[706] The Naughty Bucket Chronicles — Squire Stronghold SS65CS Picked (R1 Keyway)

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this is the lock-picking lawyer and welcome to the second episode of the naughty bucket Chronicles if you follow my channel you are almost certainly familiar with Bosnian bill his excellent YouTube channel and his infamous naughty bucket that's where bill keeps locks that of thus far resisted his picking efforts in my recent visit to the lock lab bill graciously allowed me to select several locks from the naughty bucket for me to try at home and this is one of those locks it's a squire stronghold model SS 65 CS with the upgraded are one key way obviously this one was cut in two at some point but that doesn't affect functionality from a Pickers perspective now the best I can tell this lock has two tricks up its sleeve first pins four five and six feel like they drop a lot farther into the key way than pins one two and three that makes them a bit more difficult to access and the second trick that this lock has is a really intimidating looking pair eccentric key way before I dive into this lock I want to talk briefly about my approach to para centric key ways because this is something that I really didn't understand for a good long time after I started picking now when you look at a key way like that you would never think that you could pick it with a 25,000 stick pick we can see that there's really no way to access the pins through their full range of motion using a pick this thick however once I started thinking about locks three dimensionally I realized that key ways like this don't even require a thin pick you just need to be thoughtful in your pick profile selection let me demonstrate that on a cutaway I have here you can see this lock has a relatively para centric key way you could never fit a 25,000 pick through there however if we look at it from the side you can see that there are literal holes through the warding that we can exploit if we choose the right pick now this is not the right pick if I stick it in you can see that the warding there we go it pretty effectively stops the pick moving up and pushing the pin through its range of motion however if I were to use a pick just as thick but with a nice sharp curve to it you can see I can reach right up through those holes and push the pin through its full range of motion so that's the approach I'm taking with this Squire lock now before I start I should also note that this lock likes pretty stout tension with light tension I simply can't get it open but if I really dial that torque up it opens for me every time so let's get some tension in the bottom of the key way and I'm using this southward max hook nothing on one nothing on 2/3 got a click out of 3 before I have to go down to find the bottom of it and he's springy five is binding got a click there six is binding got a click out of him back to the beginning click out of one click out of two nothing on three click out of four nothing on five and nothing on six another click out of one click on to nothing on three think I got a little click out of four nothing on five or six another click out of one nothing on two three four five or six not sure what's holding us up now nothing on one two three there we go just touched four and we opened up okay let's take this lock apart and see what's inside to open this up we need an Allen screw removed from down the shackle hole that's in there pretty good and let me get the pinning tray over here okay let me relock this and I'll need a c-clip remover okay now let's get the key and a follower and hopefully this will come right apart okay let's start by dropping the key pins out standard in one two three four five and six it looks like we have little ledges on pins four five and six and I said they dropped a little bit farther into the keyway I'm betting that these little ledges line up with shelves inside of the keyway and yes they certainly do that keeps them from dropping all the way to the bottom I'll show you that in just a moment let's get the driver pins out now standard in one looks like a up standard and two at least I think that's standard yep standard in three four is a spool five is standard and six is standard Wow a lot of standard pins here I'm gonna chalk up the difficulty of this lock - excellent precision in here see if there's anything unusual about this core not really I'm having a tough time explaining why I was getting so many clicks out of a number of those pins in any case let me zoom in on this to show you what's inside okay can see on the key pens one two and three look standard four five and six have little notches on them and they line up with shelves that you can see down deep inside of each of those chambers and there's actually one in all six of the chambers but because of the shelves on four five and six key pins they drop down considerably farther moving back over here you can see the driver pins all appear to be standard with the exception of number four which is a spool but obviously that spool never came into play I didn't get a false set moving over to the core you can see we have quite a bit of drill protection in here pins on either side of the key way right up front and a ball bearing at the front of the pin stack then we have two more anti drill pins between slots to it I'm sorry three and four and four and five and then nothing else unusual about this other than that nasty looking key way but with the proper pick selection we were able to get through that so that's all I have for you today on this Squire model ss sixty five Cs bill once again thank you very much for letting me play with the naughty bucket locks to everyone else if you have any questions or comments about this please put them below if you like this video and would like to see more like it please subscribe and as always have a nice day thank you
Channel: LockPickingLawyer
Views: 547,085
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ZXbjNq2OqD0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 37sec (517 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 29 2018
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