7 Things Bound to Happen Every Time You Start an RPG

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there are certain immutable rules for video games coins are good spikes bad there's always a treasure chest hidden behind that waterfall and one genre with its own peculiar subset rules is the RPG or role-playing game to give these immersive stats heavy games their fall honorific and this is never more obvious than right at the start of one here are the things bound to happen every time you start an RPG [Music] playing an RPG is supposed to be about escapism no longer am I the weak human who can't even keep a houseplant alive oh no for these precious hours I become Geralt of Rivia a brave adventurer and beasts lair whose house plants probably look great.you or not but any sort of pretending that you're a dashing hero of legend we'll have to wait several hours because if there's anything that's a nail Don certainty when you start an RPG it's that you'll look like a total dork in the first equipment you get your mitts on why because the best army you can cobble together in the early game to protect you from the nightmare beasts out for your blood well usually looks something like this [Music] Geralt you look like a child's drawing of a court jester one that the child hates and has decided to draw looking as stupid as possible but of course you've got little choice in the matter because while those hodgepodge arraignments you're dressed in might make you look like a haunted clown doll that got left in an attic they unfortunately offer several points more damage resistance than the zero racing armor you started the game with so you're stuck until you level up and find something better this ironclad rule of RPGs is especially ridiculous in Geralt case in which you have to upgrade his cool 0 stat starting armor with whatever you can find lying around your horse died quickly yet don't try and tell me this jester suit offers better combat capabilities than that game unless the inside is lined with six inches of plate metal which frankly would explain why it gives Geralt such a weird and ungainly paunch here your frying pan I mean there must be some explanation because we've seen Geralt naked what's the armor rating on those ABS am i right as if there wasn't enough going on in this land I've got to deal with drawls this definitely won't come cheap you'll learn crime doesn't pay the best kind of menu is the kind you get in restaurants that lets you stuff things into your face as opposed to the kind of menu get in games that lets you interface with your stuff but while we believe that the only acceptable menus are breakfast lunch and dinner inventory heavy RPGs are full of menus and only some of the items of food start a new adventure and you're met with screen upon screen of confusing menus that leave you giddy and not even the fun kind of giddy that a cocktail menu does as much as some games try to show you the ropes in a step-by-step tutorial it's often too much information at once good so you silently not along at the screen like a hiker who has just asked a stranger where to go been given 50 step directions and it's too shy to say that they were not in the least bit helpful because they've already forgotten step 3 wait did you say left at the big rock or you know it's fine I've got it one day you'll be going through this menu as easily as the wine list at your local Italian but to start it's a slow painful slog as you familiarize yourself with how everything is categorized and where all the different sections are if this was a work situation you've been given weeks of training to learn how to interact with a spreadsheet this complex also you wouldn't have to deal with it having weird 15th century visuals that may look period-appropriate but make it very hard to find things Kingdom Come deliverance speaking of deliverance who's up for takeaway are we doing starters there's an age-old saying curiosity killed the cat and by cat we mean you and by curiosity we mean this thing upon starting a brand-new open-world RPG you'll want to see all of the places on offer for you to explore but some developers don't want you just wandering off and sticking your noob nose in where it's not welcomed many of these games want to be immersive so instead of putting annoying immersion breaking invisible walls everywhere they pop very visible often giant and honestly more annoying monsters in the areas they don't want you to go just yet probably because they actually want you to play the story or level up whatever those things mean but you won't know what areas contain impossible unkillable creatures until you've totaled in with baby's first adventure kit only to get totally destroyed within seconds we're gonna need a bigger everything qu being constantly on your toes is you tentatively explore new areas only to have to turn tail and run for a monster with their name all in red and a desire to turn you into adventurer paste you just wait till I'm level 50 in about 40 to 60 hours time if you ask me the outdoors is overrated the only trees I enjoy our skill trees and the only plants I like are the kind you'll definitely be asked to collect five of at the start of any RPG because for some reason the genre has settled on an outdoorsy jaunt around bushels of herbs as the ideal way to introduce players to the basics of RPG questing that's to say going somewhere fetching something and bringing it back like some kind of heavily armed Butler cul de cob is a traitor to spice things up a bit and disguise the fact that what's supposed to be an epic adventure is currently a spot of like gardening it's common for games to try to get you emotionally invested in the quest maybe someone is sick for instance like Andy the Ranger in Lord of the Rings online who got sliced up by an as goal and for whom the only cure apparently is a bill berry tea time to go hunting for Bill breeze I guess um deer look so changed since last night anything to save am deer I mean I don't remember him having much to do in Lord of the Rings but I'm sure a full recovery is on the cards the classic herb hunt is a great example of what RPG aficionados call a fetch quest a mission you're typically given early on that involves getting a certain number of wolf pelts or merlok brain or whatever with the notable difference that looking for Herbst doesn't generally involve any exciting combat with fighting replaced by a lingering sense of dread that this is going to be one of those games with a lot of alchemy a dropped chemistry class for a reason game on the plus ID source of quests don't usually take too long which is just as well because and air is presumably fading fast and needs his bilberry T stat lovely this is sure to cheer on to your write-up I wouldn't hold your breath though I mean there's no Ranger called am deer in the appendices know there is an elf though who apparently took over the realm of lauren and from the silver elves south of where or affirm established the woodland realm did you guys know this okay so we joined Google Ads forces across the Misty Mountains all he took help the long beards of Moria he's a bar occasionally he finds time to do his job here at the mill makes his ballads and sonnets are going to convince Camilla Valerius to marry him as if she was saying yes an intelligent beautiful woman like her wouldn't fall for that nonsense I hope focusing on one task is a skill but if you can concentrate and not get distracted how my watch is really shiny look at that and nowhere is it tougher to concentrate on the task at hand than in the opening stages of a vast RPG despite the fact that most begin by giving you an extremely important job to do the kind of task that really should not be put off for any reason whatsoever like for instance in forming the yarn of Whiterun that Dragons have returned to Skyrim and as such everyone should be screaming and running and wetting themselves pretty big time quest stuff right out the gate and we will be heading straight to Whiterun to inform the y'all and if enroute we happen to encounter an elf who wants us to sabotage his love rival spend the bard by delivering a fake love letter to the woman who fancies well we are going to walk straight past friend because remember dragons could you could you give her this letter and say it's from Sven I think I've matched that Nords lack of cleverness perfectly Wow although hold up this spend seems like a real heal maybe we could just very quickly get massively involved another poem I bet he does know how to make it girl blush what's this if that oath thinks all I'm going to do is stay in that filthy house of his and clean out you can tell Sven that he already has a mother I'm not speaking to him anymore this kind of delicious low-key drama is exactly the sort of nonsense 13 any RPG will keep you from your main task of saving the world possibly forever wait where was it we were going again oh yes dragons better get a move on holidays tune it again what's that that going in your eyes James wanted yes when I do that at the beginning of an RPG not only are you a total noob but you're also totally skint it's hard to become a hero without a penny to your name and one way to get pennies is to pick up everything that isn't nailed down so you can sell it to the next merchant you meet or craft into your next lot of freebie potions and/or gear it's a good plan in theory but as I said you're a noob as a lower-level character whilst it might be a good idea to carry all the resources you come across you can't this is because there's often some kind of inventory limit such as a weight system that stops you carrying 50 times your body weight um excuse me game are you suggesting that I can't lift because watch this my pretzels so much better covered in chocolate class because you're new to the game you've probably gone over your weight limit because you've picked up a bunch of stuff that won't actually help you at all and so it's a trip to the wiki to research that stuff's usefulness unless you want to stand there for 20 minutes trying to work out which of all these bits of use of scrap is actually a crucial crafting ingredient of course you could always go with Plan B walk back to the trading post over encumbered at the rate of an elderly turtle who is also over encumbered no wonder it takes over a hundred hours to complete this game when you start an RPG there are things you'll want to figure out fast inventory skill trees crafting and which NPCs most players are romancing because I don't want to write the obvious fanfic with all this new information to keep in your head the last thing you want to be burdened with is trying to remember how to win a fight yet many RPGs begin by presenting you with a roster of pre-existing magic powers which you are expected to learn and experiment with in order to make you a flexible capable combat machine for instance there's the attack spell that sets things on fire and sure there was another one because whatever those other spells were odds are you didn't so much as look twice at them until much farther into the game because when you start an RPG expect to find one attack spell you like and stick to it like glue I mean probably these enemies are specifically weak to one type of spell and maybe one day when we figure out which menu the Beast URI is in will know which spell that is and perhaps use it show me what you got but for now with our fingers still barely used to the controls you'll excuse us if we stick to the starter spell we're comfortable with most likely the one that makes things go on fire because that's what makes us feel comfortable apparently and no we will not be interrogating that aspect of our psyche too closely all RPG fans know however that getting hooked on one spell can be risky when it comes time to level up you'll probably want to improve the power you're already using a few skill points later and it starts to feel futile investing in anything else and now you're stuck in a rut using only one spell for the rest of the game will setting things on fire still be so fun after 30 hours of doing it turns out yes [Applause] so those are some of things found to happen every time you start an RPG can you think of any others there those those things that just will definitely take place as soon as you step out in all your gear what what can you think of let us know in the comments down below which ones do you most relate to as well as know in the comments but in the meantime there's some other videos here here is the end credits the e deaf real watch because they were really good you better watch in these credits right now I'm telling you and then over here are the the rear releases of games that fixed problems from the original game and then you should subscribe as well thank you for watching very watching best scribe right [Music]
Channel: Outside Xtra
Views: 959,794
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ellen Rose, Luke Westaway, Outside Xtra, outsidextra, outsidexbox, jane douglas, mike channell, andy farrant, witcher 3 gameplay, witcher 3, lotro, lord of the rings online gameplay, fallout 4, fallout 4 gameplay, rpg, igni, witcher 3 spells, skyrim, skyrim gameplay, elder scrolls, wow, world of warcraft, tauren, gameplay, switch, ps4, xbox one, funny, lists
Id: pBEeaDUorj0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 7sec (907 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 01 2019
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