[726] The Naughty Bucket Chronicles — Tokoz “Tech 300” Euro Cylinder Picked and Gutted

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this is the lock-picking lawyer and welcome to the seventh episode of the naughty bucket Chronicles if you follow my channel you are almost certainly familiar with Bosnian bill his excellent YouTube channel and his infamous naughty bucket that's where bill keeps locs that have thus far resisted his picking efforts well in my recent visit to Bill's LOC lab he graciously allowed me to select several locks from the naughty bucket for me to try at home and this is one of those locks it's a toe COEs euro profile cylinder with the company's tech 300 locking mechanism this mechanism replaces standard pin tumblers with stacked wafers and then puts a ball bearing at the surface that interfaces with the key it's a little bit difficult to explain but I will certainly take this apart to show you what's inside toward the end of the video now the toe COEs catalog states that this system provides quote 100% protection against lock picking I have no idea why they would say something like that because there's nothing inherently difficult about picking the tech 300 cylinder however this particular lock is a different story it's pretty tricky because of the combination of a pretty nasty keyway and absolutely absurd bidding so let's get this in the vise and both prove tacos wrong and evict this lock from the naughty bucket okay let's get some tension in here I'm going to use top of the keyway tension with one of the peterson flat 5 okay and we're going to start off with a standard hook in 15,000th nothing on one two three four little click out of five back to one nothing there little click at it to nothing on three little click out of four nothing on five one two three okay we hit four and we just dropped into a false set five one okay click at it two nothing on three okay on number four I can actually feel the pick hitting number three and I cannot go any farther on pin four so I'm gonna swap over to a deeper hook and see if we can go over to pin four okay got a little click out of number four swap back to our regular pick one another to click out it to nothing on three can't touch for nothing on five one okay I think we might have to touch pin four again let's get that deeper hook and come on he's proving a little bit difficult to slide in there for some reason there we go touched pin four and we opened this up okay let's take this apart so I can show you the tech 300 system okay to take this lock apart we need to first remove these two pins which attach the cylinder to this spine so let me get a small piece of wire and just tap them through okay we got one out okay we've got the two pins out okay now this is actually a lock which disassembles in Reverse from what you would normally expect so I'm going to pull this cylinder out place it right here in the pinning tray and then try to get the wafers out which is actually a little bit on the tricky side but since they're made out of Steel I'm gonna try to use a magnet to do that okay this is number one I'm gonna place everything in the tray as it would be in the lock okay number two we didn't get a spring that time you can see there's little notches in it which make it act a bit like a tea pen and I'll show you that in just a moment number three four and five see if we can get the rest of the springs out of there now there we go okay let me arrange these okay now for the key pens again a little bit tricky to get out but a magnet helps quite a bit or I should call them key wafers and I'm taking these out with the ball bearings that I referenced earlier okay I think that gutting went pretty well let me turn this around so it's the same way it would be situated inside of the lock okay these are not cooperating with me I think because I used a magnet for gutting I may have magnetized these wafers just a little bit so they're all sticking together but I think you'll probably be able to get the general idea okay so here's what we have instead of pins we have wafers one stacked on top of the other nothing in the way of security pins with the exception of what you see in stacks 2 & 4 you can see the upper wafer or driver wafer depending on how you situate it has a little cutout on the corner on each of the corners that simulates the T pin and that's probably what gave us the false set we also have those ball bearings underneath and they are designed to reduce friction between the wafers and the key and probably allows a very very large max maximum adjacent cut and that's what I think probably allowed us to get that really nasty bidding which might not otherwise be possible with most locks in any case that's all I have for you on this Koko's C Tech 300 cylinder from the naughty bucket bill one more time thank you so much for giving me a shot at these locks to everyone else if you do have any questions or comments about this please put them below if you like this video and would like to see more like it please subscribe and as always have a nice day thank you
Channel: LockPickingLawyer
Views: 387,697
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Id: 2AR-iW480iA
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Length: 9min 8sec (548 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 03 2018
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