Ben Hogan's Magic Elbow - The Best Ball Striking Tip I've Ever Received

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all right I'm going to share with you probably one of the greatest tips that I've ever personally received and if it helped me I know it's going to help you okay somebody gave me this tip when I was in high school one of my golf instructors was really trying to work on my trail arm he was a golf instructor that learned from a book called The golfing machine okay it's literally the most complicated book that you've ever written about golf right it's like an encyclopedia the golf swing I looked at the book I bought it at that age I opened it straight to a chapter that said the secret of the right arm okay cuz I'm like just let's get to the good stuff to where I can hit the ball better and maybe score a little bit better I'm just trying to break 80 at the time okay to give you a sense of where I was and he was giving me a tip on the positioning of my right arm at a dress okay about having my right arm close to my rib cage and externally rotated and how that was a great thing to be able to just keep it in position the entire time okay here's a here's an example of what Ben Hogan thought of the the same thing look at what he's showing at a dress and then what my instructor would have me do come on in here and show me what we're talking about he would come in and he would say look when you set up at a dress go ahead and work it back straighter you notice how I'm able to keep this Golf Club in between my forearms and keep my shoulders relatively Square so you know that the trail arm is not straight okay that's great so you should be able to do the same thing with yourself remember our lead arm the bone in my lead arm is dead straight but my trail arm is bent and it's externally rotated which just means the pocket of my elbow is pointing more up towards the sky it's not pointing over towards the screen over here and usually because most of us are right-handed when we play golf we really tend to dominate with this right shoulder and this right arm my chiropractor friend that I'll see time to time even says most people are already predisposed to being like this because they're so right side dominant in opening the door and reaching for something you know they're always actually more on this end of the spectrum as far as you know their right their right side taking over the left and guess what that's part of why we come over the top so if we can get those muscles to conform before we start so you notice I'm setting up my lead arm to be the leader and my trail arm is the passive arm it's the one that's going to stay nice and close I remember vividly too when I was doing this I'm walking around school okay this is how much of a golf nerd I was and would just be going like this okay because I started hitting the ball so much better I'm like a junior in high school and I'm sitting there going like this with my right arm probably everybody wondering what the heck is wrong with this kid is he got something going on there that's uh not right so but it was really helping me so much I wanted that constant reminder of when I set up to the golf ball of where to put my trail arm and one of the reasons why it helps so much is it helps that club to get off to a great start to where it just rotates right up on plane and it keeps my arm in a very handy tidy position anybody that's got their grip or their elbow or their arm in this position you're pretty much not going to have any chance of doing this on the back swing especially for those baseball players out there who are really used to having something more like this in their back swing okay which can work for baseball but it's not going to work for golf because the face is so open you're going to slice the ball right so we get any type of this action in the golf swing we can really correct it all by what we do at a dress so you notice this little kind of a judo move I'm doing at a dress right I'm taking my right hand and my right arm and I'm just pulling it back and in and then I'm putting my grip on all right so one of the things that you can do that really helps are just actually taking cross-handed swings because this helps us to get our lead arm right and our Trail arm in the right condition okay which I want to really make sure that my lead arm is the leader As I push it back now my trail arm folds to the top okay and there's a lot of golfers out there Brooks Kea Rory mroy um I've even seen Jordan spe doing it but hitting balls cross-handed to work on how their Trail arm folds so you'll see right away okay that this gets my right arm in a very passive position you might not hit the ball great but you'll definitely get a better sense of your lead arm staying straight and actually becoming the leader and your right arm just going on and supporting so I could feel that ball went off to the right a little bit but I definitely got a good sense of exactly what I should feel at the top for those of you that are getting to the top and we're seeing a lot of this right the lead arm bent the right elbow flared little flying right elbow at the top that's the opposite of what we're looking for so take and make some of these cross-handed swings get yourself into a nice position and all you've got to do from here when you start down is just just grab the ground with your lower body and you're in a perfect position to come down if you get up to the top and you've got all this mess in your lead wrist and your right elbow bent arms separated elbows the chances of you getting this all back down into position are about zero and a 100 okay so if we can really get it all nice and tidy on the way back right think of like a really pure back swing like an Adam Scott it's so much easier to come down on plane hey it's your coach Zach Allen here and I hope you're enjoying today's lesson in all of my years of coaching and studying the golf swing I've discovered there's only one thing that separates the best ball Strikers in the world from the rest of us I call it the magic move and you can use it to generate effortless power and consistency in your game since I don't have the time in this short video I've put together a three-part web class where I show you everything you need to know nothing held back I call it my magic move training series and you can get the entire thing thing free of charge by clicking the link in the description below you won't find these videos anywhere else so click the link right now and join the over 100,000 golfers who have already gone through this incredible training and now let's jump back into today's lesson the last little bit of warning I'll give you when you're doing a drill like this okay so I want you to go as you start to hit normal balls you're going to just kind of put your right arm in and under and then grip the club so it's just as simple as that right arm in and under grip the club be careful that you don't go right away keeping your right elbow this close you notice that I'm still my right elbow's under and bent I'm taking it back on plane now the the predominant folding pattern is happening on on that part of the back swing right more towards the latter part and then just you know just do what I was doing in high school as I started to strike it better just start to get a better sensation of what that feels like so that felt really good that ball went dead straight so here's my right elbow out of dress my lead arm is nice and straight right elbows under and that really gives me a sensation of I can get to here look at how bent my right elbow is when I get to impact the more your right arm is straight at impact the more you're throwing away your power okay so we want to have that bent there so we start with it a little bit bent and in so it's going to have a much better chance of getting there on the down swing so next time you go out there I guarantee that tip it helped me real quickly just work a little bit of this magic into your golf swing and see if it doesn't start making you hit the ball a lot straighter and farther okay if you really associate your swing with your right arm which a lot of great players do Tiger Woods for one he always asses everything Associates everything in his swing with his right hand and his right arm from his putting to his chipping to his driving very right side dominant which the majority of golfers are take a look at a couple of these videos these ones here are some of my most popular videos about how to use your right arm just like what I told you earlier right the secret of the right arm right that was that that book that I read in the golfing machine it really gave me a good sense of like okay what is this doing it is my dominant side how can I control it so I've got two different videos here that you might want to watch I hope that helps and I'll see you next video
Channel: Zach Allen Golf
Views: 483,318
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: zach allen golf, zach allen, golf instruction, golf lesson, golf tip, how to golf, golf swing, golf tips, ben hogan, right arm golf, trail arm golf
Id: OO9TSnUp8hA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 23sec (503 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 08 2023
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