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good-evening good-evening good-evening hope everybody is doing well and I pray that you're prospering and that you're healthy I have something I want to talk about tonight I'd like to know if you guys can hear me I'm trying I'm testing a new mic tonight and I should have tested it before actually came on but I decided to come on I think I was in a hurry to get to what we need to talk about if you're there and you can hear me well give me a thumbs up or something just let me know just let me know that you can that you can hear me that I'm coming through loud and clear yes so I am coming through good awesome awesome awesome okay good evening thank you thank you do what you can if you can copy this link and if you can share it to your other social media platforms I'd appreciate it I did a teaching or we had a conversation should I say I guess maybe a week or so ago relative to seven traits of a virtuous woman and these traits were all taken from proverbs 31 one of our dear family members asked me to do this teaching and I found a lot of value in it and so I did the seven traits of a virtuous woman and then I looked back at it and I realized that there there was still a lot of issues that we did not cover a lot of qualities relative to the virtuous woman that we did not cover in the seven or the first seven that I did so we're talking tonight about seven additional qualities or traits of the virtuous woman if you were not with us the first time you can go back and you can find that particular conversation on on the channel seven traits of a virtuous woman and I'll just recap them number one we said she comes with price the virtuous woman is not without price a man will have to pay the costs to call himself her husband or her man number two we said she does an internal self-assessment of her own worth she's not she's not looking for the world to give her an assessment of who she is or what she's worth number three we said she possesses a spiritual foundation and number four she makes wise decisions concerning men she chooses the right kind of man Thank You Beretta you always just I just appreciate you and I thank you thank you so much she always makes wise decisions when it comes down to men you're not going to find her with a clown in the crown because the virtuous woman is likewise the queen conscious woman that's the Bible's version of the Queen conscious woman and I was on a zoom the other day with women from all over the world but originated out of London and they were talking about the high value woman thank you mica I appreciate you you have changed my life I appreciate you thank you they were talking about the high value woman all of these are the same thing the high value woman thank you Tammy the Queen the Queen conscious woman and the virtuous woman are all the same woman it's these are all synonyms one for the other so she makes wise decisions concerning men number five we said she exercises self-care she takes care of herself from her body to her spirit she takes care of herself number six she maintains her personal goals she's not a woman that's going to get so captivated by having a man that she's going to lose her self perspective or her purpose she's a woman that maintains a personal goal doesn't matter who her husband is and then number seven she is a wise and kind woman so those were the first seven that we dealt with now tonight Thank You Stacey tonight I want to talk about seven additional qualities of the virtuous woman or of a virtuous woman these would be 8 through 14 so let's just jump right in so I don't spend too much time just talking number 8 and these are not in all of these are pulled from proverbs 31 but they're not in sequential order or you know the order in which the verses are laid out I just kind of when I saw them I pulled him and I lifted them so we'll jump around within proverbs 31 from one verse to another you know because they're not sequential number eight she takes such good care when she does get a man she takes such good care of her husband that he won't have any reason to mess up he won't have he won't he won't have an excuse he won't be able to stand before a judge or the court of public opinion because when she does accept a man into her life she takes such good care of a worthy man I must add that she takes such good care of a worthy man that he has no excuse for messing up if if he ruins this he's just the fool he's a fool that disguised himself well enough to break through because the virtuous woman takes care of her man in a way that he's not going to find maybe not in a lifetime and the Bible says in proverbs 31 and 11 the heart of her husband doth safely trust in her so that he shall have no need of spoiled then the next verse talks about how she would do him good and not evil she's the best woman man could ever have this is why this is why the virtuous woman the Queen conscious woman the high-value woman has to take her time in choosing or accepting a man into her life it's because she does not know how to do anything less than the very best for the man that she calls her own and now it means that the virtuous woman requires a king conscious man that is that has the kind of depth and the kind of character to be able to recognize the value that she is and to respond to that value with like-kind this is what you called being equally yoked together now this brings me to something else this is why the virtuous woman does not run up on a man every weekend like a woman who lacks Queen consciousness does you have a million clowns but you don't have Kings every day Thank You Kimberly and so number eight she takes such good care of a man that he won't have any reason to mess up the Bible says the heart of her husband proverbs 31 and 11 the safely trust in her so that he shall have no need of spoil he ain't got no reason to mess up he has no reason to leave his house she is holding all areas down she's a whole great conversation with him she's going to she's gonna you know do the marital thing y'all know what I'm talking about she's going to take care of her man she gonna she's going to aid him in his vision because he gonna have to have one to be her man she's gone she's going to be the ultimate woman and he would have no reason to mess up because the virtuous woman holds all points down number nine this these eight nineties eight these are points eight through 14 she has an intentional work ethic a virtuous woman has an intentional work ethic she's not a lazy woman she's not just lying around she has an intentional work ethic she she she wakes up she's her work ethic is so intentional that she plans her work for tomorrow today in some cases she may plan her work for the entire week on Monday or Sunday because she has an intentional work ethic she's not just hanging around watching soap operas and popping gum and you know wasting time eating up all the food in the house and on the phone gossiping and all over Twitter and all over Instagram all day know the virtuous woman has an intentional work ethic Thank You Kimberly thank you so much and the Bible says in Proverbs 31 13 she seeketh wool and flax and worketh willingly watch this willingly with her hands she's not a woman that's complaining about work you know my wife and I have to just celebrate her I really do I have to just take my time to celebrate her you know a few weeks ago a couple of weeks ago the the ministry in Houston gave out you know somewhere between 2,500 3,000 servings of food to the community and so in New Orleans we're doing the same thing on tomorrow if you're watching this live we're doing the same thing on tomorrow at our headquarters Church and so my wife went down today to the headquarters building to start putting things together and everybody is like you know they in New Orleans they haven't really gotten a chance to see her work necessarily everybody's like it's amazing you know how she works in this you know she leads by example because a virtuous woman has an intentional work ethic there's nothing that speaks to consciousness or the lack thereof like a lazy woman No No thank you no that's a name thank you no no there's nothing that speaks to the lack of consciousness like a lazy woman a queen conscious woman has an agenda that must be accomplished Thank You Queen Rena I appreciate you the the the virtuous woman has an agenda objectives that must be attained and so she has a what a she has an intentional work ethic thank you no no and so the Bible again says in Proverbs 31 13 she seeketh wool and flax and worketh willingly with her hands now mind you watch this this woman is the in proverbs 31 this woman is the wife of she's the wife of a well-to-do man but the Bible says she worked it willingly with her hands she's not she's not so high and mighty she's not she's not high-maintenance you know she's a woman that works willingly with her hands number 10 she is compassionate and considerate of the needs of others she is compassionate and considerate of the needs of others she's the opposite of a Jezebel spirit she's the opposite of a narcissistic woman she is compassionate and considerate of the needs of others she's always trying to figure out how she might be able to help meet the needs of others and the Bible says in Proverbs 31 15 she rises also wild at his yet night and giveth meat to her household and a portion to her maidens she's a servant she has all that is going for she she's married to a wealthy man she has businesses she's she's a powerful woman but she she Rises also wild and as yet night and gives me to her household and the portion to her maidens she finds herself in a posture of serving you know there are a lot of a lot of ladies the day that use the terminology I'm a boss chick and and in a lot of cases when they say that or they use that kind of language they mean you know I'm arrogant I'm rude I I feel entitled I feel like I'm better than I flaunt my my resources I look down on people and they say I'm a boss chick you know you're not no boss chick you you you you are you're a person with low self-esteem that's got a big mouth and you struggling to be seen but see when you really have it your presence speaks for you you don't have to get on a megaphone tell about it I'm a boss [ __ ] I'm a queen I'm a hugger I'm avert no no no we're gonna be but we're gonna be able to see that in the way you serve because bosses serve queens serve they not sitting around on the throne waiting for somebody to come no no no no when you see Queens they get their hands dirty and they take care of the needs of others they will inconvenience themselves that other people might be served now are you looking at a queen are you looking at a queen so number 10 she is compassionate and considerate of the needs of others and again proverbs 31 15 she rise it also wild it is yet night and given me to her household and a portion to her maidens she's she's a servant number 11 she has okay her thoughts this is number 11 trying to figure out how to say this she has thoughts of enterprise she thinks about business she's thinking about entrepreneurship she's thinking about how she's going to advance herself and her family economically she's not just sitting around waiting for a handout she's not sitting around depending on her man to have you know he gonna hold it down financially so I mow spend the whole day in the spa and poppin gum no no no she has thoughts of enterprise and she has her very own concepts she has a very own vision in the Bible says in proverbs 31 16 she considereth a field she Ponder's in other words a field and buyeth it with the fruit of our hands he planted the vine yo do you see this woman is constantly working but the bible says she consider it a field she's she's thinking she's thinking you know about don't want to buy this feel she buys it then with the fruit of her hands she plants a vineyard she improves it thank you Lisa thank you so much this means the world to me so she has thoughts of enterprise-c if if you're sitting there and you're you know you have no no thoughts about how you're going to create as a woman streams of income and your only financial strategy is to catch a man with money you in trouble I'm telling you now hold on let me sit up in my seat if you sitting there and your only financial strategy is to catch a man with money you are in trouble I'm glad you here thank you cash well that means the world to me thank you you in trouble because when you when you when you are dependent on the world to empower you financially more than likely you gonna become a slave to somebody and if the Bible says the borrower is servant to the lender if you don't have a means as a woman of making managing and multiplying your resources you in trouble this is the wrong world for women to be sitting around and have no idea no concern speak life thank you so much about how you're gonna create multiple streams of income you've got to have people are creating seven-figure businesses online and you still there waiting on the job to open up you you've been out for almost three months now and you still waiting for the job to open up which is cool work your job but you need to have your mind set on as a woman how am I going to create other streams what kind of moves am I gonna make ms perfectly imperfect thank you so much am I going to invest in real estate am I gonna find real estate am I gonna become a landlord am I gonna figure out how to trade and what am I gonna do am I gonna get into some kind of multi-level marketing kind of situation what am I going to do the Bible says this woman consider it a field and buyeth it and with her hands she planted a vineyard in other words she bought it and she made it profitable she bought it and she made it profitable come on now see when you when I really get you to a place where you become Queen conscious okay let me put it to you this way right between the eyes straight no chaser let me give it to you like this when you put as much energy into your vision discovering a vision and a purpose for being and increasing yourself spiritually and financially and emotionally when you put as much energy into those things as you put into running a man down who does not even deserve a conversation with you you may be our next multi-millionaire if you put as much energy into your financial wherewithal as you have put into running behind this man that has done nothing but break you physically financially spiritually and emotionally if I can get you to consider a feel and apply yourself to buying it and working with your own hands and plant a vineyard oh my goodness we're gonna have a real boss chick on our hands I didn't mean to go off like that but number 11 she has thoughts of enterprise I get tired of y'all always talking to me about a man I get tired of that Adrian Adrian Anderson thank you thank you so much thank you so much your teaching has changed my life completely I appreciate it I don't mind reading those emails but I get tired of y'all over and over again tell me but about the man I'm tired of talking about the man you just send me three or four emails about that what is your vision what are you considering where are you going if you never get a man how are you going to secure your financial future for you and your children she has thoughts of enterprise now this lady was thinking about these matters and she had a husband that was balling and taking care and somebody said well why would she have to worry about that you know this do go live or not and then another reason why you need to apply yourself to that even if you do have a husband as taking care of you the same principles it takes to earn money are the principles it takes to keep it your messages change my life thank you so much god bless you Pastor and First Lady Lisa the same principles done something wrong the same principles that it takes to earn money are the principles it takes to keep it if you never learn how to earn it for yourself he can die and leave you wealthy you probably won't know how to keep it there's my son Dwight I love you man I miss you I can't wait to see you hopefully I'll see you saturday for the drive in circles but those of you in the area we're having a massive Drive in service in New Orleans go to my Facebook page to learn more about it so number 11 she has thoughts of enterprise number 12 like this one the virtuous woman is marked by her strength she's marked by her strength she's not a she's not a weak weak woman she's not a little weak puny woman you know when I say that I mean in terms of her character she's not a little weak woman no no she's she's marked by her strength the Bible says in Proverbs 31 17 she girded her loins with strength and strengtheneth her arms she is marked by strength come on now she's marked by strength she has intentional strength she's never she's never known as a weak woman she is a strong woman why are you speaking today priest yes feel like I'm in church with that one she's marked by her strength see like that a lot of you all that you know you have tears in the eyes because you have tears in ya you week have you ever thought about how much hell you've gone through and how much you've come through have you ever thought about that just look back over your life over the last five years and think about all the stuff you can do it and you're still here you are mocked by strength I know it hurt I know it feels like it broke you but it didn't really break you you you've been a little bit but you ain't broken cuz you're still here you are you are mocked by your strength and the Bible says in proverbs 31 17 again she girded her loins with strength and strengtheneth her arms she is watch this emotionally strong thank you Christina I appreciate you she is emotionally strong come on now man she can go through all kind of stuff she can have heartbreak after heartbreak disappointment after disappointment she keeps showing up Thank You Cheryl because she's emotionally strong watch this her strength is also indicated in that watch this she is decisive once she makes up her mind her mind is made up and it doesn't take her long to make up her mind Thank You granny girl thank you hi pastor Blake's new subscriber you are truly a blessing to the women of the world heartbreak turned into self-discovery and purpose thank you thank you I appreciate you so much she's decisive she doesn't just sit around and just play with something and ponder it and ponder it and ponder it no she thinks about it she runs it through a computer she makes a decision she's strong when she makes up her mind as she's done she's done no no it's no vacillating with her because she's marked by her strength she's emotionally strong she is a decisive woman and in watch this she also possesses unrelenting standards she knows who she is she knows what she does and she ain't settling for less so when you when you offend her standards away with you she done no no she's done see now a lot of y'all saying what I'm trying to get that well that's what we working on we're working on getting you there because when you when you really come into your queen consciousness when you really become a you know a woman that is aware of you know what you possess there are certain standards that you're just not going to yield you you're not gonna allow anybody to push you below this just not gonna happen and when you make up your mind you're not gonna be just playing oh you know back and forth no no no once you make up your mind you're done it's done you're emotionally strong you don't mind hurting for the purpose of healing because you're marked by your strengths and then number thirteen look how fast I'm going tonight yeah number thirteen she sets an uncommon standard for herself which in proverbs 31 29 says many daughters have done virtuously but pal excel is them all how does she excelled them all she sets an uncommon standard for herself now how does she set an uncommon standard for herself Thank You Ingrid I appreciate you she sets an uncommon standard for herself because she's not she's not establishing her goals based on what you're doing she's not establishing her goals based on what you're doing she's not even establishing her goals based on what the person who may be the very best at it is doing she has her own goals in mind she's not competing with anybody else she's not competing with any other woman she's competing with the vision of herself that she he carries on the inside and so the Bible says she excels them all because she sets uncommon she sets an uncommon standard for herself god amighty this is some good teaching right here she sets an uncommon standard for herself see you have to have you have to be married to a personal standard oh that's good right there listen listen to what the Holy Spirit is told me you really need to be married to a standard before you even attempt to date someone the reason so many women fall for things that are beneath them is because you never established your own standard and so when you started dating you allowed men to establish standards for you that were beneath you but when you establish your own standard you then know it's like a foot like the lines on a football field you can see the lines you can tell when a when a winner when a player is out of bounds because the markings are there when you establish your own standard you know how far to go and you know when you when when the play is out of bounds and so when a man begins to offend your standards or job begins to offend your standards or an organization begins to offend your standards you don't hang around and hope that they get it because you excelled them all many daughters have done virtuously but thou Excellus them all and then finally number fourteen finally she is intent on building an independent legacy she has a great husband great family but she's intent on building for herself an independant legacy we talked a little bit about this last time what are we gonna say about you you know it's good night that night said she had a husband that played an NFL or you know was a boss on Wall Street you know that's cool but what is your legacy the Bible says in proverbs 31 31 giver of the fruit of her hands and let her own works praise her in the gates in high places your name as an individual will be mentioned based on the fruit of your hands and your works she's intent on building an independent legacy and the thing I love about and I'm done thing I love about reading proverbs 31 is that you have all of these verses and within this within this 31st chapter of Proverbs you have all of these verses I think you know I don't know maybe 20 some verses about the virtuous woman and I think in two verses it talks about her husband the rest of the verses is talking about her misty this hits home Bishop thank you back to the drawing board thank you I appreciate you the rest of the verses is talking about the woman you know if okay let me ask you this question let me ask you this question if we were to write your life story right now we had to write 25 verses about your life and say you have a great husband how much of it would we how much of it would be consumed with talk about your man as opposed to talk about you you have to you have to be intent on leaving your own legacy and and I hear you and I feel you my leg is there my children that's the greatest job in the world promise you being a mugging birth to somebody first of all I told all for mine if you all had to come through me to get in none of y'all would beer that is the greatest job in the world give birth to somebody then raise somebody to be a productive adult that's amazing and so I feel you when you say my legacy you know of my children but the reality is you know had them children before a minute and you've still got a whole lot of life to live once they're grown and gone and sometime when they go and when they grow and go they do everything but what you taught them so the question is what is the better part of your life gonna be when you've produced you know functional adults and you've released them into the world who are you then Thank You Betty I appreciate you see these are things we don't think about because you know when you 2025 you consumed with your husband your house your children and you got your whole thing down your routine and then you look around 20 years later 35 45 and now the children gone off to college you know hubby may be gone and you know 50 percent of the time he's gone you there by yourself now you're trying to figure out what you know Who am I well you got to see you got to be intent now on building an independent legacy and see I don't care don't don't don't don't tell me that about or you know I'm 50 years old and you know I'm just getting this Conaty you know i'm six to you I don't care nothing about that if you're 60 years old people living to be 100 years old not means you got 40 more years ago that means you could have 40 more years here if you 50 that means you could have a whole half a century here you gonna tell me that you gonna sit here based on age and you're gonna give up on your legacy because Society says at a certain age you you over the hill or whatever nonsense man you have to make up in your mind right now that you're going you're you're going to build an independent legacy because this is what Queen conscious women do this is what the virtuous woman does this is what high value women do they leave independent legacies they leave independent legacies thank you to Juana god bless you your teaching is inspiring I appreciate you d1 Nika I think I got it you right on time with this word thank you I appreciate you so there are the additional seven that I pulled from proverbs 31 relative to the virtuous woman I encourage you to go and read the whole chapter for yourself or for yourselves and let it let it minister to you let it minister to you it you know I think that's the original Queen conscious text really proverbs 31 so let me pray for you then I'll let you go father I thank you for this time that I've had with your people tonight god I ask you to just really breathe upon all of them God and let the words of my mouth settle into their hearts and letting their God become a healing balm to those who are hurting letter dear God become a compass to the visionary who's lost her weight god I thank you now that something we said here tonight will cause your people to shift in consciousness in Jesus's name Amen well I appreciate you all thank you for hanging out with me on this evening laughing lady thank you so much I appreciate you you're so kind to me I think you you just thank you I appreciate you listen don't forget to stop by our se Blake's come and if you've not gotten my online program queen queen ology stop by RC Blake's calm look under online programs and get it tonight it's just $49 and it's an amazing program and the thing I'm most proud of we really did a whole lot of you talk about over-delivering we over delivered and you know $49 does not represent the value it really does not because we have I think it's 10 sessions in there and then the thing I love most is that we created a 113 page PDF document that serves as the the workbook or the study guide for the online program so as you're going through the program you can take these this document you can print it all out at once so you can print it out chapter by chapter however you choose to do it and you can do the work in the study guide after each chapter which cements the principles put a lot of work into that one so stop by there we also have the online program so Ty's breaking the ties that bind we have the program in there transcending the father wound and also queen ology should be up on Amazon if it's not up there presently it'll be up there soon it's so not clean allergy king ology qui knowledge has been on Amazon but King ology my latest book King ology will be up on Amazon very soon if you want to get it now you can go to my website RC Blake's store comm that'll bring you directly to the to my personal book store but it'll be an Amazon very soon if it's not there present it's all its own it's been there for weeks now in the Kindle version but the physical book will be present on Amazon very soon so I appreciate you all is it available on audio not yet I'm working on I'm working on my audio book sorry I did an audio book for Queen ology but the person that was doing it was let's say they let's say they just kind of lacked integrity and did not finish what they started I put in a lot of hours actually with the audiobook for Queen ology and so my plan is to get all of the books on audiobook for people who desire books in that fashion but we work we're working on it so I thank you I appreciate you have a great evening and know that Lisa and I love you you can reach out to us at pastor RC Blake's at gmail.com you can reach out to Lisa or I at that single email address all right god bless you have a great evening and I'll talk to you real soon
Channel: RC Blakes, Jr
Views: 25,874
Rating: 4.9467936 out of 5
Keywords: Dating Advice, Relationships, Christian, Narcissist, RC BLAKES, QUEENOLOGY
Id: 4jGnHXblneo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 26sec (2426 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 10 2020
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