7 Habits of Highly Effective Golfers

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I created these seven habits to always keep my handicap low I hover around about a two handicap and I don't play champagne golf I play Lemonade golf that I add the right ingredients to make my game age like fine wine and you can too the first habit I follow is to keep the ball in play of the tea as a priority whether it's windy like hell like it is today or completely still I pick a club from the tea that will leave me in a playable second shot position from a distance I like to hit to the green that means sacrificing distance sometimes but finding your ball without much effort is a lot more fun than searching in the deep forest all day looking for golf balls whoa the wind just takes it eh you can see how just that opening decision to just keep it bit right bit me but we don't have to get depressed about that I mean it looks like I got lots of green and the green slopes into me like this so I've got the ability to do that I just have to you have to get over your first hole and just remember that you it's your first hole maybe you made a screw up in first time playing the course my sound glad I got this at Twilight rate cuz 4750 is about a maximum I'd pay for this condition I developed is to stop listening to and reading generic golf swing tips our first problem with this is that we're always diagnosing from a ball flight to find a generic fix that fix doesn't apply to us specifically and we implement it incorrectly because we don't really understand what's happening and we don't record ourselves in the end you pick up residual habits which become ingrained and they make you worse over time now this is the thing that's going to be bad if I keep short siding myself so I'm not going to go over this bunker from here because we got over downwind so I'm going to hit it to the left soft sandwich just try get it on the left side give ourselves a putt that's why I've been working with swing tweaks to get players to find actual professional assistance swing tweaks is an app you can download right now and send through a video of your swing down the line and front on purchase a swing tweaks Black Friday 10 pack use the link in the description you can download the app right now send through a video of your swing down the line and front on tell them all about your game what's working what's not working and the PGA Pro in the app will get back to you with tailor made drills and Concepts specifically for your situation work on those things from the PGA professional advice for 2 weeks send them another swing rinse and repeat for better Golf and more fun rounds in fact I want to give away one of these 10 packs to a player all you have to do is get over to swing tweaks app on Instagram at and follow them everyone who follows them is going to be put into a draw and I will announce the winner of the 10-pack giveaway in next Tuesday's video with the cool season coming this is worth its weit in Gold you're going to be a much better player by the time that season rolls around to start taking money of your friends and start seeing that return on [Music] investment [Music] my third habit is to drop my ego when necessary in Scotland I know into the wind I just need to Club up for three or four more clubs and accept the consequence I must not muscle the golf ball I must not try overpower the course control in position is more important than distance and Dick measuring contest with the boyfriends wow that's a really weird knuckle ball oh that could work I think I've missed my line yeah y man it's [Music] impossible [Music] okay this one should come off John I think I'm done I don't know how to get out of this I'm up the bunker wall it's impossible though oh my soul was it like seven shots my fourth habit I use is to stay positive and stay in the game why am I the greatest mental game thinker on YouTube because I was a freaking Nutter I would get into a deep negative death spiral after one Top Shot or one slce shot now I make a double or triple bogy and move on very quickly how I realized that golf is a 4H hour series of 70 to 100 decision-making instances every shot is a decision-making process and never ending puzzle you create a new problem after you solve the last problem for four straight hours every time you solve a problem you create another problem to solve for four straight hours we choose this problem solving equation that's the challenge and that's the fun is to be able to keep solving without losing your resolve oh man I've gone I've lost it oh that's a shot got a bit unlucky huh not bad oh what a day oh [Music] man [Music] be nope a huge huge down slope there and I think I'm just going to PP the hell out of this thing and let's see if the Texas wedge still working bit of a tough lie on this weird Mossy stuff hit it hard enough to get onto the top of that slope the fifth habit or rule is to understand and keep learning about the LIE of the golf ball in truth it's the LIE elevation wind and distance that I pay attention to but if you want to play single figure golf you must begin by understanding the LIE specifically Turf Sand Grass interaction of the club with the turf and also the interaction of the ball with the turf when it lands it's a never-ending journey and every area of the world is different now I've left this a bit short here because I don't want to have a partial pitch into the green cuz we down Breeze over those big ass bunkers I don't know how to hit a partial shot over there so we got 133 111 to the front I think I'm going to hit a 52° let it bounce on the front and let it roll up to the hole from downwind just go straight at the hole because it should clear that bunker guarantee every grass is different every moisture in the soil is different you must read the lie you must understand how much much distance it will add or remove the trajectory that will come out and then select your club from there the slope of the shot is the ball above your feet is the ball below your feet if you can move away from playing to a specific distance with a specific Club every time and start playing your shot according to the LIE of the golf ball and what's going to come out of that lie you make the single biggest shift possible in the whole world of golf to drop your handicap into the single figures it is the number one thing you can learn the LIE of the golf okay we've got we have missed the Fairway again we have now missed almost every Fairway I would say this is the nature of the Beast scambling Man 250 to the flag so we're going to hit actually we going to hit a four iron more Loft should get through this grass a bit better if I can learn how to put on a sweater a fleecy now I'm going to hit a four ir and I think it's going to roll all the way there we're going to be putting for eagle and we're going to make the first birdie of the entire freaking day three ir's not going to get through this long grass it's going to get completely Tangled come on Matt let's get through it last four iron with 17 layers on like a bowy that's the one I mean that is the one that's on the green that's on the green we're putting for EES IG ski on the way we've got the eagle look here come on Maddie you've got this you you haven't made a p all day you are due one putt we are due a putt here come on players has to be left to raer come on Maddie at least just leave the tap in we need a birdie for 36 holes it'll be the longest route oh jeez I'm I'm playing heavy players I got a Sher on board oh I can't fart it's going to make a shot it's when you fart and the comes out [Music] 265 to the center we can probably get a six on there see we got to judge on the LIE cuz the grass is so thick here behind I'm not going to get get a longer iron than this on here so I'm just going to punch a six cuz it's all we can get on it and if we can keep it low enough we can probably run it 15 yard that'll leave me like 110 120 into the green just like that there's so many little there's so many little domes and stuff that the ball's been the ball's been riding over domes and we' got stuck on a dome luckily it's flat on top here got a good view of the green it's a 94 yd shot into the breeze normally 56 so I'm going to hit a 52° really tired and sore now this is hole number I don't know 31 [Music] 32 come on Matt hold this together my boy hold this together my boy you got a shot here you got a shot 117 116 into the breeze I'm going punch an eight on the C come on no if you hit it that firm you can't take that much break you got to think with your brain that looks real good little left but my sixth habit is to keep my short game strong I don't even practice it so often to be honest for putting I listen to Bob rell's audible book pting out of your mind not stop every chance I get in the car in my headphones I'm not joking I've probably listened to it about 38 times I don't hit putts in my spare time I don't ever go near a green but my ping is legendary for chipping I use as low Loft as possible at all times whatever fits the shot at hand I want the lowest Loft possible I start at the Putter and I add Loft depending on the shot sometimes I have to move up to a 7 iron sometimes it's a 56° but I try to keep the ball as close to the ground as possible to minimize the amount of error I make can't read them man it's got a l hook oh low hook for sure but wrong direction 28 yards I'm not going to get much out of here so I'm just going to hit a splash shot as far as I can with a 56° me sideways the seventh habit I developed is learning how to miss a shot you're going to miss way more shots than you're going to execute perfectly you're going to miss way more greens than you're going to hit you'll miss a lot of Fairways but as long as you hit away from the hazards away from the Oscar Bravo you're going to play well then on AO shots knowing where to miss the green is of the maximum importance when I miss I want to have as much green between me and the hole as possible I don't want to be on the side of the green where there's no space between The Fringe and the cup so pay attention to this on your course if you can leave yourself easier chip shots you're going to score lower I hit the one iron to potentially go for it so we're going to have to go for it we got nothing left to lose 207 it's 188 to carry the Hut is 255 I think we're going to have to go for a play we're going to have to do it and we're going to do it with three iron into the breeze we've got how much did I say me 207 207 188 to carry into the breeze put it out left hopefully it fades in oh no oh I'm still over this side luckily stayed this side and now we're going to check chip this bad boy in for the most unlikely Birdie on a 455 yd half ho titties to the Target MD titties to the [Music] Target those are the seven habits I use to stay low handicap follow these tips and learn about the LIE of the golf ball and how it affects your shot and you will drop your handicap to levels you never thought [Music] possible
Channel: Golf Sidekick
Views: 125,279
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: A1h884gd2J8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 41sec (941 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 21 2023
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