The History of Batman Arkham City World Records

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Batman Arkham City one of the most Monumental superhero games of all time it really is I mean since it's released in 2011 it has been a standard for superhero games after it people to this day are comparing recent superhero releases to this game it's heavily debated as the best Arkham game so on and so forth very excellent game and something that comes naturally with a lot of popular games are finding new ways to play and experience said game one of which is speed running speedr running is a very popular Hobby in video games you see it in a lot of popular games like Super Mario 64 Metroid Batman Arkham however I don't know you would never really think of speedrunning the game right to me it feels kind of unique or more unique than other games you think to speedrun I don't know however the community for Batman Arkham speedrunning is there and it is popular with its many appearances at the popular Games Done Quick event featuring talented speedrunners playing the game as well as it's making its mark on with its active Community the game to this day is being pushed to its limits with records being broken over time shout out to chicken nuggets for helping me with a ton of this information that would have otherwise been more difficult to put together he's a lead speedrunner in the community and has held world records in the game pushing the game to its limits I'll put his channel in the description please check him out one of the best runners in the game for sure now to preface this this video will likely only scratch the surface of this game speedrunning history there's so much history behind this game and so many different discoveries in terms of Skips and a lot of trivial knowledge that that's not all well documented so when it comes to those things I think that'd be something you want to look more into if you wanted to speedrun the game this video will however look at the big scope of things so the most notable runs big skips major discoveries how the game progressed over time in terms of speed and progression to get new world records that kind of thing I just wanted to point that out because a completely detailed full history of the game could take hours but I'm condensing it into this near 15minute video right so keep that in mind but without further Ado let's go in depth with the speedrunning history of bat in Arkham City and also keep in mind I will be using footage from other people's runs giving them credit obviously so the quality of some of these videos will fluctuate because the game's been out for over 10 years right so yeah okay so to begin Arkham City came out in 2011 one of the leading speedrunning websites was not established until around 2015 so Arkham City speedruns prior to that year weren't well preserved unfortunately as that website wasn't created yet the earliest speedrun that I could find was once again thanks to chicken nuggets was a glitchless speedrun completed by Jeremy Saint on console on January 23rd of 2012 he completed the game in 2 hours 33 minutes and 1 second however aside from him there's only been one other documented speedrun from the same year that actually beat his which is from somebody named Robo Sparkle who managed to beat his with a 1 hour 52 minute and 32 second time and this amazing 240p quality I'm not making find of him or anything it's just funny to point out this was completed on May 21st of 2012 and as far as I know these two runs are some of the earliest recorded and verified runs of the game this was on Console however not too many well documented runs with console however fast forward to 2014 which is when PC Runners started approaching the speedr Running Scene for the game which changed the landscape of Arkham City speed running Community forever it's going to zip you out of the map you want to jump off that little rail that he going to throw you in you want to hold forward on the left stick and then hold aim and then right trigger and a in shoot and and uh press the button to whatever it is once PC players got a hold of speedrunning Arkham City a lot of advancements have been made to the scene a lot of major discoveries were found that made speedrunning the game way faster than it's ever been these discoveries include various tricks to glitch the game but here are some of the most notable ones one that I wanted to talk about was the famous storage trick discovered by Aon in 2014 this method is a trick you can do with the recc gun where you shoot it and quickly switch to another Gadget during its process there's a lot more to it that I'm not going to explain here I'll link a video in the description if you want to learn more but storage basically lets you cancel animations and also lets you get out of bounds on the map breaking the game allowing various skips it's a really big fine in the community another popular method includes Rec cancels discovered by John stepan evil in early 2017 this skip allows you to skip animations such as the Jammer animations as you can see here allowing for much more time to be saved ground takedown cancels is another one unfortunately I'm not sure who discovered over this as it's been used by various groups of people over time but it's basically how it sounds you're able to cancel your ground takedown animations Saving Time by taking down bad guys faster and progressing through the game quicker because of so all these Time Savers and more were implemented in speedruns over time something that pushed this game to its absolute limits aside from these discoveries many PC players were able to find Skips in various levels throughout the game as well places like the church in the beginning of the game the dino Museum the dead parents skip just before raog ghoul's trials the steel mill 2 Section as well as Protocol 10 all had skips where you can go out of bounds or what have you to get through the level quicker these discoveries led to the modern speedruns of Arkham City that we see today and not just that but because of these kind of things Arkham City has also gotten its earned spot in the game's Done Quick event [Music] with gdq Batman Arkham City speedrunning Community got its name out there more being run for multiple years at the games events between 2013 and 2024 the game was played by notable speedrunners in the scene including Robo Sparkle kojo bubbles de Fuego and chicken nuggets who actually played the game there twice it was at these events where they really got to Showcase how the game has ressed over the years showcasing things like the various skips I mentioned as well as other methods of Saving Time these events were really fun to watch and I recommend looking them up if you want to see high quality speedruns of these games however while these were fun the real competitive side of speedr running are the world records achieved for the game over the years now once was established at around 2014 at 2015 all the highle speedruns and World Records have since then been documented there I'm not going to say that speedruns to that didn't matter or aren't as important but due to the lack of documentation and the scene still kind of finding its footing before then compared to what it is now I think it's safe to start on where the first world records are truly documented and keep in mind the speedruns I will be showing are the any% runs on easy mode for the PC version there's a lot of categories the game goes through as any game does all with their own world record histories but any percent on easy seems to be the one people have eyes on the most and it also provides an accurate and interesting history of the game's progression over the years if you would like to see other categories however I'll leave the link to the site in the description below so the very first world record was completed by charlesen on August 18th of 2015 I'm sorry if I'm butchering that I I probably am not the most hey look sub 135 in this run charlesen played the game quickly and efficiently but some skips were not found at this time for example the church skip wasn't found until around 6 years later as well as things like the recc cancel so for being a run that didn't have these optimizations it was wildly impressive he was able to beat the game in around 990 minutes however while his run was impressive it was quickly beaten however 4 months later player orangea set a new record managing to beat his time by 1 minute and 9 seconds on December 12th of 2015 that's record I wish as far as I can tell no new strategies were developed or yeah just played a cleaner more efficient run giving him the record and not only that but he managed to keep this record for nearly a year in fact the only person to beat that record during that time was himself as since that run he has went on to get a new record three more times since then managing to beat the game in 1 hour 27 minutes and 42 seconds on November 13th of 2016 however that final record was shortlived as only 15 days later on no M 28th of 2016 a player by the name of dark atrax was able to beat his record in 1 hour 25 minutes and 18 seconds a whole 2 minutes and 24 seconds of improvement dark ATT TRX played a very efficient run while having few mistakes here and there overall he was able to save time in other areas getting the world record and since then he has kept the record for about 5 months improving his time by about 4 minutes which is very impressive that's a world record that ladies and gentlemen is a world [Laughter] record oh my [ __ ] god holy [ __ ] but then however the game now is starting to finally get optimized which leads us to one of the most notable breakthrough runs I would say for the game which was cojo's run on April 29th of 2017 wow that's a really good run world record what yeah I beat my old peee Cojo managed to substantially break the world record from a previous 1 hour 21 minute and 31 seconds to a 1 hour 99 minutes and 53 second run improving the time by 11 minutes and 38 seconds a massive Improvement thanks to how much the game was optimized during that time span as in this run Cojo Incorporated techniques such as the rec cancels saving good amounts of time as well as the storage trick which allowed him to go out of bounds on the map and access areas a lot quicker at this time it was seen as an unbeatable world record for quite a while as watching The Run the game seemed extremely optimized with the new skips and tricks that he implemented and because of that the record was seen as unbeatable for a little while as Cojo kept the record going for over a year but then someone finally came around to Bea the world record a prominent player in the community today shicken nuggets I might have split a little too early there but that's the world record okay okay shicken nuggets was able to beat cojo's Time by only 10 seconds on August 15th of 2018 shicken nuggets finally took down kojo's record by only 10 seconds he played a really clean game insane since that run shiken nuggets had a very very dominant history for the next two plus years being the only person to keep beating his own world record progressively improving his time using new techniques and tricks implemented over the course of these runs some of the new improvements he used to optimize the game was actually switching to Spanish dialogue as Spanish dialogue actually sped up the game he also implemented new techniques such as the intro fight skip allowing you to skip the intro fight saving you a decent amount of time and one that I think is notable is not getting the grapnel boost runs prior to his would go for the grapnel boost as people thought they'd be able to finish the game faster but that's not actually the case as Community realized it made gliding easier but not faster in most cases a lot of the time doing The Swinging technique with your grapple into Glide was enough where you would let go mid- grapple and glide quickly after to get a nice speed boost going so because of these new techniques coupled with shug's impressive skill and knowledge of the game he was able to dominate the scene for a long time and like I said improve his own run many times during the 2 years one particular run that really showcased how far the game would go was his run completed on June 1st of 2019 in 1 hour 5 minutes and 49 seconds [ __ ] yeah 105 holy [ __ ] that was [ __ ] a big improvement over his previous time A 1 hour 8 minutes and 17 seconds most people at this point thought a 1 hour 7 Minute run was already extraordinary but Shen was able to complete it even quicker showing that the game still had so much potential to be done faster and since that point chicken nuggets managed to end his series of World Records on July 25th of 2020 with a 1 Hour 2 minute and 44 second time however it was about time to Crown a new Champion for the games world record holder enter ritro in September 10th of 2020 who beat chicken nuggets world record by only 9 seconds with a time of 1 Hour 2 minutes and 35 seconds while this is documented the video showcases in the Run are privated unfortunately but this run marked a competition with shien nuggets as the both would try to beat this time and keep the throne a world record which was the first real competition the speedrunning community has seen in years at that point and this competition ultimately turned to Shen nuggets' favor when he beat ros' record only two days later on September 12th of 2020 improving the time by 38 seconds for a time of 1 Hour 1 minute and 57 seconds 10 [ __ ] one holy [ __ ] he reclaimed a throne it seemed that Shar nuggets was near unbeatable at that point persistently keeping the record and always improving but finally 5 months later Shar nuggets was finally dethroned on March 10th of 2021 a player by the name of beepi managed to beat his record by 16 seconds for a time of 1 Hour 1 minute and 41 seconds this run marked a pivotal turning point for the community as after this point Bey became the new dominant world record holder constantly improving his time for around a year and a half but the most notable run was the one he completed on April 1st of 2021 where he became the first player ever to complete the game in sub 1 hour for a time of 59 minutes and 58 seconds this marked how fast that game can truly be beat optimizing All the known strats at the time including storage techniques recc cancels of bound glitches there's many other small and minute details that add up to saving a lot of time found throughout the years which helped to improve these runs as well and Bey showed it as he kept improving the time ultimately setting a record of 56 minutes and 7 seconds on October 13th of 20122 a massive Improvement managing to beat the game in under 1 hour at this point it seemed that Bey peaked the game but as we've seen this entire time new players come into the freay to show how much more the game can be optimized enter the player 30 puns on October 23rd of 2022 30 puns dethroned bepsi sending a new record of 55 minutes and 58 seconds improving the time by 9 seconds and while bepsi actually beat this record the next day by 25 seconds 30 puns was able to beat that record 6 months and 8 Days Later with the 55 minute and 21 second run on April 30th of 2023 30 puns showed an insane level of skill and knowledge and execution that was unmatched fully utilizing the game skips discoveries minute Time Savers to constantly improve his time as he would improve This Record five more times since then which would lead us to the current world record that nobody's able to beat as of yet which is a whopping time of 53 minutes 39 seconds achieved on October 22 of 2023 this marks the current world record for Batman Arkham City and since then has yet to be beat now as I said in the beginning of this video I believe I only scratched the surface of the game's history if you would like to know more there are tons of resources and guides and other categories and such on the website and all the runs are on there for you to watch your study but yes that is the speedrunning history of bam Arkham City and it is still going strong today let me know if this is something you enjoyed something that if you're a part of the community with I got pretty accurate hopefully my explanations if there was something I missed let me know but as always if you enjoy the video leave a like subscribe help me get to 100K i' really appreciate it follow my socials down below and I'll see you in next video stay safe and uh [Music] peace but I won't let you go EXC me [Music]
Channel: GothamPaladin
Views: 8,466
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: spiderman, peter, peter parker, venom, miles, miles morales, across the spider verse, superhero, hero, comic, comic book, batman, jason todd, joker, red hood, dc, dc comics, insomniac, carnage, kraven, green goblin, harry, mary jane, president, obama, trump, biden, bruce wayne, kevin conroy
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 52sec (1012 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 11 2024
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