7 Heroes Who Can’t Dance to Save Their Lives

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we hear it outside extra are experts when it comes to dancing as this archived footage shows okay clearly dancing is hard and just because you're a video game hero who is otherwise incredibly physically capable doesn't mean you'll automatically be adept at tearing it up on the dance floor oh dear here are the heroes who couldn't dance to save their lives who wear spoilers and dad dancing from the following games [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] good to see some things don't change well I like it commander it's good to see you cut loose now and then thank you for all your loyalty and support saving the universe can be a pretty stressful task but to quote the great philosopher Lady gaga just dance gonna be okay da doo doo Just Dance spin that record babe da doo doo and this is a philosophy that mass affects command Shepard took to heart happily busting moves as often as they bust up Reapers however it seems like they're a lot better at the latter and it looks like there was no time for practice amongst the fighting and dying and being resurrected as we saw zero improvement in Mass Effect 2 first and I didn't mean that Shepard couldn't get overconfident wanna dance watch this no thanks I'm happy with just me in the music weird I thought that doing big windmill arms was gonna be a surefire hit it's so much of a joke cuz in the Mass Effect 3 Citadel DLC Shepherds dancing is put in the spotlight for all the crew to judge and it leaves much to be desired has she always been like this it's very enthusiastic it is impressive hey that's my girlfriend damn I almost kept it straight what is she doing with her own hands yes despite saving the universe Shep is not immune to criticism - he won't dance with you huh hello Shepard you might well I will but there is one crew member whose tutelage can improve things dance the tango with Garris and Shepard will draw the right kind of attention for once [Music] that my friend is the power of the ultimate space boyfriend Garrus [Music] if pop culture has taught us nothing else it's that vampires are cool and sexy and cool and sexy and this is certainly the case in vampire the masquerade bloodlines unless you choose to be a gross sewer-dwelling Noster are to the state of you should you sensibly pick one of the many sexier vampire clans you might want a night on the town and why not you are after all a superhot superhuman member of the undead and where better to show yourself off there at one of LA's many vampire frequented night clubs here you can find yourself some fellow blood sucking friends chat up one of the human customers for a bite to eat or show off your presumably amazing moves on the dance floor [Music] the state of you also and so we learned that when you were turned into a vampire despite upgrades to many of your seductive powers dancing was clearly left off the list instead of being graceful and alluring vampire dancing has you flailing your arms like you're being attacked by invisible bees but wait perhaps this is a clever stratagem so as not to make yourself too irresistible and thus draw too much attention to yourself after all to preserve the masquerade is the first priority of a good kindred lest you incur the wrath of the Camarillo for a beast I am Lister beast I become you are vampires a cool [Music] judging by Mario's vertical leap it's clear that he's never skipped leg day must have thighs of Steel upon seeing the trailer for Super Mario Odyssey we couldn't wait to get Mario putting those legs to good use grooving around new Dark City and after Mario gathers up a swingin band for mere Pauline we knew he would surely be dancing about the place showing off some cool footwork okay okay this is probably just a warm-up any moment now here come pick on the moves [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the hell is that it turns out that despite the athleticism on show in the trailer when it comes to dancing Mario is all elbows and his feet hardly leave the floor it's less of a dance move and more the shuffle from side to side of someone who desperately needs the move part way through a long journey look Mario I told you to go before we left games called Odyssey for a reason more fool us for expecting Broadway great choreography because you need only look to the Just Dance series for more evidence of Mario's two left feet because in a wild overestimation of his dancing prowess Mario agreed to a cameo God Mario what is it with you in the elbows don't you think of anything else to do with your arms anything other than that it would seem your reputation doesn't do you justice rock and roll legends Chuck Berry once made the request Johnny be good actually it's a name should be good we can only assume that this totally real request was made in the direction of Johnny Gat of the saints row series and when it comes to being good at gangland bossing Johnny has nailed it but as you might imagine being a crime boss doesn't leave a lot of time for classical dance training what with all the murder and such do you really expect this appeal to work I figure with the statute of limitations it really should be closer to 250 at the end of Saints Row for Johnny GATS dancing her ability is put on display see in a nice curtain call each of the remaining third Street Saints danced towards the camera showing off their signature moves however when it comes to Johnny Gat he well see for yourself in a bizarre set of clumsy and uncoordinated movements Johnny Gat kicks his legs off to the side and jerks his arms like someone put the hustle through a meat grinder this is technically an homage to an episode of Seinfeld but we're chalking this up to Johnny being bad that's the opposite of what Chuck Berry wanted of all the overwatch heroes soldier 76 has the most shall we say big dad energy for BDE this is exemplified by the stark contrast between soldier 76 is dancing which we'll get to in a minute and the various sick moves on display in the dance emotes for characters such as Lucio with his Jam skating and traces Charleston and widow-makers ballet I've gotta say her moves are on point soldier 76 however might have all the tactical moves required to defend the payload but when it comes to throwing shapes of the dance variety yes unfortunately as much as we love him and his healing biotic field now please live on very low health soldiers every six has a severe and incurable case of dad dancing with his out of rhythm stomps and kicks as well as erratic arm swings poor soul d76 just can't compete with the boogie super powers of some of his fellow over watches even the ones who hardly move at all sorry 76 I know it's a cliche but he's cool because he doesn't care yeah ain't mean to go in wearing that what else have you seen how she's dressed I'll not parade at that Jews side in a ranked tunic Geralt of The Witcher series is not a big fan of parties but then prefer the last time he went to a feast this happened hard to imagine a party going worse than that until that is you see what Geralt gets up to with this next social function it's a wedding which Geralt is attending with his friend Shani on a sort of date but not really but you kind of get the pictures you would like it to be a date but nobody is talking about it in other words it's already awkward before they even get to the door oh and we forgot to mention Geralt is possessed by a ghost specifically a Randy ghost called Vladimir who for complicated plot reasons Geralt has to show a good time which means this spectral out seizes control of Geralt immortal form for the day's partying with the witch are only able to watch helplessly as he flirts shamelessly with Shani and worse shaves off Geralt precious beard doe eyes a swans soft supple neck and a waist so slim you could grip it one-handed Oh God no he's a smooth there's a Henry Cavill lot to me you monster but if you thought that was the worst thing that could happen with a lusty phantasm in control of your body at a wedding well you haven't thought it through properly because things only get more painfully awkward from there especially once Geralt is introduced to the bride and groom yes tis I Geralt a Witcher heartfelt thanks for your hospitality I adore weddings the bride's especially so fragrant so tasty and good all right oh I'm sure we'll all have a splendid time and this is before the possessed Geralt has even got a drink in him never take but of course what is a wedding without dancing and much to everyone's surprise the ghost of Lada mayor proves quite light on his feet when the night's carousing ends with a couples jig perhaps because he's still doing his darndest to woo with a slightly smitten Shani or perhaps he's very much following Shaunie's lead because this quest also gives you the rare opportunity to see what happens when Geralt wanders onto the dance floor solo strap in folks years of Geralt hard earned street cred evaporate in moments as you realize that he dances like someone tried to explain flossing to their drunk uncle but the uncle wasn't really paying attention [Music] whether this is Vladimir's ghost exercising full control over Geralt slims or accessing the witch's own muscle memory from some previous dance is hard to know but there must be some metaphysical explanation because surely nobody living or dead would dance like this on purpose maybe the bid would have sold it but I guess we'll never know now will we Vladimir you ghost bastard there's the handoff much like becoming a dancer becoming an assassin requires lots of precise movements excellent timing and cool outfits probably fewer sequins and assassinations though it turns out in hitman blood money agent 47 has every need for dance skills in order to get close to his targets but just has none his salsa has no spice his rock dancing makes him look like a long-lost Gallagher brother and his reaction to blues music is less of a dance and more like watching someone dealing with severe back pain but the worst dance by far can be found in the mission til death do us part the whole experience is excruciating to watch and that's before he's even started dancing oh this is like me every school dance I went to such fond memories after what feels like eons agent 47 in his new dance partner finally kick into gear performing a very haphazard dosey doe style square dance as everyone else stands watching perfectly still this stillness only highlights he's not so elegant moves and how he completely ignores when his partner goes in for an arm hook forcing her to style it out yep law school Dawn's flashbacks yeah why the whole thing looks less like a fun jig and more like the one guy who has drunk too much moonshiner a hoedown and his stony face shows just how little agent 47 is actually enjoying himself it's a real shame as elsewhere in his career he does have some decent footwork as shown by his perfect streak on the Hokkaido dance mat in Hitman 2016 looks like his dancing took one step forward and two steps back and then a step to the left and a step to the right spin on the spot and cut three times so those are the heroes who can't dance I mean guys it's easy you just sort of like like this I think the menu with boot hits you move it's even easy in a chair but fine you pop an elbow bah bah bah bah bah buh buhbuh see now you're getting it double speed yeah that's right this is advanced lessons yeah so it's easy as you see but can you think of any other heroes you couldn't dance if so pop them in the comments and we would love to because we would love to see more examples and hey if you enjoyed this video then guess what we do a weekly community show which is also mr. star styler so film which a seat we chat about games and we do dumb quizzes and stuff and it's really fun and it's a good time and if you enjoyed this list then I think you will love it and it's called show that weekend is right up here nowadays box do one as well called shows a week check those out and subscribe if you like this good bye [Music] [Laughter]
Channel: Outside Xtra
Views: 171,921
Rating: 4.9701533 out of 5
Keywords: Ellen Rose, Luke Westaway, Outside Xtra, outsidextra, dancing, dance, mass effect, gameplay, hitman, hitman 2 gameplay, witcher 3, geralt, witcher dancing
Id: Gl6r-uip_-Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 10sec (910 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 22 2020
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