7 Extreme Difficulty Modes People Invented for Themselves

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for most people just finishing a game the regular way on normal difficulty is enough of a challenge commander and by most people i definitely mean me for some gamers though the challenge posed by regular popular video games isn't enough and they decide to set themselves bizarre convoluted or just wildly difficult challenges that you really have to be incredibly dedicated to beat here then are seven ways people are playing video games totally differently to how their developers intended enjoy [Music] what if pokemon the charming cute rpg aimed at kids was way more gritty harrowing and constantly plagued by the threat of insurmountable loss the answer to that question is the pokemon nuzlocke challenge a self-imposed set of rules that some pokemon players choose to play by which both makes the game much much harder and also much much sadder so win-win am i right [Music] the two main rules of the nuzlocke challenge are as follows one the player may only catch the first wild pokemon encountered in each area and no more and two any pokemon that faints is considered dead and must be released also players are strongly encouraged to name all their pokemon what this does is create a team of pokemon that you are both strongly attached to and terrified of having to watch die [Music] what's worse is that if one of your beloved mons does die you're then back to square one having to catch a scrub low-level wild pokemon and level it back up to where it's unlucky predecessor was before it headed off to the big pokemon center in the sky [Music] [Applause] [Music] god damn it andy jr jr you'll never be half the pokemon that andy jr was no care of roryx that no i'm not a rebel you can't do this hot you're not gonna kill me archers anyone else feel like running veganism as i'm sure you're aware is the practice of not using or eating any animal product in your daily life something that is quite hard to do in real life let alone in bethesda's open world rpg the elder scrolls 5 skyrim where there isn't a whole foods in sight the riverwood trader is everything you need in a general store and yet that's the way that those taking on the skyrim vegan challenge choose to play the game avoiding animal products and killing animals wherever possible this is actually even harder than it sounds for start not only will there be no chowing down on that skyrim staple enormous wheels of cheese but you'll also need to avoid animal products in potions which includes insect parts so that's the majority of alchemy closed off to you see if one of these chests has a marble for you then there's the fact that anything made of leather is out which means quite a lot of armor is off limits plus any weapons that incorporate leather or kite in and anything implied to be made of silk or wool it also raises some interesting questions like for example do dragons count as animals and if so does inhaling a dragon's soul count as consuming an animal product i've gotta say kudos this is way harder than just switching to oat milk at starbucks [Music] in super mario odyssey for the nintendo switch mario has the ability thanks to a magical sentient hat companion called cappy to capture enemies possessing them and taking over their bodies allowing mario to become anything from a frog to a t-rex as you can see the whole process is a nightmare that at best is you forcefully taking control of an unwilling creature's mind for a short while and at worst is you totally destroying their brain as such any person with an ounce of empathy would avoid doing it at all costs which is exactly what players going for minimum hat runs in mario odyssey try to do in these self-imposed challenge playthroughs players try to complete the game using the minimum number of captures possible currently a zero capture run isn't considered possible as there are certain captures that happen in cutscenes or that you have to do to get a required ability to finish a section of the game however speedrunners have managed to reduce the number of captures needed to complete the game down to three which when you consider how many times you usually capture things in a regular playthrough of mario odyssey is nothing short of a miracle this is in part thanks to the discovery of teleportation glitches clipping through the scenery to avoid captures and intricate platforming to get past what once were mandatory mind thefts you don't know how close you just came to having your mind stolen mate [Music] lord knows dark souls is hard enough without people deliberately trying to make it harder for themselves even so the dark souls community is always looking for new challenges to make this legendarily difficult game even more difficult from playing it with a guitar hero controller to doing the whole thing in just your pants in the game i mean doing it in your pants in real life is much more straightforward one of the most popular of these homebrew difficulty settings is what is known in the dark souls community as being a one bro when undertaking a one bro run players first select the pyromancer class as they're the only class that starts at the lowest souls level level one and then they don't level up for the entirety of their playthrough you're probably thinking that this would leave them at a considerable disadvantage in this legendarily tough game and you'd be right not leveling up means that all their stats are terrible they've got super low health and the only way they can hope to stand a chance against some of dark souls nastier enemies is by using their pyromancy firepowers reinforcing their weapon which is itself limited by their stats and getting really really good at parrying one bros are also forbidden from summoning other players to help out and good luck when you get to quee lag because turns out she's immune to fire so that's one third of your options out the window there one bro i honestly think i'd stand a better chance playing this with a guitar hero controller command you there we have a situation some kind of disturbance i'm not sure what's going on there is a psychopath on the loose the whole point of the hitman games is that you're there to eliminate specific targets avoiding collateral damage and non-target kills as much as is possible i mean unless the opportunity is really spectacular but there is a whole subculture of hitman players who instead set themselves the exact opposite objective killing every single person on the level after all you can't get spotted if there's no one left alive to spot you am i right oh just fine jaina's darling some players go about this in whatever way works best slowly and methodically working their way through the level [Music] other players though possibly the ones we might want to keep an eye on like to add some serial killer theatricality to the proceedings like youtuber tl96 who spent over 10 hours knocking out every npc in hitman 3's mendoza level dragging them into an industrial wine press and then turning it on which not only murdered all of them but also his computer's cpu man diana is going to be furious oh wait she's an npc on this level isn't she i guess you're fine then the shadowlands are infinite their terrors and beauty were never meant for mortal lies i wonder if they can bear to behold all that awaits them world of warcraft is an mmorpg and as such there's really no right way to play it players can decide how exactly they want their adventure to unfold whether it's going on high-level raids building a guild of badass mercenaries or just getting really really good at fishing [Music] probably what the developers weren't expecting however was the sheer number of players who choose to try and hit a ludicrously high level without ever leaving the starting area and believe me it's a lot two of the best examples of this are reddit user of the slapperfish who leveled their goblin hunter knob to level 50 without leaving the goblin city of kezan the reason behind this was that once you leave kezan in the story it explodes which is obviously a bad thing for goblins by bloody mindedly not ever leaving the starting area though the slapper fish preserved kezan forever saving countless goblin lives in the process he did this by farming xp by killing over 5000 tunneling worms which sounds like a small price to pay to keep his hometown unexploded another famous example is the world of warcraft shadowlands pandaren player double agent who managed to reach level 60 the highest level it was possible to achieve in the game at the time without ever leaving the pandaren starting area the wandering isle they achieved this feat mostly by picking flowers and did it they said because once you leave the starting area you're asked to pick a side alliance or horde and they want it to remain neutral i mean neutral to those two factions sure you have of course made a powerful enemy of the flowers resident evil games are known for their weapons almost as much as they're known for their zombies with each game arming you with enough firepower to take down a small army or one nemesis however since the very first game in the series there has been a subculture of players for whom the regular resident evil experience isn't challenging enough and in the absence of even more punishing difficulty settings they have instead set themselves the challenge of beating the game using only a knife this is extremely challenging as you'd imagine for several reasons firstly the knife is bad and takes ages to kill the walking undead being as it is a sharp bit of pointy metal and not say a magnum revolver secondly the knife has a very short range requiring you to actually get within biting distance of resident evil's various horrible monsters if you want to attack them and thirdly actually i'm just gonna go back to point one it's a knife what do you think it's gonna do against this thing knife only runs are now such an ingrained part of resident evil culture that the games have started encouraging them by offering achievements for doing them as seen in the most recent resident evil 8 where if you fancy it you can spend your time trying to poke lady d to death with a blunt pocket knife i mean good luck to you i'll check back to see how you're doing in a couple of days so there you have it those were seven weird ways people play popular video games but definitely were not what the developers were intending got a favorite we missed let us know in the comments and be sure to like subscribe and hit the bell icon to be notified whenever we upload a video like this one thanks for watching [Music]
Channel: outsidexbox
Views: 567,979
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: outsidexbox, andy farrant, jane douglas, pokemon, nuzlocke, challenge, difficult, difficulty, skyrim, the elder scrolls, vegan, dark souls, onebro, one bro, pyromancer, mario odyssey, cappy, cap, hat, no, minimum, fewest, capture, hitman, wow, world of warcraft, level cap, highest, panda, goblin, reach, level, resident evil, knife only, run
Id: q17thBYhMF0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 24sec (744 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 06 2021
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