Breaking 80 is Always Messy - We are Not Pros

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I'm going to Finland in four days and I need to bulletproof my game after taking four weeks off I played yesterday and found out that my favorite clubs still work that's a relief so in this round we'll take the two seven and nine iron pitching and sandwiches again but we'll add the driver on confident looking holes we'll also add in five six and eight iron plus the lob wedge are these all needed not really but just in case we play courses over 6500 yards in Finland it's good to know if we can hit a driver and six iron finland's gonna probably have bent grass so that's going to be a challenge but padding is padding the biggest challenge would be wind and cold and also I need to take with me a game that I can just get the ball in play and actually play a good game because at the moment I'm not sure what's coming out so I'm gonna show you how I fall back on certain shots and different ways of hitting shots so that I can actually just get the ball around the course instead of frustratingly spray it everywhere with clubs that I'm not sure how the ball is going to go okay now depending on the length of the course in Finland I'm gonna have to use a lot of four ions and two ions of the tea as often as possible course and brain management is always important I need to ingrain keeping the ball in play of the tee using shots I know how to hit in the moment and keep that chipping game low to the ground I'll try free my arms during the round to get a bit more loose to increase the distance I hit the ball we don't want to play in Finland and the UK with short tense swing the whole trip Okay so we've got to get the chipping game around the green good going to be very different grass this is soggy cow grass which I will definitely not see in Finland but the chip is kind of the same I've just got to you know focus on my landing spot regardless of the grass and just make sure I can hit that landing spot then I'll guarantee success okay so these three Footers are going to be basically the same anywhere we go and this is where you're going to keep it strong because this saves so many shots if you just don't miss this and I think on Ben grass probably a little easier because it's much smoother with less grain so this one is just on the right but if it were bent I'd probably just jam it dead straight I'm going to go back to the forearm because the two iron I'll get my way with it it's a quite a tough one to hit if you haven't played a lot so we're going to try this one that's a par five I'm not going to hit it in two today anyway into the breeze and the driver hits the water so let's hit the four get a few good strikes under our belt we're going to take this with us overseas now you'll see sometimes I abbreviate the follow through on some of the shots I just feel like it helps me to keep that club face a bit squarer one of the go-to shots I use is they'll kind of just like close the face a bit and hit download an abbreviate to follow through kind of like a punch shot just because I know that's going to keep the ball in play I'm bulletproofing my strategy and it can seem difficult if you can't hit the ball where you want you might need to bulletproof your swing that's where the swing tweaks app has made such a big difference for a lot of players it's so easy to get tailored assistance with your swing straight to your phone download the app record a video of your swing submit it and let them know intimate details about your golf game a PGA professional will assess your swings and give you specific drills and ideas to improve your sawing all feedback is stored in the app forever so it's like having a pocket coach at the range bulletproof your wallet with swing tweaks as each tweak is a fraction of the price of an in-person lesson download using the link in the description and use code players to get 20 off your first tweak now it's like Kevlar for your golf game now here's a little shot that it's not that tough normally I'll just put this because I know that it's just going to skip over this first bit and start rolling On The Fringe in the green so I can normally get the speed right but here's a little shot we could probably even go down to a nine iron it's a Paul Runyan chip so what you do is instead of chipping low because the lower you hold the club the more you're going toward the center of the club face if you hold it higher up and change to your putting stroke and lift your hands up as if you are putting now we're going to try to chip this off the toe watch how softly it lands and rolls out without too much trouble and it's a very easy shot because all you have to do is just take your normal chipping change your grip to your putting grip move the club up as if you're going to putt line up the toe of the club to the ball and just take a putting stroke no wrist and just try popping Over The Fringe there let's try landing on a landing spot so that normally works out like that I mean I don't play it that often and you can get very yippy with it and it still works gonna hit a little 170 yards seven iron here and I know I'm going to be okay with it I'm going to hood the face a little bit and either pin or just the left edge of the green there just to stay out of these bunkers if it goes a little low that's fine it could get a little bit more distance just with that hooded face but I feel like that's a safe shot until I get my full swing confidence foreign perfect now as part of bulletproofing my game I don't want to come and play complicated shots to chip the ball I want to play the most simple shot I possibly can and in this instance it looks like a Runyan style chip let's just lift our hands up putting Style off the toe nice and aggressive okay let's make sure we get it on the Green see that's very simple and easy to do something delicious okay just soften up the grip a little bit and then nearly shank it we need to get this little putting this little chipping game under control this is very easy on a bent grass course maybe a pattern and there's not much around the green unless they have Rough Around The Fringe in Finland which I'm not sure and if they do I'm going to practice little chip and run maybe a five or seven iron Runyan style chip so we're going with the five iron there we go a little five iron chipsy just works okay okay let's have the putter there let's tap it in let's tap it in for the boyfriends you know and the Cairns otherwise now in a hole like this way I'm not that comfortable on the two you know I've got to go into my comfort zone we've got to get in the comfort zone we can't go hitting something we're not sure of I mean a two iron is pretty safe but four iron is much safer I'm probably going to leave myself an insanely long shot but you know let's get the ball in play priority number one and remember there's lots up on the left side there's a lot up there okay Perfect Mate front of the green 174. how about going to hit a five iron today no I'm gonna hit a confidence six iron leg hook and if we hit the green we're happy and if we're short or short left just on the front edge we're also very happy we're not going to take a five iron because we don't know how the skank is going to come out and what foreign now we have a tough chip we're above the hole onto a downslope kind of side slope so we want to favor the left side we don't want to favor the right side because it's going to take the ball down and leave your uphill right to left I'd rather have an uphill straight apart from the left side so that's important to know and we need to carry this about 50 of the way and then let it roll out fifty percent I think I'm going to take the 56 I'm going to do my Runyon my runionized chip it's a you know it's also nice for skanky lives you know this is a this is a elephant cross cow grass lyre crab grass and it's not nice to chip from so potentially this could work from here but we've got to get very aggressive because it's a longer carry maybe eight nine yards and then another eight nine yards to the hole so let's get real aggressive make sure we hit the green okay we've got nice and lucky there because I wanted to favor them all the left side because if it was a quicker green then it leaves that shot that I was talking about side slope right to left up the hill we're happy there we've got about three and a half feet for the power what I'd like to show you is from an amateur perspective you can see my scores on the channel Sometimes good sometimes bad but never really Stellar Golf and that's the thing it's boring golf Stellar golf is for the pros you can score very easily just chipping the ball around the course getting a short game in order come on confidence swing Maddie that's a bit more confidence but higher shot not sure we're finished but that's a good start to see some beautiful high shots because the low shots just what I'm using to keep the ball in play like Gary Player says challenge can we do A Runyan style chip on this one you know what let's give it a go let's give it a go no can't do it can't do it players we need a proper chip from there okay oh damn well it's a part five and the truth is I'm not going to hit it in two shots today ever really because it's got that water right in the middle of the Fairway there that splits the hole and to get to stop just before that is tricky and then the approach right is all over water on the second shot so just hit the fall because if I hit the two not as reliable but the four is very reliable just get in play it's a three shoter anyway ready now we've got some distance back just free the arms off getting a bit more confidence really wow we're getting the confidence but that was a terrible strike I've left myself a lot into the group the biggest challenges in Finland and the UK will be much lower temperatures it's been 40 degrees celsius about 105 Freedom degrees in Thailand for six weeks the grass will be very different and there may be a lot more wind than Thailand we'll learn as we go and have a great time on the motherland soil whatever happens we will make new memories in a place I never thought I'd go want to play a short sponsor of this video if you need a pair of shorts elasticated waistband with with belt loops if you really need it at the country club with a very flexible elasticated waistband so you can go up or down two sizes in one size I'm wearing size 34 here but I could get away with a tight 32 or a loose 36 with a drawstring Inside Yes you heard that right drawstring inside moisture wicking fabric absolutely stunning get them want to play yep on the left side beautiful day what a beautiful day beautiful that's why ah pulled it man okay we're having to drive it in four weeks so we've got the old Wilson Staff art let's see how we do with that wow what a drive and look at that we had so many easy decisions the whole round like if I hit four iron from there it's an easy six iron and then a wedge or something now I've got myself to 250 yards um longer of the tea but now I have a very strange layup because I've got bunkers everywhere and the trees are in my way I can't get a 250 with a big draw into the breeze so I'm gonna have to lay up but it's kind of a low layup now whereas with the iron I'm in the Fairway very clear shot so now I've got a finangle a shot here which is one of the frustrating Parts about driver not when you're confident but when you miss a few shots here and there it adds up so let's see if we can get this in play a little Punchy punch hopefully that's there short of that bunker should stay short of that bunker and I hope you don't mind at home if I just change up my my Panic golf ball from the T the Wilson Staff titanium haven't seen one of these since the summer of 96 79 60 degree from 79 yards gonna give it a little three-quarter wallop well that's a little bit short but that's what's going to happen partial wedges are the first thing to go when you haven't played in a while so I've luckily over two days avoided them completely this time I didn't must remember that come to me come to me come to me hey that dragonfly because we have a dragonfly on the pin he's uh distracted last free swing that's a nice swing really high could be short just seem to be missing the lines a little bit today commit to a line I'm going to say inside right just boom it and you've got the patch you don't have to think too much about three Footers just so from this kind of light you might catch a bit of a flyer because we've got a bit of grass there between the ball around the ball we might not catch all the spin but we're into the breeze so that kind of negates the fly a lie a little bit we're from 113 the pins on the front but if we go directly at the pin the green runs out a lot so if we go a bit further right there's a lot more green behind our Target line there so I might go a little bit right even try a hit a little draw ski and if it comes off good if it doesn't it goes straight on the Green okay so there we've hit the green the problem is I can't control the distance with this I'd prefer 120 or Shot 125 so I just want to get it on the green so we're not going to have close proximity with wedges now until we get a bit more confidential with them oh foreign one of the toughest shots in golf is a pitch over bunker from Sandy lye how am I going to execute this is very soft and Sandy underneath this grass I guess open the face up give it a whack doodle wow that's just a Tacomo wedge right there Gango Super Gang ah pushed it I changed my mind at the end there changed my mind at the end foreign so we're still not loving the driver at the moment so we're gonna play with our Wilson Staff Titanium golf ball the one from the summer of 96 and we're gonna use it because like you player like you I don't feel like losing my beautiful golf balls and I don't feel much confidence with the driver I may hit it great but I might not I guess that works too much sand oh it works I'm gonna I'm not gonna do the chipping onion I'm gonna do the open face Eric I feel like that's going to work nicely from here that'll do that'll do just a beauty of a shot well sometimes you win sometimes you learn
Channel: Golf Sidekick
Views: 163,840
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: aI3txnAamoU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 52sec (1252 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 20 2023
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