[710] The Naughty Bucket Chronicles — BKS Euro Profile Cylinder Picked and Gutted

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this is the lock-picking lawyer and welcome to the third episode of the naughty bucket Chronicles if you follow my channel you are almost certainly familiar with Bosnian bill his excellent YouTube channel and his infamous naughty bucket that's where bill keeps locs that have thus far resisted his picking efforts well in my recent visit to Bill's LOC lab he graciously allowed me to select several locks from the naughty bucket for me to try at home and this is one of those locks it's a bks challenge lock sent to bill by florian Claussen who dubbed it evil zig zag it has a wrapped key a pair eccentric key way that I'm guessing gave rise to the name evil zig zag and presumably there are some equally nasty pins inside so let's get this in the vise and see if we can pick this open I see there's tape on one side I'm not sure if that's just to cover the numbers or to indicate that's the side we're supposed to pick but in either case that is the side I am going to set up okay I'm going to use top of the keyway tension with a 30 mm thick pry bar and I'm using this southward Maxx hook it has a nice steep curve to it which should help me reach through the warding okay I'm using pretty stout tension on this you can see that bar bending nothing on one nothing on 2/3 is binding got a little click out of 3 4 is binding tightly okay got a nice click out of for mopping on five or six back to one nothing there click out it to another click at it - okay - feels good moving on to three nothing on three nothing on for five okay six is binding very tightly okay got a nice click out of him back to one little click out a one click out of - he feels good another click out of three nothing on for nothing on five and six we got a little click out of him back to one nothing there click at it - nothing on three or four nothing on five or sex back to one nothing there nothing on two three four five or six not sure what's holding us stuff now everything feels pretty good okay I think I just got another click out of one nothing on two three four maybe I just got a click out of five or six okay got it open after touching one so you just had to keep going through those pins and giving them extra nudges and eventually it did give up so let's see if we can take this apart and see what's inside okay it looks like we have gosh tits zoom in on this we have a really interesting little c-clip on the back it looks like you need to bend this little tab out before you open the clip so let's turn this around I don't think this is gonna be a fun pic or fun guttin see if I can get a screwdriver to bend that little tab out hopefully I won't stab my hand in the process okay that wasn't too bad got the tab out now let's see if we can open that clip up okay that wasn't too bad you get a pinning tray here see if we can get this from the front add a pinning shoe in here and let's try to slide this core out uh-oh this doesn't fit in there I have absolutely no idea how I'm gonna gut this this is a oh wait it does fit in there and I already screwed something up let's see I dropped something out in the back I think that was the driver pin on slot 6 okay let's just start pulling this out okay two standard pins thus for maybe this was not a challenge lock another standard pin another standard pin okay a spool and a master wafer and a tall spool and okay so I'm guessing this was not a challenge lock maybe there was some miscommunication there stump these key pins out standard on one standard on - okay these aren't coming out easily let me see if I can nudge them out with a pick okay number three standard with a master wafer number four standard with a master wafer as well five is standard and six is standard with a master wafer we arrange all of these okay this must be another one of those locks with just excellent tolerances which put him in the naughty bucket okay since we did pick that open we can open this key now and get a knife here and here is the key the bidding isn't too bad you can see a couple of really high cuts in the middle there but not too high in the front or the back okay let me give you a close-up of all of this okay on our key pins they all appear to be standard then we have master wafers in slots two three four and six then four driver pins we have a steel spool and slot one a brass spool and slot two and standard pins in slots three four five and six let's look over at this core now I'm not saying anything particularly unusual about it no drill protection nothing nasty inside that would cause all of those clicks I'm not really sure why we had so much trouble other than perhaps the precision of the lock in any case that's all I have for you on this bks evil zig zag lock if you have any questions or comments about it please put them below if you liked this video and would like to see more like it please subscribe and as always have a nice day thank you
Channel: LockPickingLawyer
Views: 996,824
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Length: 9min 36sec (576 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 06 2018
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