[371] HUGE Squire SS80CS (Mauer NW4 Core) Padlock Picked and Gutted

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this is the lock-picking lawyer and it is not often that I can take a cen grade six padlock like this Squire SS 65 CS and place it aside so we can talk about it's big brother but that's exactly what we're going to do now folks the lock I have for you today is the squire SS 80 CS padlock the new largest lock and certainly the heaviest lock in my collection I only have one lock that is comparable in size to it and that is this one it's the multi lock e 18 H a lock that's no longer made anymore but even this is a half pound lighter so let's talk about the specs for this Squire it weighs in at about 4 pounds 14 ounces 80 millimetres across 40 millimeters thick 105 millimeters from top to bottom all these measurements not including this plastic cover and a 14 millimeter boron alloy shackle on the bottom we have a weather cover that snaps open to reveal the core you can see it's a dimpled core and it is in fact a am our lock it's the Mauer nw4 key and if we look carefully at this key we can see it has six dimpled pins along the left side there the first of which is controlled by the interactive element on the key using these little rollers in here makes copying very difficult and then on the right side we have this track cut into the key that controls four sliders so definitely a lot lot going on in that lock and it's going to give us some challenges when we pick it open let's look at this lock in operation we open that weather cover turn the key 90 degrees and that shackle just pops right open it's actually interesting to to take all of this plastic off the lock because when we do that we can see the similarities between this lock and its little brother just a little bit better you can see that they are just this is just a scaled up version of the 65 millimeter lock so we're going to do what we can to pick into this lock and then of course I will take it apart to show you what's inside this Mauer core is certainly a tricky one to open but I have to say probably the biggest challenge we're going to face right now is me holding this lock in my hand because as I said at nearly 5 pounds this is an extraordinarily heavy lock so we got some tension in there let's start with the dimpled pins and see what we can do you can pretty stout tension got a click out of one nothing on to nothing on three force binding got a nice click there 5 ok 5 is binding okay you got to click out of him nothing on six back to one nothing there nothing on - okay three is binding gotta click out of him nothing on four nothing on five nothing on six okay we might have these dimple pins set I don't feel anything else out of any of them right now okay just got a little click out of six I might have gotten some movement on the core there okay let's start trying to pick the sliders what I'm going to do with these sliders is take this sparrows short hook place it in there and try to manipulate the little nubs that stick out into the keyway when I press them to one side if I don't get any sort of click or any feeling like the sidebars falling into the gate I will move it back the other way rack gee I'm sorry I misspoke there is no side bar it's just sliders that move out into the lock body and back so okay click out a1 I definitely felt something give when I did that nothing on - nothin on three oven on for let's try the other side again now ok little click out of 4 click outta 3 nothing on - I think one is where we want it so I don't want to mess with that one too much okay little click at a to go in the opposite direction nothing on three little click out of four not sure what's holding us up here just going back might be I'm using a little bit too much tension so the next time through I'll lighten up just a bit okay got a little click out of two okay got a click out of four we got a little movement on the core which might mean it's time to go back to the dimpled pens nothing on one okay two and we open the lock up so whoa a very heavy lock but we were able to get into it let's uh let's try to take this lock apart it's a not too difficult to disassembly process we have a large allen screw down the shackle hole and then we have another different size allen screw through this hole that opens up when you open the shackle and that's just a little set screw and with all of that we should be able to remove the core and there we go let's get my pinning tray here okay I have not had this lock apart before though I have had similar ones let's lock it back up since we do have the key looks like we've got a little clip on the back okay now let's get our key and a follower and hopefully we won't have too many issues okay something was holding us up there but I think we got past it okay now that we have this core apart let's take a close look you can see on the side we have our four sliders here then we have five passive pins some drill protection in the side some drill protection in the top and then our six active ends so the first thing I'm going to do is drop the or get try to do at least okay I'm losing some pins that was the key pin from slot one let's try to drop these passive pins out the side there we go we got all of them out and then next the active key pins that was two three four five and six okay let me put this down try to arrange everything a little bit better you put all these passive pins over on the side here okay now let's try to pull these sliders out okay here's the first one second one third and fourth okay let's get our driver pins out now okay one is standard two is a modified standard I think that's the one that we had to pick after the sliders you can see there's a narrowing on the end probably meant has an anti bump feature three is a very long spool four is standard okay five is a spool and six is a standard pin okay let's arrange everything here and I will give you a close-up of this looking carefully at these pins you can see all of the key pins are standard you can see they have a interesting little arrangement where the top is wider than the bottom what that is is a arrangement that you see in a lot of dimple locks that that little ledge keeps the key pins from dropping too far into the key way moving up to the driver pins you can see we have three standard pins and slots one four and six two spools in slots three and five and then we have that modified standard with the narrowed end in slot two at the very top you can see our four sliders and they actually have the bidding written right on them there so there isn't unlike a lot of sliders there is not a a side bar that these fit into all they do is extend out into the lock body into these little holes that you see those four holes so when they're not in the correct position they bind up in that lock body and don't allow the lock to open okay moving over to the core I talked about the the wider tops on the key pins you can see the little ledge inside of there that they all rest on then in the very front in front of the pin stack we have an anti drill insert and then the side is the interesting part here where you can see we have our four notches on the bottom for our sliders five holes for the passive pins and those are largely just for key control and then three hardened certs right up front down at the bottom you can see these four silver disks the large one at the front of the lock has the spring that operates the interactive element in the key and then we have 3d tents that fit into little holes in the sliders and I don't know if we can even see them no you can't see them and I'm not entirely sure what they do other than perhaps hold those sliders in position so you can't just shake the lock from side to side to set those sliders okay I think that's everything on this Squier SSAT CS padlock and absolute beast of a lock I can't imagine what you would lock up with it but I am happy to have it in my collection that's all for today if you have any questions or comments please put them below if you like this video and would like to see more like it please subscribe and as always have a nice day thank you
Channel: LockPickingLawyer
Views: 285,245
Rating: 4.9602671 out of 5
Keywords: Lock Picking, How to Pick Locks, Squire SS80CS, CEN6+, CEN6, SS80CS, Mauer NW4, Dimple Lock, Spool Pins, Standard Pins, Sliders, Lock Picking Lawyer, Lockpicking Lawyer, LockPickingLawyer
Id: h27t7elN5Qs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 38sec (818 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 27 2017
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