7 Games That Get Harder the Worse You’re Doing

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It's Not Unusual for video games to give you a little leg up if they see you're struggling for example how in Mario Kart if you're way behind you get better items cheers for the blue shell Mario Kart you're all right but believe it or not there are some games out there that take the opposite approach and actually will become harder the worse you're doing presumably to try and teach you a harsh lesson about effort and perseverance I'm sorry again I'll try to do better I swear please just cut us some slack please these are the games that get harder the worse you're doing Dark Souls fans know these games are going to kill them a lot they even seem to like that about them the sickos in fact if you ever make the mistake of getting a Dark Souls fan talking on the subject they'll undoubtedly expound on how death in the series is not something to be avoided or regretted but simply to be learned from Dark Souls wants you to take risks to experiment to explore and if you die a lot in the process what's the harm you'll wake up back at that bonfire a little wiser this isn't quite true of Dark Souls 2 however because for reasons best known only to the japesters at from software in this Dark Souls game and this Dark Souls game alone dying carries an extra and fairly brutal kind of penalty every time you car kit the game bins off five percent of your health bar needless to say this effect quickly makes the game more difficult if you do badly especially if you're stuck in a particular spot dying over and over each time having to run back into danger with fewer hit points to play with the game will happily carve off up to half your total HP in this manner reversing the process is possible but involves gobbling a fairly rare consumable item so should not be undertaken lightly and while there are items that mitigate the HP loss there's no way of stopping it entirely unless of course maybe we can get so good at Dark Souls 2 that we never die in the first place doesn't feel likely faster and Away now you come looking for trouble make your mind up in Shadow of Mordor you spend the majority of your time dispatching lots and lots of Orcs yeah but occasionally just occasionally despite being a strong Ranger possessed by an equally strong elf ghost you can find yourself in a bit of a pickle and by bit of a pickle we mean getting dispatched by an orc yourself no it's supposed to be the other way around damn it should this happen things get tougher for you see the orc that failed you will be promoted for having done so in turn becoming even more powerful than when you first fought them and now with a taste for man flesh brilliant will they be physically harder to beat next time you meet them but they'll also be smug as heck rubbing it in your face that they've beat you once and doing their very best to get in your head for another easy Victory how many Dooms do you [ __ ] life I heard my pride a little this is all the incentive to beat them this time around so you don't get humiliated yet again you will never best me I think I'll just stick to watching the films unbelievably it would be quicker [Music] the nice thing about most video games is that no matter how badly you do on a given level as long as you make it to the end you can put that unpleasantness behind you and focus on the future not so in Hitman blood Money which features an Innovative and appropriately sneaky way of punishing players who are demonstrably struggling with the game's Core Concepts Concepts like disguise and undetected and Silent Assassin [Music] can we agree I've got the in part down at least anyone who's played a Hitman game will know the game prefers you to use every ounce of skill and Mastery at your disposal to commit violent murder on each of its complex sprawling stages without anyone knowing that Agent 47 was even present avoiding a descent into chaos isn't easy moreover if you're struggling blood money actually punishes the player by increasing agent 47's notoriety a feature present on all but the easiest difficulty modes notoriety goes up if you commit blunders like leaving Witnesses alive or getting caught on CCTV breaking news reducing notoriety can be managed between levels with bribes but costs money that you could otherwise be spending on much needed equipment and finishing a level with high notoriety makes subsequent levels considerably harder as your infamy spreads at its worst civilians will recognize Agent 47 immediately and panic and armed guards are much more likely to notice you making a stealth game you clearly already aren't great at even harder oh now with the music come on what was suspicious about I mean apart from thing [Music] the pathologic games are notorious for being Bleak obtuse and all-around well a bit weird it is canny to conceal that one is these games certainly don't hold your hand in fact if they could they'd probably break your hand just to make your playthrough even harder case in point are the mean debuffs in pathologic 2 that come into effect when you die which if you're bad of this game will be a lot Staying Alive isn't easy you have to keep on top of your exhaustion hunger immunity and thirst which are all constantly ticking down unless you find something to satiate them fail to do that and they'll eat away at you until you pop your clogs fortunately death isn't the end in pathologic 2 but each time you come back you'll be given a debuff which shockingly affects all saves you have with that character so there's no hopping back to an older save to undo the damage these debuffs get gradually more intense the more you die and very inform sometimes the debuff will lower one of your meters which makes the game more challenging and other times it's what apparently removing the ability to hug I didn't think this game could get any Bleaker but here we are in pathologic 2 you also have to keep on top of your reputation right near the start you're accused of your own father's murder and from then on people trust you less fail to make progress on clearing your name and people will quickly turn against you even starting brawls in the street successfully defend yourself in such a brawl and these people will hate you even more increasing the likelihood of more brawls so it's either die and be debuffed or win and have more people try to fight you rather than say talk to or trade with you giving you an increasingly harder time in the game unless you can somehow crawl your way out of this nightmare spiral [Music] can I get myself out of it with hugs sorry you already got that debuffed two deaths ago this is better than a broken hand but it doesn't feel like it [Music] I'm not often one to criticize The Legend of Zelda games because I think that by and large they're very good and fun but are they perfect no way just look at tingle duh and there's one recurring aspect of the Zelda series that's always bugged me and that dates right back to the very first Zelda game namely that hero link very often wields a sword that has the power to shoot devastating magical beams at enemies but only only when you're at full health as you can well imagine the ability to swing your sword and in the same motion fire a magical laser projectile clear across the map is fantastically useful and makes fighting through rooms of monsters substantially less hard so yes it is a little frustrating that this incredible Boon is the exclusive Preserve of players who have 100 of their hearts left because there you don't need it I need it I suck this fantastically versatile cosmically Kick-Ass full health beam is still present in the series today still feels somewhat unfair and it remains deeply frustrating to be robbed of your beam privileges as soon as poor link takes even a lick of damage as if the master sword originally thought you were the worthy Hero Of Time destined to seal the darkness but having seen you get owned by this diminutive pig monster is having a rethink dude [Music] I'm still a hero please let me shoot your beams [Music] again in most roguelikes death is not the end merely part of the gameplay Loop two votes Ginger Rogers you pick yourself up dust yourself off and start all over again backwards and in heels such is the case with sifu but with a Twist if you die you get to unlock new skills deal extra damage and can carry on playing which sounds good but when you come back to life you come back older only older by one year per death you think that's fine you think wrong in sifu every time you die one additional year is added to the aging process carrying you exponentially faster towards a game over since 80 years old is apparently your maximum age you can lower the rate at which you age by defeating enough enemies or very tough enemies but that requires you to be half decent at the game if you keep dying you'll age faster than me checking out how long ago the year 1995 was I think it might be up to six or seven years now compounding this struggle is that every time you die your maximum health decreases even as your damage increases turning you into an elderly glass Cannon all in all it's a process as shockingly difficult as finding out what year youthful heartthrob Johnny Lee Miller was born what what he was just in the hit movie hackers [Music] the x-com games are a ruthless strategy Series in which Humanity struggles against an alien invasion even though the aliens of those classic 50s kind that look as if their heads could simply be kicked off enemies doing well in the game involves out maneuvering the aliens wherever they show their massive kickable faces and with every successful Mission across x-com's lengthy anti-alien campaign the recruits you brought along gain experience and become considerably more useful units hard as nails and equipped with specialized weaponry expect to grow weirdly attached to your roster of randomly generated troops so much so that you bring the same Squad of ET stomping Legends out on every Mission you can watching proudly as they get even stronger and more accomplished at doming aliens they grow up so fast the problem is that troop death in XCOM is permanent so if in Your Capacity a strategic leader you should have an off day or make a tragic miscalculation you can suddenly find yourself watching helplessly as your most legendary Domer becomes the domey if a soldier you've heavily invested in dice or if a disastrous Mission sees several of your more experienced troops wiped out the game suddenly becomes much harder because subsequent missions will have to be attempted with worse troops which in turn are more likely to get killed and suddenly your campaign falters as you struggle to rank up enough units to recover your momentum sorry Earth I guess this guy's president now president face kick long may he reign [Applause] Luke you don't want to know how long ago 1995 was no I don't don't tell me keep it to yourself oh anyway um what other games do you enjoy that get harder as you you're getting worse maybe you don't enjoy them maybe maybe you curse them with your your last breaths as you realize how long ago 1995 um share them with us in the comments uh try not to have an extra Central crisis I know it's difficult these days but you know we can do it we can get through this it's only a YouTube video it's fine um and if you want to watch some other videos maybe to take your mind off your existential crisis we have some here and if you want to support us as we go through our existential crisis Discord and just distract yourself from how long ago it was thanks for watching bye how is he 50
Channel: Outside Xtra
Views: 545,684
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ellen Rose, Luke Westaway, Outside Xtra, video games, gaming
Id: K1G_QB8Z1Vk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 5sec (905 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 06 2023
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