I mean given the choice I'd stick to the beach volleyball eonni the weather's better and there are way fewer creepy monsters Zack what's that check it out that is my Island see what [Music] okay well the weather is better oh I wish to complain about this parrot I purchased a Norwegian broom what's wrong with it each day that's what's wrong with it no no no he's resting lo Wang was the protagonist of 1997's culturally sensitive shadow warrior and also of 2013's almost as culturally sensitive shadow warrior I was talking from what cliched setting I guess koi ponds and cherry blossoms will have to do both of which were hugely over-the-top gory first-person shooters in which lo blew up guns down and hacked to pieces hordes of bad guys while cracking wise and occasionally singing Stan Bush songs it seems like after a while all that killing got a bit much below but he wasn't ready to get out of the wisecracking business which is why he turned up as a playable guest character in Oh sir the insult simulator Oh sir is a word puzzle game in which you and an opponent attempt to craft insults by drawing on a pool of shared words you can target particular weak points and each character has their own unique insults see if you can guess what low Wang's are about you and your son want some way still it's nice to see no Wang attempting to move into more peaceful pursuits although we can't help but feel like the quality of his wordplay has gone downhill a bit that horny little bunny doesn't like your beloved Auntie hand there's not a part of Europe I'm going to go ahead and assume that was a sick burn [Music] I had to mishima from the Tekken series is many things loving father business magnate and occasional erotic waiter [Music] he is also according to ps2 games smash court tennis pro tournament to a world-class tennis player as we see in this footage of him taking on Cassandra from Soul Calibur I'm not entirely sure where hi hat she finds the time to practice tennis between running the Mishima Zaibatsu training for the next king of Iron Fist tournament I'm flying into space to try to kill his son and grandson hi hatches leisure time would surely be limited but to be honest it seems like the tennis is going better than the time he and his family tried go [Music] [Applause] pretty risky of the International Tennis Federation to let him play my hacci is a scandal waiting to happen you think doping scandals about now wait till you see what kind of performance enhancing drugs hi-hat Chi is on [Applause] in Resident Evil 2 Leon Kennedy is a rookie cop on his first day on the job when the T virus infects the city and he has to fight hordes of zombies to escape now go but just go in Resident Evil 4 Leon Kennedy is a government agent assigned to rescue the president's daughter and he has to suplex monks and fight guys with chainsaws to finish his mission in Resident Evil 6 Leon Kennedy is the he was in a university I seem to remember there was a bit where he crashed his car the important thing is that the guy works hard yeah and he deserves a bit of downtime that's why it's great to see Leon popping up in PlayStation game tricking snowboarder to indulge his favorite pastime rad snowboarding tricks yes apparently the reason Leon didn't join the police force until he was 21 is because he was meddling at the Winter Olympics in the men's slopestyle event [Music] look at him he's still in uniform he's obviously come straight from the office just can't leave work at work he even invited his colleagues along see [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I'm having the horn [Music] looking at Mario from the Mario series you wouldn't think he'd make a particularly good basketball Pro for a start he's about five feet tall somewhat overweight and refuses to wear anything other than his plumbing overalls which has got a bit of crimp in your jump shot but that didn't stop NBA Street v3 from drafting Mario along with his brother Luigi and Princess Peach here we're all here to challenge you to a pick up game and are trying their best to look intimidating one thing now you does know is jumping which is a handy skill to have when you are shooting them hoops with all that said though Mario and Luigi aren't exactly the best players in the game and showed up more for novelty value than anything else Princess Peach though is another matter as we can see here from her dunking on the 2005 Cavs I want to keep an eye on that one NBA scouts I am not taking out any metal gears don't worry and no saving some VIP or all man it's nothing like that if it's like a hot damsel in distress I'll think about it well it's not quite a hot damsel in distress but it is a rescue mission Metal Gear Solid 3 Snake Eater is a torte cold war-era political thriller filled with heartfelt ruminations on duty patriotism and loss what it was occasionally also filled with thanks to a truly bizarre cameo was Ace these apes are the stars of the ape escape series of games in which you have to chase and capture monkeys to win the game now for reasons never adequately explored the monkeys have turned up in mgs3 and though it seems like the primates would be alarmed by being suddenly far from home in the contested Soviet jungle sure it's snake who is more put out by their presence rescuing home Apes what monkeys like really it takes a lot of convincing before he even agreed to do it isn't this just a monkey catching action which to be fair this is snake the world's greatest soldier he's got better things he could be doing I'm not against some monkey catching rather be collecting pants oh that's okay we can still save this situation snake give this mission a cool name or something gotcha commencing operation aid snake come on man those are some of the most unexpected video game character cameos we've ever seen but drop your own favorites in the comments below why not and be sure to LIKE and subscribe and turn on notifications for more videos like this from outside Xbox every week thanks for watching
Channel: outsidexbox
Views: 922,073
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: outsidexbox, list, countdown, 7 things, top 7, top 10, top 5, best cameos, worst cameos, weird cameos, weirdest cameos, guest appearances, funny, fatal frame 5 ayane, ayane fatal frame 5, punch out donkey kong, oh sir the insult simulator, lo wang, heihachi Smash Court Tennis Pro Tournament 2, Smash Court Tennis Pro Tournament 2 heihachi, trick n snowboarder leon kennedy, leon kennedy trick n snowboarder, nba street v3 mario, mgs3 ape escape, metal gear solid 3 ape escape
Id: gGjTa1N0zbc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 36sec (756 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 14 2018
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