[702] The Naughty Bucket Chronicles — Mauer NW5 Euro Profile Cylinder Picked and Gutted

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this is the lock-picking lawyer and welcome to the first episode of the naughty bucket Chronicles if you follow my channel you are almost certainly familiar with Bosnian bill his excellent YouTube channel and his infamous naughty bucket that's where bill keeps the locks that have thus far resisted his picking efforts now bill was gracious enough to host me in the lock lab a few days ago and he allowed me to take my pick of the locks in the naughty bucket for me to try out so this is the first of what i ambitiously hope will be a series of videos in which i try my hand at some of the naughtiest locks around the first lock we have is this Mauer nw4 euro Profile cylinder now this lock has a really intimidating key you can see there are several dimples along this side then we have a winding track which sets four sliders and there's also an interactive element which is pressed up by a detent inside of the lock which in turn sets the pin in this chamber above the top of the key way I should note that interactive elements are great for key control that is preventing unauthorized copies but to a picker it's a little bit like the free spot on a bingo card you always know that the first chamber of a lock like this will be set really high and because of that it makes picking a little bit easier finally we also have some dimples on the edge of the key however I am relatively certain that those are passive pins so we don't need to worry about them while picking so without further ado let's put this in the vise and see if we can evict this lock permanently from the naughty bucket oK we've got it in the vise let's make sure it's still rotating okay let's get some tension in here and the first thing I'm going to do is push all of the sliders to the right I do that to get them out of the way of the dimple pins and also to make sure when I'm picking hopefully I only have to push them in one direction now that we have them slid over let's get to picking on these dimples nothing on one nothing on two number three is binding got a nice click there click out of four nothing on five or six back to the beginning number one is binding tightly remember that's with the interactive elements so it's set very high there we go click out of him and I felt a good bit of movement on the core which may mean that we're done with the pins for now but let's check them all two three four five six nothing is binding so let me get my little sparrows hook again and try to set these sliders nothing on one nothing on to click out a three four doesn't feel like it's moving let's go back to the beginning little click on one click a tattoo and a little bit more movement on the core that may mean that all of the sliders are set so let's go back to the pins we still have a little bit more work to do there 1 2 click out a 3 and we got it open ok let's take this apart and we will see what's inside ok the first thing we have to do while disassembling this is to remove a small roll pin that goes in between the two halves of the cam and to do that I'm going to get a small piece of steel wire and try to tap that pin out lightly there we go got the pin out and that should allow the two halves of the cam to fall apart but first let's get my pinning tray over here so I don't lose any parts there we go now I'm going to rotate this I'm going to try to disassemble this only taking one half apart doesn't always work but maybe we'll get lucky today okay I have a pinning shoe in which should stop the pins from dropping down and I'm gonna slide this out the front hoping I don't lose anything in the process okay the first thing I'm going to do is try to drop all of the passive pins out and I just lost a slider that's number one slider maybe they're what we need to get out first actually I should say that's the number four slider number three two and one now let's try to get those paths pins out they don't appear to want to come out let me get a pic to push on them [Music] okay I think our standard key pins are in the way of me pushing them out so I guess we're going to drop them out first and they of course are also giving me trouble there must be some oil in here or something push them out but as high as I can and maybe we can get them out using tweezers okay keep in number six five four three two and one okay let's take one more shot at these side pins there we go I can get to them easily now okay let's arrange all of these and then we'll try to get the driver pins out okay the first driver pin is a standard and that spring doesn't appear to want to come out we have a modified standard pin looks like it could be an anti bump pin that spring is coming out next pin is standard standard oh no that is a modified standard in fact all of these are now that I'm looking at them looks like T pins with really short ends on them I'll give you a zoom in on these in just a moment we have a spool and slot five then slot six there we go the cam is in the way of slot sex let's see if I can there we go another spool and that spring of course is giving me trouble there we go okay looks like all of the springs are the same so let me give you a close-up of all of this okay for all of the key pins you can see they are standard however there is a notch in each of them if we look over at the core I suspect we'll find little ledges and yes there they are those ledges prevent those key pins from dropping too far down into the chamber it's actually something not uncommon on dimple locks then for our driver pins we had a standard in slot one modified standards and slots two three and four and spools in slots five and six and we can see our sliders up top you can see they are just essentially wafers there's no side bar that that interacts with them so you just have to push them out of the way until they no longer block the movement of the core over in slot 7 we have our passive pins and finally let's take a look at this core we have those ledges I mentioned before and we have some drill protection in front of the pin stack a lot of drill protection there on the side it looks like above and below the keyway also next to it the holes for the passive pins the holes for the sliders and we have some detents on the bottom this large detent is for the interactive element then we have 3d tents for keeping the sliders in place frankly I'm not sure why they don't have a fourth detent for that backslider then keep moving around I think that's about it so that's all I have for you today bill thank you very much for allowing me to raid the naughty bucket to everyone else if you do have any questions or comments about this please put them below if you like this video and would like to see more like it please subscribe and as always have a nice day thank you
Channel: LockPickingLawyer
Views: 765,773
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Id: uGU0tFiJsbs
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Length: 11min 43sec (703 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 22 2018
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