The True Story of Dajjal Part 2 - Dr. Bilal Philips

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now come Delilah namitha wanna stay I wanna stop Pharaoh when I would have been let him in cerulean Fusina omen say attea amanina manadena falafel de nada oh my god Lin fella had yella or shadow in the law watch the hula Nicola whatcha doin a muhammadan abduhu or soon indeed all praise is due to Allah and as such we should praise Him seek his help and seek His forgiveness and seek refuge in Allah from the evil which is within ourselves and the evil which results from our deeds for whomsoever Allah has guided none can misguide and whoever Allah has allowed to go astray none can guide and I bear witness that there is no God worthy of worship but Allah who is alone and without partner the beginning and the end and I bear witness that muhammed sallalahu seldom is the last messenger of allah in Gnostic al-hadith akita belong the most truthful form of speech is the Book of Allah the Quran ojeda hadith hadoo Muhammad in sallallahu alaihi wa sallam and the best source of guidance was that guidance brought by Mohamed Salah law and a solemn in his Sunna vacherin ohmori McDevitt wah and the worst of all affairs in this life are the innovations in [Music] for in Nepal damaja desert in Vida because every innovation in religion is a cursed innovation vicuna beaten Balala and all cursed innovation all the innovation in religion whether we think it's cursed or bad or not it is all cursed and as such it is a source of misguidance it is a source of this guidance vicuna be Dutton Phenom Alcala de la atenciĆ³n are and all miss guidance leads ultimately to the Hellfire brothers and sisters in the previous Cobra we were looking at or continuing to look at at the job his story didn't end where we stopped but it continues we said that we would know of his coming by a major global sign drought in every corner of the earth for one year having been preceded by drought over two thirds of the earth the year before and drought in one third of the earth year before that so until these signs appear anyone's claims concerning that job if they're not in line with the Hadees that we have presented know that they're false no with certainty that they're false prophet mohammed salah salem was given an assignment with regards to the job which was not given to the prophets before him all of the prophets from homs assalam said all of the prophets warned their followers of the job and his coming they all want them but all of the previous prophets were sent to particular people in particular places for particular periods of time so the message which they brought of which the warning of Dajjal was a part became distorted in time time past additions were made deletions were made till the message became so distorted that another prophet needed to have been sent so it is not surprising when we go to look at the information concerning the job in Christian scripture and in Jewish scripture that the description is very garbled it is unclear names pop up some descriptions are there but they're wild descriptions incomprehensible so weird and strange that people have interpreted them in no end of different ways whereas the job of Mohamed Salah Jerusalem being the last of the messengers of Allah was to make the story of the job so clear so precise that no one who followed him would have doubts about his coming who is etc until he comes [Music] so prophet muhammad sallahu wa sallam left for us very clear descriptions right down to the color of his eyes and that is why we should not be deluded fooled misguided by the modern interpretations that you might find on YouTube or you might find from this speaker or that speaker we have enough in call allah o allah rasool allah sallallahu wasallam we have enough there to give us such a clear picture there is no need to look anywhere else so the science of his coming were clear and we talked in the previous hotbar about the powers which Allah had given him he is the Antichrist so he will do things like what Jesus did Jesus who is the Christ the Messiah al Messiah the true Messiah he will bring life to the dead he will bring out the treasures of the earth he will cause the sky to rain at his command it's Allah who actually causes it and he will have with him we said a mountain of meat and a mountain of bread basics following him wherever he goes on the earth where people will be starving and he will call those who believe in him to benefit by what appears to them to be miracles not only will the sky rain but the plants will grow before their eyes and will bear fruit and their animals the few remaining animals will become plentiful fact others filled with milk the Sheep and he will in different places in the earth to demonstrate his powers of bringing life back to dead will call young men and then chop them in half walk between the hubs to clarify this is not like the magicians that we see put people in a box and you see them sawing and they separate the halves okay they have fake feet in one half or somebody's hiding inside cuddled up and they put their feet out even so they can move their toes however tricks there's no box he will chop the people right in half and he will walk between the halves then he will turn and tell them to come and they will come together and come running smiling before him giving life to the dead furthermore he will have with him Gardens which appear to be Gardens from paradise however we perceive gardens of paradise he will have with him something that looks like what should be a garden from paradise of course we have never seen paradise and whatever we imagine is not what it is but still we have an idea in our minds will read the Quranic verses or heard the prophetic descriptions so we have in our mind this vague idea of paradise so they will appear with him what appears to be a garden from as well as flaming pits from the Hellfire and from both of these will flow reverse a river from the garden of paradise which will appear cool white and from the pits of hell there will be a river of liquid fire and when he camps outside of Medina an incident will take place I'd incident which Prophet Muhammad SAW seldom put special special emphasis on he had been as we said before cutting people in half and calling the house together but when he appears outside of medina abu saeed al hood Riyadh said a man from among the believers will come to him and he'll be met by armed forces of the jaw and they will ask him where are you headed he will reply I'm heading to the one who has appeared they will say to him don't you believe in our Lord he'll reply our Lord is well known and they will say kill him but some among them will say to the others didn't our Lord forbid us from killing anyone without his knowledge so they will take him to that job when the believer sees him he will proclaim oh people this is that JA whom messenger The Messenger of Allah had mentioned that Jah will order that he be laid on his stomach and his head smashed his back stomach will be severely beaten and then he will be asked by the job don't you believe in me you'll reply you are the false messiah the job with an order that he be sawed in half from his head to his crotch then the job will walk between the two halves and say arise and they will arise and he will ask him when he appears back before him do you believe now and the young man will say my certainty about you has only increased o people he won't be able to do this again to anyone after me the Java then grabbed him in order to cut his throat but his entire neck will be covered by a band of copper which will prevent him from doing so and then the jaw will grab him by his hands and his feet and throw him into the river of fire the river coming from the pits of hell what appears to be the pit of hell and he will be consumed by that fire and of course people will think he was destroyed however the Prophet SAW Selim informed us that that pit of fire that river of fire are actually from paradise and that he when he was thrown into what appeared to us to be the pit of fire was in fact falling into paradise so if you see that job if you happen to be caught in that occasion and you have nowhere to run then know that you run for what appears to be the river of fire of course the kind of a man that it will take at that time it's not easy because the fire will appear as real as real can be and the prophet saw Solomon said haha are the moon nasty shahadat an endurable Alamein this young man is the greatest martyr in the sight of the Lord of all the worlds however as we said before this story of the greatest martyr should not emboldened our youth to think that if the gel comes they are the ones from so Solomon said if you hear that he is coming run flee don't think that you'll be able to stand before him run and free his reign will be for forty days and when the prophet saw Solomon formed the companions of the length of his reign forty days and he went on to say that the first day of the reign of Dajjal will be equivalent to a year there will be a day lasting a year's time the second day will be the length of a month for most of us even that is something strange of course in the Northern Hemisphere close to the North Pole they do have six months of what appears to be day daylight and six months of night so it isn't that strange of course what haunts our celebrity wheeling this to his companions of course it was strange because that is something so far away they couldn't imagine it nobody knew nobody had been to the North Pole and come back so the second day would be the length of a month and the rest would be like the rest of our days the third day would be the length of a week so it's a year a month a week and then the rest will be like our days when the Companions heard that from the province of Sullivan the first question that they asked him first question that we would ask is how how would that be does the earth stop spinning or what or we would want to know the details of what made this happen how could that be that wasn't their question their question was how will we pray on that day how will we make Salah that was what was most important to them not how it happens promise ourselves said is gonna happen it's gonna happen the houses are not important their first thought was how are we going to make Salah and the Prophet SAW Salim told them under ulla estimate the time he said that in the seventh century there were no clocks but in his statement was guidance for a time when we would be able to estimate times very accurately our times and beyond we have watches now awesome fuzzier watches where all the prayers are set up Fajr Zuhr awesome mother of Asia would even ring and tell you it's time for Fajr these are our times from that statement of the promised messiah and the scholars when Muslims reach those regions Alaska the first Muslims went to Alaska now they were faced with six months of day and six months of night what to do Finland what to do so they asked the Muslim scholars and they went back to this hadith of the jail and used it as the basis of determining what to do in those times to estimate it estimate it according to what time well scholars differ as to which time to choose reality is that since there is no clear definition it is sufficient that we estimate estimate by looking at the nearest country or city which has a daily sunrise and sunset who according to their times or estimate it according to the time in Mecca that is sufficient but as I said what was most important to them was how are we going to determine the times for prayer in that time and this is what should be our first concern how are we going to determine the times for prayer well we don't have here six months of day and night or anything near that some of us may come from places where days become very long or night becomes very long they becomes very short so you may have questions but for all of us all most of us we traveled by plane we travel by plane some people if they're traveling to UK or to KL kuala lumpur or to paris canada they don't even think about how we're gonna pray when they get there they pray whatever they missed and that's what they feel is acceptable of course it's not it's not acceptable we have the means to estimate times when a person is sick in the hospital was concession given for him to pray all of his prayers at one time no and he is the person who is you could say justified prayer is difficult for him he has to make tyre mom you know he can't get up and move around whatever we'll do set cetera he stopped but he is still required to pray on time he may join prayers Laura Nasser but is available it was difficult to maintain the five daily times at least that three times he can pray Roger cannot be joined to anything Thor Nasser can be joined either the time of xuer and the time of also mother Manisha can be joined either the time of mockery more in the time of Asia but he is required to pray not at forgery praise all five or Asia appraised all five but this is not the way he has to try to the best of his ability or she the best of her ability to pray on time because Allah said in the salata cannot al-amin energy turbine indeed the prayer for the believers is set at fixed times and this is the first pillar of Islam that will be asked about on the day of judgment arsalan so we should take particular care to protect our prayers and ensure that we do them in the times that have been designated for them this was the concern of the Sahaba and this should be our concern I ask Allah so Allah to bring the salah back as the most important of our deeds in our lives and to forgive us for what has gone before in terms of our negligence I ask Allah to make Salah great in our minds great in our hearts so that we develop a true love for it and it does become for us as it was for Prophet Muhammad SAW solemn a moment of peace I ask Allah so Allah to help us to spread this awareness of Salah to our families our neighbors our relatives and to make this again the foundation for the Muslim Ummah to arise and fulfill its role as the best of Nations to spread the message of Islam to the world who look how many how that was stuck for the lolly willecombe or deciding was to meaningfully them first up through in Naju war I asked Allah to forgive yourselves and myself and I remind you to turn to Him and seek His forgiveness for only he can forgive sins hamdulillah was salatu was-salam our soul Allah all praise due to Allah and my last peace and blessings be on the last Messenger of Allah at the end of this period the period of the rule of the job where he will besiege the forces of the believers there will be believers who would fight him and his forces throughout the earth wherever that jaw goes he will meet forces sometimes they will combine sometimes they'll be separate that you'll be fighting them throughout the earth though he will dominate the earth he will not dominate every square inch of the earth so the believers will fight him and the main forces that will be fighting him will be under the leadership of the mighty when we spoke about the coming of the gel in the very first foot bar we mentioned that he would come at the time of the appearance of the Maddy Maddy would precede him a struggle between the non-muslims the non-muslim world and the Muslim world will manifest in major war and the forces of the believers of Muslims will be led by the mind and the details about the maha day we spoke back then so I won't go back into them now but the point is that towards the end of the rule the last days of the rule of the job he will manage to besiege the forces of the Magdy the Muslim forces behind lead being led by the Mahadi in Jerusalem this is where they will be besieged surrounded and the jail will be on the gates of the rooster Salam to finish them off at that point prophet ISA prophet Jesus will descend the law will send him back down from the heavens he'll be wearing two white robes and his hands will be resting on the wings of two angels from there from Damascus he will head straight to Jerusalem and he will arrive there at 4:00 in the morning and at that time the Muslims would be preparing for prayer the Akama is given and the Mahdi will step forward to meet the believers Prophet Jesus will join the front row and when the marquee realizes that prophet Jesus is there amongst them he will step back to let prophet Jesus need but prophet Jesus will say no put his hand on his back and push him back to the position to lead this I said and he will say the prayer the Akama for the prayer was made for you plead and he will lead the prayer salat al-fajr and afterwards he will tell the believers to open the doors or the gates of Jerusalem of course they will hesitate because they're being besieged opening the doors is to allow the forces to come in however he will go with them to the gates so when the gates open and the forces of the jaw are pouring in engaged in combat with the Muslim forces the jail will be in their midst we'll see Prophet ISA Bava Jesus and when he sees him he knows that it's the end and it will start to disintegrate he will turn and run and the promise of Solomon said had he been left to run he would have just run on disintegrating until he disappeared dissolving the way that salt dissolves in water that's how the Prophet SAW Salim described it but prophet ISA will run through the crowd after him and catch him before that takes place and he will take his spear and plunge it into him and lift the spear high with the blood of the job to confirm the end about the job of course for the forces that are with the job that will be the end for them they will turn and run flee because everything was dependent on their belief that the job was God remember what we said the fitting of that job was not just the fitna of the false prophets his fitna will be the fitna of the false beliefs concerning Jesus remember Christians believe that Jesus is God they believe he is God but he isn't the jail will come saying that I am God and of course those who have accepted that from Jesus will accept him as their Christ because Christians are believing also that Jesus will come back so they will accept him and join his forces and the Jews who rejected Jesus as the Messiah are waiting for the Messiah to come back you ask any Jew today what about the Messiah they say he's coming however they will not know who he is most of them will join the forces of a de jure and it is at this time where the forces of the job are being eliminated that the famous hadith of the promise assalam in which he said Allah will defeat the Jews who join the forces of Dajjal they will not find any refuge behind anything of a lost creation everything whether stone tree wall or animal except the Box foreign tree because it is one of their trees will be made by a law to speak saying to the forces of the macd and prophet Jesus all slave of Allah Oh Muslim there is a treacherous Jew hiding behind me come and kill him of course this hadith is used to show the intolerance of Muslims look at this and their belief you know the stones and the trees are going to call them to go and kill every single Jews but this of course is not the truth this is the context in which that hadith was made those who had joined the forces of at the job who were slaughtering people [Music] just like the verses of the Quran where Allah says you know we in regards to disbelievers Tolu whom high sensitive to moon kill them wherever they find them so ok they like to take this verse out then look at this muslims are commanded in their holy book to kill everybody who is not Muslim wherever they find them this is context of war in the context of war you're in the battlefield this is not the place for sympathy this is war life and death so when you catch the enemy you have to kill them wherever you catch them if they have surrendered you don't go and kill them no these are those who are fighting against you those who are engaged in fighting you kill them you don't hesitate not a general command for Muslims wherever we find disbelievers we try to kill them this is a distortion so at that moment when prophet ISA completes the killing of the job and those who were with the Mahadi were joined it forces with him who survived the gel wars they will come before him and he will anoint their faces and tell them of their graves in Paradise and while this is taking place Allah will reveal to prophet ISA a revelation in which he says I have raised the people of my creation that no one can fight I have raised the people of my nation that no one can fight therefore gather my slaves at a tour a tour there's a mountain in Sinai call a tour the one we know where Allah spoke to Moses and there's also another mountain in Jerusalem near to Jerusalem which is called a tour which of the two it is Allah knows best but he will be commanded to take the forces that were fighting against the job and flee to a tour and those who would join them on the way because after that revelation Allah will then allow the gog and magog yeah huge home a Jewish to come forth on the earth these will be a people who no one can defeat prophet ISA having defeated the job the greatest trial on the face of the earth from the coming of Adam till the end of the world prophet ISA finished him by a laws permission but Allah then will permit forces to come amongst humankind and devastate them to such a degree prophet ISA will be unable to resist them Allah has told him you cannot stop them to remove from the minds of the people any possibility that they could again think that Jesus is God because after defeating that job who claimed it was God and the miracles that Jesus was given before it is conceivable that some people might fall back into that belief that in fact he is really God the true Jesus not the false one so Allah removed any shadow of doubt from the minds of people in that regard where prophet ISA after hunting down the job now has to flee to run with the forces to a fortress or barricade in the area to protect himself and his followers followers of the Mahdi from the gog and magog Prophet Muhammad SAW Salaam gave us his description and the story doesn't end here the common hook but we'll complete it but he gave us this description and told us that when people no longer speak about it beware that the time is close when the jail is not spoken about from the members and I asked you that question before how many of you back home had heard in Houma on the job for the last 10 years very few people could say yes I heard one means that the time is getting close how close is close I'm not going to say five years ten years we can't put numbers on it but know that the time is getting close we ask a lot fun tada to send his peace and blessings on Muhammad salah they were seldom and on his family as and blessed them as he blessed Prophet Abraham and his family we ask Allah to forgive our sins our ignorance our misguidance and we ask him to forgive the sins of our families our loved ones those who have passed away we ask Allah to give our dead relatives friends paradise to give them rest in the grave and an easy judgment we ask the same for ourselves we ask Allah o Allah give us the best of this life and the best of the next life and protect us from the Hellfire
Channel: Bilal Philips
Views: 103,873
Rating: 4.8526821 out of 5
Keywords: Dajjal, Khutbah, Aspire Mosque, english sermon, digital minbar, bilal philips, islamic online university, iou, islam way of life, Masjid Aspire, islam online, Dr. Abu Ameena Bilal Philips, anti-christ, story of dajjal, fitnah of dajjal, The True Story of Dajjal Part 2
Id: -Onv1l_N7Lw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 23sec (2843 seconds)
Published: Sat May 05 2012
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