7 Worst Mentors Whose Teachings Were Terrible - Commenter Edition

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some time ago we scrutinized the mentors in games whose teachings were about as useful as a cotton candy lifeboat but it turns out the world of computer entertainment is sorely lacking in decent mentors because you not filled the comment section of that video with many many more examples of terrible teachers don't write down anything this lot have to tell you here are your suggestions for the worst mentors in gaming the West boilers for the following did you see master Lee was watching he may not show it but he clearly takes pride in watching a student's practice if you say something confidently enough people will assume you know what you're talking about like this Mario Sunshine is the best Mario game video gaming has no better example of this old adage than Master Lee the mentor who raised you in 2005 RPG Jade Empire and who introduces himself by making a series of contradictory statements but doing so in a sagacious and confident voice so that it sounds very much like wisdom I recall that as a child you fell and bruised your arm I converted you saying that small pains are part of learning but not every setback imparts wisdom you must be careful let me try Mario Sunshine is a flawless game but also Mario Sunshine is bad if only that was the worst thing about master leaves mentorship but instead this wise leader who lives in a remote village and schools you in the arts of combat has a whole lot more going on has commented Damian the Phoenix remembers well Jade Empire anyone you are trained by Master Li to stop a tyrant only to help him become one yes indeed he not long after the start of the game poor old master Lee he gets kidnapped kicking off an epic quest to rescue him eventually after many hours of tribulation you are reunited with Lee and locate the powerful heart of the water dragon into the bargain so time for a richly deserved pat on the back but it also does my heart good to see that you have remembered the basics of what I taught even the flaws [Music] Pat's on the back fatal punch to the ribs tomato tomahto not only dis masterly betray you and declare himself Emperor turns out this has been his plan all along ever since when you were just a tiny baby and he murdered the Guardian who was actually trying to protect you so yeah masterly was playing the very long game waiting for his chance to use his students to seize unimaginable power which hey give some of that early dialog a bit more resonance in retrospect damn you masterly those who announce their important destiny before they are ready tend to meet unfortunate ins using a position of authority to further a radical and frankly dangerous agenda it just makes me want to play mario sunshine a tropical slice of platforming fun it deserves reappraisal no faster power up initiated okay all right stop panicking when you wake up from a very very very long sleep in an abandoned science facility you need someone comes to help you acclimatize are you okay I'm actually fine there's plenty of time for you to recover just take it please prepare for emergency evacuation unfortunately for Chell in Portal 2 she has Wheatley Wheatley is a personality core unhappy with his lot at Aperture Science and he's here to tell you how to play the game and get around the aperture facility which is fair enough as he should know his way around the place better than you on the other side of that wall is one of the old testing tracks there's a piece of equipment in there that we're gonna need to get out of here I think this is a docking station get ready [Music] good news that it's not a docking station but it becomes clear that thanks for having been lied to for years by his bosses and probably never having read any of the manuals he has no idea what he's doing let's go on one this time okay ready right okay don't worry I'm absolutely guaranteeing you 100% is this one right I'm gonna have to hack the door so that we can get at it honestly I take the space Corps over this bad instructions and fudged fixes are not the only problems with Wheatley as pointed out by comatose Shannon Spencer Fox no mention of weed leaf important to not only dangerously incompetent but also flips to being a villain at the end of the game that's like a twofer yes when your escape plan changes to involve taking down GLaDOS you're supposed mint or plugs himself into the central core predictably the spherical idiot is a little too into his newfound power and he immediately changes his position on the whole Wheatley Chell Alliance sacrifice to curse you all you've done is your own you're the one who's been telling me what to do honestly it's like you were designed to be a so my mentor was a okay if anyone asks that's why it took me so long to solve all those puzzles masters a annoyed and yet how frustrating that Erica's refutes its power why you could train with him forever and still you would never be a master in his eyes masters a nought is all about the evil force known as darkness and doesn't care who he steps on to open kingdom hearts which is a kind of a place but also a kind of force but honestly I do not have time to go into it today because the studio shots are seven and his ruthlessness extends to his apprentices as pointed out by common to Angel Chan who said what about masters they are not from Kingdom Hearts birth by Sleep see when they are not slight loving buddy master Erica invites him to watch Erica C's apprentices terra and aqua become Keyblade masters in a mark of mastery exam they a naught spots the darkness and terror that makes him fail the manipulatives a a nought eventually steals terror away to be his own apprentice citing the need for balance between the forces of light and darkness light and darkness they are a balance--one that must always be maintained you've all seen Star Wars you know the drill but instead of being a good and helpful mentor they noughts plans for terra a far more sinister he actually wants to manipulate terror to succumb to the darkness inside him this is also say a nought can possess him and create terror zaiah naught to those outside the fandom this is what is known as getting nought it and to those inside the fandom are you getting enough fresh air but Terra isn't the only apprentice he screws over we later find out that Erica sees other apprentice Ventus has an evil twin called Vanitas see tired of having an apprentice that wouldn't submit to the darkness they are not extracted fantasies darkness to create a new apprentice that would nearly killing ventus in the process and not giving a damn about it so more of the story is don't trust a guy who constantly has an evil smirk on his face has creepy glowy yellow eyes and doesn't stop talking about darkness every two seconds darkness cannot be destroyed it can only be channeled few lines in games are so iconic as it's dangerous to go alone take this except whatever that talking rabbit says in Star Fox roll out the barrel or something I don't know why I'm listening to a talking rabbit gaming's most quoted bit of dialogue comes right at the start of the very first Legend of Zelda game when link receives the only bit of guidance he can expect before kicking off his life or death quest a famous line but has come into schwarzritter notes not an especially helpful one mister it's dangerous to go alone all he does is push a wooden sword into your hand and that is all the mentoring you get now we don't know for sure that the sword this elderly NPC leaves you is made of wood but it certainly looks like it especially compared with some of the other swords in the game which seemed decidedly sharper and more useful what we do know for sure is that the phrase it's dangerous to go alone definitely suggests to us that this elderly gentleman and even if you have one you're still alone but if anything's how helpful was in this blokes plan he clearly changes his mind because the second you pick up the sword he's out of their pistol Oh clink hope you figure out where the hell you're going by II in fact Nintendo seemed to be keenly aware that the old man who leaves you the sword is less than helpful to compensate for his woefully inadequate mentoring and presumably panicking that nobody would figure out how an open-world game of this kind worked without more guidance Nintendo bundled in a whole extra manual with the game for its release in the West this came complete with maps walkthroughs and even solutions for the games puzzles written as if they were imparted by Princess Zelda herself Kahn's elder also tell me where that old man went because I want to give him the sword back pointy end first preferably I don't how you survived that plane crash you put on everyone one to question Providence I aim to keep you alive when exploring a wrecked underwater city what you need is a guide also a wetsuit oxygen tank weapons and ideally not to be an erect underwater city but in bioshock's rapture you'll have to settle for Atlas your only pal and guide in the game who pipes up over the intercom when you first splashdown now on your kindly point a company like you Atlas is trying to escape rapture and save his son Patrick and wife Moira along the way he mentors you in the fundamentals of the game including how to fight the unhinged splicers terrorizing what's left of Andrew Ryan's objective is paddling pool Bart Atlas isn't all he's cracked up to be as common to Nicholas cross recalls Atlas Bioshock your literal creator who while he initially guides and teaches you is using you for his own nefarious ends and then tries to kill you once he gets what he wants as mentor fails go that's pretty epic epic indeed at first you'll be only too happy to help Atlas achieve his goal of killing rapture founder Andrew Ryan especially when it seems as if Ryan has engineered the death of Atlas's family waiting for him onboard a submarine who wouldn't want to hunt down the monstrous industrialist who killed Moira and Patrick well get this Patrick isn't even real I mean now there is Andrew Ryan or rapture it's a video game but get this also Patrick and Moira double unreal because turns out far from being the heroic guide you thought he was Atlas is actually Frank Fontaine a mobster intent on overthrowing Andrew Ryan and using you to do so with a heavy cocktail of mental conditioning that has you obeying any order prefixed with the phrase would you kindly jakoli would you kindly get this we head to Ryan's office and kill the son of a nicely turn the handle three times and you shall be granted a single there's no such thing as magic we live in grim times indeed if the young are to world-weary to believe in magic a good mentor should always have your best interests at heart not trick you into helping them like when Mike said it would be valuable experience to do his taxes for him however there's one character in the fatal series that uses your heroic skills for their own ends as noted by common to Janus orderin who said Therese from the fable series worst manipulative jerk ever also known as the blind CRS this wise woman wanders into the path of heroes in every game but it's in fable to where she especially screws you over first off she's the one that convinces you and your sister Rose to use your hard-earned cash to buy the magic box that reveals you to be a hero for five gold coins you could have your answer listen to me rose at the end of that week you and your little sparrow would be no closer to your dream no closer to the inside of that beautiful castle okay fine reveal your destiny and all except for the fact that her advice gets you summoned to castle Fairfax and your sister Rose killed by big bad Lucien yeah great Theresa really appreciate the advice sure she raises you after you get thrown out of a window thanks to her and gives you guidance on your quest revenge which you need to get thanks to her do you remember where your Caravan is but Theresa sets you on a path that leads to you becoming a guard inside the spire ostensibly to rescue your magical pal you spend the years overseeing construction on this particularly unhappy place where you are heartbreakingly not allowed to bring your dog what I know right turns out Theresa had an ulterior motive all along keeping the spire for herself at the end of the game and now it is time for you to leave the world is yours to enjoy but the spire is mine begone so your heroic journey led to this because some woman wanted some fancy magical real estate this is just like when Mike said it would be character building to fill out his mortgage application finished by the way cheers Mike said it would be character building to act as his guarantor [Music] what more could you want in a mentor than a perfect professional record for them to dress like a 16th century vampire is the answer and here comes prosecutor manfred von Karma of the Ace Attorney series to take both those boxes a fearsome lawyer who in his 40 years of dominating the courtroom has never lost a case and into the bargain looks and sounds like he sleeps in a coffin all day then fronts for a doom metal band in the evenings in fact von Karma in his spare time mentored and more or less raised young prosecutor miles Edgeworth teaching him everything about the art of ruthlessly prosecuting a case having taken him in as a young boy when Edwards father was killed in mysterious circumstances you might think von Karman recruited the boy out of charity or because he saw potential in a young age words blossoming love of needlessly formal neckwear but in fact von Karma is a very bad dude as commented John Smith recalls when they suggest what about von Karma from Phoenix right because turns out von Karman not only murdered Edgeworth dad back in the day but having raised his protege to be a successful attorney molded in his own image then conspires to frame poor miles for another murder [Music] this in order to shift any trace of blame for his past misdeeds oh and then acts as prosecutor in Martha's case to ensure his pupil is convicted and gets the death penalty [Music] petitioning to have your student put to death is a move reserved for very bad mentors indeed and my clarinet teacher miss Horsley don't worry miss Horsley I'm sure I'll master my embouchure soon happily von Karma's terrible mentoring is exposed for all to see when desperate chancer slash legal whiz slash protagonist phoenix wright breaks the case in court prompting von Karman to finally show his true colors in a head-banging rage against his former mentee imagine a teacher hating you that much just makes you wonder if von Karman [Music] so those are some of the mentors in games that were just not very good they were either mean they were just you know not helpful or just a bit bit them and just thought this and you didn't really look after you but thank you so much for your suggestions they're amazing if you have any others do feel free to pop them down in the comments down below um but also if you would like to see some other things like maybe you wanted to learn another language in a video game well here are the languages we don't tell you because we're bad mentors but we're gonna say all the we wish we could learn them as well and then do you want to learn how to get around things that block your path in games you will actually be told about everyone outside Xbox but if you enjoy this do subscribe hit the bell we see you next time bye you're right
Channel: Outside Xtra
Views: 529,186
Rating: 4.9535446 out of 5
Keywords: Ellen Rose, Luke Westaway, Outside Xtra, outsidextra, outsidexbox, outside xbox, andy farrant, jane douglas, mike channell, ace attorney, phoenix wright, turnabout, jade empire gameplay, jade empire, master li, portal 2 gameplay, wheatley, kingdom hearts, xehanort, kingdom hearts birth by sleep, birth by sleep gameplay, zelda, legend of zelda, nes, bioshock gameplay, atlas, andrew ryan, would you kindly, fable 2 gameplay
Id: Ozhrcqonaw0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 0sec (1140 seconds)
Published: Tue May 21 2019
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