[722] The Naughty Bucket Chronicles — Tung Shing Disc Brake Lock Picked

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this is the lock-picking lawyer and welcome to the sixth episode of the naughty bucket Chronicles if you follow my channel you are almost certainly familiar with Bosnian bill his excellent YouTube channel and his infamous naughty bucket that's where bill keeps locs that have thus far resisted his picking efforts well in my recent visit to Bill's LOC lab he graciously allowed me to select several locks from the naughty bucket for me to try at home and this is one of those locks it's a deceptively easy looking tongue Shing brand motorcycle disc brake lock now at first glance this looks like a pretty innocuous 6 pin lock but it took me longer to open this lock than any other naughty bucket lock I've tried thus far so what makes it so tricky well the tolerances on this are pretty mediocre and while it does have spools they don't account for the roughly three hours I spent to openness for the first time and I probably never would have opened it if I didn't have a bit of an epiphany the trick to this lock is entirely in the key pins I probably should have realized this earlier because they're shaped exactly like I used to shape key pins back when I used to make challenge locks I actually drew a picture here the beveled portion up on top does two things first it gets stuck in the shear line and second it induces counter rotation when you probe a set pin it's similar to what you might feel when you are trying to set a spool then we have this notch in the key pin which simulates the setting of a spool and also keeps the key pin trapped in an over set position in fact if we look carefully at this you can actually see a little bit of that shape on the front key pin now those key pins in conjunction with to nearly zero lift pins if you see them in positions two and three they make for an absolutely dastardly combination however once I knew what to feel for the lock opened with relative ease I won't say it was easy it certainly required a little bit of doing to pick but it also didn't take another three hours so all of that said let's get to picking I'm using top of the key way tension with one of these flat five tensioners and this medium hook from southwards max collection nothing on one nothing on to nothing on three nothing on for I think five is binding a bit got a click out of him hit six and we just dropped into a false set counter-rotation on one nothing on two three four five or six now I did something to lose my false set I may have over set something a bit so I'm gonna pulse my tension as I mentioned those beveled tops sometimes gets stuck in the shear line so I'm going to be releasing tension quite a few times as I go through this trying to address that if it does happen okay nice click out of six nothing on one two three four five I'll go click out of six and I'm not sure what is keeping us from getting our false set back right now I suspect something's over set so let's release a little tension I got a little bit of a false set back three up number four and there we go got it open so as you saw it wasn't too bad once I knew what to feel for however this lock is a great example of how knowing what type of pins to expect is often times more than half the battle in any case that's all I have for you today bill once again thank you so much for giving me a shot at the naughty bucket to everyone else if you do have any questions or comments please put them below if you like this video and would like to see more like it please subscribe and as always have a nice day thank you
Channel: LockPickingLawyer
Views: 599,513
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: -mG6vCfm6d8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 41sec (281 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 27 2018
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