The Great Escape | Bishop Dale C. Bronner | Word of Faith Family Worship Cathedral

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this is bishop dale brother thank you so much for joining our youtube channel today if this is a blessing to you i want to encourage you to like it and then click the subscribe button and then turn on notification hit that little notification bell so that you never ever miss another one of our videos and then if you're in the metro atlanta area on a sunday check out one of our exhilarating services at 8 30 a.m 11 a.m or six o'clock p.m and we honor him and we give him glory one of you would turn your attention with me to the 12th chapter of the book of acts verse 5 through 10. notice there in the in the niv version of scripture so peter was kept in prison but the church was earnestly praying to god for him and the night before herod was to bring him to trial peter was sleeping between two soldiers bound with two chains and sentries stood guard at the entrance and suddenly an angel of the lord appeared in a light shone in the cell and he struck peter on the side and woke him up quick get up he said and the chains fell off peter's wrists and then the angels said to him put on your clothes and sandals and peter did so wrap your cloak around you and follow me the angel told him and peter fought peter followed him out of the prison but he had no idea that what the angel was doing was really happening he thought he was seeing a vision and they passed the first and the second guards and came to the iron gate leading to the city it opened for them by itself and they went through it and then they had walked when they had walked the length of one street suddenly the angel left him i'm talking today simply from the subject the great escape the great escape the great escape no matter what you might be in god is able to help you to get out of it no matter how deep the situation is how deep the hole is you can get out of it you really can this was at a time when this was actually uh king herod actually agrippa the first he was harassing some of the members of the church and he actually at this particular time you know there was once when they would put people to death at this particular time in their history in that part of the world that they would actually take an axe and behead people well this time you know in this period they were using a sword to beheaded and they beheaded james the brother of john and cut his head off with a sword and when the king when king herod saw that it pleased the jews to kill james the brother of john he immediately went after peter and arrested peter and the only reason that peter is in prison right now in maximum security is because it is the time of the passover and so they didn't want to kill during that time so they've got him in jail waiting to be put to death and here is peter now in jail waiting to to be put to death and he's in what would be what we would consider to be a humanly impossible situation of escape remember he's in maximum security uh not only is he in jail he is chained both of his wrists are chained to soldiers who are assigned to guard him maximum security and then there are two other guards at the door so even in case he's able to break out you've got two other guards to try to get through and yet god does a houdini trick and gets him out of a humanly impossible situation and gets them out of the prison now you might wonder why in the world does this king waste his time to go after religious people after christians who are on fire for jesus here's what i would say to you is that whenever there is an attack against you it's because there is an assignment within you whenever there is an attack against you it's because there's an assignment within you whenever there's an attack against you it's because there's an assignment within you it's because there's an anointing within you if you carry an assignment and if you got an anointing for that assignment i'm telling you the devil is coming after you with both barrels of his shotgun he's coming after you he's coming after you that if there is an attack against you it is really only because there is an assignment within you there's an assignment that you carry there's an anointing that you carry there's a purpose that you carry the devil doesn't waste his time attacking people that are no threat to his kingdom but have you ever come into a position to where you are threatening the kingdoms uh that that he rules money kingdoms the marketplace entertainment if you start making an impact he's coming after you if you start shifting people toward godliness toward god christ-like character the devil is coming after you so if you don't want any attacks don't do anything but if you're going to do anything that is worth doing get ready for the attack and you got to realize i'm anointed for this god has prepared me bring it on devil i've been anointed for this i've got blood on me for this and so bring it on devil i've i'm built for this i'm built bring it on bring it on bring it on and remember thou this is the same peter i called him impetuous peter he he had a peter was hot-headed he had a temper he'd snap on you in a minute i mean he was one of those kind of christians and we see them we we all know them the kind that if you mess with them i meant they they know how to reach back to when they were in the world they still know the vocabulary this is the way peter is peter's like you you come back i got some hood in me peter was ratchet he he had a little thug in him he's like put your hands on him if you want and remember when he was defending jesus in the garden of gethsemane and they they put their hands on him peter pulled his sword i'd cut that man's ear off and the only reason that he cut his ear off it's because he was going for the man's head and he ducked peter peter was a bad boy and uh he's an he's an impetuous man that would just jump out you know jesus was saying one time he says where i'm going he says you know peter said we don't know where you're going i mean all of the other disciples were quiet but peter spoke up this is the same peter who on the day of pentecost got up and preached and 3 000 souls were added to the church peter is a businessman he owns a fishing industry and and even when jesus had been killed and taken away when remember when jesus came back peter was back in his boat they were out there washing their nets because he still ran the fishing industry and so he's a businessman being used of god by vocational and he's being used of god in a powerful way that's why there were demonic attacks against him because peter was converting people left and right not only was he a fisher of fish he was a fisher of men it wasn't either or it was both and and so that's what he was doing and so peter's life now is in process peter's life is in process there is no real progress without process and god will put your life in process peter is in process faith that is not tested cannot be trusted let me say that again faith that is not tested cannot be trusted peter is in process he's still being tested and the process will both test you and teach you let me say that again the process will both test you and teach you the process it'll test you and the process will teach you and so here now these guards i would have hated to be one of those guards who had to be chained all night to a human being one on one side and the other on the other both of his wrists are chained and they're chained to the arms of two soldiers who are assigned to guard him because he's in maximum security prison and here with little hope human hope of escaping there are many folks that may be here today there are some that are watching that are that are streaming today and you may not be in a physical prison but you're in a prison of depression you're locked in a prison of anxiety some of you are stuck in a prison of grief you're stuck in a prison of unforgiveness some of you are stuck in a prison of some kind of addiction be it a chemical addiction be it a sexual addiction uh to pornography whatever it is you you're trapped locked in a prison of it and it has spun its webs and and it's become like cables in your life and you're tied down some of you are locked in a prison of shame some are locked in a in a prison of of poverty kinds of thinking uh as some of you are locked in a prison of low self-esteem and just personal self-loathing and rejection you're locked in a prison it's not a physical prison but it's got your life on lockdown and i just came to remind you here that god sent an angel into the maximum security prison to be able to get peter free and and god trusts me as the angel of this house he sent an angel to you today it's not because i'm perfect the word angel angelos it means messenger messenger messenger who is the angel maybe the messenger that god wanted to send into your life to send into your world with a message to be able to turn the light on and wake you up and get you out of the prison the prison of fear just scared to go anywhere scared to do anything break out of the prison because it's time now for you to have your coming out party it really is [Applause] i encourage you today don't accept that you're stuck don't accept that you're stuck there is a way out so don't accept that you are stuck there is always a way out don't let people get you stuck into where they first met you assuming that you are that same person that you've not had any growth that you've not had any development i'm not the same person that i was 25 years ago i'm not the same don't don't respond to me as though i'm the person that you knew 30 years ago i'm a growing evolving person don't let people lock you into an earlier season of your life limiting their expectations of you because of what you couldn't do back then you've grown now your exposure has been different now you've gone through process you've processed failure you've dealt with hurt and you're still been able to be resilient to bounce back and that has made you a different person you're not the same person that used to cry every time somebody would criticize you and say something negative against you talking about you you've grown now you are not the same person don't get locked into an epoch of your life to where you cannot be who god has called you to be we're called to become we are a work in progress but we are not where we used to be you know at one point you remember joseph the son of jacob the favored son here at one place in life here he is with his coat of many colors he's swagging out got his beautiful garment on coat of many colors showing that he is highly favored and blessed of god that he's loved by his father and he's got the code of favor on but listen let me remind you of this favor doesn't mean that you won't have to fight you can be favored but you've got to fight you can be favored but you'll go through hell and high water sometimes you can be favored and you'll still be deceived sometimes you can be favored and people will still betray you you can have the favor of god on your life and be falsely accused and falsely imprisoned and have your freedom stripped away from you and yet you're still favored this was joseph can you imagine at the time that his own brothers his blood brothers put him in a pit can you imagine had he stayed in that pit what would have happened to him but here he's in he's in his own little prison in a pit put there by people that were his family sometimes people are locked into a place because their own family cannot see who they are and it's amazing how sometimes your own relatives cannot see the gift of god that you are and yet people that have no blood connection to you at all can see that you are god's anointed they can see god's gift in you they can see god's anointing in you god's favor upon you god's creativity working in you but he didn't allow himself to stay in that pit god touch the oldest boy ruben and say hey we can't do this hey if we kill him we don't get anything at least let's sell him and then sold him into slavery can you imagine had he remained stuck as a slave that's how he wound up serving as a servant in potiphar's house can you imagine had he gotten stuck as a slave but god was his liberator you see he was still favored but he was on lockdown on lockdown but still favored by god and remember then potiphar's wife lied on him and he was sent to prison still favored and he didn't let a prison stint on his record interfered with his destiny you know why because he didn't stay in prison he didn't stay in prison and remember the baker and the butler who were there they got out first you know why because the bigger that your destiny is the longer that it takes for you to get out you see the the baker and the butler we don't really hear about their stories too much after they get out but we all hear about joseph because he was destined for something that was bigger than the prison don't let people get you stuck when you were in a pit or stuck when you were in prison because he was destined for the palace he was destined for the palace he was destined for the palace don't get stuck in a place where you are not destined don't get stuck peter was not destined for this maximum security prison so god got him out god got him out so don't accept that you got to stay stuck somewhere don't accept that you have to stay stuck there's a great escape that god has in luke chapter 13 jesus encounters a jewish woman who is a daughter of abraham and and she's been in this condition now for 18 years can you imagine she was the bible says she was bent over and could no wise lift herself up she's been over for 18 years now anytime that you've been in a position for 18 years and and i'm sure she was praying and she was asking god to touch her and to fix it and can you imagine suffering with an issue for 18 years and is still not fixed she seemed like she was stuck but after 18 years it's never too late it's never too late she had an encounter with jesus and jesus came as an angel and just delivered a message to her and the message that jesus delivered to her in luke chapter 13 was simply this message woman thou art loosed you are loosed from your infirmity he just came with a message to wake her up to slap her with truth to say you've been bent over but sweetheart you are loose not god is going to do it you are loosed from your infirmity he just announced to her as a messenger that she was loosed and all of a sudden in the same way that the bands that were on peter's arms fell off and he was loosed because a messenger showed up when jesus showed up with a message immediately this woman that had been bent over for 18 years immediately stood straight for the first time in 18 years how long have you been suffering with what you've been asking god to do and so you assume that after two or three years well i guess i'll have to just live with this no you don't no you don't no you don't god can in a moment of time god can flip your situation some of you've been struggling with unemployment where you've been unemployed or underemployed god can change your destiny overnight i meant just what one message just with one revelation from god it can change your life by one person that god sends into your world your whole fate can change over night overnight overnight so no matter how long you've been stuck or bound by something you don't have to stay stuck and then i know people that have just been bound by all kinds of lustful thoughts and and temptations that are persistent in their life that will never stop but there is hope there is so look at first corinthians chapter 10 and verse 13. notice the temptation in your life the temptations in your life are no different from what others experience and god is faithful and god is faithful and god is faithful and god is faithful the temptations in your life are no different from what others experience and god is faithful he will not allow the temptations to be more than you can stand when you are tempted he will show you a way out so that you can endure he will show you a way out so that you can endure god is faithful god is faithful he will show you a way out he'll make a way of escape god will show your way out he showed peter a way out of maximum security where there was no human hope of his getting out god showed him a way out and if you're bound by something i want to remind you of this that you need praying people in your corner look at acts chapter 12 and verse 5 here so peter was kept in prison but the church was earnestly praying to god for him you need praying folks in your corner it says that he was earnestly praying the church was earnestly praying an other version said this way that the church was constantly praying for him constantly praying for the church was praying without ceasing for peter they were praying for him they were praying for him and i just want you to realize that when the church begins praying earnestly and constantly no one can keep you bound for long nobody can keep you bound for long look at verse 6 acts 12 6 the night before herod was to bring him to trial peter was sleeping between two soldiers bound with two chains and sentries these guards stood guard at the entrance here's what i want you to see here that though peter's body was bound his spirit was not bound though his body was bound his spirit was not bound do you see that this is the night before his trial he's on death center he's on death row peter is sleeping he's sleeping he's sleeping and his life is on the line peter is sleeping though his body was bound his spirit was not bound he was able to rest he slept he's in a life and death situation but see when you're in a life and death situation your mind has to be totally on the lord i mean totally on the lord the bible reminds us in romans chapter 8 verse 6 that to be carnally minded as death but to be spiritually minded is life and peace to be spiritually minded is life and peace to be spiritually minded is life and peace he's in jail and he could lose everything that he's got his life is on the line and peter is sleep in between two grown men to whom he is chained and he is sleep i started to entitle this message off the chain i meant because he was chained and the chains fell off when the angel came there and announced his message but here's what i want you to see that sometimes god can use your chain situation for your own benefit now watch what you might think is a handicap god can uh take that weakness and let strength come out of what looked like a weakness are you listening uh in in mark chapter five we find the story of this woman with the issue of blood for for 12 years again here she's been suffering for 12 long years 12 years not 12 days not 12 months 12 years wondering uh you know god you know i i'm bleeding i've got an issue of blood i've got a discharge that's constantly flowing out of me jesus i i need to be healed i've got a problem jesus touched me for 12 years and the bible says she she had taken responsibility for her own life how do we know that because the bible says she has spent everything that she had going to doctors and she was not any better but rather grew worse but she did what she could she operated and did what she could but then the bible says that she came in the press behind i like this lady because though she had been bound for 12 years with a bloody issue uh she was she was messed up this this woman was struggling with trying to fit in because she had been living a defiled life for these 12 years but you know i'm so grateful to the lord that this woman didn't stay stuck in something that had her bound in leviticus chapter 15 and verse 19 the bible talks there about if if a woman has a discharge of her blood an issue of her blood that she is defiled for seven days and if anybody touches him anybody touches the woman they'd be defiled into the evening and so in my mind's eye you know initially i i thought about the fact that when this woman came heard of jesus and she came in into the into the presence of jesus and and said if i may but touch his clothes i'll be made whole but the bible says there was a crowd that was around around him that was thronging him how did this woman that had a handicap of this bloody issue that defiled her as a person how did she get to jesus i'm here to tell you she used her handicap she realized leviticus 15. and so all she had to do was cry unclean when homegirl said unclean it's like somebody's coughing real bad and sneezing during a pandemic homegirl said unclean unclean but she was still coming unclean unclean and the path it put out to the front of the line are you listening to me homegirl took what was a disadvantage and she used it for her advantage to get her in a front row audience perspective with jesus christ because she cried unclean unclean and and she didn't have to press and push people out of the way when people heard unclean it was like the red sea parted they made a way for her because she said unclean she used her disadvantage to her advantage and got her to the front of the line when are you going to begin to use your disadvantage to an advantage and get you into a front row position with jesus i said if i can just touch the hem of his garment my point is is that you don't have to stay stuck use your disadvantage to an advantage find it find it there's an advantage in every disadvantage find it there's an advantage and every disadvantage find it find there's an advantage in every disadvantage your disadvantage makes you unique there's an advantage and every disadvantage use it don't apologize for being a woman use it don't apologize for being young use it don't apologize for being old use it find the advantage in your disadvantage it'll get you to the front of the line notice verse 7 acts 12 7 suddenly an angel of the lord appeared and a light shone in the cell and peter he struck peter on the side and woke him up quick get up he said and the chains fell off peter's wrist they just fell off they fell off god sent an angel a messenger notice that when the angel appeared i want you to notice this a light shown in the cell a light shown in the cell a light shown in the cell a light shown in the cell i don't know about you but i i'm uh i'm not one of those heavy sleepers if somebody turns on a light the light wakes me up but the light didn't wake peter up but when the angel came a light shone in the cell uh not long ago i went and did one of these isolation tanks and they put you in darkness and sound deprivation and all of that and so at the end of my time the way that i knew that my time was up is because while i had fallen asleep in the tank a light came on a light and the light woke me up it's amazing i can't tell you how uh the light has an ability to wake you up but when you're sensitive to god god can just send light to you and wake you up but peter was hard-headed peter was one you couldn't just wake up with light by just telling them the truth you think that you tell some people the truth and you wake them up good luck you can tell some people exactly what's going to happen and they still bring light the light of understanding and they still won't obey anybody know anybody like that keep looking straight ahead late straight ahead and you can turn on light for people and they still won't straighten up and here's the thing that i want you to realize is that when the light of god doesn't awaken you prepare yourself to be slapped because an angel had to slap him to wake him up he had power peter get up you think that this was just a spirit no this angel slapped peter upside his head and said get up he slapped him the light turned on he didn't wake up but i bet he woke up when he got the slap it struck him on the side and woke him up the angel pow peter it's time to get up he woke up then and there's some people that didn't respond to the light you better get ready brace yourself for a slap because if god sent his word and gave you prophetic warning he's getting ready to slap you with an experience he's getting ready to slap you with a lawsuit he's getting ready to slap you with tax trouble he's getting ready to slap you with your children who act like they lose their mind he's getting ready to slap you i'm telling you but a jarring uh medical diagnosis god will slap you with something that will wake you up if sometimes the slap has to be the death of a loved one it has to be your job being lost or benefits being cut back or cut off sometimes it's a severe accident sometimes it is a trauma you don't know what god will use to slap you to wake you up to get you out of something that you're stuck in but he will slap you i'm here to tell you god will slap you in love in jesus name he will and here's what i want you to understand god is not trying to hurt us he's trying to wake us god's not trying to hurt us he's trying to wake us god is not trying to hurt us he's trying to wake us he's trying to wake us up he's just trying to wake us up and i'm just telling you too much of the global church's sleep too much of our influence has been locked up too much of our authority has been locked up too much of our anointing has been locked up too much of our creativity has been locked up too much of our christian witness has been locked up it's our time to come out now it's time to wake up even though it's still night it's time to wake up it's time to wake up may i say this to you getting up is half the battle just getting up is half the battle some people when they they wake up in the morning it's just hard for them to get out of the bed it's just hard to get out of the bed just getting up is half the battle half the battle half the battle half the battle to just get up what do you need to get up from so that you can get out because you can't get out until you get up you got to wake up get up and then get out wake up get up and get out but getting up is half the battle and i want you to understand this principle morning is not determined by a certain hour of the day morning comes when god's light shines to you god's light can shine to you in the middle of the night understand that when the angel came into peter's jail cell it's in the middle of the night it's the middle of the night it's not morning yet but when he came light came and it was morning time for peter and may i tell you that even if you're in a dark season in your life the bible teaches us that we have the capacity with our praise to summon the morning did you know that look at psalm 108 and verse 2 wake up liar and harp these are musical instruments i will wake the dawn with my song i will wake the dawn the dawn is the morning i will wake up the morning with my song i don't wait for the morning to wake me up i will take a a midnight priest praise while it's dark outside and use my song to awaken the dawn so if you're in a dark period scene sing you're going through trouble sing don't you ever let anything rob you of your song keep on singing don't let anything rob you of your praise keep singing you got trouble in your marriage trouble on your job trouble in your neighborhood trouble in your own bodies in your health keep on singing praises under god keep singing praises unto god god is faithful be faithful to him god is faithful he's still worthy to be praised even while you're going through trouble god he's worthy he's worthy he's worthy he's worthy to be praised keep singing praise your praise your song will awaken and summon the dawn it'll summon the dawn god will send light into you and so even if the sun has not yet risen you can summon the dawn with your song and with your praise but this angel had to slap peter to wake him up but may i say this to you it is better to have an enemy to slap you in the face than a friend to stab you in the back it really is people uh can do you a tremendous favor just by by slapping you to wake you up because if somebody doesn't slap you to wake you up you're getting ready to to go across a bridge where the bridge is out and somebody is trying to slap you to awaken you to say hey listen you're on a dangerous road you're very fragile right now you can't afford to keep going this way it's it's difficult this is this is difficult this reminds me of an instance back in october the 19th of 1960. dr martin luther king jr right here in the city of atlanta went to downtown riches went to riches right in downtown atlanta sat out in the restaurant waiting to be served and he knew that was against the law he's practicing civil disobedience respectful honorable quiet civil disobedience and they call the cops and they they arrest him and they put dr king in october the 19th of 1960 in prison and they they sent him down to reedsville they wouldn't even allow him his family to post bond they just sent him to reed's bill and their plan was to have him to serve for four months of hard labor on the chain game this is october the 19th 1960. and and he had a pregnant wife at home coretta she was pregnant with that third child during this time and i don't know whether you realize this but sometimes you know pregnant women don't have high tolerance levels and she was afraid that they're taking her husband down to reedsville that he would be severely beaten or even lynched and she's pregnant with that third child and she needs her husband and homegirl got on the telephone because this campaign time for an election between richard nixon and john f kennedy and homegirl picked up the telephone and she called richard nixon and she said my husband has been arrested you need to do something because whether you realize this or not marty the king was a confidant for richard nixon when nixon was serving under eisenhower he helped him craft legislation for civil rights so he had been a friend they had talked many times and martin luther king planned on voting for richard nixon a republican but when he's in prison and his pregnant wife with that third child makes the call to nixon nixon was afraid that if he helped king that he would lose the south and so she called john f kennedy's camp and said they've arrested my husband i'm pregnant her baby was born that next january she's pregnant in october of 1960 and she's like i need my husband she's the angel getting her husband out of prison and john f kennedy after she called their campaign headquarters john f kennedy called coretta and he picked up the phone and had his brother robert to call the governor of georgia and one of the judges to begin to negotiate his release and they got him out and when he got out when he got out he had some words to say to nixon his friend he called him a moral coward because the only reason that he wouldn't step in to help is because of a fear of what he was losing and it takes courage to do the right thing and he lacked it and then he gave his support to john f kennedy you may not realize this but john f kennedy won that election by 35 000 key votes that was swung by the influence of dr martin luther king jr it's amazing but he got out it's amazing what god will use and if he has to use a pregnant wife to get you out he knows exactly what is necessary to be able to bring you out of a bad situation but i'm just telling you it looked impossible when you're desperate desperate people do desperate things and it worked and she got him out but here this angel of the lord steps into peter's cell to awaken him and the angel basically gave peter three commands get up get dressed and get out follow me get up get dressed and get out what is it that you have been stewing in well long enough you've been grieving over now you've been nursing a wound that you won't let heal long enough now you've been worried about it long enough you've been crying and praying over this issue now long enough listen listen it's time to get up get dressed and get out it's the message of the angel the angel came with a message the angel didn't have paragraphs he gave him some really short sentences get up put your clothes on get dressed and get out follow me i'm gonna walk you out of this situation the angel of the lord put peter on the move and listen i can't explain this to you but the only thing that i can tell you is that when we submit ourselves to just putting our feet in a direction to start moving that god will cause the whole universe to conspire to get behind you and to start working you may not know how it's going to work out and where the help is going to come from but if you just put yourself in motion to just start going somewhere the angel just said follow me follow me and as soon as he got peter on the move and and walked him about a mile down the road the angel vanishes because he said i've done my job i just needed to get you out you know how to take it over from here i just came to get you out of the bad situation once i get you out you'll know what to do but if you just put yourself in motion success is always connected to motion success is always connected to motion you got to get unstuck some of you've been stuck in your emotions you've been stuck in your mindset you've been stuck in the good old days when things work back then this is a new time and what worked then what got you there won't get you here it's time now to get unstuck and start moving in a different direction you gotta move you gotta move you gotta bust a move frederick douglas the runaway slave said these words he said i prayed for 20 years but received no answer until i prayed with my legs homeboy took off running he ran his way to freedom he ran his way he said i prayed for 20 20 years and then he said i didn't get an answer until i prayed with my legs and there are some of you that have been sitting there waiting for something to fall to you like ripe cherries off of a tree it's time for you to pray but your legs you got to start running after what god has for you you got to get yourself in motion and start stepping up to the plate stepping up to responsibility stepping up to owning it stepping up to praying stepping up to believing stepping up to even serving while you're still hurting it's amazing it's amazing many people they don't even realize sometimes that a curse is simply something that keeps you in the place where you are it's a prison it's a prison there's so many people that when they experience trauma they get locked in the prison of the time in which the trauma happened and they can't seem to get beyond it the car accident they can't get beyond the death they can't get beyond the rape or the molestation they can't get beyond it they're locked until a messenger comes it says get up get dressed get out there's an old chinese proverb that says that a man grows tired by standing still a man grows tired by standing still it's time to bust a moon it's time to bust a move and listen though your your situation that you're dealing with may be difficult it's not impossible though your situation may be difficult it is not impossible you feel that i'm stuck and i don't know what to do to even get out of it just put yourself in motion start working on some stuff get your computer out and start googling some possibilities start reaching out for some contacts start putting yourself in motion start drawing up some plans just put yourself in motion he's just trying to wake you up get you dressed and get you out of that stuck place and i know that his deliverance is sometimes so miraculous it was so miraculous to peter peter thought he was dreaming he thought he was seeing a vision and he's actually physically walked out of the prison maximum security that the angel obviously had put them in a deep sleep and he got him free from the two folks that he was chained walked by the two centuries that were guarding the door and when they got to the door the doors just opened and i'm telling you it's not until you put yourself in motion the bible says the doors open on their own they open on their own when you just obey god god will cause doors and relationships to start opening asha kopitas opening on their own opening on their own opening on their own i don't know who i'm talking to today but listen when you put yourself in motion god will cause some doors of opportunity some doors of blessings some doors that will establish you in your destiny to begin to open on their own all you have to do is obey god you put one foot in front of the other you start doing what god told you to do and god will put you before the right people doors will open doors that have been closed to you the doors will open on their own in the name of jesus i declare open doors to you today i declare open doors coming into your life today from things that have had you bound open doors open doors open doors open doors for new business open doors of new opportunity open doors of new cells and commissions coming your way open doors of new business new clients i'm telling you new visions and new destinies new partnership open doors open doors open doors open doors open doors open doors open doors open doors open doors open doors open doors i declare it in the name of jesus i decree it in the name of jesus i just came as a messenger today to let you know he said wake up wake up wake up get your clothes on you're going somewhere you're coming out you're coming out of your depression you're coming out of your poverty you're coming out of your sickness you're coming out of your dysfunction you are coming out this is a new day this is a new season it's your time it's your time it's your time i heard the word of the lord down in my spirit in john chapter 11 and verse 40. here's what the lord is saying right now did not i say to you that if you would believe that you would see the glory of god if you will believe you will see the glory of god if you believe you will see the glory of god if you believe you will see the glory of god if you believe if you believe jesus said this when martha's sister martha's brother lazarus was dead and he's still in the grave and he says to her didn't i tell you you thought that you were locked in an irreversible situation you didn't think you could be helped you thought that this was beyond help but he says didn't i tell you that if you believe if you believe that you would see the glory of god that you would see the glory of god i hear cry in my spirit now saying lord send your glory send your glory send your glory send your glory as god delivers by the power of the holy ghost the glory of god will begin to heal your marriage the glory of god will begin to heal your body my god glory is the atmosphere for miracles glory is the atmosphere for miracles glory is the atmosphere for miracles if you believe you will see the glory of god god will deal with your son god will deal with your daughter in the name of jesus if you believe you will see the glory of god you'll see the glory of god in your business if you believe if you believe if you believe if you believe if you believe you will see the glory of god if you believe it might look like it's dead it might look like it's over you tried everything that you know it looks like it's it's finished but if you believe you will see the glory you'll see the glory you'll see the glory everything happens for our good and for his glory for our good and for his glory god's gonna get glory out of all the hell that you've been through hey yes he will yes he will yes he will you've not suffered in vain god will use it for his glory he'll use suffering for his glory he will use the cutoff for his glory he will use the isolation for his glory god is going to use it for his glory the glory the glory the glory the glory i declare you in the name of jesus and the glory of the lord shall be revealed and all flesh shall see it together for the mouth of the lord has spoken it if you believe you will see the glory yep you'll see the glory you'll see the glory there's glory secrets don't leave your story until you discover the glory your story is not finished until you see the glory of god it's not going to end like it looks like it there's glory in it if you believe czech ribos you will see the glory of god god's got a glory he's got a glory he's got a glory he's going to be glorified in the midst of everything that you're dealing with god will be glorified god will be glorified god will be glorified when you got down to nothing when you were living and existing on fumes but yet you didn't die and he didn't leave you to die in a prison he sent an angel a messenger just to say don't you spend another day in your depression not another day in your anxiety disorder not another day in your grief and your morning not another day not another day not a day in your despair it's time for you to come out now it's for the glory if you believe if you believe if you believe if you believe you will see the glory of god for your glory lord for your glory lord for your glory lord for your glory for your glory to god be the glory to god be the glory for the wonderful good things that he has done and what he is doing and the greater part of what god is going to do is for the glory of god it's for his glory it's for his glory it is for his glory it's for his glory it is for his glory god will be glorified god will be glorified for his glory for his glory for his glory for his glory the greater the darkness the greater the glory the deeper the whole that you've been in the greater the glory the lonelier the journey the greater the glory the more intense the pain the greater the glory the stronger the sickness the greater the glory because he came to bring you out and he's a healer of come to heal the brokenhearted those that have been suffering jesus came he died for the brokenhearted whatever broke your heart jesus is concerned about it he sees everybody that you've been weeping over everybody that you've been praying for and many of you are like the church outside but you know who your peter is that you're praying for that god would deliver and i'm just telling you that god is in a season now where he will show his miraculous strong arm and god is going to deliver your peters he's going to deliver your peters he's going to deliver your sons and your daughters god is going to deliver them out of the prison of where they've been out of their minds acting like somebody that you don't even recognize in the name of jesus i declare to you by the power of the holy ghost today that if you believe if you believe if you believe i've been infused with the faith to be able to believe god i don't care what it looks like i don't care what it looks like it's not gonna end the way that it is now god is gonna get the glory he'll get the glory he'll get the glory and we know and we know that all things work together for the good of them that love god and who are the call according to his purpose [Music] all that i can tell you is that jesus came to be able to set the captives free that everything that has burden your soul i'm glad that i still believe in the power and the efficacy of the blood of jesus christ the power of the anointing of the holy ghost that still breaks yokes and undoes the burden that have rested upon the necks of people for so many years that today today today today as you walk out of this place as you walk out of your home as you walk out of wherever your place of listening is that you realize that you're not really just walking out of something you're walking into something you're walking into another dimension of your destiny you've been stuck for a while god came to get you unstuck today he came to get you unstuck unstuck unstuck unstuck from the memory unstuck from the pain unstuck from the agony unstuck from the shame he came to get you unstuck from everything that embarrassed you from everything that hurt you from everything that offended you from everything that made you resentful in the name of jesus i break that cord i sever every tie in the name of jesus there i see two angels in the same way that there were two centuries guards that were holding peter i see two angels with flaming swords cutting away the things that have held you bondage just coming and i see them cutting through chains and ropes and bonds as though they are like spider webs to him cutting in the spirit loosening you from the bands of wickedness from the bonds of evil and perversion loosing you from wicked desire in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus i make no apologies about still being a deliverance preacher i believe in the supernatural power of god coming to deliver his people he delivers us from the prison of fear he delivers us from torment he delivers us from anger some of you have just been in such an angry place and it's locked you there you're mad with somebody else trying to hold them down but you don't realize that it holds you down with them and he's saying get up get up get up get up once he sends his message to you if you don't wake up he will send something to slap you in a way where you cannot remain sleep any longer and again it is not to hurt you it is to wake you it is to sensitize you to the purposes of god that he's in the process of something in your life and i just pray in jesus name that every person that every organization that is represented in this place every family that is represented in this house every family that is watching online that the deliverance power of god would so flow to you even now even now in the name of jesus and sever you from every chain every fetter that binds that the supernatural divine power of god will cause your bands to be loosed and doors that have been closed to you to open supernaturally doors of open communication restoring relationship once again god's opening doors i see it in the realm of the spirit i hear chains falling off in the spirit i hear them dropping dropping dropping dropping dropping dropping dropping dropping dropping falling left and right falling so that he can bring you out get you up and bring you out get you up and bring you out get you up and bring you out this is a new day this is your wake-up day this is your wake-up call this is your coming out party today to where you're coming out of every spirit of oppression everything that has bottled you up and lock you down this is your time now to come out of that thing he's telling you come on be loose from thine infirmity be loosed in the name of jesus father we look to you today when we don't know what else to do we look to you our eyes are upon you lord we look to you today thank you for not leaving in a god-forsaken condition but thank you for looking upon our affliction looking on our hurt looking on our isolation looking on our shame thank you thank you thank you that every place that the blood gold goes and flows that it heals that it delivers that it causes a calm to come over us i thank you in the name of jesus for a peace that passes all understanding that guards our hearts and minds by christ jesus thank you god in the name of jesus we declare decree and declare today for household salvation everything that came out of our bodies everything that has been under our roof god we declare it in the name of jesus it belongs to you every son every daughter belongs to you every relationship god made you redeemer you are our kinsmen redeemer we thank you god for paying the ransom to redeem our family thank you thank you thank you thank you for redeeming our minds thank you for redeeming our bodies you paid for it with the stripes on your own back you purchased our healing god i thank you i thank you today thank you for what you're doing in us thank you for what you're doing among us right now thank you lord jesus that you help us to look beyond every distraction of the crowd and see jesus and the issue that we've had with our blood folks that are blood related to us god i thank you now that you heal the issue of the blood huh in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus lord in the name of jesus and as we take our steps god may it be a greater step toward victory a greater step to the destiny that you're calling us to a greater step to peace god in the name of jesus and may you cause heaven and all of the angels god to release their resources in the earth to cause about your holy and divine will to be done on earth as it is in heaven on earth as it is in heaven on earth as it is in heaven may you release the heavens god to flow over flow down into our lives today into our businesses into our bodies into our minds into our families and everything over which you have given us authority and structure and i pray to the lord jesus and as you deliver us out of situations that others thought that it was impossible may we use that as our testimony part to say simply but god that there is no other explanation but god you brought us out you brought us out i thank you for every person and every family that you're bringing out today thank you in the name of jesus thank you for bringing us out today thank you for bringing us out thank you god that because we believe that we shall see the glory because we believe we'll see the glory because we believe we shall see the glory i thank you for the gift of faith falling on these people under the sound of my voice i call in the gifts of faith to supernaturally give them the faith to believe god to see the glory of god in what looks like an impossible situation it's difficult lord but it's not impossible and i thank you that this day you seal your divine will and purpose for our life and we give you all of the glory for what you have done for what you are doing and even for the greater part god of what you're going to do in jesus name amen hallelujah i hope that you were blessed today thank you for tuning in today we'll see you next week may god's incredible grace rest with you walk in the victory that he has given to you in jesus name we hope that you enjoyed that message don't forget to like and subscribe and then press the notification bell so that you don't miss another one of our videos and if you want to partner with us click the give now button thank you for what you do
Channel: woffamily
Views: 21,992
Rating: 4.939394 out of 5
Keywords: Bishop Dale C. Bronner, Word of Faith Family Worship Cathedral, Church, Sermon, Encouragement, Hope, Message
Id: E-3B7TvNVrc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 52sec (3772 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 10 2021
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