[718] The Naughty Bucket Chronicles — “3Yes” Magnetic Pin Padlock Picked

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this is the lock-picking lawyer and welcome to the fifth episode of the naughty bucket Chronicles if you follow my channel you are almost certainly familiar with Bosnian bill his excellent YouTube channel and his infamous naughty bucket that's where bill keeps locs that have thus far resisted his picking efforts well in my recent visit to Bill's LOC lab he graciously allowed me to select several locks from the naughty bucket for me to try at home and this is one of those locks if they really interesting Chinese three yes padlock with a key tag that says the lock has never been picked well we're gonna try to change that today this locks key is really interesting it's a fin cylinder with dimple cuts that appear to set eight pins but there's actually only six pins inside of this but honestly I don't think that matters those pins are pretty easy to pick the real difficulty in opening this lock stems from two hidden magnetic pins and if we look at the bottom of the key you can see the two magnets that set them well I did some experimenting and did figure out a way to deal with those pins so let's get to picking and I'll show you what it takes to open a Chinese 3 yes padlock the first thing we're going to have to do is decode the magnetic pens and I have a couple of tools here to do that I have a pick a small piece of plastic and some really tiny magnets the first thing we're going to do is drop one of those magnets right down the keyway and if you look carefully you can see that it went right to where that first magnetic pin is so I'm going to remove that magnet being very careful to preserve its orientation I'm going to slide this down my pick a little bit now there are two pins so one more magnet goes down the keyway and I'm going to have to use this plastic to push it to the second magnetic pin and when I did that I could see it flip over so we know those two pins have opposite orientation I'm removing that second magnet now from experimentation I found that what we get through that decoding method is actually the opposite of what we need to open this lock so I'm going to flip both of these magnets over and now we have the tool that we need to set those magnetic pins but before we can use it we have to set the standard pens so I'm going to get another pick and a tensioner and pick those standard pens one two three four second one I think is a spool there we go got that one okay we have all of the Pens set now let's get our magnets I'm going to put them down the key way and actually use the pick to slightly counter rotate the core I'm going to pulse that motion while moving the magnets until we find the exact right location at which point the core turns so as you saw this lock isn't too hard to open once you figure out its magnetic secret however if you don't know about it be prepared for hours of frustration in any case I think a change in this locks marketing materials is probably appropriate it says the locks never been picked well I think we can cross this off the lock has been picked that's all I have for you today bill once again thank you so much for letting me take a shot at the naughty bucket to everyone else if you do have any questions or comments please put them below if you like this video and would like to see more like it please subscribe and as always have a nice day thank you
Channel: LockPickingLawyer
Views: 620,928
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Id: vz7lShQHgOA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 27sec (267 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 20 2018
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