7 Habits of Successfully Raising Muslim Children - Dr. Bilal Philips

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may allah's peace and blessings and the last prophet muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam and on all those who follow the path of righteousness until the last day this topic the rights of the children actually i have entitled it seven habits for successfully raising muslim children and the material which i will present to you actually is a product of some research done by one of my wives who was about to raise a muslim child and she wanted to do some research she went and met parents whom she knew had raised righteous children and she wanted to try to gather what were the factors what were the habits the character characteristics which these parents had which made them able to successfully raise muslim children for herself to benefit from and that research material she put together and made a presentation amongst the sisters this is in qatar um i have taken that same material and i will be presenting it to you in this particular context in the context of the seven habits for successfully raising muslim children the first thing that we must address is the fundamental goal of raising muslim children that this goal should be distinct and different from the goals of raising children in general the society teaches that children should be raised for particular purposes and islamic society teaches that children should be raised for particular purposes there may be some overlapping which is natural but the goals of the muslim family of muslim parents in raising muslim children should be raising righteous muslims that should be clear the goal is to raise righteous muslims not merely children who identify culturally with the islamic culture or we could really call it the muslim culture from which we come because islamic culture and muslim culture may be at variance muslim culture may involve and include many other things which are really not a part and parcel of islamic culture so oftentimes the goals that people have set for themselves is to raise children who conform with the culture which they have inherited but what we're talking about is really raising them in accordance with islamic culture truly islamic culture and as such they should be raised righteous muslims so parents should have high goals and expectations for their children for true muslims the highest possible goal and expectation is none other than paradise the prophet saw sallam was reported by abu hura to have promised paradise for the child raised a righteous muslim he said seven will be shaded by allah in his shade on a day when there will be no shade besides his shade a just ruler and a youth who grows up worshiping allah that should be our goal as parents to raise children who will grow up worshipping allah most people's high expectations of their children this is the reality in which we're living is focused on the dunya so what a parent tends to think is i want my child to have a medical degree an engineering degree or a law degree i want them to have these wonderful professions which earn a lot of money and have with them a lot of prestige etc etc now these goals are fine from an academic and vocational perspective and they're needed by the muslim community for its healthy survival especially in this world in this time however they should not take precedence over the primary goal in the life of the muslim paradise in the life to come those parents should desire for themselves and their children paradise as allah subhanahu and for those who believe and whose offspring follow them in faith i will join their offspring with them and i will not decrease their rewards in any way now the first habit the first habit for those who want to successfully raise muslim children is taqwa piety from the perspective of the children it is the right of children that their parents be righteous it is the right of children that their parents be righteous the question arises when should islamic upbringing begin the reality is that tarbia islamic upbringing starts before the child is born and continues from the time of its birth a student once asked his teacher about raising his child who was at that time one year old and the teacher replied you have already missed the boat if you are asking when the child is already won you have already missed the boat because it starts back with the parents parents desiring righteous children should themselves be righteous they must work on themselves their relationship with allah their knowledge their character and so on and so forth this habit does not refer to the principle of being a good example that is the third habit this habit refers to the principle that if people are themselves righteous allah will make their children righteous as one of the fruits of taqwa taqwa piety fear of allah has fruits among those fruits is righteous children for example in the quranic story of moses and hidder when hidder explained that he rebuilt the wall because allah wanted him to protect a treasure left for two orphans that was beneath the wall he added at the end of his statement and their father was a righteous man some of the early scholars used to tell their children indeed i make extra formal prayers nawafil for your sake they used to recite the verse wakan so that the righteousness of the parents would affect the children that they would benefit from their righteousness those parents must be sure that their own artida is in intact that they have a close relationship with allah they must put this akida into practice it is not enough to know the academic details but that akhida must be lived for example muslims in knowing the fundamentals of tawheed know that among allah's names is the provider therefore they should seek their provisions through halal sources and leave the outcome to allah this is what they should do if we have that correct belief with regards to allah's names and attributes knowing his names and attributes and internalizing them requires us to live in accordance with the fact that allah is so what does that mean it means that people will not sacrifice the paradise will not sacrifice the life to come for the sake of provision in this life what happens today is that people's main focus is the dunya and that is given precedence they put all of their energies into it at the expense of their children and their religion so most muslims today are caught up in riba in one way or another or they migrate to non-muslim countries in order to ensure their children's future future what future future as lawyers doctors etc etc economic future in many cases the priority becomes making money and saving it and the law is forgotten they do nothing for the pleasure of allah in some of the better cases they just do their five times daily prayers and no more however the way to ensure their future in both the dunya and the akhirah is to have taqwa as allah said whereas and whoever fears allah then allah will make a way out for him and provide for him from places he never imagined and whoever trusts in allah will find him sufficient so parents have to live islam they have to internalize it and act in accordance with it with its akida with its creed parents should also practice the sunnah this is part of the creed to live in accordance with the way of prophet muhammad sallallahu and to do so is to avoid innovation because as assalam said every innovation is misguidance and every form of misguidance ultimately leads to the hellfire we should understand that bidday in general is a satanic shortcut offered to lazy muslims people who don't want to do what allah has required of them to do so there are shortcuts offered you just do this pray to the saint and you will have guaranteed results if you try to pray to allah it's not going to work but if you pray to the saint you're covered so these satanic shortcuts actually destroys a person's religion and such a person could not possibly be given righteous children because allah gives righteous to the righteous it's not to say that allah in his greatness cannot take righteous children from unrighteous parents or that he may not give unrighteous children to righteous parents because we know prophet noah had an unrighteous son as he mentioned in the quran that's reality however what we're talking about is the norm we're not talking about the exception we talk about the norm so parents themselves must keep away from sins the ends don't justify the means they must be aware also of the insignificant sins as the prophet sallallaahu was reported by sahil ibn saad to have said beware of the scorned sins they are like people who camp in the bottom of a valley and one comes with a twig and another comes with a twig until they make a bonfire and bake their bread indeed scorned sins whenever they are adopted they destroy those who do them so the parents themselves in order to ensure their chances for getting righteous children they must themselves be righteous the second habit is dua why is the weapon of the believer it is the right of muslim children that their parents pray for them pray for them even before they're born but their wife their parents make dua when they have relations as the prophet assalam prescribed and allah described the righteous worshipers of himself as making the following or lord grant us from our spouses and children a coolness to our eyes and this was the way of the prophets we find prophet zechariah praying to allah saying rabbi min ladunka zuriatan oh my lord grant me from yourself a good offspring you are indeed the all-hearer of invocation and allah answered this prayer saying i made him compassionate and pure from sins and he was righteous and dutiful towards his parents and he was neither arrogant nor disobedient so we should make as parents sincere dua for righteous children sincere dua which should come from the bottom of our hearts with a certainty that our dua will call on the law being certain that your prayers will be answered but know that the law does not answer the prayers of a negligent playful heart so when we make dua for righteous children it's not just getting the dua from the quran or from the sunnah and just repeating it ritualistically it is reflecting on that dua and saying it with the full force of our hearts and our souls furthermore sincere dua will only be accepted from the righteous as the prophet sallam explained in a hadith in which he said o people indeed allah is good and pure and he accepts only what is good and pure indeed allah has commanded the believers to do what he commanded the messengers then he recited the verse o messengers eat from the good things and do righteous deeds indeed i am well acquainted with whatever you do and he also recited the verse o you who believe eat from the good things that i have provided for you then he mentioned like a man on a long journey who's here was disheveled and dusty raising his hands up to the sky saying o my lord o my lord but his place of eating was haram his place of drinking was haram his clothing was haram and his body was fed with haram how could his prayers be answered as a result of that so when we talk about making sincere dua we must have also the necessary conditions for that sincere dua to be accepted so we try to fulfill them as much as we can we try to choose the optimum times for dua and we try to make sure that the other conditions are fulfilled also one aspect of dua for our children is choosing a good name for our children by choosing the names of the righteous righteous of the generation before us this becomes a kind of dua for our child also if we choose the names which have good meanings this is also a form of taking a good omen out of that name which is permitted prophet assalam permitted this element of omen taking when he forbade all others so choosing good names for our children not traditional tribal national names but good names names of good meaning either those which the prophet sallam recommended abdullah and abdul rahman or those of people among the sahabas or when your child asks you or what does this name mean you're able to tell them something good either in its meaning or who had that name as an example to them the third habit is as i said earlier the example and this is perhaps the hardest habit to develop it is the right of muslim children that their parents be good examples to them religiosity and character play a major role in the rearing of righteous children one cannot get away with telling children to do things which they don't do allah curses it in the quran do you command people to righteousness and forget forget yourselves the saying do as i say not as i do this doesn't work yes we may be able to force them on that basis but the children will not learn righteousness that way they will not be raised truly righteous they will be hypocrites they will do it because you said do as i say it doesn't matter what i do you do as i say so therefore you do it if the mother mother is modest and shy she wears hijab then the daughters will be that way if the mother is gentle the children will be gentle if the children see the mother exert herself to worship allah then they will want to copy her if she yells and screams and hits then they will do the same if she controls her anger so will the children if parents especially the mother are not affectionate and kind compassionate and merciful the children will not be if the mother back bites so will the children if the mother lies so will the child often parents teach how to lie for example if someone calls the house and the parents don't want to speak to that person they tell the child tell them i'm not here they've just taught them how to lie or the mother may tell the girl or the son to hide certain things from the father she does things that the father told her not to do so she'll tell the kids don't tell your father well she's teaching them how to lie parents should try to make themselves the best possible example of the best possible example of good character because character is something which can mostly be learned by example character the prophet sallam summed up islam as being a religion of good character he said in namab i was only sent to perfect for you the highest of moral character traits so he stressed the importance of character we have to be as parents that example and prophet sallallahu in the prayers that he made in the beginning of salah his formal prayers he used to make a dua in the middle of it saying for no one can guide to the best of them except you and take me away from the worst of manners for surely no one can keep the worst of manners away except you so we ask dua to allah to help us to develop good manners and we have to make the effort ourselves to to be mannerly to be good in our manners even if it means even if it means pretending if we pretend to be good mannered eventually that mannerism will be acquired because you know some people say well having good manners i mean controlling one's temp uh temper and being patient and these other kinds of things some people just seem to be born that way while the rest of us we can't seem to do it well the prophet sallam had said um whoever pretends to be patient with the desire wanted to doing that obviously for the pleasure of allah then allah will give him patience so character can be gained can be achieved by trying to do them even though internally we don't feel them because one may know intellectually yes you should control your anger but when the time of anger comes what happens we still get angry in an uncontrolled way so therefore what we have to do is to force ourselves to pretend while desiring allah that allah help us to develop this characteristic parents should want their children to know real islam which might seem strange due to the many non-islamic influences in the outer world therefore they should want to be the strongest influence in their children's lives this is among the most the strongest methods which prophet muhammed used in raising the generation of the sahaba when he arrived in medina he taught them from the very beginning to take whatever they needed of islam from him he was the example he was the guide so many times you hear him saying that you should be good to your wives you know and i am the best of you and i am the best to my wives you know he makes that comparison giving himself as the example the fourth habit to attain righteous children is what is known as attachment parenting from the very beginning attachment parenting meaning that it is the right of the children to be loved to be treated in a loving fashion that begins with the breastfeeding of the child that the mother keeps the child close to her maintains that contact that physical contact allah prescribed two years of breastfeeding western culture went away from breastfeeding for a variety of different reasons in the end they came back and they now tell parents it's best for you to breastfeed and they're trying to promote it on a large scale but islam stressed it right there in the quran it's the right of the child as long as the woman is able she's capable then to she should breastfeed them for those two years and that provides a warm beginning for the child the child is in direct contact with the mother and that exchange that contact is important in the psychological development of the child scientifically it's been proven that the first five years are most crucial in forming the future personality of the child most of the problems of teenagers come from the early period of childhood so children need love to help stabilize their characters and the prophet sallam stressed that one who is not merciful and loving to their children is not of us this was his way of course even in those days you know people used to have this macho kind of thing you know that kissing and cuddling and these type of things with children is you know for men you don't do this on one occasion kissed kissed one of the kids it was hasan or hussain and another companion by the name of al-qaraibin habis he saw him do this and he turned to another companion said i've got 10 kids and i've never kissed one of them and the prophet salam turned to him and said man one who is not merciful will not receive mercy islam the way is a merciful loving and kind way so the guiding of the children the directing of the children should be done in as loving a way as possible quality time personal attention should be given to them we talked before about communication that we have to develop lines of communication with the children it's very important giving them quality time not just you know brief passing time but to give them real time for them for you to know them and for them to know you also when dealing with the children one should know what to focus on one should avoid being harsh wherever something may be done through kindness it's better to do that than through harshness so the fourth habit is bonding with the children developing a good solid bond of love and affection with the children that's going to make a big difference in their upbringing the fifth habit is education it is the right of muslim children that they be educated islamically that they be educated islamically most of us understand yes that they be educated but our focus is not islamically it's just being educated we said before going to the best schools getting the highest degrees etc etc but it is educated islamically when the prophet sallam said talaban allah muslim seeking knowledge is compulsory for every muslim he meant islamic knowledge first and foremost yes gaining other knowledge is useful it is beneficial one doesn't write it off but islamic knowledge is what is important and that should begin from the earliest ages we should give them akida that is where our faith begins from the very beginning the first word that the child should learn if possible should be allah let it be allah rather than baba and mama you know baba mama is good too but you know allah is better when the child is putting his first little sentences together teach him that allah is above allah is up he's not here there everywhere not inside this and inside that and inside the other which the world is confused about but at the same time we teach him or her that allah knows everything yes allah is above but he knows and he sees everything we should instill in them a love of allah and a fear of allah from the very beginning we should bring them up we should talk about heaven and hell even from the early childhood i know western upbringing principles of raising children say no you shouldn't teach the children you know horrible uh evil type scenes and concepts you know punishment in the hell fire people burning and no no it's not good don't put it in the child's mind just give the child love love love everything is good rosy no allah teaches about heaven and hell the child should be aware of heaven and hell we're doing good things to try to achieve heaven we don't necessarily need to go into all of the fine details of what goes on in heaven and hell of course if the child asks some details whatever you give them what is necessary but let them know this is a good place and there's a bad place there's a consequence you do good you go to the good place you do bad it will take you to the bad place you try to avoid that bad place you know there's no harm in raising children with that consciousness we should let them understand about the day of judgment that they will be held to account that even though we as parents may not see you doing certain things allah sees and he will hold you to account so they should develop that sense of doing righteous deeds even when authorities aren't around we strive to give them that consciousness of also we should instill in them a love for the prophet because that is our shahadah muhammad rasool allah it should be something which is a part and parcel of their lives he should be the greatest symbol not superman not the x-men no no people with all these powers that people tend to attract because become attracted to and attached to superheroes no the hero for them should be rasulullah and the prophets in general but the prophet prophet muhammed in particular they should develop we should help them to develop a love for and they can only love him if they know him know him in the sense that they know about him so in our raising them they they should be raised on stories about prophet muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam his role what he did for us how he guided us our islam came from him he's the one who showed us the way showing us the way to paradise etc etc and as part and parcel of the education we should develop formal lessons for our children in akida and from the earliest ages we should start the children with prayer when they're young just as prophet said teach your children salah when they're seven by the time they're seven they should know salah knowing salah doesn't mean merely that they stand up when you stand up they raise their hands they bow but if you step away they're lost no they haven't learned salah they're only doing while you're doing or even if they learn and they can do it on their own they don't really know what they're saying what they're doing they don't make wudu learning salah means learning salah salah is not accepted without wudu yes they are children so issues of salah is not really there meaning reward and punishment you get the reward and punishment you get the reward when they pray just as you get the reward when they make hajj you get the reward when they fast you get the reward but at the same time you're training them so you train them properly you train them to do as best as they can so you teach them wudu they should learn wudu when they make salah they should cover themselves you know the little girls should wear hijab also in general you know children love stories we said that before we should tell them stories of the prophet sallam you know there are also stories about the sahaba and these kinds of things you know many books now have been produced you know about the lives of the sahaba and the righteous of the past we should read these things to them you know as bedtime stories etc try to read as much of that to them as possible we should take advantage of their strong memories in those early years their memories are extremely sharp it is in those early years that the earlier generation used to memorize the quran by the time they were seven or at least by the time there were ten they memorized the whole of the quran if that is possible we should give that to our children i mean what what greater blessing can we do but to give them the quran of course it has to be done in a proper way so that the children are not learning the quran with a stick over their head you know because sometimes this doesn't work we teach children the quran but unfortunately people in many of the quran schools around the muslim world today the methods which they employ actually destroy the love of the quran in the hearts of many of the children because they brutalize them yes they say you can't learn without the stick we have to have a stick yes the children do need a little bit of pressure you know there are times when they do need some pressure but not to the extent that i've seen in many schools around the muslim world most of the places i've visited muslim madrasas et cetera where people learn quran it's not done in a loving way and the children leave these schools scarred so yes we should take advantage of the strong memory but we should try to do it in a way which is going to endear the quran to them not turn them off from the quran and we should make rookia on them a part of the knowledge that we should impart is the making of rookia before they go to bed at night they should learn though once they learn to make the uh they can recite some quran they know to make the three kul's wiping it over themselves it's a form of rukya they should do it for themselves we should do it for them and we should use whatever day-to-day experiences that the children have that we find them in use them as lessons to teach them teach them something about islam teach the girls modesty with the hijab you know teach the boys some senses of responsibility and we should have in our homes an islamic library we should gather books tapes videos cds whatever we should have a sufficient range of media you know information and material that the children who oftentimes are attracted to visual things we have enough for them there that they don't feel a need to run out and watch other materials which are destructive the sixth habit the sixth habit is to provide a positive environment that is it is the right of children that they have a good environment meaning the home the household should be an islamic household it's not an islamic household simply because we have on the wall ayatul kursi you know people will have you can buy arthur corsi in uh habib's bookstore whatever and nicely framed written in gold letters we put it on the wall so now we have an islamic household no this is not what makes an islamic household what goes on inside of that household is what determines whether it's islamic or not so we should have all of the necessary things in the home which show the child in the home environment an islamic example this is going back also to the example example in the parents example in the environment in which they live so parents should maintain and in a peaceful environment in the home the home should be peaceful it should be free of conflict i mean of course between husband and wife there's going to be some conflict but it should be done behind closed doors quietly of course you could be behind corridors and there's banging and smashing you no no but quietly the children don't know what's going on okay you can say this is kind of hypocrisy better than to see how you really are no no it's not better you know sometimes it's not better sometimes yes it is better to know the reality of things and sometimes it's not because they will not understand they will not be able to interpret that so we try to keep some of those conflicts etc behind closed doors the children shouldn't see their mother you know acting in a disobedient fashion to their father similarly they shouldn't see the father insulting the mother you know this is a negative environment home environment for the children and also parents should be consistent in dealing with the children it shouldn't be that mother says this and then you can run to dad and dad will say that you know so you know whenever mother is too harsh you go to that or whenever that's too harsh to go to mom because the kids they quickly learn this and they'll play off one against the other you know they become experts at it so it is important that there is consistency and the child asks you something you don't know what your wife has said on it you ask them what did your mom say oh she said well let me check with your mom first go back and check with mom same thing with mom checking with father what did father actually say or what does father think on this matter so you come up to a come up to a unified position on particular issues the home as i said as an environment we should hear quran reading in the home the media the various issues of media in the home it should be islamic we should also invite to the home religious people so we create a religious environment in our home prophet said that only the righteous should eat your food meaning that those people you eat to invite into your home to eat along with you and your family etc they should be righteous people so they are part of the environment of the home they are part of what makes a home islamic also the home should be free of unislamic magazine books etc and we should also teach the children and this is a part of our environment now how to deal with people who do what we told them not to do we ourselves we try to avoid these things so we tell them don't do it so we don't do it and they don't do it but they're gonna see people who do it so what do we do of course we have to let them know it's wrong we can't tell them it's okay for them but it's not okay for us no it's wrong but of course the children you know they have to be taught a certain amount of diplomacy because children once you tell them this is wrong they're quick to run up to that person say hey why are you doing this you know you shouldn't be doing this you know and it can get embarrassing sometimes but the bottom line is that they need to know it's wrong and even if they embarrass you sometimes it's better that than you you know creating this kind of vague understanding about right and wrong in these matters as i said we create a good environment for the children this is the positive environment the method or the habit number six that involves the home as we spoke about as well as what is outside the home so when we're choosing schools we should try to put our children in islamic schools even if the islamic school may be of a lower academic standard than the regular school the government school or another private school it may be a higher standard producing you know specialists on another level we would like our children to have these specializations but what is more important is their islamic upbringing so it's better to put a child put our children in islamic schools of inferior academic than to put them in non-muslim schools of superior academics that's the bottom line people say well we have to survive in this world you know this is a world which gives favor to those who are superior academically well we don't know the future and it's with allah and our duty is to give them the best that we can while we can so we choose the islamic school but of course we should strive to upgrade those islamic schools i'm not saying just leave this school as it is we see their academics low what do we do we just say okay masha'allah no we should tell them and advise them this is our duty to tell them listen you know why should our islamic schools be of inferior academics they shouldn't be in some countries in the muslim world and in the non-muslim world where there are muslim schools these muslim schools are at the top they compete with the top private schools the top institutions in the country their students win the top prizes it can be so it's not a must that islamic schools have to be of inferior academics but i'm just saying if that's what's in front of us then we know we have to make the right choice to create the right environment for our children the seventh habit is that we have to have a systematic method of disciplining our children it has to be systematic on one hand we say it's the right of children that they be disciplined properly on one hand we should avoid hitting as much as possible in fact some scholars say that children shouldn't even be hit until they're at the age of ten because prophet salla mentioned that same hadith i mentioned earlier teach your children salah when their seven and spank them for it when they're tense they said salah is the most important thing and if we're not allowed to spank them for the most important thing until they're 10 then for lesser things of lesser importance surely we shouldn't spank them until they're 10. this is hd hard right a reasoning and parents practically speaking raising kids often find even those parents who raise good and righteous kids often find that you may have to hit them before they're ten but the point is that it should be done properly as a last resort not as the first resort not when you're angry you know so the child learns avoid mom or dad when they're angry they didn't learn don't do this they learn just avoid them when you see red in their eyes lay low be good no you should be consistent in how you deal with them and on one hand we apply discipline where necessary and of course in this environment we'll just point out your children can be taken away from you so we're quick and if they're found to be hit don't do it you have to be very prudent in how you apply this go in the room on the other hand we have to use what they call positive reinforcement doing good things positive reinforcement meaning reward them for it let them feel that there is good in being good and part of being able to discipline them systematically is knowing the characteristics of children in the early years people have studied this children at the age of two they become rebellious they call it the terrible twos well known at three they love to play a lot at four they ask many questions and they want answers at five they love to imitate and copy at six they like to stand out and be noticed and so on and so forth you know at different ages you find different characteristics appearing so if you are aware of them then you can deal with them in the appropriate manner you can understand this is natural for children to develop these characteristics of these times so therefore you work with them you don't just want where did this come from satan has you you know let's exercise them get some sticks and beat them no no listen this there this is natural developments all children go through these you know i mean i know myself a lot of people come to me with these issues you know my i think ajin has got my kid you know i don't know and it's not a gin as your kid is your child is just going through its natural you know stages and we should learn it we should know about children how can you raise kids if you don't really know how they are how they develop so it is important to have this kind of knowledge in order to be able to discipline them effectively so these and their others are some of the primary habits of those parents who have successfully raised children it is important for us to try those of us that are raising children currently or plan to raise children or who have raised children we need to look back and see how do we fit on this scale were we pious parents were we righteous parents ourselves that we should wonder why did our children turn out like this so where did that come from what kind of behavior is this where did it come from do we deserve righteous children did we make dua for our children or did we just let things happen as they happen we didn't trust in allah we didn't turn to allah were we good examples ourselves in terms of their behavior and we were we loving compassionate and caring were we attached to our children or did we deal with them in a detached manner so our children couldn't even speak to us they can't come to us with their problems we're in one valley and there in another did we educate them islamically did we give them what they needed to be able to understand islam and to practice it and did we create for them a positive environment an environment which you could say a righteous child should be raised in such an environment so when we have an unrighteous child in front of us we can say this is an exception this is the test from allah allah has put this test on me we can honestly say that and not really say we have in fact produced this child we are the ones who created that environment that negative environment in which the child was raised and finally we have to ask ourselves were we consistent in how we disciplined our children or did we brutalize them did they grow up to hate us because we when we were upset would beat them as they say you know beat them to a beating they would never forget you know we tell them you'll never forget this beating here did did we do that did we scar their minds so in fact yes they never forgot and they still look at us and shake their heads what kind of parents were we i ask allah to guide us to understand our responsibility as parents to raise a generation of righteous children to not repeat the mistakes that our parents made that are the earlier generation made and that if we made the mistake with one then we tried to correct ourselves with the other it doesn't matter if the one says but when i was that age you didn't you used to beat me for that you used to do this you used to do well okay tell them i'm sorry you know it wasn't really right i'm trying to do the right thing now it's never too late to learn inshaallah that is all the time that we have available and though there are questions which have piled up and i'm sure you probably have a number of other questions you'd like to ask too but we'll have to save those for tonight in the panel session will try to answer as much of those questions as possible keep the program as brief as possible and focus on your questions by
Channel: Bilal Philips
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Keywords: bilal philips, islamic online university, digital minbar, iou, islam way of life, Masjid Aspire, islam online, Dr. Abu Ameena Bilal Philips, islamic lecture bilal philips, Attaining Inner Peace in Times of Trials - Dr. Bilal Philips, peace, war, peace in islam, 7 Habits of Successfully Raising Muslim Children - Dr. Bilal Philips
Id: at6bR5GlCnk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 32sec (3632 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 23 2011
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