7 Cocky Bosses Who Would Be Unkillable if They Didn't Stop to Taunt You

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all video game bosses have a weakness perhaps it's a huge glowing spot you need to hit or a particular attack that can be deflected for a huge game-changing stun or more rarely it's what this list is about when a boss in a video game's main sometimes only weakness is that they absolutely cannot help but stop fighting to laugh at you an Impulse that incredibly loses them the whole shooting match here are seven bosses that would probably be unkillable if they could just stop finding the whole concept of you so fraking hilarious but Weare spoilers for The Following games [Music] [Applause] [Music] go back to your cell or I'll be after you next and I'll be waiting if you're a villain Eng golfin with any kind of superpower or Supernatural ability you'd surely already have an advantage over Batman who's just a rich dude in a suit unfortunately for poison ivy it hasn't seemed to have helped her finding herself already under lock and key in Batman Arkham Asylum unable to protect her beloved plants stop stop Batman please you've got to help my babies I'm really not interested in a bunch of flowers Ivy hey this billionaire doesn't care about protecting the environment damn weird fortunately for Poison Ivy the Joker helps her get her hands on some Titan juicing herself and her plants up harder than Lance's Armstrong before a tour to France so when Batman finally gets to her Poison Ivy and her Botanical babies are able to form a symbiotic creature with the plant forming a special protective shell which encases Ivy making her completely invulnerable to attack all Ivy had has to do and I can't stress this enough all she has to do is keep that shell closed while her plants endlessly attack Batman problem is Ivy keeps opening that shell purely so she can make fun of Batman which also opens her up to being smacked hard in the Gob with a batang you cannot be mother nature but she can destroy again and again OH Ivy you need to put up your protective shell right after you viciously mock your enemies isn't that right Luke worst away worst away perhaps a plush Pikachu will settle your hash damn because of Ivy's need for Batman to hear her mockery all Batman has to do is walk from side to side avoiding her attacks just throwing a batang whenever there's a literal opening Plus iy falls to the floor every few hits allowing Batman to walk right up to her and make good use of his detonation gel eventually totally busting up Ivy's enclosure what really stopped her was her hubris although she likes plants so maybe I should say hubris boo multiple uses you will die [Music] bow to me the Mortal Kombat games are all about susing out an opponent's weakness and taking advantage for example is the person you're fighting weak to being eaten alive by a cat Jade wins if so do that as you progress through the story mode of a Mortal Kombat game however for instance Mortal Kombat 2 you'll face increasingly difficult bouts against expert Fighters once who aren't necessarily vulnerable to your own expert fighting techniques like spamming Subzero ice blast and uppercuts over and over dude said it was excellent don't look at me like that increasingly though enemies will reveal almost no weak spots becoming whirling combo tornadoes that leave almost no openings into which you might sneak and attack and at the very Apex of this roster of Fighters is final boss shiao khah who is indeed very very good at killing you quickly with the various mortal combats at his disposal shiao kah might in fact be Nyon unbeatable if he didn't hand you a huge advantage in the form of finding your efforts absolutely risible because hilariously shiao khah will frequently interrupt his Savage beatdowns to drop his guard and point and laugh at you is that and if you do that shaan you are in fact going to get ice blasted then uppercut I'm sorry it's just the way it goes you will die shiao kah's habit of stopping the fight to mock you and then getting punched as a result gives you a vital foothold in this otherwise very difficult fight you'd think then that by the time Mortal Kombat 3 rolls around shiao khah who is still the final boss would have learned his lesson mercifully he hasn't don't make me laugh a sorry Shia what was that couldn't hear you over all of the ice [Music] blasting armadillos are adorable they have their own protective shells and in Spanish their name means little armored ones but the first boss in Donkey Kong 64 Army Dow didn't get the message being a honking great Beast far bigger than actual Gilla Donkey Kong and far from cute while armadillos have a leathery shell this one has a metal shell and cannons with which to shoot Fireballs at you natural selection is a mysterious process being but a normal gorilla against this tank of a boss one might think oh no my little AP hands won't make a dent in this but have no fear this armadillo really has one weakness if you were about to say he opens up the shelter laugh at Donkey Kong for no reason well done you've been paying attention yes this metal plated mammal can't help but stop lift up his little shell and laugh at the insurmountable predicament Donkey Kong finds himself in thus rendering it entirely surmountable as DK Chucks exploding barrels WR at army Dill's stupid giggling [Music] face now this would be embarrassing enough if it weren't for the fact that a powered up Army Dow returns for another fight later on only to make the exact same [Music] error although you do have to hit him four times instead of three so suppose that that's something hello brother this is not between us spings family trees in God of War are a little tricky to keep track of why because the series is based in Greek mythology and features all the complicated lineages and sibling rivalries that are the trademark of the gods of Olympus Zeus has no favores katos son of Zeus is dropped into this Pantheon of gods and demigods which makes him a half brother to none other than Hercules he of the 12 labors who appears in God of War 3 when he sent out to fight Kratos as the champion of Hera who is Zeus's wife and also Zeus's sister uh as I say complicated the boss battle against Hercules takes place in a Coliseum of sorts with a sloshed Hera admiring the fight from on high Hercules has many skeletal soldiers to assist him but once those are cleared out Kratos and Hercules fight one-on-one and as well as hitting massively hard with his gauntlets Hercules can block a lot of kratos's attacks after this brutal battle has gone on a while herk hits Kratos with an absolutely stunning move that knocks Kratos off [Music] balance at which point Hercules sensibly uses this opportunity to punch kratos's head clean off his shoulders oh wait sorry I misread that at which point Hercules stupidly uses this opportunity to laugh with Hera about how weak Kratos is let's see how that works out do you see how he trbl it worked out poorly once katos has Hercules fist armaments the tide of Battle Turns in a way that surely has Hercules wishing he hadn't stopped the fight to turn his back and laugh and probably also wishing that this wasn't happening to his face wouldn't want to be his dentist now that's a Herculean labor [Music] Pizza Tower is a game about well you tell [Music] me the words just aren coming to me okay if I try really hard I would describe Pizza Tower as a fast-paced bizarrely Illustrated indie game inspired by the shoulder barge Centric Wario Platformers of old in it you play as Pizza Chef Pepino spaghetti on a topping collecting Rampage to save his Pizzeria one interesting thing about these explorable levels is that Pino can't be hurt the only thing that takes damage is his [Music] score but that is very much not true in the game's occasional boss battles in which Pino can take physical damage even as you the player offer psychic damage from the boss artwork I suppose I didn't enjoy sleeping that much anyway these boss battles are tough and that's very much true of the fight against Pizza Tower's third boss a weird Mustachio Gremlin known as the noise the noise will fire out strings of randomized attacks that will have you leaping and dodging for all your Worth to avoid them he's a fast furious and unpredictable boss who can't be damaged at all during the fight except when he finishes one of his Combos and stops to oh wave his ass at you the noise doesn't give off The Vibes of being someone you could reason with which is just as well because if he was someone might tell him that he would be literally impossible to kill if only he could curb his habit of finishing every attack by flipping you the bird for a few seconds as it is beating the cartoonish the noise just requires waiting for him to deride you in one of these ways then hitting him hard keep this up until the end of the fight when he's dragged off screen by his girlfriend noisette before he can murder Pino with a minigun which to be fair would have changed the vibe here it comes I've Got the Disco fever can you feel the rhythm listen up son you need to be careful about which way you dodge boxing is often called The Sweet science because unlike regular science it has a lot of cool fights and you can make good money off of it it's also called that because beneath the surface a boxing match can be a deeply strategic Affair each pugilist doing their utmost to discover and exploit an opponent's weakness while attempting to give nothing away about their own plan of attack the wi game punchouts turned this concept into a game mechanic with the roster of opponents whose weaknesses must be advised through the white hot Crucible of physical combat or through the invaluable between rounds advice of your coach Doc Lewis hey M baby wait here I'm going to get you a chocolate bar I'm just kidding I think I'll get one for me uh thanks guess we'll figure out these weaknesses ourselves then King Hippo for instance will effortlessly block your punches unless you land a hit to his face which causes him to drop his shorts and gives you an opening to deal some real damage to his stomach and then there's the fighter disco kid whose weakness is a little more obvious that's right this one enemy in Punch Out is quite a lot easier to read although disco kid is reasonably good at blocking your strikes and firing out quick punches he undermines all of that massively by frequently stopping to strike a mocking pose disco kid will continue to perform this taunt which involves spreading his arms very wide and thrusting forward his unguarded jaw and torso even as you break his nose and teeth as the rounds tick past even worse when you smack disco kid in his vain glorious unguarded mug you earn a star so it's hardly any time before you've got three and you can break out a Super Punch Yeah well that's disco kid taken care of and we did it all without doc Lewis maybe focus more on the boxing and less on the chocolate bars hey Doc sh no now you done it you won't like Doc when he's angry well we're [Music] dead it's not just the God of War Series where you fight Hercules in a Coliseum and defeat him on account of his arrogance to give you a clue as to which series there's less punching him in the face until he's unrecognizable or else Disney would have probably had a word with Square Enix yes you guessed it it's in Kingdom Hearts the very first one to be precise when you take part in the Hercules cup at the Olympus Coliseum this is a series of fights with different types of Heartless with a capital H and also cloud from Final Fantasy who for some reason has given up going after seepo and is instead taking a break to wail on small children what a crossover the final fight in the Hercules cup is of course against Hercules who having seen your prowess would like to test his own abilities against yours in a 1 V one Faceoff even though Sora is a young boy and Hercules is the indestructible son of Zeus who can Chuck Boulders as easily as you can chuck a can into a recycling bin there is hope for Sora though something not written about in Greek law probably cuz it's really embarrassing is that Hercules for some reason is weak to being hit by the large wooden barrels that also spawn into the arena and if one ever struck him he would lose his glowing Aura of invulnerability but weakening Wonder Boy is nion impossible because HK never stops for long enough to give you time to pick one of those barrels up and Chuck it at him I mean I assume that's the case cuz it' be really stupid if you like randomly stopped his Relentless attacks to do a pose and be like give up yet hey give up [Music] yet ah in a real hmbo move that gives you the perfect window of opportunity herk does exactly that and doesn't think to stop doing it [Music] either this allows you a young child to lob barrels at him over and over again and wreck his all the way up winning the Hercules cup in the process let's hope herk learns a valuable lesson from this wow and I didn't even hold back I never mind come again so those are some of the bosses in video games who would have been much tougher fights but boy they just find us so damn funny what is so what is what is so funny about the way I play Mortal Kombat trying very hard have you ever ever done a fatality don't lie I know you haven't no one has no one ever okay well Ellen did but but no one else once Ellen did one once I really did it once can you think of any other examples if so let us know in the comments and hey if you want to go the optional extra Mar in supporting the videos that we make then why not head to patreon.com xclub where you can join our patreon and get access to our MERS only Discord where we do a lot of fun uh chatter live stream Hangouts stuff like that talk about what we're playing it's a good time uh all right and there's some other videos here as well if you want to watch them maybe you do algorithmically seems likely you think you think you're smarter than the algorithm got news for you about none of us are
Channel: Outside Xtra
Views: 490,571
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ellen Rose, Luke Westaway, Outside Xtra, video games, gaming, boss fights, poison ivy, shao khan, army dillo, batman arkham asylum, mortal kombat, Donkey Kong 64, God of War 3, God of War III, Hercules, The Noise, Pizza tower, Disco Kid, Punch-Out!, Punch out, Kingdom Hearts, Hercules Kingdom Hearts, Coliseum
Id: Ws5H0_Np3ps
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 49sec (1069 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 21 2023
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