7 Stages Of Detoxing From A Covert Narcissist

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Welcome everyone! In this video, I'm talking about  how to detox from a female covert narcissist or   anyone with a cluster B personality disorder  which includes narcissistic, histrionic,   borderline, or anti-social. In this video, I'm  talking specifically about intimate romantic   relationships. My intention is not to clump  all cluster B personality disorders together   and although there is some overlap,  there they are all distinct disorders,   however the recovery process from a  relationship with someone who falls into   one of these categories whether it's BPD, NPD,  etc is virtually the same because what they have   in common is that they hijack the normal human  bonding and attachment system by using your basic   survival needs and human impulses to  intensify and solidify your connection   to them and your investment in them to the  point of creating in you an addiction to them.   coach for over a decade. If you like this video,  please take a moment to click the like button   and subscribe to my channel and click on that  notification bell so you don't miss anything   .This information is for educational purposes  only so if you need support with your specific   situation, please reach out to a mental  health professional in your area. Okay,   so let's dive right in. The first stage of the  detox process after the last breakup is disbelief.   Right after the breakup, you might feel relief  for a few days because you're finally getting   a break from all of the drama and part of you  may not really believe it's the last breakup,   especially if you've had repeated breakups  before which is especially common with BPD,   but when you realize she's not coming back or  taking you back and that this is the last breakup,   the feeling of relief turns to disbelief because  you don't understand what happened. How did   something that started out so amazingly end so  badly? Mentally, you feel confused, disoriented,   your thoughts are racing and you just can't get  her out of your head, and emotionally you feel   blindsided, abandoned, betrayed, rejected,  anxious, depressed, even physically you feel   drained, exhausted, unproductive, and unmotivated  and you just keep asking why? why? why?   and you feel like you're going crazy because you  can't understand and you just want to call or   text her and get answers or fix this because  this is the worst you've ever felt in your life.   There's an emptiness that you feel can only be  filled by her. Like an addict craving your drug,   you're in withdrawal and part of you just wants  to you know call, and beg for forgiveness,   promise to do better, be better, but you've  been through this cycle so many times before   that a big part of you knows that there's  nothing that you can say or do that will work.   So, if she's broke up with you and has already  moved on you may feel panicked and desperate   to fix things and get back with her, you might  be reaching out to friends family anyone who   will listen and knows her to get that advice and  help because you need answers, you want her back,   and just like an addict you are seeking your  drug. Stage number two is the replaying stage so   you've realized she's not coming back and you're  trying to push her out of your mind but you feel   terrible. You're crawling emotionally and  mentally. You can't make decisions. You can't eat,   you just feel like crap, that anxiety, that fear,  that sadness, the hopelessness, the feelings of   grief and depression are overwhelming and it feels  like things are getting worse as time goes on   instead of getting better so you try to focus on  all the bad things that she did, all the hurt, all   the disrespect, and the only time you feel good  is when you're mulching over all this negative   stuff but then you see something that reminds you  of something super sweet that she did for you,   a magical moment that you shared, an intense  sexual experience and that feeling of aliveness   you had when you were with her comes back and  so you go back and forth replaying the past   and again you want to do nothing more than  reach out and fix this and if you can't fix   it at least get some kind of closure and that's  one of the realities that can be the hardest   to accept is that you will get zero closure.  No matter how much you need it or beg for it,   so you're stuck in this repetitive loop of  replaying the relationship and everything   that happened over and over, thinking of  all the ups and downs and banging your   head against a brick wall trying to figure  out how this happened, why did this happen.   Then comes stage three: self-doubt as you  replay the scenarios over and over. You question   what you could have done differently and you  genuinely wonder if you were to blame and this   self-doubt intensifies because you need some  kind of understanding about what happened.   You ask people around you um you're looking  for reassurance, validation, but you quickly   realize that they don't get what you've just  been through and often they'll just tell you   what you want to hear: It wasn't your fault. She's  crazy! That kind of stuff. Maybe you have a friend   here and there that might tell you that, you  know, you should go back and try again clearly   having no idea how toxic and destructive your  relationship was or what a person with a severe   untreated personality disorder is capable of but  still you keep analyzing your part. How did this   and this self-doubt spins in your mind all day  long for a while, you barely get your work done,   you're not taking care of yourself, you're self  isolating because you're so caught up in this   loop of guilt, regret, and doubt that just keeps  playing like a broken record in your mind and you   get to a point where you're just disengaged with  the outside world and living only in your head.   Next comes stage four which is anger and blame  and you may have been angry all along but you   get really angry here you now know you're not  getting back together um maybe that's because you   have enough insight and self-respect to know that  you'd just be going back into the same destructive   relationship cycle or because your ex has moved on  with someone else and is flaunting how they are so   much happier without you. They're on social  media acting like you never even existed but   here you are grieving, hurt, and that's when  it turns to real anger and you get really angry   because you've done so much for her only to be  beaten down and discarded and have them look   like they're better off without you like their  new supply is just so much better than you,   "proving" that you were the problem. The truth is,  they probably got over you before even leaving you   and it's almost certain that they got attached to  someone else before your relationship even ended   so don't look for signs that they miss you, that  they're still thinking of you, or that they're   sorry because any sign that they do give you is  just going to keep you hanging on emotionally   and make you feel sorry for you know losing the  best thing that's ever happened to you. It's a   trap. It's very sick and it will just lead to more  anger and blame. Stage number five is the research   so if you haven't already started research by now,  you're feeling so bad, no one has your answers,   things continue to get worse, and you still  need answers so you start researching and whoa   you're blown away by what you find. Finally  some answers for what's happened to you   and it doesn't take your pain away but it does  give you some relief that you were not the problem   that there was nothing you could have said or  done to change this outcome but your emotions   are still over the all over the place so  you're going from anger, blaming to longing,   crying, anxiety, reminiscing about the good  times the times and it's just you have this   insatiable need to dissect every little detail  and to understand this at a deeper level so your   whole world starts revolving around your research  and you just watch youtube videos on and on and   on and so I would recommend you not only going NO  CONTACT with your partner if possible or if kids   are involved, a hundred percent gray rocking them.  I also recommend stop researching because the   research becomes the addiction and it prevents you  from rebuilding your sense of self um from moving   through your healing process and in a twisted way.  It's an indirect way to stay addicted and in touch   In some way with your toxic ex so once you have  the confirmations and understandings that you need   stop researching you know toxic partners, BPD  and NPD and PD because it just keeps you stuck   on your ex. It keeps you from moving forward.  It keeps you rehashing the same old stories   and it'll drive you insane and it will  likely put you into a victim state of mind   and that state of helplessness and  powerlessness is not a good place to be.   So this research phase is important but if  you've been obsessively researching for more   you have what you need and you don't need to be  reminded every day. There are no more answers   for you online and there are no more answers  for you period so stop talking about her,   researching, mulching over things, and start  managing your mind away from thoughts of her.   Stage six is the acceptance stage and as you step  away from all of the replaying and researching,   your mood starts slowly to stabilize  and you start feeling stronger mentally.   You notice that you're not thinking about her as  much anymore, you feel like you have you know more   understanding and acceptance about your experience  and you don't feel so vulnerable emotionally.   At this point, you do feel stronger but you still  feel like a shell of the person you used to be.   Maybe you look in the mirror and see glimpses of  the self you used to be and you might go back to   things you used to be passionate about but they  just don't hold the same you know appeal. You   start going out, you get a new haircut, you  buy new clothes, maybe even start dating,   and if you're lucky, your ex doesn't come  around but as you pick yourself up and get   stronger there is a good chance, especially if  it's with a narcissist, that they will start   hoovering because at this point, their new supply  is probably drying up. They might text you out of   the blue with just a "hey, i was thinking about  you"; "dreamt about you last night" or whatever   and soon they'll be telling you how they realize  after being with someone else how amazing you are.   This happens because now that you've sufficiently  rebuilt yourself and are strong again,   they see you as fresh supply, so hopefully you're  deep enough into your acceptance and level of   understanding to realize that if you do go back,  you'll quickly see the pattern start up again   and not only will you eventually be discarded  again but your healing process will be much more   difficult and complex after being double duped  by the same person using the exact same tactics.   So assuming you stay "no contact" and don't fall  prey again, you can start moving to the next stage   which is the healing stage and the healing stage  is really the start of a new normal, so you know   you're solid in your commitment to never ever  go back to this type of toxic relationship   and you're feeling better mentally, emotionally,  physically, you know, getting back to the   the things and the people that you you know used  to hang out with and enjoy spending time with,   but you're still feeling this emptiness  this void and in some ways you've lost trust   not only in women but in people because this  experience is so far outside of your paradigm of   how the world works that you just can't seem  to put your trust in anyone, even yourself,   so maybe you know part of you know there's  still good people in the world in the world   and that you're a good person but you're extra  cautious and you don't want to be fooled again.   Maybe you you know you start dating again, but  you can't seem to find that special someone   and you start perceiving everything as a red flag  or maybe she just doesn't do it for you like your   PD partner did because you're not  getting that addictive feeling,   those highs that are just so high that anything  else is boring so you feel hopeless and you feel   like you may never feel true joy again and so  at this point you usually start realizing that   you're ready for the next step of your healing  which is committing to getting back to who you   really are, what you really want, to need what  made you vulnerable to this type of person,   as well as what you need to let go of in order  to move forward from the experience to figure out   how to use it as a catalyst for your  own personal growth and empowerment   rather than staying stuck in a black hole, a dark  place that haunts you for the rest of your life.   If you found this video helpful, please like,  comment, subscribe to my channel and to learn   more about personality disorders, check out some  of my other videos in my NPD and BPD playlists.
Channel: Lise Leblanc
Views: 202,683
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: narcissists hate you, things narcissists hate, how narcissists treat, how to outsmart narcissist, how narcissists control you, how narcissists manipulate, how to leave narcissist, leaving toxic people, vulnerable narcissism, covert narcissism, hypersensitivity, introverted, manipulative, blame-shifting, gaslighting, covert nacissist, vulnerable narcissist, working with narcissists, female covert narcissist, female narcissist, female narcissism, male victims of narcissistic abuse, bpd
Id: cnMdYr-1Zbg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 2sec (902 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 26 2022
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